Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20150420

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christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> thank you so much. san francisco sheriffs may be heading to court tomorrow, lawyers are expected to try to expunge the record. a controversial figure in san francisco after a new year's eve altercation with his wife in 20011. he was charged with domestic violence and child endangerment. he pleaded guilty to false imprisonment. he was suspended from the sheriff's office during that investigation but later reinstated. heat running for re-election in november. but is not expected to win. tomorrow's hearing could be meaning he's eyeing jobs with a conviction could pose a problem. one person is hurt after an apartment fire. flames broke out 10:00 this morning at a four-person complex on fourth street across from wildwood park. firefighters first got there, they found heavy fire conditions and called for help. one person suffered minor injuries. the red cross stepping in to help people who have been displaced find a place to stay. right now looking to see how the fire started. and we have a follow-up on the wildfire that forced 200 families to evacuate in southern california. hundreds of firefighters battled the chino hills blaze overnight as it burned more than 900 acres. tonight it stands at only 25% contained, and the evacuation orders have been lifted the fire started yesterday in chino hills east of los angeles. no injuries have been reported so far. the weather certainly changing this week. a chance of rain is in the forecast. hopefully that will help out. meteorologist anthony slaughter joining us now. as we look at wildfires in southern california, it's typical, this is what they deal with this time of year but a little bit of moisture, is it going to head there, too? >> showers across the sierra and southern california. you've got lightning with that. it's always a catch-22 when you get that monsoonal moisture this late in the season. yeah firefighters going to have to be on guard even though we're still in the drought we've got showers firing up but come with a chance of thunderstorms. you can see, fog, returning across the bay area and that's what we're going to wake up to tomorrow. temperatures cool right now. 55 degrees in half moon bay. 6 in san francisco. 68 in san jose. all because of the onshore wind that's been strong all day and that's going to keep fog in place tonight and tomorrow. you can see the showers and thunderstorms firing up across the sierra with lightning this evening. yes, firefighters definitely going to have be on guard. storm system pulling into place, that's going to arrive as we head towards the next few days. increasing clouds by tuesday. we'll see showers across the north bay and then all of this activity will spread into the bay area by wednesday. not expecting a lot in terms of rainfall but the thing about it, over the next several days in fact, next seven days four of those days the sierra's expecting thunderstorms. so, again, firefighters definitely have to contend with that as we move through the next week. of course, we'll continue to track this storm in my next report and let you know how cool it's going to go with temperatures coming up. >> love to see that green on the screen. thank you. a live look now at san francisco. what a beautiful picture tonight, as you see this. a downside as you know if you live here the city is the worst market in the country for renters. that's according to forbes latest list. average rent in san francisco is $2800, that's the average. most people say you're lucky to find something maybe around there. the vacancy rate by the way, only 3%. there's just no inventory. it's only slightly better in the east bay and south bay. we head over to oakland, average rent there about $1800 per month. vacancy rate even worse. in san jose rents run 2200 on average. still, forbes listed all three cities as the worst places for renters nationwide. in oklahoma and across the country, it's a somber day. 20 years ago, the oklahoma city bombing. 168 people killed hundreds injured during the anti-government attack on the federal building in oklahoma. the national memorial features an empty chair for each victim killed. president bill clinton spoke at the ceremony reflecting on the lives that were taken. >> there are people who think they can bhater more and they can make a statement by killing innocent, snuffing out possibility that they can somehow bend the arc of history. they're wrong. >> bomber timothy mcveigh was executed in 2001. his accomplice terry nichols, sentenced to multiple life terms. a violent weekend near the delaware state university campus. three people shot saturday at a fraternity and sorority cookout all victims are expected to survive. another shooting happened early sunday at an apartment complex off campus. no one was injured there. it's not too clear whether the two shootings are related. police continue to look for suspects. class is back in session tomorrow. and the man who illegally landed his gyrocopter on the lawn of the u.s. capitol returned to florida this morning. doug hughes grew up in santa cruz and the son of janet hughes, a local politician in 1970s. his mother leaned to right in politics hughes is getting positive attention from liberals for his stunt. lauren make spoke to him as soon has he got back home. >> i told you it would be fun. >> reporter: doug hughes is back at home where he's been ordered to stay after flying his gyro plane into washington, d.c. >> one single pass up the mall and took it right up to where i intended to land. >> reporter: he made it to the grounds of the u.s. capitol causing a national stir but describing a different view from the air. >> people were not frightened at all. they looked at it and people waved at me. >> reporter: the stunt, though sent shockwaves across the country over d.c.'s security. if he could do it, who else could? >> we need to be worried not about whether or not somebody can fly into d.c. we need to be worried about the pile of money that's going into congress. >> reporter: hughes tells us everyone will make up their own mind about him. >> do you consider yourself a patriot? >> no i'm a mailman. >> reporter: as for the gyro plane he used to carry his message, he doesn't expect to get that back. >> my expectation is they're going to melt it down turn it into beer cans. >> all right. hughes' house arrest begins tomorrow ordered to wear an electron electronlechic monitoring bracelet. jailed for planning to pass out stickers against sexual harassment harassment. the harassment one activist endured behind bars. weddings aren't just expensive for the bride and groom. talking about the high price tag the average guest is paying to attend the wedding. tragedy in the mediterranean sea might have killed close to 700 people. nbc has the report. >> reporter: if the death toll is confirmed, this will be the single deadliest incident involving migrants in the mediterranean on record. survivors say the boat was carrying as many as 700 people. only a few have been rescued so far, and the hope of finding more people alive is dimming by the hour. the tragedy's the latest of a number of incidents involving migrants in the med teriterranean. in the past week 10,000 were rescued, 900 have died since the start of the year including those who may have perished last night. these are record-breaking numbers, set to increase in summer when calm season good weather sees a speak in migrants crossing. this latest tragedy has reignited criticism towards how the european union is dealing with the problem. >> we've lad 1 1/2 year now to talk about that and discuss that and plan for that. the eu governments are all sort of starting to discuss that and saying, it's unacceptable we have to do something. but something needs to be done. >> reporter: at the end of last year a wide range search and rescue operation by the italian navy credited with saving 170,000 lives replaced by asmaller, and limited, motor control operation run by the eu. the pope was among those who call for immediate action. on sunday a heartfelt appeal to the international community act decisively and promptly to prevent such tragedies from occurring again. >> china, the most prominent of five recently released feminists spending 37 days in jail has only made her more dedicated. activist openly gay, was detained ahead of international women's day. she and four other women were jailed for their plans to hand out stickers and flyers denouncing sexual harassment. her girlfriend and lawyer relayed her first statement since her release. deprived of sleep and had cigarette smoke blown into her face while chained to an interrogation chair. still ahead -- the touching story how a community came together for a girl expected to spend her birthday alone. no matter what you always want your child to have a good bth day birthday. nbc's adrian brodas a remarkable 10-year-old girl and the birthday party that became a viral event. >> i'll never forget. thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. >> reporter: to understand jenny's tears you must take a step back and listen. >> i'm wearing a shirt -- >> reporter: to story of her daughter mckenzie. >> courage, be kind. >> reporter: when she was 1, the courageous girl had a tumor. >> on her tailbone fused to her spine. >> reporter: her dad said that led to his daughter's diagnosis. >> a pretty rare genetic disorder. you know it causes giantism where kids grow at a faster pace. >> reporter: tuesday mckenzie turns 10. but 24 hours ago, everyone rejected an invitation to her birthday party. so her mom posted a message on social media asking friends within her circle to help celebrate. >> sad. sad no one was coming. >> reporter: she hoped for ten. >> thanks for having me at your party. >> reporter: but received the unexpected like vikings player, charles johnson. >> happy birthday. >> reporter: sam's club and mr. pig's stuffed barbecue donated food and beverages for 250, and celebrating the little girl -- >> i'm having a hard time making friends in school but thanks to all of you, i love you all. >> reporter: strangers came bearing presents for mckenzie. but the girl with the shirt bearing the words "courage and kind" gave everyone here a gift. >> thank you for reminding us how we should treat each other every day. >> how cool is that? to go with her giant birthday party, the mayor of minnesota proclaimed saturday mckenzie day in her honor. happy birthday to her. 400 cyclists did practice runs for the annual aids life cycle fund-raiser. it was no relaxing sunday ride however. today's 665-mile ride started out in berkeley. a warm jum for cyclists planning to take part in i 545-mile bike ride in may. the goal of the aids lifecycle ride to raise money and awareness for hiv and aid services. >> the disease is still in need of help and people are still in need of services to one, prevent new infections and two, help people infected with hiv and aids. >> 2,000 riders head down the coast at end of may. expect to raise $15 million for the cause. big endeavor there. 545 miles. anthony slaughter is here. check in on the microclimate forecast. pretty nice saturday. sunday. >> cloudy at the coastline. sunshine inland. and kind of in between in the peninsula and north bay. but i want to start off with time lapse. had them talking all day long, ocean beach, socked in with cloud cover and fog. if that's your cup of tea, that's what you had for today. meanwhile in the south bay, lots of blue sky and high thin clouds streaming overhead mt. hamilton camera. everything across the bay, even thunderstorms firing up this afternoon across the sierra and lightning strikes with those as well. meanwhile meanwhile, at home mix of sun and clouds we don't have rain yet. as we move through the next few days talking about showers in the forecast. in fact, as soon as tomorrow for the north bay. right now, notice as we step outside, show you what's happening, south bay, peninsula, tri-valley, blue sky. temperatures in the 60s and 70s. 76 in livermore now. san francisco, meanwhile, 62 degrees and lots of fog and cloud cover streaming in even in the north bay, of 6. fog is returning, tomorrow, morning fog. tomorrow afternoon, mix of sun and clouds like what we're looking at today. 64 san francisco, 78 for the tri-valley. 72 for the peninsula. cooling down even in the south bay tomorrow, 74 degrees. it will continue to cool down. not only for tomorrow but through tuesday and wednesday in the next two days because of the storm system expected to impact the region. it's a cold system but unfortunately it doesn't have a lot of moisture to work with. as it moves its way, we're going to get a little bit of showery activity but it not going to be all that much. just talking about a few hundredths of an inch maybe a quart or of an inch. the core's expected to pass over the bay area but again it doesn't have enough moisture to work with. unfortunately, this isn't going to be a big system for the bay area. more than anything we'll notice a cooldown and more cloud cover. notice, a tenth of an inch expected with the system. we have better news. as we move through the next seven days we have another storm system forecasting into next weekend. this is the first of two that we're expecting in the next seven days. temperatures cooling off, even in san jose. in the mid-70s tomorrow expecting upper 60s by wednesday and thursday. even for santa rosa. we'll have the best chance of seeing showers tomorrow afternoon there. tuesday a dry day for you. wednesday and thursday showers expected to be more widespread. as i mentioned, next seven days we have another storm system. sunday night into monday next week another storm expected to impact the bay area. this looks more promising than the one that we're forecasting for this week. overall, none of the storm systems will end the drought but at least putting it's back in the right direction. >> absolutely. we'll take what we can get. thank you. we're on the cusp of wedding season. it's just around the corner. it a time and money flying out the door not just from the happy couple for guests attending the wedding. kelly grant has a look at average cost of being a wedding guest this year. in some ways also you might be able to save. >> if you're the person who cries at weddings, these days it might be because of how much money you've spent to be there. the average wedding guest is going to spend $673 this year according to the new data from american express. and that's just to see the "i dos" do a little dancing, have some cake. you're a member of the bridal party you're going to spend even more. $701 on average. the bulk of the costs come from travel. so estimate the tally before you rsvp yes to a descontinue nation wed organize any wedding that requires you to travel far from home. book the hotel in advance before the couple's discounted hotel block fills up and use an app like hopper to figure out the best time to buy that air fare. look on the invitation for details that could add to your out of pocket costs, like tuxedo, gown rental or the cost for a baby-sitter, if the invite is adult-only. pay attention to extra charges for things like coat check valet parking or cocktails. the gift average spent is $106 for a friend and $142 for a family member. but don't base that on how much the couple is spending to host you. experts say your best bet to look at your own budget and factor in how close you feel to the couple. for, i'm kelly grant. next troubling new smoking trend among teenagers how the young crocodiles are making a long journey from swede tonight cuba. we'll show you how this came together. new report shows while regular cigarette use dropped aamong teenagers e-cigarettes are the rage. janelle wang joins us with how california is trying to get kids to quit. >> reporter: the e-cigarette industry says it's not trying to target teenagers but the hello kitty packaging may tell a different story. e-cigs come in all kinds of enticing flavors. like regular cigarettes they contain nicotine. >> nicotine is we know for sure, an addictive product. put into the hands of teenagers who are more susceptible to addictive products this is a problem. >> reporter: the cdc released its latest findings today. it found 2 million teens, more than 13%, use e-cigarettes last year compared to only 4% a year before. >> the fact that youth are even experimenting with these products, which we know can have lasting effects on their developing brain, can cause adduction and lead to sustained tobacco use is concerning to us. >> reporter: the cdc is working on a nationwide ban of e-cigarette sales to kids under age 18. 42 states including california enforce a similar law but teens are buying the e-cigs on line. mark leno has proposed a bill that would define e-cigarettes as tobacco products prompting them to fall under the existing smoke-free laws. most bay area counties passed their own laws bang the use of e-cigarettes in certain public places like the workplace and restaurants but that done seem to be stopping more and more teenagers from vaping. another troubling trend, about 10% of high schoolers using water pipes. we'll be right back. next also nbc "nightly news." here's a preview. >> tonight on nightly news 700 feared lost at sea as a boat carrying migrants capsizeds. an income exclusive the son of tulsa shooting victim eric harris and his mother speak out. a promising new treatment for the deadliest of diseases lung cancer on nightly news. decades after their parents were given away ten baby crocodiles are heading to cuba for a very important mission. zookeepers in stoling home are sending baby crocs to increase cuba's endangered crocodile population. how does this come together? castro gave a pair of krobcrocs to the votes named hillary and castro. the cuba has very few crocodiles remaining, their offsprending sent back and hoping to repopulate cuba's population of crocodiles. >> a big baby. >> so cute until they get big, right. >> came out big. >> that's right. true. all right. how are we doing for the rest of the day and the workweek? >> nice rest of the day temperatures cooling off. fog expected to return into the bay area. right now it's going to continue to stream on in. tomorrow morning, fog, cloud cover like today. and then showers expected by tuesday night into wednesday. those showers will continue for wednesday into thursday. and overall, temperatures expected to cool off with another storm system expected by next weekend. so you know, it not going to end the drought, we always say that but it is great news because we need the rain. >> yes, spring showers for all of the gardening. nbc "nightly news" next. on this sunday night, the desperate search for survivors after a ship full of refugees capsizes. tonight, hundreds remain missing. nbc news exclusive. loved ones speak out about the man shot and killed by a reserve deputy who pulled his gun instead of his taser. second chance, the new drug that's offering hope to some battling the deadliest form of cancer. day of remembrance, 20 years later, hundreds honor those killed in the nation's worst act of domestic terrorism. and league of her own. the beloved bat dog that's become a fixture at the ballpark. >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news with lester holt." substituting tonight carl quintanilla. good

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New York , United States , Wildwood Park , California , Oakland , Ocean Beach , China , Florida , Minnesota , Oklahoma City , Oklahoma , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Berkeley , Sweden , Mediterranean Sea , Oceans General , Oceans , Cuba , Chino Hills , Italy , Italian , Swede , American , Timothy Mcveigh , Lester Holt , Terry Nichols , Charles Johnson , Carl Quintanilla , Doug Hughes , Janelle Wang , Eric Harris , Los Angeles , Janet Hughes , Christie Smith ,

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