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You may qualify for substantial relief and even forgiveness see if you qualify and get the help you need by calling the consumer hotline 803339896803339896803339896 best places to work these days some may surprise you glass doors Andrew Chamberlain says the list is different it's not just tech employers and the top companies and he says smaller companies are taking over from big firms that used to dominate the list by following the lead of places like Google and Facebook also the coolest jobs are not where you think we actually had several winners in Utah the top 3 metro areas are the San Francisco Bay Area New York City and Boston 2020 is best place to work is Cambridge based Hub Spot Allison Keyes c.b.s. News Nike is getting into the swimsuit he job business it will begin selling full coverage swimsuits for women who want to shell less skin the company says they'll come in 3 separate pieces he Jop tunic and leggings but they won't come cheap they will retail for $600.00 every Rodriguez c.b.s. News. 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This is America and the morning from Westwood One News I'm John trout It's Wednesday December 11th 2019 coming up on American Morning political history was made as official charges were levied against the president abuse of power and obstruction of Congress those are the articles of impeachment the actions of President Trump gave Congress no alternative canyoning blushing to House Democrats move toward impeachment they also give the president a win of sorts on the u.s. M.c.a. I'm Bob Constantini at the White House and hours long gun battle between police and 2 men in Jersey City left the detective and 3 innocent victims dead along with the 2 gunmen I'm Steve cast and would you buy a plant based burger at McDonald's I'm Stephanie Shelton millions of student debt will be forgiven under the f.t.c. Biggest ever settlement against a for profit college I'm Dan Johnson word of a years worth a triple. Yes there's a story. All ahead on American Morning. 7 minutes after the hour House Democrats have officially announced another landmark step in the impeachment process correspondent Linda Kenyatta has the details House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler made the announcement the House Committee on the judiciary is introducing 2 articles of impeachment The 1st is for abuse of power and the 2nd for obstruction of Congress chairman Adler explained the charges stem from the president's efforts to pressure Ukraine to announce investigations of Trump's political rivals notably Joe Biden as he would help Congressionally approved military aid to that country Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff defended the articles and the speed with which the house arrived at the argument why don't you just wait amounts to this why don't you just let him cheat in one more election chairman Adler explains what comes next the Judiciary Committee will need to consider these articles of impeachment and to make. A recommendation to the full House of Representatives House minority leader Kevin McCarthy decries the action by House Democrats I just hope no Congress ever repeats what we're going through today leader McCarthy accused Democrats of blank pure politics Alexander Hamilton warned us that this day would come that a majority would use their political power just for politics even though we all raise our hands to uphold the Constitution House Minority Whip Steve scholastic uses Democrats of abuse of power Speaker Pelosi Adam Schefter and her counterparts have been abusing the power of impeachment because they're afraid Donald Trump will get reelected on his own with the House Judiciary Committee on track to vote on articles of impeachment by week's end and the full House to follow by the end of next week the focus will soon turn to the u.s. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says an impeachment trial will come after the Christmas break the House managers had come over to make their argument the president's lawyers would respond after that says McConnell the Senate has 2 choices calling witnesses and basically having another trial or it could decide and again $51.00 members could make the decision that they've heard enough and believe they know what would happen and could move to vote on the 2 articles of impeachment it would take $67.00 senators to vote to convict President Trump on the 2 articles of impeachment a very high hurdle indeed says Leader McConnell tough it out that totally surprised if there were 67 senators to remove the president Linda Kenney on Capitol Hill this is Bob Costin Teenie at the White House on his way to a campaign rally in Hershey Pennsylvania President Trump dismissing the 2 articles of impeachment drawn up by the House Judiciary Committee would see terrible thing where they do something like that but now it goes to I guess a voted nice SUV. They will probably have the votes are very weak article the president thanks Republicans for sticking together against what he called once again a witch on. Labeling his phone call with Ukraine's leader a perfect conversation the president was watching the articles of impeachment announcement tweeting in response now just said that I pressured Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 election ridiculous and he knows that is not true both the president in foreign minister of Ukraine said many times that they are in all caps was no pressure now there in the Dems know this but refuse to acknowledge with impeachment in one hand in the other Democrats were giving President Trump a much needed win on the Us Mexico Canada agreement the replacement for NAFTA that tightens regulations and promises more work for auto industries in particular and his her she rally President Trump accused the speaker Nancy Pelosi of wanting it both ways they do the it Pietschmann that right away let's do us subsidies right on top of it you'd think she'd wait like a day she wanted to smother the impeachment crowd but Democrats many of whom were not fans of NAFTA say approval was told to so they could insist on changes to the original document sent up by the Trump White House that u.s.m.c. Able to serve a vote because it's an agreement that Democrats shaped That's Richard deal chair of the House Ways and Means Committee Aquino though she is or the a.f.l.-cio which long complained about NAFTA is praising some of the changes wrought through negotiation of the u.s. Mexico Canada agreement in a statement President Richard Trumka points out his union withheld endorsement of the original u.s. M.c.a. Outline quote working people are responsible for a deal that is a vast improvement over both the original NAFTA and a flawed proposal brought forward in 2017 because of trade wars in tariffs threats the u.s. Chamber of commerce does not have good relations with the Trump White House note that in their statement about us m.c.a. There is more praise of the opposition party we thank u.s. Trade representative Robert light hisor House Speaker Nancy Pelosi House Ways and Means chairman Richard Neal and members of the House Democrats working group for their leadership and hard work the Competitive Enterprise Institute reacts with a thumbs down passing us m.c.a. Will be a Band-Aid on the self-inflicted wound of the glow. Trade war the administration's trade policies have raised prices for consumers and cost jobs in the heartland Bob Constantini of the White House It's $12.00 past Coming up an active volcano becomes more active Fand gun fire just outside New York City claims 6 lives those stories when American Morning returns after these messages. Require an online physician consultation are only available at the physician determines prescriptions appropriate subscription records the website the information Hey guys good news the outrageously expensive a little blue pill is now generic which means you can get the prescription medication to treat at affordable prices and hence makes it extra affordable you pay just $30.00 for a month's supply and right now get your 1st doctor's visit totally free when you go to for him stock com slash Joy That's right 30 co-pay no expensive appointments no awkward face to face conversations to get your prescription him connects you to doctors on line who can evaluate you and if appropriate prescribe your medication and a pharmacy sends it right to your door hymns makes it affordable private and incredibly easy nobody likes dealing with now thanks to him Nobody has to and that's really good news to start your free online visit you need to go to this exclusive address for him dot com slash joy that's for him dot com slash joy for your free online visit f o r h i m s dot com slash joy. Because your water stain and damage your fixtures doesn't smell or taste bad are you David Bach here to tell you about our brand new k n f o dining guide it's a new feature that explores local restaurants to find out just what sets them apart find out what to eat where to eat and pick up some recipes along the way visit k f o Dining Guide dot com to learn more and if you're a restaurant that like to be featured on the k. And a fold Dining Guide go to a can of 0 Dining Guide dot com highlighting great eateries in the Colorado high country did you hear about this new annual protection motor oil that is selling at some retailers are up to $45.00 for 5 quarts Why would anybody in the world buy it especially when you can buy Castle edge it Vance for synthetic motor oil casserole edge is 3 times stronger than double what against viscosity breakdown as per the court or bond test on the $530.00 visit grade and it costs a lot less so for your motor oil needs used a brand that is $3.00 times stronger use Castro edge advanced for synthetic motor oil I mean and snow to ending here is actually weather dot com meteorologist tethers there the snow is going to be winding down pretty quickly this morning from Boston down to New York City and Philadelphia it's already winding down around Washington and Baltimore with just the chance for a lingering snow shower through the early morning hours and that should mean that any delays will be kept to a minimum at least in the cities themselves with most of the snow falling with temperatures above the freezing mark areas to the north and west of the cities could get a bit slippery as temperatures are a little lower and there's a better chance for accumulation though still a non-paid surfaces in those areas but this afternoon though will have clouds breaking 1st sun and it turns nicer throughout the rest of the area for the day even though we do have temperatures that are going to be considerably lower and then where they've been for the last. Bill of days we still have showers that are lingering down into the southeastern part of the country and that's not going to be changing as we go through the day though they are going to be mostly close to the coast and then down across northern portions of Florida another storm moving through the Northwest is going to give some rainy weather primarily for coastal portions of Washington and Oregon there will be some snow in the mountains but it's going to be relatively light and we'll have a chance for accumulating snow showers even all the way eastward into western Montana and perhaps across northern parts of the Dakotas and that's the weather across America in San Francisco California today we'll start with clouds and fog and then some breaks of some this afternoon high 61 snow for this morning in Boston giving way to some afternoon sun high about 35 that's the nation's weather Maggie Weather dot com meteorologist tethers air bought for the nation's lowest temperature yesterday may not be a popular place unless it's popular Montana at minus 31. 16 after this is America in the morning I'm John trout Jersey City New Jersey was rocked by a gun battle that lasted 4 hours yesterday when it was over a veteran police detective and 3 innocent civilians were dead and as Steve cast inbound reports the 2 gunmen were also killed and several other police officers wounded the gunfire echoed through the streets of the Greenville neighborhood of Jersey City at times it sounded like a war zone. Heavily armed police converged on a kosher grocery store where 2 gunmen were held up earlier they were involved in a shooting of a police officer at a nearby cemetery a Jersey City detective was approaching a van that he thought was connected to a gang related murder in Bayonne officials said he was shot in the head and was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital later in the day police say the gunman stole a U.-Haul truck which they then ditched and ran into the store that's when the gun battle erupted our officers were under fire for hours Jersey City Police Chief Michael Kelly said the gunman were firing high powered rifles indiscriminately at anything and everything that included a school across the street. Massive response from police from several jurisdictions followed several hours later 5 people inside the store were dead we believe 2 of them are bad guys we believe from Rio more not maybe civilians that were inside the store they were reportedly 2 customers and a cashier Chief Kelly said preliminarily they believe the 3 innocent people were killed by the gunman but the investigation will make a final determination that a tech who was killed was 40 year old Joseph seals a father of 5 Chief Kelly said he worked daily with the unit dedicated to removing illegal guns from the streets he was Eileen police officer moving guns from the street dozens and dozens of handguns who's responsible for removing from the street New Jersey governor Phil Murphy who gave his life in the line of duty and in the name of service to his community he praised the Jersey City police officers and other law enforcement agents who responded to the shoot out and we cannot thank them enough. If not for them I shudder We shudder to think of how much worse today because of that he also offered condolences to the innocent victims that a time of year when he said families should be coming together in celebration not coming together in grief I'm Steve Kasten Ballmer 19 passed now that New Zealand Island volcano is venting more steam and mud after a deadly eruption 2 days ago civil defense emergency management director Sara Stewart Black says recovery teams are standing by to carry out a grim task I can assure you that risk is constantly being reassessed because if we want to go into a pit I mean everyone is united in their desire to recover those bodies from the island so they can be returned to bailout funds in sports Garrett Cole and the New York Yankees have agreed to a record shattering 324000000 dollars 9 year deal that from the a.p. According to a person familiar with the contract Coles contract surpasses the deal Stephen Strasburg finalized with the Washington Nationals on Monday for most total money. 20 past the Golden meatless arches and student spent a fit in a College Settlement those items and more when American Morning returns after these messages. Are you never heard that were before the 40 people diagnosed with sarcoma every day it is a life changing work life changing and devastating because sarcoma is cancer sarcoma is a cancer and soft tissue in children then in more than 6000 people lose their lives to Sarcoma each treatment options for sarcoma are limited and new therapies are desperately need more research and increased awareness is necessary to find a cure for cancer that you probably didn't even know existed until now through awareness. Advocacy and research the sarcoma Foundation of America is determined to help those affected by this forgotten cancer to bring hope to the children and adults whose lives are for ever changed by a word they had never heard before please help us in the fight to find the cure for some coma for more information on sarcoma and the work of the star Komen Foundation of America please go to 2 or sarcoma dot org We've all heard of Casper the sleep company with outrageously comfortable products at not so outrageous prices from award winning mattresses to pillow sheets and do vase Casper transforms the way we sleep one snooze at a time if you haven't tried them yet it's time to treat yourself to better sleep during their holiday sale a Casper mattress is an award winning balance of comfort and support designed with 4 layers of premium foam for all night pressure relieve the zone support Keep your back aligned and cradles you with extra support Casper is the perfect place to get all your holiday shopping done because everybody sleeps and Casper has free shipping and free returns don't let the stress of holiday shopping keep you up at night Casper has guest for every dreamer going to Casper dot com Now for $25.00 off gift orders over $100.00 with code gifts shop for friends family and treat yourself to that's Casper dot com code gifts for 25 dollars off gift orders over 100 dollars offer expires 12242019 terms and conditions apply see Casper dot com slash terms. 22 past 3 and 4 Jessica Edinger c n b c Stephanie Shelton gets down to business the morning John where coming off a volatile day when stocks stayed mostly near the flat line ultimately closing in the red there's inflation data had with consumer prices for November expected to have stayed tame the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will be grilling the head of the f.a.a. About its oversight of the Boeing $737.00 Max certification the New York City Council voting overwhelmingly to require bird friendly glass in the 1st 75 feet of all new or remodeled buildings tens of thousands of birds fly into New York windows each year and are killed and McDonalds sells Egg McMuffin and chicken sandwiches and even salads and now it's gambling that Terry ends will flock to the world's best known hamburger chain to buy a plant based follow burger you'd have figured that Mickey D's would have been ahead of the trend toward meatless burgers actually you can't get a plant based burger in a u.s. McDonald's at this point unlike Burger King which rolled out its rival impossible whopper quickly McDonald's partnered with beyond me to do a trial run only in Canada u.b.s. Says right now McDonald's only sells an average of 20 or 30 beyond meat burgers a day with somewhat larger volumes in the cities but these burgers are available in most u.s. Supermarkets people grill them at home so u.b.s. Says when McDonald's is ready to go wide it should be able to sell more than 250000000 meatless burgers annually in the u.s. Which if it keeps its single source partner would add up to $325000000.00 a year for beyond me c m b C's Stephanie Shelton $24.00 past the University of Phoenix and its parent company will pay $50000000.00 in cash and cancel $141000000.00 in student debt. To settle allegations of deceptive advertising correspondent Jan Johnson reports the Federal Trade Commission spent years investigating an ad campaign that the for profit college rolled out in 2012 it suggested that the school had partnerships with companies that included Microsoft Twitter and Adobe to create job opportunities for students even though the f.t.c. Says there was no such agreement the investigators say the settlement is the largest The agency has ever obtained against a for profit college the Arizona based college chain is the nation's biggest recipient of g.i. Bill to wish and benefits for America's military veterans on Jan Johnson It's $25.00 after. Her justice that was last year's word of the year when American Morning continues after these messages. Diabetes high blood pressure and anxiety meds everyone's on them if you're a 50 year old male maybe a bit beefy or even with type 2 diabetes a $1000000.00 of Term insurance may only cost you about 200 bucks a month of fordable term life insurance is out there called term provider and speak with big blue at 8048114588411458 or visit Big Blue dot com Remember Big lose like you he's on meds to Doctors Without Borders teams confront hard facts and conflict in crisis sounds when others look away we step in to act because measles still kills more than 100000 children every year we're there to vaccinate more than 1000000 because some countries have only one or 2 mental health professionals we provided over 400000 mental health consultations. Last year the fact is your support makes our life's work possible picture the impact we can have together Doctors Without Borders. Time Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty from the new Armstrong and getting morning show here on k n f o our show is full of entertaining news and occasional laughs please listen to us weekday mornings at 7 am here on k n.f.l. 106 point one in Aspen in Glenwood Springs 94.3 in the Roaring Fork Valley 94 point one in Eagle County and 105.5 in Vail very excited to be on I hope you give us a listen send us a text or email or something that's right the big stories of the day presented in a different way that's the Armstrong and Getty show if you can't see the difference why pay the difference switch to Dish and see what real value is called 877-319-6988 you can also save a bundle when you combine Dish Net high speed Internet with your t.v. Service call 877-319-6988 programming starting as little as $2999.00 plus access to thousands of movies and t.v. Shows stream to your t.v. Smartphone or tablet call 877-319-6988 say goodbye to the Cable Guy and get Dish today ix. Welcome back the word they has been announced as Merriam Webster's word of the year wordsmiths say the pronoun was this past year's most important word in the public sphere more on Day from him correspondent Pat fiber nobody was more surprised by the attention to the common pronoun than Merriam Webster editor at large Peter Sokolowski this year there were many stories that that really were focused on identity and pronouns and most notably when Sam Smith the pop singer announced that they would prefer to use the pronouns a to refer to themselves and in that case we saw a 700 percent increase of look up in that word other online search for definitions quid pro quo and impeach I'm Pat Piper Airlines for America a trade group predicts in the us during the 18 day stretch from December 19th through January 5th we'll see a 3 percent increase in airline traffic over the same period last year America in the morning for Wednesday December 11th 2019 is produced by Tom Delay associate producer Kathy Johnson production assistance provided by Alex Hinton I'm John trout and this is Westwood One news. Text and whatever just don't text and drive miss it stop texts stop wrecks dot org a message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council I mean you're about to Crist Homer for channel to pinpoint weather on this Wednesday will see partly or mostly cloudy skies today across the I 70 corridor with a couple of snow showers possible high temperatures today in the twenty's and thirty's very similar on Thursday then a heavier snow comes in Thursday night Friday Saturday Sunday we could be talking about feet of snow a day how's your shed great skip times your shit gets to pass but that is like doing here she wants to know good video for Christmas that's easy and to ship them she had to say what else is a great idea he's already won 2 seasons with the patio planet if he gets a new shed from Jed City USA we'll let him back on our bowling team maybe what else is in it on the what else well we could make sure he fixes that leaky faucet in the bathroom family making get rid of that Victoria's Secret poster in the kitchen Ok you do that and talk him into taking me somewhere other than Burger Barn for dinner and you got a deal you got it now he's got a place to store the patio furniture and the kids bike Good point skip but man does she drive a hard bargain he loves it Victoria's Secret poster me today but we got to do it to get him back on the scene the sacrifices we make for bowling ship City USA Call 1898 sheds or visit their website at shed City USA dot com Jet City USA how your Jag call 1898 sheds k n f o is everywhere between Vale in Aspen where you can listen at 106 point one all the way to Glenwood Springs 94.3 in Carbondale 2 to 94 point one in Glenwood Canyon all the way to bail where you'll find us at 105.5 You can also listen online at the always Mountain Time dot com website click on k n f o or just download the Mt always on app and apps door we make it easy to listen to k. 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This is America and the morning from Westwood One News I'm John trout coming up this half hour President Trump is now the 4th president to face impeachment but he's also on the verge of a major legislative win I'm John Lawrence president charged with 2 articles of impeachment Terry Moore has responses from Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff and Republican Representative Steve skellies government legal and philosophy scholar Dr in the Faneuil Khalid League joins our Jimbo Hannon to discuss impeachment the nation's largest pharmacy is slapped with the largest ever going fine that's our money I'm Jim Roope in Los Angeles unprofessional conduct from the firing of an n.h.l. Head coach I'm Clayton College Basketball upsets and coal in the Yankee stock amount of work we're back after these messages. Now that human resources v.p. Ashley Campbell has Kronos payroll talent and time she's managing her workforce like a rock star she even has her own hype song. On the cover. I have a really diverse workforce with different hours skill sets and pay grades. Above . Obviously. Now we're motivating and engaging the right people every step of the way. Products h.r. Solutions for the modern workforce and the people who support them learn more acronis dot com slash h.r. Slackly. High Country help want to dot com So mints the employee of the month the woman well you can't live without the others let's just call them they hate what is Coney Oh I had . I think it needs to flush Thanks Dave well better start quoting the boss a sales pitch we believe local businesses should be packed with more vocal employees of the month and fewer Daves we make it easy to post a job and it's local so you won't get spammed my 1st wage job seekers high country Help Wanted dot com local jobs that work there is a common name is it a comical way please don't write to tell us you were insulted by this ad that would be a real Dave move date this is Sarah Hi I'm Sarah Sarah was looking for a job but wanted to stay local That's right 1st able to join satellites then launched into space. To send the signal transmitted her resume this didn't lend 0 job but it did start a war with the sock on the pillow and went too far yes Sarah went too far but you don't have to go too far to go far high country help want to dot com only post local jobs so employers are way more likely to respond to your application and offer you a job high country Help Wanted dot com local jobs that were. 25 tail Accu Weather dot com meteorologist tethers there pinpoints the northeast and the I 95 corridor as potentially having some slick roads this morning and that's where most of the bad travel weather is going to be and even that is primarily going to be for this morning most of the accumulation is going to be north and west of the major airports in the major cities without coating to an inch or 2 possible the most of the accumulation on non-paid surfaces and even that snow is going to be winding down by noon up and down the East Coast we do have some showers that extend down into the southeast though they as well are mostly going to be close to the coast and across northern portions of Florida as we go through the day and we're looking at another storm moving through the northwest that's going to bring some rain to western parts of Washington Oregon scattered rain and snow showers then farther inland even all the way into Montana and North Dakota accumulations though are going to be very limited and generally only an inch or 2 and higher elevations in the southwest we're looking for dry weather however there can be some fog to start the day from San Francisco on down through the Central Valley of California that could cause some flight delays in those areas and some issues with driving travel as well through the middle of the country though the weather is going to stay fairly quiet we've got sunshine on the way it'll be very cold with highs only in the single digits across the upper Midwest and even down into Texas we have highs mostly in the fifty's and sixty's that's the nation's weather Maggie Weather dot com meteorologist tethers air or white rhino born last month at San Diego Zoo safari park has been named a future for what the baby represents to rhino conservation worldwide Zookeepers say the calf bonding with their mother and frolicking in mud puddles future is the 100th southern white rhino to be born at San Diego Zoo safari park. 23 till a small town theater is the site of a Secret Santa is active generosity this holiday season that story on the way 1st this is America in the morning I'm John trout House Democrats introduced 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump Terry Moore reports Trump is charged with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in the Ukraine scandal House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler a president who declares himself above accountability and above Congress's power of impeachment is a president who sees himself as above the law California Democrat Adam Schiff called impeachment a very tough call it is an extraordinary remedy and one that I've been rather reluctant to recommend until the actions of President Trump gave Congress no alternative he undermined our national security and jeopardized the integrity of our next election and he does so still shift chairs the Intelligence Committee House Republican Whip Steve Scully suggested Democrats have little evidence to support impeachment they still go forward with impeachment that's going to be a low mark in Congress when you see what they've done to the standard of impeachment not because there's evidence which is what the constitutional standard should be but because they're afraid he will get reelected the full House could vote on the articles of impeachment sometime next week I'm Terry Moore on Capitol Hill what's the back story on impeachment charges well a 22 till Jimbo Hannan's guest has some interesting perspective we're joined by Dr Nathaniel Coghlan assistant professor of political science head of the department of government legal studies and philosophy at Tarleton State University in Stephenville Texas to give us his thoughts on the beach but process to date it is obviously underway the train has left the station I suppose there's no way at this juncture that we're going to avoid a Senate trial of New Year Professor right I don't think we're going to void it there are some moderate Democrats from swing to. Tricks that would like to and are raising the idea of a sensor but Speaker Pelosi is from San Francisco the chairmen are also from very strong Democratic districts they said we're going forward so we're going forward and some of them have primary opponents who attack them as hard as it is for many of us to believe from the left that's true of Nancy Pelosi it is true of Gerry dad or the chair of the Judiciary Committee and some of them are afraid that they might meet the same fate that Joe Crowley bad at the hands of a l c Yes I think that's a good point and a lot of analysis has been like what's good for the party what's good for the party and certainly Speaker Pelosi Gerrie Nel or Adam Schiff they want what's good for the party but their priority is what's good for themselves in the reelection they're all from very big Democratic districts 83 percent of Democrats want to move forward it's going to be hard for them not to move forward and California's top 2 system plus he's always faced a Republican in the general but if a Democrat gets 11 percent and qualifies for the general ballot a democratic socialist that would be trouble for her so she's got to consolidate support now and yet as much as they want to be reelected they also want to retain their committee chairmanships there were in her case the speakership and this process forward certainly dangers those 31 Democrats in the House districts carried by Donald Trump in 2016 so that's a risk that they're taking Yeah it's a risk and earlier in the spring of last year she said she would move forward unless it was bipartisan with overwhelming evidence kind of playing that role of speaker to protect those $31.00 but now that we're close to election and support amongst Democrats is so high she's got to move forward for a home district but you're right she still wants the Democratic Party keep majority there's 204 Democrats not from trauma districts they also have Justin Amash 2 is a former Republican independent out of Michigan that's 2 a 5 they need to 18 a pass they only need 13 of those $31.00. Yes and he has their phone number see a man have already figured out that he has 13 here in the Senate we then would see a sort of trial in the New Year ad there now apparently a sub disagreement between the Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and President trub about how to proceed Connell has said he wants to get this out of the way quickly to move efficiently through the trial get on to other business he's already have outs that after Speaker Pelosi and President drop announce the deal on the new day after that that there will not be a vote of the Senate on that until after such a trial he'd like to get around to that the president of the other had apparently is of the view that a show trial would work to his favor so far the peach but proceedings of the House have increased his approval rating his standing in the polls and he thinks that that would be increased even further by a more lengthy trial your thoughts your rights so President Trump it's interested in having a full trial which is interesting because one of the charges is obstruction of Congress and he's interested in the Senate doing a full trial but the majority leader Mitch McConnell is not as interested in this a 3rd of the senators are up for reelection also in their states and he would like to move on when possible other significant differences between what is approaching here and the previous 2 Senate trials of Andrew Johnson 868 and Bill Clinton and like Gene 98 or 9 I guess it was yes so it depends on who you ask I think if you ask a Democrat the similarity here is Nixon both in the charges but if you ask a Republican they might say the similarity of the Andrew Johnson trial the Andrew Johnson trial was about can the president do his job and or Johnson wanted to fire the secretary of war which we largely think the president does control their cabinet that had been President Lincoln's person in. Secretary Warren Johnson wanted to replace him and so that was the charge back for Andrew Johnson is also very partisan scenario it's not like Bill Clinton where we had an independent counsel and we were patient and also Clinton was caught into a judicial proceeding with a court case so that's not happening here with Trump doctrine of the idle cognate of Charlton State University in Texas and 16 till now President Trump has long been pushing for a replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement He's now on the verge of getting his wish John Lawrence reports a major moment for the Trump White House Congress will soon vote on my new trade deal the u.s. Or Mexico Canada agreement or u.s. M.c.a. This comes after months of back and forth with Democratic leaders House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says this deal improves upon its predecessor is no question of course and that this. Is much better than NAFTA the president tweeted that the u.s. M.c.a. Is the best and most important trade deal ever made by the USA John Lawrence coming up recycling in California becomes a legal requirement when America in the morning returns after these messages. We've all heard of Casper the sleep company with outrageously comfortable products at not so outrageous prices from award winning mattresses to pillow sheets and do they Casper transforms the way we sleep one snooze at a time if you haven't tried them yet it's time to treat yourself to better sleep during their holiday sale the Casper mattress is an award winning balance of comfort and support designed with 4 layers of premium foam for all night pressure relieve the zone support Keep your back aligned and cradles you with extra support Casper is the perfect place to get all your holiday shopping done because everybody sleeps and Casper has free shipping and free returns don't let the stress of holiday shopping keep you up at night Casper has guess for every dreamer gone. 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Night time in late night is a great time to tune in to k n f o featuring 2 of the most popular late night shows of America 1st weeknights at 8 it's Jimbo Henin one of the country's most respected journalists interviewing guests and taking calls from listeners followed at 11 pm By coast to coast am hosted by George Noory from the supernatural to the super interesting you'll hear it all on coast to coast am weeknights at 11 right here on tape. Welcome back to America in the morning it's 14 till the state of California is getting serious about recycling Jim Roope reports the state's recycling agency has slapped the nation's largest pharmacy where the massive recycling violation fine c.v.s. Is fine $3600000.00 for refusing to refund a bottle and can deposits now to get to understand the issue 1st as consumer watchdog Jamie Court points out the retailers never like recycling that's one and secondly there are very few recycling centers left after major recycler replanted closed some 200 centers most of which were on grocery store property now California is one of 10 states that has a deposit refund system for beverage containers to promote recycling 5 or 10 cent deposit on bottles or cans depending upon the size of those containers can be refunded if a customer brains are containers to a recycling center but then retailers with annual beverage sales have at least $2000000.00 must allow consumers to redeem their deposits at the store if there was no recycling center within a half mile or retailers can pay a $100.00 a day fee if they don't want to deal with the people bringing bags of empty containers in an exchange for nickels and dimes there are exceptions but that's the bottom line so the retailers are always obligated under the law but they came up with an alternative which is really one of the homeless people there we don't want to deal with it you know well supported recycling infrastructure but says Court that infrastructure has fallen apart with the closing of all those centers and stores are not paying the $100.00 a day in lieu of fee and not refunding deposits a report shows $81.00 of nearly $850.00 c.v.s. Stores in the state are in violation and says Court we did a survey showing 2 thirds of the retailers who went to take back bottles and cans at c.v.s. Says it is committed to a clean and sustainable environment and is reviewing the state's filing counter cycle says more unfortunate is coming Jim Roope Los Angeles 12 till now questions linger. Around this week's firing of Dallas Stars head hockey coach Jim Montgomery correspondent Clayton level says according to ownership the 2nd year head coach was let go due to unprofessional conduct the Dallas dollars started the season slow but of strong winds together in recent weeks the team says Jim and gum responding wasn't a hockey decision but according to General Manager Jim Nill it was prompted by the coach's conduct unfortunately Jim was my hire and but every instant every time you do some of my job on the leadership of this team and it's important to the right things in this we had to do the right thing in this situation Neil says the decision to fire the coach came quickly I found out this weekend. Event happened a few days before that you know that's all I can say Neal says the former coach nicknamed Monte took the news more money was it was very disappointed. I can't speak for him but I know he's very disappointed we're disappointed to know whether specifics were given but Neil says the situation doesn't involve a criminal investigation star players Tyler Segin and Jamie been caught off guard by their coaches dismissal the coach of the we do staff still here and I like that bonus that to step up all the guys expect. Suppose a lot of questions are probably want to be answered and we have some too but we don't know much with plenty of hockey left to be played this season the stores have named a rick bonus the interim head coach I'm Clayton Neville perhaps we get less mysterious now at 12 till with Robert workman and more in sports and the stars went out and won the game they shut out the devils to nothing after the changing coaching Bendish it made 26 days in fact Dallas has had the best record in the n.h.l. Since November 1st Todd Washington New Jersey also fired its coach a week ago they've lost 6 in a row the 4th the head coaching change in the n.h.l. This year Calgary in Toronto of change coaches within the last 2 weeks they both won last night that the flames torched the coyote's 52 for their 6th. When and the Maple Leafs Beat the Canucks 41 they've won 6 out of 9 Sabers last the blues 52 Canadiens club the Penguins 4 to one with a 3 goal 2nd period lightning like the Panthers 2 to one predators put the Sharks 3 to one all the scoring in period 3 ducks team the wild 32 in a shoot out Ricardo kill scored in regulation and in the tiebreaker Jets thing the Red Wings 5 to one Detroit has dropped 12 in a row hurricanes doubled up the Oilers 63 Golden Knights blitz the Blackhawks 5 to one and the kings down the Rangers 3 to one to snap a 4 game slide baseball at the winter meetings in San Diego big big news this morning as free agent pitcher Garrett Cole agreed to terms with the Yankees on a 9 year 324000000 dollar contract with a new record contract that Stephen Strasburg Sunday of a day well forget about it this is the new new record the deal reportedly has an opt out after 5 years and a full no trade clause Cole was the runner up to his Astros teammate Justin Verlander for the ale so young this year won his last 16 decisions in the regular season and then went for an one in the postseason as they went to the World Series Also on Tuesday the Phillies and former Yankee shortstop glorious agree on a one year deal the Giants on right hander Kevin Gazan for a year he pitched for the Braves and reds last year San Francisco also acquired shortstop John. And infielder Wilson from the angels for a player to be named or cash the deal essentially a salary dump for the Halo's Cozaar was due to make nearly 13000000 dollars this year Wilson was their number one pick in the draft last June so they had to give him up in order to get that salary relief former all star and Gold Glove outfielder Adam Jones agrees to a 2 year deal with the oryx buffaloes he's on his way to Japan after 14 big league seasons mostly with the Orioles big upset in college basketball number one goes down again Louisville gets tattooed by Texas Tech 7057 at the Jimmy v. Classic in New York the Red Raiders holding the cardinals to 34 percent shooting and forcing 1900 overs member Texas Tech loss the national championship game to Virginia last spring number 2 Kansas had no problem with Milwaukee 95 $68.00 opened up the game on a $171.00 run 4th rank Maryland though handed its 1st. At Penn State 7669 that makes 6 unranked teams knocking off the top 5 ranked teams so far this year only a month into the season number 11 Baylor squeaked past number 18 Butler 5352 and number 24 Colorado upset at home by Northern Iowa the Panthers close in the game on a 60 run n.b.a. Monday the Sixers over the Nuggets 9792 their 13 and 0 at home he outlasted the Hawks 135121 in overtime their $110.00 at home they closed regulation and into the overtime period on a 220 run 16 straight points to start the extra period largest overtime margin in a game in 10 years Duncan Robinson hit 10 threes and had 34 points Hornets on the Wizards 114107 and the Blazers roasted the next 115 to 87 New York's lost 10 straight worst record in the association that's when its 7 till. Next beautiful day in the neighborhood for hundreds of people in this small town but America in the morning returns after these messages. Are you never heard that word before the 40 people diagnosed with sarcoma every day it is a life changing word because. Cancer Awareness in research the sarcoma Foundation of America is bringing hope to the families whose lives have been turned upside down by cancer they've never heard of until diagnosis. Find the cure. For more information on the work of foundation of America go to cure sarcoma dot org If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction please call this toll free number right now 803909528 that's 80390952 aid by calling your addiction team you're taking the 1st steps to recovery the help you need could be one call away 803909528 make the free Call now 80390952. Your addiction team is a 3rd party advertiser for various treatment centers in place and networks individual results will vary visit your addiction team dot com forward slash turns for more information. With the high countries information station where your best source on radio for weather. To pinpoint weather just a slight chance of rain or snow showers across the I 70 corridor and we have critical road information 6 times a day from the Road studio. Trips throughout the day and though the construction season is right around the corner from the Road studio this is one chase plus local news and interviews we also help businesses prosper by promoting them on the radio if you want your business to be a household name give us a call no other station is as community involved and information driven as k n f o and best of all. Is free your local station Cheney n.f.l. Give kid in a phone call today and ask for Terry and 9 to 55776. What Merriam Webster says they he is the word of the Year us is picking up numerous accolades Fricke damage has that story in our Hollywood minute. Tell us us has scared up a trio of awards the African-American Film Critics Association named Jordan peals thriller The best film of 2019 it also shows Peele is best director and the film star Lupita Nyong'o Best Actress Eddie Murphy was honored as Best Actor for his role in dolomite is my name. Tanya Tucker is hitting the road she said to headline the upcoming c.m.t. Next women of country bring my flowers now tour the guest artist list is even longer than the to his name Tucker will be joined by Aubrey sellers Brandy Clark Erin Enderlin Hayley winters and Madison Kozak the 2 are kicks off in Vienna Virginia Feb 5th not to be the case. Or a lifetime supply of virgin it's Ryan Reynolds in free guy Reynolds plays a non player character in an open world style video game who realizes what he is programmed to do and seeks to become a hero instead it's game on for free guy July 3rd 2020 in Hollywood I'm Rick damage Oh a Secret Santa is taking an entire small Iowa town to the movies Laura Terrelle has more beautiful day in the snow it's the movie that is sure to make you smile Tom Hanks portrays t.v. Icon Fred Rogers known for his cozy cardigans and message of neighborly la I grew up watching Mr Rogers the feel good film starts playing here in Webster City under center 20th and the tiny theater that often struggles to remain open is bracing for a packed crowd this is become the talk of the Talon everywhere I go people are like is it true if somebody's going to some. Really going to pay for everybody to come to the movie it's true when anonymous donor is willing to shell out thousands so anyone can come here to see the movie for free during its 8 showing thank you and as you can imagine this neighborly act of kindness has everyone buzzing a pretty nice Christmas so if you're wondering who is it sorry but you'll never know I think the definition of charity is to the expectation of many in return the local Secret Santa won't reveal his identity but he will say the reason behind the gift is to encourage people to be more like his hero Mr Rogers Let's make the most of this if you can take nothing else away from this and inspired to be on another. America in the morning for Wednesday December 11th is produced by senior producer Kevin Delaney and John trout and this is Westwood One news. The high countries radio station for weather information in-depth reports from Aspen Weather dot. Good morning shoot through the weekend going for 2 to 4 inches Friday night another 3 to 6 on Saturday plus hourly updates from k w t n t v in Denver. You can point weather cloudy skies maybe a flurry of up to the middle local weather on. The 6 point one an aspirin in Glenwood Springs 94 point 3 in the morning for Valley 94 point one in Eagle County and 5.5 in Vail are you living with pain so was Lisa a brave Marine wounded in Iraq after surviving an explosion I was on horrible painkillers I tried one hour pain really and now I'm pain free all day without dangerous side effects and it works in less than one hour try it free for one week and only the shipping with no automatic shipments call 803-8810 right now or visit one hour pain relief dot com That's 803-881-8038 extension 810. You're listening to Canada follow Af-Am. Also found on Luther King and the phone f.m. Morning Lindley spring. This is c.b.s. News on the hour to your home for original reporting I'm Deborah Rodriguez officials in New Jersey say the danger is over after a bloody 4 hour gun battle that left 6 people dead including a veteran police officer I was told by. Literally hear the gunshots coming up from this side of the road and also down the road behind those it was so severely crazy the officer was killed after he approached the 2 homicide suspects in Jersey City police say they took off and barricaded themselves inside a supermarket w. C.b.s. T.V.'s Jenna D'Angelo in front of the kosher grocery store where 5 people were found dead including 2 suspects you can see officials combing through evidence here searching for a motive this morning so there are really 3 crime scenes in this. Savagery where the detective was shot and killed and that still when you ask President Trump and he'll tell you this is the lightest impeachment in the history of our country by far it's not even like an impeachment these people are stone cold crook and he spoke at a rally in Hershey Pennsylvania after House Democrats on bail 2 articles of impeachment against him the debate begins in committee tonight c.b.s. Is Nancy Cordes they will let everyone sort of make their opening statements and then they come back Thursday and this process could last all day going back and forth between the 2 sides before the House Judiciary Committee votes the full House could vote next week and set the stage for a trial in the Senate in January another legal twist in the president's bid to spend money from the Defense Department to pay for a border wall a federal judge in El Paso Texas has blocked the government from using a $3600000000.00 The decision does not apply to a pot of Pentagon money and Mischel intended for counter drug operations a group of students is suing the University of California over standardized testing requirements live to c.b.s. Is Gary non for students plus several advocacy groups are challenging the u.c. System's use of. Scores as a requirement for admission claiming it's unconstitutional the lawsuit contends the tests are biased give little if any indication about a student's ability to succeed it claims that relying on the tests discriminates against racial minorities and low income students more than $1000.00 colleges and universities already make test scores optional the number 320000 dollars for a dress was too much even for Princess Diana fans no one was willing to make the minimum bid for the gallon she wore when she danced with John Travolta at the White House in 1905 so the late Princess charity perks the off purchase that is the off the shoulder v. Neck midnight blue gown for $280000.00 the group calls it a piece of history this is c.b.s. News. We did come to c.b.s. This morning join Tom and to be placing and killed I'm very glad of. C.b.s. This morning we did. So so what would you do with an extra $500.00 a month in your budget.