Another look noathe Early Morning fi. In the ght of day. This is aerial veo from ournbc chopper, thate shot around 7am. You can see all the oke cing out of the building. And thats after the ams were mostly put outour investigative tm is looking into theconstruction companyehi the project. And also checkinout theire response times. Well have more othis developing story,tonight at5 and 6. Sam cu another fire brokeut thismorning this one thepeninsula at a barn redod city. Take vo no one was hurt ithtwoalarmfire at sodinisonl camino real as crewsuicklgot it under control. The fire startearound 30 and was mostly conained tthe rear of the buildi. El camino real shudown forhours in both dirtions we talked to thears owners. Who were shockwhen they arrid. Take sot outcue. Im doingkay. Runs 0 21 cont vo take cont vo the cause of the fe is der investigation. Anim kris cuthe number one queson on eryones nd right no is it going to rn while my ds are trickortreatg . 2xvid here a live lk at the goen gate bridge on o left ouradar on t right. Adlib. Lets turno meteorologi rob mayeda. Rob is this a scyforecast. Rob wx chroma sam take vo rain in the bay aremeans snow in the sierra. Look at this videwe got thismorning in donner suit. Snow plows getting me rk in clearing the rds. Parts of le tahoe sawore than aoot osnow thisweekend not enoh for s resorts to open f halloweebut hopefully witn theext few weeks. Sam fullreen and downlo our nbc baarea to track tonights rn with our livdpler radar. You can also sign for aler for when rain willrrive in your neighborhoodits free for iphon and android devices. Kris vseta fight betwe the 49erand the city of santa cla cou reach a boiling poi today. The team is expect to hanover documents atthe center of a sdium contrastalemate. The city says if theeam doesnt comply the will beconsequences. Live wipe nbc bay areas bobedell islive at les stadium th what the mayor is thateni to do. Bob one costume you mayot seon School Grounds scy or creepy owns. Take vo the east side union gschool district banned cln costumes in respon to a spateof clown sighngs across the nation, some owm allegedly tried to gb r lure children. The east se Union Superintendent strses tt there have not been y physicalor verbal confrontations he but theyrresponding to inaropriate and sometimes thrting poston social media. Schools in the sanjose unifiedistrict are ao discouragg clown costumes. Anim kris cu a developi story aranatic rescue attempt in chna. Crews are arching for8 miners believed to apped ina collapsed min ta vo 15 miners are alrey cfirmed to have died in aas explosion in southwe cna. O of the miners undground at the time managetoscape. More than 200 rescuworke including firefighrs, police and rescuepialists are at the sitetrying to locate ansave the missing miners. The chinese mine sety Inspection Bureau dered all nearby coal mis halt production pei safety insptions. The cause the explosn is der invesgation. Sam cu werlearninmore about disturbgrime. The sual asult of boy with dos syome in abusy bart station. Overnight policidentifd the suspect as 38yeoldpeter gorlorwulgorelorewoolou vo poce say happened surday night. In a bathom the pittsburgbay pnt rt station. The man is cused offollowing the teene boy inside the bathrooand thenassaulting him. The boys mother is editedwith noticing something wrong anarting police who quklyresponded and detain thsuspect. Other bart ridersere stued something likethat could happen sot pele are wed its a ba statn youre pposed to md yo own buness ke go homwhy are youassaultingeople. Oc assaultingeople trt 5 contvo police sayhe victim w taken to a nearbhospital fo evaluation. Bart is reminding rirs who uses the bathroom lock the door and are of their surroundings kris cu a man ot by offics is still in the hospital thisorning. Police say he usd an rto try to run down officers nats hands up sound gunshoruns 03 cont dramatic video capredhe moment officers fed onhe man. Saturday night, ar haywards tennysopark. Investigators say ibegan wn the driver had altercation with a pk ranger. Who then called pice. Police say the rslammednto a row of cars durinthechaos. Officersired at theuspect near a hou party. Sding ests running for cover. Sot we hrd like screechingike car screeing , so myom tued off thlights because she w scared. Trt 05 contvo pole expect thsuspect o has not been identifd yet to survi his injues. No police officerwere injud. Sam cu new developments the east bpolice sexscandal. After further inveigation richmonds cityanager deded to fire four poli offirs. Take vo theyre all accused exploiting the te o claims she was undage whensome of the officeallegedly had s wither. Right now officis aret releasing the names the ficers beg let go. So far zens of offers fr across t bay area he albeen linked to the sndal. Sam anim tvo and one ofhose Office Allegedly involveds expeed backn court tod. Retired oakland poce seeant Leroy Johnson wi repoedly face a judge toda hes charged with faing toreport that officersere having sex with e underagegirl. Anim kris rail new at 11 the port ooakland is oking to expand. Trapac the secd rgest operator at the pt going nearly double in siz take vo workill begin nt month. Trapac signed new 14onth lease with the pt itill grow from 66 acreto 123. And will had 2 morvessel berths. The company halesbout 20 percent of the cargohas shipped through the ort. 2shot up next at 11 top voabout a week untilote head to the polls andthere are more quesons abouthillary clintons ails. We try to untanglthe webf twists and turns. Vo plus some bart parkinglots argetting an upgrade. The way the transitgen is going green and provi drivers will aittle me shade. Sot outcue in busins and tech. Runs 06 responds tipli my mom marnie smoked her whole life. And then she died of lung cancer. So i have a personal interest in helping prevent smoking. Im tom steyer, the cochair of the yes on 56 campaign. Every year, nearly 17,000 California Kids start smoking. A third of them will die from their addiction. Tobacco taxes reduce youth smoking. Please. Vote yes on prop 56. If we can save even a few lives, its worth it. A handful of protters have nbeen arrested in n frcisco. After tryinto take er thlobby at afinancial districhigh rise. About half dozen protters cked armsinside the citigrp cter lobby within the pas9minutes. Theyre denstrating in solidarity withhose opposeto a pipeline proct in northdakota. That pipeline ld carry fracked oil from nadian oil fields to the us. Opponents say it viotes sacd native american landand cou pose a toxic risk watesupplies. Citigroup is one ofeveral banks that proded loanso the pipeline project. Sam nsvo runs 04adlib numrs kris 2 shot silicon lley billioire peter thiel tee defended his support of donaltrump thismorning. At an eve in new york city. Sam imation scott mcgrew iels finding it more and more dfult to defend his positi. Take pkg oc back to you. Rs 28 kris rail solar energy is on i wato two bart stations take vo bart made an agreeme with elonmusks solar cityon thursday. The plan is for the mpany toinstall solar panelst the antioch and lafaytstations. And as a bus, the panelwill even shade carin the paing lo. Pause for anim sam take prepro just 8 more days unlhe votesare cast. Sam vset the fbi. Now lking at 650thousand newly diovered emails. According a source familiar with e investigation. To see iftheyre related intthe inqry surrounding hilla intons private server. Nbcs hallie jacksoreporting. Thfbi dector himself now. Undefi. After the latest tstn an already unprecedend campaig ta pkg outcue . Eht days outtrt 1 53 kris rail California Water ageies a now trying to figu out paying out all tho lawn rebates has been wor the heftcost. Vo the stathas spent me than 350million dollarsver the last two years. Ettinhomeowners to cut war uge and remove lawns. Water experts and ulities arnow gauging theffectivene of the plan with sallitemagery and aerial photos. They hope to len h many water dependant lnhave been removed for drierandscapg and how much water is being sed. Kris vo the rain l to disappotment for some families inhsouth bay. A popur pumpkinpatch was forceto close early for the sean. The uesugi farmsin samartin is popular for itscorn maze hayides, and pumpkins. But some families we disappointed whenhey learned flooding caud the pk to to close a few daearly. T anna santillanollist er ss wthought iwould be opuntil tomorrow a that they closed a lot of pple are arring but we were surised to fi that was clos. Tr9 it was osed take vo many ofhe families aworried theyll nd back upplans today becse rains mainterfere with trk or treating. 3 shot down the lintoss to wx. Microclimate omni wx ck wx toss ancs sam 2shot comi up next take vo a cable car corover over dogs. The reason th person saytheir pit bull shou be able to ride. Kris anim kris cbut first. Happinnow the weekdtorms bringg weekend rainbowtthe bay area. Check out the spectalar Photo Gallery on our facook page. Reveal plus if yre lookingor halloween or otr falevents in the bayrea, we he you covered. See our fall funist on nbcbay area dot com. Were backn two minut. Cam 5 bump anchorablib welco back . . . A man getting kickedfa San Francisco cable cabause of his pitbull. And e woman whoosted it says the d is a servi anim. Take nats ts is my rig. Just becae shs a pitull does nomean, beuse heafraid of p bulls this is haening. Runs 06 sam takvo e video w posted satday to facebook. It shows the unideifi man, arguing with a poce ficer about the dog bei board. An sfmta spokesrson confirms they arenvestigatinwhat happened andhatervice animals are allowednoard. They add that cablcar operators have a ty to keep their passengers fe. Take sot and in this casetheperator did not fe it was a se situion for psengers on board or f themselvesand did ask sfpd tintervene. Uns 09 m conto right now, its t car if the dog actually was aerve animal or not. Dogs are allowed onae cars. But if theare not a svice g theyust be on aeash and muzzd. Krcu it looks like geor lucas planned art museuhas a good chance of endig up on Treasure Island. Take vo san fransco supervir jane kim plans to introde resolution this wk in supporof the project. The San Francisco chnicle reports progressives on thboard ofsupervisors, who ten standin the way of bigevelopmentshave approved of ans so far. Lucas released his oposed spaceship desigfor a Treasure Island si st week. 2 shot a grocer finds hiselin the middle of a politicaw over soda. Take sot stock whethey told y it was a grocery x, were thelying you . Temur yupyeah. So yofind out late its tooate. Runs 06 terry e investitive unitevealsthe tacts, the sp and thebig money being usedy both des to win your te. Daytime lneup omni other a groryax. Youreonfused, ure not alone sam 2shot if you liven san fncisco, oakland or bany yore being bombardedyonflictinmessages abouth propositn on the novembeballot. So we sent senir investitive reporterstephen sto to dig io whatsbehind all theoliticalrhetoric take pkg sam x if you have a p r our investigativen give us call at 888,96, tis. Or send us aemail to he unit at nbc baarea dot m. Pausfor anim kris it losike more ople are taking advante early vong this election. Saturday was theirst day e polling stationseropen on aweekend and nranciscoelection direct ys 700people came to cyall to vote. Thats nearly 0ore voter than the 2008 ection. Officialsay wait mes are nlonger tn a few mutes. Kris take vo the ymca was to makeure parents and guarans canget to t polls. Hundreds of ymas acrosshe country will off free chi care servicesn electioday soparents and grdians caget out and ve. Participati varies by location. The ys hope i enable parents and carirs to exercise theiright toote while their chirenpend timein a safand nurturi enronment. Kris vo as the elecon nears,heck outour nonpartisavoters edguide. Just go tonbc b areadotcom, and put n yr zipcodeo get inform abouthe issueand candidatespecic to where you live. Sam cu a richmo teacher cused of molesting seveloung boys is heading cto court. Vo opening statemes foronald guintos triastarttoday. Instigators s guintorecruited his ctims whi he was teaching amaking was academy aharter scol in richmond. He was fired fr making wes and later hireat anotheschool ma vista. There, he start planningn unauthorized tr to yoseme with his new udents. He was arrest before tt tripever happened gfx sam cu a follow up nowo a dble homicide in soma coty earlier this mth take vo investigators e now relsing pictures of t suects inhe case. Robert randolpa maria leon are believed to ve returned to thphilalphia area followinthe soting. Detectives say oocter 15ththe pair went a use on highway 116, utof sebastopol, to y marijua after flying he from theast coast. At some pointuringhe transaction, ndolpallegedly open fire, kiing two people aninjuring a ird. Kris cu running for katea memorial racwaheld to honor the liof kate sinle. Vo steinle s shot ankilled inSan Franciscoastear by anundocumented imgrant. A case thatrompted anational debaten iigrationand deportatin picies. Yesterdays chaty event benefited two oanizationsteinle workewit students sg above d the challenged aletes foundation, takeot brad steinle brher ke was a voluntr for chaenged athletesnd heavilinvolvedith challged hletes we wanteto do somethinthat kateloved angive backo the community the sameime. Trt 11 conds oc the me time cont. E stein family ss theywant to ld the evt againnext year. 2 shot coming up thdangers y need to ow before u ess up. Chris sot outcue c bay areresponds,next trt 10 secs ck the u. S. Is the beacon of freedom around the world. Those of us who served in the military are very proud of that. I believe very, very strongly in our country and what we stand for. I went to iraq in 2004 to fight for freedom. For generations, our troops have sacrificed for our freedoms. One of the most important things we do is vote to protect that freedom. Im tom steyer. Lets make the people were so proud of, proud of us. Please. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Nbc bay area sponds. To a nor bay man o feelsripped o by a kistarter campaign. Sam 2shot consumervestigat chris chmura is hereithis story. Takpkg outcue. Tonht at even. Runs 1 05 kris 2 shot befo you headut the dotonight for i or treating. We want remind y of some safety tips to kp yound yo kids se this haoween. Sam take vo il first rememr to be ceful with decorati contact nses. Many contain bteria thacan cause eye inftions or vision probls and se are made with leadsed materls that be absorbedirectly io the eyes. Experts say yoshodnt wearany contacts whoua decorations. Some are made with leadbased materials that can be absorbed right into your eyes. You should not wear contacts without any prescription from an eye doctor. If you plan to wear face paint nta with your costume, something elaborate, lets say, you may yin want to test it out ahead of ad time. Ly maks dermatologists say many products contain fragrances and dyes which can cause an allergic reaction. Ol ct they advise trying a little bit on the inner arm first. Un the American Association of Poison Control Centers to remind parents to inspect candy before allowing them to eat it. Throw away anything that is unwrapped, has holes or tears in the packaging. Dy by again, it is tonight. And tonight halloween is ance tonight and the kids will bring home candy by the buckets. With all the candy in the house,e of are you guilty of secretly eating it . Chances are you are. They recently surveyed the parents and 60 secretly eat their childrens candy. I call it a tax. Our orthodontist pays out with sugarless gum and i say, we could do this. They say, no thanks. Rain is not typically part of the holiday. Its been a very interesting story around the bay area. Right now san jose not too bad. 68 degrees. This will be the last place. The rain will show up around this evening. Were not expecting too much in the santa clara valley. Well move up the peninsula where we have numbers here in the low 60s around palo alto 60 around san bruno. A little bit of mist around those low clouds. 61 degrees, 66 in santa rosa. You can see the view in the north bay looking back at San Francisco, beginning to see a little bit of that light rain. On the radar view youll see some of those lighter rains returning to the coast. Things are dry, but you can see the view from north star. Look at that. Thats about 6 to 12 inches of snow that came down during the day on sunday so those storms arrived late cold enough to support snowfall and we will see halloween snow showers in the mountains. Keep that in mind if youre traveling highway 80. So here comes the approach of the light rain into the north bay right now, and pretty interesting offshore were tracking rain but also a chance for thundershowers. Some of that starting to show up on shore. It will be the north bay that sees the best bet of those more intense showers about 7 on00 about evening. Rain in the forecast, beginning to drop toward the peninsula. May not see too much in san jose, but from the peninsula and north bay, plan to see those totals. Should see about a third of an inch toward. Mid to upper 60s in san jose. Were already starting to see the rain fly. Notice as we head towards tuesday, that rain. We had this run of storms coming in every 46 hours. The best chance of rain after the system now could come midway through the weekend, but for now the 7day forecast staying dryer and warmer. Tomorrow, close to 70 degrees. In the valley well see above average temperatures. It looks like after a very rainy october, showers to start november but then a dryer forecast as we head youll have waterproof clothing as you see the. Or be the one volunteer to stay at home and hand out the ys. Candy. Thats the job. You get to eat a little too, too too. Flipped over for five days. The res couple dramatic rescue uthern california. T an elder womans car fl off clifftrapping her inse. Police in sa bernardi are tr. Five terrifying days and a dramatic rescue in southern california. This after a womans car fell off a cliff, trapping her inside. Police in San Bernardino are trying to figure out how she survived for almost a week stranded and alone. What they do know is that the couple that found her probably saved her life. Heres nbcs morgan ratford. Reporter frantic calls for help. I dont know how she got up here, but shes an elderly woman stuck in a truck. Reporter a terrified samaritan calling 911 moments after spotting a woman trapped inside a flipped hummer, dangling near a cliff. Its only being held there by a couple boulders. Reporter firefighters raced to the scene, quickly realizing that woman had been trapped there for almost a week. She was in serious condition and she needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Reporter according to police 69yearold barbara m mcfarren was driving through the mountains of San Bernardino on october 23rd. When suddenly she used her cars Navigation System to contact 911. After an air and ground search came up empty, she was reported missing. That is, until five days later when a woman and her boyfriend spotted the overturned vehicle with mcfarren pinned inside. In truth if nobody found her, who knows what would have happened. I cant really speculate, but in the area that she was in who knows how long it would have taken to find her. Reporter she was airlifted to the hospital her life intact thanks to strangers who called for help. And the First Responders who pulled her to safety. Pretty lucky to be alive. Morgan radford reporting there. Mcfarren was transported to the hospital where she is in serious condition, but she is expected to survive. And we will be right back. Because she doesnt know that it kills 40,000 californians. Every year. Because she doesnt understand what cancer is. Because she cant spell emphysema. Because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. Because she is my daughter and the Surgeon General says that raising tobacco taxes. Is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. Thats why im voting yes on 56. Dj wrestling with nda. This happened at o in southeast china st ek. According to ahinese ate broadcaster the manas a man snuck into a giant panda enclosure and ended up wrestling the panda. The man was allegedly showing off to his female friends by jumping into the panda enclosure to tease that sleeping panda. Well guess what happens . The panda wakes up grips the mans leg, but the amusement of playing with the panda turned to panic when the panda wrestled the man to the ground, pinned him to the ground. The man managed to free himself and rescue to escape. Zoo officials said the panda nor the man were injured. Let me tell you something. If you are trying to impress a woman, or anyone for that matter, by jumping into a panda enclosure, then you belong in the panda enclosure. And to women . Be smart. By intelligence. Dont hook up with a dummy. Sonoma county beginning to see the rain, endmendocino county looking at the rain. Maybe not as much in san jose. Showers that will take us into tomorrow and then a much dryer forecast second half of the week. We have this perfectly clear shot of the south bay right now, san jose. It was more dark and ominous than San Francisco. San jose probably one of the dryer spots. Have a fwrat and safe great and safe halloween. Pour myself a cup of ambition i jump in the shower out on the street the traffic starts jumping folks like me on the job from nine to five nine to five my god daughter, take it miley. Party in the usa stand by everyone. Were live in five four, three, two, one. I want you to be on team miley

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