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in. this one shows us quarter to marble-sized hail and nuke russ pictures coming into facebook of streets covered, lawns covered and minor car damage out here. not only gilroy with with the hail reports, but we got in from los gatos penny-sized hail coming in. we'll have it all hour coming up. >> thanks so much, jeff. they are still alive. the giants won again today to force a winner-take-all game five tomorrow against cincinnati. let's go live to cincinnati where scott reese has reaction from the giants. they brought their bats today. what a game. >> reporter: they found their bats, which is a great thing after totaling five hits in the last two games, although they won one game, obviously. tonight offense is not an issue. they had 11 hits, eight for extra bases. that is a giants playoff franchise record. we'll show you a couple of the more memorable plays beginning with with pablo sandoval, who they need to heat up in a hurry. that ought to help. 422 feet, almost into the ohio river. two-run shot made it 8-3. bottom of the ninth inning, santiago gets ludwig to foul out to first base. 8-3 the final. the series tied at 2-2. we're headed to it game fife tomorrow in cincinnati. >> you haven't done anything yet, but we had to get to this point. i'm proud of how the guys have fought, and last night was a tough game that could have gone either way. you know, your back's against the wall, but they've done a great job of bouncing back and getting to tomorrow's game, which, you know, the only way that happens is win the first two. these guys found a way to do that. >> winner go home situation and we're here to give he it all in the field. obviously, we have some rounds early in the ball game, and that's good enough for our pitching staff. >> much more coming up in sports including a one on one conversation with the guy who was really the hero of the night for the giant, tim lincecum. 4 1/3 innings out of the bull pen. for now in cincinnati i'm scott reese for "nbc bay area news." >> thanks, scott. let's go green as in oakland a's green. you're looking live at fans file sbug the oakland coliseum right now. in about 30 minutes the a's play the detroit tigers in game four of their best of five series. again, it's a must-win zir. the a's have to win tonight, or their storybook season comes to an end. if they win, they will force the fifth and decisive game tomorrow. fans have been tailgating most of the day and cannot wait to see what the a's will do tonight. >> who knows what's going to happen when you get on a roller coaster, when a roller coaster of positivity. >> i stay optimistic no matter what. i keep the faith and never give up. just like this team, they never give up no matter what. you have to stick with the team through the low times, and even if they're down in the game, you have to keep the faith. they'll come back like they always do. >> the roller coaster road of positivity. if the a's win tonight they play game five tomorrow. for the latest updates on the giants and a's including player profiles, go to now to a developing story. hercules police detectives are headed to a seattle suburb to question two people busted driving a car of a murdered mother of four. what police are saying and who the two people are? >> the two people busted are a husband and wife who have been on a crime spree since the end of the summer, and now hercules police detectives will ask them why in that murder victim's stolen car in the first place. darnell washington and his wife tania were arrested about 9:00 this morning after a police officer in washington state discovered they were in the car stolen from suzy's home. the 55-year-old was stabbed and beaten to death in her home on friday. this morning when the officer tried to approach the couple in the stolen subaru, the wife smashed beinto a patrol car and left the scene. the two were ordered out of the sub are you by police at gunpoint. after they were taken into custody, they discovered therm on a crime spree that started in southern california on august 28th. that's what darnell washington escaped from san bernardino county jail with his wife's help. on september 2nd he's suspected of wounds an l.a. county sheriff deputy. they are suspected in another carjacking and robbery between them and october 5th when suzy coe was killed in her hercules home. >> they're not calling them suspects at this time, but if they turn out to be, then it would be up to the various jurisdictions. what i learn from the media folks is there may be more than just two jurisdictions involved. there could be some others, and the district attorneys and states attorneys and so forth have to get involved and discuss this thing and decide how it's going to be prosecuted and who is going to have first bite at the apple. >> we reached out to suzy coe's family. while they're exhausted, teesd arrest bring them a sense of relief on the website the reinstated sheriff after the board declined to uphold charges filed by mayor ed lee. now what happens, and can everyone at city hall play nice? joedi hernandez spoke with the the sheriff one on one. it's been a long haul. does he think it's been worth it? >> reporter: it certainly has, and i believe he does think it was worth it. the reinstated sheriff returned to his offices here at city hall this afternoon. he says he is anxious to get back to work, and he says by his book he is officially the sheriff again. before he returned to his offices today, he took some time to share his thoughts and emotions with us on the roller coaster ride he's been through. >> we're tired. we didn't get much sleep last night to say the least. we're just absolutely gratified and thankful for all the aamazing support. >> reporter: though exhausted, the reinstated sheriff is all smiles. well-wishers stopped to congratulate him as he made his way back to work. >> it's time to heal, and it's not win or lose and what side or me being reinstated or not. i think it's time to heal, and it's nice that we all rise above, i think, this experience, which is agonizing for all of san francisco. >> reporter: he took time to talk with nbc bay area before he returned to the office. he says he's exhausted but ready to get back to the business of being sheriff. >> i'll honor all of the publicly elected offices that this city requires us to do so. this is what a mayor does. >> reporter: mayor ed lee says he'll work with him, but he's not happy with the board of supervisors' decision to reinstate him. >> i'm disappointed at these four individual supervisors who i think found their way to find an excuse. this is not what i believe to be qualities of someone holding the office of sheriff of the city and county of san francisco. >> reporter: that's not phasing mirarimi. esdz he told responsibility for bruising wife, and he says all he's been through will make him an even better sheriff. >> looking in the mirror and just not happy with myself, but doing everything i possibly can to be a better man, husband and father, better public servant. a lot of soul-searching and intro spekz. >> reporter: the sheriff says the first phone call he made last night after getting reinstated was to interim sheriff vicky hennessey. he said she was nice and gracious and looking forward to working with him on the transition, a transition that has already begun. reporting live in san francisco, i'm jodi hernandez, "nbc bay area news." in other news tonight, alameda county fire officials are investigating the cause of a four-alarm fire that destroyed several businesses at an east bay strip mall. it happened at the alvarado shopping center. one firefighter cut his hand fighting this fire. he was taken to a hospital, treated and released. this heat was so intense and the smoke so thick that 50 people in an apartment behind the mall were evacuated. one man we spoke with was inside one of the businesses when the fire started. >> then all of a sudden i smelled like a smoke, so i thought is that something is wrong with what i'm doing. i'm tipping my -- the smell is very severe, so i tried to look around. then when i go out, i see the smoke on the ceiling. >> the fire destroyed about nine business and took out a churnk f the roof. aa lightning strike could be the cause of this large fire in richmond early this morning. it happened at an industrial area just after 2:00 a.m. a pallet manufacturing plant caught fire. two acres of wood pallets burned and there are actually five businesses on this property. they were also damaged. still ahead at 6:00, the bay area online giant wants you to shop, and it's taking on amazon to prove it. it may not be the biggest city in the bay, but fremont is number one on a nationwide list regarding the tech sector growth. i'm stephanie trong in the warm springs district. how this list highlights how the city of fremont could bring tens of thousands of jobs to the bay area. and could there be more pain at the pump? the aannouncemennouncement from chevron refinery that drivers probably don't want to here. i'm jeff friendary. there's the doppler radar: more green showing up near the south bay. we're tracking all the activity and send photos in to our facebook at we're in near chaos the mayor concedes he sat down with officers to iron out the differences between city hall and the rank and fire until this week. it happened in this studio. in a story on bay area damion trujillo brought both sides together to discuss issues. >> reporter: they shook hands for the first time in a long time. san jose's may oor and city's police union, but low morale and pay became the topic. >> you have to provide an environment that makes people want to stay and not feel like that you are continually just taken to the bank every time. >> it was a tough thing for the officers to have to take a 10% pay cut. >> reporter: a riff opened between city hall and the police department a couple years ago when the mayor began pushing pension reform to get the city budget into the black. officers felt city hall was making them scapegoats for bad budgeting decisions. >> you mention ntd past you consider yourself also part of the problem because as a city council member when the bargaining unit approached the city, you voted to authorize whatever increases in pay and benefits. >> i agree. there's plenty of blame to go around, and i voted for a lot of contracts that i wish i could do over. >> now the city has to find a new police chief with the department suffering from record low morale and perhaps hundreds of officers wanting to leave the force for other cities. >> coming in, of a difficult battle to try and get it steered straight. >> it's a tough sell to bring in a qualified police chief to lead this major met police, may hor. what's the sales pitch. >> it's always tough to find a police chief. >> the mayor says good people want to leave the force, and about the ticket the police officers gave the mayor last month. >> i don't think if this is part of animosity. >> i don't know. i know that the officer that stopped me was completely professional, did his job. all the other stuff, people are worried about that and not me. >> he did agree to look into a union proposal to bring in officers on disability for desk jobs so those jobs can patrol the streets. for at least a half hour both sides sat together, and they talked. >> i'm sorry that they've taken it personally, but i understand that. >> i appreciate the opportunity to discuss it. nice to see it from the mayor's side obviously, and i hope we can get basket to the table and come up with real solutions it to tell us problems you have. >> if you want to do it here, we can negotiate. >> very diplomatic tinchts oakland is suing the federal government to try and stop a popular pot dpeispensary from being shut down. they filed a forfeiture action which operates under a city permit. the law firm representing the city says the federal government aktsed beyond its authority. barbara parker says they comply with state and local laws and pays its fair share of taxes. she said the suit was filed to protect the rights of legitimate medical marijuana cases. they and that the seizure be stopped and declared illegal. it may be the fourth largest city in the bay area, but it's number one when it comes to the volume of high-tech startups per capita. we're talking about fremont, an east bay city with 217,000 people says it's booming with jobs on the way. stephanie trong is live in fremont. the city actually says there could be work opportunities not just for a few hundred but tens of thousands of people? >> reporter: that number is right. believe it or not after suffering two major blows in this warm springs area with s solyndra south of where we are and newme, we here about job possibilities. city leaders say it's not the proximity to 680 and 880 infrastructure and the fall silts atracking people as well as the fact b.a.r.t. may be here in 2015. the city could see upwards of 0 30,000 jobs in this area in the near future. the last day at the stevenson business park. >> this area was used to be electrical testing area. >> reporter: the fuel cell technology startup is heading south, but not that far. oorja is staying in fremont. they attract startup companies to fremont. in 2009 the city decided to waive the usual business license fees for startups new in town. they can cost from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. >> it's very critical. >> sinh says close-minded business was another variable. >> i believe the approximation has a chance it to work with dirch vendors. a lot of suppliers are based in fremont. >> big industrial heavyweights like western digital and boston scientific and some of these startups are wanting to cluster around the bigger companies as well. >> fremont economic manager says the focus now is bringing more emerging tech business to the warm springs area. >> anchored by ses tesla's fact. >> there's a focus to make sure other non-tech businesses don't get lost in the mix. >> i don't think we're at that danger point yet, but we want to keep our eye on keeping that balance. >> balance in a city where many already harbor high hopes. >> this is another silicon valley waiting to happen. >> the business license fee was so popular for clean tech last year that late last year the city extended that another five years and added biotech companies to that list. any company new to town in clean tech or biotech gets five years of relief from the fee and the existing company gets a two-year break. >> there are some incentives. thank you very much. we had whacky weather today that had people running for cover. >> definitely dangerous for parts of the south bay around 3:30 to 4:30 this afternoon. we show you this photo, because it's a great depiction of the size and magnitude of the hail from quarter to marble-sized hail. not only enough to put in your hand, but if you're tuning in now enough hail in the parts of the south bay to cover streets, sidewalks, and also likely produce minor damage it to cars. this picture coming in from liz johansson around the gilroy area. any kind of rainfall with ana uplift just shot way up thousands of feet, basically freeze and dumped down over gilroy producing what was some wild weather that had a severe thunderstorm warning this afternoon. now rainfall totals are also impressive. some isolated areas are ponding and flooding in gill rye wi with .85 and scotts valley .25 and foster city with .13. most in a one to two-hour period, but most of the it's a six-hour roundup as the thunderstorm rolled through. now that's gone. we have quieter weather from morgan hill to gilroy. we have stronger weather off to the south of san wauj batista. looks like that will go close to her scotts valley and santa cruz. we're also monitoring other stronger storms near hollister that could impact gilroy for tonight. let's go out to that live hd sky camera network tonight. what you find in the south bay is not too much uplift left in san jose right now. no severe weather at the current moment, but we can't rule out isolated thunderstorms tonight. as we go into san francisco and oakland, you'll find some cloud cover also lingering around. as we head throughout the next 24 to 48 hours, what you find is an isolated chance of showers linger in the forecast. this storm system that brought us severe weather moves out and pushes off to the south. a very rare sight late hely, yosemite snow. not much, about 3 inches expected near 5,000 feet. this time last week, ladies, we had triple-digit temperatures and today 60s and 70s for daytime high. safe to say fall is here. >> it's here and arrived. thanks so much, jeff. still ahead at 6:00, predicting a child's reading ability. stanford researchers say they may have found a high-tech way to do it so it could help struggling students. we'll explain what one professor did to bring how holm the nobel prize in history. a serious security scare at a major california airport. back in a moment. at stanford today one of the professors won the nobel prize in chemistry. the second to be won by a bay area scientist just this week. brian kobuka and his partner that teaches at duke began their work on protein reseptemberors back in 1968. about half of all the medications acts on these receptors. it allows pharmaceutical companies to develop better drugs. >> stanford has been a really remarkable place. i'm not sure how i managed to land here, but i did. as i was telling someone this morning, i think it was the only place that offered me a job. >> the doctor said he got the famous phone call at 2:30 this morning, and five committee members passed the phone around congratulating him. when five talk to you in swedish accents in the middle of the night, you know it's the real thing. that chevron refinery in richmond crippled by a fire in august will keep the damaged unit offline for the rest of the year. chevron didn't announce that news publicly. it was mentioned in the regular earnings update released this week. some an cysts say pump prices will stay high. they're switching from the summer plend of gasoline to a cheaper, winter mixture earlier. several lawmakers call for investigations to determine whether the recent price surge was manipulation by oil companies. overnight california's gas prices dipped by half a penny. we still have the most expensive gas in the nation. san francisco prices are even higher. a gallon of gas in the city costs 4.73. san jose is 4.66, that's a penny less than drivers are paying in oakland. still ahead at 6:00, toy yettish use a major recall. security at the u.s. embassy in libya comes into focus in the aftermath of the deadly attack that killed a bay area native. there's a new fight brewing one day after jerry sandusky was sentenced. plus -- i'm marianne favro. the high court is hearing the by egs university rape case in years. we'll hear local reaction from bay area students. well, it is controversial and it is decisive. the u.s. supreme court heard arguments today in the most important civil rights case to come before justices in the past six years. it's a challenge to the use of race as a factor in admissions at university of texas. >> and bay area students are watching this very carefully, and the uc regents are actively weigh inning. marianne favro is live with reaction tonight. >> reporter: here on campus a hearing today is resurrecting the debate over which factors should go into determining which students are aadmitted. it involves abigail fisher, a white woman that applied to the university of texas in 2008. she claims her race prevented her from getting accepted, and she's suing university. >> i hope the court rules that a student's race andette nis he city should not be considered when aapplying to the university of texas. >> reporter: the university of texas standing by it's policy. at san jose state we asked students if they thought race should be considered during admissions. >> it should be equal opportunity for everyone. >> i don't think race should be a factor in admissions because, you know, students should be gin the opportunity to go to college regardless of who they are. >> whether people are admitted, it's important to get a variety of people, a certain percentage of each race to make our -- to make it more cultural around here. >> reporter: as the u.s. supreme court hears the case, san jose state said they support using race as a determining factor in admissions. it said it leads to a substantial decline in the proportion of entering students who are african-american, american indian and latino. california has experience with the impact of banning race from state university admissions decisions. in 1996 voters approved prop 209, which banned the practice. the supreme court decision will not affect that ban, but santa clara university law professor margaret russell says the court's decision could impact us in other ways. >> this will affect us in california in the sense that the supreme court, in deciding to take the care, has obviously signaled that it's willing to consider overturning the earlier decision that upheld the use of race. so no matter how it comes out, in terms of the vote, it's re-opened the debate. >> reporter: a debate becoming even more heated as university budgets shrink and the number of applicants grows. the u.s. supreme court is not expected to issue its decision until spring of next year. reporting live in san jose, marianne favro, "nbc bay area news." we want to share some breaking news with you. it has to do with b.a.r.t. there's a problem on the line right now heading eastbound. there seems to be a train that's disabled inside the transbay tube, so what's happening now is one of the lines isn't running so they're doing single tracking which means you can expect delays. that means people that may be headed to the a's game and going home, you will face delays of at least 10 minutes, could be more, until they figure out how to fix that equipment malfunctioning on the tracks. we'll keep a close eye on the situation, and we'll update you as soon as we get more information. the death of u.s. ambassador chris strooevevens and three ot members is shaking up capitol hill. they say the staffing of security in benghazi was, quote, correct. we have new details. >> reporter: to highlight his concern he had his terrorism adviser john brennan in libya to push the investigation of the 9-11-2012 attacks athat killed ambassador chris stevens and others. republicans charged the obama state department showed a lack of concern last summer after u.s. facilities in benghazi were attacked twice. zi >> i believe with more assets and resources just meeting the minimum standards we could have should have saved the life of ambassador stevens and the other people there. >> reporter: one of the witnesses agreed, lieutenant colonel wood. >> reporting from some libyans said it was worse. >> just five u.s. agents protected the main u.s. compound. staffers recommended more. >> there wasn't sufficient resources provided. >> that was one of the main reasons i asked for those resources, yes. >> back in washington charlene lamb said no. >> sir, we had the correct number of as pesets in benghazi the time for 9/11 for what was agreed upon. >> saying you had the correct number and our ambassador and three other individuals are dead and people are in the hospital recovering because it take moments to breach that facility doesn't ring true. >> the state department says two u.s. compounds were hit that night. one by a mortar that killed navy s.e.a.l.s trying to save the ambassador. i'm steve handlesman, nbc news, washington. the man behind the anti-islamic world that angered the islamic world was in a california courtroom today in connection with with a bank fraud today. he strilted his probation for a 2010 conviction on federal bank fraud. he's accused of eight violations including a computer, lying to his probation officer and using alias. he's been jailed without bond since his arrest two weeks ago when a judge labeled him a flight risk. in pakistan today an outpowering of prayer and support for 14-year-old schoolgirl shot by the taliban as she walked home from school. she was singled out because of her outspoken opposition to the militant group and her advocacy of other girls that want to go school. surgeons were able to remove a budget lodged at the base of her neck, but the next few days will be critical for her recovery. the case, as you can imagine, is getting worldwide attention. >> she was attacked and shot by extremists who don't want girls to have an education, and don't want girls to speak for themselves and don't want girls to become leaders. >> the young girl now injured has been blogged and you see video of her from before. she's been blogging about life under the taliban since she was just 11. the terror group has not only aid mitted to shooting her, it says it will try to kill her if she survives. investigators are trying to figure how the a man made it to l.a. from japan with weapons. he was stopped on friday after customs officers noticed he was wearing a bulletproof vest under his coat. a search of his suitcase found weapons that included a smoke grenade, a hatchet, knives, billy clubs, and a gas mask. he was on his way to boston from japan when he was stopped in l.a. he refuses to say what he planned to the weapons. so far there's no link to terrorism. one day after disgraced jerry sandusky learned he will lose his freedom likely for the rest of his life, sandusky learned he's also losing his pension. pennsylvania's public employee pension moved to revoke the 68-year-old's pension on the grounds that his sex crimes convictions trigger forfeiture. sandusky was sentenced to at least 30 years in prison for sexually abusing ten boys. sandusky's lawyer has said that they will appeal. still ahead at 6:00, the important warning about air bags. plus -- >> i'm scott budman, same day shipping and cow pouns. how ebay wants you to do more shopping from your phone this season. >> a serious medical condition on the rise among younger age groups. good evening. in the nbc bay area weather center we continue to track storms near the south bay at this hour south of santa cruz. we'll let you know when these storms will get finished and what your weekend ahead looks like coming up in just a few minutes. in health matters tonight, stroke victims are becoming more ko common in younger adults. researchers at the university of cincinnati college of medicine looked at first-time stroke victims over several decades. since 1993 the average age of a first stroke fell from 71 to 69 years of age. the percentage of stroke patients also under the age of 55 grew from 13% in 1993 to 19% in 2005. it's unclear whether improved diagnosis or chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and obesity are driving down the stroke age. a stanford university study is shedding light on reading skills in young children. they found brain scans can identify neurological differences between strong readers and weak ones. identifying how the circuitry reflects what's learned means it may be possible to develop special intervention programs for children who are poor readers. individualized lesson plans could be created also. studies have shown that those who don't read well as yun youngsters have poor reading skills 10 years later. >> a lot of that norm activity we had in the south bay, that is starting to wind down. we have a few rouge thunderstorm cells left. we track that and let you know if any moving into san francisco in a few minutes. i'm dave felben. the a's are playing do or die baseball. a starting pitcher was selling shoes this time last year. game five here we go. the giants take care of business in ohio, including a stellar perform frens tim lincecum. an exclusive one on one with the pitcher is up next. measures... measure up. money to our schools. "misleading." out here. it. but there's hope. straight to our schools... keeps it there. politicians. yes on thirty-eight. the feds are warnings drivers to double check their air bags if they replaced the factory installed one. they're worried about counterfeit air bags installed in u.s. cars. they say the fake air bags are identical to the original equipment except they don't work when deployed. car owners are urged to check a federal website, or to call manufacturers or local dealer shils to get their air bags checked. toyota is recalls 7.5 million cars worldwide. it must fix a faulty swichl because of injuries. between 2005 and 2010, and approximately 2.5 million vehicles in the u.s. are going to be xwablted by this recall, including the jaris, the 1/24, camry, camry hybrid and the highlander and corolla. they say the recall will slow toyota's comeback. last year the tsunami and earthquake in japan seriously disrupted the carmaker's production. just in time for the holiday shopping rush, a new way to rush what you buy to your front door. >> it comes from the silicon valley. scott budman shows you how to dial up special delivery. >> it's not enough to merely shop online this holiday season. >> it saves a lot of money and a lot of time. instead of driving around, i can do it in a couple of hours. >> you're now able to shop online wherever you are with your mobile phone. >> it would definitely sfashg my interest more. >> ebay has a new app to let you get what you want without the wait. this is ebay now rolling out in san francisco to let you get the goods you buy with same day shipping, something online shoppers tell us solves the problem. >> because ebay right now, i'm always with every purchase asking the vendor to send it out asap. i'm a last-minute shopper and i have a small business and to tie up funds for weeks is difficult. i usually purchase a lot of what i need just days before i expect to use it. >> for $5 an order, ebay like amazon and walmart will shop same day. >> mobile we announced a new app in the i tunes app store, ebay now and they have items from stores brought to them. it keeps them in the lead in term the of mobile shopping. >> they're trying to move beyond the online label while attracting more shoppers. >> i like scarfs. i got this online. amazon has good shipping deals, like two-day shipping type thing. that is a good incentive. >> like a gift delivered faster than you expect, it's a feature arriving just in time for your holiday shopping. jeff is already starting to give us some holiday weather. >> we need to buy a helmet. >> yes. it has been rough here especially in the south bay as far as na holiday, where the weather goes, we had plenty of 60s on the boards too and 70s. 74 in stant tata reese sa. we had the severe weather this afternoon. here's good news for you in gilroy. after the hailstorm from 3:30 to 4:30, the only thunderstorm cell nearby is well off to the south, and here's the other great thing. it's pushing out towards the pacific, so right now you're in the clear the at this point. we cannot give the all-clear for the bay area for tonight. we have instability, marked instability in the atmosphere. we find a few showers that are now starting to approach the east bay. nothing severe, but expect wet roads across 580. in pleasanton expect showers in the next half hour. we talked about the hail. i keep showing this picture because this is how widespread it was. if you're far away from gilroy, this happened in the bay area. streets, lawns, cars covered in anywhere from marble to quarter-sized hail this afternoon with some of the strongest reports coming in from morgan hill and gilroy at 4:43. we also had some penny-sized hail reported in los gatos. let's go outside right now. it's cold out here right now. most of the temperatures in the low to mid-60s as the system has rolled through. some skies are clearing out. in sunol, a beautiful sunset right now. not a whole lot of lift left of clouds. that's good news for our severe weather threat starting to wind down now that the sun is beginning to set. let's go into the weather boards here. over the next 48 hours is this expansive system in the pacific will impact this here as we head out friday in the upcoming week. right now we find that storm system we dealt with today starting to move to the south. we have a small break on thursday with quieter weather. we have 50s and 60s at the coastline and from 60s to the 70s for interior valleys. daytime highs should top out like this, 72 in walnut creek. no severe weather expected on thursday. by friday clouds increase, and we have a chance of showers here as we head throughout saturday at this point. for sunday, a lot of temperatures in the upper 70s to near 80 and warmer weather by monday, tuesday and wednesday of next week. so i want to thank everybody in the south bay for sending those pictures into our facebook. they had, you know, some areas of damage, the flooding and the hail. right now the good news is you're in the clear at this point. >> thanks so much. we'll go to sports now. big day for our bay area baseball teams. jessica is wearing the a's colors green. let's get right to dave feldman. >> i see that. if you're a giants glass is half-full type of guy, you might focus on the fact the up cincinnati reds hadn't won a playoff home game in 16 years. if you're a negative nelly you can counter with the fact only seven teams have come back with an 0-2 deficit to win the best of five series. that's what the giants were trying to do today. top one, andrew pagon, first post season leadoff home run in giants history. blanco with a two-run home run. giants are on top. tim lincecum came in on relief and he gave up one run in 41 1. game five is tomorrow back in cincinnati. this was a great scenario for the giants and jamie joins us now from cincinnati. quite a day for the team, and specifically, jamie, timmy lincecum. >> reporter: absolutely, dave. written on the dry erase board in the clubhouse, it says everything for the man next to you. i think tim lincecum really embodied that message out of the bull pen and giving his team a lift when they needed it the most. >> i think the situation kind of made it a little easier. op y obviously we had the lead and we got that strikeout. i felt like i kind of had the edge on ludwig in this situation. it's a righty-righty situation. tons of confidence out of the pen. jups letting go of what's been going on in the year and focusing on what we need to do to win. being aggressive on the mound throwing strikes. like i said, leaving it all out on the field. >> hunter said the message is we'll see you tomorrow type thing. you came in here 0-2. now the momentum has almost shifted to your favor. how do you feel coming here tomorrow as opposed to a couple of days ago? >> as good as we can. obviously, it took being in the hold to draw something extra out of ourselves. it's about digging deep and finding an extra to leave you on the field. so to have hunter like i said come in here and make speeches and one thing for it to take hold and for people to believe it, that's another thing. he hasn't been here that long. you can tell from the work ethic, z his men tamt how he attacks the ball, the way he goes about his business in baseball, this guy is all about baseball and all about winning and the team. >> reporter: and that outfit you saw tin lincecum wearing, he's wearing the same ning for the last two days and will wear it tomorrow as well. hopefully it doesn't smell too bad. reporting live from cincinnati, "nbc bay area news." >> all right, tammy. thanks. let's hope not. tonight it's the a's turn. they take on detroit. max spent the final weeks of the regular season dealing with injuries. a's counter with rookie righter a.j. griffin. we have more from the coliseum. >> what a difference a year makes. this time last year a.j. griffin was finishing off his single-a's season and selling shoe at nike town in palo alto. he does not need an off-season job as he takes over postseason duties on on the mound tonight. >> we're not going to quit until the last out is recorded. it's been going our way most of the year, and we're looking forward to playing some competitive baseball. >> he has to stay within himself and be the same a.j. it's been working for him all year, so you don't go in will with a different attitude. >> when billy beane that surprised him was the fact a.j. griffin has shown such confidence from day one. the starter is hoping to make his manager and boss proud tonight. i'm kate longworth, "nbc bay area news." kate, thanks. that's all for sports. i'm dave feldman. jessica and janelle, back to you guys. >> thanks so much, dave. for a full half hour of bay area sports coverage cayou can watcht tonight at 10:30. >> w tonight at 11:00, the giants live to play another day and the a's are making their push right now. we'll have complete coverage of both games after the premiere of "chicago fire." >> if you want more news go to comcast 186. we have kris sanchez. for now we will see you later and hope to see you back here at 11:00. good night. >> go, a's. alright let's break it down. mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ too bad the guys aren't here we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello

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