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The other two supports wspects stolen car were arrested. Were not told if they fought the arrest or how that happened. Heavy Police Presence in the area. People in the neighborhood were being told to shelter in place. At this time three people were arrested. They were in a stolen car. Just a few moments ago i asked the police chief do we have the bank robber in this case. He said he cant confirm that. Right now all they know is that they arrested three people in a stolen vehicle. He says right now theyre being questioned separately to make sure they cannot get their stories straight. Its an active investigation to figure out if all three were linked to the bank robbery, maybe one or possibly even none. But likely the chances are one of the bank robbers has been arrested. Were told all three are in custody. But the reason that they still have this area blocked off is by protocol. Theyre going to be checking the apartment come plex that one of the suspects was in to make sure there was no evidence left behind or any clues that they need. A neighborhood is on awaiting for answers. But tonight were told that the area is safe and all three people have been arrested. But waiting on confirmation if any of those suspects were the bank robber in yesterdays case. Reporting live in san jose, im Michelle Roberts. Back to you. So very good information there. Three people have been arrested. Not sure yet if its confirmed if the bank robber is among those three. Michelle roberts down on the street level for us. And unclear about what the status is of these three individuals, were they a part of the bank robbery or are they charged with aiding and abetting. Those things are not clear at this point. Were hoping to hear from the officials hopefully within the hour. This is going on right in downtown san jose. Its less than a mile from police headquarters. Our nbc chopper was over the scene as Police Chased down one of the accomplices there. Lets show you what the Bank Robbery Suspect looks like. This is a surveillance camera. His face is abskurd. Hes got the hoodie on, glasses and hes got some sort of a thermal thing over his face. You really cant see him. So the question is, is this guy in custody. We dont know at this point. If you were with us during 5 00, you saw all of this unfolding on live tv. Police telling us this happened so fast they didnt have time to evacuate the residents in downtown san jose. Rick boone joins us live with what some of the residents heard and saw. You had a woman that showed up and couldnt get in her Apartment Building but she could see the Police Presence around. Reporter yeah. She is still waiting along with a lot of the residents who are waiting to go home tonight. Thats not going to happen anytime soon. The Apartment Building over to the left side of your screen, that is not being allowed any residents to go inside that building. That along with the next building over the tracks there at where the arrest, takedown happened. A lot of residents are coming home after work, after school, after their day. They want to go inside and they cannot. They cannot. And there are residents who are been in there throughout the entire day. Theyre forced to stay in their apartment. This is the police surveying the area, looking for evidence, still doing their ongoing investigation. For residents it is a waiting game. One officer tell me it could be possibly an hour, if not two hours for residents to have a chance to go back into their apartments tonight. As you indicated a little while ago, you said this happened in downtown, yeah, on a friday at rush hour. So traffic around this area im at 7th and taylor. Theres no traffic. Maybe theyre letting a few cars through here. Not too much. Around the other areas, traffic is backed up tremendously. If you think you know someone who is coming from this area, it may take them time to get to their destination. But the big thing right now is the waiting game. They cannot go home at all. Some residents have decided to go eat out for dinner tonight. Others are sitting in their car waiting it out. Were live in japan town, rick boone, nbc bay area news. Were going to keep you there for a few hours and we get more information, more answers. He is there right in japan town. Its not just the residents that cant access or have to stay inside, but perhaps a lot of restaurants losing business tonight because people cannot get in that area. Here is the video where this all started yesterday in the santa cruz mountains. After the bank robbery in scots valley. Highway 17 was shut down for nearly nine hours as police canvassed the area looking for that suspect. It was a traffic nightmare to say the least, which lasted through the evening chommute. Heres how it ended. Just an hour ago. You see this guy who police are telling us is an accomplice, somehow involved with the bank robbery or just with helping the bank robber get away. Police are on their trail, he crosses om Railroad Tracks and running through a construction scene. Hes running and then he suddenly stops. It seems like hes winded, decides to take a break, heads into the building where hes cornered by the police and construction workers as well. Of course were continuing to update this story for you and get more information from police as they try to figure out if they have that bank robber in custody. We have all of this information on our digital platforms. You can check our twitter feed, go to nbcbayarea. Com. Well continue to update the news story throughout this newscast. Danger above for east bay drivers along highway 24. Theyre getting hit causing their windows and sunroofs to shatter. Chp wants to know who or whats behind it. Elyce kirchner joins us live tonight. Do they think that somebody is purposely targeting the cars, theyre on the overpass throwing something down . Reporter there are a lot of questions tonight. What we do know is that drivers along the freeway are getting hit. You can see a fence along the overcrossing. Even with that up there, investigators suspect someone could be throwing things below but still dont know for sure. Harvey stein thought bullets hit his car. It felt like the car had been hit. Reporter driving along highway 24 through lafayette, something cracked the windshield of his brandnew mercedes. Brandnew mercedes. It happened not once, but twice. This was yesterday and then this was two eweeks ago. Reporter both Times Driving down the highway. Ive only had this happen one time in 60 years and now three times in two weeks. Reporter auto glass sunroofs and upholstery, theyve had to replace double the number of cars with cracked window repair. They dont any, they were driving and a crack happened. Its not bullets. Its not shot. None of that has been found. Theres no evidence that proves that. Reporter this chp officer says at least 25 other cars have reported similar issues since december but doesnt know why its happening . Were very concerned about it. Reporter stein hopes the damage stops before a driver gets hurt. Dangerous. Remarkably dangerous. Reporter very dangerous indeed. Chp is hoping that information from the public could help provide some answers. Theyre urging drivers who do get hit to report it, include the exact location and time of the incident. Im Elyce Kirchner nbc bay area news. Tomorrow niles canyon road will be shut down again. More than 100 search crews are going try to find a teen anyoner who crashed into the creek last saturday. Investigators say jada jenkins car careened off the road. Her car was submerged by the time the officers arrived. White house confirming that President Trump will speak to russian president Vladimir Putin on the phone tomorrow morning. As for what happened today, a lot. An executive order to temporarily block muslim refu e refuge refugees. Nbc bay areas robert hand do joins us in burlingame this evening. Robert . Reporter thats right. The president s move was expected but that didnt lessen c. A. R. E. s outrage. The president s signing of the executive order to as he put it establish vetting measures to keep out radical islamic terrorists drew an angry response. Its going to block muslim refugees. The president emphasized the policy is strictly to keep america said but c. A. R. E. And others are already expressing skepticism and opposition. We dont want them here. We want to be sure that were not admitting into the country our very threat that the soldiers are fighting overseas. People are angry that our president in his first week would, you know, sign orders that run counter to our values as americans and dont make us safer. Reporter as were reactions from the community were hearing from members of the targets communities saying i dont feel safe. What will this mean for me and my family. Its a mixed bag of reactions right now. Reporter well c. A. R. E. As well as a san jose congresswoman are planning to review the he g legality of the executive order with the goal of possibly challenging it in court. Live in burlingame, robert handa nbc bay area news. Im meteorologist jeff ranieri. Clear skies across the south bay. San jose at 53 degrees. Exactly when more rainfall is set to return. Thats in my microclimate forecast in seven minutes. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerbergs complex legal site in one of the po best most beautiful places. A major step forward for transgender rights. The change that soon could be coming to california i. D. S and driverss licenses. Were back in a moment. Over 1,000,000 californians have gotten something thats been out of reach for far too long Health Insurance. How . They enrolled through covered california. Its the Health Insurance marketplace where youll find a range of plans from leading Health Insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates, and benefits. And, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. To get covered, youve got to get going. Open enrollment ends january 31st. Visit covereca. Com today. Strummed guitar you cant experience the Canadian Rockies through a screen. You have to be here, with us. Theres only one way to travel through this natural wonder and get a glimpse of amazing. And thats with a glass of wine in one hand, and a camera in the other, aboard rocky mountaineer. Canadas Rocky Mountains await. Call your travel agent or rocky mountaineer for special offers now. It started in the santa cruz mountains, it ended in san jose tonight. The 24hour manhunt for suspected bank robber over tonight with three suspects arrested. The search for the Bank Robbery Suspect finally over. But the questions as to how it went down still ongoing. Youre looking at a live picture of where this came to an end just a short time ago. Our other head lines this evening, the first game of the middle school hasnt taken place yet but one school has suffered a big loss. Vandals have destroyed the field. The kids now have nowhere to play. Jodi hernandez joins us from walnut creek with a look at the damage and more importantly, who might have done this. Reporter yeah. Its really an awful mess out here. Were standing at the edge of the soccer field. You can see the tire tracks where the vandals drove on to the soccer field and went wild with their muddy maneuvers. Maneuvers that have left a lot of kids crushed. Its not cool. Its really annoying to have to come out here and see our beautiful field completely trashed. Reporter the soccer plays at the Christian School are feeling defeated tonight after somebody had a field day on their School Soccer field, spinning donuts and ripping apart the grass. It stinks that we cant play soccer on the field. Reporter the head of the school says the vandals had a heyday on the field monday night and return again last night to do more damage. Actions have consequences. When you do Something Like this, youre just really getting a few seconds of pleasure and causing a lot of pain for our community. Reporter the school had recently leveled the school and reseeded it for this years soccer season. They dont have the funds to repair the damage and will likely have to rent fields for the boys to play on. Its really disheartening as were getting ready to start our middle School Soccer season and the students are excited about that. Reporter while theres still a small space for taking shots on the goals, for the most part kids will have to stick to the block tap. Tonight Walnut Creek Police are trying to track down whos responsible. Why did you do it . Reporter were back here live. Youre looking at some of the tire tracks. Now the Walnut Creek Police were out here late today taking pictures of the scene. They would love to catch the culprit. But so far they have few leads. If you have any information youre urged to call them right away. Im jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. In the face of blistering criticism, facebooks Ceo Mark Zuckerberg is dropping his lawsuits involving hawaii property owners. Three years ago he paid more than 100 million for 7 acres 0 land on a hawaiian island. Small parcels of the property were awarded to people in the 1800s. Many died without wills. Zuckerberg filed the lawsuit to clear up tit up. California would be the first state to recognize a third gender. This is under a new bill introduced today in sacramento. It would add whats called a third or nonbinary gender option to some of the digest documents that we have, including drivers licenses, birth certificates and id cards. The goal is to help people who are transitioning to a different gender. All right. Here we are friday, going into it. Looks like its going to be clear and sunny. Kind of a 10 here when we look at the weather forecast, especially after so much wet weather. Really the best weekend weve seen all year long is upon us. Well take you outside to oakland, a lot of traffic as always on 880 right now in both directions. 573 degrees. Temperatures 47 by 9 00 p. M. Tonight. By 11 00 p. M. Down to 45. Tomorrow sunny skies all across the bay area. Temperatu temperatures warm up. Low 60s for san jose, 62 in mosh gan hill. Maybe youre headed to San Francisco for some of the lew mar new year celebrations, year of the rooster. If youre out in chinatown, weve got some beautiful weather. Sunny skies all day long, 52 degrees at 1 00 and then well have low to mid 50s in the afternoon. Lets take you to the extended forecast. It stays just as nice on sundays forecast, mostly sunny skies, low 60s inland, dry weather through tuesday, then rain returning on wednesday, thursday, also on friday. So far total for the three days looks to range anywhere from one to two inches. Doesnt look like well have major river flooding at this point. But if we see the totals go any higher, were going to have to closely watch the napa river and also the russian river. So again dry weather ahead for the next four days, wednesday, thursday and friday we get wet weather coming back. Im back at 6 48 tonight and ill have more details on the n incoming storm. Next at 6 00, work will soon begin to build a suicide barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge and well explain how that could impact traffic. The Academy Awards are coming to the bay area. Not quite what you think but it will feature International Star power. Thats next. Add happening now we have team covage of e search for Scotts Valley robbery suspect. It came to a dramtic ending in downtown san jose tonight. Happening now, we kopt our Team Coverage for the Bank Robbery Suspect. It came to a dramatic end a short while ago. We posted photos and videos of the police chase. You can find them on our twitter page. Nasa has posted satellite images to show how the recent rainfall helped our drought. Those fphotos are on our web page. Back in a moment. More than 6thousand women will gather next wednesday in san jose to share ideas on how to b 6,000 women will gather next week in san jose to share ideas on how to be good leaders in the workplace. This is the third year for the watermark conference. And the goal is to support and inspire each other to suk seed. Its a new era for women. Especially now. I think its been an exciting time to be a woman. This years theme is the power of us, amplifying your voice. Women executives, emerging executives and entrepreneurs from around the bay area will gather to help each other make the mark. We have a full day of Breakout Sessions that range from negotiation, which is such a hot topic, especially among women, finance, leadership development. Public speaking, networking, any sort of building and gap filling that you need to do to bring your career along. In addition women will hear Inspiring Stories from big names. Cheryl sanburg, viola davis and condoleez Condoleezza Rice and madeleine albrig albright. As Madeleine Albright says, theres a special place in hell for women who dont help women. Theyre hoping to increase the number of women in leadership positions and give them the tools for success. Companies who have gender diversity and Ethnic Diversity from the stop all the way through their organization, theyre more profitable. Its not just the right thing to do, its good business. Ill have the pleasure to be there in the afternoon. My colleague will kick off the event in the morning. If you want to know more about the conference, go to nbcbayarea. Com. Well have a link there. Its next wednesday, february 1st. Its a great event. Youll want to be a part of it. How about glitz and glamour right mow. Now bawly wood is getting the spotlig spotlight. The musicals are beloved around the world. Some Bollywood Actors were here today to present the indian Academy Awards. Theyll take place this year. And that means bollywoods alisters will be in town. That should be quite a party. Want to give you a quick update with whats happening with our breaking news. This is what we know. I want to take you out to the south bay where a manhunt for the Bank Robbery Suspect appears to be oefver in a neighborhood. Three people have been arrested. Its unclear if the bank robber is one of those but police are leaving the area. Plit cat history was made today in washington. After the break bay Area Reaction to the march for life. Three people arrested in ne right now at 6 30, were following the breaking news in san jose, three people arrested in connection with a bank robbery in scots valley. Youre looking at video of one of the suspects. Youll see him in a moment. Thats the police surrounding him just before they loaded him into an ambulance. You can see him here with his hands behind his back. This manhunt may be over. At this hour investigators are interviewing each of three people trying to piece together this crime to see who is involved here. Damian trujillo is live at the scene. Scary situation for the people in this neighborhood seeing all of the Police Officers running around with their guns drawn. Reporter that was probably the biggest mistakes that the suspects made today, is that they were hanging around about seven blocks from police headquarters. So in no time they were surrounded. They were telling people to shelter in place, not to come out of their apartments because they knew where these suspects were inside. And they cant want them to get hurt. Some streets remain closed because police are inside that apartment complex looking for evidence. Theyre looking specifically for a knife that they believe it was in the custody of one of the suspects. So theyre looking for that. We do have video of the arrest of one of those suspects. Again it is not clear yet if any of the three who were arrested today were involved in the bank robbery in scots valley yesterday. But this person was arrested, had to be tased for a moment. Let me read you a quote, a statement from San Jose Police chief eddy garcia. He says what is left to say. Unbelievable work yet again by the men and women of this department. They true will are amazing to watch. Im fortunate enough to have a front row seat. Im glad these individuals are in custody and relieved that none of my officers were hurt. And we spoke earlier with lieutenant dwyer here at the San Jose Police Department Explaining they knew where the suspects were for a time and they followed them. They were able to follow the vehicle based on the threat level. They didnt want to cause an issue downtown. They wanted to follow the vehicle to a safe location to try to arrest the occupants. Reporter and again both the San Jose Police Department Helicopter were above giving the officers directions on where the suspects were, where they should establish a perimeter. Just an amazing team work by dozens of Police Officers who surrounding the vicinity around 7th street and taylor, 7th street and mission street. Thats where they took the three men into custody. Well continue to work the story and get more answers through the night. They didnt have to go far to catch these men. This all went down less than a mile away from San Jose Police headquarters. You can see the map here. This is right there in japan town. We want to show you one of the suspects thats actually the Bank Robbery Suspect. Its hard to recognize him obviously because hes completely covered up and wearing a bandana over his mouth right there. Thats the guy that its unclear if hes in custody. But i want to show you video of what is believed to be one of the accomplices. This guy made a ditch from police, tried running away, into a construction area. He seemed to have evaded police for a bit because they were not very close. And then suddenly after running for a while he seemed to get a little tired and just started walking. Eventually walking into a building under construction trying to dodge police there, but police eventually showed up and arrested him. They brought him out, handcuffed him and he was eventually taken away from the area in an ambulance. Of course what is unclear at this point is if the three people in custody, if theyre all accomplices or if one of them is the Bank Robbery Suspect. Were going to be providing constant updates on this story across all of our digital platforms. Check out our twitter feed, go to nbcbayarea. Com and of course well update the story throughout this newscast as well. Deeply humbled to be the first Vice President of the United States to ever have the privilege to attend this historic dwart igathering. History today at the annual march put on, essentially a prolife march for the first time in history. A sitting Vice President addressed this crowd at the nations capitol. Scott budman is here with more on the tens of thousands of marchers jessica and raj, the march for life has had phone calls or taped messages sent in from the white house. This year, for the first time, an appearance by the Vice President. There was dancing and tens of thousands of people marching in d. C. The march for life supported via twitter by President Trump and in person for the first time by Vice President mike pence. Thats why this administration will work with the congress to end taxpayer funding of abortion and abortion providers. And we will devote those resources to Health Care Services for women across america. Abortion rights opponents walked from the Washington Monument to Supreme Court. Supported by like minded groups here in the bay area like walk for life west coast. I listened to the speeches. Were so hopeful that on this coast and the east coast, were so hopeful with this new administration their goal to support the antiabortion cause. As of today roe versus wade is the law in the u. S. The march for life is typically held on the anniversary of that 1973 Supreme Court decision. This year it was pushed back a week because of the inauguration. Thank you, scott. President donald trump welcomed british Prime Minister theresa may to the white house. It comes as the two nations were to secure a bilateral trade agreement. The timing is especially important for britain. I will cement the crucial relationship that exists between us, particularly as the uk leaves the european union. Today the United States renews our deep bond with britain, military, financial, cultural and political. Two leaders outwardly friendly. May take a harder line though on sanctions against russia and encourage President Trump to stand firm behind nato which is president has previously dismissed as being obsolete. Very busy weekend for President Trump. For continuing coverage of the executive orders hes issued, log in to our digital platform. Today a significant step toward building the suicide net under the Golden Gate Bridge. The bridge District Board voted to approve two contracts to move this project forward. Christy smith has the details and the traffic impact for us as well. A quick approval for the golden gate District Board today, 2 million for the chp to manage traffic when work begins on a suicide net. The first thing people will see is some fencing that goes up to keep the contractors safe. This could happen as early as may or june, latenight lane closures when the traffic is light but the bridge will not close down entirely. Contractors are submitting krots. It extends 20 feet out, curves up slightly at the end and its made of a very hard stainless steel material. Theres been ongoing debate about the effectiveness and the cost totaling 193 million from the bridge district, state and federal sources. Its taken us quite a while to get to point f 0 starting construction. Everyone here is excited and eager for this to begin. We know we need to curb suicide here. There was never any indication and no one said there was an indication that he ever wanted to take his life. Kimberly renees 18yearold son kyle jumped from the bridge in 2013. Shes been an advocate for construction of a barrier. Other people dont have to go through this. Reporter there was a stark reminder today of the importance of the barrier as First Responders were called to address a person in crisis. As for the project itself, its expected to take about four years to complete. At the Golden Gate Bridge, christy smith, nbc bay area new news. Before we go, were going to do a quick check there, the live cameras on in downtown san jose, investigators and our crews are still on site after three suspects have been arrested about 90 minutes ago stemming from that bank robbery in scots ral valley. Not sure if the Actual Bank Robber is among the three that have been arrested. However this search has come to an end there in downtown. Back in a moment. Over 1,000,000 californians have gotten something thats been out of reach for far too long Health Insurance. How . They enrolled through covered california. Its the Health Insurance marketplace where youll find a range of plans from leading Health Insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates, and benefits. And, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. To get covered, youve got to get going. Open enrollment ends january 31st. Visit covereca. Com today. The start of the high profile and often delayed sierra lamar trial begins monday. The morgan hill teenager well the start of the high profile and often delayed sierra lamar driel trial begin on mond. She disappeared five years ago while walking to a school bus stop. Damian trujillo tell us about the challenges facing both sides. Weve seen this images for almost five years, 15yearold sierra lamar vanished without a trace. Now her family and the man accused of kidnapping and killing sierra will finally have their day in court. For the defense, this Opening Statement could be the most important day of the trial. Legal analyst Stephen Clark says the defense needs to plant the seed of doubt on day one. One reason why, because all the jury will hear for six months is the prosecutions case, day after day after while torres is guilty of murder and deserves the death penalty. This jury is going to hear nothing but very damaging evidence against mr. Garcia torres. It is imperative for the defense to get their story out. Defenses story is that sierra lamar could be alive and simply ran away from home. With no body and crime scene, it means prosecutors will rely heavy on dna evidence and theyll use attacks on other women as evidence of a pattern of aggression by torres. Certainly the evidence against him is damaging. His statements are damaging. And how all of that plays out by the defense in their crossexamination of the case is going to be key. Sources close to the case tell me there will be no more delays. After jurors are picked on monday, opening arguments begin. We have good news tonight on the health of former president george h. W. Bush. Hes actually leaving the hospital and heading home. Mr. Bush will be discharged from the houston Methodist Hospital by monday. Former president was admitted nearly three weeks ago from pneumonia. His wife barbara bush went in at the same time suffering from bronchitis and chauexhaustion. Heres a man who has interviewed many president s and reported on some of the most momentous reports of her time. Live from the berlin wall. A television microphone. You know how important symbols are in politics. Im tom brokaw, nbc news at the berlin wall. Celebrating 50 years here at nbc. This sunday night he looks back at the stories that impacted him the most. Its a twohour special sunday night at 9 00 right here on nbc bay area. If you cant watch it live, set your dvr. Shes done so much more, wrote the book on the greatest generation, the exposure hes given to veterans. Hes a neat man. A good inoperation. Inspiration. It is new years for many of us in the bay area. Going to stasht off cold in the interior valleys. Well track the weekend forecast and the chance for rain after the break. A quick recap of cases from nbc bay area responds next. At at t, we believe in access. The opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. Connecting with the things that matter most. And because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, weve created access from at t. California households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for Home Internet at a discounted rate of 10 a month. No commitment, deposit, or installation fee. Visit att. Com accessnow to learn more. Across the bay area. Raj thats how many people have reach o nbc bay area responds to at least 4,000 people across the bay area. Thats how many people have reached out to us with their consumer problems since we launched this program last spring. Chr she said she took hearse in for repair, took it to the shop and the shop lost it instead of repairing pit. Jean couldnt get them to do anything about it. So we called the store and it issued jean a 350 store credit to purchase a new vacuum cleaner. We saved nancy of fairfax 24,000. She had purchased a certified preowned car but started having mechanical problems with it. The problems persisted and she was not getting help. We reached out to the dealer and they bought her car back. Call us or log on to nbcbayarea. Com responds. Once you get to our website, look for the yellow button on the side, submit tips. 350 bucks for a vacuum cleaner . Was your 350 . I love to vacuum. Very comfortable. We usually do that on sundays at my house. Ill see if i can work it in. If youre not voacuuming, were taking you to the movies. The city has been a backdrop to some of the most popular films, including mrs. Doubtfire. Its a way to preserve San Francisco. When i go back to look at vertigo, i want to see what the city was like in 1958. Its fascinating to me. Even though i wanted doubtfire to feel like a timeless film, i like going back to look at the pieces of the film that we shot out. Things have changed. Its cool. Were going to hear all of his secrets. Exclusive behind the scenes story from columbus including the auditioning process he had to go through to get his job with the first hairry potter movie. This edition airs this sunday night at 7 00 p. M. Mrs. Doubtfire has one of the best vacuum cleani icleaning of all time. It all comes around. This weekend if youre not stuck inside vacuuming, the sunshine is going to be luring you outside. Were going to have one of the best weekends of 2017 coming your way as we head throughout tomorrow. Lets get you in the microclimate forecast. It will be a cold start, the trivalley down to 35 with a mix of sun and clouds. Peninsula 41 and mostly clear for the south bay at 39 degrees. East bay, no fog at all 41, 43 in San Francisco and the north bay begins at 37. As we head throughout saturday, the key difference is temperatures will warm up two to four degrees. That will push us into the low 60s here throughout the santa clara valley. San jose is at 63, cupertino 60, morgan hill 62. Winds relatively light, not only in the south bay but also for the east bay as well. Well come in with a cooler 58 at antioch. Danville, temperatures in the low 60s and oakland expecting 59. Peninsula, looks gorgeous from palo alto into san mateo with low 60s, half moon pay 58 degrees, sunny skies at the beach beaches. If youre hear visiting, just remember our winds are typically very rough. Be careful if youre headed out near the water at all. For San Francisco the Lunar New Year celebrations this weekend, the beautiful weather from embarcadero into chinatown, upper 50s, mission is 59 and marina expects 60 degrees. This beautiful sunny weather is not going to last for the next couple of weeks. We still have rainy changes on the way. I say that with a little bit of hesitation only because hes had so much flooding with the past backtoback storms. As you know, those storms did turn deadly in some cases throughout the bay area. You can see its very very large out here, quite a bit of moisture feeding in. A lot of this heading up towards canada, also into alaska. But eventually we see it move our way. It looks like wednesday, thursday and friday of next week, wet weather returns. So heres a look at the estimated totals. A lot of the bay area really surrounded in the redder color. Were looking at anywhere from one to maybe one and a half inches for most of us. Up here in santa rosa we could be in the purple category which is 2 to 3 inches. Its still a ways out. But right now wednesday through friday of next week we looked locked in for the wet weather to return. But until then, enjoy the great weather, saturday, sunday, monday and tuesday, temperatures in the upper 50s to low 60s for San Francisco, lets get you into the interior valleys. And if youre doing any traveling the next few days, it looks great all across california with the dry sunny weather and then again we do turn back into rainfall. Heading up to lake tahoe, were expecting sunny weather all the way into tuesday. A little bonus for you. A very nice weekend rjts y. H yeah. Thank you, jeff. Were continuing to watch the situation in san jose with three suspects have been arrested in connection with a bank robbery in Scotts Valley. Were back in a moment. With the xfinity tv app, anything with a screen is a tv. Stream 130 live channels, plus 40,000 on demand tv shows and movies, all on the go. You can even download from your x1 dvr and watch it offline. Only xfinity gives you more to stream to any screen. Download the xfinity tv app today. Lets get one more check on our breaking news. San jose police have shut down part of san joses japantown. And have arresd we want to do one more check of our breaking news. San jose police are shut down part of japan town, arrested three people in connection with a bank robbery. Lets bring in Michelle Roberts who rejoins us right where san joses japan town is with in any of the big updates. Reporter the road is open, police are starting to head home. Three people were arrested in this area about two houshs ago. One of the suspects took off on foot. Police had to use a taser to apprehend him a couple blocks away. Three people were in an unmarked stolen Police Vehicle that was linked to a bank robbery in Scotts Valley. Its unknown if any or all of them were involved in the robbery. We know tonight the three suspects are being questioned separately and well have an update on that as the night goes on im sure. But the good news is that for the neighborhoods, things are quietening down. That is a relief going into the weekend. Well keep our team of reporters there and live tweet updates throughout the evening and have more at 11 00. We hope to see you then. Byebye. Divorce war. Paula patton accusing robin thicke of violence, drugs, and secret sex parties. Now on extra. Extra, extra paula patton unleashes a dirty bomb on robin thicke. Her explosive new court papers accusing him of cheating, wild cocaine binges and domestic violence. Blindsided with a restraining order, what the blurred lines singer is saying today about the frontpage scandal. Trump takes aim at madonna. What she said was disgraceful to our country. The president s noholdsbarred new tv attack. How are you doing . Good

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