That after his speech at cia headquarters, he received the quote biggest standing ovation since Peyton Manning had won the super bowl. [ laughter ] and i think i speak for everyone when i say that makes zero god damn sense. Lhlh [ cheers and applause ] in an interview with abc news yesterday, President Trump reiterated his promise to build a wall along the Mexican Border. Though at this point, i think were putting up a wall the same way the nurse pulls the curtain around your hospital bed. You dont want to see this. [ laughter and applause ] House Speaker paul ryan yesterday responded to President Trumps call to launch an investigation into voter fraud, saying quote, i think its fine, which is also the entire Republican Health care plan. Doctor, what about this giant lump on my neck . I think its fine. [ light laughter ] according to a new report, many of President Trumps Staff Members are using accounts running on the rncs private email server. And when hillary heard that, she screamed so loud, all the trees around her died. [ laughter ] several [ applause ] several nba teams this week released images showing advertising patches that will be worn on their jerseys next season. And this is embarrassing, the patch the knicks are wearing is just an ad for the brooklyn nets. [ laughter ] british Prime Minister theresa may, made an appearance at the Republican Party congressional retreat today, and this was a surprise, the emperor of france, napoleon, also made an appearance. [ laughter ] taller, taller than i remember him. [ light laughter ] police in states where marijuana is legal are reportedly struggling to find a system to determine if someone is too high to drive. So far the best method is to hand them a breathalyzer and see if they inhale. [ laughter and applause ] its kicked officer. [ light laughter ] and finally, a virginia man has given his wife a kidney, as a 20th anniversary gift. Just admit you forgot, said his wife. [ laughter ] been in the bathroom for 90 minutes with a bottle of scotch and a butter knife. [ light laughter ] we have a great show for you guys tonight. [ cheers and applause ] hes starring in a new series on netflix, the Santa Clarita diet, Timothy Olyphant is here tonight. One of our friends. [ cheers and applause ] also from a fantastic new show on the cw, riverdale, Lili Reinhart and Camilla Mendez are joining us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] and we will have music from Nelly Furtado so its a great show. [ cheers and applause ] that youre here for this evening. Before we get to that, President Trump repeated in his First National tv interview last night, his false claim about voter fraud and in a series of new executive orders on refugees and a Mexican Border wall. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth even bigger than trumps obsession with the crowd at his inauguration, is his insecurity about losing the popular vote. And if you were hoping a week of being president would change that, this tweet was a real bubble burster. I will be asking for a Major Investigation into voter fraud, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal, and even those registered to vote who are dead. [ light laughter ] just think about that. The president of the United States thinks dead people voting is a problem. [ light laughter ] in fact, not only are dead people voting, one of thems been following me around. [ laughter and applause ] now trumps claim trumps claim has been disproven by multiple studies, Election Officials from both parties, republican members of congress, and even his own lawyers. And yet, he continues to persist in what is either a lie, or a delusion. So whats going on with this bizarre fixation . Well, a New York Times reporter tweeted wednesday that stress, and a lack of sleep might be affecting the president. Quote trumps worst impulse control is when hes tired, or overstretched, or in an uncertain situation. He is, as his advisors say often, at his most selfdestructive when the stakes are high. [ light laughter ] well, thankfully thats not a problem, since president s usually get lots of sleep, and never have to deal with highstake situations. [ light laughter ] trump doesnt have the makeup of a navy seal, its more like the navy porpoise. [ laughter ] so, trump is dogged by insecurity, over his loss in the popular vote, and making up wild false claims about voter fraud to explain it away. Claims he repeated in his First Nationally televised interview last night. You have people that are registered who are dead. Who are illegals. Who are in two states. You have people registered in two states. Theyre registered in a new york and in a new jersey. Seth a new york and a new jersey. You know. [ light laughter ] theres only one of each, right . But thats what trump would sound like if you asked him to name all 50 states. Youve got a new york, a new jersey, a two virginas. Theres a couple of squares in the middle there. Im not sure about this, but china. [ laughter and applause ] i think chinas in there. [ laughter and applause ] but even more bold, than saying three to five Million People voted illegally, is this claim by trump, about who those three to five Million People voted for. I will say this, of those votes cast, none of em come to me. None of em come to me. They would all be for the other side. None of em come to me. Seth right, no one would ever cheat to help trump. Well, maybe someone would. But [ light laughter ] i dont even know my polling place. Its so hard to leave work on tuesday. [ laughter ] and its so weird that a guy who is as obsessed with popularity, as trump is, is willing to say no one would commit voter fraud for him. I went 0 for five million. Dead people and illegals [ bleep ] hate me. [ laughter and applause ] so, this is an important question, people around trump have been asking lately, where is he getting his information . Well, according to a truly insane article published by the times yesterday, trumps voter fraud claim came from a random anecdote, told to him by a german golfer, named bernhard langer. In a meeting with congressional leaders, trump said langer was standing in line at a polling place, near his home in florida on election day, when an official informed langer he would not be able to vote ahead of, and behind langer were voters who did not look as if they should be allowed to vote, trump said. The president threw out the names of latin american countries that the voters might have come from. What the hell is going on . A very famous german golfer told me he saw some mexicans voting . If your grandpa started talking like this, you would consider putting him in a home. [ light laughter ] instead, we put this guy in a house. [ light laughter ] so how did congressional leaders respond to this bizarre story . The anecdote was greeted with silence, and trump was prodded to change the subject, by priebus and senator john cornyn. How do you change the subject in that situation . Hey, that reminds me, did you hear about the one about the fat german golfer . He could not see his putts . [ laughter ] so given [ cheers and applause ] given the insane origins of these claims, the fact that theyve been debunked repeatedly, and the fact that both democrats and republicans have refuted them, surely House Speaker paul ryan would find the courage to tell trump, hes wrong. Right . President trump says he wants a an investigation into voter fraud. You for or against it . I think its fine. I think if a first of all, im sure there is some fraud. But if he believes that there is a a problem to be looked at, the right thing to do is to get an investigation to get the facts. Seth youll have to forgive paul. Hes a little disoriented, hes still recovering from his spine removal surgery. [ light laughter ] but the doctor who performed it was really topnotch. [ laughter and applause ] it was it was an easy surgery, came right out. Clearly, this is the beginning of an attempt by the president , to crack down on people who voted against him, using fake voter fraud as a pretext. But trump did not restrict his lies and delusions just to voter fraud claims. For example, he was asked about his controversial speech in front of the Memorial Wall at the cia, where he spent time bragging about his crowd sizes. Many intelligence officials saw the speech as offensive, but according to the full transcript, trump did not see it that way. Telling abc quote, i got a standing ovation, in fact, they said it was the biggest standing ovation since Peyton Manning had won the super bowl, and they said it was equal. [ light laughter ] im sorry, does he think Peyton Manning got a standing ovation for winning the super bowl . Bravo, hes done it again [ light laughter ] hes won the super bowl take a bow, sir encore. Encore. The problem with trumps false claims is that it makes it impossible, for us to take his word for it on anything policy related. Take the Affordable Act which republicans are moving quickly to repeal. Trump claims he has a plan to replace it, but when democrats asked his nominee for health secretary, congressmen tom price, if trumps claim was true, nobody in the room believed him. President trump said hes working with you on a replacement plan for the aca, which is nearly finished and will be revealed after your confirmation, is that true . Its true that he said that, yes. [ laughter ] seth and when it comes to policy, details are in short supply. Take trumps claim that mexico will pay for the border wall. Mexico has staunchly refused to do that, and today the mexican president cancelled his meeting with trump to object to the wall. So whats trumps plan to get mexico to pay for it . Well, as you can imagine, the details are still a little sketchy. Im just telling you there will be a payment, it will be in a form, perhaps a complicated form. [ light laughter ] seth mexico is going to pay us in a complicated form . So, definitely not with money then. Bad news, mexico didnt give us any cash for the wall. Good news, we have new hats. [ laughter and applause ] and then then theres trumps plan to ban refugees from predominantly muslim countries. Now ban on refugees is cruel, its unnecessary. Refugees are themselves fleeing the horrors of war, and theyre just as patriotic as people born here. But dont take my word for it, listen to the department of defense, which on wednesday posted to its website, the story of corporal ali muhammad. A marine who came to the u. S. As an iraqi refugee. He joined the marines in 2014 and is now serving as a translator for a team that supports iraqi forces and their fight against isis. Think about that, a refugee from a country we invaded, is now serving the u. S. Marine corps. Now theres a guy who deserves the biggest standing ovation since Peyton Manning won the super bowl. Now [ cheers and applause ] in the end, in the end, if you were hoping trump would use the abc interview to offer a hopeful unifying message for the country, you were probably disappointed. Instead, he pulled the anchor aside to show him an inauguration photo, and once again, brag about his crowd size. And just before we leave, the president tells us he wants to show us just one more image. One thing this shows is how far over they go here. Look, look how far this is. This goes all the way down here. All the way down. Nobody sees that. You dont see that in the pictures. Seth and remember, you also cant see the dead people. If you counted them, there would be another million easy. This has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with Timothy Olyphant, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] tiki barber running hambone a barber shop . T hut yes surprising. Yes whats not surprising . How much money david saved by switching to geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Whos next . Do you always put cheezit of course theyre chips. Chips. Plus sandwich equals the perfect lunch. Ooooh. Dont forget to add the pickle. Its kind of a big dill. Cheezit grooves. Dang right its a chip. [crunch ] versus a lube strip. With a hydrating gel reservoir that gives you 40 less friction. Its designed like no other razor to protect from irritation. Sorry, lube strip. Schick hydro®. Free your skin®. Imy moderate to severeng crohns disease. I didnt think there was anything else to talk about. But then i realized there was. So, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. He said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, talk with your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. But so we dont have tormin wad to get clean. Charmin ultra soft gets you clean without the wasteful wadding. It has comfort cushions you can see that are softer. And more absorbent, and you can use up to 4 times less. Enjoy the go with charmin. Of being there for my sons winning shot. That was it for me. Thats why im quitting with nicorette. Only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. Every great why needs a great how. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody, and please give it up for the 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] also, all this week weve had the amazing drummer from the grammynominated band mutemath, who are coming off a summer tour and groundbreaking e. P. Collaboration with twenty one pilots. They are currently working on their next studio album, darren king, everybody. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] seth so wonderful to spend a week with darren. Thank you for being on the show. Thank you so much. Seth you guys, im very excited about the first guest. He stars in the netflix series, Santa Clarita diet, which begins streaming february 3rd on netflix. Please welcome seth. Yo, seth. Seth oh, hey, Timothy Olyphant, everybody. Give it up for timothy. [ cheers and applause ] tim, what are you doing . I was actually just about to introduce you. Yeah, yeah, right, right. I was just wondering are you going to say, please welcome to the show, Timothy Olyphant, or please welcome to the show my good friend, Timothy Olyphant. [ light laughter ] seth which do you prefer . Good friend. [ light laughter ] i mean, i know technically, were not good friends or even friends, really. Lhlh they dont know that. Seth yeah, yeah. I think people like it when they think we are. Seth yeah, sure, whatever you want. Although, now im starting to think, do you think theyre going to buy it, or will they think youre saying it because i asked you to . Seth well, i mean, considering were having this conversation in front of them. [ light laughter ] hold up i know what to do. When i come out, well do our cool, secret good friend handshake. Seth yeah, but we dont have a cool, secret, good friend handshake. Well, lets come up with one. Seth all right. So, im sorry. So, you want to come up with a secret handshake so we can trick the audience. Youre smart. [ light laughter ] we should be friends. Seth okay, lets just do this. All right. Seth so, like, like . No, that will be dumb. Seth okay. Just sort of like a good seth yeah. Blow it up. Seth okay. Dont hit the face. Seth okay. Bring it in. Seth okay. Goes right to a hug. Seth okay. Does it matter how many times we hit the back . No, just make it look cool. Seth okay. And like weve done it a billion times. Seth okay. Like a billion make it, like, flaw, boom, boom. And make it look like weve done it 100 times, otherwise, no ones gonna buy it. Seth all right, fine. Dont screw it up dont put this much pressure on it. Dont screw it up seth all right everybody, please give it up for my first guest. Hes a very good friend of mine, Timothy Olyphant. [ cheers and applause ] seth oh, man. Pcpc i remember the first time we did that handshake down at the quarry. [ light laughter ] let me tell you something, [ bleep ] meyers. I can tell you stories. Seth oh, we are we are i can tell you stories. Seth we are good friends. Ugh. Seth and i cannot tell you. You can seth as a good friend, im so happy when i see you in new shows and Santa Clarita diet with the great drew barrymore. The great, the adorable, the lovely national treasure, drew barrymore. Seth and this is a netflix show, which is always exciting. Yup. Seth and this is a show i want you to explain it really quickly because it is unlike, i think, anything that ive seen before. I appreciate you saying that. It kind of what i liked about it, you know . Seth yeah. There is always something it doesnt happen often, but there is Something Wonderful when you read something. And on one hand, it feels like nothing youve ever read before. Just, i dont know what that is, and at the same time, so lovely, so familiar, so sort of oldfashioned, so, like, ive read this a billion times. And that contradiction seth because its basically like star wars, remember . Youre just like, what the hell is that . Youre like, i think its the bible. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] of course ive remember star wars. This is like seth we saw it together. [ laughter ] oh my god i forgot seth 77. Ugh. Pcpc seth popped a couple george brett cards in the spokes of our bikes. So funny. Seth raced there together. We both had the wookie costumes. Seth yeah, we were. It was a lot hotter than we thought it was. Oh, my god. Seth we sweat our balls off. See, this guy almost passed out before we get to the theater. [ light laughter ] seth but this is a family sitcom. In a lot of ways, it looks like a family sitcom, but there is one peel of it. Its the feelgood comedy of the year. Seth yeah. Its about a marriage. Seth yep. Were married. We have a teenage daughter, and she is drew is eating people. Seth shes a zombie. Its put a strain on the relationship. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] and im trying to make it work. Seth well, you say that but it is think one of the great charms of the show is you are trying to make it work. Thats im saying that because that is what the show im not making this up. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] im just by the way, when i say this, i really mean it. Seth watch it. [ laughter ] my kids are in private school and [ light laughter ] seth but you have to this reality that your wife needs human flesh to survive. Yes. Seth do you kind of approach that the way couples in sitcoms approach problems except this is that problem yeah, within the sandbox in which we are playing on the show, what im doing, i believe, is the honorable thing. Seth yeah. I want to make the i am trying to make it work. I want to provide and protect my wife, and, in this case, it may include killing the neighbors. [ light laughter ] so, but you know, so we find answers seth right. Ive got to figure it out. Seth its a and now you have this is very different from the kinds of shows you starred in, certainly deadwood, justified, two of my favorites, as you know. Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. Seth and very serious. [ cheers and applause ] very serious hourlong and not just because were friends. You really did like them. Seth i really genuinely liked that show, yeah. I really like that. Seth and by the way, may i stop and say i love this show. Seth this show . This show is a great show. [ cheers and applause ] seth thank you. And lately it is its just amazing what youre doing. Seth well, thanks. Its a lot of fun to do. I feel bad that i havent told you that before. [ light laughter ] seth im glad you waited until people were watching. [ light laughter ] thats what good friends do. Seth yeah, thats what good friends do. Why waste it in a room with two people . [ light laughter ] but, yeah, yeah. Seth is it nice to be doing a halfhour comedy. Oh, my god. Its fun. Seth yeah. The hours are great. Seth yeah theyre i mean that hourdrama stuff is like seth well, theyre movies. Youre shooting real movies. They make you work really hard. Seth yeah. And thats not why people go into show business. [ light laughter ] seth no, not to work hard. No, you got in it because it was easy, and they gave you free stuff. Seth oh, yeah . Right . Yeah, no, you know, well, i think even though justified was a drama, i thought of it as a comedy. Seth yeah, thats fair. There was a lot of great comedy in that show. You know, the whole yeah, the tone of the show and the tone of all, the Elmore Leonard books and the really good adaptations of people being funny, but no ones is acknowledging it. Seth yeah. And to some degree, i look at this as a flip. Its a comedy, and you think of it as a drama, you know . It was really fun. I did a bit on the grinder a year or two ago, which was a blast. And i thought, ah, a half hour, i got to get me one of these. So it was nice. That worked out. Seth also, again, harkening back to the previous shows, very sort of rugged tough guys, sheriffs, u. S. Marshals. Ive done something brilliant. You know it. And you know this. Ive spent ive done, for the most part of my career, i played tough guys. Seth yeah. Alpha males. Seth yeah. And people are like, well, thats clearly just him. [ laughter ] and [ laughter ] and now im playing, basically, i dont want to give the show away, but basically, its a lot of me going, honey, you cant, no. [ light laughter ] and people will be like, oh, hes really stretching. [ laughter ] seth they think youre stretching . My wife and kids are like, are you kidding me . Thats him. [ laughter ] seth for them, youre finally, youre finally dad. Keep this between us because if people really think youre stretching, they give you trophies. [ light laughter ] seth oh, yes. This is your stretch part . Ive done any this role could be more foreign to who i am as a person. [ light laughter ] seth i also i mostly go to bars and get in fights. [ light laughter ] seth the weird thing is were talking hour drama, hour drama. With meyers who always has my back. Seth back in the day. [ cheers and applause ] always got my back, dude boom lplp seth thank you. You know what i like . Is back in the day when we came up with the handshake. We said, lets keep the level of difficulty low. [ light laughter ] lets make sure its easy to remember. Were two guys that appreciate, you know, keeping things simple. Seth keep it simple. Life is supposed to be simple. Rediscover the world. Seth so, this is somehow your half hour comedy is somehow the bloodiest of all your shows. It is so bloody. Seth its so bloody. Shes eating bodies. Seth shes eating but, i mean, theres here is the cool thing about drew barrymore. Drew barrymore, the question we ask ourselves every episode on a daily basis is how much blood can we put on that woman and still find her adorable . [ laughter ] seth yeah. And the answer is as much as weve got, you just pour it on there. [ light laughter ] seth and shes not and youre just like, i still love her. Seth and not just blood. There was some serious vomiting in the early oh, my god. Yeah, and theres the vomit. Seth the pilot had real vomit. Yeah, shes a trooper. Seth yeah, and how are you with, like, fake blood and fake vomit . Id rather not deal with it. [ light laughter ] seth yeah. Yeah, i know. Its mostly her job, anyway. Seth okay, got you. Again seth shes the zombie. Im like, honey, thats [ laughter ] thats pretty much it. Seth you this is interesting to me because you and a friend, you and a buddy back in the day, is it true you guys wanted to be talk show hosts, and you actually reached out to a network . This is the job. Seth you were this is before you and i knew each other. Seth got you. [ light laughter ] when i was in col it keeps giving, this bit. Lll seth the best bits do. Yeah, buddy. [ cheers and applause ] when i was in college before the acting, and i was actually an art major, and i really was trying to do this thing where i thought, im going to be one of these guys that doesnt talk about doing stuff. He just does it. And we wont look back and, you know. Seth right. Were trying to avoid a midlife crisis, where theres thinking ahead. Seth yeah. So in my 20s, i thought im gonna do stand up. And at one point, i thought i want to host a talk show. And thats that was the career path. Just go for it. And this video exists somewhere. My roommate, i coerced him to doing it with me. We sent a video, an audition for a job that didnt exist that no one was asking. No one was asking for this. We sent a video to fox telling them, offering our services to host they were trying to get into the late night business. Seth yeah. They were trying to start their own seth sure. We were like, we got to get in on that, right . And we sent a video saying, were your guy. Im the host, and my roommate will sit on the couch, and the big selling point was all were asking for is 100 a day. [ laughter ] and we thought i really think we thought this is going to work. Seth yeah. You know what i mean . What are they literally, a Campaign Promise now. Seth yeah, accept it. At the time it was, what do you got to lose . Seth right, yeah. [ light laughter ] you never heard back from the good people at fox . No, well seth youre Still Holding out hope. You never know. [ laughter and applause ] seth i really hope that works out. You never know. Seth thank you so much for being here, buddy. Dude, pleasure. Seth Timothy Olyphant, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] Santa Clarita diet starts streaming on netflix on february 3rd. Well be right back with Lili Reinhart and Camila Mendes. [ cheers and applause ] if youre gonna make an entrance. [car driving upon the water] what ari can explain. S 11pm. You should be out there disappointing your father. I need to clean this place up. Bloopy, bad judgement and loopy. Hunger keeps inventing new problems, so we invented snickers® crisper. vo do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. Do not go gentle into that good night. Like paperless, multicar, and safe driver, that help them save on their car insurance. Any questions . Yeah. How do you go to the bathroom . Great. Any insurancerelated questions . Mmhmm. Do you have a girlfriend . Uh, im actually focusing on my career right now, saving people nearly 600 when they switch, so. Wheres your belly button . [ sighs ] ive got to start booking better gigs. [ sighs ] im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. Give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh im so proud of you. Well thank you. Free at at discover. Com creditscorecard, even if youre not a customer. Hey, pal. What, you got you want tough love, mentholyptus halls with big time cooling flavor. Or soft love. Milder flavored honey halls with real honey. Tough love. Soft love. Get the love you love. Seth welcome back, everybody. Our next two guests star as the beloved Archie Comics characters betty cooper and Veronica Lodge on the new show riverdale. New episodes air thursday nights on the cw. Lets take a look. For the record, the only reason i went into that closet with archie was so that cheryl wouldnt. Oh so you did it to protect me . Damn straight. Okay so Nothing Happened between you and archie in the closet then . Yeah thats what i thought. You know archie and i were fine before you got here. If by fine you mean he was oblivious and you were pining after him in quiet desperation. We were friends at least. You were walking on emotional eggshells around him, scared to tell him the truth. You dont know me veronica. It is not my fault he doesnt like you. Seth please welcome to the show Lili Reinhart and Camila Mendes, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth hi, guys, how are you . Hi, good, how are you. Seth good, im so happy to have you both here. Congratulations on the show and you were really playing twothirds of one of americas most famous love triangles. Betty and veronica and archie. And so you are veronica and you are betty. Clearly. [ light laughter ] seth yeah i guess thats true. Now, but this is less obviously that clip was a little rivalrous but this is not a rivalry relationship. Right, thats what we were just saying. Thats like the one clip where we fight. [ light laughter ] but yeah, i mean that was important for when we were entering this project is that we knew these girls werent going to be catty with each other because weve seen that and its been done and so we wanted to bring to television girls that cared about each other and were friends and supportive. Positive female friendships. Seth well there you go. Thats very nice to hear. With that said [ cheers and applause ] yeah. Seth i know from the comic veronica is sort of maybe snobbier, a little more difficult to be around. Have you found that there is a before people have seen the show, is there a reaction as to what veronica is going to be and do people take it out on you . Yeah i mean yes, i looked up online once, veronica the name and there was like a baby names website or something and there was so much talk about veronica being a bad name. cause theyre like oh no, shes going to be snobby. Shes going to be a snooty little girl, spoiled. Theyre like i associate it with veronica from the comics. Seth i think the comics ruined veronica and i think jughead is not even a name anymore. No. [ light laughter ] of course not. Maybe after the show though. Seth it was used to be a very popular it got to the show, though. [ laughter ] seth and so i want to talk about a little bit of your backgrounds and where you came from. You have a very impressive first time on stage, camila. What do you mean . Seth well i heard that you were on plays, you were in plays. Oh yes. My cranberry days. Seth yeah so tell me about your cranberry. I played a cranberry in turkeys go on strike. Her debut. It was my debut. Seth tell me about turkeys go on strike. It was third grade. I was on there with my crush, zachary. Shout out to zachary. [ light laughter ] seth and zachary, did he also play a cranberry . He was, we were both cranberries and we were really sad because we were side dishes and we were never the main entree. Seth okay. Yeah. Seth so this was a serious play. It was i took it really seriously. Seth gotcha, and did you give your all to the cranberry . Was it a musical . It was musical. I should give him a little taste of the cranberry song. Seth yeah do you happen remember it . Im just a side dish on the tableof life seth oh my god. [ light laughter ] this is heartbreaking. Now its time for us to be stars [ laughter ] seth thats going to ruin my thanksgiving next year. [ light laughter ] yeah. Seth lili you have an incredible talent here. And im not even so you post this on instagram, you taught yourself how to do like, special effects makeup. Yeah. Seth how long does it take you to do before i show this, how long did it take you to do this . That took about 30 minutes. Seth only 30 . This is incredible to me that it took you thats amazing. [ cheers and applause ] seth that is incredible, too. Thanks. Seth and how long did that take . Probably 30 minutes. Seth oh my god. Thats not even that impressive. Seth this is i just want to prove this is my bowie one. Seth thats your bowie one, thats really cool. I want to show you can also theyre not all hyper negative choices. And then, when you do that, do you go out . No. [ laughter ] i dont. I mean, people say that i should but honestly, it takes me some of them take me a really long time, but ill do it and then ill take a couple pictures and check it out and be like yeah, all right, thats good and then i just take it off and go to bed. [ light laughter ] seth sounds like you have some weird ocd thing. No, i mean, like i shouldnt be putting all that crap on my face because i have really sensitive skin so the second i take a crap load of selfies, and then im like all right one is good enough. Seth well, youre an artist. You have to use your easel. Yes. Seth you have to use the easel you have. This, i want to ask you guys about this. Because archies parents are played by Molly Ringwald and luke perry who are incredibly huge names for a certain generation. I know. Seth you guys are early 20s. Yes. Seth when you found out you were working with them, did those names mean anything to you . Of course, i mean everyone yeah, i mean i didnt know who luke perry was. Seth okay. For me it more was like cole sprouse. Yeah, for us it was like cole sprouse, sweet life we grew up with that. Yeah. Seth okay now tell me Something Real quick, who is cole sprouse . [ laughter and applause ] are you joking . Seth i dont should i know who cole sprouse you probably know him from big daddy. The little boy in big daddy. Seth with Adam Sandlers . Yeah adam sandler. Seth yeah, okay there you go. Theyre two blonde twins running around on disney channel. Seth theyre adorable. Wait, so he played twins. No, he is a twin. Hes one half of a set of twins. Seth okay, why do you keep saying twins running around . Because in the show suite life of zack and cody, theyre like mischievous kids. Seth oh gotcha. Thats what i have no idea about and have never seen. I didnt explain that very well. Seth is it good . Is it worth going back and watching all of zack and cody. I was literally watching one today in the hotel. [ laughter ] it ran for so many seasons. It did, it was like eight years. Seth eight years . Who in the end ended up happier, zack or cody . I think it was mutual. [ laughter ] seth well i hope the same outcome will happen with betty and veronica. Thank you guys so much for being here. Congratulations on the show. Yeah. Seth such a pleasure talking to both of you. Give it up for Lili Reinhart and Camila Mendes everybody. [ cheers and applause ] riverdale premieres thursday nights on the cw. Well be back with more late night. [ cheers and applause ] even when you know where youre going. It Still Matters how you get there. The lexus line of luxury suvs. Giving you the power to make your own way. Pain from chest congestion whecan make this. D, feel like this. Allinone cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the 1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. Tylenol® um, i cant have happen what happened t time. Ahem. Heres my card. Im sure you know your profits are down 8 . So, just let me know if you want to change that. I believe in you break through , break through when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. Liberty did what . Yeah, with Liberty Mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila voila sigh i wish my Insurance Company had that. Wait hold it. Hold it boys. Theres supposed to be three of you. Wheres your brother . Wheres your brother . Hey, wheres charlie . Charlie . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. Liberty stands with you™ Liberty Mutual insurance add sources nrming to nbnews. Thatn president Vladmir Putin this saturday. On the phone. Mr. Trump will also be meeting w british Prime Minister thersa may on frida both leaders have critical politcal and Financial Leverage across the world. Add and on our homepage. Happy chinese new year. A sunny and cool start to the year of the rooster. But rain likely returning next week. Wev [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. This weekend, millions of women marched in cities across america and around the world to protest Donald Trumps presidency. It was a moving display of political activism, and here so talk about it are two of our writers, amber and jenny. [ cheers and applause ] hey, hey. Hi, seth. The womens march was inspiring, and a lot of people are asking, how do we keep all that momentum from sizzling out . Whats the next step . Well, good news. We got the answer right here. I may not be the loudest but i have a voice and i have a body so i have a choice when all women unite then its time to rejoice and now the next step is clear the next step is oh so clear so many women came from both far and near that the goddess of sisterhood shut off that tier we looked into our souls and the next step appeared the next step is la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la seth sorry to interrupt you guys. Its a beautiful song. What. Seth its a beautiful song, im and sorry to interrupt. But you just keep saying the next step, which would be very helpful to hear, but you just arent saying what that is. Oh, we have ourselves an eager beaver here. Oh, okay. Well, the next step is coming up right now. So we did it with strength we did it without violence we showed the world we will not be silenced and here comes the next step get ready to hear the next step youre going to flip when you hear this next step la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la [ laughter ] seth sorry, guys. Again, i reallu apologize. Its such a beautiful song. But i thought the point of the song was to tell everybody the next step, and i think i speak for all of us when i would love to get to the step. The man wants the steps. Well, lets give him the steps. So sit down and google elected officials there and write down the name of your elected official seth finally. Then fold it into a big Paper Airplane and fly it right into the sun seth no. Into the flaming hot sun seth guys, seriously, serious. Just quiet down. Quiet down, please. La la la la la la la la la la [ laughter ] seth no, no, no, no, no. No, i didnt mean that. Its just guys, and again, i apologize. Its a beautiful song. Its so beautiful. But admit you dont know what the next step is. Of course we do. Its la la la la la [ laughter ] seth it cant be la, la, la, la. Its not a step. Nobody knows what to do with that step. Were gonna have to go to commercial. Oh, okay, okay, okay. Seth, your right. There is no one next step. There are five. Seth there are . Yes, just let us finish. Seth okay, fine, happily. Step one send your senator a postcard with your concerns step two call your representatives as much as you can step three make sure your all friends are registered to vote then vote for a woman thats running or get out there and run your damn self [ cheers and applause ] seth thats good stuff. Well be right back with music from Nelly Furtado. Everybody [ cheers and applause ] la la la la la la la la la la la dont look now but chuck norris is right behind you. I heard superheroes read chuck norris comics. I heard at night, the boogeyman checks under the bed for chuck. I heard cats say they have chucklike reflexes. Do you think hes still got it . I bet you a buck he catches this salt shaker. Youre on hey chuck you owe me a buck. You cant always see whats coming but when you choose unitedhealthcare, finding an innetwork doctor thats close to home is easy. So what happened . I had lunch with chuck norris. Unitedhealthcare. Oreo thins. A thin twist on the oreo you love. Our powerful relief now in pill form. Its the one and only cold flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. Power through with Theraflu Expressmax caplets. Remember 2007 . Smartphones . O m g ten years later, nothings really changed. Its time to snap out of it. Hello moto. Snap on a jbl speaker. Put a 70 screen on a wall. Get a 10x optical zoom. Get excited world. Hello moto. Moto is here. The moto z with motomods. Get 50 off on moto z droid. Versus a lube strip. With a hydrating gel reservoir that gives you 40 less friction. Its designed like no other razor to protect from irritation. Sorry, lube strip. Schick hydro®. Free your skin®. Do you always put cheezit of course theyre chips. Chips. Plus sandwich equals the perfect lunch. Ooooh. Dont forget to add the pickle. Its kind of a big dill. Cheezit grooves. Dang right its a chip. [crunch ] thousands of barrels lay silent. Of jim beam, aging, building a fuller smoother flavor that only comes from being aged four long years. At jim beam, our history is made from the inside. How will you make yours . And were proud to reveal that jim beam black has been awarded the worlds highest rated bourbon. Their words not ours, make history. [ cheers and applause ] seth tonights musical guest is a grammywinning and multiplatinum selling singer, songwriter who released her new album the ride this march. Debuting her new song cold, hard truth. Please welcome to the show Nelly Furtado, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] its been a long time coming, coming, coming feeling your presence hovering hovering, hovering time that i finally said something something something youre not gonna take this one lying down but the cold hard truth is i can make it without you and the cold hard truth ive been waiting and waiting and as i fly away you cry your life away cause you and i were meant we were meant to be alone alone, we were meant to be alone, alone its been a long time honey, honey, honey you shouldnt laugh its not funny funny funny after im done i feel lovely lovely, lovely although i feel naked sudden, suddenly and as i fly away you cry your life away cause you and i were meant we were meant to be alone alone, we were meant to be alone but the cold hard truth is i can make it without you and the cold hard truth is ive been waiting too long and the cold hard truth is i can make it without you and the cold hard truth is ive been waiting forever and as i fly away you cry your life away cause you and i were meant we were meant yeah yeah but the cold hard truth is i can make it without you and the cold hard truth is ive been waiting too long but the cold hard truth is i can make it without you and the cold hard truth is we were meant to be alone alone, we were meant to be alone, alone we were meant to be alone alone yeah yeah we were meant to be alone alone, alone [ cheers and applause ] seth Nelly Furtado, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to Timothy Olyphant, Lili Reinhart, Camila Mendes, Nelly Furtado, everybody [ cheers and applause ] darren king, 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly. Well see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] carson and good evening, welcome to last call from skylark here in new york city. Im your host carson daly, thank you for being here tonight. Got a good one, coming up e ther a

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