All right everybody gets gas they get webcasting it's sad for lab you have bagged ready. Featuring me Chris Glover the one and only khaki patch area and the Dr of dark Mr Wiley was high Welcome to the show everybody welcome to the only show lacking on the air we proudly call ourselves fake news for our bread for us that. We're here at Spring Valley studios with animals all around us and by that I mean most of the government and any force in San Diego that's not extremely right wing which I think they would say The Tribune is a little right wing but he said. I mean a little less like a lean a little been that way yeah I'm doing the limbo that would be going over to the yeah there they seem to be a little more conservative on that fish wrapper as the English would call it the old fish wrapper the local newspaper we are here doing our show as we normally do but we are missing one cast member of the big daddy and Gene is a little under the weather and I think it's a bad sign when your health expert has got a cold flu that hurts doesn't hurt it hurts but we have the assembled for you one of the finest groups and you can hear a little They say that when my voice is like this and I'm a little bit a little congested that I bring on the ultimate radio disc jockey voice it's that but it's crazy Vulcan's crazy I'm not I'm actually making myself aroused now well what's fun about the show is that we have a brand new sound effects board which is great we can it's not the same as having Diane here we can do things like we can call in our own air raid which is lots of fun we can do that go into and there we go this can be handy here in South everyone agreed to leave here any room and I was going to start the morning there and when we were lacking audience of course because Thank you thank you very much thank you for the plug from. That that would be different very good looking. And I should go ahead and introduce everyone on the panel my good friend it got Apache I started Chris what's up well I tell you I got the cold like everything else is just terrible call the if you will you lie down you say I feel great I think I'll get up and you stand up and go I know I'm not going anywhere like right and I'm fortunate I would have and I and she said she'll be back next week and that's begin to pry and cut you got great music by Fred right and every week we have a theme and I don't know what this week's theme is what is it well you know despite some of the things that have been going on with our country being odd lately Yes I still feel very proud to be an American I'm sure most of us share that sentiment Yes sir very proud to be American so this scene for our music this week is going to be music that has the word America or America that's America America because that was kind of a test a little bit of a lot of connotation right right negative just a little a little weird little I don't know racial but yeah it was a scary thing is that the fatal saying. Much rather hang out with an American than American America yeah that's always right we got Tom Petty right and we got the new I mean coming out rule you can't get more American and that my friends know it and of course on the panel the dark soul of the show who is going to be talking to us a lot in the next couple of segments of the reason why as I've got I've got some commentary coming out in the in the show some of it's going to be about what's going on politically we've also got some things going on in the Aerotech field which is kind of cool because I do have a gentleman who's extremely affluent in computer technology and another guy who spends most of his time studying the cosmos we talk about that in coming shows but my friend I know you're going to keep us current on the new it was in your own dark evil way in my own light optimistic realistic way painfully realistic almost almost too realistic you know some people don't like reality you understand let's like everyone in the g.o.p. That's true that's true that's why they have to come. With terms like fake news describe anything they don't agree with and to blame other people for the doing what they are doing exactly exactly like they did the hypocritical I think goes across both spectrums but I think it it really follows suit more when it comes to sexual harassment. I was astounded last week when Donald Trump came out in support of Roy Moore and a large number of the Republicans fell in line making it really the sexual harassment party the g.o.p. I know it is and they didn't really want been accused of touching something under-age girls that even Willman Polanski and Woody Allen and there is no magic they will be seen with them wow but absolutely true I couldn't agree more and that's the difference really between the 2 parties when when when they're just accused the Republicans will step down immediately the Democrats found out by the Republicans. Even a little evidence in front of the right that's one of the biggest I think it's a crime Ok yes people that do bad things should get punishment but this is a perfect example of the system being completely flawed because we are punishing somebody for doing something but because the other party isn't playing by the same sets of rules it's unfortunate because we're punishing a party making making us as a whole weaker Right right so even though you're doing the noble thing was dipping down Mr Frank in the system is now worse part of the solution and the bad guys that are supposed to be getting punished too along with you they're not going anywhere so you might as well just date him try to make the best of your terms possible right we had well he did what the dems usually do or the independence they step down when they get in when the even get accused there was no right I mean he had photographs around him doing things that were sexually inappropriate or and you're absolutely right and the thing is that now when 4 or 5 people came forward immediately he has his fellow senator. Got together and said I'm sorry you got to go and he stepped out and so yeah everyone else got the guys on the opposite end of the aisle they're just they're emboldened right when they see the Democrats step down and do the noble thing and they're almost like a you suck or your weak you don't know what you're doing you should've stayed in it so much that they're mocking when they do that yeah yeah it's just unfortunate that wealth seems a paying people thing waste different sets of rules well as long as we just keep reminding the American people that the g.o.p. Officially as of last week became the sexual molester program for a molester party and a file tired of the Pedophile Party. Line the Catholic church supposed to be Ok Well not much anymore I understand that the pope came out as the public come out numerous times against Donald Trump we didn't slow down it didn't slow down the support amongst the American Catholic clergy to go out there and tell their flock to go ahead and vote g.o.p. Which amazes me that you can be that the head of a church and that you can follow quote unquote follow the the pope the pope tells you that Trump is bad but you still tell your followers right that your vote for Trump yet left the Mormons not hell they're against being persecuted as a religion but then they feel Ok to plug in chunks of particular right limb exactly exactly well Packer see that's one of the reasons why we're on the air doing the show we try to point it out where possible and we try not to be a party to it or do it but there's one thing that's never hypocritical and that is your news updates we're looking forward to that also we do stories on the show where we're very happy to do what we're aware one story we'll short however I promise you that you won't get your full helping delicious news we start off with a positive story we do a local story and by the end of the show we wrap it up with the weirdest stuff that we could find Wiley wrong tell us what weird stories can we expect Michelle creates this week bizarro stories include giant avocados. Rabbit save your. Sex Lives goes yes about time somebody cover that and of course a real employer news not as a rush inclusion badge right well because I'm Rachel Maddow is covering that every day we don't. Advise the way she's doing excellent coverage her show on Friday to get a chance to go back and has the pod cast sheet she takes from start to finish on why it's important she goes through the whole thing about Christopher Steele the the man who came up with the quote unquote dot ca that was all the information layed out on the Trabant deal yet well he was a James Bond like figure from the British government who was actively involved in getting information from Russia and I was standing story when laid out as a mystery to be solved and she did a great job with it I really enjoy it if you will since it's scary body sincerely I know it's on a call to action but if you want to have a good entertaining hour you know download Rachel Maddow shows audio podcast from last week on Friday so wonderful point by point description of what happened when it happened how it happened and how it all started with a little dossier by an English officer very much like James Bond by the name of enlisting 1st deal and then the. 8. Well I think it's time you know that every every show I do a little a little information I'm going to get to that in just a moment right after I get my hot news injection today yeah there's only one guy I trust fired up there with this let's do it it's time for. Oh yeah. I think you should know today with Dr I'm jogging one and only while he was qualified and the like which you think you should know the American a the most trusted newspaper to make their hands bluer than the River Jordan if it jumped declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. And another one last week Time magazine declared Oh when he spoke out of. Sexual harassment is their Person of the year fortunately to get this award you had to be a victim of sexual abuse even though I am strongly gets all of you sexual or otherwise I really think they should change the name of the movement to something other than hash tag Neetu it's really sounds like you're volunteering to me Do you . Think we'd be better as it is such as hash tag perv hash and the violent and hash tag stop it I don't know crushing my smokes. I'm number 2 Starbucks just opened the biggest story ever in Shanghai it's 30000 square feet and you thought you had to wait in line for your cafe latte and that didn't line and that's place China represents their largest growing market which is good because with the size of this Starbucks It sounds like they're trying to send the entire country into one building. China is a sleeping giant I think the campaign just won't sell no. I don't know if it's 3 quarters of net neutrality held protests outside Verizon stores last week it's ironic they protested outside of a rise in because the service really sucks. Service so terrible that most people would rather sit through a slow down no than to talk to any of those people right isn't bad customer service slow it didn't get you barely hear me now. I don't know before this is the month where people can make changes to the Medicare program you need to enroll in the program when you're 65 years old but don't worry about the deadline Paul Ryan and the Republicans announced they're trying to take it away from you anyway yeah a g.o.p. And item number 5 Larry Nasser was convicted last week of charges of child porn but he's best known for sexually abusing over 100 women as a doctor for us a good while she will be going to jail people and America need to learn the way Al Franken did that sexual abuse will not be tolerated Oh unless you're a Republican running for office like Trump or oil oil which case you get elected God Bless America I. Think But you know the day that. It was 5 things you know today that Dr John Wiley was right here on. Your face radio 89 point one your network reso Szell justice out of your scan so we are proud to bring you stories comments commentary you can get nowhere else and sometimes we have to talk about things are going on in the news that might have slipped by you in the which case will do that right now. A lot of commentary from Chris thank you very much Mr Wiley on the hand yeah yeah that was me jester I know you're coming on to me Well that much I'm going to grab it and that's right well last weekend one of the dumbest moves ever President Trump declared Jerusalem as Israel's capital Yep trumps declaration is widely seen in the region as a blatant expression of pro israel bias now before Trump's announcement the us along with the un considered to be the best arbitrary for peace and stability in that region because well frankly we possess a strong us military but now all of that is just a distant memory because our idiot leader just shook the hornet's nest of a religious war that dates back many many hundreds of years in one speech the manchild effectively ended decades of u.s. Policies it is one of the dumbest things a president has done in our lifetimes now trumps a pivot on Jerusalem triggered warnings from America's friends and foes that he is needlessly stirring up more conflict in an already volatile region now the response was swift large crowds of worshippers across the Muslim world stage anti-U.S. March there's they were stomping on posters of Donald Trump and burning American flags Palestinians clashed with Israel troops and several dozen West Bank hotspots and on the border of the Gaza Strip Israel warplanes struck Hamas military targets in the Gaza Strip in response to a rocket that. Fired from that zone now dozens of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza were hit by live rounds or rubber coated steel bullets and they also inhaled tear gas now across the region from Asia in this Indonesia Malaysia Pakistan and North Africa Algeria and Lebanon thousands of worshippers poured into the streets after midday prayers to voice their anger protest burned u.s. And Israel flags side by side and stomped on Donald Trump posters that show the president alongside of Nazi swastikas now even traditional u.s. Allies sharply criticized decision Sweden's u.n. Ambassador said that the u.s. Action contradicts International Law and Security Council resolutions which by the way is true written Bash that right Croft said the u.s. Decision was unhelpful to peace and the French envoy expressed regret and Italy warned the obvious unrest and tension in the region so why would anyone even a self-serving idiot like our president Donald Trump do this well I can only think of 2 reasons one many extreme Christian supporters believe the Bible story that Jews will be in charge of Jerusalem when the apocalypse happens and he was simply appealing to them or number 2 I don't know if you noticed he made his announcement on the same day that his son testified for over 8 hours about the Russian collusion scandal and this was one hell of a distraction from our president's treasonous behavior but regardless of why the damage has been done on a personal note I would like to say something to all sides of this age old conflict during the holiday season as a person who has a mixed background religiously both Jewish and Catholic heritage I just want to say that the ancient city of Jerusalem is home to major religions and 3 of the biggest Muslim Jewish and Christian groups all have shrines there and did you ever wonder why God. Made all 3 religions holy lands on the same piece of land I mean God could have put them anywhere maybe they were all in one place because maybe none of them has figured God out yet maybe God wants us all to be able to worship side by side in one place in peace because how could there any heaven exist for anyone in the afterlife without some degree of ethnic and religious tolerance think about it and send us your thoughts and laugh in your face Radio dot com. Well that's my holiday message stop killing each other in the name of God How's that for a direct Well that's a good. Slogan to put on a greeting card I think you'll be getting yourself out killing each other for God you know if God wants you gotta take whatever God wants you'll keep right it's a good old job you know your body only put a circle on the ground you go so that's so good every American hand put it in your my house so just getting so here's here's the thing we've got we've got a leader here who really doesn't care what he's says and the problem is outside of this show there are so many people that take him seriously when he decides to move an embassy which is a very symbolic gesture into the wrong place knowing full well what the result will be you have to wonder what's going through his mind now I know personally for many many years people who study Donald Trump's past more or less think of him as a pagan he doesn't really care about God one way or the other and it's all of life if you followed his business career you would notice that that was reflected in everything he did business wise he doesn't really care but yet he's pretending to be the big friend of Jerusalem in Israel and and he will he will put up the embassy over there and on the exact date it is that is testifying now a lot of people listening the show is going to say Chris that's that's not fair no one would do that well Donald Trump would. Be just. Did I don't no no maybe he does care of the doubt no no no not if you and anyone who study Donald Trump know was that he is not doing it for religious reasons. If there is no political motivation that there's no money in his pocket there's no reason for him to do it he is not a Christian and we covered this on the show prior to his becoming elected that he went 1st he didn't go to church for decades then when they asked him what your g. Went to he referenced a church that was his home church and then the church sent a letter to The New York Times stating he has not been here in over a decade we don't know where Donald Trump prays if he does well we know it's not here he was doing them a favor by not showing. The water burns in the public Well that's the point being that that he really did a bad thing for a lot of people people's lives are ending people are being killed as a result of this man child's inability to either allow him self to be removed from office or. Just to fade into the abyss as he should but yeah so what do you think was his motivation in my to my to far off track Wiley No I think you're right but the one thing I would question is did anyone ever think the United States was an impartial party to the peace process I don't know if anyone did I think I think we've had a lot of people in our country who have been divided a lot of religious people went one way a lot of people like myself one of the 2 state solution and. My feeling was that that's what how we should really go with it but again that in itself is controversial it's not the opinion of the station that's much my personal opinion but I'm not alone of course Michael Moore if you have the save a lot a lot of people who study the the region great now and and I'm I'm a both Christian and Jewish background and I have a lot of Jewish people that do. This issue runs so deep. I'm 9 times out of 10 I'll be having a conversation with my Jewish friends and. They are the most wonderful nice loving people I've ever met my life and then you start talking about the Palestinian thing and they turn into someone I've never met before they have magical Lyrian absolutely rings 1st and really violent people I've never met before and and like I said this goes way back for many generations it's an issue that they've been working on for decades to try to make better to try to find some resolution in some way that was more amenable or at least had a semblance of peace and to have someone go into office and deliberately do this for their own personal means and not caring about the bloodshed that would follow right before Christmas we're talking about a real jerk here well why don't the neo nazis who support it from saying anything about Trump helping is really the deal not you don't like use any Well that will overlook everything as long as he's still the bigot that they've come to worship ever since he chased out Obama for his birth certificate and that's my opinion right. What was I going to say you just talk about me as I get my time to shop and we're talking about. Trump's motivation for being such an incredible jerk I think that's where we're looking for I think I want to talk not about Shrum because I think we already know where our angle is you know we're already skewed against him but I think there is a solution and I think the solution is called Gal Gadot That's right I'm referencing Wonder Woman when it comes to Israel. And she should be the new symbol for making that place better early in the West Bank all of the banks you know anything any type of bank she should go over there and she should try to just clean the place down with something cleared it and make things a better place I think she could do it she's got the fan appeal the movie that just came out what was it. But at least her style of soul a stand alone movie. Is the best d.c. Movie that's not right now so I think as your next project Well I know that is the most unusual Christmas list I've ever I wish that one day everyone could appreciate wonder what she was she was wonderful and if I knew it I'll be in San Diego because we get away with that on the radio show you know they're just we really are definitely we are definitely I said to go show. Well I tell you what let's see what stories we've got lined up here I know what I'm going to try to do something positive hard to go from conflict in the Middle East to something positive but let's see oh we've got out there on this one. Yeah. And your say. So here's one for you the Voyager space probes that ring any bells guys. Were doing movie references that Star Trek v. Just remember I had to wipe off the jury for that Trek movie they were so in they had to bring it back they had to bring it back somehow and they did it with a beautiful Baldwin they did that and then they came out with a record of a con which definitely you earned its stripes there are a dramatic on you know why I like the 3rd one and it's the wheels to a little more of the 1st 5. To get it. But anyway we could do this and I. Was so neat Diana Ross and we talk about movies every night almost all of the real reason we know to cut forward but Voyager one is a space probe that was sent from Earth out to explore our solar system and it's been going for over 38 years in fact I think it's been going for 2 years right now and yet it's still going strong it's exiting it has already exited our solar system but its antenna is pointing back towards us so they can always maintain contact with it the good news is it's still able to communicate saying that things are Ok at the end of it's starting to wear and tear a little bit so this role of the craft still might be able to continue traveling outside of the Solar System us being able to keep in touch with it is going to be a finite thing at best but cool stuff whoever said that American companies can't make things that last there's proof right there you just got to make sure that it's a space ship not a not a car or item or a home government sponsored by exactly back when the military things yeah I'm right on the edge of a sneeze so this going to be interesting because into it are going to want to make it even they have like you know they can get me you know I can make it. I'm going to get her sicko I'm going to sneeze right the microphone you're going to. Look at the cocaine channel. This in South Portland Maine ladies and gentlemen representatives of the main toys r Us store they say husband and wife stopped in and they decided why not let's do the right thing let's help people with their kids and they paid off $10000.00 layaway orders for other people how guilty are those people he's getting they didn't arbitrarily and they did it anonymously so no one would harass them for more money but also because they didn't want to get crap they were just doing it out of the charity on their own heart a couple couple local They came they knew that they said they're going to remain anonymous they made the payment to the store store manager named Jay Rose says the money is enough to pay off a balance of about $100.00 layaway accounts so $100.00 kids got their toys without their parents having to go broke this year the gift will help make Christmas more affordable for dozens of families in the area the total layaway balance the store remains 25 grand if anybody else wants to go in there to help them out but they put quite a dent into it that's very nice you know it's very nice but again is somewhat of a critic in me may be called Asian in me but paying off someone's toys you know give the kid a $100.00 a year so you invest in this you know. In a mutual exactly something that's going to lead right I mean some of the some of the fix because we've a perfect opportunity to make the road a better place well I'm just saying when you buy a 100 you know 100000 dollars a yeah I mean what are people heckling Akaka right now let me let me just say this yes that would make a very bizarre holiday Merry Christmas come closer grandpa Chi-Chi to come here come here I think it's a way you hear some money now this is a dollar this is a dollar this is a savings bond and I got this for you know go play with them go play with your years come back to give the emigrates you know your love of psi fire and toys How could you live without your Which would you rather have as a kid would you rather have a star. Wars Millennium Falcon or somebody to say here's a money get loaded question because a Star Wars milling Falcons a collector's item in 30 years later be worth millions of course I'm going to go with that oh you got you there Ok. Ok There you go but my point is Ok it's cool but yeah I know there's other ways you can help you know these guys there to go kill you well that's true and a lot of people said you would should have put that right into the charity they're not going to go and maybe that's what people at home will do at school when they hear his radio show let's let's hope that works out for them let's hope that the rest the show works out for us I think you were just 3 guys on a porch right now that's all we're doing I would be very happy instruments Yes Well we got some musical instruments we're going to play for you now Thomas had oh I think I can Patti God rest her soul would last a Miss year and there's no one did better American music and this is a heart really beautiful rock and song let's do it this is Tom Petty's classic American girl like it's. all yeah that was John Petty. She was American girl and of course you cannot hear that song without rock it out or in a caucus case being reminded of the girl who was singing along to it. In the movie Silence I don't blame her left and I went oh we're going to have connected with that song but that's true though she was singing right girl you know what I was feelin American Girl are you ready are you when it occurred to me that we are now 3 just 3 guys one of the things we like to do our progressive radio is give a variety of opinions and one of the things that Diane and Gene provide to the show is a nice balance of having some sort of a semblance of a female opinion I say some assemblance because oftentimes we agree more often not but since it's just the guys I thought why not here comes a sexy background music for you. I welcome just 3 guys doing a radio. I hope your listeners are trying to show. You know we might be progressive a lot of people don't think about it but you know progressive don't mean selfless actually yeah. Ok you think are. We think of the All guy should music Well I kind of dig this a good bit of jazz rhythm going. With a high tenor saxophone player I know how you do it. I have a feeling this would be something that I would play in that studio across from Universal Studios back when I was that building that's. With the condemned eventually yeah that. Was like one of the biggest porn Yeah yeah it does you know that sounds like for me as. Well something we never do on the show but I really just want to do it it's a it's time for something we don't do enough and I'm going to little traffic d.c. We're recording the show at night however we pretty much know what the track is going to be like Anyway yeah I mean we don't have to be trapped everybody's traffic a lot we're going to traffic lights when you're around versus let's go and do that . Well going to the traffic report to tell you what's going on on the freeway you're all listen and it's very important Ok let's start with this if it's 5 o'clock there are going to be traffic jams on the 8 o 5 and on the 5 every single day where the 5 meets 8 o 5 that's where you're going to have a traffic jam and if you want to know why we have a traffic jam because of people like you that's right people like you you drive too fast you change lanes you ride people from behind because you think that there's 2 kinds of traffic you think that there's a traffic you learn in school and then you think there's real traffic and in your world real traffic is where you go really 10 miles over every post speed limit and you never ever ever use a signal and you ride people when they're not going fast enough you honk your horn because you think there's 2 kinds of traffic law well guess what you're the stupid one that's right you're the stupid one you know you listen to me in your car right now you know that you you you you're the one who's patting honesty and we all stand these people are moving too fast flashing high beams go around everybody gets what you know the stupid what if you want to know if it is given one Ask yourself this question when you see a cop out on the road do you start driving slow or do you start using your signal do you start obeying the law. All of a sudden like you've never done it before well if that's you you are the stupid one because that's how you should be acting all the time but you don't because you think there's 2 kinds of law the law of when the laws around and the law for when it's just you on the road and nobody else is doing it your way well because you and people like you that's going to be an accident every day in the morning on the way to work on the 94 right where the 8 o 5 hits a 94 you're going to slow down there because it's 2 people just like you doing the same stupid thing every single day make an exit even dead people on the side of the freeway and chunks of metal all over the place because you think there's 2 guys. That you invented your own traffic law that only exists in your head and there could be another acted on the 5 right where the 5 meets the 94 every morning at the same time because it's just as many stupid people just like you who think there are 2 Cadillacs the limits in your head when the law is not around the one that you learned when you were in school well guess what the one that you learned in school that you don't agree with anymore well that's the one that they're going to take you to court and find you if you're still alive after your traffic jam because you're out there killing people you're random on the but you're flat your high beams you're going around and you're changing lanes without you Do you signal every single day in til you crash and you dead Congratulations you just had a traffic report and that's where that's going for the rest of the day thanks for listening leading the way more from Alabama giving the traffic report. Writing it it's painfully. It is pain you're absolutely right painfully at your money every day there's always going to be because these guys see him every day and they're always the anger ones have you noticed that always the one they're always the ones who are angry because. People are so slow oh my god people are so you know you are so dumb you you know that that posted speed limit you know what that is that's not a suggestion. Hear that sound maximum speed limit you know supposed to go 10 miles over every sign that's just some law that you created in your head right you think that's what traffic is study it again because you go to court and you you have to you have to try to defend yourself from it you'll say the judge will say scuse me do you know that you were going 20 miles over the speed limit. But you know I was going the flow of traffic so there you go right out the door you're down here Don It's yes it's ironic it's funny because I literally saw there's no joke no punch line I literally somebody driving on the 5 freeway 5 north going to Orange County Oh yeah person or was. Completely engrossed reading a book a book with your eyes completely looking down and towards her less eyes focused downward not on the street whatsoever and as I'm watching this there's only one thing that came to mind at least she's not texting and driving Wow she might be reading a book and she might be not looking at traffic as you might be in some fantasy world La-La Land or endorse some type of who knows what she's imagining up in her head but it's definitely not the traffic in front of her but at least she wasn't updating her Facebook status while she was driving on the 5 freeway good for her well Ali are you do you consider yourself a safe driver or do you. Mean we can be honest here I'll tell you why I'm such a crazy man about the subject and why going on the road everyone in the world every morning and every morning I see the same accidents I'm tired of driving by and seeing people sprawled out on the road I've seen women crying with their hands in their head told in their faces covered with shards of glass over and over again on my way to work and every morning when I drive I see this and I know who it is because of the people who just passed me on the road they're going. Burning past me now the thing is I've heard from other people and I get this all the time they say Chris you drive so carefully and so slow you bore me and I say good I hope you're bored and there's a reason why now I traveled I was on the road 42 weeks out of the year and I did that for about 10 years Ok I was on the road as a stand up comic and I got so many speeding tickets right that eventually I had to learn how to I retrain myself how to drive legally and I and the reason why I had to do that was because there is this crazy flow of traffic you if you don't believe me that how much law breaking there is a moment to moment basis on the freeway take the 5th. No yeah south Yeah it starts off at 15 to 20 minutes 212-1520 miles an hour faster and the fact that they read each other's But when you were learning how to drive one of the things that they do is it tell you what stopping time is for the car that's in front of you you have a car in front of you stop say 55 miles an hour if something jumps out in front of them or they can't make a lane change or whatever if that car stops you are going to plow into them or if you don't have at least one car length in front of you spare for every 15 to 20 miles of speed that you're going to use that bring about how math works and if the president front of you slammed on their brakes would you be able to avoid them and does it well I would go right or I wouldn't no no no no no no no no no you can't do that you can't rely on having a lane open to the right of the left right and that's what surrounds him up which is why for me the most dangerous thing you can do on the road is come in right behind somebody changing lanes really fast because if that person is stopped and you're right behind them you take you out you take the person to your left out you take the person's you're right now you take the person behind us right you've got to leave I'm the 1st around you of space exactly the faster you go the larger that buffer has to be for you to have enough stopping time so you don't kill yourself or somebody else. That's the most dangerous of all the driving those I know people get distracted people are looking there's lots of accidents I know but I also know that every morning I see people burn past me and I'm thinking there they go you know that this guy that guy is racing to his grave. And 9 times out of 10 I'm right. So while they. Are you are speedster there are a lot of other secrets I don't have to I work at home right now all I never see Rochelle and so when I do get caught in rush hour I look around and I see all the unhappy faces and I'm wondering how do these people do this every day. You know what they're killing themselves or others yeah it's so I could see that you're frustrated just because you're stuck in traffic you're going to a job that you don't like you have no future. You know. Yeah so you know like I have nothing to lose so I might as well just plow into another person and maybe I'll do them a favor and take their life out along with my own I believe are the only drivetime show to ever say anything like that I hope that they don't tell you that it's healthy to think about it it's good radio it's made it controversial does it does so what do you think is the most dangerous thing on the road besides me I mean I'm a bank people say because I have a the laws on dangerous I'm I think a 55 as a maximum speed limit which means if I'm on a slower lane to the right I'm doing less than 55 drives people nuts it's actually interesting because you bring up a great point you're doing the right thing but it can be perceived as dangerous because everybody everybody else is doing it breaking the law exactly and here's one of the things to. Argue with your point Chris is when you pass you customarily are supposed to pass to the left of the lane that goes faster correct pass to the left so many people do the most dangerous thing in my opinion the pass to the right so imagine for a 2nd I'm trying to do the right thing I'm trying to get over into the left lane in order to pass correct traffic on the right where I'm doing the right thing somebody on the left side they're trying to pass somebody that they don't like in front of them they cut in front of me doing Mach 16 coming from the left lane going to the right that's right was dangerous things and I want to I want to bolster that with motorcycles should be bad and. We don't need them anymore it's anticipated I'm sorry to say this but it's more dangerous than anything else because it is you're sitting on top of something moving so fast and it's already dangerous enough as it is to be driving let alone sitting on top of plastic and metal going Mach 3 k. But here's another thing lane sharing is not a thing that. Legal throughout the nation that's true it's legal in 2 states. California is one of them but if you notice if you drive with somebody that lane shares if they go from one state to the next and they're not familiar with Lane sharing rules they are the biggest menace on the freeway that could cause a lot of damage right right so those 2 things are kind of my pet p.s.y. When I got there traffic peeves Let's see if we can jump into our local militia as long as we did a weird local traffic report which by the way was painfully accurate. Let's hit we've got lined up for our local live. Now. In your face a. So there's some good news coming out of this but it 1st starts with some of the tragedy that we're having here in the state of California all which is the fires and it's pretty darn nasty You got to tell you it's been a little bit but we've been Yeah we've been we've been plagued with some nasty damage from the fires but this story revolves around a rescue somebody saved a cute little fuzzy bunny and he had Interesting enough this was filmed there's a huge fire in the background and it's going crazy and yet this person was able to stop pull up on the side of the road and find time to save this rabbit so it's out there you can find it on the n.b.c. Sites but it's all over the place the n.b.c. Las Angeles habit saving the rat even the rabbit right but he basically says oh I didn't I was I was it was frozen and I was frozen and I basically got out of the car made a dash for it and I was able to save it and hopefully the people online enjoyed it will help others but you Chris will help others and share sentiments positive deeds because you know tis the season so to speak but you know weird stuff but the good stuff alive bunny and it's good will the good will toward humanity that's the local outside in Los Angeles and now spread so much that they've actually burned the size of New York and Boston. Wow And you know officials said this wildfire spread so fast that many Hollywood celebrities had to stop groping women so they could save the stash of cocaine from the flames. Well what's burning them is at the hands of the producers or is it the actual fire fire. With names I cite that official said that because wildfires are now going to be part of living in California they recommend that you have an escape plan so you can grab important documents and flee with your family and so given the nature of the trumpet ministration officials believe that if you can escape a wildfire with only a few minutes notice you should have no problems escaping the United States than Donald Trump turns the entire nation into an oppressive dictatorship of the day here in the us was supporting true American values Wow Oh gosh I love it when you go talk with. Well as long as you guys are doing fire stories here's one how about a positive is it possible to a positive fires all you've done all Jones falling into the way I think I got to be to. Rupert Murdoch what 30000000 dollar property has been set up and yeah that's right the c.e.o. Of Fox new had a 30000000 dollar property in Bel Air California and it was on fire by sweeping fires rabbiting the state according to law delicious. News associate out there courting to a real estate news Murdoch's home was valued at close to $30000000.00 when he purchased it of course it's gone up since that property so lavish in fact that it was advertised as the only commercial vineyard in Los Angeles the News Corp executive chairman celebrated purchasing a 13 acre land in 2013 by tweeting about to celebrate buying a beautiful small vineyard right in l.a. Great wine Moraga. A great gentleman had by the time owned by Todd Jones who is now very happy that his 30000000 dollar home didn't burn down yes he was so excited and now I'm sorry the bad. Vetted g.o.p. T.v. The man who is responsible for all the lies on Fox News on a daily basis the man who also is a mellon sexual harasser of women who graduate direct from Australia his house burned down. Our Way Nothing is more American than karma and that's why we're proud to bring you this song from Neil Diamond Yes it's from the soundtrack of The Jazz Singer and it's what if it's best piece it's nothing more American than coming to America. a mule Yes pretty big you're. One of them can't shake your network for social justice it's amazing around this time of year how so many people forget that we're all transplants to this country status getting Native American to tell you a clue how did you guys get here. We didn't we didn't have to take a boat we were already here you know and I let you know that build a wall. Build all the keep yourself out if you're there you build a wall to keep you out I would love to do that I wouldn't let. Anyone anybody who wants a war we will provide you with a wall so you can get the rest of the world out the old We'll call the president all said you get you got you congratulations you got your I think that Donald Trump will actually have a wall before this I hope he always administration is all around him. Well I wait all night for one thing and that is of course to hear the word stories we've got let's do. The. Math and you all are saying. A 27 year old woman in England claims she's had sex with 20 different ghosts and actually prefer sex. Goes for real men. I guess I always feel safe said Amethyst realm there was a lake l. Weightlessness a physical breath stroke and energy as well wound Israel claims to have carried on a few u.f.a. With a ghost until her husband came home and hospital one day I'll also the latest goal is to get pregnant like Alice but if that fails you'll settle for being sexually harassed by a Democrat a Republican or any Hollywood executive instead Wow that is a message range and I gotta talk about that I don't like to you lead off and I'll bet 2nd Ok I'm going to go Ok well I see I can feel it coming Ok now how do you come home and you find you you find your spouse alone and then all the sudden you get jealous and say no more of these ghosts Ok Listen you have to go to counseling and you have to you've got to call a spiritual person a palm reader somebody who's going to jump in there and talk to the spirit world and say now now I think we're all in sync calm down here we have a chat because your your your relationship. You have to accept these ghosts and. It's sad because you imagine having to argue with your spouse and we just bored at the same time you have to wait one second what you're going to say yeah Oh Ok one second are you holding this thing right there right every day and you can't kill the guy he's already dead you know I mean what's going to end up having recourse is that incident necrophilia I think it is oh it's a spirit you feel you. Feel you know yeah. So part of my cough copters and say thank you very much all right now this one comes from why some stories I just do for my friend that kind of gotten a little hometown news for you the what other High Wide Web is waiting to hear back from the Guinness Book of World Records to find out if her massive I have a condo is the world's largest I was very sad to find out when I look at this lady she doesn't look away and I think she stole it from somebody farm I'm going to say that right now Pamela. Weighing the big island she found 5 pounds at 2.3 kilograms of a condo Sunday last Sunday and yeah she was on a walk she saw the wall wink wink wink and a lot of insurance apparently so guy named Vinnie I see avocados every day and I pick up a copy cotton every day but this one was hard to miss it's as big as my head I don't think the people that what she was going to walk are missing there and I'm sure that they knew what they had the world's largest avocado have Bill now it's all no yeah she met up with some friends show them the enormous of a condo her friends began making inquiries online and they're now trying to get her stolen Hawaiian of a cod Oh I'm going to say it she's a thief This is what she ran off with an avocado the size of a human baby she's right in the street with it saying let's say exactly your 1st assignment she isn't why you don't why because she's trying to do something with it like that if it was a real home family there would have been a potluck and everybody by the way everybody gets a little bit of it exactly everybody would be enjoying a little bit of a car right now yeah it's obvious Well we hope that you're enjoying a little bit of the show everybody we're always happy to bring it to you Don't worry David you will be back next week and we're going to take 2 weeks off after that because our regular taping night falls on Christmas and New Years so we'll of course be back at the beginning of this next year but you will hear from Diane I want to thank the fight as host to just put up with my coughing all night long legged friend of managers always a pleasure great music tonight and my good friend the doctor of dark while he was well yes yes had we want to thank everyone for making this show possible. Oh yeah we want to thank those lawyers or watchers rabbit saviors that payers and of course everybody was celebrating I want to thank people who fired huge avocados and people who have sex with those. Most of all we want to thank you. They can do so seriously it is do we do. There will be good. 0 you are listening to laugh in your face radio on commercial free 89 point one f.m. Descanso you are network. Serving center here go from high atop monument peak and look of the mountains this is k n s j. If your small business or organization wants to connect with loyal listeners sharing your values of peace Stane ability and social progress consider promoting your business through underwriting one of our many fine shows on k. 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These dreams never included a man lining us all up to look us over like we are pieces of meat the women who have accused President Trump of sexual harassment and assault are back and this time they're demanding Congress investigate as Or at least 56 Congress members will speak with him at the home of being a former Miss USA contestant when Trump own the pageant and will speak with Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards. His 1st year as were the worst year for women of any administration in history but it's also been the most amazing year of organizing and resilience and resistance will also speak with Cecile Richards about an accused pedophile Roy Moore running for Senate in Alabama as well as the state of reproductive rights in America today then nearly 1200 immigrants have lost their legal status since President Trump ended DACA Now thousands are calling on Congress to pass the Dream Act before the end of the year. And still a. Distance. This Ill Bill is another the deportation. We'll speak with Congress member Luis Gutierrez Democrat of Illinois who was arrested Wednesday calling for a vote on the Dream Act. Last month he announced he will not seek reelection next year and after 13 terms in the house he says he wants to focus on recovery in Puerto Rico all that and more coming up. To Democracy Now Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report I'm Amy Goodman and Alabama voters are heading to the polls today in a special election for a u.s. Senate seat that could determine the fate of President Trump's legislative agenda as well as the future makeup of the Supreme Court the election pits Democrat Doug Jones against Roy Moore who's been accused by at least 9 women of sexually harassing or assaulting them when they were teenagers one as young as 14 on Monday more made a final pitch in a campaign rally that featured Texas Tea Party Republican Congress member Louie Gohmert former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke and Steve Bannon president Transformers strategist and editor of the far right website right part Roy Moore was introduced by his wife Kayla Moore who pushed back against media reports about her husband's racist sexist and she Semitic views. That we don't care for Jews. To you while this because I've seen it all so I just want to set the record straight while they're here. One of the tourney's is achieved. By a call on Monday show Democrat Jones leading by 10 points but voting rights activists are warning of serious obstacles to voting Alabama has one of the most restrictive voter id laws in the u.s. Which civil rights groups say disproportionately affect African-American students and others who are far more likely to vote against Republicans after it implemented the law in 2014 Alabama ordered the closure of 3rd. The one g.m. The offices that's Department of Motor Vehicles offices and mostly black parts of the state including in every county where African-Americans make up at least 3 quarters of the population the closures were partly reversed after a civil rights probe by the Department of Transportation Alabama also closed 7 percent of its polling places in recent years even as its population rose in New York 3 of the 16 women who publicly accused Donald Trump of sexual abuse called on Congress Monday to investigate the president and a news conference here in Manhattan the women shared accounts in which they said Trump groped found gold or otherwise made unwanted sexual advances towards them this is Rachel crooks who says Trump forcibly kissed her against her will and 2005 I want to believe that as Americans we can put aside our political inclinations and admit that some things in fact do transcend politics that we will hold Mr Trump to the same standard as Harvey Weinstein and the other men who are held accountable for their reprehensible behavior. On Monday 56 House lawmakers with the Democratic women's working group wrote a joint letter calling for a congressional investigation into the allegations against President Trump they're joined by 5 u.s. Senators Cory Booker Bernie Sanders Jeff Merkley Ron Wyden and New York Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand who spoke on c.n.n. President Trump should resign these allegations are credible they are numerous I've heard these were his testimony and many of them are heartbreaking at the White House press secretary sorrow Huckabee Sanders responded to questions about the claims of women who say they were sexually harassed or assaulted by trump the president has addressed these accusations directly and denied all of these allegations and that this took place long before he was elected to be president and the people of this country at a decisive election supported President Truong and we feel like these allegations have been answered through that process after headlines will be joined by Samantha Hovey a former USA contestant who is one of 16 women who've accused.