Usual show an unusual panel filled with comics writers health gurus and music mix masters not the least of which one of my favorite people in the world the one and only a I don't think I'm wonderful Chris how are you I'm doing great what is our musical theme this week interesting me enough we have an appropriate theme is specially for what Donald Trump is known for telling a lie is telling sweet little lot right songs about a lot aren't about life you know that ironic because it's not just us who thinks that when they did the fact check test comparing this president to other present not only does he lie more than the average politician but over 50 percent of what comes out of his mouth is a lie Have you ever tried to lie that much I mean if you really made an effort could you do it so we've got some Thompson Twins Yeah. They've got some great life there's a lot of good Lions songs out there are to marry or not. There's a man who doesn't lie a man who is known for being the truth teller and factories or truth serum who one because you're painfully honest wily Yes How are you. You know you mentioned daylight savings time you know that there's a certain percentage of Americans that a blaming the extra hour at sunlight for global warming Oh really they think that because if we had that extra sunlight it would be cool to say they're blaming Obama or the planet people but I mean daylight savings OK it makes sense because they use so much the logic and science Oh yeah people are flatter 3rd. People who use half science and half complete illogic they just kind of they do the US just enough science don't worry we're going to build a pipeline to the sun that that's how it is and I know you're worried about a doctor and he was Don't worry don't worry or heavy jacket don't worry we're going to work at night so we'll be safe. Then our pipeline to the sun and pipeline will. Leek there were only get out they never leave they never they never have you my friend always have great news I look for your 5 things affect me kike has got some ideas yes some great local stuff we've got our action news report coming up on the show is long overdue in some news we always start off with a positive story and we got a local thing at the end we got the coolest weirdest stories you could ever find all of them real right out of the news so I can't wait Wiley get me an idea what kind of weird story is going to expect on the show well Chris this week bizarre stories include Loa marijuana Texas robot son and Japanese love hotels Finally we get to cover that story I mean kind of question let's check in. Now yes or are you ready to check in Mr Crabtree Mr Petrie the room is ready and was ready Paging Mr Potter you. Know I've read of your movie reference ideology that line was very obscure I was there wow got to make it all the way through that. Just to get that went in there Tim Burton I love that excellent job you know with my grammar for tonight it was it was it was one of those movies that you know you love to hate there's that one there's also big trouble a little excited a lot of them Hello Mr Fancy you know with Evil Dead Oh yeah. Diane what kind of unusual things could you do good vibrations you talk about trying to make the news but I raise my hand sometimes you bring in the most unusual food and different things rest a try so we can try to be healthy we may not be healthy but we're going to try to be healthy so what we can we expect and ferment taking everything that will fit in a jar Oh my goodness yeah I don't. I don't either but I brought in the for the 1st time I started fermenting like that. I've been making all kinds of different drinks but I brought in some food that I know is one of your favorite I have many favorite and I'm into this honey ferment. The honey for men to. Fill in the blank who rule and that's coming from and yeah that's pretty amazing actually so what do you have missed out there where you know I tell you I'm going to get into what happened last week a lot of people think that the Trump investigation is over I'm going to set the record straight on what exactly is going on it's a witch hunt is it yes it is they're looking for which you know I didn't know that Donald Trump was a witch I thought they go to call him a warlock and I think they're looking for Sarah and I believe this rhymes with it does. Say it like that. You have a list of all other fish. There are standards if only you had brain material to deal. Well you know they always say different things if you if you if you want to look thin you stand next to fat people you want to look smart you stand next to them people want to look like both you stand next to Sarah. Thank you thank you oh be here all week everyone. Well I tell you what let's go ahead I feel like doing so you feel like somebody was going to live audience you know. All right the problem is we don't like dull boring there was no lack of hardware like a painful we like it rough we like our new is as honest as we can get it like a truth serum shot right into our brains it's time for. Fireback you know today like Dr. Wally now a quick news update I think you should know it today for. The most people that make your head bluer than the post it notes that would like you to kill yourself every time Donald Trump gives a speech do it baby. Item number one last week with the launch of Scientology network because the best psychological disorders begin at home of course the Church of Scientology has been under fire recently for sexual abuse and rape but compared to what they do to the minds of their followers that's nothing Scientologists believe that Xenu the ruler of the Galecki Confederacy had captured sold to people in a in a mixture of alcohol and glycine Alton Perry number around the bases of the OK knows they already have a Scientology network it's called the Scifi Channel and that stations more believable. I worship Dr Who's partner. I don't know but it's been a week since daylight savings time and scientists already say there's a greater risk of a heart attack by 24 percent on the Monday after the time change and that's not including the people who grab the chest and panic when they're late for work it's daylight saving time screw the island vented it Ben Franklin was a jerk. Them to visit me much manuf began this week which is really exciting if you actually give a crap most of the world hates basketball because you can put the ball in the hoop for 2 points and every game scores over 100 points put in a ball in the hoop is just too easy why don't we raise the hoop which is give someone a nail gun but more of a challenge most best of all came to London the last 4 minutes by only 2 points so why don't you just play the last few minutes we can all go home. That's your ball it really sucks. I don't know before last week President Trump visit to California it was the longest time any president took to visit the Golden State and you know what it still wasn't long enough. Just to please the King California post everything Donald Trump stands for between Antipolo old and sanctuary cities I have never been more proud to live here California let's just secede already and I don't know why last week's big news with the House Republicans and you know a probe into the Russian Trump collusion which is ridiculous because one they colluded and 2. Everyone know that I think they ended their investigation when the book Russian roulette came out and talked about something a hotel room with golden showers that's what I and my investigation to. That the golden chalice the 7 sexual truck. That's a bag that they do that they think that you know this is. All that was fired you should know to the doctor of dark quality Why yes it's got the golden showers if anything from the Golden State Oh wow Welcome back to the show everyone welcome to the only show like it when we dare talk about the things other people don't won't can't or just are too frightened to even try. All right I hate driving in the news like this but sometimes yet just gather. A lot of commentary with all right here you go guys. I miss you guys we're going on a rant you know that. You know last week it's very quiet right now last week left a lot of people who were looking forward to tromp big perp walked in handcuffs out of the White House very confused and very despondent you see every week for the past month there have been new revelations proving that drums campaign willfully and overtly conspired with Russia and Russia's motive was that Russia wanted the sanctions lifted that would give them billions of dollars in oil money invest investigators have evidence about numerous contacts between the Trump teen and Russian spies investigators have shown prior dirty business dealings and money laundering between Trump and his team and Russia and special counsel Muller's team has acquired many guilty pleas involving people involved in the case so then last week surprise the Republican controlled House Intelligence Committee said that they had found no evidence. That Mr Trump or as aides plotted with Russians to win the 2016 election and they ended the House investigation so what does this mean well in short it means that the Democrats are pissed and they should be and so should you be the premature ending of the investigation the house with brought about by Republicans like Gavin new Yes yes you might you might remember that name you see the same guys who leaked the edited partial memo findings of the Prez the one that prove nothing tried to show that Trump was vindicated remember that a few weeks ago same guys same guys Yeah well they're trying to give Trump leverage in the court of public opinion by stating trumps innocence regardless of the obvious facts of course this will give trumpeters the ability to quote the House intelligence findings as inaccurate as they are and Trump himself you need Ealy started tweeting his I told you sos over the weekend just a few days ago but it's important to keep in mind that the story is far from over the Senate Intelligence Committee is still probing the matter and the investigation by the Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller is still also ongoing Democrats in the panel that were this basically told after it happened when they close it they they were arguing and very angry they said that the investigation into prematurely ended and they know that there is a lot more to come the head Democratic committee stated that the evidence is clear and overwhelming that the intelligence community assessment was correct and in the coming weeks and months new information will continue to be exposed through journalism indictments and special counsel and continue and that's a good work by the committee Democrats have their counterparts in the Senate and each time this new information comes out at this point Republicans will be held accountable for abandoning the critical investigation of what is really national importance Representative Schiff was the head of the committee said history will. Judge the actions of these Republicans harshly so yes the investigations continue so you can relax it's going to be an ongoing drama every week depending on how well the Democrats do the party could kill the Republican a legislative agenda in Congress if they take control and gain new powers to investigate drugs again and because the House has the ability to impeach Democrats winning in the upcoming election is even more important than ever to pursue these issues if you want to see them pursued ad we continue to preserve these issues on the shelf unless of course Americans want Russia to continue to appoint their presidents for us that's my comment. Let's see what we got. Yes a part of me wants. The investigations to End Of course there's one conclusion I'd like to see I'd like to see Trump do the frog walk the but. That would be gratifying Sadly the only body in our government who has the ability to a peach is the Congress of course once Miller's investigation is actually completed that's when it's going to be very important for people hit the streets I mean a lot of people said that when or if Mueller got fired everyone hit the streets and go nuts and you know and just start calling for him to leave and he got fired no no no come I haven't They call me was like oh my god I found out after Tommy was 1000000 next Yeah well they're going to try to get him again and they're going to try to shoot well you know the House said it and now you're saying something different so I can fire you they've been dancing around 1st and a couple weeks ago they started talking about Mueller's higher up his boss so they could get rid of him and then get rid of your lawyer after that because they're trying to use Nixon's example as a bad example one of the things was one of the things. Nixon did was called the Saturday Night Massacre where he took out all the people who were investigating Ted how many did he fire everyone when we had the information everybody jumps or how no no no I'm talking about just the people who were investigating it and that was one of the things that made everyone hit the streets and when people look back on Nixon's impeachment they say one of the reasons why the American public went so crazy and insisted that he be removed from office was because of that Saturday Night Massacre and so they said what they're doing now is we're trying to get rid of people one at a time as opposed to everybody at the same time and that would hopefully pad it so that they they imagine people will get riled up the important thing is America stay riled up get riled up if you want this guy out of there that feeling we're going to do it. I think I can yes 3 things if you don't want to watch a fictional version of what's happening in reality I suggest the latest season and last season of the Showtime series called Homeland Oh yeah and they're the following very closely all the way from a controversial president being elected all the way to the Russia tampering of the elections and other things as well so that's number one I love the entertainment factor of it because that's we do on the show we try to make it fun exactly a good way to discuss the issues without getting too crazy it's a spoonful of sugar to help the B.S. Go down so yeah and my B.S.-O. Meter has had the needle buried for the last you know it's very high fructose corn syrup. The 2nd thing is I found it funny that Trump is hiring a lawyer that is basically saying that she was yeah it was for a bogus Russia stuff is framing me blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and finally as much as I would like to see Trump do that walk of shame that you were talking about earlier. I do know what Mike Pence is about we I know I know we're going slightly Well there's an adage out of the frying pan into the fryer that comes to mind slightly want to think about situation and we just got this on the show before I agree with you completely I think most crazy right wing nut and he'd never he did Trump Well that's Is it politically he is for a couple of reasons one he's much more of them Trump and 2 he could probably get his legislative agenda through one of the things that helps us not have so much Trump intervention in our personal lives on a daily basis is that Trump gives been in court so much and has been in trouble so much that he has been able to accomplish a lot of things here's the here's the thing Diane. Pence is that what stops me from saying you know pence would be worse is I can't see pence having a childlike tantrum and pushing the red button I think that Trump is right Trump is a danger to it as well as the F.B.I. Said last week he's a danger to our security as a nation because he can't keep his mouth shut you know blab important things about our troops and about our government to foreign powers he's also under the thumb and control of Russia he won't say anything negative about Putin no matter how many times Putin proves that he's just a fascinated these people in London and I just don't think it he's not safe he's not safe to be in and says we have a crazy president and a crazy professional. Well that there's different levels I think I think that the show he covers it up a little bit better he's written fundamentalists I mean he's all that makes them OK that's. So I just want to say that to date the trumpet ministration had lost 15 employees to resignation and 5 a fire that he fired a total of 20 are I don't think McDonald's at that much turnover Yeah well that the last one was the dirtiest one when you fire a career general and you take away that and you're making a few days before that before the weekend yeah of course he did that was the lowest I heard that was another he was a huge one and well decorated soldier he had earned his pension all you to do was wait 2 days and that weasel Eemian I mean there's a lot of low I've seen a lot of locals have that Laurel stuck for the people that resigned and the people that got fired. You saw that the Democrats offered him a job just so you could keep his pension right and then 2 days yeah it was a very good I don't know if he took it but the Democrats want to talk about 7 across the aisle Oh that's all that's pretty that's to me progressive you know what's sad about the Republicans is to have a dictator in Russia or the Nazis control this country and they call themselves American patriot Yes there's an irony there there's the dark soul I've been waiting for to hear on the show. But know that you can't contradict me well I could but I'd be incorrect. Fox News commentator there was a meme that was send out and basically said that all of the patriots that are for small government and anti-government wave the flag of the government that they hate the most interest Yeah it's kind of ironic so they want to use are 2nd Amendment right. To fight for a country for small government of the country that they are part of Iraq all that want to spend a whole pile of money to build a wall yeah the government out of our business right 20 to $30000000000.00 to build a wall I think that my children will pay for I think Mexico and Canada should build a wall around the United States to make sure that people can get out of here yeah well I think that would like to do that yeah if I think I don't want Americans over there oh yeah I don't know well I love Canada I love Canada I think I think they welcome us at US and Canada point yeah look cool thing about if they do build a wall is there such a huge obesity problem America that the bill at the height of the Capitol. Thank you Senator Inouye. 3 For all I really like to do is they're arguing against me and say you know you know when you talk about Mexico they say well you know we've got a $1000000000.00 wall and all it takes is a $12.00 ladder to get over it. Of course in the American case of going out if you don't you know Americans could build a catapult and. They's a gentleman house that we covered the news thank you yes investigation still still going on you know what after all that let's see if we can find one positive story in that we our audience is getting antsy there's going to be can we talk about something nice this give me give me something positive All right let's see because I had one nice thing to say on the news. And your thing. You've got to get that part of the night ready because I'm warming up. I'm going to lighten up the mood by talking about literally light so yeah it is. I called it right that's what I do people. Like a Patrick the night. Man So anyway light usually travels in the thing called a photon which is a packet of energy and it travels from one source of light to another just you know indefinitely in some cases but now because of some scientific effort in some experimentation light can now take on physical properties in the form of a molecule So that means nothing to the average listener but a little bit of what's been going on is they shoot light through a rubidium cloud and apparently it picks up mass So long story short this technology could potentially do is help us with quantum computers because of the boy information can be stored on these physical components of light and all the way up to crit like Chris my crystal like Crystal lights a calorie free beverage not that good at all so the chemical is also a low calorie form of coke low calorie So there you go see if you did a light crystals like there are. $2.00 and $1.00 showed one with this pretty good but light crystals could be used to store energy it's going to nerd out towards much like the dilithium crystals. On the Star Trek Enterprise so who knows what you could do with the same logic could be really cool sure we'll find out soon if not you will or as always that hears of a lot. Oh obscure from the original Thank you for the enlightenment. I. Was referring to here is a positive start a new study from the University of Colorado by pain researchers shows that whenever a magic partner hold hands with a partner in pain that brain waves think and their pain oh but only the 1st lady would hold their hand. And they and the other part of his body. Lady doesn't want to get near that guy right here we go here's a positive one for people with kids you have Yeah while you've got kids All right our reach is study found that for 5 and 6 year olds who engage in more conversation at home had more brain activity while they were listening and to a story and processing language talking to your kids can be the key to their brain development more than 20 years ago psychologists Betty Hart and Todd are rightly discovered they called the 30000000 word gap the family visits the estimate of the children under 4 from lower income families hurt a staggering 30000000 words fewer than children from higher income families and that study was embraced by Hillary Clinton as for a White House conference on the topic of public service announcement campaigns and creation of 2 outreach organizations the clear message is talk to your babies talk to your babies a lot. Dianazene says her new book Talk to your friggin kid. Well we're going to talk about their sometimes people talking to tell the truth sometimes they lie tonight we're saluting those who live professionally in the what we laughingly call a career in politics this one goes out to all the career politicians out there this is the original Thompson Twins with lies. The music. Video that was rushed. To work. Tomorrow. The yes. The yes. The yes. The you. The you. All that was. So many lies that was the Jew in saluting our current president on a laugh in your face radio hotter than Fox News 24 hour live machine Welcome back to the show where happen so much fun we're throwing things across the room that's how much fun we're having this is the only show like it we appreciate you Jack and not our Go find me it's you it's you guys you you make this show possible and without you we wouldn't be here I mean that literally we have had an interesting year we have had everything from a quick meant blowing up during the show to microphones completely going out and we kept charging through it and we managed to get our show back together with the help of our Go Fund Me and it's still out there and you can still help so please feel free to do so I'm very happy that we do local news and we have our own roving reporter and sometimes we get him on here and I'm so happy that we can do our action news let's let's do that it's time for. Action News with a kid I can. Actually. Hike Chris this is the kind of poetry I'm reporting from the field I'm in Northern California right now and there is some controversy because we're going to be talking about a subject that has been in the news lately. Teachers with guns as you know Donald Trump propose that the teachers should be armed in order to prevent psychos quote unquote his words not mine psychos from coming into the schools and shooting them up while this story taught takes place once again like I said in Northern California seaside city apparently a teacher accidentally discharged a firearm while teaching a public safety class injuring one student while the Northern California school police say a ha ha ha it's right this teacher's name is Dennis Alexander not ours and a teacher anymore that was the mayor he said. Teacher was teaching a lesson at the seaside high school in Seaside when he pointed a gun to the ceiling and accidently discharged it and the 17 year old student was injured by a bullet fragment and debris fell from the ceiling Wow injuries appear to be superficial but Alexander has been placed on administrative leave from his teaching job I think you Terminators with guns I'm going to turn it back over to you Chris because you said something quite profound once and I thought it was quite wide so maybe if you want to share that with the audience I think they will can learn a really good lesson from that that you grasp. When everything everything was ever about the guns it was amazing I think it was during a set said a few times it was quite good eloquent even. That way that guns don't kill people with guns kill that's it that was our action news report. It can get. You know after a heavy duty day of news I like to stretch out I'll put my feet up relax feel little better about life you know I don't know exactly how to do that I don't know what I mean why I don't how to feel better that's why we have our health guru to help us out give us some sort of guidance on how to feel better and oftentimes it's something that we don't expect so let's see we've got it's time for. Living agree. With Diane Diane you bring you a better risk this time I started you know fermenting stuff a while ago. I saw this recipe for a honey garlic fermentation and I think I told you the 1st time I said well if it takes a year no it doesn't take a year you can leave it on your shelf for a year because any it'll break down quite a bit these are these are about a month now being dissed be clear you said Honey garlic honey garlic you basically put honey raw preferably organic Yeah I wouldn't do this with pesticides it just doesn't make sense but it finds. It finds the lack to. The self in the garlic so it ferments from that bug nothing really bad grows and honey I mean really found honey that's thousands of years old and that explains my cereal this morning they go so you eat garlic all the time what do you think of that that's nice that's got a little bit of an edge to it I do a lot of I do I do pickled garlic me yeah you know and I close but I'm rare I find most people near the skull they put their nose up I felt like I was going to have a heart attack when I tried it no no no actually. Because you wake up one morning in your heart is growing on the outside of your body yes all of that and all the vampires in the neighborhood are dead. One of the little boys. I would want to mix in a salad. I set up mix it in the salad I think it would be a good out of also maybe on top of a pizza I think would be really. Awesome wish it up maybe I'll keep some of the I put them in salad I do that all the time is actually a. Excellent excellent suggestion from a K. . There always always good what I like best is we've been talking about garlic on the show for some time as I wouldn't want her to revamp it garlic is great for your mental synapses It's also said to be linked to. Your libido. This going to put that out there. Also great for your heart great for your lungs and great for a good old purge you want to do a detox do a garlic detox and there were a couple of days of garlic you'll sweat it out whatever's in your body you're going to sweat it out it will get rid of everything even your friends and closest relatives. Yeah a couple of things it's an anti Occident it's an anti-bacterial it's an anti-microbial it's loaded with vitamins you could actually not take that stupid multi-vitamin and just. Garlic it'll give you an energy boost it's great for the immune system it reduces allergies it soothes cough sore throat fights infections and I gotta tell you if you're having any kind of skin stuff going on if you take a close of garlic I'm sure this honey would work as well take a close up garlic and rub it on your face you will not have whatever that break out does and plus you get rid of an empire then get rid of lots of it is the base. Do it again should I do it and wine more time. Calcium foster or is the lenny a vitamin D. 6 I don't envy. Vitamin C. Magni I mean it's loaded with good stuff and I would be remiss if I didn't mention every so often on the show I talk about my parents one of the main reasons why I came back Zandi ago was in order to spend more time with my folks who are getting older and we you know it's not for everybody but I was got along great with my parents and the nice thing about it is I get to do things like let's say I find a little lump in my arm I get to go talk as is our I hate what is this old Starlight perfectly normal thing it's perfectly normal I've had doesn't really. You know you know you get that moment of coverage but also what I what I like best is finding out about all their health things that they do as older people now my mother and father are in their eighty's and they see the better side of 80 and I could tell you they're both scientists are both teachers my father is a biostatistician My mother taught school for many years she's a computer programming as well as all grades a school so whatever health thing they're trying I really appreciate that you may not like people not going full organic but my parents are at that point where there's a point in your life where you wake up and they they give you a bunch of pills and you have them all to put out these little plastic trays and each one has a day of the week on as you keep your pills straight believe a lot of people do that I don't even know that pill tray has a name but they they have a pill that has the powder form of garlic and I asked my mother and father why are you doing this and they and my father who lives on scientific magazine says it's to fight the Alzheimer's Apparently your immune system and your immune system is all about the immune system if you if your memory loss there is their concern is a memory loss and they're And can I get the smell and he says Well 1st. I think that occasionally they get a good burp and they certainly their breath is it is harsh is mine because I'm chewing the live garlic I don't know that but they put it there's garlic in a powder form and there's always pills garlic you know and I gather and they yeah I'm I'm a little skeptical of it too I learned I go to the stuff because I like I want it on my be organic you know goes in but let's say that you don't want to have the really strong graft that I have on the air every week then maybe that's another way to go I was just trying to slow that out there the powdered pill stuff is long as you know that's pure garlic I you know and it's mixed in there. I would rather them take that than take some pill that's supposed to somehow in the future you know like I feel like. My eyes right exactly I mean you know they're doing mood among garlic flavored opioid salt. And the government's job with putting the shape of Fred Flintstone life if you get some early flavor opioid. I'll take the oh really. What's wrong with your breath rehab. And that was living in a dream in. The green going to be a spicy night with me. With people that's really striking anyone to get near me after all this garlic every need. He had a bunch of it going on again yes share it with. Alex Alex Alex Alex Well we like to use our audiences not only 1st a lot of people use them as background we use our audiences as guinea pigs we will bring them in I use all of us. I've been members. Of like they're like. Maybe next time I'll try just lick the petri dish kids come on fresh lick today. Let's get into our other stories us go through the local stuff. And your. Speaking to rehab California lawmakers propose lowering weed taxes for 3 years to help the legal show with the black market so alarmed by California's fledgling legal marijuana industry is being undercut by the black market a group of lawmakers riposte Tuesday to reduce state taxes for 3 years I'm going and selling cannabis to ice. I think that's a good really good sign also too I do think it's a big middle finger towards the federal government Yeah who keeps trying to mess around with yeah exactly have it bad I'm trying to add to it he's the commander in weird but 0 with many of California's license holding claiming that they can't compete because of high state taxes which is currently at 15 percent of voters wanted 50 percent tax but now what they're proposing is they want to cut it to 11 percent and suspend it's of culture they should tax that charge is $140.00 per pound so it actually is a big deal to cut this out because people as it says going to be criminals do not pay business taxes or consumers over 21 obtain licenses or follow product safety regulations so that's And this is a Republican Assemblyman Tom lackey. That's the name for a Republican absolutely perfect. I know when you do everything you're paid to do you're a lackey Oh exactly this like a singer who falls flat they lack each. Other spas Oh my goodness the world record how. Do you counter. A pun Please find me after the show's run and stick it out I didn't care anymore but I had good stuff guys it's a proposition 642016 blah blah blah blah blah blah good news taxes are going to get lower for weed hopefully. After the Parkland High School massacre where Republicans offered students thoughts and prayers students all of the world stage a massive walkout the protest the lack of gun controls in the United States in San Diego many students but dissipated in the national walkout the fullest the Republicans to make school safe in response the calls the gun control Donald Trump immediately blamed violent video games for school shootings of course in a related story Donald Trump also blamed violent video games for the think you know the Titanic they know they have the feeling of the winter baby but the G.O.P. Everything is the claim that schools need to fix up guns and bullets so the next time Donald Trump want to feel safe he should get rid of his Secret Service agents and just protect himself with thoughts and prayers than the G.O.P. a Man a man she's you know I got to tell you I hate to side with President this one but my favorite video game is hide the Lindbergh baby. Thinking of a high score on that one well that was one. You just keep pointing out the fact that Lindbergh was a nazi all right to a great degree she was delicious. This is also standing on news I just had to talk about this because guess where our we are weird beautiful Spring Valley studios. I want everyone to check around their feet just in case residents near San Diego were warned to watch out for a 4 legged fugitive a 5 and a half foot monitor lizard. That wriggled out of its cage Mike asked of as says the $35.00 pound reptile named Bubbles. Was last seen on Sunday at his store the Pats in Spring Valley that's right it's called Mike's patchy roll scene it it's right there in Spring Valley as Davis says this car never a secret or it's probably managed to escape through a very tight and the bottom of his cage security the security camera footage picked up bubbles sauntering That's right they put in the word sauntering I don't ever seen a lizard saunter But it's it's it's terrifying It's absolutely frightening toward the near end of the store as the recess bubbles is good around people and I'm often roams the store while customers are around while they're still staying around with a giant lizard but he's inviting anyone who sees a reptile don't try grabbing him said Eagle County Animal Services Department is assisting in the search but I must warn you Bubbles the lizard is still at large do you ever blow bubbles when you're a kid Yanni back in chattering looking boy oh I knew you were going to know that one. CARD I set up. The class it's like elastic ladies and gentleman other radio shows have to do commercials I read 15 minutes sometimes it seems like every 5 seconds we don't on the show and one of the nice things about that is we can often play an entire song on one of my favorite bands of all time and one of the best bads of all times was the Eagles and the problem is that most of their hits were 6 minutes long guess what So it was this one night but it's a classic it is a classic this is the Eagles with lionize. Was. The I'm. Not. Sure. She was. Should. I get. To sit. In a bridge. In Play. News. Board just saw. This guy. Oh yeah I always got the whole thing in there your kid may not the 1st time I said that welcome back to laugh in your face Radio right here on 89 point one your network for social justice a network for no commercials commercial free that's how we can play all those songs it was a big piece you can hear the whole thing and the nice thing is you can find other shows that's by checking out K. And his J. Dot org It's a great way to do it they've got great shows in fact just this morning I was listening to a rerun show I was done by Douglas Holbrook interviewing 2 young comics about 05 years ago. And not interest whatever we're on it's on again yeah they keep replaying are you and we did that was a long time ago and I listen to all these guys sound great Wait a minute that's you that's that's Diane telling a story what is funny yeah that was him. And I Are you proud of that whole thing I had no matter what we're going to talk about politics this is burning Yeah I can't figure it out what that is what is Chris what I love assets less where ever you wherever you are but you're hung up on one question over and over the next let's get to the asterisk of what is what the question you're asking sir is hilarious the idea that in any show we could tell you exactly what's funny and why we're not psychologists we're not psychiatry's we're just people on the radio we tell stories and oftentimes we save the weirdest stories for the end of the show stories like the. In your. Face thought well that's sex because I had numerous. Health benefits include a lower stress that's like it's $968.00 the Japanese have been offering special love hotels that couples can rent by the hour I'm feeling left more stranded all the time and when I go to well to further to heighten eggs the experience and healthy fat of many of these low hotels in Japan have rooms that look like a doctor's office an underwater caves or even a close to the enemy world well save me a lot of money you know my home there so it's making love in an ordinary hotel room sound boring try having sex Yep unease level tell instead probably the ONLY for the thing you won't find in the Japanese love hotel is the room that lets you relive the experience this is I mean the 1st atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki because it's hard to enjoy sex with the radiation burns over 90 percent of your body Wow that's dark that is the one percent doesn't have the burns you'll be fine we had me up until the end you know I was I was so into that and then you think that was I'm ready for Wired midwife Emily dial after delivering many babies had the section that's normal right yeah for a midwife except they stopped and she pulled her own baby out of her c section own severe action it's all caught on tape and it's not for the faint. Yep it's a cover for trick. WATCH THIS IS YOUR card you'll never get David Copperfield All right well where to go from there we recovered babies we got OK I Let's go back to Singapore shall we Singapore robot Swans jast water quality dry Yes according to the Channel News Asia. They have these birds they are fake birds and they're being set loose on reservoirs serving the city as a monitor to water jets water quality as part of the Apple name. On the project that's right Swan Smart Water assessment network. They did it and it is. There and they're being designed to look like real Swans so they blend in with their surroundings and I see them you look up on the Web They have a website where you can look up these wines and they look like real swans but they're actually water testers gracefully drifting along just surface underneath a system of propellers is working and water sampling equipment and they use wireless technologies to sell said real results That's right their wireless was it . That because they said all of their flags at the national water agency or that's right they send their information to the pub or the professor who will put this together in the National University of Singapore I would have not had a love hotel he says. Part of the team that designed the swan bots Oh I gotta get us one bot I.D.'s one but told us that they were starting with a number of smaller birds models before we decided on the Swan It's just the right size you if you look at it in the environment it looks like a big swan swimming around. There right there where they don't tell you they actually manufacture ugly duckling bots I said Be calm so I'm. The suave judge of the film about a ballerina and. Then. There it looks really clean. You know I have way too much fun on the show I really do and we hope that you do we hope that you do why because we always have the unusual gas we have the best stories we have the best music and most about to the result of my good friend a kike Apache a thank you thank you they like but you know it's job always Oh the doctor you're dark you know you were so close to getting me all excited about the sink. Love Hotel we can still get excited Well I can but you know you close out the story with Hiroshima. I know I look at it Iran I read it again like burn did a little I want to. You know when I'm older I'm thinking about this that the interlude in the hotel the next thing I'm wondering if when I'm done I'm going to see my shadow burned in the carpet Oh well I well I well yeah well the finished version when you know I did the bad job of this data not just out of Diane Jean Hayes and I'm still bourbon of garlic I am yeah yeah our you think the good of all night long and I actually feel generally Well you know blackface or the put on your salads you know how tasty that make it about it well I got to thank everyone who made this show possible. We want to thank you like want to watch your dad our hands full there is a lizard hunters and midwives birth want to take people who build robots powerful and people who like a good love hotels but most of all we want to thank you for listening I don't think the new so seriously just do what we do with their face 0 Good night everybody all right 0 1 sounds. Really really remember. You are listening to your radio on summer suffering 89.9 F.M. And your network. San Diego monument peak. Serving San Diego. This is a. Point one F.M. . Band on the. History. Created in the. State loosely translated means a place of rest it was only because it was a stagecoach way station hundreds this small city just located at the tricks of the. State Park on the Cleveland National Forest diskettes always in between Alpine and Pine Valley at the center of the community is the historic town hall built in the 18th ninety's. Is proud to be part of the community. Welcome to another edition of economic update a weekly program devoted to the economic dimensions of our lives jobs incomes debts our own those of our kids I'm your host Richard Wolffe.