Several surveillance cameras in the area including one directly above the broken window. Several months ago the city increased overnight security and installed more cameras to detour tagging. It is something we should all be concerned about. But we arent making assumptions about what relationships it has with other news. There was a Security Guard on duty at the time but he didnt hear anything and they also say since theyve increased security cameras and guard theyve seen a decrease in that tagging that i mentioned. Reporting live in san jose. Night, im michelle roberts, nbc bay area news. A new fall out from violent are test in a donald trump rally in san jose. Lhree more arrests today and police say they are all teenagers now facing assault charges. Police say they are looking for another person seen here. There have been a total of seven arrest since last weeks event. Publicly denouncing the violence and saying he did not order officers to stand down at the what of the attacks. . Ongrary clinton has the first woman to become the presumptive president ial nominee of one of boxes o big parties. Also what next in that hotly kitested congressional race in the silicon valley. E ve two report on both big a nos. Lets start with nbc bay areas Elise Kirchner and elyce this will be an event like never before. We spoke to a history professor who is also a delegate for Hillary Clinton. To put it into context she said this is similar to the first africanamerican president being elected or even the end of world war ii. What do you dislike about Hillary Clinton . As a woman, i think it is great we have a woman in contention but she is not my candidate. Some are on the fence over her. I think it is great girls can aspire to that, for sure. When i was growing up, it was beg a nurse or teacher or secretary. Weve reached a smile stone. Regardless of party persuasion, Hillary Clintons victory is the definition of historics. She has secured delegates needed to become the first female president ial nominee of a Major Political party. Monica fitzgerald is a clinton delegate who plans to be on the floor of the nominating convention in philadelphia. Yeah. Yeah. I cant think about it too much or ill start crying. The walnut creek resident is also a professor at st. Marys college. It shifted the way i would teach a womens history class now. Excavating, finding women, saying, look, there are women who did things in history. Fitzgerald says many other nations have elevated women to their highest office. Yet the United States has been slow to do the same. So i think we need to celebrate that as a nation. Regardless of even if youre not going to vote for her, recognize what this means. For america. Fitzgerald also notes if Hillary Clinton is elected itll be historic but beyond that she could change the space of politics forever because she vows to make 50 ofer cabinet female. But rting live from couldnta costa county, im elyce kirchner, nbc news. We will reality check the president bl polling later in this newscast. Lets move over to the house. One of the closest races in the country. The battle between long time incumbent congressman mike handa bot challenger. Handa and canha in a dead heat with all reporting both got 38 a ishe vote. Meaning both will advance h eting up another showdown in november. Nbc bay areas sharon is live in Santa Clara County Registrars Office with the latest numbers for us. Sharon . Jessica, right now behind me, they are counting about 75,000 ballots and more will come in by friday. Now they are extremely close. The two top votegetters will move forward but they want to know officially who won the primary race. Its such a close race we do have a lot of ballots left to go. Regardless of the outcome of the vote by mail ballot, handa and canha will be facing off in the 17th district congressional race. This covers santa clara and almeeta counties. Both democrats will fight it claim they represent the middle class. Ive been really honored, to have a lot of Technology Leaders support my campaign and all supported as individuals though so they are limited at what they can contribute. We dont take any corporate money pac money lobbyist money. Mike handa who is in washington, d. C. Today is unavailable for oncamera interview released a statement saying with individuals ready to trample on the middle class bank rolling my opponents gain we know this is going to be one of the closest congressional races in the country. Democrats will turn out in full force to vote for mrs. Clinton as president and he will have to answer for those who continue to bank roll his Campaign Even though he claims to be a democrat. But canha says he is the true reflection of the middle class. My parent were immigrants. I went to public school. My mom was a substitute school teacher. I took out loans for higher education. And after counting all day, the Santa Clara County Registrars Office just gave me latest numbers and here at saint clara county mike handa shredding to cans 37. 99 . That is mixing with alameda wscasts numbers. Im sharon kasuda, nbc 6 news. Jessater on in the newscast, areay will join us to break down at battle for barbara boxers senate seat. Onightection coverage continues online on nbcbayarea. Com. Ans. Can find the Election Results at the top of our home page. Re invight a teenage girl is apping her family said she fought off kidnappers who had terrifying plans for her. Z isand police are investigating. E kidnapping and possible ties to human sex trafficking. Jodi hernandez is in oakland tonight at the Police Department there. And jody, these are disturbing allegations. What did the girls family tell you . The girls mother told me the attackers wanted to force her daughter into prostitution. When i arrived to the seen the girl was crying, her family was crying, as they tried to absorb what happened. Well, the you know what i mean panicked relatives after teenaged kidnapping victim rush to this North Oakland neighborhood this morning. We saw the girls mom consoling the distraught 14yearold after her mother says the girl was kidnapped by people who tried pushing her into prostitution. We are confirming it was a kidnapping that happened earlier this morning and if there are indeed ties to any Human Trafficking that we take these incidents, Human Trafficking, kidnapping, any Violent Crime seriously. Police arrested a man in his 20s on kidnapping charges a short time later. Then searched the house witnesses say is tied to the case with guns drawn. But police say they did not find anyone inside. The girls family claims there are other victims. Being held against their will. Yeah. How worried is she . Shes real worried. They her friends and they kids. I am happy she got away and i hope that there were no other children that they cant find. And i hope that they got everybody they needed to get. Neighbors say theyre stunned such violent act could take place near them. Theyre scared and angry. Underage illegal prostitution. Like really . Youre just stealing peoples kids and trying to force them to do sexual acts . I think thats ludicrous. We also witnessed a woman being handcuffed and taken from the scene. It is unclear what she today do with the case. Police say they are still conducting interviews, following up on leds and trying to determine whether or not the girl was indeed a target of human sex trafficking. They say they will have more information for us tomorrow morning. Reporting live in oakland, im he tech nandez, nbc bay area news. Thank one jodi. She said she wants to unveil the toxic culture in the tech industry. Thats how ellen pao is describing her new memoir. She took her employer to court on whnder discrimination. Pao lost the trial but since then she has been focussing on rues of gender and racial diversity in the tech industry. At this point it isnt clear when paos memoir will be released. The judge in the brock turner sentencing controversy remains in the eye of a huge public storm. Im robert handa live in Santa Clara County. Coming up, there are more online petitions trying to take the judge off the bench. Also, take a look at wx wacular flames in the south bay. It happened right near that gas station. You can see it there. We will show you how this ended. And good evening. Im meteorologist jeff ranieri. Much more milder 70 degrees right now in san jose. And also clouds moving in. We are tracking this cooling system out here in the pacific. We will have details on how much lower temperatures will good in just a few minutes. To make matters worse. Thsi was near a gast trees, you see it there, up in flames. To make matters worse, in the foreground there, this is a gas station. It happened overnight in sunnyvale. Firefighters doused the flames just in time. The gas station never caught fire andener by houses were saved. Investigators say the cause of the fire is still unknown. Letter for leniency and it comes from brock turner. Former stanford swimmer sentenced to six months for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman. The guardian obtained that letter which reads in part quote i would give anything to change what happened that night. I can never forgive me self for imposing pain and trauma on the victim. It debill tats me to think my actions caused her emotional and physical stress and it is completely unwarranted and unfair. Ive been shattered by the Party Culture and risk taking behave your that i briefly experienced in my four months at school. The judge who sentenced turner to those six months is the subject of multiple recall petitiones. One of the petitions has more than 790,000 signatures. Nbc bay areas robert handa is tracking new developments from the case and join us from the county clerk with what at least one of the petitions to potentially accomplish. Jessica, everyday it seems like the tide of action against the judge seems to grow. Even though the Attorneys Office is no longer sharing, one thing the prosecutor did is share word from the victim and her words are still resonating nationwide. Judge aaron persky is in the eye of an evergrowing storm. Sixmonth jail sentence he gave brock turner is evidence to remove him from the bench. Critics site the description of turn ares actions when they saw him on an unconscious woman in january last year. After he stood up we saw she wasnt moving at all. He started running away. Reporter a stanford law professor started an online recall petition started a new petition to meet guidelines for an official recall effort. I think he applied the law incorrectly and came to the wrong decision and his decision is dangerous and it makes women at colleges less safe. Reporter the group also generated about 800,000 signatures in a petition aimed at California Commission on Judicial Performance demanding persky be removed. Rape is a serious crime and judgis should treat it that way. Reporter steven clark advises public caution. What you dont want to have happen is a judge more concerned about public opinion. Reporter prosecutor read more of the victims text message and her words will surely resonate. I remain anonymous, yes to protect my identity but also a statement for all these people fighting for someone they dont know. And again judge persky declined our request for an interview as weve been reporting the attorney for turner filed an intention to appeal the case. Live in san jose, robert handa, nbc bay area news. Hollywood joining the outcry on that stanford sex assault case as well with a Public Service announcement. Actress lena dunham and her costars from girls launched this psa about sex assault. They are encouraging everyone in it to change their reaction from disbelief, silence and shame, to they say, listen support and action. Called the dreaded band id. The fbi hopes you can help find him. He disguises himself with a long wig, fake beard and dark makeup. Here are images. Experts believe he is white or hispanic and say he has been known to flash a gun. He robbed two banks last month in san mateo and San Francisco. Investigators say there may be other banks he robbed. There is new a 5,000 reward for any information leading to his arrest. A bay area man has been arrested in connection with the stolen piece of history. Tonight dezi ps sdsuara is in jail accused of taking a cannon. The cannon was outside the Memorial Hall in richmond. You can see it being taken away. Man who saw our report called police the next day to say he unwittingly bought the stolen cannon not knowing it was stolen. Police are still looking for a second suspect. Water leaders are giving thumbs up to a new draught relief proposal involving sewage. California will begin recycling water from sewage plant. State Water Resources board approved this plan today. Now the water will be used for dust control and irrigation purposes and not for drinking. With the drought happening here in california we need to find every way we can to start replacing Potable Water with other types of water that you can use. Like irrigation. Things like that. Why put potable on it when you can use wastewater. Technology is here and ready to go. City of dublin and san ramon have a system that recycled wastewater for irrigation. State water board leaders say the process is cheaper than desalination of ocean water. Just when you thought there would be a cool down, he certainly saw that today. Temperatures down and a lot of fog. Welcome from a lot of us that just werent ready for 90s and 100s we had most recently. Outside today the high clouds streaming across and also those cooler temperatures. Lets get a look right now and can you see exactly what is ro pro ducing the cooler temperatures is this broad trough of low pressure in upper atmosphere. It is sitting just offshore right now and that continues to move in right on through fridays forecast. We will see those numbers continuing to drop. Take a look there at the bottom of the screen. Scrolling sevenday forecast. Can you see that trend lasting into saturday. As we get you through tomorrow morning we will have fog. Also areas of drizzle. Not just for San Francisco though. The possibility of drizzle in the peninsula and also for the east bay. Temperatures in the 50s across the board. As we head through the afternoon on your thursday forecast. Very, very enjoyable. Look at this. 77 in trivalley for a high. 74 in peninsula and south bay expecting 76. And well, typical 60s expected in San Francisco. Only problem could be coming from the allergies. Pollen levels going up close to the highest for grass and juniper. Mold in low category. But again watch out. The dry weather in place, theres no hope of any rain fall at least right now to wash that away. Speaking of rain fall, what is our outlook show us . Well a long range view, continues to bring us our typical dry summer months as we head to around june, july and august. 75 chance la nina develops by next fall and winter. Heres the thing, it could mean above or below average rain. I know not much help there but certainly something we will track over the next several months. Ill have another update in about 25 minutes. Okay. All this nice weather means more people on the beach. But the new effort to raise awareness about the dangers along our coast. Happening now on our homepage the muhammad ali biopic ali i. Sony pictures announced today the movie staring will happening now on our home page. Ali is returning to theaters. The movie starring will smith will play in a few hundred theaters nationwide to celebrate the late boxing legend. At this point no word if any theaters will refeature the film. And in 2017 coachella tickets are on sale. 399. Are out of school and many of us will be heading to the beach. Raj 2shot but one San Francisco supervisor is teaming up with theoa many of us will be heading to the beach. One San Francisco supervisor is teaming up with the coast guard to warn everyone about the danger along our coast. Bay areas pete joins us from ocean beach with details. Paet . It is believed there needs to be more visibility from ocean beach when it comes to explaining dangers of swimming at this beach and getting that message to the public is priority number one. It can be quite a view for beach goeer. But ocean beach theres more than meets the eye. People think it is a swimming beach and its not. Here are pictures from the u. S. Coast guard demonstration at the beach today. At San Francisco fire and ocean beach patrol. Discussing dangers of swimming at the beach. Concern for many years. Even more so after two teens drown in the ocean back in april. When somebody wade out in their ankles, they are held by what called rip currents. There are warning signs about rip currents around the beach but they would like to see more signage closer to the water as well as overall increase in awareness. Lieutenant Jonathan Baxter with San Francisco fire agrees with mar about increasing awareness. Specifically near the water. And he says his department passes out these flyers at ocean beach that does just that. We have had fire apparatus, fire engine, rescue units, come out here, park their vehicle, walk with flyers in hand. From newspapers to signage to even volunteer groups that want to raise awareness about the dangers on the beach. Hoping to see changes in the next few months and he plans to meet again with agencies towards the end of summer. In San Francisco, nbc bay area news. Democrats in californias open u. S. Senate seat, our political analyst will be up next. Explain how harris might have add lead in the primary but no lock yet in november. Homeowners talk about the cost of rent is driving them away. Nbc bay area is asked to respond next. People have reached out to us theyre frustrated with the popular Vacation Rental site Vacation Rental by owner, or vrbo. People have reached out to us. They are frustrated with popular Vacation Rental site. Vacation rental by owner or vrbo. Vrbo renters say vrbo took their money them changed terms. It has even sparked a Class Action Lawsuit. In santa cruz steps from sunny grove beach is keris vacation home. She rented to travellers on the website vrbo. She paid vrbo 1200 for oneyear platinum sponsorship. Spotsed to boost her visual on the site. You are on the first page most likely at the top. We felt it was worth the cost, an investment in marketing. Investment that paid off. Keri said renting her home was a breeze. At first. But three months ago vrbo started charging travellers a service fee. 4 to 9 of the total cost of the rental. A fee that vrbo pockets, not carry. Keri said this part of the service very wasnt a part of it and now renters arent renting her home. We didnt pay for the platinum subscription to have vrbo scare people away. She said vrbo told her it may get another change this one to its algorithm and her platinum membership no longer guaranteeing results. She said her 1300 platinum membership is worthless because she isnt getting what she paid for. Liena shaws story echo eskerrys. She paid a platinum fee. She said rentals of her maui condo drastically dropped and so did her search ranking. She has been having vrbo to refund for platinum membership and in luck. Keri and liena arent alone. Complaint about vrbo litter the internet. Even creating a facebook page. We received multiple calls. The complaint landed in another michael bouss office. Filing a Class Action Lawsuit against home away which owns vrbo. Which accuses the company of bait and switch and charges the new service fee. So it took peoples money under one set of circumstances and then changed the circumstances after it took their money. Keri and liena arent part of this lawsuit yet but they do want their money back. I want my money refunded. It is a breach of contract. We asked vrbo if krry and liena would get a refund for their platinum membership. The company wouldnt answer our question citing pending litigation. Vrbo statement said since adding its new service fee, it is actually delivering more happy consumers to vrbo owners. Thats a quote. Adding travellers a piece of mind during their trip. This is part of the service fee. Introducing new service fees and 24 7 customer service. If you have a Consumer Problem for wubs nbc bay area responds. Call us. Or visit our website at nbcbayarea. Com responds. This will probably come down to the fine print in the contract. Right. Something you should read. And we should be p. Get out the magnifying glass. Thank you, chris. San francisco can crack down on illegal short term rental web sites like airbnb and vrbo. Board of supervisors a unanimously voting yesterday to close the loophole with the new law. The city can slap fines on illegal short term rentals. Web sites have to verify that hosts have registered with the city before advertising. Otherwise the website can face fines of up to 1,000 a day. Turning tragedy into action. Oakland woman who formed the group a thousand mothers today announced she is going one step further. She gathered with two dozen supporters in front of Oakland City Hall today, many of whom like lorraine, lost children to gun violence if oakland. Our unit showed stories over the veets of oakland the last few months. To a thousand Mothers Group introduced a free app for your smart phone. Allowing to you notify help by simply pushing either an alert or panic button on your moral device. When you push the button, audio, video, gps, everything is launched. Your entire family, safety net of people are immediately notified of that location at that very second. They also receive a complete video footage of what is happening during that altercation. And it is all developers of the app say if someone does harm you or takes your phone away it is too late. Everything has been recorded and sent to the cloud. The app is free for apple and android devices. Fresh off her big primary night, Hillary Clinton is still dealing with the bernie issue. What to do with Bernie Sanders who isnt backing out of this race. Under mounting pressure from Democratic Leaders to abandon his president ial campaign, senator sanders returned home to vermont today. In an interview with Nbcs Lester Holt Hillary Clinton said she respect sanders position. I share the goals. We have different approaches about how to get there but we are going to get to universal health care coverage. We will raise the National Minimum wage. We are going to make college affordable. She is pivoting trying to get supporters who support Bernie Sanders on her side know. Meanwhile, Republican Donald Trump is still facing fall out after his criticism of a federal judge whos mexican american. Some speculate it could hurt trump but you scramble to shore up Campaign Cash and internal organization. And yesterdays contest to replace retiring u. S. Senator boxer to harris easily topping congresswoman sanchez placing both in the runoff. We are joined with more on this contest and Larry Barbara boxer has had that seat so long. Very significant she is leaving that seat and would people are vying for it. Yes, very important. For several reasons, as you set for the first time in nearly quarter century there is a new u. S. Senator from california. That person will be a woman. A woman of color. Either the second africanamerican female or first latina. And finally she will be a democrat no matter what. Right. So now, yesterday on the republican, this side, there wont be a republican on the November Ballot because of the top two format. Thats right. In 2010 vote rs approved a ballot proposition that allows only two candidates. Two with the most votes in the primary to run off in november. So in this case, that means two democrats. Which leaves out republicans as well as all the Minority Party candidates. So last night we saw harris who much better than sanchez and in fact by more than 20 point. Is it going to be the same story in november or does the dynamic of that change because of los angeles voters . You can expect change and here is why. First, yes. Harris is from northern california. Sanchez from southern california. Southern california we know this has most of the states voters. Second, sanchez is considered the more moderate of the two. H may attract money from contributors who may have otherwise given to republicans. Third, giving Donald Trumps controversial statements about mexicans, well expect latinos to vote in unprecedented numbers and that could give latina lor rhett have a sanchez a huge boost. So bottom line, yeah, maybe a lot of times that may have a big gap this time but look for a very close race in the end. Very interesting. Thank you very much, larry. Our election coverage continues on nbcbayarea. Com. Click on local Election Results. You can find it right there at the top of the election home page. Hillary clinton cruised to victory last night, we know that. So why were most polls wrong . Our reality check is next. Certainly a nice dip in the pool for anyone. The bear who caused a scare in southern california. This is what it looked like in Mountain View early today, after a truckdriver accidentally hit the gas instead of the brake. Police say he was exiting highway 101 when it happened. Not where he intended to go. This is where a Mountain View driver. He was exiting 101. No one was inside the Office Building but the man, the driver, was rushed to the hospital and he suffered moderate injuries. Police also say it does not appear that alcohol or drugs were shoved in this department is. A me Memorial Service that will captivate the world. Louisville kentucky is saying goodbye to Hometown Hero muhammad ali. People from around the world are arriving in kentucky to show love and respect to boxing legend and icon. Thousands of people waiting in line for tickets for fridays public Memorial Service which ali planned. He insisted that 15,000 tickets be given away free of charge. But already some people are selling their tickets. Looks like tennis star Maria Sharapova will not be able to defend her title in the olympics. She admitted to taking the drug maldonium for medical reasons. She said it was unintentional. The doping agency outlawed the drug just this year. The drug increases the flow of oxygen in the body. Sharapova said she would appeal the decision. She won gold in the 2012 games in london. When its hot, even a bear has it cool off. This is a black bear going for a swim in two different backyard pools. It was earlier today. The bear climb need a tree and thats when the department of fish and wildlife said it is right now. There are plans to tranquilize the bear. No plans just yet. Instead they are tracking the animal and waiting for it to leave and go away and find a lake. Rather than a pool. The pool is nice. Would have been funny if he was on the lawn chair. We are gradually turning numbers down over the next couple of days. Relief here across the bay area. 59 degrees and here is some visible signs of the changes of clouds moving into san jose and we will talk more about the trend and how long the weather last in a few minutes. Also ahead, reality check why most of the polls got it wrong. In regards to Hillary Clintons big victory here in california last night. Stay with us. Hillary clinton cruised by doubledigits in the california primary. Raj 2shot most of the polls suggested clintoin and Bernie Sanders were in a dead heat. And it would a close primary. So what happened . Gfx iheres nbc bay ares;a sam brock w tonig;tsd reality icheck. Take pkg and i will continue to stand strong with you every time, every place and every way that i can. Before it was clear, Hillary Clinton would shape the art of history, it was considered a question mark whether she could navigate californias primary. Days before the election an nbc news wall street journal marist poll found likely democratic primary voters slightly liked hillary, 420947. When they poled all, bernie bounced on top. Then the voting and hillary won by sp point, landslide. The trick is trying to figure out who will turn out on election day. Political science professor Brenda Jackson says the sent nmt california might have been even steven but thats not the same thing as voter behavior. Sanders has a lot of support from young are voters and new voters who dont always reliably show up on election day. It just makes it really difficult to predict. Credit bill wailin of the rightleading Hoover Institution for nailing this one. He came on days before the primary and said this. There are a lot of thing we dont know about the turnout and thats the key, turnout. For sanders to carry california he has it do best with voters under age 30 especially high school and collegeage voters, june 7 is a very tough time to get college kids to vote. A woman. Will be a magijor party nomination. She selected more than 300 delegates here padding her total lead over sanders to virtually indestructible 900. For reality check, im sam brock. Sam, thank you. How much time do you spend Binge Watching your favorite shows . Netflix did a study it find out. We will out you here. Turns out it takes people about a week to finish the first season of a tv show. So one week for one season. That means this might be you. Youre watching netflix about two hours a day. Genres make a big difference. Thrillers and scifi are watched fastest. Sophisticated comedies are watched at a sheer pace. Well you know what i want to watch right now . Jeff ranieri give me the forecast. As we head throughout the next couple of days we are expecting a cool done across the bay area. And right few, it is already starting. Lets get a look that micro climate forecast. It is thickest here throughout point reyes and through San Francisco and having an easy time in through tomorrow morning. Lets get you to the sky camera network. You can see now much more comfortable outside and a lot more than just fog working at the coastline to get these temperatures down. 70 in south bay. 70 in east bay and cool 63 in San Francisco. So for tomorrow morning, we are expecting, yes, fog to come on back. Lets get a view and it is not only in San Francisco with areas of drizzle but also the chance here with drizzle for each bay and for the peninsula as well. Low clouds for south bay and 55. What else is working besides the fog to help Cool Temperatures . Trough of low pressure sitting out here across the pacific. It is just going to sit in almost the same spot over the next 48 hours. As it does so, bringing rain fall to seattle and portland. We will see bottom edge of this move in for some wind and also the cooler temperatures. Notice on the schooling sevenday forecast it looks really enjoyable right even into saturdays forecast. But what i want to get to next is wind. I dont think it will be topping 40 miles an hour at this point but still annoying outside and certainly breezy to dwusty on bridges if you are doing any commuting. By 5 00 p. M. Tomorrow, winds 15 to 22 moils an hour. Little bit gustier on fridays forecast as we could see it hit as high as 34 Miles Per Hour up to santa rosa. 29 for San Francisco down to san jose. Then stays breezy here for saturdays forecast as well. Eventually by sunday that wind begins to back off. Cooler. Clouds and also breezy conditions as you look ahead that forecast. So specifically for tomorrow, i think san jose will have fantastic weather. 75 degrees. Looking good. Close to average there. For the peninsula, chilly at coast. 61. Rip currents, if you think about heading to the beaches, heading into the water, watch out for that. Palo alto 74. San francisco classic 50s and rolling fog. For north bay east bay and for trivalley, dark contrast from this time last week. No 90s. No 100s. 77 expected in pleasanton. Beautiful weather into the north bay with widespread 70s. Still enjoyable through fridays forecast. Temperatures in the 70s to low 80s. By sunday, that the next day when things soar up there. Trivalley expecting 88. Raj and jess, smooth sailing the next few days then sunday hot. Steph curry may be unanimous mvp but not close to the top paid sports star. Who tops the list . Next in sports. Still have faith in the sharks . The shks are inittsburgh tonight getng ready for game 5 of the stanley cup final. Down 3 gamesto1 in the series itsin go home okay, still have faith in the sharks . Of course we do. They are in the stanley cup final. You know the deal, down 3 games to 1 in the best of 7 series. If they lose tonight, season is over. But in past five years pittsburgh has blown two play off series when they add 31 advantage. Thats good tidbit. There is precedent. Thats good one. Tomorrow nights game 5 here exclusively on nbc bay area beginning at 5 00. Good information. There is precedent. Sharks are clinging on to their play off live. Warriors going in for the kill. It is happening in cleveland. Traveling with the warriors an die hard dub fans, collin . Cleveland fans have be to nervous. Heck this is a city that hasnt won a pro sports title since 1964. And then there are warriors fans. We have our brooms. Hope we can get them up off the floor. Hope everything goes as planned. Warriors fan from stockton, spending hours before the game proudly walking the street with his son on his shoulders. What sort of response have you been getting Walking Around . Lots of bos. Go cavs. Like these people over here. Just shoo them off. They know what happened last year. They know what will happen this year. Similar sentiment from packo, andre and ricardo. All fun and games. No problem, we leave on saturday with the troughy. These guys were here for last years finals and say the vibe on a normally vibrant street is completely different. This time last year, this entire place was packed. And it was a tough time walking through here. The fact that this seems like a guest town right now, kind of gives you a little bit of the sentiment of what is going on with the fans, i imagine. Yes. Cavs fans, they disagree. Im guaranteeing a victory tonight. For the cavaliers. Guaranteeing a victory . Yeah. These fans not demoralized at all. They still believe in their team. We will win. Thats it. Collin rush, nbc bay area. We will see. When he wears his warriors jersey steph curry is number 30. But he is 69 highest paid athlete. Payday of 23 mill. And three players for the Cleveland Cavaliers get higher paychecks than he does. Lebron james 77 million. Who is number one . Portuguese soccer star crist anno ronaldo who bring in 88 million in salarywinning and endorsements. Curry will get a new contract in about a year and that will all change. Tonight at 11, x mark the spot. San francisco surveyors just pinpointed the center of the city. Where the very precise location is and the hightech equipment they use to find it. Thats tonight at 11 00. 49 sarquare miles. Somewhere there is the center of the city. Jeff can tell us through fog. Yes we can. Tomorrow, spotty drizzle. 54 and little bit of drizzle for east pay and peninsula. Tomorrow afternoon, no 80s. 70s across the board inland. Country club weather. See you at 11 00. Byebye. Living as a woman . Pstory. Explosive new cover fact or fiction now on extra. Extra extra richard simmons, the new Caitlyn Jenner reborn as a woman named fiona . Neverbeforeseen photos of the reclusive weight loss guru dressed up in wigs and fur. Richards reps taking on the headlines today. I have a very serious life. I just package it in fun wrapping and a bow. Hillary makes history. Its kind of thrilling what mrs. Clinton told mario about shattering that glass ceiling. If you become the first

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