Mouth said, his eyes said help me, my boss is insane [ light laughter ] youre being very mean to him you all have to stop doing this [ light laughter ] thats right. Sean spicer said that nordstroms decision to stop carrying ivanka trumps clothing line is an attack on the president , and hes also mad at mens warehouse, because he does not like the way he looks. [ light laughter ] you guaranteed it five other five other retailers, including neiman marcus, also announced that they are dropping ivanka trumps fashion line, while autozone announced theyll no longer carry eric and donald jrs hair grease. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] hundreds hundreds of new York City High School and College Students yesterday, protested education secretary betsy devos confirmation. Okay, is protesting just going to be a part of our daily lives now . How do you think Michelle Obama feels that trump has gotten more kids outside in the past 19 days, than she did in two terms. She devoted eight years to getting young people exercising. Without even trying, trump has em walking 100 city blocks a day. [ laughter and applause ] that is that is an affront to our former first lady. The latest polls show President Trump has an Approval Rating in the low 40s, which means hes probably about to dump it for one in the low 20s. [ laughter and applause ] this this next jokes my favorite joke of the week. Its really [ light laughter ] the next joke im gonna tell you a very a very sophisticated joke, very intelligent joke, its a joke for intellectuals only. If you dont get this one, dont be hard on yourself. [ light laughter ] its an incredibly smart joke. Today was National Boy Scouts day, knot [ laughter and applause ] in a recent interview, President Trump revealed he has only been sleeping four or five hours a night, while ben carson is still getting a solid 24. [ laughter and applause ] a new ranking has named austin as the best American City to live in. Said betsy devos, congratulations, vermont [ light laughter ] a japanese man recently set a world record by snapping his fingers almost 300 times in a minute. Im coming, said his waiter. [ laughter ] and finally, according to a new study, a person is more likely to participate in abusive behavior online based on their current mood, like if theyre mad or if theyre very surprised they won. [ light laughter ] ladies and gentlemen we have a great show for you tonight. [ cheers and applause ] from the new film, fistfight, ice cube is back on the show everybody. The legend, ice cube is here. [ cheers and applause ] shes starring in john wick chapter 2, ruby rose is joining us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] very excited about that. And we have music from an american singersongwriter, ty segall is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] so, its a great show. Youre here on a good night. And, again, i want to say thanks to my friend jimmy fallon, i was on the tonight show tonight. Always a delight to see him, always a delight to have him as my leadin. It is a great joy to be doing a show in the same building as him. Moving on, before we get to Everything Else in our show, the Trump Administration and the gop are already pursuing a slash and burn strategy to push their agenda through, which brings up brings us to the question, where are the democrats . And whats their plan for stopping trump . For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] it can be hard it can be hard to keep track of the procedural things that trumps government is actually doing on a daily basis, because every day theres some new, absurd controversy. Like on monday, when the New York Times reported, an indepth look at how isolated trump is in the white house, with this particularly eyebrowraising detail. When trump is not watching television in his bathrobe, he will sometimes set off to explore the unfamiliar surroundings of his new home. [ light laughter ] and you do not want to be on a white house tour when that happens. [ laughter ] over here is the painting of kennedy. Theres the bust of lincoln, and there are the nuts of trump. Now, there is nothing wrong with a man wearing a bathrobe. But trump was apparently so upset with the portrayal, he sent White House PressSecretary Sean Spicer out to refute it. That story was so riddled with inaccuracies and lies that they owe they owe the president an apology. Reporter what was inaccurate . It was the details. I mean there were start at the top. I dont think the president owns a bathrobe. Definitely doesnt wear one. Seth he doesnt own a bathrobe . [ laughter ] he doesnt own a bathrobe at all, he just owns suits that fit like a bathrobe. [ light laughter ] and just in case you thought bathrobegate couldnt get any sillier, the media actually dug up old pictures of donald trump wearing a bathrobe. [ light laughter ] its possible that the president does not wear a bathrobe now. We checked. He definitely wore them in the past. As you can see in this photograph that the daily mail published [ laughter and applause ] its apparently from a trove of late 1970s photographs obtained by a collector. Seth a collector . Whos collecting old photos of donald trump in a bathrobe . Oh right, right, right. [ laughter and applause ] but and this is important, while the media is obsessing over bathrobes, trump and republicans are quietly rolling back obamaera regulations on everything from the environment to wall street. For example, last week trump signed an executive order that began the process of repealing an obamaera regulation, mandating that any Investment Adviser must meet a fiduciary standard of acting in the best interest of their clients. Thats it. The rule they want to get rid of literally says you cant try to rip people off. Although i guess im not surprised trump would be against a no ripping people off rule, considering the diplomas at Trump University were just a piece of paper with the word psyche written on it. [ light laughter ] so the question is, can democrats do anything to stop trumps slash and burn agenda . Well, yesterday they got close, forcing Vice President mike pence to go to the senate and break a 5050 tie to confirm trumps pick for education secretary, betsy devos. Although, im sure pence was eager for any excuse to get the hell out of the white house. You guys dont know how bad it is. The president wears a bathrobe and lets just say, hes seen basic instinct. [ light laughter ] [ audience oohs ] now just how bad of a pick is betsy devos . Well, even republicans who voted for her think she needs to learn more about how Public Schools work. Yesterday nebraska senator deb fischer said, devos will have to be exposed to Public Schools to see how successful they are. Adding, i think what we need to do is make sure that we get the secretary of education out to the states, and out to these great Public Schools that we have. Shes admitting the education secretary needs to learn how to run Public Schools on the job. Thats like saying, the new bus driver doesnt technically have a license or any experience behind the wheel, but i cant think of a better place for him to learn, than while carting our children down the interstate. [ light laughter ] devos was nearly stopped in part, as a result of the intense Grass Root Energy building on the left right now. To give you an idea of how effective the womens marches have been, a poll found that 60 of americans say they support the womens march, compared to just 27 of americans who said they supported the Tea Party Movement in 2010. But democrats have to do more than just be against things, they also have to have something to offer to americans who were so desperate for change, that they voted for donald trump. Now some democrats do seem interested in acknowledging that their party lost touch with the working class, a Point Elizabeth warren made on saturday. In november, america elected donald trump. And yeah, the russians helped. And yeah, the fbi director helped. And yeah, he lost the popular vote by three million votes. But, we cannot let ourselves off the hook so easily. Not as progressives, not as democrats. The excuses end now. Seth the excuses end now. Elizabeth warren is like a High School Football coach giving a halftime speech. But the Democratic Party is like the Atlanta Falcons drifting off during a halftime speech and forgetting theres more football to play. [ audience oohs ] because Elizabeth Warren wants democrats to acknowledge that they made mistakes, and lost touch with the working class. But shes running into resistance from the old guard, led by nancy pelosi, who disagreed. Reporter how do you respond to her . Because you were just making a case that that the Obama Administration and the democrats who were in charge, were being responsive. Elizabeth warren is saying no, the democrats werent. What do you say to her . Well, i think she went on further to say, that it wasnt about what we had done, its how we did not message it. And that is reporter no, but she said no, she actually said the opposite its not about a new set of talking points. No reporter its actually about policies that arent working for those folks. Well, they but they have. What lets see the record. The record is that, what did we do . We bailed out the Auto Industry. Seth the Auto Industry . That was eight years ago democrats youre the pussycat dolls of capitol hill. Its been a while since youve had a hit. [ light laughter ] [ audience oohs ] in fact, pelosi ended up proving exactly why democrats need new leadership on monday, when at a press conference, she actually slipped into some old talking points and seemed to forget who the president was. While its only a couple of weeks since the inauguration, theres complete evidence theres pract and yet weve seen nothing that we can work that i can work with president bush on. And im disappointed [ laughter ] because i thought that there might be some interest, because of what he said in the campaign. Seth look at the face of the congresswoman behind her [ laughter ] when she says bush. [ laughter and applause ] thats the face you make when the best man forgets the name of the bride. [ laughter ] kaylas a great gal. I mean kelsey. Kylie . Wow, im sorry. Its just, hes been with so many women. [ laughter ] Bernie Sanders popularity alone should underscore the appetite for new ideas in leadership in the Democratic Party. Lots of people were feeling the bern. But i dont remember a single case of pelosi fever, also known as osteopelosis. [ laughter ] its medical its a medical term. Democrats democrats need to strike a strong contrast with the gop, because republicans clearly have no interest in listening to them. On tuesday night for example, Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell, used an Arcane Senate rule to silence Elizabeth Warren, as she tried to speak out against trumps nominee for attorney general, alabama senator jeff sessions. Asked to explain why he stopped warren from speaking mcconnell said, senator warren was giving a lengthy speech, she had appeared to violate the rule. She was warned, she was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted. Nevertheless, she persisted . Mcconnell tried to slam warren, and instead he gave her the tag line for an action movie. [ laughter ] look, democrats, you have millions of fired up protesters demanding that you stand up to trump. More of you should be on board with warren. I mean, isnt there anyone out there willing to stand up and fight . Whats obama up to . Maybe hell come back. [ laughter ] oh, yeah, hes never coming back. Hes never coming back. [ laughter ] this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with ice cube, everybody. [cheers and applause] that tasty special sauce, that iconic big mac you know and love is now in a perfectly portable, smaller size. Thats huge. Juicy, cheesy, iconic big mac. Now in three sizes, for a limited time only. Sir . You give me that salad and i will pay for your movie and one snack box. Can i keep the walnuts . Yes. But i get to pick your movie. Can i pick the genre . Nope. With the blue cash everyday card you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Backed by the service and security of american express. You get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. [car[clicking of ignition]rt] uh wha woof eeh woof wuh [silence] [engine roars to life] [dog howls] dramatic opera music swells from radio [howling continues] so tasty. [cheers and applause] welcome back, everybody, please give it up for the 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] also were so happy this week to have fred armisen back on the drums. Give it up for fred. [ cheers and applause ] and its so great to have you fred here, we always get to talk about your new and exciting projects and im just so impressed. Not only portlandia seventh season of portlandia. Thats amazing, congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] fred thanks a lot. Seth and yet, you still have time to do other things. And one of the things thats been in the press a lot recently is fake news. Fred yeah. Seth the idea of fake news. Fred yes. Seth and ive heard and is this true that youve started your own fake news site . Fred i have, yeah. [ light laughter ] its called please listen to me. Seth okay. Fred and what it is is, its a news about whats going on in helmet factories around the world. Helmet factories, you know, like where they make helmets for motorcycles and stuff. So i wanted to focus it in on that. Seth okay. Fred because its theres so much fake news about, you know, other places seth you are a you have a website fred yeah, i know, i know. Seth that tells fake news about stuff that happens at helmet factories. Fred i know, i know. Seth but it seems like the hole, maybe, in your logic and i dont mean to beat you up on this. Fred yeah. Seth but it doesnt even seem like people want real news about whats happening. [ light laughter ] fred youd be shocked. Seth really . Fred i was shocked to find out theres a whole world about it. Because, you know, theres these helmets, that, and then theres these. [ light laughter ] seth well, give me a fake news story about a helmet factory. Fred hey, check it out, starting on thursday, theres a new helmet coming out, that is made out of balsa wood. [ light laughter ] seth and thats not true . Fred yeah, yeah. Between you and me its not true, but im going to put it out there. So, yeah. Seth and again it seems weird, the name of the site does not have helmet in it at all. Fred im work seth please listen to me. Fred please listen to me. So please check it out. Seth okay. [ light laughter ] give it up for fred armisen, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest tonight is a rapper, actor and writer who you know from films such as, barbershop, 21 jump street, and ride along. Hes also a member of the rock n roll hall of fame for his work with nwa. His lastest movie, fistfight is in theaters february 17th. Lets take a look. All right, we got this. Yeah, we got this. You stabbed [ bleep ] me hard. Uh, technically this is occurring during school hours so i cannot stay out this sword. Who does this belong to . This man is honestly the drug addict, look at his eyes, theyre burgundy red. Let the record reflect his eyes are red. And its very dry in the room. Its not that dry. It is wet with life. Hes holding an ax. This is true as well. Mr. Strickland is brandishing a weapon. We all saw that. Seth please welcome back to the show, ice cube, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back. Yeah, man. I love portlandia. Seth youre a big portlandia fan . I love portlandia, man. Seth thats fantastic, im so happy to hear that. Its dope, its real dope. Seth i want to talk about the movie but i also want to talk about this other thing youre doing, thats very cool. Youre starting a Basketball League called big three. Are you talking about the big three . Seth big three, there it is. Yeah, yeah, big three. Yeah, you know, i got tired of saying my favorite players retired. Some guys dont know they out the league. They just dont get the call no more. Seth right. So, you know, i was like, yo, why are they retiring . Its because of the wear and tear. The nba schedule is real grueling, so i was like, yo, lets break it down, go back to old school three on three, halfcourt but have the pros play. Seth so these are recentlyretired guys who still have enough gas in the tank to play halfcourt threeonthree once a week. Man, we got allen iverson, chauncey billups, kenyon martin, jermaine o neal, richard lewis. Seth thats great. White chocolate. We got white chocolate, jason williams. [ light laughter ] so, you know, its just great. Seth thats great yeah. Seth now how do you decide whos on what team . Is that something thats going to happen down the line . Well, weve got eight teams, and we got eight player captains. And then they gonna pick a squad. We gonna have a combine and a draft. Seth oh, fantastic. Going to be real fun. Seth now, you have over the years, i know youre a huge basketball fan. Im assuming a lot of those guys are huge fans of yours. Does it do you get excited when you meet basketball players for the first time that you were fans of . Yeah, man, you know, theyre some of my favorite cats. I love and admire how they play basketball. I mean me and alan iverson we really just met for the first time. And man, it was a love fest, man. He loved me, i loved him. [ light laughter ] im a big fan of his. He a big fan of mine. Man, you know, so, you know, its cool to meet these guys. I was the same way with kobe, and shaq, and magic, and dr. J and, you know, michael jordan. Its just incredible to be able to meet these guys. Seth and youve had a chance to play in sort of celebrity allstar games. Youve played with magic, youve played with shaq. Yeah, yeah. Seth and then when you play with them because youre pretty good at basketball, right . Im all right. [ light laughter ] seth yeah, i remember hearing you on stage that you [ bleep ] around and got a tripledouble. Oh, yeah, yeah, definite. [ laughter ] you know . Thats the only way to [ bleep ] around, you know what i mean . [ laughter and applause ] seth so do you, is it more exciting to try to give an assist to one of those guys, is it more exciting to try to score . With shaq it was cool because we were we were we in australia. We was bored. He was rapping then with the fuschnickens. Seth so, he was on tour . He was on tour with us. And we went to go play basketball and i ended up on shaqs team. Threw him an alleyoop and he almost pulled the damn goal down. But it was like a highlight of my life, when am i going to get a chance to throw an alleyoop to shaq . Seth yeah. Yeah, i done got a pass from magic and hit a shot so i can die and go to heaven. Seth yeah, because that certainly with magic, too, i mean not growing up, magic must have been a huge deal for you, being from l. A. He was like a god to me. I mean, the forum, where i grew up, you could throw a rock and hit the forum from my house. So i used to be in the backyard just hoping like magic would drive by and come play basketball with me. You never came, magic, never came. [ laughter ] seth im sorry, i didnt mean to uncover this painful memory of the time. Magic never came you know, god is great. Ive had a chance to meet him and with great friends and hes just my favorite basketball player of all time. Seth thats fantastic and i want to ask, because youve played three celebrity allstar games over the years. Who are there any celebs that have surprised you as far as how good at basketball they were . Snoop can hoop, thats not surprising. [ light laughter ] Brian Mcnight is dope. Seth okay. You know, he can play. And jaleel white. I mean, you all remember erkle. Seth yeah, yeah. [ light laughter ] erkle would d your ass up he will d you up. Seth he will d you up. He dont play. Seth yeah yes seth and im sure because im sure when first when you see erkle guarding you, you must think, im about to go off. And then no, i mean, you know, jaleel, you know, hes got a little swag, you know what im saying . He got a little swag. He done left erkle behind. Thats a grown man right there. [ laughter ] grown man. Seth congratulations on the movie fistfight. From the clip, charlie day whos a really funny guy, fantastic actor. So you guys are two teachers who are going to have basically its the whole film is going towards this fight. Yeah seth yeah. Yeah. Its kind of cool. Seth and you kind of played the old school teacher. Did you were there teachers in your past that inspired you towards how you found this character . Yeah, mr. Tussant, we had a teacher named mr. Tussant, he had an afro. Hed comb it to the front. [ light laughter ] he was back when they had shop, when they used to teach kids how to do stuff with their hands. Seth yeah. He was a wood teacher and hed get in your stuff. He was, young man you know, snatch you up by the collar, slam you up against the locker, you know, back when you really could teach the kids, you know what i mean . [ laughter ] yeah. [ applause ] seth so you and thats why your love of carpentry just started then. Yeah, you know, thats why i wanted, you know, ths why i love jesus. Because of mr. Tussant. [ laughter ] seth you found him by an unconventional path. And so really funny people. Julia bell, we were talking about her backstage, shes a fantastic comedian. Shes the best. Seth and then tracy morgan, and i believe this is the first film hes done since his accident. Yeah, you know, tracy he is the most inappropriate, sincere guy youre going to ever meet. Hell be like, man you know, that car accident, cube, it almost took me down. And i had a bump on my johnson. [ laughter ] im like, whoa, okay. All right, tracy. Seth but it was watching the film, i dont think there were any doubts. But you can tell tracy morgan still has his fastball. It is absolutely this is the same as its always been. Yeah, the accident made him funnier. Seth okay, thats you know, hes a fool, hes loving life and hes funny as ever. We was happy, you know, this is my second time working with him. Seth yeah. We did first sunday together years ago. And it was cool, you know, everything is normal when tracys on the scene. Seth thats really a good point, now you you have basically like a 20 minutes fight scene with charlie day in the film. How much time how much coor how much how choreographed is it . Three days, you know. Seth three days just to set it up. Just to set it up. And the director, richie king said, man, we cant have a movie called fistfight and there be two punches at the end. And im like, okay, but i didnt know we was shooting rocky. You know, im like, dude, dude. Like, youre about to wear Little Charlie out. [ light laughter ] you know, i still you know, i still need a massage from shooting the movie, you know. Seth and was there any accidental, because sometimes things like that, there will be an accidental punch. I mean, obviously, youre not trying to hit your costar. You know, not on this movie. Seth okay, good. Not on this movie. Seth but you have accidently hit people before. Yeah, yeah, ride along. Seth ride along . Ride along, yeah, i clocked the stunt man. Ooh, i got him good, too. You know, i had to send him a bottle of liquor, man. I was like, hey, sorry, man. I usually dont do this. Dont think im, you know, steven seagal. I aint going to kill my stuntman. Seth right. Last time you were here, you were just about to get inducted into the rock n roll hall of fame with nwa, you have since been. You gave a fantastic speech. Was that a great night . Oh, man, it was the best because, you know, being with nwa, we thought we would never even get accepted by any kind of musical forum, you know. We thought i mean even in rap, we was the black sheep. So 25 years to come full circle and be accepted by, you know, music, one of musics highest honors, you know, it was cool. Seth it was really great. [cheers and applause] thank you. Seth and i saw it. Your speech made such a valid point, which is because i feel like every year, they talk about what is rock n roll because of this hall of fame, the fact that it exists. And you made a really good case, that hiphop is exactly what rock n roll always was. Because its about doing things that no ones done before. Thats right. You know, rock n roll, you know, had to evolve into rock n roll. So its ever evolving, its not a guitar. Its not, you know, anything like that. Its really all about the spirit, the spirit of blazing your own trail and creating your own path in music, and in life. So, you know, thats what its really all about. Seth i want to talk about, i guess so your first film was boyz in the hood. And a fantastic movie to this day. Holds up incredibly well. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Seth so, john singleton, the director, did you know him before that . How did it come that you came from sort of your music background to find your way in that film . Well i was going up to talk remember when arsenio hall had his show. Seth yeah. You know, the arsenio hall show. And i was going up there to talk to arsenio, because he had the 2 live crew on there, but he hasnt had eazye and nwa up there, so i wanted to talk to him about that. Some little seth you just drove up to the studio . Howd it work . Yeah, i went up there to hang out and watch the show, knew a few people. This little intern comes and its john singleton. And hes like, man, you ice cube . And im like, yeah. He said ive got this movie i want to put you in, but im just a junior at usc, and one day im going to work with you one day. Im going to work with you one day. Im like, yeah, kid, all right. [ light laughter ] i seen him 12 months later, hes like, dude, im a senior now, but im going to work with you. And im like, are you stalking me . What are you on . [ light laughter ] and next year, there was a script, my manager said somebody wants to put you in a movie, and im like, huh . You know what i mean . Im like, why . And its him. And its his movie, boyz in the hood. Seth that is so crazy. That is amazing, again it makes sense that sometimes people with that kind of vision, they have it when theyre really young and they just know that they have it. He knew. I mean, hes a genius. Seth and then he also because you know as much as i love boyz in the hood, friday just a classic. All time classic. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, thank you. Seth and is it safe to say that you would have never written that without your time with john . Yeah, you know, he inspired me to write. One day i was at his house. And he said, he looked at me just out of the blue. He said, when you going to write a movie . And im like, john, i just came over to get a beer, man, what the hell are you talking about . [ light laughter ] and hes like, yo, if you can write lyrics like that, and you can be as vivid on wax like that, you can write a movie. And that night i went home, i bought a computer. I had to go to the mac store and stand in this long line, you know, back then you had to buy this computer big as this damn couch. I bought all this stuff and these script things and i started writing and my first two scripts were terrible. My third script was friday. Seth well, there you go, perseverance. Perseverance. Seth im really glad you persevered. Im really glad youre here. Always a pleasure, man. [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much. Ice cube, everybody. Fistfight, is in theaters february 13th. Well be right back with ruby rose. [ cheers and applause ] is depression more than sadness . Its a tangle of multiple symptoms. Trintellix vortioxetine is a prescription medicine for depression. Trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. For me, trintellix made a difference. Tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. Trintellix has not been studied in children. Do not take with maois. Tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications to avoid a potentially lifethreatening condition. Increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners. Manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. May cause low sodium levels. The most common side effects are nausea, constipation and vomiting. Trintellix did not have Significant Impact on weight. Ask your healthcare professional if trintellix could make a difference for you. Windex that you dont even know its there . So clear by sfx slide show smudge it with the new smudge stick even clear glass gets visibly smudged in a snap. Sfx smudge sounds against glass get it now and say no to spotless clear windex glass. New degree ultraclearnt saving black white. Othes. No yellow stains on white clothes. No white marks on black clothes. New degree ultraclear black white. It wont let you down. New pantene doesnt just wash i wiyour hair, it fuels it. Gain. Making every strand stronger. So tangles dont stand a chance. Because strong is beautiful. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Our next guest is a talented actress you know from the hit series orange is the new black. She stars in john wick chapter 2, which hits theaters friday. Lets take a look. Reflections of the soul at the new modern nyc. We hope youre ready for the exhibit, allowing for a new perspective and insight. You are now exiting reflections of the soul. Please welcome to the show ruby rose, everybody [ yelling ] [cheers and applause] how are you . Im good. It looks like i just just had that knife fight just now. Seth yeah, exactly. You wore my you wore my shirt and got it all cut up. I borrowed it to you, and i said please dont get it cut up in it. And there you go. I know and you still let me on the show. So thank you. Seth and did. Of course. Thank you so much for being here. Im a big fan of your work. And i know, obviously, you are from australia. [ cheers ] thank you. Im so proud of being from australia as well. Is that an australian in the audience . Seth yeah, i think it is. [ cheers ] is it just two of them . Theres three of them. Seth i want to assure you, we dont always put them in the very back row. They are literally in the back row. Seth its just they can be so enthusiastic. [ light laughter ] so i know you are very famous in australia. And not very famous. Seth youre very famous. No, ill get in so much trouble if you say that. No, last time that happened, someone said that, and all i said was thank you, and they were very they went, they dont like they dont like hearing that back home. Seth i heard you are as famous as two Russell Crowes. [ light laughter ] youre going to get me like seth yeah, no, i know. Theyre very i know australians to be very lowkey people. So i put that on you. I put the famous. You were not saying that. But i know that youve used aliases when you check into hotels. Which is just a thing, i think, actors and actresses do for safety. They make you do that. Yeah, i feel so weird about that. Seth but you you are retiring your recent alias that youve been using. What was the alias you used in hotels . Tommy pickles. Seth Tommy Pickles. [ laughter ] well, i think that i had successfully had Tommy Pickles for like a year and a half, and i was so proud that nobody knew that i was Tommy Pickles. And then one day i had just like at the airport, you know, a sign. I think thats part of the reason why they make you change the name because if they say your name then, every one that walks past is like, oh, like you said, Russell Crowe. Okay, well just wait here because Russell Crowe will be here in like five minutes. Seth exactly, right. Its a dead give away. So, Tommy Pickles. Nobody waits for Tommy Pickles. Until they do wait for Tommy Pickles. And im not a cartoon character in a diaper. So they were really confused. And then people worked it out, and now they would tweet, dont worry i wont tell anyone, but i know youre Tommy Pickles. And i was like, but youve just told everyone because they just tweeted it. And so now they know and now i have to change it. Seth yeah. I have to think of something good, though. How do you beat Tommy Pickles . Seth i will say seth meyers doesnt get any attention. [ laughter ] so if you want to use that. I would have hung around if i saw a sign that said Tommy Pickles i would have just, out of curiosity, like i would have lingered to see what showed up. [ light laughter ] i think thats kind of what happened. Seth yeah. But it was more subtle than like you cant just straight up be like im batman. Seth yeah. Like you want to have something that you remember to its like Nancy Flannigan then theyre like saying it and youre like who . Oh, wait. Is that my code name . So, tommy kind of works. Seth there you go, alright, Tommy Pickles. Well, the next time i see a sign ill hang out and wait for you. Yeah. Seth just to say hi. Just to say hi. So this film, john wick. This is an action film. In this clip youre using some sign language. Mmhm. Seth so you learned sign language for this film . I did. I learned sign language i was so excited to learn it. I think its a beautiful language, and i actually wish that everybody could speak it. Because its very universal language. But the problem is that i only learned words that i cant have conversations in. Seth because it was for john wick . Because it was unless i want to say hi, how are you . Would you like to die now or later . And, you now, like run for your life now, quickly. Im going to get you. Theyre not things that you actually want to say to people. Seth yeah, exactly. Like, you want to say hi, its really nice to meet you. Not, youve got five minutes left to take your last breath. Seth yeah, what time is it . Five minutes before you die. Yeah. Seth and then, the combat training, obviously, theres a lot of fighting in this movie, incredibly well choreographed. Is that something that you had any background in, before you did a film like this . Yeah, i did a lot of boxing when i was younger. And so i i went from a different film straight into john wick, which meant that i couldnt catch up the 25 years of experience that keanu has in jujitsu so. Seth yeah, he can fight. He can fight slow motion. He does all of it. He does everything, right. Honestly. Seth i know punch, hes like, okay. Extra slow motion cause your punch is so slow. No, so i had boxing. So we just added knives and different kind of weapons, because they call it of gun fu. They put fu at the end of things. Chad, the director, he just put fu at the end of like knife fu. So i do like, knife fu, so like box knife fu. Its a thing now. Seth you, obviously actor, boxer, you worked at a call center. I did. Seth this was an early job, what was your Call Center Job . I worked for a telco. So like a, what are they here . Seth Telecommunication Companies . No like, yeah like, whatever. I dont want to say one in particular and then get in trouble. Seth sprint . You want to say sprint . Lets say sprint. Seth okay. I didnt want to be the one to say it but clearly it was sprint so is that a slow network . No im just kidding. So i would call up and say, hi this is ruby from, you know, whatever, sprint, and then i just kept getting promoted i have no idea why. And i ended up being the team leader. I had a whole team that i was managing. Of people. Seth thats great. It was amazing. I was also auditioning for jobs. I was working in a bar, and i was going to acting school, and i had auditioned for mtv at this point. And i got like an escalation when somebody makes a complaint and they say, can i speak to your team leader . And they hadnt been very nice to my the guy on my team and they got through to me. And this business guy he had like, i dont know, 20 accounts, he wanted all these discounts, and i was like looking at the account saying, no. Youve actually asked for this every month for the last five years. Im not giving you 45 cents back. Like enough. Enough with credits. Seth shutting him down. You are a team leader. You have a line you were not willing to cross. And to be fair he was pretty mean to my guy, and there was a notes aying from wherever else they called, do not give this guy any more credit. He calls for credit every month. And he said youre never going to get anywhere. Youre just a call center operator. I feel very sorry for you. Enjoy making, you know, 4 an hour or whatever he was saying to me. And then i got this call, and i was like, alright, please hold. And then i picked up and it was mtv saying ive gotten the job to be like a veejay and go to [ cheers and applause ]. It was wild, and they wanted me to move to sydney, and at that point, living at home with my mom and working those jobs to go to sydney was like going to hollywood. And i was like, yes, that would be amazing. Thank you very much. And i was still in the call center mode, so like, thank you so much for your call, i would be thrilled to join you in my new position on friday. Bye, thank you. And then i got back on the phone to him and he was still yapping on about how id never be anything. And i like took the end of the call and said goodbye and picked up the next call and my big boss is like, what are you still doing here . And did you not just get a job from mtv . cause everybody, you know, knew about it. And i was like, yeah, i did. But im supposed to work til 6. [ laughter ] and theyre like, go go be free seth youre like, i a team leader. Im going to stay until my shift is over. Yeah, and i was like, theres no cinematic moment, like, im not going to go, youre right. [ laughter ] and like run, i have nowhere to go. I have work til 6, like, i dont have like ill go sit downstairs and have a coffee. Seth yeah. And then youll all see me at 6 when you finish, like im not going there now. Seth well, im glad you finished your shift and im glad Everything Else worked out as well. And thanks so much for being here. Its a really a delight to meet you. [ cheers and applause ] well be back, everybody. John wick chapter 2 is in theaters friday. Well be right back with music from ty segall. [ cheers and applause ] theres no party like a lobster party, and this is the lobster party. Red lobsters lobsterfest is back with 9 irresistible lobster dishes. Yeah, its a lot. Try tender lobster lovers dream and see how sweet a lobster dream can be. Or pick two delicious lobster tails with new lobster mix and match. The only thing more tempting than one succulent lobster tail, is two. Is your mouth watering yet . Good. Because theres something for everyone, and everyones invited. So come in today. Th. Oh, bakedon alfredo . E. Gotta rinse that. Nope. No way. Nada. Really . Dish issues . Throw it all in. Cascade platinum powers through. Your toughest stuckon food. Nice. Cascade. 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Tonights musical guest just released his ninth solo album and he kicks off a north american tour later this month. Performing break a guitar, please welcome ty segall, everybody. Babys gonna break a guitar gonna make it a real big star babys gonna break a guitar gonna make it a real big star oh looks like its gonna rain its gonna rain its gonna rain oh baby take my guitar i want you to be a big star oh baby take my guitar i want you to be a big star oh i was made in the made in the rain i was made in the made in the rain i was made in the made in the rain come on take it take my guitar gonna make it make it far looks like its going to rain looks like its going to rain looks like its going to rain looks like its going to rain [ cheers and applause ] seth woohoohoo. Ty segall, everybody. The album, ty segall is out now. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] so tasty. Wecagefree eggs. Ng and we care about amazing taste. Because at best foods, were on the side of food. Sir . 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[ cat screech ] [ laughter ] [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1. Hi grandma and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to ice cube, ruby rose, ty segall, everybody fred armisen, 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly. Well see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] carson hey guys, carson daly here. Welcome to last call. Tonight we are at the skylark in new york city. Heres the lineup. From the magicians, olivia taydudl