Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20240707

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the fire is ripping through yosemite national park. this is video. you can see the flames down there. yosemite crews say it is the smokiest it has been. air quality there in the park is now considered unhealthy. so, here is where things stand right now. you can see it right here. fire scorched more than 2,000 acres, 545 firefighters are on the fire lines trying to gain control of this fire. tonight, there is no containment. the fire is burning out of control. now, we showed you some of the smoke, the fire, it is putting up. go ahead and check out this photo right here. just how smoky it was today on the valley floor. you could barely see half the dome here. smoke is drifting into parts of the bay area. our meteorologist is tracking all of that for us and is there an air quality advisory tomorrow because of this? >> there will be for the north bay and east bay. we have seen some of the smoke drift north. especially to lake tahoe area. a lot of that staying aloft. look at this slot from the pg&e cameras from the washburn fire. current conditions right now in the 70s. but, during the day we did see some 90s in that forecast. and, remember, we got a lot of dry brush out there. the humidity is low and that plays a big role in the fire. temperatures overnight, dipping down into the lower 70s. usually getting a nice recovery and the humidity. expecting to see the dry conditions yet again. high pressure. en it comes to the wildfire smoke. expert moderate conditions. upper air smoke is moving north, could impack the north bay and the east bay with a change in direction from the wind from the south/southeast. expect the hazy skies to return. the air quality right now it is okay. as we continue to see that drifting smoke, here is what we are expecting for tomorrow. moderate conditions, to the north bay and east bay, we will keep a close eye on the air quality advisory. it is expected to remain in place. we will talk about the impacts of the smoke and of course the king tides coming up in my full forecast. >> all right, thank you. the flames are inching closer and closer to the park's iconic sequoias with each passing hour. weather conditions not working in favor of firefighters. it is expected to get hotter in the days ahead. tonight, crews say the fire entered the maraposea grove, crews are watering the trees and so far none damaged. >> they are among the oldest living things on either. they are iconic for the park system. they are in a limited range here. you only find them right here on the planet. >> and the flames are threatening historic buildings like this one right here. tonight, it is right there, just like some of the trees out there. and back here in the bay area. the marin county fire department is getting a boost from the state in the firefighting efforts. as well to other counties that battle wildfires. the fire captain says that means increasing crews, funding for those crews and getting breathing room. >> crew are in there, cutting line, using the fuel from the fire triangle and letting the fire go out. on a daily bases here. helping to increase the staffing if case there is a wildfire. there is no fire it gets fuel reduction done. the department will receive 5 million next year. fire season ramps up, our free nbc bay area app is a great resource to have. we will send you breaking news and weather alerts straight to your phone. >> new at 11:00. a tragic accident at a north bay lake. a teenager drowned in the lake today. the napa county sheriff's office says it happened this afternoon at the middle creek area. the 18-year-old man was standing on a log when he slipped into the water. this is the third drowning in two weeks at that lake. well, an entire community united in oakland today as they raise funds to help the family of the three men who drowned saving a boy in the sacramento delta. the men were originally from guatemala and their family is trying to take them back home. here is nbc bay area. >> music, ravels. and a friendly soccer game. an entire festival in oakland to get these beloved men back home to guatemala. >> today's event has given us much relief to make their families back home have their members and rest in piece. >> the three men all three died after bravely rescuing an 8-year-old boy struggling in the delta last weekend. today's event was organized with his daughter. [speaking in foreign language] >> reporter: wendy tells us when she heard the men were missing in the delta she kept telling herself her father will show up because he can do anything. even after they found his body she still could not believe it. his friends knew him, a community leader. >> look at all of the support this soccer coach, who trained with all three of the men. he says this turnout shows us how much they meant. for every sunday to play or raise funds when needed. when the people come and that is what helps. >> family members say they have not been gaining it. they were forced to create their own fundraisers to reunite the family. >> we are very blessed. blessed with all of the people showing their love. the community returning the favor to the men who were always there. nbc bay area news. >> showing support there, thank you. just in, the police made an arrest in a mountain view hate crime. this afternoon at a doctor store. the police say a homeless man yelled a slur about another man's sexual orientation punched him inside that store. the officers followed the 59- year-old man along the trail he is facing hate crime battery and resisting arrest. new at 11:00. senate majority leader, schumer, is the latest in congress to test positive for covid-19. the senator has mild symptoms symptoms and appreciates the protection from vaccine. he tested positive for his regular testing regimen. he plans to work remotely for a week or until he tests negative. a major development today in the ongoing january 6th hearings. steve bannon, a member of former trump's inner circle says he will cooperate with the committee but his testimony may come with a hitch. it comes as we learn more about what mr. trump's former white house council just told committee members. vali vitale has the latest. >> reporter: new cooperation from an unlikely source. steve bannon, reuniting with the january 6th committee. waving executive privilege over his testimony, it was unclear it applied any way. he says he is hope to testifying. he is going to stand trial within weeks over his previously steadfast refusal to cooperate with the committee. >> magna is on the march. the committee is irrelevant. >> reporter: his lawyer says he prefers to testify lie. it is a pattern of new cooperation. the top lawyer cipollone was deposed for eight hours. >> he was able to provide information including the president, what i would call dereliction of duty on the day of january 6th. >> reporter: cipollone there for key events. >> he said something to the effect of please make sure we don't go up to the capitol, cassidy, keep in touch with me. we are going to get charged with every crime imaginable. >> reporter: he did not contradict any previous testimony. all of this sure to play out in the homestretch this week with two hearings expected on the hill. tuesday, set to focus on how the mob came together. spotlighting right wing extremist groups including testimony from a former spokesman for the oath keepers and drawing the line between these groups, the former president and his top allies, evasnew footage, subpoenaed by the committee, shows trump downplaying it. >> they were angry from the standpoint of what happened in the election. because they saw what happened. the committee is going to release a public report this fall when the doors open for criminal referrals, the decision to prosecute rests with the department of justice. from japan to the bay area, people continue to mourn the deaths of former prim minister abe. he was assassinated on thursday during a campaign speech. tomorrow, there will be a book of condolences for the public to is sign. drop by from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. the consulate asks that you bring an id and wear a mask. abe's wake is scheduled for tomorrow and his funeral on tuesday. the war in ukraine rages on, the death toll climbs and pets are dying, many stranded in bombed apartment buildings. working with a bay area group, one man is using his drone and risking his own life to rescue dogs and cats in ukraine. we have the story you will only see right here on nbc bay area. >> long time oakland resident saw the devastation in ukraine he packed up his drone and headed to the war ravaged country to help. >> what i basically was doing was flying the infrared drone over the cities and bombed out villages and looking for, you know, any signs of life, cats, dogs, people. >> reporter: using infrared technology he was able to pick up the heat signatures of animals trap inside bombed builtings, marked their coordinates and go in and find the dogs and cats that survived the blast. working with a third drone animal rescue based in the bay area, doug and his team rescued 30 pets including this mamma cat and kittens stuck on the 8th floor. from the fire and the santa cruz mountains to marsh harbor. doug traveled around the world rescuing animals but his mission in ukraine was by far the most dangerous. requiring him to wear a bullet proof vest. >> when we go into the buildings soldiers would tell us, you know, be on the look out because the russians would have trip wires attached to grenades in the buildings. >> reporter: some of the pets reunited with their owners in ukraine. others are headed to new homes in the bay area and doug even adopted a cat and kitten himself. his quest is not over. he is headed back to ukraine in a few weeks to try to rescue even more animals. and, he says, he hopes to use his drone to search for people, too. >> i feel like it is my calling to help as much as we can. >> nbc bay area news. >> he is a hero to many. thank you. >> we are back in 60 seconds. just ahead, uber under fire. what the san francisco ride share giant is accused of doing with the help of several world leaders. and it is elon vs twitter. will the deal go through? we talked to a cybersecurity expert about what could happen this week. plus, called the plastic poronna, it is comes to the bay area. we talk to the plan who works to help our climate in crisis it is a calm night, we definitely had hot temperatures. so, we will talk about just how warmer it is the week ahead. the air quality all coming up in just a few minutes, stay with us every search you make, every click you take, every move you make, every step you take, i'll be watching you. the internet doesn't have to be duckduckgo is a free all in one privacy app with a built in search engine, web browser, one click data clearing and more stop companies like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. new at 11:00. great news for all of you parents struggling to find formula. production has resumed at the abbott nutrition factory in michigan. you might remember abbott's february recall and shutdown played a large role in the national shortage of baby formula. the plant got up and running in early june but was forced to close again weeks later because of storm damage. production of the special formula has been restormed and the next priority is resuming si milac production. and more lawsuits after uber. in an article published today the guardian reports leaked papers reveal how uber broke laws, fooled the police and lobbied governments during a 55 year period when uber was run by the co-founder who landed an aggressive campaign to expand globally. many countries have laws standing in uber's way. the company allegedly used a kill switch during raids to stop the police from seeing data, text messages between executives allegedly show them joking about how they were admitting their business was illegal. uber released a statement saying we have not and will not make excuses for past behavior that is clearly not in line with our present values. it has been a little over 48 hours since tesla's owner made a controversial statement. twitter is preparing for a legal battle. tonight, bloomberg and the "washington post" reports the company lawyered up and is prepared to file a lawsuit as soon as this week. twitter executives believe they have a strong case that musk violated the terms of the takeover deal. and musk says it is twitter who has not lived up to their part of the deal. joining me now is a professor of secutat san jose state. professor, thank you for joining us, really appreciate it. all right. so, musk wants to back out. it can not be that simple, right? what comes next? >> reporter: there is a lot of things associated with this move. if he just wants to walk away from the deal he has to come up with $1 billion penalty plus twitter is going to sue him for all of the time he spent onwi be more so, on friday, twitter says they are committed to enforcing the deal. today, there are reports that executives already hired a legal team. that is what we are seeing at this point, maybe lawsuits? >> absolutely. next week they will start, you know, the case. they actually hired one of the top firms in the nation. that firm invented the poison pill. they are the ones used by the company so they can stop other companies from, choiring them. the same thing, a top firm that will go and defend him. >> all right, so, there is a lawsuit from twitter. they said that we could see shareholders filing lawsuits as well. so, how soon might that happen? >> well, i mean, for the shareholders, you know, they got to look at what is the result of this back and forth the legal fight. the value given to them with this deal it is high. the price of, you know. twitter now, it is $37 now and what musk is offering is $54 and they don't want to lose the deal. this deal did not go through. now, wait for the shareholders for twitter to go after it. >> okay. so, all of us are, you know, keeping a close eye on this. how do you see it playing out in the end? >> well, i mean, if you look at it, why, it is 50-50, musk, you know, the reason for him to back out now is, it is more about funding because the value of his wealth is down by 30%. the value of the stock by 30%, it is a matter of money. that is what his, you know, pushing him to get to that level and find it. about the bots and the fake accounts. it is 50/50 for it. it can go this way or that way. usually in a situation like this, there will be a reduction in the price. for example, they will reduce the deal to something that is down by $15 billion. so, they can't just close that deal. >> speaking of deals, you know, we are wondering how will it effect future deals that musk wants? [ laughter ] >> well, that is a preview who deals with musk. he is never conventional. we know that. always do something that is completely different. you are surprised by the next move. any time a business will do it, they will have more conditions and safe guards just in case something like this happens. >> all right. thank you for joining us and giving us your insight today. really appreciate it. all right, go lady and check this out. a rumba for the ocean. housecleaning the coastline from a unique machine. you are looking at the plastic piranha. it skims up trash and debris from the water. collecting more than 100 pounds of waste a trip. the bot is all electric and software to make sure it does not get in the way of boats and marine life. it is the brainchild of clean earth rovers it started at university of cincinnati ceo says he first got this idea after hearing a fellow student speak. >> i was in a public speaking class where one of my classmates gave his final topic presentation on ocean plastics and the impacts on the environment. and i looked at it being frustrated because it is not something that we talk about. it is not something that i ever even heard of. so i slowly became, i guess, quickly became obsessed with the problem and that is when it came into building this technology to mitigate and cleanup our coastlines. >> it is set to arrive in richmond midweek and launched into the harbor where it will stay for at least three months. they plan to launch more to help clean coasts across the country. all right, look at there. one of the most poplar street festivals of the bay area returns this summer. hosting the 43rd arts and wine festival this weekend. the event showcases the works of artists and crafts people from around the country. also features selections from local wineries and a variety of foods and of course music. a lot of people came out to enjoy the festival that had been on break during the pandemic. >> oh my! >> i want to be at the wine festival. >> i know. and to think about it. shooting video for us. it looked beautiful out there. >> it was beautiful but i hope those folks stayed hydrated. it was really hot today. especially inland areas. we had upper 90s and we are going to see the temperatures continue into the workweek. of course, now we are dealing with drifting smoke from nearby fires, the air quality will be a concern along with tides, king tides, right now, a beautiful night in san francisco. expect to see, of course, the cloud cover late tonight into tomorrow morning. san jose, a beautiful night. hazy skies, expect that tomorrow. current temperatures, believe it or not it is 11:22 at night we still have 70s on the map. 83 in vacaville. look at the temperature difference compared to the past 24 hours. about 13 degrees warmer in livermore, concord, 10 degrees warmer. also, the wind gusts, any time you see the warm up of temperatures we already seen several brush fires break out. we focus on the wind speeds and also how dry it is. a little breezy at times. we get and see a nice recovery usually overnight. 94% in napa. look at what happens heading into tomorrow. we get that ridge of high pressure, that is strengthening from the southwest. and we get down to the 30s and the 20s into the afternoon. so, all of that dry brush out there still easily start or spread a fire. and, of course, we are already seeing the fires breaking out nearby. into yosemite, the temperatures for tomorrow, once again, into the 90s and triple digits maybe even to some of the interior. not in the clear yet. i want to talk about the washburn fire in yosemite. we are not in the clear yet because of how dry the conditions are. no rainfall in some time. and the air quality forecast for monday. there is an air quality advisory that will number place primarily to the north bay and the east bay. the reason for that is that we are seeing the smoke drifting aloft. mainly north through lake tahoe. the good news here is it looks like a lot of that will stay aloft. it is coming down to the surface. even then you want to be mindful if you want to smell any smoke or see the haze you want to close your windows and just make sure that you stay out of the smoky areas. now, as far as the king tides we have the return of the king tides, there is a coastal flood advisory in effect until midnight for the san francisco bay shore. high tide was at 9:09, low tide at 4:15 in the morning. we are looking at the coastal trails and roads. over the next couple of days tell continue to be on tap and on trend around the coastline. a closer look at the seven-day forecast. the highs with the high tides is monday. primarily through wednesday night and through. you could see some heading into friday if you look at the temperature trend. we stay pretty warm into monday and tuesday. then we start to cool off just a little bit into the interior valleys by tuesday into wednesday and heading into next weekend. the conditions do remain dry. unfortunately still pretty dry out there with the heat and the high pressure. be mindful, really easy to start and spread a fire. >> yes. for sure. up next, he is making his wimbledon debut. the special guest in the stands watching djokovic'big win we are going to be getting a new view of the universe tomorrow. president biden will unveil the first full color picture from nasa's web telescope. the photos have taken weeks to process and that only came after a lengthy six month process. >> calibrating its instruments, and they are hoping it gives them a new look how will galaxy formed and the state of our universe. >> 3, 2, 1, ignition. and lift off at the falcon 9 and star link. >> there it goes another successful launch for. the launch went off without a hitch. landing back on the barge. >> today's wimbledon final match had a special guest. we are talking about prince george. take a look. wimbledon's twitter account posted this photo right here. the caption reads a royal debut in the royal box, the first time since george showed up at the tennis tournament. he saw a great match with djokovic winning his 21st grand slam title. not bad. all right, anthony is with us now. i thought the warriors, you know, in the off season, what is the deal. >> it is. summer league. the games do not count, the scores do not count. very important for one player. >> summer league debut. what they are saying welcome back. i'm anthony flores. it is only summer league but what a big night. he is on the court in a golden state warriors unform. summer league debut in vegas. what a great start. a fast start. he had 11 points and two blocks in 20 minutes. he had seven fouls. he was up and down. check out the defense. he play inside three g-league games in march. golden state warriors unform since april of 2021. >> go out there and my teammates, grateful i am out here. have not played for the past year and a half. i will get back to it. making a lot of mistakes tonight. and the first game. i am out there having fun. >> just have fun, stay healthy. >> and giants and another solid effort on the hill in san diego. his brother for the first time on a big league field. already up 2-0 in the third, flores launches a two-run shot to left center, giants added four more runs in the 4th. then, the 9th, batting practice, third baseman, throwing up the meatball right there. knocks it out of the yard. the second homer of the game. the third in 2 days. tossing the seven scoreless innings. they clobber the padres, 12-0. >> we have been waiting for this game for two weeks. we finally got one. but, today, i was taking fastballs and i got some. >> all of the giants were hitting today. the a's trying for back-to-back wins over the astros, houston, up 5 in the 8th. tucker, crushing it to straightaway center and the astros take a 6-0 lead. now, the a's breaking up the shutout. he hits the first major league homer in the bottom of the 8th. was not enough. astros go on to beat the a's, final 6-1. >> playing with justin and aaron. >> whips that one in. >> a crowd favorite. curry rolls in the par putt on the 18. he had the best round of the tournament today in the american century championship. he tied for 16th place. 41 points, but, he was just two points ahead of his father. he spotted his dad's 14 points. he lost the bet. former dallas quarterback tony romo wins in three-person playoff on the second playoff hole. he lost the bet to his dad. scouring social media. the loser has to jump into the lake, lake tahoe. we have not found the video yet. i am sure they recorded it and waiting for the news to be over and he will be like then i will post it later tonight or tomorrow. >> looking forward to that. tony romo wins again. >> there is his third time winning, he is really, really good. he was working really hard and he really wanted to win. he came through in a clutch. >> all right, anthony, thank you very much. we are back in 60 seconds, just ahead, a big boost for firefighters in the north bay. the reason it is critical for battling fires here at loam home and across the state. answering the call to serve. why a group of teenagers rushed to leave their high north bay firefighters, marine fire is getting more money from the state. millions more. it will go towards fighting fires here in california when needed. here is christie smith. >> reporter: the marin county fire department covers a wide area and getting more resources when it comes to responding to wildfires. >> it is a huge contract. >> reporter: in addition to the county they protect state responsibility areas here. with more state funding they can add more to their overall defense to wildfires. >> we have had two crews the last few years, this year without the infrastructure our crews went from 14 people to 22 people each. next year it will go to four crews and then four crews with 14 people. >> reporter: having more hand crews plays an important role. >> hand crews are in there cutting line, cutting brush and they are removing the fuel from the fire triangle and letting the fire go out. >> reporter: the additional resources also add flexibility. >> on a daily basis here in marin it increases staffing in case there is a wildfire. if there is no fire it helps fuel reduction throughout the county. >> reporter: the boost in state fund, $3.7 million. >> vegetation management is the biggest thing. when there is a fire they will increase it in marin. >> reporter: all while keeping marin county protected. christie smith, nbc bay area news. meanwhile bay area cal fire crews are in gold country helping to battle the state's largest fire. they made good progress this evening. it is now 80% contained up 5% from the 6:00 hour. the fire broke out on monday you might remember, burned nearly 4500 acres. new at 11:00, imagine leaving your high school graduation early. now imagine it is because you are going to go fight a fire. that is exactly what a group of seniors did answering the call of duty when their community needed them the most. nbc kate snow has their story. >> i now declare you graduates of early srapbdermule high school. congratulations. >> reporter: this was the moment last month that seniors at port jefferson high school on new york's long island had been waiting for. in the minutes that followed the celebrations were put on hold for 17-year-old peter rizzo and five of his graduates. the group, part of the all voluntary fire squad was called into service. >> peter like, what were you doing in that moment and then what happened? >> i hear the fire alarms go off. i look at my phone, structure fire, port jefferson. i think, okay, i am definitely leaving without hesitation, i am out of here. >> leaving your graduation. >> yeah. yeah. >> we were all on the field. i still had my diploma in hand and i had my gown on. i just ran from the field to the firehouse. >> in your gown? >> in your gown? >> 18-year-old did not think twice before racing to the station. >> while i was running i was struggling to take my earrings and necklace off. i had a bouquet of flowers in my hand. >> look at this. you can see their graduation gowns, sneakers, dress shoes on the garage floor. the band teacher has taught many of these students for years. he is assistant chief at the fire department and helps recruit them. >> we are the fire department. not like a paid crew. we respond from home. nobody else is coming. >> when you saw them, what was your first thought? >> i felt, i was proud of them. >> god pwhretsz all of you bless all that you did. >> they were honored last week for rushing into danger on one of the biggest nights of their lives. >> have you thought about what you are doing for your community? >> i could not think of a better way to help my community in this magnitude at my age. helping people on a daily basis is. it is very important. >> they really take it incredibly seriously anpeople you need in the voluntary fire service. >> absolutely. talk about passion and dedication. that was kate snow reporting. all right, south bay officials say they detected west nile virus in mosquitoes. so, they are taking action. tomorrow night, santa clara vector control will be spraying. the spraying will start at 10:00 p.m. and last about three hours. they say they have sent notices to people living in the zip codes where the treatment is scheduled. coming up, a new youth center now open on the peninsula. how the teens played a part in turning plans into a reality. it is a story that will make you bay area proud. >> as we wrap up our sunday heading into monday we are talking air east palo alto. more creative thanks to generous donors. marsha did something straightforward but it is radical in the world. they asked people they wanted to help what they wanted. sharing the story in tonight's bay area proud. >> reporter: and the answer to that question is this. epacenter. a creative learning space for the youth of east palo alto designed, in great part, by the youth of east palo alto. >> that really was what we wanted. what if we did this. what if we did it different low. >> reporter: it was close to 10 years ago th sought input from a group of teens as to how their foundation could best help them. they did not at the time have any idea what that input would be. >> bottom line is, we don't know what they want, we did not know what they wanted and there is what came out of it what came out is a 25,000 square foot space, not just for dance, art and music instruction but nature photography, skateboard design and drone flying lessons. all of it, the curriculum, the building design, even the name chosen in consultation with east palo alto youth. >> when they first asked us, do you want to name it epacenter or some other name? we said epacenter. >> she is one of the young people and now works there as a program intern. >> it felt like something that did not belong in east palo alto. like i was in a different neighborhood because of how new it is for it to see the color, to see the youthful look on the building i knew it was something that belonged here. >> so this is one of two visual art studios. right here they are doing painting and drawing. >> reporter: nadine is the director. she spent her career in art and education believing it has the power to change not just lives but entire communities. when she heard about it she recognized immediately its potential and knew she wanted to be a part of it. >> it normally has been about students creating things we put up on our wall or refrigerator or something like that. creating something big that is going to change other people's lives? that is the essence of creativity and what art education can do. it just impressed me. >> reporter: garvin thomas, nbc bay area news. >> a special place for so many kids. that is wonderful. >> major photography. >> yes. love it when our viewers send us photos of the weather and what you see outside of your window. so, continue to send those shots for sure. but, be careful if you are going to out enjoying the king tides, enjoy them from a safe distance, please we are expecting the return of the tides and hazy skies in the workweek. a live look right now in san francisco. beautiful view there of the night sky as we wind down our sunday. believe it or not some temperatures still in the 70s. so, we are not really cooling off by much. as a matter of fact we are still running about 13 degrees warmer in livermore, 10 degrees warmer in concord. now, let's take a look at the fire danger. we talk about this, we tend to correlate the hot temperatures, the wind, humidity. as you know, we have not seen any rain. it is still dry. at least we get a nice recovery overnight when it comes to the humidity. fast forward this time stamp through tomorrow. 1:00, look at it, 39%. in livermore, 25%. so, we still expect to keep the dry conditions as we get the ridge of high pressure dominating from the desert southwest. now, look at our hourly temperatures, this is monday, 7:00. look at the highs into tracy, 95, livermore, 86, morgan hill, 83. concord, 77. fast forward the time line to tuesday. about 3:30 and the temperatures will remain still in the 90s. tomorrow, it is expected to be one ever the warmest days of the week before we start to cool off just a little bit. now, let's talk about the air quality concerns. as you know, we got that fire burning in yosemite nearby. washburn fire right now at 77 degrees. the conditions there remain dry. at least the wind speeds right now are calm. but, still a lot of dry brush out there. we will continue to monitor as well. surface smoke. now, we have a nice flow that is going to keep a lot of the smoke east. but, we did see it drifting north lake tahoe. around 3:30. going into the north bay. parts of the east bay. possibly. it looks like a lot of that will stay aloft. helping keep some of the smoke off of the surface level in through monday. there is till an air quality advisory in place for tomorrow for the north bay and into the east bay as well. keep that in mind. let's talk king tides, coastal flood advisory in effect until midnight. we will keep monitoring the king tides tonight into monday, tuesday, peaking into thursday where we could see coastal trails and possible roads with localized flooding. local parking lots nearby. be mindful of that heading into tuesday and wednesday. notice a slight drop in temperatures for san francisco. it will be more noticeable for inland areas dropping down by 10 degrees into tuesday. even then we stay in the 80s in through tuesday and wednesday. we will talk about, you know, the air quality concern. if you smell the smoke or anything like that, hazy skies, i say play it safe. close your windows and just stay out of it for sure. >> the smart thing san francisco sunday streets. the event happened on valencia, it has been a way for the community to come out safely, especially during the pandemic. businesses can set up booths in the street. it is the fourth event. organizers say sunday streets is great because it lets the community reinvent their neighborhood for a day. >> i love it because i am not in charge. and i can come out and watch community members from all over the neighborhood completely reinventing a street for the day in ways that are always surprising and interesting and challenging and joyful. >> head's up, there are three more sunday street events scheduled this year. year. next one happening in the when big tobacco's products were found out to be killers, they promised smokers safety. they called it a filter. but this filter wasn't safe or useful, just small and made of microplastics that have endangered us all. for far too long, they have polluted the earth. they're literally everywhere. there's no need to search. big tobacco, you'll have to answer for your despicable ride, for your wake of destruction. your one little big lie. finally tonight, a comeback for a marvel super hero. "thor: love and thunder" earning 10 million people going to the thaoerer to see the film on the big screen. audiences for other movies like "top gun" are still going strong as well. experts say the numbers show that moviegoers are ready to come back to theaters for good. >> i gave it a 7. yes. >> 7 out of 10. >> i have not watched it yet. >> minions are fun, we also watched "top gun" loved, loved, top 5 for me. >> oh, well. time to get to the theaters it has been a while. >> it has. >> thank you for joining us, make sure to tune in for today in the bay starting at 4:30 tomorrow morning, have a wond it's just false. >> growing criticism from democrats and president biden needs to show some fight from abortions. >> we want the president to absolutely get in every corner and say what can we do to help. >> to guns. >> if you're angry today, i'm here to tell you be angry. i'm furious. >> to the economy. mr. biden says his options are limited and republicans are standing in the way. >> that is why my plan

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