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Dismantle the Affordable Care act . Where you stand on the issue its more taxes. May depend on where you sit. The people that want to repeal, you go without insurance and tell me how you feel. Following the republican midterm wave. Can democrats reassemble their Winning Coalition in 2016 without president obama on the ballot . Im chuck todd. Joining me with, chris matthews, helene cooper, car whethlene an Sylvia Burwell are here. Welcome to sunday. Its meet the press. Good morning. We begin with grim news from syria. Intelligence officials are investigating a video that was posted online purportedly by isis that claims to show that captured u. S. Aid worker peter cassick has been killed. He was 26 was working as a humanitarian aid worker in syria when he was captured in october of 2013. He was born peter cassick but changed his name after converting to islam while in captivity. The National Security council has released a statement. Im joined by Richard Engel in istanbul where he has been based to cover this war. Richard, it seems as if the government is assuming this video is authentic. What do you know . Well, ive seen the video. Unfortunately, it does appear to be authentic. We see the same now familiar militant dressed in all black with a distinctive london accent saying that peter kassig has been killed. You dont see the beheading. You see the militant and then what looks to be peters head at his feet. It was a long video. It shows the beheading of other hostages, a group that are allegedly syrian soldiers. If, in fact, its confirmed that kassig was murdered, he would be the fifth western hostage killed by isis. The reason they said they killed him is because he was a former soldier who served in iraq before he changed his life and went to syria to help provide some humanitarian and medical relief to syrian victims of war. Speaking of iraq, again martin dempsey, the chairman of the joint chiefs, he made a surprise visit to iraq yesterday. I think he is still there. He is supposed to get a look at the Iraqi Military. We have advisors on the ground. Theres talk ta maybe more have to go. What is the state of the Iraqi Military, and how are they doing in the fight against isis . I think its very mixed, frankly. There are some units of the Iraqi Military that are making progress. They made advanced north of baghdad in the last several days. But the military is infiltrated. Just a few weeks ago, in fact, a unit from the Iraqi Military backed up by militias and killed some isis but then they went back and butchered sunni civilians in the town. This was an act, according to officials i have spoken to, directly carried out by an iranianbacked group within the Iraqi Security services. So i think its a very mixed record of success so far. The kurds are making advances. Some units of the iraqi army are making advances. Others are running back death squads. This is the iraqi army that we are supposed to be guiding, advising and leading in a fight against isis. Looks like its a longer slog than anybody wants to deal with. Richard engel this morning, thanks very much. Now i want to switch gears, get to domestic politics. Immigration reform. Democrats now want it. Republicans, not for what the president wants. Then president obama says he is going to go ahead with or without the gop. The other is healthcare reform. Its president obamas signature achievement, his place in history. Here come the republicans. They want to take it apart. There are two issues so important to each side that neither is willing to give any. Defy the side and you are declaring political war. Thats whats happening. Fasten your seat belts, its going to be a bumpy night. If republicans thought a wave election would humble the president , he didnt show it. Promising executive action that would stop deportations for millions of undocumented immigrants, a lightning rod for the gop, the president doubled down. Thats going to happen. Thats going to happen before the end of the year. Were going to fight the president tooth and nail if he continues down this path. So much for the happy lunch at the white house last month. Theres healthcare. Yesterday marked the premiere of season to of obamacare. The president now playing sales man and chief. You can go online or call 18003182596 and get covered for 2015. New website, new cast and this Time Administration officials hope a new story line. After a disastrous debut last year. Nobody is madder than me about the fact that the website isnt working as well as it should. 7. 1 million americans signed up and paid by the end of the first Enrollment Period hitting projections. This time around, the government expects a total of between 9 million and 10 million for 2015. Thats over 3 million less than the governments original projection of 13 million signups. Yes, the future of the law remains somewhat cloudy. 13 states plus d. C. Run their own Health Insurance exchanges. 38 states, mostly with republican governors, havent set up their own exchange and rely on the federal government. But what the Affordable Care act is doing for the cost of healthcare, this map shows the change in premiums from the lastest slast e largest cities. Its up in some and done in others. In january, the new republican majority takes off promising to dismember the law. I want to pull this law out root and branch. The Supreme Court will hear another case this term about those exchanges which could cripple the law. Im joined now Sylvia Matthews burwell. Welcome to meet the press. I want to start with we heard the president earlier this morning or yesterday or tomorrow, however you want to talk about australian time. 23,000 new applications. Do you have any up to date numbers . It seems as if new applications went well. People trying to get to old accounts struggled. Yes, i do. Yesterday, we had 100,000 folks submit their new applications. And there were over 500,000 people who logged in effectively yesterday as well. So i think the vast majority of people coming to the site were able to get on and do what they were intending to do. Do you have an issue with people getting on to their old accounts . Is that an issue that you have identified, or is this just user error . With regard to that, we think the vast majority were able to. Thats what we see in the 500,000. In some of those, were tracking them down. Thats part of what i said were going do and what we want to do. Some people people forget user names. Some people are renewing their passwo passwords. Our Customer Service folks are ready and able to help people. There were over 100,000 calls yesterday. All right. Let me ask if you guys have things the uninsured rate has dropped, the average premium has gone down for 2015, medicare sol v sol vensy has increased. The publics opinion hasnt changed. Still more people think its a bad idea than a good idea. Why is that . I think why hasnt success translated . One of the things is we need to translate the success. When you ask the American People about those things individually, or when you ask the American People about the importance of no longer being held off healthcare because of preexisting conditions or the fact that their children up to the age 26 can be on their plans, thats 3 million. When you ask them about the substance of the issue, the American People respond positively. Thats what i think we need to do more about. I think what we need to do is make sure were communicating clearly and we talk about what is the substance instead of something thats one word descriptions. Actually, what this is, this is about three things. Affordability, quality and access. And when you talk about as you just did the measures against those things, thats what we need to do more of. Why did you need to downgrade expectations of how many people would sign up . You are looking at less than 10 million. The original projection was 13 million. The 13 million was the original scoring. It is done to determine they were accurate about year one. With regard to that, what we have done is when i got to hhs, i asked the team to look at the up ins and lets figure out what we think the target should be. It has two pieces to it. Reenrollment and new enrollees. With regard to the reenrollment, what we did was went out to the marketplace, what is the general reenrollment of this type of thing . They created a range 70 to 90 . Many of the people were in the 80 to 85 . We chose 83 . Then what we did was build the number that way. In setting our target what we did was take the information from last year, including the fact that when cbo did its estimates and others did estimates, they thought more people would switch from employerbased care than did. You think thats one of the reasons, that employers havent dropped people . This is the first year the employer mandate, do you expect to see employers drop people now . With regard to the number, we think its a number of elements. As we made the number that we chose, that 9. 1, we said there would be 28 growth. We believe in the second year of a new marketplace, 28 growth is strong and healthy. I got to ask you about the comments from jonathan hooper. He is an opponent of the Affordable Care, have been pointing to the comments all week long. Hes an mit professor. Hes an adviser to the healthcare law and people that wrote it when the administration was working on it. I understand you didnt work with him very closely. I do want to have you take a listen and get you to respond. This is how he explained taxing highend cadillac Health Insurance plans and doing a little oakie doek. We tax the insurance companies. They tax us. Its a very clever exploitation of the lack of economic understanding. Lack of transparency is a huge politicale ed advantage. Basically, that was really critical to getting the thing to pass. What does this do . This bill takes what i call the spaghetti approach. Which is takes a bunch of ideas that might work and throws them against the wall and we see what will stick. He is playing into every fear that many had about this bill, its not transparent, that there are things in it that people dont know. This cant help a credibility gap. I have to start with how fundamentally i disagree with his comments about the bill and about the American People. Since ive been at the department, one of the things i focused on is transparency, making sure all our numbers come out whether good or bad. The law is based on the issues of transparency and belief in the American People and choices in the marketplace. This past week, since we have had window shopping on, over a Million People have come to the site and done window shopping. They are comparing based on premiums. They are comparing based on deductibles. When you give the American People to choices, they will do that. From the issue of the consumer to the fact that we have put out information so that people can see what providers are receiving from pharmaceuticals. He said spaghetti at the wall. He said that with it was the week the healthcare law passed. Is that what this bill is, to see what works and what doesnt . This law is a piece of legislation thats about three things. And these are things that have bye pa bipartisan agreement. Affordability, access and quality. Thats what the American People want. And theres bipartisan agreement. The bill has different pieces. You touched on many of them people know about them, whether closing the medicare doughnut hole. There are 8 million american seniors that benefitted from that 11 billion. There are so many parts of this law that target those three things. Is he welcomed back as a consultant . Certainly right now in terms of the work that were doing at hhs, were doing our work and focusing on what we are doing and our modelling. Hes not welcome back . With regard to mr. Gruber and his comments, i think ive been clear. Thats something we disagree with. Thanks for coming on meet the press. Thank you. Now joining me since the Affordable Care act was implemented, 23 states have ned. What does it matter . Let m let me show you an example. Arkansas saw their uninsured rate decrease. In louisiana, the rate was reduced by less. Lets go to the number. Look at arkansas your neighbor to the north. I i know you dont want to talk about arkansas considered what happened last night with lsu. Expanding medicaid, would you have more people off the uninsured rolls. Democrats and republicans both want to represent the vulnerable, want to help people get healthcare. Medicaid is not the right way. The problem with expanding medicaid and obamacare is that it chooses a top down closed approach where the government is running your healthcare. Medicaid is a program with bad healthcare programs. They showed there was no improve with physical outcomes. It was designed to take care of the disabled, vulnerable children. It was never designed to be there for able bodied adults. The Affordable Care act, the president is doubling down on a failed approach to providing healthcare. Why arent you here is the thing. It would cost your state nothing. You may you have your own fiscal problems with the deficit issue. Would you have more money from the federal government. They are paying for it. Its not going to cost state money. Why not do it until the while the law is active in. Thats a great im glad you asked that. One of the things i love is when democrats say this is free money. This is not free money. Every dollar we dont spend on medicaid is another dollar we dont have to borrow from china. This is the reason we have nearly 18 trillion in debt. Lou lou t louisiana taxpayers are federal taxpayers. We have to stop acting like all of of this money is free money. Secondly, when you look at the best way to help folks, its to decrease the cost of healthcare. I propose a plan to replace obamacare. If the president were serious, why not give states more flexibility . But he has. Look at indiana why is john kasich wrong . They did get the federal government to approve a different plan. Why not negotiate with the government and do something that you want to do . If we were to expand medicaid it would cost my taxpayers 1. 8 billion over ten years. We would have to get more than one person out of private insurance. I know this president likes to define success as more people depending on government. Would have to take over 200,000 people out of private insurance and put them into medicaid. 200,000 people not insured at all. Im saying for every uninsured, you take more than another person out of private insurance. In louisiana in particular, we inherited a Public Hospital system. We had ten state operated hospitals through the private sector. We have improved Healthcare Access and outcomes for one example. It used to take ten days to get a prescription filled. Now you can get it done in ten minu minutes. We reformed our program. Over 80 of our my point is, there are better ways to provide healthcare to the eventuvulnera. Its not for the government to run healthcare. The answer is not to expand a failed program, a one size fits all like medicaid. You think its a total failure . I think when it was targeted for the disabled, for children, in louisiana we cover over 95 of our children have coverage. I think it could be improved with more flexibility. This wasnt a conservative study. The harvard study showed when you expanded medicaid, there was no improvement in physical healthcare. Giving them a doctor without giving them access to doctors, hospitals, doesnt improve anything. On immigration, if the president goes through with the executive action, do you think republicans should use the power of shutting down the government to stop him from doing it . I dont think the president should shut down the government to try to break the constitution. The reality is you think the president would shut down the government . You do want republicans to fight him on this . I dont think the president should shut down the government. You are twisting my question. Lets step back you want that show down . The president said i want to break the law. He said im going to wait until after the election. I know its not going to be p p popular. We had an election. He said his policies were on the ballot. He lost in red states, purple states, blue states. The people rejected his policies. Now he is saying, im going to break the law. Talk about arrogance. Where was this president said elections have consequences, we are talking about how can the Congress Force the president to follow the law . I would expect democrats who may agree with him on substance to say the right way to do this is to follow the constitution, follow the law. We shouldnt shut down the government. But republicans should do everything they can to force the president to follow the law. Lets secure the border. The president shouldnt shut down the government. I want to ask you about president ial ambitions. Majority in louisiana disapprove of your job. Why is that a launching pad . I dont care about poll numbers. I never have. I was elected in louisiana to make generational changes. Look at what we have done in louisiana. Now we have cut our state budget 26 , cut the number of state employees 34 . We have the best private sector economy in a generation. Our economy has grown twice as fast as the national economy. More people working than ever before at a higher income than ever before. We transformed the charity house. Thats the third wheel in louisiana politics. State wide school choice. If i were to run i havent made that decision. If i were to run for president , its because i believe in our country the American Dream is at jeopardy. This president has defined the American Dream as more dependence on the government. We need to restore the American Dream. Its more about opportunity and growth and not redistribution. One part of your record you have nearly a 1 billion hole in your budget. Your deficit has grown. You did a big tax cut at the beginning of your term as governor. Revenues havent followed. Thats not true, chuck. The billion dollars is the assume we grow. Our budget has balanced every year. I have had eight credit upgrades in the ratings. We have balanced our budget every year without running deficits, without raising taxes. You have to. We need to do that in d. C. As well. We have made tough choices, unlike d. C. We cut spending 9 billion. Im not talking about cutting growth. We cut our budget by 9 billion. We have balanced our budget. We have done it by growing the private sector. We have more than 80,000 jobs, more than 50 billion in private investment coming into our state. We are our economy is doing so well, when i was elected, our wore are i was we were losing our sons and daughters. Today our biggest challenge is filling all these great jobs. Governor bobby jindal, you will decide by the new year. President obama said election what election . The midterm losses havent stopped him, they seemed to have energized [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. Some come here to build something stronger. Others come to build something faster. Something safer. Something greener. Something the whole world can share. People come to boeing to do many different things. But its always about the very thing we do best. Alkaseltzer plus presents but its always about the very thing we do best. The cold truth. I have a cold, with terrible chest congestion. Better take something. Ill catch up later. Awww. Truth is, theraflu severe cold doesnt treat chest congestion. Really . New alkaseltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. Oh, what a relief it is. Here we go woooo woooo and now, alkaseltzer plus has a complete line of powders to treat your worst cold symptoms. The controversial Keystone Pipeline, which would transport oil from canada down to the gulf mexico is back in the news. The senate is expected to take up a bill this week that could allow the project to go forward. We asked two experts to argue for and against the pipeline being built in our weekly web series make the case. That and more on our website. Up next, president obama and that and more on our website. Up next, president obama and twhat do i do . You need to catch the 4 10 huh . The Equipment Tracking system will get you to the loading dock. There should be a truck leaving now. I got it. Now jump off the bridge. What . In 3. 2. 1. Are you kidding me . Go. Right on time. Right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. We call that predictable. Thrillingly predictable. Its in this spirit that ingu u. S. Is becoming a new kind of company. One that helps you think differently about whats ahead, and whats possible when you get things organized. Ing u. S. Is now voya. Changing the way you think of retirement. As the company thats all about printing. But did you know we also support hospitals using Electronic Health records for more than 30 million patients . Or that our Software Helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure email every month . Or how about processing nearly 5 billion in electronic toll payments a year . In fact, todays xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. With xerox, youre ready for real business. Weve always been on the forefront of innovation. When the world called for speed. When the world called for stealth. Intelligence. Endurance. Affordability. Adaptability. And when the world asked for the future. Staying ahead in a constantly evolving world. Thats the value of performance. Northrop grumman. Welcome back. This months midterm results were miserable to the democrats party. They lost the senate and seats in the house. With two years of his tenure left, the president has two things to do. He can be bold or compromise. This week it became clear the president has opted to favor the latter approach. He may believe the best form of a defense is a good offense. Without any republican support on anything, then its going to be hard to get things done. That was four years ago. This is now. There will be actions i take they dont like. In 2010, president obama realizing he would be facing voters in two years walked away with a pledge to build consensus. The effort failed. A grand bargain on taxes broke down. Clashes paved the way for a Government Shutdown. This time around, the president is learning a different lesson from defeat. With time running out to secure a legacy, this week the president put his fists up, telling supporters, lets go. Im laying out a plan to keep the internet free and open. The president pushed the fcc to issue the strongest possible rules for Internet Service providers, saying the internet should be regulated like a public utility so Broadband Companies cant charge for better access. Republican senator ted cruz called it obamacare for the internet. On tuesday, mr. Obama announced a climate deal with china designed to cut Carbon Emissions from both countries. For first time, we got china to make a commitment to constrain its green house gases. Why would anybody be against that . Republicans were. I had naively hoped the president would look at the results of the election and decide to come to this political center. But the early signs are not good. As early as next week, the president will give republicans another target when he acts alone to extend protections to as much as 5 million undocumented immigrants. Were going to fight the president tooth and nail. Its like waving a red flag in front of bull. The president may have said i hear you, but its just the opposite. Republican leaders hoping to prevent a Government Shutdown and avoid upsetting conservatives are considering the courts. I would advise rather than devote time trying to constrain my lawful actions as the chief executive of the u. S. Government in charge of enforcing our immigration laws that they spend some time passing a bill. Now instead of worrying about shoring up red state incumbents, he is working on firing up base democrats who stayed home on election day. Contributing to the lowest overall midterm turnout in more than seven decades. That may mean picking a fight with members of his own party. Democrat soul searching revives a rift between moderates and progressives. The first skirmish, a senate vote next week on the Keystone Pipeline. I would like to vote on keystone now. Understand what this project is. Its providing the ability of canada to pump their oil, send it through our land down to the gulf where it will be sold everywhere else. It doesnt have an impact on u. S. Gas prices. Well, the panel is here. I want to start with keystone. Chris, the president , is he going to veto it . Is that a death knell . This time around, its veto. But its going to come back again and again. It will be negotiated. Is it a mistake to veto it . He may feel he has to do it for his environmental supporters. Its not going to stop it. Its going to happen. It will happen. It will happen now or next year or the year after. The country wants jobs. Energy is a primary concern of the American People. Look where the elector rion working class white, Hillary Clinton will want, they will be for jobs. He said theres nothing in it for us. There are jobs in it. Thats the way the American People look at it. Not energy, jobs. Are you surprised at this more energized president obama . Im not. I think its interesting though, because somebody clearly didnt tell him that his party got whipped. It wasnt close. So its really interesting seeing how he has come out. He is clearly shooting for the fences. He is thinking about his legacy. He wants to get things done. I think thats why you are going to see him doing much more things on the International Stage where he has more ability. I think hes for all of the nice talk that you heard the day after election about trying to get along, thats not going to happen. I think were in for two years of complete gridlock. What should republicans do if the president wants to basically still enact his agenda and not let the midterms interrupt that . Just on Keystone Pipeline, perhaps the president will veto this. On what basis would he do so . The American People support it by wide majorities. What we are doing today is actually worse for global Greenhouse Gas emissions than the Keystone Pipeline would be. It would create jobs despite his bizarre statement that it wouldnt. Finally there are mixed studies on this. 2 1 2 years of a process, thats purposeful foot dragging or incompetence. The American People know that. I think what the republicans should do is soberly and systematically pass bills that make sense, that have bipartisan support. Keystone pipeline is one of them. They should pass it. If he jumps in and does the executive action on immigration, i think republicans should not be goaded in showdown . Showdown, because it only helps obama and hurts the American People. What they should do is systematically and soberly pass bills to solve a problem and they should point out to hispanics all over this nation that this president has taken advantage of them. He sunk comprehensive Immigration Reform in 2007. He did nothing to push forward Immigration Reform when he had the senate, the house and the white house. He said he couldnt do anything and then he delayed his action for the elections. Unbelievable cynicism. It does appear as if the president is looking at different democratic groups and going to the base. Your point that this is the beginning of a feud between the two factions you think there is . I think its correct. Its more valuable for Mary Landrieu to be against him and have him veto the pipeline for her to actually be able to deliver it. Here where he you think its better politics for her . It certainly is. In a state where her if she cant get something she wants to get done, thats good for her . Shes not going to be able to convince voters shes not another vote for the president. This is the constant problem that democrats across the country had. They were too closely tied to him. Why not do Everything Possible to distance yourself from the white house . A veto might help her . She doesnt have great chances either way. Before december 12th, too. Ten days, they have to veto one way or other. Its going to happen. All right. You are coming back. We will talk more about this coming up. Democrats stayed home on election day. 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The Democratic Partys prospects for 2016 are all about who shows up to vote. One reason president obam did so well in 2012 was due to minority and youth turnout. In fact, lets look at 2012. 72 of that vote was white. 13 black. 10 hispanic. 19 was between the ages of 18 and 29. Now, here is what we know. Whites voted for romney by nearly 20 points. If you look at everybody else, blacks, hispanics, asians, the president won that share of the vote 80 to 19 . Lets look at what happened last tuesday. No tu turnout was low. The percentage of white voters was up. Black and hispanic numbers dropped. Most significantly, that 1829 vote, dropped down to 13 of those who voted. Guess what that did. It helped produce the gop wave that w saw. Here are two states where a turnout that looks like 2012 likely would have changed the outcome of the election. Colorado and north carolina. In colorado, cory gardner beat mark udall by 42,000 votes. Look at this. Between 2012 and 2014, the youth turnout in colorado, mostly democratic voters, dropped from 20 of the electoral to 14 . The youth turnout had held steady, probably would have produced enough votes to put udall over the top. Lets look at another example, north carolina. Thom tillis beat kay hagan. Had the africanamerican turnout by the same as it was in 2012, senator hagan would have won. It would have produced 56,000 more votes. It would have led to a differentodifferent outcome. Many have argued you need someone like obama at the top of the ballot to get the turnout that favors democrats. If that is true, then democrats could have a problem. Obama will not be at the top of the ticket. The longterm shift in demographics in the United States probably will help the Democratic Party in the next president ial election when turnout will be higher. 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They took two different approaches to the law. Everything is bigger in texas, including the opposition to the Affordable Care act. It is going to be more taxes on all of the texas people. I mean, thats a trap if ever there was one, it seems to me. Reporter 1,000 miles away in the land of lincoln and the current president , it is also call called the aca and embraced. The aca saved us. Reporter one year later two states with different assessments. Robert mayfield heads a sizzling business in austin, texas, and he owns a burger joint and six dairy queens employing under 100 people at above minimum wage. We pay 10 and we dont do it because we are nice guys, but we do it because we get the best peopl people. Reporter mayfield wants to expand the business started by his father in 1949 but going over the 100 employee mark means he has to offer health care for his workers or pay penalties under the mandate. These penalties passed by the government dont come out of the air. We have to pay them or we dont pay in business. Reporter and if 30 hours is a full time worker as defined by the law, mayfield will have to cut workers or drawback. I have people i care about that have worked for me for ten or more years. Reporter only 39,000 people signed up for the aca. It is characterized as the panacea to the uninsured issues out there, and well, it is not and it never was. Reporter state representative john zerwa says he hears from people who pay more for less coverage. And while texas rejected the medicaid expansion, this doctor is open for other ways. There is other ways to look at at how to provide insurance or some program to this 1 million or 1. 5 Million People for which there is no option right now. Reporter in washington, the republican majority wants to repeal the law, and these are fighting words for the people in keith moons house in chicago. The people who want the repeal it, they sit there with insurance, and you go without insurance for two years, and thele the me how you feel. Reporter moons family did after he and joyce lost their job jobs. Joyces preexisting thyroid condition pushed the price tag for insurance to unaffordable 1,750 a month. Reporter as a husband your wife is not getting the attention she needs. It was terrible. You felt awful about it. Reporter and now with the aca they pay 350 a month and joyce gets the care she needs. Reporter one year later, what is the emotional difference . You dont have the ov overhanging stress and risk of medical bankruptcy. And to have that burden lifted from your shoulders, i dont know how to put it in words. Reporter in illinois of the 1. 2 million eligible more than 700,000 signed up. Because of the coverage in the Affordable Care act, a lot of people are more likely to live. Families are less likely to go bankrupt. Reporter and to entering year two, the Affordable Care act has not healed the divide it created. For meet the press anne thompson. And now for a deep dive on the policy, im joined by Toby Cosgrove and she worked with the white house and in the white house to develop obamas Health Care Law and obic roy who is working with with the Research Institute for forgdz who advised mitt romney on Affordable Care act, and what are you seeing. Roy forbes . Well, it started out to decrease the cost, and the jury is not in on that yet, and you have to understand that the costs are not about the costs of the individual, but also about the the costs of the health care across the nation, and it has improved and you as the head of the cleveland clinic, you would know. And you have is seen the costs down . Yes. With we realize that the pressure is on the Health Care Providers across the country to help make health care more affordable and greater efficiency and we have seen the National Quality indicators go up, and access to increase across the country, and so there are the main thing that we are seeing is the jury is not in yet on what we are doing as far as the cost can across the country is in. And obic. Well, the costs are coming up. I was going to say that the first year, it is not the doom and the gloom predicted . Well, the hospital costs and the underlying costs for the people who did buy coverage on their own did go up from year one and more stable in the higher levels, a nd the bigger part of what people are not paying attention to is that people are more on the medicare and the medicaid plans, the Big Government plans, more hospitals are merging to have higher market plan to raise the premiums for the people with the private insurance ax, and we ar seeing that in ohio as more hospitalbased systems are merging and maybe it is different in toby, but it is increasing prices for 44 higher on things like knee e replacements and angioplasties and procedures. And mary, you are shaking your heads. Yes, we have data that premiums are coming down. And premiums, your out of pocket costs are coming down. We used to have the doubledigit increases over the last couple of years, they have come down. And it is true ha the Health Care System is transforming itself, because there is pressure to bring the costs down, and greater concentration in some areas, and most of the times in most of those cases what we are seeing is better value for the patient. So, im happy to discuss the ins and outs of different areas, but as the national trend, we have National Numbers that the inflation is down and translating to the lower premium increases. Are dr. Cosgrove, what is the next metrics . It is the transparency around the costs, and that is going to happen over time which will bring the marketplace to a real marketpla marketplace. We need to have people understand and have a part in how much they are paying for their health care. With we really need to move from sick care to well care and that is going to require that people get involved in their care and understand what they are doing, and at the end of the day, you have to understand that the health of the country is only as good as the health of the citizens, and we need to work on that hard. And obic, what would you do dismantle the the law or try to improve it . Make changes to the law based on the things that you think that the president can sign whether it is bipartisan support. U wrote would not go for the kill on this . No, they will have a vote on the repeal,r because the base want wants it, and they have a made a promise to the voters, and that is fine, but the voters have to think constructively of how to make the health care better, one is to increase access to care, but a big part of increasing the access to care is to make it less expensive and the average day in the hospital in the United States is five times more than any other industrial country and that is way too high, and we are increasing the cost costs to two percent or more, we have to bring it down. And that is one part of the law that really focused on the Insurance Coverage and having a harder im to go after the cost, mary . Well, we have National Health expenditures lowering, in part, because they say thatt love other factors as well. And the economic downturns as well. But the thing to distinguish is that the out of pocket costs are going out for consumers and tenyear trend because employers are shifting, and that is the next area for the democrats and the republicans, and the next area to concentrate on, is how much the consumers are paying. The law has had a big ben fit here, because the premiums are coming down, and the people, and that is a huge issue for all people. And quickly . We have to understand that we have a shortage of doctors and nurses. 800,000 nurses in a decade and another 130,000 doctor shortage and we have to address it before it is a crisis. All right. Than you. And so a little substance with the peoples sunday morning breakfast. The peoples sunday morning breakfast. And little policy tsome cool things to pass onto byour kids your super heroes. And little policy your fashion sense. Your love of reading. Your uncanny ability to find parking spots. Your fear of people who are different . Not so much, the more you know. Welcome back. The panel is stul heill here. I want to pick up on the healthcare conversation. Would you be advising full repeal at this point in time . Do you think at some point you got to almost stop talking about repeal or no . I think that the Republican House will pass a bill that repeals it. I think ultimately this bill does you dont think the senate will . I dont think the senate will. Let me tell you why i think it needs to be repealed. What happens when you have vast legislative overreach is you dont particularly fix the problem you started out to fix and you create problems for everyone else. Thats what we have done. The number of uninsured isnt coming down fast enough. Preexisting conditions, im a cancer survivor. Of course, that should not be a reason not to get Health Insurance. But they keep talking about premiums. What they dont talk about is everyones deductibles have gone up. What they dont talk about is not enough people are getting insured. We have created so many other problems. You reference jonathan. This law is longer than a harry potter novel. It happen wait a minute. Of course nobody understands it. It has created problems for everyone. The healthcare you will write a long law. Are you not . Or, you could go to the one force that we know reliably improves quality and lowers costs. Its competition. The Health Insurance market has never been competitive. Between the Health Insurance companies trying to protect their franchises and Big Government. Reed, you helped me on my book. When we went through the healthcare thing, passing the bill became more importance tt the words in the bill. It did. Within the white house there was overcorrection the mistakes the clintons had made. They gave a lot of writing authority to capitol hill. That didnt work because of some internal dynamics within the democratic conference up there, especially in the senate. This is a problem for the president from the first day of his administration. It has plagued him. It will now continue to do so in the last two years of his term. Chris, if you are the administration, they still they still havent marketed healthcare well. I agree. I want to go to the genesis of the bill. Its the same as immigration. As long as you have an intractable opposition i was hoping with he get hatch in on the bill. They were negotiating. They fell off because of fear of the tea party people. Same with immigration. Please have a meeting between the president and the speaker of the house they need to meet . I like it on television. What is your opposition to the bi bill . I will give you more enforcement. Is it hiring rules . We will enforce them. I promise you we will enforce them. You are against any kind of amnesty for people who have been here 20, 30 years. So what then when the president issues the order, people will understand he tried to negotiate. Let me tell you something. We are negotiating with t why dont we have negotiations. He brings up a point. I can hear republicans echoing, he will negotiate with iranians but he wont negotiate with us. Thats not the way i said it. Im telling you thats the way you will requoted. They meet at the table and show us whats their opposition to immigration. Im sorry. Very quick. I think that for the republicans, theres going to be a danger of overreach as well. They right now control the senate. If they are going to shut down the government, what are they going to be for . Before i let you go, we thought we would end on a happy note. The president sis on his way hoe from the g20 summit. Being australia, the hosts brought out cuddly koalas. Look at that. This like him posing with an animal that wasnt faked. Theres the president , almost getting tickled by a koala. Is this a reminder everything goes better with animals . Everybody is happier . You want a joke . Before i let you go, are you how serious are you about running for president . That will be something i considerate the right time. You are considering . When people ask you over and over again, you have to reflect. I will pause and reflect at the right time. You are something you are pondering . You have to ponder when people ask you. Have i been i have been to iowa. Theres a flight out of d. C. Thats all for today. We will be back next week because if its sunday, its meet the press. Coming up on early today, a new week with a treacherous commute and a winter mix of snow, sleet and then rain. Plus, historic snow measured in feet over the next 72 hours. President obama returns to the u. S. To find battles brewing on immigration, the Keystone Pipeline, and another american beheaded by isis. Missouri is on edge as protests have begun ahead of the Michael Brown grand jury decision. Early today starts right now. Good morning. Im milissa rehberger. Get ready for round two. An arctic blast will leave millions shivering. The cold air will make its way south and east t

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