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this is blow macarthur. they've had heavy weapons out, ambulances on standby. unclear in anyone is hurt. i asked residents if they were told to do anything specific and they said, no. one officer told me he thought this started as a domestic situation. but the man involved is a home invasion robbery suspect. it's believed this may not be a hostage situation. i also wanted to mention that nearby parker elementary school is on semi lockdown, meaning that kids are not allowed to walk around in the yard but it's business as usual for students in the classroom. neighborhoods, i asked if they'd heard any shots or any flash bangs, anything like that, they said overall, except for the police activity that you see here, it's been rather quiet and we've heard that a police spokesperson is on the way. that's the latest from here. reporting live in oakland, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> we'll bring you the latest throughout the newscast. the work on the facebook ipo is almost finished. >> that is right. they have literally built a huge stage for tomorrow's big opening at the nasdaq. and scott mcgrew says bankers will set the price on the stock, right? >> that's right. the underwriters on the deal will wait until after the closing bell this afternoon. then they'll make calls to their big investors, feeling them out on the price. keep in mind, this is not the price you're paying. your opportunity comes tomorrow as shares begin trading publicly. we're talking about the price that big institutional investors are going to pay. now, this is tricky because you don't want to set it too high because it's embarrassing if your shares were to fall in the first day of public trading. but you don't want to set it too low either because then you'd be leaving money on the table. facebook only cashes in once. say they price at $35 but at the end of the day, people are buying it on the open market at $70. that would be a disaster because it means that facebook should have charged far more money on that initial offering. on the morning news, you recall we did some predictions of our own. i predicted bankers will announce $37.50. laura garcia-cannon went with $38. christina says $40. before you say christina's playing the game wrong because that's outside the range, we're actually hearing that. that it may price above the range, which is legal. and it would mean that christina's going to win tomorrow morning. >> i can hear her celebrating over there right now. we'll see. scott, thank you very much. a dramatic rescue to tell you about on the peninsula overnight. a man called 911 saying he'd fallen into a 30-foot overpass trying to escape a carjacker. bob redell is live at police headquarters right now where he's now being told that story is not exactly what happened, right, bob? >> reporter: yeah, we just got back from police headquarters back over highway 92 now where police tell us that man's story that he fell off eastbound highway 92 while escaping a carjacker is a lie. detectives just spoke with this man in the hospital where they say he fessed up to what really happened. around 2:00 this morning, he says he ran out of gas while coming off 101 onto eastbound 92. he left his car on the side of the road and started walking just before the mariners island parkway exit, he fell 30 feet off the freeway. either it was an accident or he was trying to leave the freeway not realizing in the dark there was such a big drop. he called 911 who honed in on his location by listening for the approaching sirens in the background of the call. the area where he landed was so inaccessible that rescuers had to lower him back on to the road for transport to the hospital. he is suspected to survive. >> sometimes get scared when they're confronted by the police with things that happened. we don't know if there are extenuating detail that is he may have thought he was in trouble and made up a story. >> reporter: san mateo police are looking into whether the man made up the story about a carjacker to cover up for the possibility that he had been drinking and driving. that's something the police will be looking into. they will be sending to this case to the d.a. for the possible charge of filing a false report. he does live in this area on the peninsula. reporting live here in san mateo county, bob redell, nbc bay area news. in the south bay now, a teenager is dead and another person injured after gunfire erupts in san jose. the 18-year-old was shot about 8:20 last night on the east side of the city on walnut woods drive off of story road. he was taken to the hospital where doctors worked overnight to save him but he died in morning. the teenager and second man were found by officers responding to a 911 call. one neighbor says his kids heard the commotion. >> heard some noise from inside. i was in the restroom when my kids told me that they were hearing some noise. i don't know what kind of noise they hear. but they told me about it. >> so far no word on a possible motive. and police have not released a description of any possible suspects. also from san jose, police hoping to talk to a crash victim who managed to survive seven days without food or water. investigators say more than a week ago, michael sanchez, jr., lost control of his ford pick-up on highway 101 near that hellyer exit. witnesses say they saw the car go down the embankment and crash but then say they saw sanchez walking away. seven days later, san jose detectives returned to the scene and found sanchez unresponsive but still alive. this morning, he is in the hospital, still recovering. east bay police are asking for your help to find a serial tagger. the city of martinez sent us this picture overnight. officers say this man may be the link to a graffiti spree that left several downtown businesses spray-painted. this happened on may 6th. if you happen to rekcognize thi man, you're asked to call martinez police. a stockman man is in jail for not taking medications to help keep his tuberculosis from spreading. in this photo provided by the d.a.'s office, rodriguez is seen wearing a protective mask. he was arrested for refusing to take his medication, missing doctor's appointments and endangering public health. this one's a rare chance this morning to see a rare yacht up close and personal. a full-sized catamaran complete with a six-story wing sail out in san francisco at union square. these guys are beasts on the water. the 66-foot-tall race boat will be there until about 1:00 this afternoon. san francisco, of course, the home for the city, the 34th americas cup next year. they are firing up the grill in pleasant hill right now for the opening of a new in-n-out restaura restaurant. it opened about 30 minutes to go. it's the first in-n-out in the area. they want to open a second location in pleasant hill but it is facing opposition. might want to jump on a flying. a new airline launching in california being called the netflix for travel. surfair offering first class travel for its members. it will fly in and out of palo alto giving members immediate access to private planes and first class service. surfair says it thinks there will be two groups of people who really get a lot of use out of the service. >> there's folks 45 and older running businesses who are moving back and forth quite a bit. and the other group of folks are 28 to 35, 36, 37 years old and single. >> sounds very cool. but the question is, what about the cost? if you're asking that. we have the answer. surfair says it's looking to charge a flat fee at about $1,000 a month. still awaiting approval from the faa but hoping to lunch sometime this summer. >> scott mcgrew and i were saying, that's not that bad. >> i might sign up. >> i don't even need it. >> let's check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> remember who your friends are over there. we're getting cloud cover today, not sunshine cloud cover. but the sun is now breaking through the clouds. taking a live look at your satellite imagery. this picks up the lowest cloud cover out there. what i can show you is we stopped the clock at 11:00 a.m., finally getting some clearing. but you see the textured clouds hanging out over the east bay. concord through livermore, mostly cloudy. in san jose, getting som sunshine and san francisco starting to get a little bit of sun as well. but our temperatures running warm in sunnyvale. 63 in napa. 63 in san francisco. and 71 in sunnyvale. we'll end up in the low 70s and 60s for today. your full forecast is coming up. the good news if you don't like the cool, cloudy weather we're so accustomed to here in the bay area, we have a warm-up on the way for the weekend. >> perfect timing. >> thank you, christina. up next, the death of a disco dejd. also a new census number reveals the changing face of america. and new information about the death of a member of the kennedy family found in her east coast home. and reaction to an announcement from a major cell phone carrier that plans to change its data pricing structure. ho sur se impact. disco queen donna summer has died. the singer passing away this morning after her battle with cancer. the family releasing a statement saying, why they are grieving they are at peace right now, celebrating what was nothing short of an extraordinary life. donna summer, music icon passing away at 63 years old. another tragedy for the kennedy family. medical examiners now say the death of mary kennedy, the 52-year-old estranged wife of robert kennedy, jr., hanged herself. she was found at the couple's home in bedford, new york, yesterday. robert kennedy filed for divorce from mary in 2010. several days after, she was arrested while driving under the influence. the kennedys had four children together. now back out to the breaking news we're following in oakland. it is a standoff. we'll check back in with nbc bay area's christie smith. new information for us, chris e christie? >> reporter: good morning. it looks like this has come to some sort of conclusion because in the last two minutes or so, we've seen oakland police putting their weapons back into their trunks and basically it looks like they're dismantling the scene here. we're on 79th, a block away from ritchie street. exactly how this ended is still unclear. a police spokesperson is around the corner. we're hoping to leave here at some point and go talk to her. what we know is at about 9:45, they got some sort of call about a domestic disturbance. i guess they got information about one of the people inside the home, a man that may have been a suspect in a home invasion robbery and that there may have been another person, perhaps a woman, inside the home. they think this started as a domestic incident. they don't think the woman was being held against her will. but they came here, tried to make contact with that man and it's unclear how that ended. but we didn't hear any shots fired or neighbors telling us that they were told to stay inside or anything like that. and police are actually starting to drive away. i can tell you nearby parker elementary school was on a semi lockdown which means that students can't walk around on the yard but it's business as usual inside the classrooms. the spokesperson for oakland police is around the corner, i'm hoping we can get information from her about exactly how this ended. that's the situation from here. reporting live in oakland, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> christie, thank you very much. closing arguments under way right now in the john edwards campaign krumgs corruption trial. each side has up to two hours to make its final arguments. the defense rested without calling the former presidential candidate or the mistress edwards is accused of spending campaign donations on. the jury could get instructions from the judge today and begin deliberations tomorrow. leaders from 28 countries will gather for a nato summit in chicago this weekend and the focus will be on afghanistan. the united states and nato trying to build an afghan army to defend the country after international troops pull out at the end of 2014. how to pay for the army and continued support will be central topics of the summit, hosted by president obama. more than 20 nations have already agreed to help the u.s. foot the $4.1 billion a year bill. many of their pledges have beenfall small. new details emerging about that massive trading loss suffered by jpmorgan chase. "the new york times" say it's grown by another $1 billion, jumping from $2 billion into the $3 billion range. last week, jamie dimon said the losses were expected to happen over the course of the next few months. but instead, it's happened over four days of trading. the federal reverse right now looking into those massive losses. verizon wireless making a major announcement to wipe out one of its longtime perks. the company says later this year it will do away with grandfathered unlimited data plans to migrate customers to the new faster 4g network. if you do have an unlimited data plan, you will be required to sign on to a data share plan when you want to update your phone. the news is not sitting well with many loyal customers. >> i guess just have to switch companies or something. it already costs me $200 a month. >> verizon has not yet released the pricing for the new data share plan. the nation's racial makeup seeing more sweeping changes. new census numbers showing for the first time white children no longer make up a majority of the births in the united states. nonhispanic whites accounted for 49.6% of all births in the 12-month period that ended last july. as a whole, the u.s. minority population continues to rise. but the numbers also show there's been a recent slowdown in the growth of hispanics and asian population. the weekend is right around the corner. get ready for a warm-up. meteorologist christina loren, how's it lookinglike right now? >> we are so close. going to see a lot of sunshine this weekend. we have so many events taking place. boogie on the bayou. the a's taking on the giants all weekend long. you can catch the first of the series right here on nbc bay area tomorrow at 7:00. starting in san francisco, as you can see, getting a little bit more sunshine here. a full deck of clouds until about a half hour ago, the sun started breaking through. but elsewhere, dealing with mostly cloudy conditions. right to your temperatures. winds are now making for a breezy, cool day. temperatures are right now in the 50s. but with this wind, we have a windchill factor to deal with. heading throughout the afternoon, we'll stay cool in the city by the bay. the giants getting ready to take on the cardinals for the third time. 12:45, 55 degrees. catch that game on our sister network, comcast sports network. and i think the winds will play a factor there. temperatures will end up in the 70s, comfortable temperatures for us. # 0 in fremont. 70 in redwood city and 72 in los gatos. throughout the next two days, high pressure finally rebuilds into the area. that's going to make for a nice warm-up for us. temperatures climbing back into the 80s. as of tomorrow in some cities, the warmest cities across the bay. have to wait till saturday and sunday to hit the 80s right here in san jose. 84 degrees on saturday. 86 by sunday. getting that warming trend that stays with us all the way through the end of the weekend which means great plans for beach weather before we drop back off monday through wednesday. back to you guys. >> christina, thank you. breezing through airport security, the revival of the fast pass for travelers at one bay area airport. and how about this? a little entertainment on a budget. we'll let you know where you can get a waterfront concert for free. just the first of many to come. welcome back. did you hear this bizarre story from southern california? a woman's cargo shorts caught fire and investigators blame a pocket full of rocks. the woman says she picked up the rocks at an orange county beach. her walking apparently caused friction and then sparks. the woman suffered third-degree burns to her legs. good news for memorial day travelers. a lot of them will get the bypass to get through the security lines at sfo. the clear cards are back. they allow registered travelers to speed through checkpoints by submitting to fingerprint or eye scans in advance and paying a yearly fee. the company shut down its services at sfo back in 2009 but now says it's planning to relaunch clear lanes at every terminal starting this wednesday. clear says it will also honor all prior memberships. grab a crazy costume but leave the booze at home. police are laying down the law for this weekend's bay to breakers race. the race will take over the streets of san francisco sunday. last year, alcohol was banned from the race after a whole lot of bad behavior in neighborhoods. police say they will be keeping alcohol off the race route this year as well. organizers say the goal is to have fun and stay safe. >>. the second annual free concert series tonight at jack london square. get your groove on. on stage tonight, a new orleans style brass band called the brass mafia. free concerts will be held every thursday running through june 14th. forget gold or platinum records. the latest trend for ones is chocolate. >> we'll tell you about it next. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now, arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. heinz ketchup is only $1.79. that's for the party size. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. get the new safeway app. it's free. and the easiest way to get the most savings. the sun is breaking through the clouds, even in san francisco. but this camera is shaking from time to time. those winds will be becoming a factor for the second half of the day. throughout the next two days, temperatures are going to warm up. 84 degrees by saturday. making those plans for the weekend should be easy outside. 86 on sunday. really comfortable, sunshiny weekend ahead. to finish up this morning, a lot of dreamers are actually singers dream of recording gold records while other ones decide to make their own out of chocolate. >> why not? check this out. a lead singer at a croatian punk band has used dark chocolate to carve out a record. his family owned a handmade chocolate business. he said it started out as a joke until he found out he could get good quality sound from them. he and his band put their new single on one. >> that is awesome. munch away on that bad boy. >> i like it. then you have to buy more. >> always room for chocolate. thank you very much for joining us. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. we can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the...

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