So lets start right now with nbc bay area chuck coppola, who is live near the anderson dam. Whats it like there, chuck . Reporter well, peggy and terry, its become the gathering point here. You can see all the people who have come to take a look at this. Anderson reservoir is 101 of capacity. You can see the water line behind me there. So lets take a look at whats brought everybody here. When that happens, it goes over the spillway lip and then down this plume, the spillway is lined with concrete. No danger according to the wart officials here of it crumbling. It is holding up rather well. Water Officials Say morgan hill down stream is not in any danger from this release. But if the approaching storms become heavy, there could be flooding in lowlying parts of coyote creek in east san jose. Saturday morning, Anderson Reservoir crested over the lip of its spillway and fell into cascade towards coyote creek. Its pretty cool. We dont see water like this every 10, 20 years. We came up here to see it and we got our show. I think its crazy. We used to kind of hang out around here and it used to never be this full. The reservoir above morgan hill has not held so much water since 2006. A relief valve at the foot of the dam was opened last month, but theres another reason why so much water is being released. The dam is considered vulnerable to a 7. 25 magnitude earthquake. It is required to be kept only 68 full because of that. Water Officials Say it will take four to nine weeks to draw down the level to that point. Is four to nine weeks reasonable . I i you know, its its its just a physical reality. It is what it is. We started releasing water from that outlet full blast on january 9th when this reservoir was less than half full. So we anticipate it. Reporter until the reservoir is drawn down, water officials and others are crossing their fingers that Mother Nature doesnt make a seismically sensitive situation worse. Im kind of worried. A little bit worried. Reporter what are you worried about . Just that it gets too high. If it keeps raining. But i think were okay. Reporter so far, nothing to worry about. A lot of sightseers, though. County parks and Recreation Department figures its taken in about 2,000 in parking fees alone. Well have much more coming up at 6 00. Reporting live at lexington reservoir rather, make that Anderson Reservoir, im chuck coppola, nbc bay area news. Chuck, thanks very much. And as chuck just mentioned, people turned out today to catch a glance of the reservoir and our viewers have been sending us video. We want to see your photos and videos, tag us on twitter or instagram or share them on our facebook page. You can also email them to us at isee nbcbayarea. Com. Crews are keeping a close eye on the water level at the oroville dam. As of 8 00 this morning, state water leaders say the lake level is trending downward. Its now about 35 feet below the top of the emergency spillway. Crews are continuing to work on the damaged area. The overflow of the emergency area on sunday caused a lot of erosion. That led to the evacuation of nearly 200,000 people. Well, gravestones halfway submerged underwater. Take a look at the scene here at Valley Cemetery on east mcarthur street in sonoma this morning. Prosecutors say three large oak trees fell overnight causing a water main break that flooded the cemetery. The surge of water also created a mess for homeowners nearby. Water was rushing through their driveway and through their backyard, as you can see. Some say they were able to keep it out of their homes, but they had to use sandbags. Right now lets check in with meteorologist rob mayeda. So many of these water stories and the wind has really cleared out any pollution. The air quality is quite nice, because the reservoir is filling up there near anderson, 101 capacity. Lexington, too, at 101 capacity. Coyote a Coyote Reservoir above 100 . A year ago, the state average was only 57 . Check out whats over my shoulder here. This is for late tomorrow into monday. A flood watch in effect for the bay area. Obviously the weather right now is quiet. But were dealing with another plume, an atmospheric river. Youve heard that term many times in this very wet winter. Once again, setting up to our west, which means the potential for some very heavy rain returning to the bay area over the next 24 hours. Well see the risk for flooding once again. Creeks and rivers on the rise, and you mentioned the wind. The wind advisory up to 24 Miles Per Hour and 20foot waves. Heading to the coast, well bring you the timeline on this next powerful storm coming up hour by hour, coming up at 5 18. Back to you. Sounds goo. Thanks, rob. The storm damage certainly bad in many parts of the bay area, but not as bad as in Southern California. Take a look at this mess here. Of course, flooded roadways here, emergency crews trying to help out stranded drivers. Coming up in about 15 minutes here, were going to show you the cleanup efforts that are hour underway. Now to a developing story in the north bay. A gruesome discovery in the point rays national seashore. Investigators say human remains were found yesterday on platform bridge road near point ray station. That road, just reopened within the past hour. Nbc bay areas Christie Smith live in marin county, where investigators, including the fbi, were out all day, looking for clues in this case. Christie . Reporter thats right. This is a joint investigation and the fbi is a part of it, because three remains were found on park service land. But today there are still many questions, like how long these human remains have been there and how they got there in the first place. Now, it appears the staff with search and rescue with the Sheriffs Department were coming and going at platform bridge road and point rays petaluma road a road. They went through the heavy brush as a precaution to see if there was any potential evidence left behind. A spokesperson for the Parks Service says a driver discovered the remains and that there was also plastictype material in the area that was not known if the remains were encased in it. Its also unclear as to if weather may have played a role. We dont know if theyve been in this one embankment down the creek or have the storms move them from another location. We dont know the answer to that at this point. Now, at the time that we spoke withspokesperson, he really didnt have much information on the remains, including the gender. Of course, the Coroners Office is investigating, as well. He did make it clear, though, that they believe that there is no threat to public safety. Reporting live in san rafael, Christie Smith, nbc bay area news. All right, christie, thank you. New at 5 00, not taking any chances. An oakland concert has been canceled tonight over concerns that the band scheduled to perform could incite violence. The band, marduke, was scheduled to perform at the Oakland Metro opera house. Police say they were made aware of groups that they make profits off of songs that glorify nazi imagery. Police specifically referenced the violent protests in berkeley earlier this month linked to altright blogger, Milo Yiannopoulos and that scheduled appearance there. The opera house released a statement that said, in the last week, we have read interview after interview with marduc spanning over the last 20 years and have found no statements indicating that the band are White Supremacists or antiimmigration, that being said, we dont want to subject our staff or venue to violence. Two local members of Congress Held an event today. In san leandro, Eric Swalwell held a roundtable discussion. At both events, storytelling held a central role while swalwell heard personal accounts of those who could lose coverage. People told me without the coverage they have under the Affordable Care act, they would be left in financial ruin. You have to talk to your friends in republican districts to tell them to call their member of congress. The stories are the most persuasive, the most persuasive arguments of all. Republicans are working to repeal and replace obamacare or the Affordable Care act, as its also known, but they remain split on exactly how to do that. Well, 30 days after taking office, President Trump held a campaignstyle rally in florida tonight. This rally came during mr. Trumps Third Straight weekend at his maralago resort in florida. He rallied supporters there after a pretty difficult week in the white house. The president fired his National Security adviser, attacked news outlets as fake, and, quote, enemies of the american people. And hit a new low in approval ratings. I want to speak to you without the filter of the fake news. The white house the running so smoothly. Meanwhile, protesters took to the streets of several major u. S. Cities again this weekend. They included los angeles, dallas, minneapolis, and new york. While in florida, the president is expected to meat with several candidates to replace ousted National Security adviser, michael flynn. The woman at the center of the Landmark Supreme Court decision roe v. Wade has died. Norman mccorvey passed away at an assisted Living Center in katie, texas, this morning. Mccorvey was known as jane roe during the decision that legalized abortion. She sought to have an abortion in texas, where it was illegal, kept to save a womans life. By the time the ruling came down, she had given birth. Never had an abortion. In later years, she staunchly opposed abortion. Mccorvey was 69 years of age. Now looking at a mix of clouds and sunshine out around Half Moon Bay, as the clouds thicken up, as we finish off the rest of the weekend. How much rain and how much wind can you expect to impact your sunday, coming up . Also ahead, why it was a nogo today for a spacex rocket moments before liftoff. And a San Francisco landmark set to close. The fight to save a longtime school building. Why dont i do a marathon every week . It sounds like a crazy idea, but for this former radio personality, its a Crazy Mission with a purpose. And also, it will make you bay area proud. Mission aborbted. Just secon before ltoff. Spacex canceled s roct launch to the internationaspaceo Mission Aborted just seconds before liftoff, spacex canceled its rocket launch to the International Space station today from Kennedy Space center. Ceo elon musk says it was because of a steering issue. It would have affected the second stage of the rocket. Spacex is hoping to fix that issue and be ready for liftoff by tomorrow morning. This would have been the companys first launch since the explosion of its falcon 9 rocket. That happened four months ago. A San Francisco community is not giving up on an historic Elementary School that served the community for more than 125 years. St. Charles Catholic School announced it will be forced to close in four months. The school located near south van ness and 18th street has seen a dramatic drop in enrollment and needs expensive repairs to make it earthquake safe. Staff members have set up a go fund me page to help with construction costs. The parish is asking parents to come to the School Tomorrow to enroll their children and petition the diocese to save that school. Well, talk about being caught redhanded. Gilroy police say 19yearold Nathaniel Luna was spotted vandalizing downtown businesses with markers on thursday. When police arrived, luna tried to run, but he was arrested shortly thereafter with permanent marker and ink all over his hands. Hes now facing felony and vandalism charges. Still to come at 5 00, a dangerous situation in Southern California. A massive cleanup effort after Severe Weather, i mean, severe. The mudsoaked homes and communities many people are returning to. And that powerful friday storm moving on right now. A bit of a break in the action, but it may not last long, as our sunday forecast includes the return of some wind, heavy rain at times. Well talk more about who will see the highest risk for flooding when we come back in just three minutes. 2 shot theoundingain todaleaving be Southern California got hit hard during this storm. The pounding rain leaving a lot of mud and mess and debris behind. Yeah. This was the scene right now in duarte. City officials declared a red alert because this area was hit hard recently by wildfires. More than 200 homes were evacuated early yesterday afternoon. A lot of people were coming back today to see what was left. And they say this is the first time their community has been hit hard. Last time, january 20th was a real big one. It was about twice as much as this. My gate slipped open and we got mud all the way up into right to the edge of the garage. Didnt make it into the garage, but spent all day like scraping mud out and my back was tired and, you know, so this is not bad. The city lifted the mandatory Evacuation Order at 8 00 this morning. Speaking of a little bit of a break there, i woke up this morning, it was raining, but then we did get a bit of sunshine this afternoon. Skies cleared mainly for the afternoon, after a very windy, stormy day on friday. As bad as things were here, you saw, Southern California actually took the biggest hit with that storm on friday. Right now, pretty nice evening in San Francisco. Certainly the drier half of the weekend taking place right now. 53 degrees in San Francisco, close to 60 in some spots a bit further inland today. Well show you ocean beach right now, solimilar view, looking pretty nice. Big surf headed your way, with up to 20 feet on the coast from ocean beach to Half Moon Bay right now. Wave heights, not too bad. It will be Tuesday Morning when you see that surf on the rise. Right now, dublin, 51 degrees. Kind of a cloudy and cool day around the trivalley into san jose right now. 53 degrees and temperature wise, not much change from that certainly jacket weather if youre headed outdoors this evening. But the umbrella, probably on hold until a bit later on tomorrow night into tomorrow morning. Temperatures in the Santa Clarita valley in the low 50s. Still breezy outside, not as windy as friday, but sustained winds, 20 to 30 Miles Per Hour. Those wind speeds will likely increase as we head through tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening. So wakeup morning temperatures in the mid40s outside. A little bit of light rain to start and some heavy rain picking up and well show you that hourbyhour as we head towards the evening. Close to 60 in san jose, over to pleasanton, concord, and back towards the peninsula, will be in the upper 50s. Similar temperatures from San Francisco, highs with mostly cloudy skies and periods, we think, of some light rain, at least to start, midday tomorrow followed up by heavier rain sunday night into monday. Here is the next storm, offshore. As we go hour by hour, youll see, sunday, the game starts relatively dry, 8 00 a. M. And by 1 00, youll notice how the rain begins to pick up, more noticeable around the coastal hilltops, as we get into midnight, north bay, santa cruz mountains, watch this. 6 00 a. M. Monday, lunchtime monday, still right there in the santa cruz mountains, into the evening now, that rain hung up over the south bay hilltops and santa cruz mountains. That will be the area we think that sees the highest rain totals out of the storm. You could see these areas picking up maybe 4 to 6 inches of rain in the santa cruz mountains, as we isolate that for you in the north bay. You see the highest risk for flooding, northern Sonoma County and especially once again through the santa cruz mountains. So, tuesday, things try to dry out. Wednesday, we see cooler, scattered showers rolling on in, as this storm will have a loc longlasting impact starting sunday night. It will carry us through monday evening. And then the middle part of the week, we begin to catch a break. Well still see showers at times, but that will be relatively cool air coming on in. So the main flooding risks should start to decrease by Tuesday Morning, but what sets the storm apart, as you saw in that hourbyhour forecast, that could be looking at 12 to 18 hours of steady rain in the santa cruz mountains. Wow. Thank you. Still to come, running a marathon every week for a year. Even he admits its completely crazy. But in former bay area radio personality says running likely saved his life. His mission to mark a milestone, its part of our bay area proud series. Think a marathon is tough trun . W about runng one everweek . It agy 2 shot think a marathon is tough to run . How about running one every week . It is a mission that one San Francisco man is giving himself, but it also comes with a purpose. Gar vvin thomas is here with todays bay area proud. The name greg mcquaid may not ring my bells at first, but when you hear him talking, you recognize a voice that was a familiar part of bay area air waves for many years. But now theyll see him running around the city, with a lot. These guys are just about to reporter there are some things, it seems, greg mcquaid, just cant quit. Lets say you have 20, 25 minutes . Reporter being a producer. Is that good . Reporter appears to be one of them. I like producing things. Not that i tell people what to do, but i like things done a certain way. Hi, everybody, im renee, thats greg. Welcome to the show. Reporter a local music podcast is what the former bay area radio personality known to fans as irish greg is producing and cohosting now. But for all the things that greg cant quit, this story begins with something he did. Smoking. I started smoking at the age of 15 in ireland. And its almost like a rite of passage, i think. Reporter a rite of passage that grew into a twodecade addiction. So i smoked a pack a day and had no exercise. And in general, didnt live a particularly healthy lifestyle. Reporter well, all that changed exactly ten years ago, when greg put down his cigarette and put on some running shoes. I replaced smoking with another addiction, which was exercise. Reporter and now, to mark the anniversary of that lifechanging switch, greg is attempting something pretty remarkable. Not just a marathon, not even ten. Greg has somehowed 52 of th vow them. Why dont i do a marathon every week . And everyone thought i was crazy, and sam, my wife, with thought i was crazy, and perhaps i am crazy. Were running around golden gate park. Reporter greg is half a dozen or so marathons in. Friends, at times, join him for a few miles here and there to help take his mind off the aches and pain. One of gregs goals is to raise money. Hes hoping for 100,000 for breathe california, where hes a board member. But there is a bigger goal. Reaching people and telling them that they can give up smoking and its not as hard as they think and you can lead a healthy lifestyle. Thats as important if not more important to me. Reporter gregs running partner the day we were with him was none attorney deane c carnassus. Greg says deane has been a mentor for him throughout this journey and you probably couldnt ask for a better one than that. I would say so. So inspirational. Just the quitting smoking part, that alone is amazing. Boy, more storms on the horizon. Robs back with a final check of the forecast, coming up. And then more local news onbc b. Weve got more on the way. Yes, we do. Some light rain to start during the day tomorrow, which starts up for monday, an allday rain event that looks like the heaviest rain totals coming down to the santa cruz mountains. Cooler systems to follow tuesday and wednesday, but not nearly the type of rain were going to be looking at on monday. So improving conditions as we head towards the middle part of the week. Look for indoor activities, get it done on monday. Thats for sure. More nightly news coming up after this. Well see you back here at 6 00. Good night. On this saturday night, deadly storms, the flood, the mudslides, the destruction from one of the most powerful storms to hit california in years, leaving at least four people dead. More Severe Weather is moving in. Campaign mode. The president with the people who swept him into power. A big rally on friendly ground while the Vice President reassures nervous allies about security, russia and the president. Roe vs. Wade. Tonight remembering the woman at the center of the landmark and still controversial abortion decision. Going on sale. Theyre everywhere this weekend. How can you tell if the item youre looking at is marked down . Tonight we go shopping for the real deals. And drawing their

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