three remaining charges. after the prosecution alleged she conned investors and patients into believing her blood testing start-up could perform hundreds of diagnostic tests with just the pick of a finger >> it is a big deal for silicone valley because you fake it until you make it. i don't think they're going to be living by that anymore. >> reporter: fooling some of the world's most powerful to invest millions of dollars. as well as patients that testified they received faulty test results. >> it was witness after witness telling us, corroborating the same statements, the misrepresentations that she made. >> reporter: the closely watched trial the subject of podcasts, books and an upcoming series, lasted for more than three months the prosecution repeatedly alleging out of time and out of money, elizabeth holmes decided to lie. she chose fraud over business failure she chose to be dishonest. the prosecutor told the jury, that choice was not only callus, it was criminal. during the trial, holmes took the stand. she acknowledged there was some things she wished she had done differently, while arguing her investments focussed on the future.