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this morning, 20 officers from northern california were honored, including two from san jose. involved in a high profile gunshot last year. today, one officer talked about that day for the first time, exclusively with nbc bay area. and damion, that is where that gun fight happened? >> reporter: yes, you may recall that gun batting here, in east san jose. it was a night officer no will never forget. >> two extremely violent suspects who just committed four armed robberies and one homicide. >> reporter: she spotted the suspected serial robber and murderers and then began to follow them. >> it is pretty much imbedded in my mind. i recall just about every detail. >> reporter: this brave officer immediately joined in the pursuit. >> i just wanted to wait for my backup. and lo and behold, they jumped out at a red light, not giving me a chance. >> reporter: police say the suspects had just killed petteford during the crime spree and were on the run. that is when officer no said the suspects riddled his cruiser with bullets. >> at that moment, i thought it would be impossible to win the fight. >> reporter: one bullet struck him, rendering the gun useless. did you think it was it? >> absolutely, it was definitely the most scary moment in my life. no doubt about it, god was with me. >> reporter: the officer arrived on the scene and returned fire, perhaps saving officer no's life. the suspects took off. >> after i stopped hearing the gunfire, i looked up over my steering wheel and saw them taking off. so at that point, anger took over, and i thought to myself, there is no way we can allow them to continue. >> reporter: they chased the suspects, officer no in his bullet-riddled patrol car, shot gun at the ready. blocks away they arrested wilbanks and later arrested a person they described as a teenage accomplice. >> it is a perfect example of courage under fire, for officer no and his co-worker. >> reporter: the colleagues with the international group asis recognized officers no and bartholomy today. >> i think it is our duty as a human being. this is our job. >> reporter: the suspects are still waiting for trial. they faced the death penalty. i did speak with wilbank's attorney after the meeting. he told me his client is very remorseful. >> okay, thank you, damon, it is worth noting that officer bartholomy was told not to speak with us today because he is on administrative leave, in connection with another burglary suspect that he shot and killed. the investigators say he tried to run him down. the sheriff's office is now investigating as is routine in all of these cases. officer bartholomy has been with the san jose police department for five years. and tonight, police are looking for a man who robbed a losa losalt store. the man demanded money, police say the cashier put money in the bag and the robber left on foot. he was last seen wearing a black hooded sweat shirt, and dark pant pants. earlier this month, a bank in downtown los altos was also robbed. and fire in the hole, the sound of a bomb going off. police were called out shortly after 1:00 this afternoon when a man looking for old coins found a device. >> i just dug up this object, started brushing it off. i realized it was a hand grenade, it didn't look toy, it was solid. >> police evacuated the area in the 1300 block of mlk for several hours as they prepared to blow up the grenade, everything has now been reopened. and a san mateo dog owner filing a half million dollar lawsuit against the federal government after the park ranger tasered him for letting his pet run off leash. you may remember this, the man was detained for not having the dog on the leash, the running trail he was on was part of the golden gate national recreation area which requires the dogs to be on a leash. the accusations went further aft. the district attorney decided not to prosecute. and an alameda county judge accused of stealing more than a million from an elderly neighbor resigned. just paul seeman was accused of stealing $1.6 million from an elderly neighbor in the hills for a 13-year period. prosecutors say he befriended the woman and handled her finances after her husband died in 1999. his attorney says resigning is what is best for the good of the court. a preliminary hearing is set for april 18th. two long-term and well-own attorneys are accused of breaking the law. brooks and reid illegally interfered with the bidding process on a major construction contract. t turner's vice president has close ties with brooks and read and lost out on the contract after the city administrator ordered a competitive bidding process, both deny any wrongdoing. and started this morning, continuing at this hour, the bay area is getting a taste of march madness, san jose is the place to be tonight. the pavilion hosting eight teams, syracuse, oregon, among the schools. this is the 75th anniversary of the ncaa tournament and the fifth time that san jose has been a host. there is one team you can see the colors here, didn't have to travel too far, the cal bears were assigned to san jose, essentially a home game. >> we're big basketball fans, i'm a cal alumni, the two together is really cool. >> they're a good team that deserves to be here. they fought real hard all year. i think they will have a good chance to go up the ladder. >> well, we shall see. cal is playing unlv as we speak, the winner advancing to the second round on saturday in san jose. okay, you could call it green apple, ahead at six, the progress on an ambitious goal. and a woman's emotional search for her service dog after somebody stole the little dog. plus, in the hot seat, responding to an nbc bay area investigation, the california air national guard's highest ranking officer has to explain accusations of a toxic culture. and good evening, in the nbc bay area center, after a lot of sunshine, temperatures are dropping a bit, throughout livermore, and cooler out at the coastline, we'll talk about the weekend weather and how high the temperatures will go. coming up in just a minute. . new developments from the state capitol, following investigations in the nbc bay area and our sister station. one lawmaker described the national guard as a department in crisis, allegations of a toxic culture have drawn concern from state investigators. our chief investigator attended the hearing, and joins us in studio, tony? >> reporter: it was a year ago, raj, when david baldwin was sworn in, and the year was filled with controversy and scandal. he promised to repair the capitol, and yesterday he was forced to address allegations raised in our investigation. >> there was an nbc investigation that -- talked about complaints, about the guard. >> reporter: the question followed a series of hard-hitting accusations by more than two dozen members of the california national guard. >> i don't understand. i have faith in this organization. i didn't want it to stop. i just want it to stop. i have no faith in the guard, none. >> 20 cases have been closed. none of those allegations were substantiated. >> reporter: general bad baldwin also told state investigators that under his leadership the guard has made improvements in an area once described as "in crisis". >> to give an update on the tremendous progress. >> reporter: specifically, general baldwin was forced to address this report, co-authored by a highly respected member of the ohio national guard, specifically, the allegations. >> have you ever seen anything like you have found in california? >> no, no, i never found that many people who were not getting a solution. >> there has been quite a bit a discussion and reporting on this document. but what you will find if you were actually to look at it, the national guard bureau didn't look at it because it was insufficient. >> reporter: but the guard had trouble reporting how the tax dollars was somehow not presented to general baldwin until after our investigations. >> you found some serious problems? >> yes. >> and from all indications, nothing significant changed? >> yeah. >> frustrated? >> i'm sure they are. >> reporter: so that report, was it a waste of taxpayer money? >> i would say that at the end of the day, had it come to a conclusion, it would have been money well spent. the fact that it was not followed up on but the national guard bureau in the first year. that is a problem. >> reporter: but it is important to note that the petty report criticizes the california national guard's failure to handle complaints. during wednesday's hearing at the capitol, the national guard said it recently provided additional training and the california national guard is in compliance. >> of the big messages we continue to reform the california national guard and the california military department, the governor appointed me to make change, and we have made substantial change. >> reporter: general baldwin says he remains clear to cleaning up the culture of the california guard, and we are also committed to keeping you informed on the progress. >> many of our stories come from our tip line, if you have a tip for anyone in our investigative unit we urge you to give us a call. or send us an e-mail directly to the unit at and she took a cat nap and somebody stole her dog, they were riding home after an spca event, her small dog was in a carrier next to her. somewhere between san bruno, she closed her eyes, and when woke up, he was gone. archy is her calming dog. >> i am desperate, my baby. >> lanahan needs help finding archy, she spent the day putting up posters and searching for her dog. and the 20-year-old woman who claims she was raped at the school has been charged with false report, saying she was beaten and raped during an afternoon attack. the university had stepped up patrols and public meetings and an 11-day investigation. triplett had bruises on her body, but investigators didn't explain how she got them. apple getting greener, getting more energy from the sun, the cupertino company says they get 75% of their energy from renewable sources. that is up from about 35% two years ago. and here in the bay area it was certainly a sunshine-filled day. >> awesome's hard to come to work today, i love being at work, i wanted to open the sun roof and enjoy being down here in the south bay. temperatures warmer in the silicon valley, close to 70 degrees, not quite there in santa teresa, 57 in san jose, 67 in santa rosa. let's get you outside with the sky camera network onxd this thursday. you can see in san jose, the palm trees blowing around, winds at 10 to 20 miles an hour. that is kicking around with the pollen, if you suffer from allergies, that makes it tough. the cars are stacked up, maybe to get a little bit of this, look at this, downtown san francisco, right inside the embarcadero area, and water temperatures in the low 50s, wave height to the immediate coastline, anywhere from five to seven feet. what is happening in the next several days, plenty of cloud cover, rainfall, high pressure will set up shop, drive down slightly northerly winds, going a little bit offshore. that will help the temperatures to warm up about five to seven degrees from what we had today as we get through the forecast. tomorrow, i do think we'll have a little bit of coastline. the best chance, a little bit of fog at the coastline. the best chance, once again through 7 or 8:00 in the morning, temperatures in the mid-40s, also near 40 degrees, by the mid-day hours, full sunshine, upper 60s, by the afternoon, yes, we expect 70s. namely back for the east bay where we think we'll hit 70 degrees, on the three-day forecast, sunny here as we head throughout saturday, sunday, that later will make that air quality suffer, for tomorrow, it looks pretty good. the air will be pretty slow, once again as we head throughout the next three days. so let's get a look, friday, 70s inland, 60s at the coastline, cooler, most of the coastline. and then for the interior valleys, low 70s, sunshine coming our way. no rainfall in the immediate forecast, the one spot that will heat up this weekend, at the beach, santa cruz, temperatures in the upper 60s as we head through saturday. if you're heading to the coastline, santa cruz is the spot. more at >> what time are we leaving to go to the boardwalk? >> thank you. up next, gas prices are decreasing, what is the connection to railroads. >> and breaking away from california? coming up in tonight's class action, the school districts going after federal funds by stri striking out on their own. will it help in oakland and san francisco? >> and remembering the rock, 50 years ago today, alcatraz officially closed. we'll catch up to a photographer that was there on that day. we'll be right back. exactly 50 years ago today, the last prisoners left all can't -- alcatraz. >> it once housed famous people, such as the bird man. what is being done to mark the historic day. >> reporter: the old walls of alcatraz island, to many, an historic playground, drawing many visitors throughout the year. but he remembers the place he worked, called home. >> well, i was here seven years, and my sons were born while we were here. >> reporter: he worked as a guard, during the days when it was still a working prison. you can hear the sounds of the inmates. >> maybe they were upset about something, and they would grab all of their steel beds, let them drop down, when you get 300 beds dropping down at the same time. it is earth-shaking. >> reporter: just as vivid as the day exactly 50 years ago when alcatraz closed for good. >> i felt terrible that last day, though, knowing that this was it. when i saw that gun come out of that tower, i knew that was it. >> reporter: march 21st, 1963, marked the end of the island's nearly 30 year run as a prison. the life magazine photographer captured images that last day, including a picture of the guard, jim albright, leading the inmates out. >> we normally took them out of the kitchen, but that last day, we took them right out of the front day. >> reporter: the location made it an ideal prison for some of the worst of the worst. but its location and high cost doomed the days as a prison. >> from the '60s, you will have a prison right across from fisherman's wharf, it didn't make sense. >> reporter: before then, many called it home. linda sader, whose husband was the lighthouse keeper, remembers the days when it closed. >> we had free range, went all through the prison building, walked all around the island. it was really beautiful. >> reporter: as they marked the 50th anniversary of the prison's closure, former guards and residents gathered on the island, mourning the loss of a place some were dying to escape. joe rosatto jr., nbc bay area news. >> it is always so great to go to alcatraz, fun to see. >> the walls do talk. up next, can they really move or save the saturday mail? the plan that may not be set in stone. and setting up security, why the u.s. government will scan the computers, why others are being targeted. and the new california law that could be the key to saving thousands of women's lives. and preparing to hear the case of california's same-sex marriage ban. the center of the fight and the battle over prop 8, we'll be right back in two. they're two moms from berkeley who say life is normal and will stay that way until next tuesday, that is when they will enter the supreme court in hopes of getting the right to marry. >> today, stephanie trong spoke with them about the fight to overturn the ban on same-sex marriage. >> reporter: they're the faces of the fight for same-sex marriage in california. today, the two told the media they are feeling confident ahead of the supreme court hearing on prop 8, and whether it should be overturned. >> we have always wanted to be married, been together 13 years and raised four boys. >> reporter: it was when voters first passed prop 8, the latest field poll of california voters conducted this month reveal 61% of those surveyed are now in favor of same-sex marriage. it is a fight that the city of san francisco has been in since 2004, when the mayor, gavin newsom, invited people to be married on the steps of the courthouse. >> many said this is too fast, nothing could be further from the truth. >> reporter: in fact, marriage is now legal in some states, the trend some are not happy with, including the national organization for marriage. over the phone, one spokesperson said this is not a constitutional issue but a policy judgment that should be left to the people and their votes. "if the court steps in when there is so much antagonism for the people, we'll look that in for decades". >> personally, saying we should let people vote up and down on every election cycle, whether somebody should have their fundamental rights or not. >> beyond the parents getting married and their children benefitting, there are children growing up today that need to know that they have equal opportunity. >> reporter: in san francisco, stephanie trong, nbc bay area news. and a big week next week, the justices hearing arguments for the defense of marriage act, signed into law by president clinton. and american academy of pediatrics has declared its support of same-second parent, saying marriage is in the best interest of children and offers kids long-term security, rights and benefits. the doctors made the declaration after four years of analysis and research. and new tonight at 6:00, over the passionate objections of students and parents, oakland school board has decided to close three schools, they will close down american indian public charter school and american indian public charter school two, the american indian public high school will also close, but that will close at the end of the school year in june. and while the school has some of the highest student test scores in california, the state audit last year found financial conflicts of interest, and nearly 4 million in questionable payments. alameda county prosecutors are continuing to investigate payments. now on the subject of oakland, it is one of nine california school districts, along with san francisco, that have formed an unusual alliance. the breakaway districts, going after hundreds of millions that the state was not able to secure last year. now the state is taking matters into their own hands with a powerful spokesperson leading the charge. nine districts striking out on their own. >> continuing the way we have been is not going to get us where we need to go. >> reporter: the oakland unified superintendent tony smith has decided to break away from the pack. >> california submitted a waiver that didn't get approved. so we're really at a moment where we have to think very different. >> reporter: thinking different has led to a first of its kind partnership by nine california school districts, including oakland, san francisco, los angeles, and sacramento city. they banded together to submit their own waiver from "no child left behind" requirements. >> so this is a third pass, if you will, it is not what california is doing or the federal government is doing. it is what we think is important to t granted, it will recover 300 million, and break new great with notable policies, including teacher negotiations, including a measure of test scores. and it will also rely heavily on peer reviews, and tests only students in the highest grade of the school, like fifth graders in elementary school, and eighth graders in middle school. >> that is contrary to what the federal government has allowed. they want you to test every student, every year in every grade. >> reporter: but the district has strength in numbers, with a combined force of a million kids. >> in conclusion, how strong the federal government will be, they will be flexible. >> reporter: the feds will give their answer in june. but meanwhile, the parents are piping in with their own support. >> as a parent, i'm happy that districts are collaborating. i'm sorry we were not able to do this at the state level so that all children could have a nice education or access to a better education. >> so now what does the state think about all this? well, state board members express strong support and authorize the superintendent and president of schools to draft a formal comment on the waiver. now here is the rub. if the nine districts get approval for their plan, you can look for lots of other districts to line up right behind them. and the u.s. is about to cast a much wider cyber security net with a new plan that will affect many of the country's private sector employees. the white house has signed an executive order expanding a cyber security program that scans internet traffic heading into and out of defense contractors. workers at big banks, utilities and key transportation companies will have their e-mailings and web surfing scanned as a precaution against cyber attackinattac attacks. and compromise and peace, that was the message president obama delivered today on the second day of his middle east trip. more from our world tonight. raj, president obama urged both the israelis and palestinians to get back to the bargaining table and stop negotiating to negotiate. but president abbas is demanding they build jewish settlements. president obama agreed palestine must have its own state but said that israel must live in peace also. today, there were rocker s -- rockets today. >> they may as well reject the earth underneath them or the sky above, because israel is not going anywhere. >> president obama, speaking in front of a group of israeli students today, at the end of the night, mr. obama was awarded the medal of distinction, the first u.s. president to receive israel's highest honor. and tomorrow, president obama will visit jordan and stay with king abdullah who is praising his visit. but protesters not happy. they burned the flag in the capitol city, upset with mr. obama's support for israel. and iran angry at israel today, making destructive threats, today, their supreme leader, ayatollah saying that they will threaten attacks. israel continues to threaten action if iran doesn't ban their nuclear program, but iran says the nuclear plan is for peaceful purposes only. and india's supreme court ordering a sentence for his connection to the mumbai blast know killed 250 people. he was convicted of buying bombs. 100 people were convicted for the blasts. 12 received the death penalty. and a hard and fast deadline, the european union gave cyprus untilñr money to secure money or face bankruptcy. and possibly an exit from the eurozone, cyprus needs 20 million to avoid default. the parliament rejected an earlier request. they are lining up to take out all the money just in case the country goes bankrupt. >> thank you, jenelle. and bringing cheaper gas to california, why the key to the lower prices at the pump could be loaded in on the rail. and a look at why march madness may literally keep your office from getting anything done. and good evening, in the nbc bay area weather center, incredible day today, looks like it will continue for tomorrow after some fog on the coast and by the bay. temperatures going to the upper 60s and low 70s. and if you're heading out to oakland this weekend, the oakland running festival this sunday, temperatures, low 70s, sunny skies by this afternoon, i'll be back with the full seven-day forecast coming up in moments. new law will require doctors to reveal potentially new life saving information for women who get mammograms. starting april one, doctors will be required to tell patients if they have dense breast tissue when they get a mammogram, they say it is more difficult to spot tumors in dense breast tissue. they say it may pose another risk. >> patients who have high dense breast tissue, are four to six times higher of having breast cancer, independent of the fact that mammograms are difficult to read. >> el camino hospital is implementing the law. they are informing women of their risk of elevated chances of cancer, and give them the benefits of screening. and new health research, researchers looked at data for doctor visits of more than 800,000 people with respiratory information. they found they needed to give antibiotics to 12,000 people with respiratory infections to keep just one from being hospitalized from pneumonia. and looking sunny and beautiful out there. >> beautiful out there, in the east bay, brown patches there, we'll let you know if there is any rain coming up in the seven-day forecast in just moments. and jeff, it is finally here, bay area playing host to a little march madness, we'll update you on the local teams, including the st. mary's gales, part of an unbelievable finish that had everybody on the edge of the seat, highlights and reaction, from the exfinity sports desk. if you like shrimp, then you're going to love sizzler's shrimp combos starting at just $9.99! four kinds of shrimp, seasoned just right and served in three new combinations. at sizzler! and served in three new combinations. the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters. relief for high california gas prices may ride on the rails, the nation's railroads are now moving record amounts of cheaper domestic gas on rail cars, including some heading for california. access to cheaper domestic crude should mean cheaper domestic prices, predicting the prices will drop to 3.75 in the coming weeks. and neither rain nor sleet or anything can stop the mail from being delivered on saturdays. the accountability office says that the usps doesn't have the authority to halt the delivery on saturday, as planned. they are bound to deliver the mail six days a week. the postal service said they were only planning to delivery packages on saturdays. and rentals for bikes and rafts, on the chopping block, the ice rng rink at curry village, and the famous hotel, a move aim the at restoring the park's natural setting. they will have proposed changes in a public meeting tonight in san francisco. >> they can't get rid of the famed hotel. it is beautiful, a landmark. >> jeff and i camp out in the wilderness. >> i'll take the other two. that would be nice. let's look, great weather out here, the activities, today was awesome. better as we head throughout friday and saturday. temperatures right now in the upper 50s, also low-to-mid 60s, and our computer is picking up on some of the most warming today, in the interior valley and east bay, warmer, three to six degrees warmer at this hour. the result of the warming really has been spurred off by the winds, out of the north, five to ten miles an hour, helping us to heat up. with the wind kicking around the bay area, we have seen the air quality improve, that is the great news here, north, central, east, south bay, all in the good category in the next 20 hours, the wind is kicking in the pollen, if you do suffer from allergies, the sun will be tempting, but you may need to limit the outside exposure. the high definition camera, san jose, looking off in the hp pavilion, the palm tree hs, and winds at 20 miles an hour. you can't get enough of this tonight. you feel like a tourist in your own city when you see this, looks like a post card, with the trees and sun setting in the next 30 or so minutes. in the forecast, areas of patchy fog, 38 in santa rosa, temperatures colder for tomorrow morning, where the best chance of some patchy fog will likely form. mainly up in the north bay also, back for the east bay, 42 in san jose, and 43 in los gatos. and down in the south bay, 70 for you, 71 in los gatos, 69 in palo alto, don't worry in the east bay, awesome weather here. 72 for you in walnut creek, 68 in hayward, 68 in pleasanton, and 73 expected in concord. if you're out in the sun in downtown, just enjoy it. that 67 will probably feel like 70 for you, 71 in santa rosa, cooler at the coastline, 57 in bodega bay, upper 60s in san mateo. on the three-day forecast, dry, right through the upcoming weekend on saturday and sunday. temperatures in the low 70s. don't forget the spf, only an hour or two out in the sun, a quick burn, cooler at the coastline, mid-60s for most of the coast, the only exception as we mentioned earlier, santa cruz, upper 60s, rain coming our way as we head throughout next week. not looking at a big storm by next wednesday, a slight chance of showers. but then as we head into thursday, late thursday night into friday, we may see a stronger storm than we had this week, could produce possibly a half or one inch of rainfall. everybody knows how much i love when it rains here, but today, this is awesome. this is why we live in california, right? >> and he brought his tie to match. >> always signals. >> thanks. okay, you know the drills, among the biggest sporting events of the year, and many of us watch march madness wherever we can, yes, even at work, in fact, so much basketball is watched at work that the band width at many offices gets clogged up. scott budman found a company that could help. >> reporter: march madness is everywhere these days. on your laptop, on your tablets, and on your smartphone. all that basketball streaming over wi-fi connections, is quickly bringing offices all over the country to their knees. >> so you see the spikes up and down, taking up more band width. >> reporter: those spikes, caused by people streaming the march madness, causes the data to move more slowly through the office. >> and stopping people from sending out e-mails, or moving files. >> reporter: it is what keeps sunnyvale's blue coat system going. think of a pipe, if it gets clogged up thanks to multiple devices due to high definition video, work stuff can't get through. so offices hire blue coat to keep enough of the pipe clear for important business. >> now, you have the remainder of the pipe for everything else, all the other types of traffic you want, whether it is e-mail or other types of web browsers. >> reporter: making sure that e-mail has its place in the office without driving you crazy. in sunnyvale, scott budman, nbc, bay area news. and with all of the basketball on. >> even in our news room, we'll admit. >> yes, lots of tv. >> kim kozimar gets paid to do that. >> all right, sports, the annual sports working holiday, known as the ncaa tournament, kicking into high gear today, two bay area schools involved. let's start with the st. mary's gales, trying to win their second game in the tournament after a win against middle tennessee state. that is right, number 11 seed st. mary's, taking on sixth seed. miss the three, memphis, next, st. mary's possession, banks in the three, gales down two, they need the ball back, they need to foul. but memphis, watch the inbound, turn it over. can't believe it. randy bennett, needed two to tie, three to win, 1.9 seconds left, what do you do? he has done it for you all year long, missed it. put back, coming up just short, the gales do, as well. they lose 54-52. >> just left the locker room -- probably the toughest locker room i have ever had to be in. our guys -- couldn't be more proud of a team. they put everything they had into that game. played a good memphis team, we thought it would be a dog fight and it was. so that is all you can do. we didn't shoot the ball great. so it has to do with their defense, but i couldn't be more proud of a team, there were a lot of taefr tears in there, toughest locker room i've been in. and that is the way it should have been. i told them that. this is the way it should be. you guys should care this much. and they did. i just told them how proud i was. >> more ncaa tournament, temporarily, at least, playing host to ncaa second round games, that is always neat to have in the bay area, brody brazil, a busy day, pac-12 representing very well. cal bears had a thriller at hp pavilion. >> 12-seeded cal has a five-point advantage over the running rebels. this game tied at 28, they went on the stretch for just about 11 minutes, could not score. cal has been consistent, three players reaching double digits. you can say the home team, cal getting the advantage of being only about 40 miles away here in san jose. so 17 points this game, time ticking down. cal will play the winner of the next game, they have the luxury of watching the next opponent as it is all over. if they indeed do win. as we told you, just under a minute left here in san jose, the golden bears with a five-point advantage, back to you, jim. >> a dashing brody brazil, san francisco 49ers wide receiver ted guinn, jr., signing a one-year deal with the panthers. he has played six nfl seasons. first round, arnold palmer invitational, solid day for tiger woods. this is on 16. little eagle for tiger. tied for four, three under, justin rose the leader, sinks a long birdie putt at 17, finishes seven under for the day. what happens when you have your own invitational, in arnold palmer's case, he got to hang out with super model kate upton, not bad at all. i am not even going to put a bad joke out there, you just figure it out yourself. hands off the super model. no pun intended. >> jokes, that is, jokes. >> you guys will love it. >> you know what he does, he is making bank off that thing, they are banking that thing. the iced tea lemonade -- why am i here if you know all of this. >> we're back in a moment. thank you, jim. tonight, at 11:00, the power of a personal plea, how a letter written by a 12-year-old bay area boy could influence the supreme court in the battle of the california's ban of same-sex marriage. we'll hear from that little boy tonight at 11:00, after "law and order". >> and we certainly hope you join us for that and more, coming up tonight at 11:00. have a great evening. >> now on "extra", jay versus jimmy, "the tonight show" moving to new york, fallon officially taking over for leno. >> jimmy did call jay to make peace. >> how soon it could happen and kimmel's new jab at jay. >> god, i really hope so. >> blake shelton and miranda lambert take on the break-up rumors with "extra." >> you guys coming out together to kind of dispel all of the silly rumors? >> our night with "the voice" stars and a seriously slimmed-down christina. >> you look amazing. >> wait, isn't she taking a break from the show? >> plus who will flash the six-pack first, adam or usher? now trending, tiger's surprised tell y'all about dating lindsey vonn. > why did you go live with the relationship? are miley's marriage plans back on? the new clues today as liam comes under attack at l.a.x. >> are you and january friends? >> donald trump's new celebrity target. >> he is a jerk. he has been a loser over the years. >> it's the world according to trump to lindsay legal mess to the pope. >> are you ready? >> fergie's first interview since breaking her baby news. is she quitting the black eyed peas. and extra's beauty by the numbers. >> three amazing before and afters of the hot new face lifts, no surgery required. >> "extra, extra!." >> hey, everyone, welcome to "extra" here at the grove. i'm mario lopez. >> and i'm maria menounos. blake shelton answers the rumors he is on the rocks with miranda. that's coming up. first, today's explosive story on the front page of the "new york times," "the tonight show" moving to manhattan and what it means for jay. a new late night seismic shake-up. >> it's "the tonight show." >> with jimmy fallon? the jay out, jimmy in breaking news reported by "the times," the "hollywood reporter" and even brian williams. >> always strange when your own company is in the news. >> the story fallon will take over for leno on "the tonight show" possibly as soon as next year. he'll do it in new digs. the show leaving l.a. and returning to its new york roots

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