And he says the Calgary Stampede is Mardi Gras with jacked up trucks and Wrangler gear everywhere you'd enjoy it sounds awesome Actually I'm into 818-063-6868 extension 6 if you missed the earlier part of the program we talked at length in our number one about the Patriots and how they melted down again there are so many things about the end of that game and the game overall that I just do not understand like how the hell do they implode on that final play the way they did that play never ever ever works so how would it work in that situation against a Bill Belichick defense how and what was Grant doing on the field at the end of that game would you not tell me he was there to contest a Hail Mary there was no way Ryan Tannehill was going to throw that ball 70 yards in the air everybody knew that except for the hood so of course grok was out there in open space trying to make a tackle on a skilled guy in a way as badly as you'd expect. As a grunt on the we got this still Ryan Tannehill he never heard Ryan Tannehill sound as excited about anything as he was to see quark on the field when is there ever been anybody not affiliated with the Patriots excited to see Grant on the field listener Tannehill when he saw grok us all Kenyan there and I had to patch it you know pitches it came back inside and I saw him and grok about 10 yards away as a grandson of we got to the. Drake concert for 3 wrong probably 46 of course of and so feel good about that much to feel good about that match up you know why because he doesn't play defense that's why you felt good about that match up you know why folk about that match up because the hoodie had a tight am playing safety you know why you felt good about that match up because you had Gronk as your last line of defense between Drake and the goal line of course you felt good about that match up that's the one time townhouse something that made a lot of sense yeah I'd feel real good about that match up till which makes it all the more mind boggling that Bill Bell a check of all guys had Gronk on the field I guess what I guess it would be again the only reason. Trick had somewhere to be yet the house the only reason you'd have that down the field is if you had him there to contest a Hail Mary and that was not going to happen and what a weird weird way to end that game but I've got thoughts on the Raiders and Jon Gruden did he loses even when he wins Reggie McKenzie In Case You Missed It reportedly fired by the Raiders no surprise there which go to the phones it is an open phone 3rd hour let's go to Wisconsin Jake in Wisco Jack what's up our yo. Thanks for mine I just want to say. Calgary Stampede that's like Madison Square Garden for rodeo they're bucking stock around the clock Susan seduce him rodeo produce and out love it I'm in rock him I may need to go back to that very quickly avi that was a great explanation and description of the Calgary Stampede I mean what's not to love about that I like the rodeo effect there I really like the rodeo Janet loves the rodeo but the rodeo is one thing it sounds like the stampede is a lot more than just a rodeo right Alvan lot more that they impede that's like Madison Square Garden for rodeo they're bucking stock around the clock Susan seduce in rodeo produce and out booze in seduce in WOIO produce in who's in seducing the Oprah to send out like my 3 favorite things booze in seduce in rodeo produce in best things out or at mock Moda is in he tweets but you know Calgary Stampede is something to behold roam where else can you see can Necchi ends try to stay on a bucking moose for 8 seconds a bucking moose I don't think they are bucking moose and the Calgary Stampede But then again they're been. Can Calgary Stampede is something to behold well as can you see a neck e. Ends trying to stay on a bucking moves for 8 seconds strong Don't forget Maak Moda you know. I never forget Maak Moda. Keep uncommon 180-636-8686 or so later family start with good news quickly good news your guys want to game you p.p.s. Broke 2421 in a game Pittsburgh had to have and they did it with a t.d. Pass in the final minute and the Steelers kicked her wiping out on a potentially game tying field goal that is the Raiders' 3rd one of the season easily their best one of the season but that's where the good news ends because you don't need me to tell you this Raider fan that when hurt your chances at the 1st pick overall but I'm odd here to be a buzz kill and point out that by winning you actually lose you don't need me to tell you that nobody wants to hear that especially after watching 2 of your former players kill it on national t.v. Now before yesterday I would have said in fact I did say I had been saying the Raiders biggest one of the year was when they won that trade from Ari Cooper now I'm starting to think day lost that trade and I'm not just talking about the fact that that 1st round pick they got back is looking worse by the week. And the notion of Jon Gruden as Office of genius is looking worse and worse by the week at the time of that trade Dallas look totally desperate they look like they got warrant they were giving up a 1st round pick for a guy who had 4 games under 20 yards receiving and was seen concussion protocol Jerry Jones got ripped everywhere including right here for that trade and now Jerry Jones is a laughing his ass off at everybody because that trade helped turn their entire season around they were 3 and 4 when they made that trade now there are 8 and 5 and they've got a good wide receiver in quick question when did a Maury Cooper turn into Michael Irvin answer when he went to Dallas with Oakland Cooper at 280 yards and one touchdown in 6 games yesterday he had 10 receptions 217 yards and 3 touchdowns including the game winner in overtime against their hated rival in a must win game is guy newly equaled his entire career under chalk in a single game. He did this got packet protection as if he'd shot the right side of the engine was cowboys radio again this guy didn't just turn into Dez Bryant this guy's turn into Michael Irvin that one play tied the number of T.D.'s that he had with the Raiders this season then he doubled it when he did this snap has been blocking shit and so on it deep down the right side was this is a mark Hooper and then he ended that game when he did this and you trust God only God they look like they're going to let him come to me because I am the guy she was sort of figure this out right I mean the guy looks like he completely different guy a completely different player since he left Jon Gruden soffits I mean that doesn't really add up right Jon Gruden is an office of legend a so-called genius how is it that this guy found himself when he left how is it dead he looks out effective in another office it looks awful for Gruden Cooper suddenly is obviously more than $100.00 yards and a touchdown per game since leaving Oakland again how is that possible wasn't chunk the guy who was supposed to unlock him and wasn't the Dallas office going to become so predictable and so stale I guess not. Gruden had Derek Carr Tamara Cooper and he couldn't get close to this production from the 2 of these guys it's not just a great turn around for Cooper and the Cowboys it's a terrible look for Gruden and the Raiders because he's a completely different guy in Dallas he looked completely lost in Oakland and now he's been found in Dallas and if you're a Raider fan it's going to piss you off it's got a piece you off to see a guy like that bawling out the way he is in Dallas in No that's exactly what you could have had in Oakland in fact that is what you had in Oakland but you didn't have it because your head coach could not figure out a way to get that from that guy but chasing Garrett can Cruden the office of genius couldn't but Jason Garrett can and as if there weren't already enough salt in the wounds a Raider fan here comes Sunday night and the weekly reminder that Caly Omak is an on blah couple monster not his best game but a game where he had another sack and he had a forced fumble So that gives him 10 sacks 6 force fumbles to fumble recoveries in interception and a touchdown this season and it makes the Bears defense terrifying they were good before mac arrived now they're insane they just shut down the Rams soffits in as brutal way as you possibly could cheer Goff you're a guy I don't want to look like rookie Jared Goff but he did not look like himself but will do that Syria in for Raider fans there was an even bigger insult waiting it wasn't just about what Cleo Mack is doing on defense. How about when Matt negs is doing with that office he set the football world on its ear last week by having a keen Hicks go fridge 2.0 and then he brought Hicks back in on the goal line for this play Check it out in the back 3 a trip to ski with picks the fake handoff to Christie because it was all touched by the box done with her and how the church teapot comment was another great design if I don't care she will report she expects here another her so again fit to hand off 213-0300 pound or throw it to a nother 300 pounder not neg he is a wizard This is the same guy who went with the reverse running back pass for a t.d. With a game on the line last week or only this time more amazing than calling a plan Sunday was the fact that Bradley's soul said the play was installed on Friday and that it's called Santa's sleigh which I mentioned earlier today it's incredible how you know it that is debts pure football genius that kind of thing did Raider Fan thought they'd be watching an opal and not in Chicago where one of their favorite players is now playing it's kind of hard to be brand it is a football genius when you're trading away Cleo mock in a Marty Cooper and just because Gruden got 3 1st round picks in those deals does not mean he's going to be able to get value in the draft or know what to do with those picks once they get them. Again this is a guy who had a roster that had mac and Cooper and either didn't want them or didn't know how to use them but ultimately got rid of them and now they're both killing it on a weekly basis for teams that are headed to the playoffs hell Marty Cooper. Practically is save the Cowboys season so you remind me again white shunk is such a genius because I'm not saying it. Great you want your own guys want your own team that's great but you didn't want Cleo Mack little Mack the player on a clue back want to play there he made a really clear he didn't want to play there yet this Reggie. About to Mark Cooper you get to go check my Corbin right now they ripped off the 5 in a row. Go figure and then when they win they still lose. Great writer a fan reaction. I got a better point Steeler fan reaction in a game you had to when you go to Oakland and you get beaten the Steelers. To Rome and absolutely dominating performance by the bears I haven't been that surprised by the bears absolutely killing it since that Grizzly Man guy Timothy Treadwell record himself sleeping with bears in the wild and then inevitably got eaten Dan in Denver or t.n. Dan too soon too soon and by too soon I mean if you ever emailing this show ever again too soon Dan in Denver remember the name Dan you emailed me too soon. It will always be too soon Dan for any of your emails or take. Your Jim love hearing about the flames. Personally though I'm standing outside the fire roasting weenies yours Garth brought us Brett from bug off it brought our name understand that nor do I want to try. It red hair I put this I want to put this respectfully because I never want to bite the hand that feeds so I'm a said this very respectfully Brett never email me ever again about anything. And this one Rome I love Canadian on Canadian crime nothing says the u.s. Jungle like Canadian on Canadian crime were Rome it's too bad that the toughest guy in Calgary is their head coach that team is so soft Kyle in Green Bay thinks they need to check themselves sure those guys have had a nice little run but when you're goalie is Mike Smith and you can trust him as much as a Rex in Albuquerque phone call you know it's unsustainable I can't wait until the playoffs battle of Alberta comes back to life in 2019 because we are going to wall those guys I hope that broke bankrupt city enjoys the Hitchcock's show the rest of the way Tyler entrapment in. What Tyler piling on yes or no Tyler they are in 1st place he is a tough guy and he's got them playing that way. Dear Jim wore Big Ben and Shawn food and complimenting each other's fat faces that include instead of partaking in the standard post-game handshake chat in Orlando is that what I want a bet that's not how I went Big Ben and John food it was one of these guys say at the end of games write a good game good luck hope you guys get it done you guys are looking good we're not going to Chad Orlando Chad Orlando makes it sound like Big Ben rolled up on John food and said hey man do your face is getting fat same thing about yours Ben do what do we do about that or their diets for faces. Do they have like the Atkins diet for a face or their military face presses can we do face crunches is their face cardio why don't we ring up Matt Stafford and see what he says Come on man. I'm trying to a talk show here quote Big been in John food and did not complement each other on their fat faces after the game I don't know what they said to each other but I guarantee that's not it I guarantee it didn't come up I guarantee neither one of them said that. Now if he did come up. But it didn't. I don't know what you do in my advised on the expert here stop jamming copious amounts of food into your fat face and then face won't be so fun. Now it's me my take my amateur take I don't know I really don't know. It will take a short time out on is about time or long overdue. Your phone call is coming up you know there's something be said for being the best you know when you've run out pace to outsmart the competition eat afterwards no you cannot be the best. 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Never son is dead letter day it's all about the playoffs Miami takes on Minnesota and you've got a huge game the couple of teams fighting to win their divisions New England colliding with Pittsburgh the day kicks off with the n.f.l. Today powered by Ram at 12 East or 9 Pacific on c b s. Open phones right now 180-636-8686 I'm looking for somebody to step it up also remember spread holiday cheer with Pinera bread gift cards that is such a good idea right there soups salads sandwiches bake retreats are a gift that everybody will love plus for every $50.00 in gift cards $50.00 purchased you get a $10.00 bonus card for yourself you check out for everything if t. 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Sports network or live every single day find us on direct fun is on Dish find us wherever you can find c.b.s. Sports Network this radio show is a t.v. Show as well 3 hours every day some will guest and we will be broadcasting live from Radio Row in the a.t.l. For Super Bowl Yeah. One more e-mail quickly Jim the Dolphins commentators call on that last play was like listening to the b I C's interview on wood scopes started off exactly like we'd expect him roasting 12 Woods attention span among other things before completely annihilating lef and his overproduce smack off cause in the Canadians can't wait for smack on $25.00 or straight fire War The Would scopes storing the pot after hours sank Calvin in Wisconsin you have them. All right when we return did you listen to that how did that go how did the be icy do how was that scope. One last segment. We are wide open I'm not done yet I've got more things to get to stay after it stay with it the r.p.o. 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Comes to me from Reilly Bennett Jim could you clear something up is the hack off the worst of the worst or the best of the worst yes yes the answer is yes no it's it's the age old question when I said that the smack off is for the best of the best but the hack off is for the worst of the worst It's not a great theory in so I got to that day and then I had it aside Yeah but who wins if it's the worst of the worst going up against each other does the worst of the worst when that day or does the best of the worst when that day and there really is not an answer for that it's pretty much like the most impactful call that day you know can reminds me of back in the day when we had a Christmas party and there was that gal kind of going around the party telling people I want to get into the adult film industry and my reaction was You don't get into that industry you end up in that industry same thing with a hack off you don't aspire to the hack off you just to end up in the hack off and so who wins. I don't know who wins you know it's that's Here's the thing if the best of the worst wins it's just a bad call you know it's like a d. It's not an a it's not an f. Issued to see minus the best of the worst is not a good thing the worst of the worst can be a very good thing me answer it this way is the hack off the worst of the worst or the best of the worst I don't know it's kind of like that intangible it you don't know how to explain it but you know it when you see it in terms of the hack off you know it when you hear it is it the best is that the worst yes but you know when you hear it well that helps but it doesn't matter unless we bring it back it doesn't matter unless we have it and I have decided that yet I might I might I really quickly somebody also e-mailed about the would scopes. And I want to bring in my e.p. Adam hawk now Adam I did not hear the show on Friday but we knew going into Friday that Ward had gotten to be i.c. Brad in Corona to appear really quickly just for background for those who do not know what is the what's go it's a periscope show on Friday nights where a guy named 12 would puts the camera on himself his giant face with a projector in the background him in a crew in the basement of his Wisconsin house run this Internet streamed video show where Let me dumb this down even further for people who are listening I know there's not that many but there might be somebody who doesn't know what a periscope is yeah that's an app through Twitter where you just turn your phone into a live streaming camera out to the Internet so that's his thing it's a periscope show he talks to clones and it other people that he wants to talk to about their life in this show and you and they do it on Friday nights for 2 to 3 hours and. You know it's it's cool I a lot of people you know think it's nerdy or whatever I think it's quite it's fun it's fun to do on your yeah well that and yeah he does a nice job with it you know what it is though it's a show about this show so I've got nothing but respect and I really do appreciate it any books really really well he's got some really big time gas on his show so Brad in Corona appears on the show How'd that go yet it was Friday night this Friday night it went really well it's fun to listen to I try to make a point when I know he's having guys on like mark in Hollywood or reckon Buffalo or Mike in in your Trapper to listen because of the program and I can always learn something so yeah I listen to Brad on the show and even learn from the deadbeats who get the show yes you just the old you know you can write I don't act like Generally people can't speak and you directly you can but you're exactly right so yeah I listen to Brad to Iraq what he had to do what he had to say and it was funny he went in on 12 for being like a cat in a room full laser pointers because 12 would has arable attention span he generally or for somebody like that for someone who interviews people every week it's like every week it's his 1st interview he gets lost in his own questions it takes him a while to spit him out he generally varies not like 8 not yet he's not a professional broadcaster right. Right but you would think after 2 years of doing it he would lay out and not interrupt his guests in the middle of their responses but you know that's part of the enduring part time auk. You know it's true Ok yeah so Brad did a nice job and then something it turned. A listener named Rich florists. And Brad kind of got into it you know that it had an inside inside jungle who is Flora's Florence's longtime listener who through this is not me talking this is the listeners I'm just an observer he has affiliation with some smack off callers and. It came up about studio storming and left coming into the studio tearing up Brad's interview I mean in effect excuse me floor is his team laugh yeah I see is the guy and Flora's pops up in the comments right there in the Life area scope and they just they got into it a little bit it was kind of one sided as Brad was doing the talking and Brad is very good at doing the talking and then Rich florist came on to respond to 12 would . Brad Brad Richards team laugh and he would say that himself they made videos about it and so you know some good back and forth some good priest smack off 25 stuff and then Rich came on to respond and then Rick in Buffalo came on after that and also went in on rich and what was what was Rick I'm just asking outside in here Friday night Rick in Buffalo I'm curious about his state had he imbibed to the best your knowledge Rick started do you like this but you did put it in the comments that you had 14 course before you popped on 14. Kuwait Coors or coolers Couper's That's a tough word to say c o o r as Gore's sorry Rick but you did say it. And then he then he also went on rich you know I think a lot of these guys are lone wolves happy drunk or a violent drunk because he's a violent sober guy Rick. Some of the edge offered to make me more belligerent Both Well I think it loosen them up but also made him more belligerent it's just interesting because Rich Florence got in the middle of 2 like lone wolf alphas and I am curious of rich as a response to Brad and Rick going in to Rick on the line of the night because 12 would said hey how come you've never taken around a Brad to which records find it did you see what he did to the Canadians. Which is great that is a ha something that is awesome All right so it sounds like the wood the wood man himself a night yes woman said he wants to stir the pot on the weekends in the pot was effectively stirred and I don't feel like a narc I'm just reporting what happened and I know not hearsay or not your get your clear thinker I'm not endorsing either side I'm just saying what happened and that's what happened it's definitely worth a replay the link is on his on his periscope you're not on your hurry yes right actually well done well done narc nerd are Adam Adam ha. Ok it really quickly so there's a replay right if people want to hear that how do they find it. Go to at 12 would spot 12 at 12 would on Twitter. Listen I've got not only do it do I not have an issue talking about this but I'm into it he does a show about this show and he does every Friday night and I made a statement last week that there are people listening somebody somebody who I know who's a list of the program said you know I'm going through kind of a tough time I'm going through a tough time and your show his help me a great deal and believe it or not Rome 12 would show has helped me a great deal too I get that I understand that if you like this show you probably would like that periscope because he goes he goes deep he goes in-depth I mean like Brad I never know when Brad going to call the show actually I do the day the smack off in days when I'm not here so he can roast a guest host so you never really know when he's going to call but then he'll call him make that call and then he'll go away and that that's that 12 would get the guy on his show and does a q. And a with him and kind of gets in his hello bit about like him and where you come from on this what makes you go what makes you tick what do you how did you get involved the program how do you go about doing what you do it's a show about the show don't you always want more information about the thing you like about this guy's letting you in because he's talking to a bunch of people that I normally talk to or who call the show and apparently there was some drama in 12 would says you want to stir the pot well done all right 180-636-8686. To San Antonio quickly Robert you made it in it's good to have you Robert how are you Jim I'm a great man you're the man I've been listening to you for years I took a little break but I'm back in the jungle good and I got the story yesterday. I'm a private pilot I fly a corporate jet for a guy who's in billionaire and part of my feeling is he's got 25000 acres like you to hold on to your form and I'm I'm out there busted my butt shooting theory called now the phone starts screaming at me and I'm just like so depressed I'm like well I'm so done with things. My team just absolutely thinks so I'm going to put a little wager out on the afternoon game just today I think games are like going and I'm listening to the games and I'm going along and you know I'm like oh man this is not looking good and then Dallas turns out that the Dallas game it's all down to I got got to score cuts on an overtime and I'm like there's no way they're going to kick the field goal and they get the touchdown and my day turns all the way around I love n.f.l. Football I'm back in the jungle you're the best wrong keep it up the water Robin Roberts I have a quick listen couple quick things number 116 parlay 16 Polly what is that pay a 15 dollars bet 700 bucks dude no wonder no wonder your day turned all right I'm not I'm not sure your liberty to say this but if you're a private corporate pilot what do you fly what kind of jets you fly we my boss owns a Gulfstream 4 and a king or 3. When engine turboprop on a jet right King Air is not a jet it's a terrible property has to go through before I was going to fly in an hour the king or we take that go through which is nice in my house and I was going to set a goal seems a jet What's the range on the Gulfstream. That a parent dreads. Wow Houston to Paris also so you've obviously got a copilot for that thing yeah yeah man and then. Right next to me want to or not when I get are right here I'm Mark Cooper on apparently. 'd you're retarded or are you going to get even a billionaire was pumped on that in Finally what's the capacity how many people can you get on that Gulfstream. Or. On the toilet. Robert good to have you back cruciate you're a much. Better Man stay strong he's not happy to talk to me he's happy that he had that parlay that private jet thing I like reading up on that that's how I was educated enough to ask him those questions he supplied dude you can go from Houston to Paris on that Gulfstream that's a serious freaking bird 14 people if you know one of the toilet that is a big gas jet that's a big big jet goes to show like fantasy guys getting down if you get that hyped on something like that. Down less is in great hock critiquing someone show performance now have Alvin critique family planning and flight deck critique head to body ratio in defensive Hawk I've got Hawks back on this one he was not critiquing anything I said to him I knew that this was going to happen I was not able to listen to it what happened he literally just laid out what happened on that scope down last momma. Rome Amaury Cooper still looks like the same guy he was in Oakland signed Renee Zellweger. Steve in Paychex gets credit for that you know he didn't sign it I just know a Steve email when I see it it's really lame and really moronic it must be from Steve. And my $0.02 worth 14 Corps is about 3 real beers. Craft beer guy coming in late. Craft beer a guy comin in to throw a make or huge gold rush you buy Heat branded products heat branded products designed to keep your fuel system flowing even under the harshest conditions remove water raise m.p.g. . Clean the fuel system heat baby my thanks to Charles Davis Bob Myers Bill Peters 3 excellent interviews and a good 3rd hour the r.p.o. Roam price opinion now podcast coming down right after the program we're going to tape it Trevor Pryce and I and then we will push it out a little bit later on today will recap the n.f.l. Weekend and he will give you his picks for Monday night and Thursday against the spread look for that later today. My thanks to the x r for c.i.i. Crew nice job yet again let's get off hock he was not critiquing. He just do what I asked him to do see them all route. 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Or go to Best water now dot com That's best water now dot com. They come. Tonight's Monday night football match up is a battle between the 2 teams that sit in the 2 n.f.c. Wild card spots currently 3 nothing lead over the Vikings 11 to go in the 2nd quarter on Sebastian 37 yard field goal Oakland Raiders fired. N.b.a. Action Pacers have won 3 in a row they're trying to make it 4 strayed they lead the Wizards 877812 go in the 4th quarter to go forth quarter in Philly and as. The Pistons 8983 Detroit has lost 4 in a. Pelican 725770 Boston's Kyrie Irving out tonight with. Great news there's a quick way you could save money. And 15 minutes you could say 15 percent or more on your current. Radio. Guy has no kid. Went to college in a cornfield in a. Big city one guy spends. The other throwing money at the. 2 sports writers share a radio show drive each other crazy. Chris Broussard and Rob Parker. It is. My partner Rob Parker You can. Underscore Broussard. One we're coming from the guy. In your car insurance. For a free rate quote and Rob I was excited after the games yesterday because I really wanted to bring this topic up with you there are a few I want to bring up with you but. The Dallas Cowboys you couldn't wait to get in because you you say you are not a believer I'm not even a believer after they beat the Saints I'm not going to be what they're $89.00 game winning streak going to get it didn't score any points in the 2nd half and they won it what squeak did 13 and Sandra defense I keep saying what a lot I don't pooh pooh winning I do give people credit because I thought it is to win Ok I do but I'm still just I think it will end badly and then people say to disable issues that that. Been talked about that this organization need to be blown blown up where it's ugly head down the road that's just how I feel I don't think I don't think people came out and said all that stuff just by happenstance we were all totally off base with how this organization is set I think the main criticism of Jerry Jones would be just the fact that he's kept Jason Garrett around so much for so long because he wants a puppet of a coach and you do you think it is legitimate it's a legitimate question to ask can you win a Super Bowl with the public coach. That's legit I agree now what you have to say that goes against which Roy Aikman saying that they have drafted well with Jones with the 2 Jones is running no no no you do have to say they've drafted well they have talent but they don't have anything to show for because they don't have nothing to play off win since 1905 those are just the facts but they don't they have better than that well you're right we're talking about no question more than a couple decades they've been South America's team because there was firing below to battle through that's very very true that's very true and but the bottom line is right now they look really good and I'm a believer what that means is I give them a solid chance. Of going deep into the playoffs and even hold your hand so when the are getting to the super So you've got so you lease you decide let me get you on the record so from what you've seen so far and I've game winning streak and I beat the Saints beat a Porton game I know was at home but still important game is the Eagles memo big eagles tied to game with less than 2 minutes ago and their own on the road that's a big you know I was like a momentum shift Yeah I think you know tight a game or right so my question was. You see if the Cowboys don't win a playoff game will this have been for not like like are you expecting them to win a playoff game because that's what really I would talk about I would buy into everything going on I get off Jason Garrett back I get off that Prescott's back I would I would give just one play I just need a playoff win because that matters in the n.f.l. Look it does matter and if they don't win a playoff game they don't have to win the Super Bowl to see what I'm saying I know they're the type their name that organization's name should be Super Bowl or bust right with Dallas but they don't because it's been so bad for so long they don't have to win a Super Bowl to feel good about this season right but I would agree they do have to win a playoff game right now right now who would they face I know it's we still have 3 weeks left but they would face. They would face. Seattle I believe Seattle Seattle's player right now up $30.00 or Minnesota but I believe Dallas would face Seattle and I tell you what that to me is kind of kind of be like a pick I'm game I would definitely take Russell Wilson over that Prescott I got to get it for you want to Super Bowl Yeah and he said he's a better version a much better version of that press much he can throw it better but that game would be in Dallas. And so yeah if you lose that game which is no shame in losing to Russell Willis don't talk but yeah that would leave I agree it would leave a bad taste or mouth but it would be enough for Jason Garrett to keep his job oh no because you know Jerry loves him just to be enough to get that Prescott paid and that's the other thing if you're Cowboys fans like if you don't Chris like say they get they have a terrible playoff game and they were brought back to the team that people were fed up with then you go. Made the playoffs we got to sign Jason Garrett back he got a white rice got to get a ticket you know you couldn't fire when you did I don't know why you think it Ok we got a March for a whole thing on today and then you go all right that was lousy in a playoff game you didn't get a jump done and turn back into the guy who hold the ball too long to do 2485 yards right and you know what I mean like so then you have and fumbled once and not a pick so. You look at it and say.