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the other teen is recovering. investigators still haven't revealed a motive for the attack. prosecutors say they plan to charge the two teens with murder and attempted murder. a cousin of one of the boys is in custody on conspiracy charges. police, by the way, are still looking for another teenager suspected of having been involved the night of that attack. video of an fbi raid in san francisco. it turns out, it is connected to an fbi agent's stolen gun that we first told you about yesterday. nbc bay area's mark matthews broke the story this morning. he joins us live with what the agents found inside. >> reporter: this is the house where they found the gun. stolen from an fbi agent on sunday. we were behind fbi agents this morning as they rolled up on the house. fbi agents with helmets, vests and carrying assault rifles closed off this block of keith avenue, firing off a half a dozen flash bang grenades. >> just the explosion. >> sounded like gunshots. >> reporter: an elderly woman came out and stood there as agents served a search warrant. the fbi later confirmed they recovered the gun stolen from an agent's car on sunday. and that one suspect was taken into custody at the house. although we did not see anyone taken away in handcuffs. a woman saying the elderly woman inside was her grandmother. that woman went into the house carrying her baby. >> how's your grandmother? >> she's distraught. >> she is? >> yes. >> reporter: the gun was stolen from an fbi agent's car on sunday, an area so well known for car break-ins neighbors say it's almost a daily occurrence. >> i can't believe someone is so stupid as to leave a gun in their car. >> reporter: keeping guns from being stolen is a high priority but agents are people and things happen. over the past year, nine guns have been stolen out of law enforcement cars in the bay area. the fbi says it was surveillance video that led them to this house here in bay view. in bay view, mark matthews, nbc bay area. >> thank you, mark. we've just learned of a critical breakthrough in the debate over body cameras for san francisco police. today, the police union officially signed off on a plan to equip officers with cameras. the current proposal would allow officers to watch the footage before writing up incident reports except in cases of police shootings or in custody deaths. it's been a sticking point in this debate. the commission will take up the issue at a hearing tomorrow. a new clue today that police hope lead to a missing teenager. investigators say pearl was wearing a backpack similar to this one when she was abducted last week. it is purple and green with an image of the joker on it. investigators are hoping someone has found this. 15-year-old was last seen wednesday being dragged across a pedestrian walkway in vallejo. her suspected kidnapper later died in a police shootout. decision 2016. bernie sanders continues his barn storm through the bay area. now, the start of the day in emeryville and tonight after finishing in santa cruz he's head to monterey. sanders has drawn huge crowds but a new poll shows he trails behind rival hillary clinton in california by a wider margin than previously thought. certainly not the supporters want to hear. >> as you mentioned, sanders talked to some of those reporters about health care, speaking to an audience he knew would appreciate it, local nurses who showed up by the bus load to hear the senator speak. senator sanders is still scoring points in california. >> you want to hear crazy? >> talking about holes in america's health care system in front of a group of nurses in emeryville. you'll know that in order for you to do your jobs in the way you were trained and want to do your jobs, we need radical transformation of the american health care system. >> reporter: his multiday swoop through the bay area comes as a new poll from the bay area's hoover institute shows sanders trailing opponent hillary clinton ahead of the june 7th primary. >> first of all, california has always been very good to the clintons. bill and hillary clinton have never lost a presidential election out here. that includes her running against barack obama in the 2008 primary. >> reporter: sanders says he will still fight and has brought many new california voters to the polls. >> we've got a dysfunctional system and we are going to change that system. >> reporter: senator sanders will be in palo alto tomorrow for an afternoon rally. >> on the republican side, presidential candidate donald trump spent the day trying to explain how millions he raised for veterans charities was distributed. he released his lists of 20 different groups. but critics have said that he didn't account for most of it. trump lashed out at the media and his critics. our coverage tonights tonight on nightly news with lester hold with the issues of why trump says the reporters should be ashamed of himself for questioning about fund-raiser events. >> they said they weren't ready for the season to end. now prepping for the nba finals after another dazzling performance. >> he fires. yes. finals will be golden state versus cleveland 2.0. round one went to the warriors last year. fans were lined up at dicks sporting goods in freemont. trying to get their hands on gear. >> it's just a good year to be in the bay. it's a good year to be a fan. i'm going to see what i can get my hands on. >> games one and two are right here at oracle. first game's thursday. san jose sharks are regrouping after a tough loss in their first stanley cup final. colin resch joining us live in the steel city. one of their key players took to the ice with a heavy heart for game one. >> yeah, for sure, terry, heartbreaking news for defenseman justin braun delivered monday morning. dealing with a death in the family is never easy. his father-in-law, former nhl player tom lisiak, passed away after a battle with leukemia. braun played almost 19 minutes last night. today, his coach and teammates putting in perspective what braun is dealing with right now. >> it's hard i think he maybe tried to use it as motivation. yeah, it's tough. >> to justin's credit, he was business as usual. he always made some arrangements for after game two to pay his respects and do what he has to do on that end. i think we all appreciate it. >> based on that last comment, he is expected to play in saturday's game three as well. looking ahead tonight at 6:00, made some new friends at the airport the other day. how about from the southern hemisphere. you bonnet beliewon't believe t these two guys, it is amazing. reporting live, colin resch, nbc bay area. >> i'm jody hernandez. in concord. where police are on the lookout for a lawn thief. that's right, somebody stole a homeowner's artificial front lawn. i'll have details coming up. >> we're in the transformation business. life transformation business. >> this plane carries a special kind of cargo. how its pilot is helping to change the lives of kids across california. >> i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. a beautiful shot across the san francisco bay. the cool 68. it's going to get hotter this week. we're tracking 102 degrees. i'll have details in just a few minutes. breaking news, this is out of tracy, you're looking at crews trying to fix a sinkhole. this is on i-5 south of tracy where i-5 crosses with state route 33. happened this morning. initially, they were just out there doing routine maintenance and then they spotted there was a sinkhole. they decided that this damage is more extensive than they anticipated. so now two northbound lanes of i-5 are closed down and caltrans set up a detour that takes you through 132 instead. it's going to be close to thursday right now is what they're telling us. again, this is by i-5 where it crosses with state route 33. a sinkhole opened up and there's no way you can get through those two lanes. a community in mourning after a camping accident. two pittsburgh teenagers drowned saturday just west of the moore creek campground in amadore county, about two hours east of sacramento. they were cousins. authorities say the the two were jumping off rocks into a nearby river when they were swept away. ruiz was scheduled to graduate from pittsburg high school next week. the school is planning to hold a vigil on wednesday. the body a san jose man has been recovered from clear lake after sheriff deputies say he was killed in a freak boating accident. depp tips say the 74-year-old and friends were in a vintage speedboat when the right side of the boat came up, rose back down and broke apart. divers found his body yesterday. two others on board were treated at a hospital. taking green to make some green? a concord woman woke up sunday morn to find her front lawn made of artificial turf taken, gone. jodi hernandez is in concord where police are looking for the turf thiefs. pretty shocking to see you have no grass left. >> reporter: this is a new one for concord. even police are shocked. the woman who lives in this concord house woke up on sunday morning to find her artificial grass was gone. seems somebody pulled out the metal stakes that anchored the grass down and took off with the turf. >> sick. sick over it. >> reporter: that's how 79-year-old sandra fisher is feeling after someone stole her artificial lawn. ripping it right out from her concord front yard. fisher says a neighbor called her sunday morning telling her her turf had been taken. >> she said, sandy, didn't you like the grass you had, and i said, yeah, i love my grass. she said, well, it's gone. i'm, like, what? >> i'm appalled. it's like, good grief, do we not have anything better to do? >> reporter: her neighbor is outraged. shep says fisher, whose husband died a year ago, was trying to be drought conscious, when she spent thousands of dollars to replace her real lawn with low maintenance artificial turf. >> i'm really sad. we're just very concerned, too, because if they start taking the grass what else are they going to take? >> how low does it go? steeling artificial turf from a front yard? >> reporter: concord police say they, too, are stunned. they say it's the first time high-priced turf has been targeted and they hope it's not the start of a trend. fisher wants to warn others. she's still in shock. >> i couldn't believe it. i just couldn't believe it. >> reporter: now, concord police speculate perhaps the thieves intend to resell the artificial turf online or perhaps use it for themselves. of course if you have any information, you are urged to call the concord police department. reporting live, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> here in the bay area we're fortunate to have some of the best medical care in the world for sick children but what about all the sick children who don't live here? >> connecting those dots has become the mission of one east bay man. now the story in tonight's bay area proud. >> as much as doug loves piloting planes himself, his primary career has been that of a flight instructor preparing the next generation of pilots. he says he just knew that job was a good fit for him. just like he knew a decade ago he still could be put to some very special use. >> like a little sports car. >> given enough time, doug harding could probably tell you just how many times he's gotten behind the plane in his life. as a career pilot and flight instructor, it would no doubt be a huge number. doug though needs no time at all recalling exactly how many times he has piloted one particular type of flight. 100 hope flights, that is. it all started, decades ago, with a simple desire to help children in some way. and why not with the thing he knows best. >> now i wanted to help kids with all my years i learned about flying, how can i put this together. >> flying sick children from all over california and nevada to the bay area for life-saving treatment for free. children like 6-year-old isaac. isaac was born without much of his lower intestine and his family has relied on doug to get them from their home north of mt. shasta to stanford every few months. >> nothing more important than isaac. it means everything to us. we all know we can depend on doug to be there when we need him. >> not just in the transportation business, we're in the transformation business. >> doug is of course proud of hope flight's 100th mission. but can't help think what more he'd like to do. there have been times doug had to say no to a family because there wasn't enough money to pay for fuel. and he'd love a larger plane so home flight could accommodate stretchers and patients who need more room. sky high goals for sure. who better to reach them then one who knows how to get there. he said he's dedicated to doing this. you see how calm he is? he said that's one of the things that made him a good flight instructor. >> a wonderful gift he can give those families. lovely. >> great job. >> thank you, garvin. >> it is hot out there today. you probably knew that. it also means the chance for a brushfire increases. this small one happened in san jose. it was put out pretty quickly. but, there you have it. >> the next few days are going to be hot so people need to be vigilant. >> the worse fire danger arrives by friday. winds turn dry. coming out of the east right now in our microclimate forecast. you can see a beautiful shot here in san francisco. the fog continues to move in right across the bay. it was because of that fog the coastline stayed cool today. but the cooler marine air was not strong enough to knock down our temperatures hereby for the interior. as we head throughout tomorrow, we are anticipating temperatures to start off mostly clear and 53 in san francisco. the peninsula, 57. the south bay at 59. let's take you into the microclimate forecast. temperatures not going to change too much for tomorrow. bottom line, it's going to be warm to hot for a lot of us in the south bay. we have 93 degrees expected in cuperti cupertino, san jose, 92. for the peninsula, we have 67 in pacifica. the main reason why palo alto will not see 90s is because the cool wind at the coastline will remain. that's also why san francisco stays in the 60s. let's take the warpest microclimate in the city, the financial district and 69. for the north bay, the trivalley, we have our hottest temperatures tomorrow in the trivalley. danville expecting 97 degrees and livermore 95. for the east bay, a widespread mix of conditions. oakland, 75. walnut creek, 94. freemont, 92. north bay, napa, 89, mill valley, 83. all of this heat, every single bit of it across the entire valleys, all being driven by this area of high pressure. that stays with us through friday's forecast. there's going to be a key change on friday. we talked about our fire danger increasing the most then. that has everything to do with the wind. what you're going to see here is the winds will it unmore to a dryer direction coming out of the east. any kind of air here for the interior valleys is just continually passing over the land. that's why the humidities will continue to lower and temperatures will begin to increase. so friday, no doubt, the hottest day in the forecast this week. here's what it's going to do to temperatures. the coastline, we're not expecting 80s, but it will be close in san francisco, with 79 degrees. for walnut creek, a very hot 102 degrees. as we take you into your weekend forecast, we're going to see some changes in those temperatures. gradually, we're going to see them drop from 102 in the trivalley on friday, down to 97 on friday. all over the place, bottom line, hot through friday, then 10 to 15 degrees of cooling as we head into the weekend. >> all right, jeff, thanks a lot. we're moving around. talking about rain. coming up, how a melted bucket caused a potentially tockics situation in palo alto. >> a new tool to help you tell on your neighbors if you think they're abusing airbnb. too short to fly. a woman is stopped while boarding a plane because a happening now on facebook, too short to fly. a woman is stop while boarding a plane because the pilot said her shorts were too short. she said she's worn the outfit before with no problems. a cleveland cavaliers fan forced to eat his shirt after betting against the warriors. see how he made it somewhat edible on our facebook page. we want to take you back out to breaking news happening south of tracy. a sinkhole has northbound lanes want to show you that breaking news again. happening a little south of tracy. you're looking at live pictures from our chopper. this started off as a one foot in diameter sinkhole and they discovered much bigger. some of the estimates are maybe 15 feet in diameter. this is right south of route state 33. call trance crews are trying to fix the sinkhole. at this point, there's a detour set up because these lanes will not be open until maybe thursday. there's going to be a six-mile detour. >> chemicals incorrectly mixed in a bucket. the fumes prompted some 50 workers to be evacuated. one employee was hospitalized. 14 were exposed. were treated on site for shortness on breath. the chemicals were apparently nearing their expiration date and were about to be thrown out. the bucket in which they were mixed melted. the company makes transformers and electromagnetic components. airbnb launched a feature called the animal house button. renters who turn out to be party animals. residents who claim running next to an airbnb unit was disrun thing and upsetting. they can use airbnb and your neighborhood. go to the web site, list your complaint. you do have to identify yourself. the airbnb promises not to tell who it was who complainted. >> back with more in a moment. nbc bay area responds. =anim= =vo= we're unveiling our new tonight at 6:00, nbc bay area responds. we're going to introduce you to our new consumer reporter, show you how he helped a bay area woman get money back from aaa. when duty calls, officers answer. a stranded sea lion pup. the pup was found on ocean beach yesterday around 1:00 in the morning in a stair well shivering in distress. police called the marine mammal center and were told the rescue van was too far away. so the center asked if the officers could stay and watch the little guy until they could get there. that was until the morning. the sea lion pup is now in maran being cared for. i would have stayed all night too, he's so cute. >> yeah, way to go. nightly news is next. tonight, follow the money. what happened to those millions of dollars donald trump says he raised for veterans. trump, angry and combative. >> he's a sleaze, in my book. you're a sleaze. >> when confronted about whether he handed it over only after reporters started asking questions. late word tonight, the parents under scrutiny by police after the gorilla tragedy that sparked a nationwide debate. new emergency evacuations as unprecedented floods tear through texas. at least nine dead as rivers overrun their banks with no way to escape. road rage horror, caught on camera. a driver knocks over a motorcycle, then runs it over, speeding off as bystanders rush in to help. and the monster gator trading the swamps for the golf course. and it's better for business than you

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Nevada , United States , Oakland , California , Texas , Ocean Beach , Bay View , San Francisco , Emeryville , Pacifica , Moore Creek , Danville , San Francisco Bay , Sacramento , Monterey , Mill Valley , America , American , Colin Resch , Doug Harding , Jody Hernandez , Barack Obama , Cupertino , Jeff Ranieri , Jodi Hernandez , Justin Braun , Sandra Fisher , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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