To grant Reed a 100 a day reprieve even if the governor rejects the decision Reid will probably be given time to exhaust his appeals both in Texas and before the Supreme Court of the United States Texas is not a state where. Often commuted to life in prison this is c.b.s. News. Lets start this weekend at the White now from Washington to the world of correspondents is in New Zealand the c.b.s. 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Get those stamps ready a 35 year long tradition continues in Himmel for Germany postal officials are answering thousands of Christmas letters from children around the world and a special post office in the town is Damien's Heaven's Gate It started in 1984 when postal workers received 2 letters addressed to Santa they didn't want to send a back saying recipient unknown so they answered them all letters received up to December 15th will be personally answered and returned before Christmas Pam Colter c.b.s. News electric car boasting to be the best except celebrating car in the World debuted this week at the Dubai International Motor Show Japanese man a fact company asked park unveiled the owl a full electric hybrid car that can excel right from 0 to $60.00 with remarkable speed in 1.69 seconds and it's for sale with a price tag of $3200000.00 The car has a battery pack for a range of about 280 miles and a top speed of 250 miles an hour Matt Piper c.b.s. 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Thanks for. Westwood One Radio. 6 hours that's how log the former u.s. Ambassador to Ukraine sat on the House seat in Congress on Friday taking questions about President Trump's actions and alleged actions in regard to Ukraine with more on Fridays just about here is just look the president is facing accusations he crossed the line sending a tweet Democrats allege amounts to witness intimidation against career diplomat Maria von of h. As she testified on Capitol Hill the best 2 out of it she as we see it are testifying the president is attacking you would Twitter. I mean I can't speak to what the president is trying to do but I think the effect is to be intimidating despite the White House saying the president would not watch the proceedings beyond Congressman Nunez's opening statement the president sent this tweet an hour into the hearing everywhere Marie of on a bitch went turn bad she started off in Somalia how did that go it is a u.s. President's absolute right to appoint embassadors everywhere marĂa chairmanship read that Tweety of on a bitch and Democrats warned that the president's online rant could prompt repercussions including a new article of impeachment some of us here. Take witness intimidation very very seriously given of it recounted how she's felt threatened by the president and his associates before a person who saw me actually reading the transcript said that the color drained from my face I think I even had a physical reaction to that in a specially after the release of the July 25th phone call transcript between President Trump and Ukrainian president Selenski president trumps. The former ambassador from the United States the woman was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know what was your reaction when you heard the president of the United States refer to you as bad news. I couldn't believe it I mean again shocked Paul devastated that the president of the United States would talk about any ambassador. Like that to a foreign head of state and it was me I mean I couldn't believe what did you think when President Trump told President Selenski and you read that you were going to go through something. I didn't know what to think but I was very concerned were you concerned about. She's going to go through some things it didn't sound good sounded like. A threat. Did you. Feel threatened. I didn't. Have on a bitch was ousted from her post as ambassador to Ukraine in May after a campaign to remove her that she says was led by Rudy Giuliani and his circulation of rumors that she was undermining the president I do not understand Mr Giuliani's motives for attacking me nor can I offer an opinion on whether he believes the allegations he spread about him their purse on a bitch then went quite by point to rebut the allegations against her I want to read it to reiterate 1st that the allegation that I disseminated a do not prosecute list was a fabrication I did not tell Mr Litvinenko or other Ukrainian officials who they should or should not prosecute also untrue are unsourced allegations that I told and identified embassy employees or Ukrainian officials the president's trumps orders should be ignored because he was going to be impeached or for any other reason I did not and I would not say such a thing the Obama administration did not ask me to help the Clinton campaign or harm the Trump campaign it was the allegation that you were bad mouth thing President Trump true. You know what I can say is that Mr Giuliani should have known those claims were suspect coming as they reportedly did from individuals with questionable motives and with reason to believe that their political and financial inventions would be Stein and by our anti-corruption policy in Ukraine the former ambassador morning it sends the wrong message to countries like Russia Our Ukraine policy has been thrown into disarray and shady interests the world over the world over have learned how little it takes to remove an American ambassador who does not give them what they want and as you have on of it is approximately 6 hours of testimony ended Thank you Bill in the hearing room applauded the former ambassador who has spent 33 years in the Foreign Service. And you have a lot of us by the way was not the only former official testifying on Capitol Hill on Friday David Holmes talk to lawmakers behind closed doors he is the aide to whom . The acting u.s. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor reference in his testimony on Wednesday Taylor said he overheard a phone call that the ambassador to the European Union the Gordon Saddam took at a key Reza Kiev restaurant on July 26th from President Trump in that call the president allegedly asked about investigations Holmes we assume will now be sent over to the National Institutes of Health where is that credible hearing that hearing the other side of that conversation will be presumably investigated in the meantime reaction from the president here's Bob Constantini at the White House is press secretary said he wouldn't but yes I watched some of it this morning I thought it was a disgrace and he tweeted including also with this everywhere memory of on of it when turned bad she started off in Somalia how did that go then fast forward to Ukraine where the new Ukrainian president spoken favorably about her in my 2nd phone call with him the president did not tweet any criticism specifically of the 2 witnesses Wednesday Democrats accusing him of trying to intimidate you have on of it well I have a right to speak I have never seen you just. You know when the Republicans last up Constantini the White House that reminds me of a routine by. Ron White the Blue Collar Comedy Tour guy by the event an entire album by that name which was entitled I had the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability. The president would have been a lot better off if he simply ignored this tweeting today but apparently he just doesn't have it in aim to know when to shut the hell up again he hands ammunition to people who don't need additional ammunition his job is not the Toastmaster general of the conservative movement his job. Not to entertain his base and his job is not to just do what feels good to him he ought to on more than one occasion think before he blurts Having said that there's still nothing impeachable that has been brought forward 186650 Jimbo as we go to Stephen and journalist Carolina Hello Steve. Cambone called a very short tonight and I wish I could take credit for the sax the is a quote from. Donald Trump being here what I heard on your show that night and then later I heard him all Rush's show and he said. And this is accurate and slightly but he still makes the point. That thing minutes after my dad was a like that they started speaking to impeach him about the same amount of time that it took him to nominate Barack Obama for the Nobel Peace Prize. Well that essay is quite fair to say and that's that's that's fair to say. Again that there is in this world a substantial body of amidst double standard in which yes Donald Trump is to be impeached before he has done one thing in office because the Left simply doesn't like him and the fact that he took away Hillary's turn to be president while at the same time Barack Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize but he's always done his time in office he did nothing either Up until that point to win a Nobel Peace Prize and certainly knows nothing subsequent to that and the that is a very valid point that points out the utter hypocrisy that exists on the left and it does so in stark fashion I would agree Steve say everybody remember that every day like I said yesterday go ahead and get him for a job and pay table and let's play ball with. Well I mean I needed a shot for jaywalking parking tickets I mean whatever whatever it takes apparently But again. I'm happy to know that we have all kinds of dedicated career diplomats in the persons of you know of out of it should and the other 2 who were who testified that in and of itself does not say a thing about whether or not the president should be impeached was the president rude or impertinent what ever that is not an impeachable offense either and again although the Democrats will never come out Steve and the and say it in so many words we just don't like Donald Trump therefore impeach him that's the case they're trying to make that's a lousy case I could make the same case right now against any of the Democrats running for president and if one of them should win in 2020 I would at least wait until they do something in office before I bring up the notion of a peach in them because I'm not a lowlife knuckle dragging piece of scum like people like Adam Schiff I happen to be so for what it's worth it is unfortunate the extent to which we have sunk to this level but that's where we are and I don't know what can be done other than sitting back pointing out the contradictions the apocryphally and hoping that common sense will ultimately prevail here my guess is that it will but one never knows but I think your points are well taken Steve I really do Steve deal there. He's gone well all right thank you for your call 186650 Jimbo what 866-505-4626 again in the interest not only of civility and statesmanship in this country or what's left of it but in the interests of the Democrats themselves I am not really in the league with you but if I were my advice would be if you're trying to get rid of this guy through the court of public opinion running a kangaroo court is not the best way to do it from the standpoint of the well being of the Democrats themselves I'm telling you this ain't the way to do 818-6650 Jimbo 186-650-5462 extension 6 your thoughts on where we're headed as the new year the election year is just around the corner and we'll be back on the Jumbo have a Joe in just a moment. It may not be stomach issues for me it's intense gas or pain or diarrhea sometimes all at once over and over I spent years with the symptoms but could never figure it out no matter what I did they never went away so I decided to break it down for my doctor and get really specific about my symptoms we discovered that x. Or compound created can sufficiency or e.p.i. May be the reason for my stomach issues e.p.i. Is caused by my pancreas it leads to diarrhea gas bloating stomach pain unexplained weight loss in oily stools the symptoms just don't go away but a.p.i. Can show up with even one symptom the good news e.p.i. Is manageable but to get to the right diagnosis you have to break it down for your doctor and get specific about the severity of your sometimes visit identify e.p.i. Dot com to learn more and use the symptom checker to help change the conversation with your doctor brought to you by Abby this is Nikki Haley as South Carolina governor I fought a corrupt steak. 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Of Quicken Loans America's largest mortgage lender Let's talk credit card debt for a minute if you feel you're carrying too much of it you're not alone the average household in the u.s. Carries over $8000.00 in credit card debt ready for some good news with a cash out refinance from Quicken Loans you can quickly and easily put some of the equity in your home to good use by paying off a lot of that high interest credit card debt a great way to take cash out is with our 30 year fixed rate mortgage the rate today in our 30 year fixed rate mortgage is 3.99 percent a.p.r. 4.18 percent call us today at $800.00 Quicken to learn how taking cash out with a 30 year fixed mortgage might be the right solution for you and for a record 9 years in a row j.d. 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Who are very turned receptive comes when I'm like whoa 3 whom are well I mean you you say for the people and by the people some people happen to support them that's number one the you can't refer to the people that's one of the most misused terms in the country right now any time you're anybody refer to the people that's inaccurate the people are very divided some people think they're doing a great job unfortunately that tends to be the people in their home districts. Furthermore although I think there's been great abuse of power but I honestly can't think of anything illegal labor done the discretion to allowed into law to individual members of Congress is pretty widespread So I think the short answer Josh is that I can't think of anything that that could be done short of construction events in their constituents back in their home districts that they should be voted out of office and that's highly unlikely so I don't think there is anything Josh that can be done. Our friends group yes I mean again. The that's how we feel about Congress for the most part you know we we like our own members pretty well it's the idiots other people elect that we don't like let's go to Tom in the Sharon Pennsylvania next on the bow Hanna Joe Lhota again Jim a couple things if I could 1st of all by comparison with Trump changing foreign policy in Ukraine I like to point some examples of another president changing foreign policy a proc Obama going on his apology tour of Fort Hood massacre being called workplace violence the f.b.i. Training manuals being told to change the term or eliminate the term Islamic extremists the 5 top leaders or 5 of the top leaders of ISIS being swapped for Bowe Bergdahl the Sir Monier barrier burial excuse me and giving credence to Osama bin Laden as far as being Greek the Chafey team where ISIS was ignored until it got full strength during nuke the Iranian nuclear deal with there was no monitoring done it's part of the cream and don't want to have $1000000000.00 or whatever was on pallets going to Iran and supposedly their money that we seized during which Shah's reign but why do we give it back to the mullahs when it was the Iranian people's money you know that's just one example. The other thing I'd like to point out Jim is that Roger Stone got convicted today on all 7 counts now it was of Washington d.c. Court it's my understanding that most if not all courts take their juror jury pool from the voting right just or is and it's also my understanding that Washington d.c. Voted 95 percent for Roe Hillary Clinton if that's true then you know why wasn't. Or a change of venue and is there any federal court in the country that is in a non liberal big city I'm clearly there are I don't happen to know where every u.s. Good record is but yes juries are taken from registered voters that's correct in terms of where these courts are I'd have to go over a list of all of them as far as a change of venue goes I don't know I mean the the course the theory behind jury trials is that people are smart enough to be able to to make decisions regardless of partisanship and that maybe you have a point maybe there should have been the basis for a change of venue so I can't give you the finity of an answer on that to Tom in Port Angeles Washington next and hello Tom Good evening welcome. Jumbo Thanks for taking my call for sure I think I'm going to make commentary on something that I haven't heard anybody else make commentary on Ok and that is still a China colonel who has ties to. Ukraine happens to be the guy sitting on the phone when the president made his call to the new president of Ukraine I just wondered if I were you know something yes you know I I don't believe that I think he was positioned there by somebody well just how good their position there by anybody other than the president or the people in the president's administration it's not as though there are some some powers that be hovering that determine who listens in on presidential phone calls. Well whoever is standing in for brunch. For whom I think they could have done that for the president brought up the exit of the CIA. That you say John Brennan I didn't hear what you said I guess you don't know if that's the man's 1st name escapes me right now because I've got a lot of names floating around in my head here as I read along about all right I think there was some meddling there and he was biased and probably easier to control the program thanks Jimbo that's what I got for you to go all right thank you for your call 186650 Jimbo 186-650-5462 extension 6 we want to hear what you have to say how do you feel about all that is the transpiring and we hope that you're bearing up under it keep in mind that voting is not that far away it's right at the beginning of February that the Iowa caucuses are around and after that we start voting in earnest 186650 Jimbo back with more in just a moment. You're listening to Katie in the phone fm song also found on Booster k. And the phone f.m. One Glenwood Springs. 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Come. Back showed what a 6650 Jimbo 186-650-5462 extension 6 in East Texas we find Sheila up tonight Hello Sheila. On how he thank you. I think one of the time I turned down a little bit earlier and I want to talk about President and I said about the ambassador for my master the Ukraine and you know I'm just really tired of hearing everybody complaining about what he says you need to remember why we voted for him in the 1st place because he's not a politician I don't want to act like a politician Well I'd like you to leave back to the stone the best interests and think that was Howard's I'd like him to win out Unfortunately he seems bound and determined to blur his way into trouble I didn't vote for him because here blurts I'll guarantee you know well no neither but you know it's it's refreshing to hear somebody talk with. Some spine Well you know I don't I have no problem with spine but I have a real problem with talking without a brain and sometimes he does. Job in 2 jobs not to entertain his base his job is to try and pursue policies and unfortunately he doesn't seem to realize that there are people out there who will vote against him because the best I'm not one of them I'm going to throw him because he's the better choice and I will be voting for him in spite of his method of angering and turning off people right and left I mean his base is his base he doesn't have to go to any special trouble to keep his base you know to be worrying about reaching out and winning reelection. Well I think I like what he says now he has a was very likely to entertain the space that it better I agree with that. You know this. Is just keep up the good work there is in the world we're all avid fans thank you very much your body kind I appreciate that you lead and again we are on the same side I I want him to get a 2nd term and there are times when I wonder if he wants a 2nd term to be really honest with you Ted a Jamestown New York Hello Ted I just. Correct me if I'm wrong you said the Senate can set their rules and chase each impatient goes to trial Yeah so why complain about the way how the House is doing next. I am not saying that that there is any basis for complaint here I'm merely noting that the House is is operating here under the the theory that they're not going to impeach him a convict him that they are trying to persuade the American public that he should not be reelected I'm saying that from the standpoint of the Democrats and their own best interest it would be best for them not to engage in the Kangaroo Court kind of the Poliahu like antics that have been pulled by Adam Schiff That's all I'm saying frankly from the standpoint of rallying his base I applaud what ship is doing he's doing everything in his power to rally the truck base and get him reelected so it's not a complaint on my part as much as it is I suppose an inherent unfairness which I do think will rebound against them 186650 Jimbo 186-650-5462 extension 6 more by the way on the events of the past day with Linda Kenyon who reports from Capitol Hill House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff says it's bad enough that you've had to endure a contrived smear campaign as President Trump ousted her from her post that she had to endure yet another attack today even as she was testifying the president of the United States is just appalling I have to just be able to see Republican at least a funny this is a very serious matter when we're talking about impeachment This is a constitutional matter it's not about tweets you have on a bitch told the committee she found the tweets very intimidating chairmanships said some of us here take witness intimidation very very seriously Linda Kenyon Capitol Hill and one of the things that I would toss out here since that is there staring us in the face and I haven't heard of the anybody else bring it up but there is in this whole notion of memory you have on a bitch she's a woman this whole notion of me too ism like somehow he's creating a woman terribly he's treating her as far as I can see to say. He treats most people which is not always the most polite but that's beside the point she's playing in the big leagues with the big boys and this notion that somehow she's a helpless female which is the attitude that's being put forward apparently by some it's nonsense she's a u.s. Ambassador she does serve at the pleasure of the president something that she acknowledged once whereas for the rest of the day she spent her time apparently forgetting that fact and they get if there's even a hint of quote hash tag me too about all of this it's nonsense what I 6650 Jimbo to Ted in Jamestown New York Hello Ted I just talked to Ted forgive me Ted we go to rot in Council Bluffs Iowa next and the Hello Ron welcome Hello Jim are you doing buddy Hi thank you Ok Jim I'm going to take a little different. Position on this whole mess as far as I'm concerned concerned saying that McCrone said the other day from France that they could no longer count on the United States because of the current administration and you're going to have to do something to the effect to decouple its defenses so we no longer can count on the us anymore what's wrong with this guy well and then they would say one of those countries not doing their share of what they're supposed to be doing I mean they can't count on us we can't count on them where the people who put forward the amount of money and more so that we promise to pay for our own defense along with the pole of the Mets about the 2 members of NATO who have done so the notion that they can't count on us is pathetic just do your part what you agreed to pay and quit whining would be my response to the president of France. Well all I can say is Jim I support Trump on the wall in Mexico and I remember they just had a big black tie dinner in New York Mad Dog Madison was one of the speakers and he made it he joked about some of the things that comforts doing any such pokes it's really no joke this guy has put our country safety and. Risk he said that he has to be stopped. Now that's very very well put it in a way I have a great Remember James Madison we spoke of course with his former spokesman the other night and having having said all of that while I don't agree with every aspect of the president's approach toward foreign policy but specifically looking at for example trying to drag our allies kicking and screaming to do their part in the defense of the Western alliance against a resurgent Russia is hardly undercutting our position in the world I think that former Secretary Mattis was probably correct in noting that that allies are important but sometimes you don't have very good allies and sometimes they need to be swallowed across the chops and have that regard that I would have to say that Donald Trump is right and to the extent that he opposes that that James Madison would be wrong on what I eat 6650 Jimbo 186-650-5462 extension 6 as we do it a Friday evening we check in with mighty John Marshall of money Music dot com. 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Dot com to learn more and use the symptom checker to help change the conversation with your doctor brought to you by Abby hey this is j. Foreigner c.e.o. 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Good evening sir good evening I watched this this morning and sure I'm sure I can you count his name and if 100 percent yeah you know one woman that he kept shutting down right Representative I guess yes it was she finally got to speak she brought up the statement that when she was with Obama and she was going to you crane your biggest focus was her by. That was Obama's biggest focus as it really should have been I'd say Mazan that somehow that all that the message didn't get to the vice president that maybe he should have a little chat with his son but at that point I'll put it this way I don't this is not an excuse but we have to remember that Biden by this point had watched his son fritter away a good portion of his life get kicked out of the Navy for for cocaine use Biden probably felt hey so he's trading it on my by position at least he's got a real job even if he didn't get it particularly honestly on merit that I'm only guessing that a desperate parent might have looked the other way that's not an excuse but I think it might be an explanation Yeah you're right but it's just that I'm just really irritated this program with a shift in company well I am too but again I think if there's an ounce of fairness left in the American public that this will rebound against them because again they're trying to convict the President in the court of public opinion they're trying to defeat him at the polls and this kind of high handed behavior is going to convince a lot of people even people who don't like Donald Trump that these hearings are not being handled in a fair manner and as I said if I were counseling the Democrats I would tell them back off you're blowing it out since they are blowing it please proceed This is Deb in Pittsburgh Hi Deb. Mr down here you know where you find Thank you. I listen to this station a lot and I love your show there is one other local station I don't know if I'm allowed to mention the call letters or some of the other talk show hosts that are on this particular station. Is that Ok that I don't want to write Let's not make a big production out of a disease listing run over 80 k. And Pittsburgh Americans for his radio station but but what's the point of what these people are saying on this other station. Believe it or not they tend to agree with you wholeheartedly. And are that they are some well there are some there are some big names. And one in particular. Who thinks that there is some really. Deep State whatever you want to call it undercover recently with some names that have been mentioned in the past of not only causing these problems for Mr for President Trump but also causing some other things in other areas well I want to go with our with the deep state notion the idea that there's this this vast network meeting in the catacombs of Washington and the like there are a lot of people who like very much their position of power and influence in the federal bureaucracy but they don't hold bi weekly meetings or anything like that so I think we we can get carried overboard with quote deep state thought but anyway Ok but yeah then again right this I mean it doesn't end like you said Mr Turner President Trump at times. Maybe he should just say you know he shot and killed a little bit or 3 or let somebody else play the attack dog I mean. Donald Trump Jr appeared on this program he admitted that his father has counseled him against going overboard on social media and I said does that tell you something when Donald Trump Sr tells you that maybe you're going overboard on social media that tell you something I think that it it probably should quite frankly so for what it's worth anyway thank you for your thoughts Deb and we'll take a quick break and be back with more in just a moment. It may not be stomach issues for me it's intense gas more pain more diarrhea some. Times all at once over and over I spent years with the symptoms but could never figure it out no matter what I did they never went away so I decided to break it down for my doctor and get really specific about my symptoms we discovered that x. Or crim pancreatic insufficiency or e.p.i. May be the reason for my stomach issues e.p.i. 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Ahmed Rashid has written a new book from Nelson to good good stocks be possibly a good news explainable Amazon take Dolly Parton's of many colors. In the song Dolly tells a story it's almost like a folk song about her mother and they were poor the mother took thread safe and made her a coat that was so full of patches and the patches raw different colors of course which was quickly ridiculed and all the girls at school laughed at Dollywood she was a girl because of a Coat of Many Colors but her mother said oh wait a minute now and Joseph in the Bible also had a Coat of Many Colors and his Coat of Many Colors was beautiful and his father gave him this Coat of Many Colors because his father loved him just as I'm giving you your home a Coat of Many Colors sowing it for you because I love you 18th century philosopher a about your current had thoughts on what we know concept we don't just see things by our naked eyes we also see things you know through some kind of intuition and so when Dolly Parton knew that her mother loved her as a result gave her this Coat of Many Colors it wasn't like she knew it in the same way that you know that the keys are in the drawer you know it in a different way language has limits as Willie Nelson. Well. Blue Eyes Crying in the range is a very good example of how a song. Wrong really respects the limits of like which because in this song Willie Nelson says nothing other than the blue eyes are crying in the rain and I can remember the last day that we 'd bet and so forth and so it is just a series of factual propositions but will he makes it work will he does not say what loss and despair is he just shows in a very understated way what loss and despair are 3 credit hours of Nashville wisdom from Tom McBride author of From Willie Nelson to Vic in Stein the philosophy of country music the offbeat I'm Jimbo had a as we take a call from Neil he's out in Las Vegas deceiving to offer his thoughts on the news of the day hi Neal Jim thank you for putting me on again yes or. I'm in agreement with the new. You know I think the president has with his tweeting give his critics a lot of ammunition but at the same time I well you know because. Their hypocrisy you know it's sort of band I just wish he'd think before he sends them out a lot of them are quite good and some of them aren't so good that's all I'm saying yeah I know it's true but you know I like one of your previous caller says you know it's just the hip he doesn't measure what he's saying I mean listen the last thing I know that's a that's a flaw that's going to do him in that he's not careful Well I don't know he's not an act of discipline. That's Well you know I'd have to agree with you to a certain extent but I think that's part of the you know. Let me get back to what we witnessed today Ok this conch show. Ok Adam Schiff. We had to come you know gong him or less back for the hearings. One of the ways that our name given of the overall message yes Maria out of its right did you notice how skillfully clearly the victim role and then well that's the only thing she lacked I thought she was going to break down and cry but she never did that would have been the icing on the cake I think you know I sort of expected it but she did it so subtly You know I think she had everybody waiting to see her do that break down but she was very quiet and. I think you noticed this with Sally gate if you remember her and also didn't we see this with the. Plot before during the you know cabin on air and you know. She really it's almost scripted Well it did come across as as almost scripted and again I'm not in favor of people having their drugs abruptly terminated and maybe you could argue that the president should have found a better way to do so but and I certainly think that the president should have thought twice about tweeting during the hearings I mean does he have any sense at all of handing Abby addition to his his opponents I don't know. But obviously. You have a lot of it said the 2 testified yesterday have performed great public service to the country big deal this is an impeachment hearing why has the president done that's impeachable I'm sure we'll get to it are produced with webmasters Cathy Johnson were Jimbo had and Joe dot com josh that's is our engineer I'm Jim bowhead and this is Westwood one. Jeremy here for the Roaring Fork Valley Co up after dark. Oh yeah. 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And Dining Guide go to can of Dining Guide dot com highlighting great eateries in the Colorado high country. You're listening to can a foul Alabama song off about I'm visiting k n f l AK Bam lime line with bang. You c.b.s. News on The Hour real news real reporting on that Piper a 16 year old boy who shot 5 fellow students before turning the gun on himself at a southern California high school has died after clinging to life for more than 30 hours the suspect died from his self-inflicted wounds the suspect who opened fire on his 16th birthday fired one shot to his head this after shooting 5 classmates 2 of those classmates have now died as well l.a. County Sheriff's Captain Kent Wegner says authorities are still looking for clues we did not find any manifesto or any writings which will clearly identify his motive behind this assault investigators have interviewed more than 40 people Steve Feltham and c.b.s. News Los Angeles investigators say they still do not have a motive for the shooting which took just 16 seconds a State Department official reportedly told in peace with investigators that he overheard President Trump talking with the u.s. Ambassador about investigations in Ukraine they would Holmes testimony was behind closed doors Friday but people familiar with it say he talked about overhearing the phone conversation between Mr Trump and Gordon Sunland at a restaurant in Kiev Congressman Eric Swalwell Arrow's continued appointment erection of a shakedown scheme led by the. I States meantime as a bastard to the Ukraine or e.u. Vonnegut's testified in public as correspondent Nancy Cordes reports she warned Congress that her career was far from the biggest casualty when other countries other actors and other countries see that private interests foreign interests can come together and get a u.s. Ambassador removed what's going to stop them from doing that in the future in other countries. After 7 hours here Bonneville departed to a sustained standing ovation a one time top n.f.l. Draft pick is benched for the rest of the season the Cleveland Browns Myles Garrett apologized for an attack on the football field after pulling an opponent's helmet off his head and hitting away that Correspondent Don Daler Garrett must meet with the commissioner before he's allowed to play again next season the Browns said in a statement we are extremely disappointed there is no place for that in football Britain's Prince Andrew is breaking his silence about his friendship with convicted sex offender Geoffrey Epstein the prince spoke exclusively to our broadcast partner the b.b.c. I have no recollection of the missions. He's talking about Virginia golfer who says she was under age when she had sex with the prince numerous times at Epstein's properties this is c.b.s. News c.b.s. 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