Whole way. Was left alo feeling absolutely shattered. Held for nine months, searchers unable to find her. In the end, sheould help enneer her own rescue. That is my only chance at being found. The courages and cler pl heraptors never saw coming. What didt Brian David Mitchell understand about Elizabeth Smart . That i couldnt be broken. Aourney from fear to freedom. This is elizabeths story. Good evening eryone. Im meredith viera. You probably remember the story of ezabeth smart. The girl abducted and presumed deady many before turning up aliv but unt now, s has never to the full storyf what happened to her. Over the years have interviewed remarkable people who have overcome all kinds of obstacles but n many that can match the bravery and brillance of elabeth smart that confronted an unthinkable challenge as a child. He was standing there holding on to me. I mean, i was so scared. She wasust 14 years old. A terried little girl. Violtlyipped from her own home and her own bed in the middle of the nigh sheer terror justoesnt en begin to describeow i felt. Her kidnapping shockedhe nation. Nvestigators are still searching today for elizabeth smar elizabethe love you. We think of you eve minute and i know wre close. Youre gng to come home elizabet but after nine months of desperate searching, fears that she was dead, it was her unbeliable rescue that truly stunned the world. Were hear to annnce officially that we have found izabeth smart. Its a miracle. If it seemed like a miracle, it wasnt o she wanted to talk out. The detls of her kidnapping ordeal were so awful tha for ten years Elizabeth Smart has fought to keep them private. Now in an excsive terview, she i talking. And for the first time ever, she allo cameras to follow her backo the remote mouainside camp that became her prison. He grabbed me and he said i wi kill you if you make a noise. I will kill who ever comes up here to find you. What does that do to a child . I don think tres ything worse you can do to a child. Tonigh the mormon girl whose innocence was so brutally stolen reveals how she turd terror into triumph summoning the resolve to survi and even outwt her captors. She writesbout it all in her new book my story. When i decided to write i i knew i wanted it to be real. I knew i wanted to go all the way. So why now . I have heardo many terrible ories. On in four girls, one in six ys are going to be sexually abus. Those statistic are staggering. So in a sense it was important that you put out the detail of that abuse so people realize theyre not alone . Absolutely. Itll goes back to the late springf 2002. Elizabeth w lived in an upscale neighborhood i Salt Lake City utah wit her parents ed and loisnd five siblings was just typical yearold girl eerly anticiping high school. Ll the different clubs and sports teams and getting my drivers license and dating. I mean, i was ready. In a city fams for its mormon roots, elizabeth felt sheltered and protected. She had her large famil her ith and her beloved harp could you ever have imagined acenario where someone would take y from your home oh, no. My biggest nightmare i dont know if you ever saw the movie the never ending story . Sure. Well, that wolf monster thing . It scared me so d. Gave me nightmares f years. I used to think, okay, if a monster er came to my room what would i do . Nd you knew it was make believe. Yeah. Who could have imagined it would become reality. But on june 4th, 02, it di elizabeth mom lois ander younger sister Mary Catherine say it started as a relaxing family evening. The two sisters climbed into bed gether. They had staid up late and they were reading which book . Ella enchanted. Elizabeth was reading it outloud t Mary Catherine. Was tt aypical night . Her reading to you . Yeah. But a few hours after they fell asleep arod 2 00 a. M. , izabeth woke abruptly. Someone was there in her bedrm. Ieard a voice i have a knife at your neck dont make a sound. Get up and come with me. I could feel somhing cold and sharp lyingacross my neck. Even in thedarkness, elizabeth immediately grasped the gravity of what was haening. I feltmmediately awake. I could feel or sense my sister lying in bed next to me. She was asleep. I was so scared jus adrenaline shooting through my body. And then he started to pull me out of bed and h said if you make a sound, i will kill you. Iill kill yourfami. Come with me. Neither sheor her captor knew it but as he pulle elizabeth fro the bed 9yearold maryatherine had woken up and now she was wering under the cover frozen in fear. If he realizes im awake maybe hell tak me as well and my family wl never know what happened to her. As ry catherine trembled in silenc the kidnapper forced elizabeth out of the bedroom into the hallway. You were talking down the hallway knowing that tre were people in th hous you mus have had an urge to scream or to do something. I didt know if he would have gone through and hurt them or kille them and if there was someone still aliven my house, i dnt want to put them in danger butlizabeth was in danger. The kidnapper was taking her tside into thedarkness. E takes you outside and he starts leading you away from the house. Yes. My heart is pounding, pounding, pounng. Coming , a terrifying odysseyhrough the dar before Elizabeth Learned shest the mercy of not oneut two captors. She gave me a hug. A hug tha was saying dont you dare do anything i dont tell you to. I always wanted to design a bike that honored those who serve our country. And geico gave me that opportunity. W naturally, we wanted it to be powerf, innovative and we bui this bike as a tribute tohose who are serving those whhave served and their families. And i think we nailed it. Geico. Proudly rving the military for over 75 years. To your first rol, pampers swadders was there. Annow swaddlers ar available through se 5, for many moreirsts to come. Pampers. It was dark. Was so scared. This wasn real. I mean, like, everything was just impossib. Snatched out of her bed at kne point, Elizabeth Smart was confronting an unimaginable reality. She had been kidpped and now the stranger was forcing her along hill behind her house. He was right nex to me holding on t myrm like this with the knife with me lik this. Oh my gosh. Elizabethas terrified. Buthen she saw headlights coming dn the street. I was a police car. It was a police car. And i remember thinking the car is going toee us. He knows werehere. The police will fd you. I mean, your 14 years old, you see a police car and as a kid youre condition to think im saved. Ah. The good guys are here. Yeah. But her ctor quickly pushed her down behind a bush. Someing elizabeth recounts in her book. The stranger seemed to held his brea. The police car passed. Was like a jolt to my art. Ive got to run. There w nowhere to ru the police c was gone and now heridnapper was pushing her on to a steep trail going up the motain. Came right up this trail. Elizabeth took me back up the trail in daylight. Her dog archie in tow. Thatight it was pitch black and a remarkable strength was emerging in elizabeth. She thoht of stories of other kidnapped ildren. It always seeme to behe same, a search was put on and bodies were found and they could tell they had been raped and abused so i thought well thas whats going to happen to me. And you said something to him. If youe going to rape and kill me wld you pleaseust do it here so th my parents can find my body so that they can find my remains so that they can know what happened to me. And what did he sayo you . He justind of smiled at m and he said im not going to kill you yet. Ye yeah. When her captor turned off the mai trl,eading her on to a rarely used path heading into theense scrub brush, elizabeth pleaded with him. Dont you realize what youe doing . I mean, if youe caught, youll go to jail for the rest of your life. And he smilednd he said know exacy what imdoing. The only difrence is im not going t get caught. He was angry and somow familiar. Ahort time later, it suddenly dawnedn her. She knew exactly who this m was. Seven mths earlier her mom had handed him 5 when they w him begging on the streets of salt lake ty. A he had asked for work and sh said well you c call m husband. Elizabeths dad decided to help the man out hiring him once to do some handiwork at their house. He cled himself emuel. What went through your head when you realized i know this guy . Iouldnt understand why he was doing it, especially when my parents had tried to help him. I mean, my imagination was running wild. Was he going to kill me . Was he going t tortureme . Was he going to lock me in a dungeon . Back at elizabeths house, 9yearold mary catheres imaginatio was also running wi. She was still shaking under the covers. In that time, what was going through your head . I was just tryg to work up enoughourage to run into my parents room ando tell them what happened. Whe you did go in, what did u say to you mom and your dad. Lizabeth is gone. And hearing those words coming from a sound sleep, its like, oh, ss had a bad dream. D when s continued no, e really is gone, i g up and went runningown the stairs and my first vie was at the winw and the scree was i cou tell it had beencut. And you knew in that moment . Knew it. He screen on the kitchen window was slashed. They cald 911 and within Minutes Police were at the house. It was just after 4 00 a. M. But by then elizabeth had been climbing f hours through fall rock and brush. Not longfter daylight broke her kidnaers lead her into this remote secret camp on the eep side of a mountain. Oh my gosh thi is it . This is it. This is it. Wt was here when you got here . Right where we aretanding there were tarps lai out on the ground and then right here would ve been where the ten was set up. What was this place . Elizabets first chilling clue came from behind the tree and out of thi area walked a woman. She had on long linen robes. She had on a long head dress and she gav me ahug. It was aug that was strong and domineing and saying dont you dare do anything i dont tl u to. Then t stran woman lead her into a ten ording her to undress. And tn she left me ane sitting on the bucket in the tent cing waiting for i dnt know what. Coming up, in her lowes moment, elizabeth discovers inner sength and makes a decision. So i just close m eyes. The last tng i remember thinking wasonight im going to run. Begging and crying and just so scared elizabeth knew something awful w about to happen. And then he ce int the tent . Yes. As elizabeth sobbed her kidnapr began pforming some kind of marriag ceremony. I was able to pull mysf together just enough to hear him say that i was now h wife. I remember thinking i know what comes after a wedding and that cannot happen to me that cannot happen. En in her terror, the 14yearold girl someh had t clarity to reason with her kidnper. Wait. I dnt say i do i didnt say yes. Im just a little girl. You know, in fact, im so little i havent even hit pubty yet. You cant do this to me. Thats all the thoughts going through this 14 year olds head so when i screamed outo he said if you ever scream out like that again i will kill you. If it will help you not scream out, i c duct tapeour mouth shut. It didnt see real. Just a few hours earlier she had been home, safe in hered. Now after arime at knife point, she was traed somewhe high on a mountain. I remember h forcing me on to the ground, fighting the whole way. And heaped me right there on th floor of the tent. Now when he was finhed he stood u and was left alone feeling absolutely broken. Absolutely shatted. I was broken beyond repair. You wereworthls. I was going to be thrown away. Iemember lying there and just thinking of the children who i had seen on the news who only their bodies had been found and i rememberhinking wow they are the lucky ones. They will nev have to feel this pain ever ain. Theyre in heaven rht now and i wish i cld be there. You wted to die . Ye so just closed my eyes and curled up to a tight ball in dispai d despair. The last thing i remember thinking befe i drifted off was tonight im going to run. Andhenou woke up there was this man, emanuel kneeling over me and he had taken ahick metal cable and wrapped it around my ankle and was just getng the bol into place as i we up. He w cining her to a tree like a wild animal. The cable was right around th right here and itould ve come all the w down t that tall tree dn the. Elizabeth was trapped in a heish existence with 20eet of movementn any direction. Eve at night when she slept in a tent simil to this one she w chained and alws at e mercy of her kidnappers a married cole. Thr real namesere brian vid mitchell and wanda barzee. You write over the nex nine months Brian David Mitchell would rape me every day, sometime multiple times a day. He would torre and brutalize men ways that areunpossible to imagine. Arve and manipulate me like i was an animal. Every tim i thought thi cannot get wse it aays did. How did you spend your days elizabeth . I can thinkf thr very easy wor to describe my days. Boredom, hunr and rape. Did you even feel lik a person . No. How could i . Here iwas, 14yearoldgirl, pped from my family being raped every day. Not kwing when i would be able to eat next or drink xt. Im bng chained to a tree didnt feel human. What doeshat do to a chil i dont think theres anything worse you c do to a child. Elizabeth says she was also forced to drink and do drugs. Mitchell said it was all part of hi religion. He believed he was a prophet appointed by god and that elizabeth mustxperience evil inrder to become pure. Itidnt matter what it was, pornography, drinking, drugs, god wanted it no, god demanded iad to sinko the lowest levelefore i could be cleansed. Had to experience all of the evil in the world before i could be worthy o being mitchells chosen wife. Did you feel im a mormon, we don smoke. We dontdrink. Oh, he knew wasmormon. He knew the doctrine. He knew what i believed in. But neither mitchell nor his wife cared. He waelizabeths chief accomplice. To her ias a sle. Toim i was an object. Was tre a point when you shutdownour emotio . There was a point when i stopped crying. Its not because didnt feel pain anymore. Not because i dnt feel sorrow. It wasust to keep going. Was just to survive. To ve. As she wasracing herlf for survival, her kidnapper was only becoming me brazen. I felt s sic about it whe i found out what hislan was. Coming up, elizath finally sees a chance to be rescued. I just remember thking, you are goingo save me. And what she says toeople who wonder why she didntry to escape. That is so wrong and frankly offensive even ask that qution. Save them. Woolite detergents cleanour jeans and wont torture your tan. So cloes look like new even after washes. Wakit up with olay renerist. Formulatedith a skin energizing complex, penetrates 10 layer of the skins surface, because energized skin is youngelooking skin. Is youngelooking skin. Could ve you fifteen percent more on car insuran. Ye Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know t ancient pyramids werectually a mistake . Uhoh. Geo. Fifteen minutes could save you. Well, you know. Myish for the world that peace will find its way ill the air with joyfunoise ing the bells and raise your voice et there be peace on earth lethere be peace on ear [ female announcer ] inspired by the best feelings of the season. Gla. Sc johnson. A family compy. Yes. Cup your hands together for me. Rub it all the wayp your hands. Any exposed sn. And t the backs of your hands too. Put some just around your neck. [ bell rings ] youre good to. Okay great thanks, here. Can you hold him . [ bell rings ] [ female aouncer ] by their sond kid, every mom is an exrt and more likely to choose vs than fst time moms. And neluvs with nightlock offer our largest absorbent area er. They lock away wetss better than huggs, eveovernight. Live, learn, andet luvs. Prisoned in a remote camp where one can see or find her, Elizabeth Smart had one overding emotion, depair a a few milesway her mom was feeling the se way. If t phone would ring, we would wonder is that the pole saying they found bones. We could not move on with o lives. So you were frozen in time there . Yes. Frozen but determined. Pleaseet her go. Please. Massive search was underway. Just three days after her kidnapping theyere coming the mountain rge behind her home never realizing how close they came to finding her or tt one of elizabeths own family membersad been within earshot of the hidden camp. I remember hearing my name beg called very distinctly. And i remember thinking it sounded just like my uncle. But h captors heard the ice as well. He grabbed m and he said i will kill you if you make a noise. I will kill who everomes up he to find you. If they ever get into thi camp, i willill them. Elizabeth kw she would have to comply. I rember sitting there just listenin to the voices fad away and just feeling hopeless beuse surely they wld say, well, cross this one off. Shes not up there. And i was. But the remarkae resolve that had surfaced aost immediately in this young girl was mounting. It didnt matter whatt was or h many things that i had always told myself i would never do, i would do them if it meant i would survive. If it meanthat one day i would be able to go bac home and b with my family again, i would do it. And that exactly what idid. Youent into survival de . Yes. To the fullest. Sleep was a big part o her suival plan. Somew, i would make it throh that day and i wouldo to sleep you didnt have nightmares. Thats so teresting. No, sep was like my oasis. The place i could go to. If i could have slept for nine months, i would have. Thats where i could go to almost and not feel the pain, not feel the despair. Not feel everything that was happening to me. When she was awake, elizabeth coped by clinging to her mormon faith. One pivotal momentas when their water supply at the camp n out. They were all severely dehydrated andelizabethawoke to fin an ice cold cup of water right next to her. I remember picking it up and inking it and i could feel the cold water running down inde me and just how grateful i was f it. And just feeling like it was god telling me that i wasnt rgotten. Not the fansy little girl . Not the fantasy at all. No, this was real. This really happened to this day,lizabeth is nvinced it was god trying to comfort her. Faith comforted her famil as well. They refused to give up hope even though ty knew the odds were against them. Le than half the children abducted by a stranger ever find their way home and children murdered by tir abductors are usually dead withinhe first three hours of their kidnapping. She worried in the book at one point i yall weretill lookingor her or if you rehed a point of acceptance that maybe she wasnt going to come home. Did you ever reach that point . No. Never. No. Until we knew it wasnt conclusi. Meanwhile on the mountain, mitche was determined elizabethould never go home ain and he was hatching another kidnap plot. Elizabet had mention her cousin olivia who was the same age. Ll of a sudden he turnedo me and he said ive had a revelation that olivia, your usin is supposed to my next wife. I felt like such a terrible person. I had jus betrayed one of my very best friends. You had just put her life in real danger. Yeah. I more or less put her name on her own death warrant because if she was successful kidnapped her lifeould be over the se way mine was. Onhe night of the 24th, mihell went down to Salt Lake City intended to kidnapolivia. It was 49 days after elizabhs abductionnd he plaed her cousins exactly the same way, but this time heoke someone up. He ran off unseen and a the time officers saidhe incident likely had n connection to elizabeths kidnapping. But reallyhere was and there w intent to do the same thing to my cousin olivia that had been done to me er cousi had been spared. But the incident made elizabeth realize her best stregy was to keep quite. It paid off within a few weeks. One day, her kidnapper suddenly unchained her from the steel shaces. W do you think he decided that . I think he must have felt like bause i was going along with m, because i wasnt ghting as much as i used to then days later, there was anher surprise. Mitchell decided to let elizabeth out of her ison. He took his wives down t mountain into sallake city to look for food a liquor. They stumbled into a house party where someo snapped this photo. Mitchell had disised the women in head dresses and veils and nobody had a clue tha the girl was actually kidnapped 14yearold Elizabeth Smart. Its like youre hiding in plain sight. Plain sight . It was. It was shocking. I mean, to have so many peopl stare at me and not recognize me or not do anything aut it. It washard. Itas really, really hard. But why dnt she scream out and beg for he . Its a question many have asked. And one that never ceases to infurre elizabet its wrongor any persono ever judge someone inny situation and say why didnt you run . Y didnt you scream . Why dnt you try to do something . That is so wrong. And frankly offensive to even ask thatquestion. Why do you say that . Bause you dont know. You werentthere. You dont know what i was gng through. Tell me wha its like becae people will wonder. They dont undersnd. I was under threa of m life. I was under threat of my falys life. An those two threats right there are stronger than chains for me. Elizabeth was determined to stay alive uil the right moment came for rescue a it wouldnt be long bore that opportunity arrived. I just remember staring just thinking you are going tave me. Coming up, during a risky ip to a public place, elizabeth finds she has only seconds to make a cruci choice. She clamped dn onyeg like a vice communicating t me dont you dare even think abt it. [ male announcer there will bemore powerful storms. Thats why theres neduracell quantum. Only duracell quantum has a hideity core. And that means morfuel, more power, moreerformance than the next leadinbrand. Neduracell quantum. Trustedverywhere. Neduracell quantum. So if ydead batte,lat re, need a tow or lock your keys in the ca geicos ergency roadside assistances there 24 7. Need a tow or lock oh dear, i got a flat tire. Hmmm. Uh. Yeah, can you fi a take where its bit more dramatic on that la line, yeah . Yeah i got it rit here. Someone help me i have a flat tire well its good. Good for me. . Rit here. Geic fifteen minutes could save you fifen percent or moron car insurance. But its fine, because i use tide with bleach whichelps keep his socks brliantly white. Bymom. Hold on. [ horn honks ] show em what you got [ female announc ] tide plus bleach alternative is back. Mom [ m ] thats my tide. Whats yours . As months passed witho sign of he lelizabeth searchers no ia she was oy a few miles from ho. Held captive on a mountain behind her own backyard. But wh winterpproaching her dnappers decided it was time to leave tir secluded camp. And ultimatelyhey decided well,ell move to california and lets go to the library and look at maps and decidehat part of california we ould go to and thats what brought us to th library. Once again, they climbed down the mountain. For ezabeth it was another opportunity to be noticed. And they were going to the mos public of places the library in downtown salt like city. Dressed in a filthy rope head dress and veil elizath knew she stood out. We did get a lot o stares andeople walking on the posite side of the stree just to get past us. Looked scary. This time,omeone thought the girl behind the veil looked like Elizabeth Smart and called the lice. Wiin minutes detecve john richey was walking up to elizabh in the liary. And isked her toremove her veil so that i could verify that this was or was n Elizabeth Smart. But mitchell quickly intervened he said this is my dahter d we wear these robes and these veils for religus purpose. Just calm andcool. Just talking like you and i are talking right now. What w she doin he had clamped down on my g like a vice communicating t me dont you dare eve think about it. She silently obeyed and the detective concluded the caller had made mistak thisouldnt be Elizabeth Smart. Her demeanor was not consistent with what i expected and this mans stements were cogent. They were convincing. And everything he said made sense. I remember wating that policefficer be fully convinced that i wasnt Elizabeth Smart and turn around and walk out of t library and that was almost just as bad as being kidnapd, as being raped, as beinghained up. But did part of you think did it crs your mind, this is a police officer, its a detective. He can arrest tse people. This washe perfect scenario in so ways. S a licaldult that would be the first thing we would thin of but as a 14yearold girl i had been througho much from the kidnapping, through everything else, he had followed through with it all a he had always won. It was a low pointor elabeth. An then a month later, it seem she had run out of hop entirely. They board a bus for san diego. Who would recognize her ther 750 miles from home. Whatid you think yourate was going to bethat point . I dont kn. I didnt kn. I felt like i was doomed to be with them until they died. N it had been four months sie her abduction. But what elizabeth didnt kno wa there was a major developmen back at home. Suddenly her baby sister remembered exactly who h been in their bedroom. I was waiting for my dad to comeuck me into bed. I w just thinking of who could it be and emanuel just popped into my head. Emanuel. The manho had once done some handiwork at the srt home. The family wanted to release this sketch of him but the police didnt. At the time, they were focussing on another man who once word at the smart house. How frustrang was that to you . Very. Almost like theyidnt really care what Mary Catherine had to say. Yes, thats coect. When they sai they werent going to doit, i thoht ed was going to lose. S from the polices perspective, why start onhis wild goose chaseecause a 9yearo said i think i know who it is. Is that essentlly . Thatsxactly what ppened. For elizabh, that meant more months as mitchells prisoner. In california she marked her 15th bthday and then thanksgivingnd christmas. This photo was taken at a holida meal for Homeless People with her face covered no on recognized her and by february 2003, 8 months into her abction, elizabeth feared she woult last much longer. Mitchellad left the women alone for days without foodr water. So i began to tnk godor my life, my family and the blessings that i had received in my short li. When i had finishedy prayer, i lay still and waited t die. Iemember thinkg this is too ironic, you know . I survived a kidnapping, ive survived all of these Different Things only to die of starvation. This cannot happen to me. This would be too cruel. Elizabeth says when mitchell finally returd heaid head been thrown intoail for breaking into a church his Court Hearing was video taped. He said he managed to get freebie getting the judge to feel sorry for him. Thats anothertory where pele will look at it and g heres a week that this guy was gone and people will s why didn you te that opportuni or was she identifng with these people . They went in that moment they went there with me they dont know wt it was like. But when mitchell told her he wanted toove again, this time l the way to the et coas elizabetpanicked. Nobody was goingo find me. I have t find a way to get back to utah. That is my only chance at bei found. Thats whenlizabeth tapped into all the strength she had been gathering durin her months as mitchells prisoner. Seng an opportunity to outwit him she told himhe had a feeling ty were supposed to go back to utah. She begge him to pra to god. Make it be hisidea. Youre his servant. Yore his prophet, youre practically his best friend. Could you pleas ask hi it worked. Mitchell said god was indeed tellin him to go back to utah. Elizabeth made another bold move suggesting they hitchhike. She hed someone would recognize her. You learn to be maybe at t et of those masters,devious. It was a mea to an end. I felt lik that wasy greatest ance i hadt getting home, at beingrescd. The timing couldntave been better. Back in salt lake, elizabeths father decided it was finally time t revealhat sketch of emanuel. Now, weve got breaking news the television showamericas most wanted also feature the skch. Membe of hiswn family began to call in after it was on americas most wanted. Yes. And oer people. I kno that guy. Yes. On, bri David Mitchell photosere broadcast across the country. Now Law Enforcement and the public knew who emanuel really was. But would that be enough to bring elizabeth home . Coming up, at a uta store, elizabeth comes across a wall o posters of missing children and finds her face isntthere. I wondered, did they forg . Did ty give up on me. Why ant you there. Why am not up there . Im still missg. Over the cours of nin months, elizabe smart hadone from terrified little girl to savv 15yearold survivor, now manipulang her own rescue. She had tricked her captors into hitchhiking hundreds of mile across the desert back to ah. But suddenl it didnt seem like ch a good idea. It rember watching car after car pass and justeeling like i cvinced them to hitchhike back what if we dont make it back alive . Somehow they did. Is onarch 12th 2003 they arrid in the town of sandy. Just south of salt ke city. Still, elizath didnt feel victorious. You went to a walma at o pot and there was a wl of posters of missing childn and you went to see your face so see if anyone was lking for you and you didnt s it. I didn see. And when i w looking at it, mitchell grabbed ahold of my arm and he puld me away and said stop drawing attentiono yourse. Get out ofhere. Dontook at that board. And i wondered, did they forget me . Did they give on me. Why arent you there . Why am i not up ther im still missing. But not for long. Someone had seen mitchells photo on americas most wanted and called 1. 91 yes, could you tell me, i think i see tha imnuel theyre looki for. As elizabeth and her captors walked o of the walmart, she had no idea her horfying ordeal was about to be over. Suddenlyhey were surrounded. The police cars all jumped up and they srted asking questions. Ty wanted to know if she was ezabeth smart. Even then, she hesitated. I was scared. Whatf the policem didnt believe me what if they rease me back t mitchell what would they d to me . What would they d to my family . T first, sheidnt identify herself. Still the polic were sure she was Elizabeth Smart so they whisked her to a policetation and called her pares. I srted crying andinally i said, elizabeth, is it you . And she sai yes, dad, its ally me and she started to cry. What was it like t see your dad . I was so happy. When iaw him when heame nning over and jus grabbed me in his arms, i knew that nobody uld ever be able tourt me ever again. Elizabeths rescue was a huge story. Many who followed the case had long sincessumed she was dead. Now everyone wted to hear from her. But all she wanted was to be with her family. She even wanted to sleep iner own d, the very samene from which she had been kidnapped. Did you sleep much that night . No, no. We were in and out ccking her. Is shethere . Is it really tr. And from that time life was just carried on as how it had been, ou old routine. But what could psibly be routine about thi young girls life after bei brutalized for so long . Aer this kind of trma, ne months o th, did you receive lot of therapy . Ho did you move on . Well, i think its first imrtant to note thatveryone is different. For me, i had wt i would consider a lot of different kinds o therapy. Though she did get some traditional counselinglizabeth said it was theimple things like her music that gave her the most mfort. And it was her mom, she ys, who proded the key f true healing. She said, elizabeth, what this man hasone to you is terrible. He has stolen nine months of your life that you will never get back. But the best punishment you couldver give him is to be happy. So he lshe refused to dwell the terrifying nine months eve if the ordeal had lead t scars. She stole all the excitement from going on a first dat and getting your first kis to even i just felt like all of that was taken away from me. That i would never have tha chance. But she did. Last year she got married in a fair tale wedding that made the cover of people magazine. Her husbands name is matthew gilmore. Hes from scotland and they met from the mormon church. He knew nothing of elizabeths past until she told him. Your iediate reaction . I was surprised because like when i tnk of someone thats been through Something Like that, i would think it would be depressed. So i was very surised of howell she has overcome. He couple i talking about starting a family. But right now, 26yearold elizabeth is focused on giving back. The scariest night of my life happened 11 yearsago. She is sring hertory to help other victims of abuse hoping thatven wit all its terrible detas, it will hp them move on just le she has. Coming back here to the place where her kidpper raped and tortured her doesn phase elizabeth sma now. The young girl that was held captive even faced her tormenter again at his trial in 2010 and when they made eye contact, she kn that brian david tchell, the man she awoke to see in her bedroom that awful night,o longer had the power to terrify her. Had moved on. He waso longe a part of my life. He no longer could hurt me. All of that was far away and long ag he was nothing to me anymore. He had no part, no part in my fe. Wt didnt Brian David Mitchell understand about elizabet smart . That i couldnt be broken. At he could hold me captive, but i would survive. That was stronger than he ever though i was. An eraordinary journey of courage, determination,nd faith. Im meredith vieira. Thanks for joining us. This sund, two news making oneone interviews. Exclusive secretary oftate john kerry on theailure to reach an agreement with iran. Plus, new jersey goverr Chris Christie maybe the folks in washington, d. C. Should tune in their tvs rig now, see how its done. Is his landslide in new jersey the first to his president ial run and will he be the savior for a dived gop . Plus, how obama care has so democrats running scared. I am sorry that they are in this situation based on assurances ty got from me. The question of confidence in the president has the round table talking. Wi us this morning, best selling authors all with new oks, joe scarborough, hiorian doris kerns goodwin, us, Donna Edwards of maryland. And harry smith with his video essay on e meaning of gettysburg on e anniversary of ncolns celebrated eech. Im david gregory,ll that ead on this edition of meet the pres for sunday, november 10th. Announcer from nbc news in washington, the wlds longest running television program, this is meet the pss. Good sunday morning. No deal, three days of negotiations in geneva failed to produce an agreement to freeze irs nuclear pgram in exchangeor relie from crippling international sations. Alough all sides pointed to progre, rouhanihis mning insisted his count will not ve up t right to enrich uranium. That is the critical step in the production of nuclear weapons. Prioto rouhanis comments, i spe exclusively toecretary of state john kerry moments after the talks hadended. Secretary key, welcome back to meet the prs. Thank you. Good to be with you, vid. Theottom line goal here is to prevent iran from producing or acquiring a nuclear bomb. You have said that in the interim you want a complete halt on their weapons program. Clearly, theres not aeal yet. They are not in a position to gi into that demand. Is that aair statement . No. I think is a queson, david, of working out the modalities by which it will be done, by which it can be verified, the way in which you have a s of guartees that make aolutely certain that the goal of the president , to make certain iran ner has a nucar weapon can be achieved the first effort is to try to achieve it, obviously, peacefully, and you try

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