And in last night's preseason game he started and I had 4 straight 3 and outs later today at a time and I fell exhibition with Oakland at the l.a. Rams 4 pm Eastern time the Raiders will be in the hell a callous even for the 1st time since they moved out after the 1904 season 7 n.f.l. Exhibitions total on the Saturday schedule currently the Jaguars lead $73.00 at Minnesota about 11 minutes to go 2nd quarter the Yankees have a 2 nothing lead bottom of the 2nd at home against the Toronto Blue Jays d.t. Chris goriest with a 2 run homer Luis Severino on the mound coming up at 4 pm Eastern Houston at Oakland I'm Steve to say good. 1 box for Saturday's gentlemen Steve Hartman and Sheldon Washington. Your sports your topic I'm going to lose it here. From the Geico Park Sports radio studio. Calvin Washington and on this Saturday Hartman in Washington with you coming alive for the guy go Fox Sports Radio Studios 15 minutes could save you 50 percent of our car insurance is a guy good. For a free rate quote now we're talking plenty of canned f.l. And no better person to talk n.f.l. Than the ultimate insider here I'm on Sirius x.m. N.f.l. Radio you can follow me on Twitter at Alex Marvel as our buddy Alex Marvis is joining us where are you today Alex are you still in Jacksonville or where where are you now I am back in games Vegas 10. 10 training camp stops and 3 days of the Pro Football Hall of Fame I have seen enough for right now and I'm so used to obsolete obviously you see enough preseason football but I don't know about you guys I'm actually really enjoyed the preseason game so far this year just because of the work the quarterbacks and also Patrick my homes and getting to see some of these young guys I'll be honest with you know would be exceptional more Jackson who just hasn't really set the world on fire yet I think the 1st 4 quarters. X. The other 4 taken the 1st round look pretty darn good for this stage of their n.f.l. Career All right well the question down the road is I want to get to a Little Hall of Fame for a moment here Alex the seniors Committee announcing Johnny Robinson he was like Jerry Kramer somehow he slipped through the cracks he was a 6 time finalist during the eighty's should have been the Hall of Fame years ago he's alive and well be 80 years old next month a very happy with the selection of Jerry Robinson but I want to I want to get to quarterbacks for a moment here because we're we're always talking about quarterbacks we're talking about rookie quarterbacks before they get Milligan and quarterbacks while they're playing in quarterbacks when they retired you know I was even thinking about when I was a kid so many years ago 3 quarterbacks who were dominant quarterbacks I mean they were united states weren't star but they were really good quarterbacks a couple of them were League m.v.p. S. Who have never gotten a sniff from the Hall of Fame that would be John Haydel John Brodie and Roman Gabriel and I grew up a Gabriel fan growing up in Los Angeles he was a league m.v.p. Very successful and to me when I look at those guys I sort of look at a Philip Rivers and some of the current guys there aren't you know the obvious Hall of Fame quarterback is not Brady's not man he's not far be one of those guys I want to get your take as you're a member of this voting committee and the whole dynamic of the quarterback position because such a spotlight is placed on him good or bad how do you judge and I mean when you if you're sitting on the Seniors committee and you bring up a name like a Brodie or Gabriel or John Haydel What is your argument for or against guys like that well I mean the argument against probably Trent chips Right right I mean and that's that's one of the thing that works against you know it's weird because you mention those guys and you're right they were premier players at their position and I put more stock in quarterback it so it's a harder position to play than any other on the field right I mean you're responsible for so much and it's such an art to be able to not only be able to dissect a defense but be able to connect with your receiver throw a football hang in there you know knowing that you're likely going to get hit if you if you hold on to the football for more than 2 seconds and you know see. He got I would mention Ken Anderson and her in that same breath you know and he took a team to a Super Bowl but they fell short and you wonder sometimes is that the one thing that's keeping these guys out of it it's a strange do and I don't want to say that there's politics involved because you know I don't think that there is because if they do have a big enough committee that I think you know you have input from some of the players I think you asked their peers and if they don't have support among their peers people who think that they're particularly special then they're not going to get in you know what I mean I mean it became just interrupt for a 2nd or Alex one of the guys on your committee is Dan Fouts who never got to a Super Bowl but was a 1st ballot Hall of Famer He's actually on the voting committee so how much how much stock do you put in when Dan Fouts was talking about a quarterback Well I put a lot in because Dan Fouts has much out of it I know but that's only me personally but I will tell you this though when it comes to him you know he was one of those guys where you were just so much better you know what I mean that than everyone else around you in a lot of ways and what he did the innovation of football with the Chargers that he sort of personifies That's why I understand why he's in I look I'll make a strong argument for a lot of courts I'd love to see Steve McNair get in the room you know and but you know will people say oh well he didn't win a Super Bowl they were one yard short because of Kevin Dyson right getting stopped by Mike Jones one of the great defensive plays but we're talking about someone who did win the league m.v.p. Someone who was an innovator I think a lot of young quarterbacks you know model themselves after his style began as a running type quarterback evolved into a passing type quarterback I think grossly under rated I would love to see again I mentioned Ken Anderson get in the room I'm glad that they corrected this weekend Stabler he should have been a long time ago it's an interesting position as well because you know some folks and I would hope that I think that the whole voters have a keener I than this but you can't be blinded by the stats you know passing back in the sixty's and seventy's even the eighty's a different animal than it was during you know during the time you have now right I mean there's just a different type of game that you have but these guys are able to hang in there week after week show up heave the football downfield and connect while the receivers are getting mugged because of before the Melbourne all yeah I would say that those guys should deserve a look and look. And by the way one thing real quick on the star may be a clearing house an Oreo coming up in the next year or 2 as a Pro Football Hall of Fame prepares to celebrate its 100th anniversary maybe and you know and listen I wouldn't I wouldn't be sad if I saw this in or out and you just have one final vote that's right in or out what 67 guys up there in or out and then just and you know what I mean I had some of that idea right well you know I was I was actually going to ask you know Steve and I were talking about this with each other during the break can you help us for those listening who we went through the whole t.l. Saga year ago and now obviously of course and be again but just you're a part of this process what is the process I think the average listener the average football fan really doesn't get the process so just explain it because we just end up seeing the headlines t.-o. Not in and then everyone says what do you mean he's not in so what is the process like it's interesting you know because as a presenter look there's to me the presentation you know you can be persuasive when you when you come up with great stuff let me give you an example I'll name names here Ok Jeff like Walt of e.s.p.n. Was presenting Floyd Little and he pointed out he went back and actually watched the film and explained how Floyd Little was getting killed behind the line of scrimmage basically every time you touch the football yet he was always able to average 234 yards out of those carries and he was a he was a great player on a poor team you know it was a prank as if you know for those who don't know didn't even make the playoffs for their 1st 14 years of existence so Floyd Little Rabbit winning record I mean Floyd Little was special and he was able to present that case I think though the key to having a good presentation is to be prepared when people say Ok Why isn't this guy in the Pro Football Hall of Fame we know and cab would have reasons have ways to answer it you know Ok Terrell Owens he was you know Q.'s not being a great team and you get into that debate among some voters as well does that matter when it comes to voting for the Pro Football Hall of Fame I think it does I think that you know they say it has to stay between the lines where you're not talking about off field things but if you're not on the field because of something that you did related to football well that's going to figure into play in. I think about t.o. Getting suspended you think about interactions with teammates you know those types of things again not having a Super Bowl title I think that does play in with some of these guys but that's really what ends up happening you have this good debate among people you know and sometimes you do draw comparisons you know when we're talking to you oh we're talking Isaac Bruce as well you know we're talking to Randy Moss because they were also part of the class of 15 finances Here's how do they compare to them for those who say well I'm going to vote for one receiver I'm not saying that that's right but maybe some just say I'm not going to vote for 2 or 3 players at a certain position I was going to vote for one that's why the meeting takes more than 8 hours to get done there's a lot of good football talk in there regarding you know whether these guys are able to get in a by the way just because you don't get in for one year doesn't mean you can't get in the next year and I get it I know Steve you hate that kind that part of it hey I know that I know you do and trust me we've talked about of year after year but but you know eventually if you're in that room long enough you're going to get in because that's because also the hall doesn't make it like Ok if you get let's say there's $45.00 voters and $45.00 of us you know how to put it it's there's a limit as to how many people can get into the Pro Football Hall of Fame each year it isn't like we can all vote in 10 or 12 people at the hallways of requirement maybe we start to get a flood of people come in but as of right now you're limited to 5 modern era candidates and you start talking contributors and senior committee and that's what your class looks like each year and that is lead to the waiting list by the way seeing the contributors are going to now sir candidates on Thursday I'm rooting for Papel and I believe he does belong even with his current situation aside that has nothing to do with that thing he was an instrumental owner in this league and Gill branch Kamado my God Can we get Gil in there I mean he's literally the architect of modern scouting of n.f.l. Players how is Gilbreath not in the hall I can give you a couple answers on that I go Brent's not in the Hall of Fame because of the other 2 members of the Dallas Cowboys that are in and that's Tex ram and Tom Landry and you have basically the guy who is go branch Boston texture a move team president and you have Tom Landry and that's left Gil a little. On the sidelines his name has been coming up year after year as of late because his control is contributions keep going in the n.f.l. And he's I mean it's amazing already when I was a gal I was amazing a season the fatigue of all I mean that's the definition of the word with Gil Brandt and you know for Pat Bowlen you know this is interesting I'm so glad you mentioned this so that bones name has come up before writing conversation but now finally there's a good platform that has been developed by supporters of his with the Broncos explaining why Pat Bowlen should get in it's not just because the Broncos won games it's because oh well he serves on 15 different n.f.l. Committee Q They broke down those things and they explained that this really hadn't been out there until recently and that's part of that's another tricky part of the Hall of Fame presentation is well you've got to make sure you're present in the room truly believes in your case has truly been there homework I mean kudos for model so care of the Miami Herald one of the reasons Jason Taylor got in on the 1st ballot which stunned me and I covered Jason Taylor for 8 years every day is a Dolphins beat writer but he had a letter from Tom Brady and he went outside the box and Tom Brady said that Jason Taylor was the best defensive player that he ever went against during his time in the n.f.l. That carried huge weight with the voters so that's all part of it it's a weird koalas here of help get the Pro Football Hall of Fame I'm just trying to shed a little light on it Alex I rarely if ever do this is there any way we can hold you yeah no problem because I mean we got a lot of we do our An n.f.l. Ticket to right now with Alex Marvin as in the camps and everything else so we're going to continue with Alex Marvin is here Calvin because you Ok those d. Because I mean you were getting got excited about some of these Hall of Fame guys you mentioned I'm not you know I you know I kind of massage you know a little Nollie that I get this is a real passion of mine this is this you know I just I'm a historian you know I want to see proper representation when you're talking about the history of any game especially the National Football League more Alex Marvin is coming up next we can talk the talk you can call it. You Josh your lunatic rant I am now going to go into. A fact based argument and ratings are not your Monday morning quarterbacking taking place in general too early because they're the Jets. 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Arguably the biggest rapper for like a decade a decade. Of the late ninety's too but will say the late early it's about leaders about white rappers you can see I don't want to say that I see you read too easy you. Don't know Eminem. Let me stick let me give the clues here Ok you played like oh I just heard that one that right there I can recognize a white rapper Nelly but it's too easy I was going to go that he was from Detroit I was going to work my way through that I thought he might see even though I saw my best and we were out of a decade not 10 months. Steve our McCallum watching with you and Alex Marvin is kind enough to give us an extended playing time today Alex of course Sirius x.m. N.f.l. Radio follow me on Twitter and Alex my best All right so we got back into the history of the game let's get back into the present right now Alex you imagine at the top that you're like what you see in some of these Ricky quarterbacks I want to mention Sam Darren old because the game the other night for the Jets you know he did some of the things that made him so dynamic at u.s.c. And then he did something that made him a question mark out of u.s.c. You know his ability to roll out the pocket make good throws his ability to make you know plays out of nothing we've seen that time and again and then he throws an interception into coverage and I grant it was a poor down play but those are the kind of decisions that led to him leading the nation in turnovers a year ago so. Give us a little insight right I'll start with Sam Donna what are you seeing right now and is top Bull's going to hang his career on a rookie quarterback you know this one I think is still up in the air and I you know we're going to know more right to be honest with you within the next 24 hours because by that point it should become pretty clear who's going to be starting to dress rehearsal preseason game for the New York Jets and whether that quarterback is has to be considered the odds on favorite for the job unless they're going to say Josh McCown come on down and even though you didn't play in a preseason game since you've been in the n.f.l. Since John Hales day to continue our previous conversation it's Ok you can just get out there and play but you're right with Donald and with a lot of these guys are going to be those types of growing pains one thing that they have corrected on him is him not getting sloppy when it comes to hole where he holds the football as he drops back he's doing a better job of keeping a closer to his body to have control of it he had a tendency that at Southern Cal to you know keep the football out a little bit and made it a little bit more susceptible to getting swatted away by a pass rusher but you know the part of the problem you have with the Jets is this I mean he becomes a little bit of a sacrificial lamb right you've got no tight end is the worst tight end situation in the n.f.l. You're wide receivers I mean you know we're talking Jermaine curse you know Quincy you know if he's able to come back from from you know the neck injury that sidelined him all last year and Robbie Anderson you're Ok very razor thin depth I don't think we can count on to remote from 2 well prior anything that comes at this point is a bonus and Ok running back you know as a crow and company but all power canard McGuire So I mean that's really what we're looking at here do you want to put him out there to play with this group or do you want someone else to take those lumps early on in the season I think that's a big question you know right now there is no market for Teddy Bridgewater Teddy It's great to see him out on the field the rest 1st touchdown pass and he was injured back in 2016 if there's a starter that goes down maybe then the narrative changes maybe Teddy Bridgewater is on the move to another team and then at that point it paves the way for Sam Brunell to get on the field but let's wait about 24 hours on this one to figure out what's going to be. Happening with the Jets and that pivotal 3rd preseason game all right let's say we're with the young quarterbacks Baker Mayfield who by the way the more I watch were talking about earlier Hard Knocks the more I like him just his the meter and then the way the teams receiving him it seems like they really are buying into him he's been successful now as a 1st what 2 preseason games but so a rod tie rod in your mouth and Taylor has done the same thing as well as to me this Alex with that with the Browns Obviously they think they're better than they have been which he should be but are they going to waive his base off playoff like we actually believe we can make the playoffs therefore we'll go with the veteran we know entire rod or do they believe we want to be a more developmental in next years our year with Baker So where do they where they come out with this with 2 quarterbacks now this one gets really interesting with the hard knocks cameras capture all of this conversation we're about to have right here because if you're Hugh Jackson My feeling is you want to Rod Taylor to be your starting quarterback because he gives you the best chance to win now you Jackson has won one game in 2 seasons he needs to start winning football games and if you again say well Ok We're going to have a rookie quarterback we're going to put up with those mistakes will be better by the end of the year but you know we're 4 in 12 and you know everyone already checked out you know if you're Hugh you're I am I'm pretty certain you're pushing for to Rod Taylor in fact there's never been an indication that he hasn't been pushing for to Rod Taylor to play this entire season he is buried Baker Mayfield as best he can on the depth chart as I'm listed as the 3rd string quarterback has already said the true stand would be the guy that would likely enter a game in case something were to happen to you know to to Rod So while Baker Mayfield may be on the field by the end of the year I just get the feeling that they want to start with Taylor and I think what will move look encouraging signs from Baker Mayfield you know especially the poise that he shows the fact that he goes to risk progressions gets in he can throw I mean he's mobile and he looks a lot of things to love but is he absolutely ready to start ahead of to Rod Taylor right now I don't think so and looked at the way they looked and again we don't want to get sucked in by preseason football but I. The stuff the Todd Haley has brought to the sa fence it looked far more dynamic than anything that the Cleveland Browns did in 2017 they ran the football effectively and it was really like mano a mano stuff so to speak last night there were just some plays that the Cleveland Browns on that high paid off in supply and simply dominated some folks job Tonio has been a fantastic fit at left tackle so far which is encouraging and more good news for the Browns today Josh Gordon is coming back to the team he just announces a little while ago that he is going to be returning apparently still and you know several things still come to door with the n.f.l. As far as him being you know remaining I want to go to play some football so that's going to be a big boost for this team as well still a lot of questions about the Browns I mean I'm told that further notice they're still the Browns but I think to raw to be together starts the season and at some point seems to Baker may feel just not right away and I think a lot of that because if you Jackson trying to save his job one of the most fascinating teens for me going into the season is the Buffalo Bills I mean this is a team that made the playoffs last year they were in the playoffs and yet preseason they are considered one of the 2 worst teams in the n.f.l. Based on odds to go to the Super Bowl now they lose McCarran with the shoulder situation the injury the fractured collarbone and then there's Josh Allen All right speaking of young quarterbacks we've all been saying the same thing about Josh Allen you see him throw the ball his ability to actually throw the football probably puts everybody else to shame but then you look at the lack of accuracy and everything else look these and in this last game but the question is Where are the bills right now in is there any way that you can see in your crystal ball that Josh Allen might actually be the biggest surprise of any of these rookie quarterbacks Oh I'm surprised he's you know that very well could be you know what I liked last night was he got a lot of looks interesting situations right he got some goal line looks he got some short yardage looks he got you know he got some 2 minute action I mean all of those things you know you couldn't have scripted this preseason game any better for the Buffalo Bills. And you saw the kid when you know his 1st pass was it reminded me of a Cam Newton in the town for remember how amped up he was Bulger's like stories like you know Ted Ted yards ahead both tell the edge of it type of deal but you know he settled down even after getting sacked twice he calmed down and you know you saw the poise you know he didn't panic in the pocket and of course he can make throws and no other quarterback on the team can and I guess we're waging McCarran out of the mix come on what are we talking about here Nate Peterman you know you have the 5 interceptions last year doesn't look all that markedly better so far this preseason against Josh Allen I think this is Josh Allen's team from this point forward I'd be stunned if the if the bills just didn't say the Future is Now let's ride with this kid and roll from there Nate Peterman sounds like a q.b. a Great doctor legacy doctor Nate Peterman I know he's a great quarterback that there's half a quarterback in I've ever seen in my life but did he answer Chargers well have or Hey Alex last one for me I want to you know we keep showing love to quarterbacks Yeah let's get to the defensive side of the ball and obviously us being here in l.a. There's a big game happening here in less than a couple of hours with the Raiders coming back to town the 1st time in 20 plus years taking on the Rams sexy Super Bowl contending team except both teams and arguably the 2 best players on either teams are going to be playing and that is of course Mack and Donald those guys are still holding out where we would that are we going to end up seeing the where 2 of the best the vendors in the league are actually going to play in week one of the n.f.l. I don't think it's going to get to that at this point you know for colonial mac he said to make 13900000 dollars this year so divide that number by 17 Ok what about an All Black team that are played right so you're talking losing $1900000.00 a week you know by not playing I mean that's even if he gets a contract extension at some point it's really hard to make up that type of money if you understand what I'm saying and it doesn't I don't think it advances his cause either so I you know look the Raiders everything changed when Jon Gruden came in this franchise continues to change I was speaking to people connected to that that building that have told me this there's. Number of people behind the scenes who have already been told and a lot of these names are now out there but a number of people been told you're not going with us to Las Vegas thank you for your service with the Raiders It could be a few years it could be decades but you're gone then you've got those that know that they're going to be moving to Las Vegas and then you have that group in the middle of this organization that has no idea if they're going to be headed to Sin City or not it is a mess behind the scenes right now clearly the Raiders as Amy Trask pointed out le former Raiders executive earlier this week on c.b.s. Radio that you know they didn't they've seen what they didn't plan for this my thing is no I think they plan for this I think Jon Gruden came in and said we're going to go ahead and upgrade other areas of this team until Mack or regiment can say you said he was going to get paid in 2018 I'm the head coach now I've got the juice will do a colossal mack down the road that's the way I'm envisioning that's an Oreo I still think Mack shows up ultimately I think in the case of Sam Donald this is all just a matter of contract payout and the way that the deal structure the Rams understand what the numbers are but there's also a question of how is this money going to be paid to Aaron Donald in the way that the contract the language of it it's a huge deal to be the biggest deal for a defensive player and n.f.l. History I know they've had years to work on this don't get me wrong but I think the odds of him getting his deal done for the long term much better at this point for the 2018 season than it is for cologne back by 10 seconds will Dez Bryant and Josh Gordon be teammates this year no I don't think you I don't think so I don't think I just feel like the Browns now at this point Bryant was there he left you know they had the chance to sign him I don't just I just I'm not feeling it I'm not feeling it I just I just don't know it's just weird you know like doesn't even really want to show up to begin with then he came and then he leaves without a contract I think does is hoping for a better offer to come his way and by the way who's to say that the Browns are desperate enough to sign does Bryant and they seem to be in a pretty good chance I said Josh Gordon can come back Alex We really appreciate a extended time with a great Alex Marv as today it was an honor gentlemen because it really is Alex Marquez Sirius x.m. N.f.l. Radio ad Alex Marvin when the guy go Fox Sports Radio studios. Sagers standing by right now is really checking the traffic situation around the coliseum right now this is of your biggest concern not a place I would want to be I'm due to be there next month for a game and I feel like I should leave now the story here the update on wide receiver Josh Gordon he did announce he is returning to the Browns The league says Gordon can do conditioning attend team meetings and practice but he cannot yet participate since he's still in the drug program and Gordon says he needed time this past month to ensure his overall mental and physical health he says My primary focus must remain on sobriety and mental well being 7 n.f.l. Exhibitions on the Saturday schedule coming up later in l.a. Oakland at the l.a. Rams and right now about a minute to go in the 1st half of Minnesota the Jaguars leading 73 over the Vikings Minnesota starting quarterback Kurt cousins had just 12 yards passing and sacked once he was 3 of 8 Trevor Simeon then came on the table as Murray 6 carries just 12 yards rushing Blake Bortles 126 yards passing for Jacksonville and one interception the day game so far in the major leagues is that Yankee Stadium it's New York 5 nothing over the Blue Jays just bottom of the 3rd inning d.t. Gregorios with a 2 run homer in the 1st Luis Severino is on the mound $15.00 and $6.00 record online car shopping can be confusing not anymore with your price from True Car Now you can know the exact price you'll pay for your next cars to visit True Car to enjoy a more confident car buying experience coming up at 4 pm Eastern time defending champion Houston at the Oakland A's Jose all today will play a minor league rehab game tomorrow at AAA missed about 3 weeks with a sore knee the Oakland A's since mid June are $39.13 when their leading after the 7th inning their 50 and 0 this year the only undefeated team in that situation and Houston 1st in the division is now only one game ahead of the A's after Oakland's walk off win last night can you imagine the odds before the season that we'd be sitting here on one of the 18th of August. There would be one game separating the Astros and the ace especially because we all look at that pitching staff getting better for Houston how is anybody even going to compete with them and that division and here we are it could be tied after Tonight unbelievable our great amazing turnaround Mr Sager We'll talk to you a little bit later on once again we're coming in live from the Geico Foxworth's radio studios easy to say 50 percent of our current turns a Geico go to guy going to come or call $8947.00 auto The only hard part for going out which way is easier we've been talking a lot and if I want to detour a little bit because of the Ohio State story the school president announced yesterday late yesterday that some kind of decision will be Mt tomorrow right Cayenne by the way if you if you did you see the latest on Zach Smith So now there is a report that Zach Smith when he was member of the highest states staff had sex toys delivered to him. Now this is getting ugly so I predicate if you have young people listening I'm just going to read I mean no bad words here but it was a little graphic Ok so they said they took photos of themselves receiving oral sex and having sex on a high state staffer in the Buckeyes coach's office in 12th 2015 as was a photo of his genitalia according to report his ex-wife Courtney Smith also said her former husband sent a photo of his genitalia with a timestamp indicating it's from the day that the Ohio State Buckeyes visited the White House in memory after winning the national championship one photo included a White House bathroom towel with a seal of the president and then says he received $2200.00 worth the personal items including sex toys delivered to the Buckeyes football offices inside Woody Hayes Athletic Center and his attorney said I No idea about any of all this stuff all right well this is all about Zach Smith The question is how much of this is about Urban Meyer and I have maintained from the get go especially after Urban Meyer changes story a little bit and he did a very soon teach sickly Calvin saying that he once through the proper protocol in other words what he was saying is if I'm going down everyone's going down the athletic director everyone else and when he said that my immediate thought was and again considering how much obvious that football program a successful program football program means money wise university that he's going nowhere What are your thoughts on this how this is all going to play out well I do think we had this conversation last week and I started to really think was best when you heard about I believe Courtney Smith is her name right the wife former wife of Zach's with her own mother and some of the other mothers involve the people involved were saying that you know they didn't believe her and that she could be fabricating this and trying to do everything revenge tactics but then you start to read this report that you just referred to and this just so is that how many different some places things in situations he put himself in so it's not just one right. Next measure hey you know if that's all he gets down he wants to send some some sexting going on that's what we need him in his wife or you know as is love or whatever the case may have been you could maybe you dismiss that and then you talk about nearly as unpatriotic Yeah he's got presidential tiles that I mean that's just leave it there was no note that that is that's very true yogic But then you have sex toys coming through the university yes not even like we were on the road and I had it sent to a hotel now to the university so I mean this starts to again but where it is where does it word how do you draw Urban Meyer into like I do you know how state is trying to figure out a way to save Urban Meyer right so but where I'm going with this is at some point you can say through all of these different avenues so I wrote I mentioned the let's start at the beginning the domestic violence issues then you've got sex toys being sent to the school then you've got sexting and all these different things where something had to have come to the head coach that's my point to bring these things over with just one thing you can say that we want to buy the coach about it you know if we went to the other people about it we we had other kind of our round coach we didn't want to coach to be involved maybe we're protecting him so he doesn't know because and you can always say I don't know. But once you start out that is 4 or 5 different things Isaac's that Smith had himself into your eye Urban Meyer had to be aware of something you well let me slow down for saying I show you my you know there's all this all came down to did it tell the coach remember this is what the story change in other words he had originally said it became media day that he had no clue about the incident and then Zack Smith like the same day said I told the coach what I was accused of not that I had been engaged in any wrongful but I'm being accused of this so that caught Urban Meyer allegedly in a lie and then he went back to his whole statement about what I mean if we're getting to this level or talk about sex toys and all this other. And photos from the White House I mean you really think that this is something that Urban Meyer would know about what I think I mean I mean some of this is you know I mean I'm not telling my bosses all about my private life and everything else although I probably share more than I should probably do based on what we do but I'm just adding 2 more along though this starts to give a full representation of the guy right so that if it's like all of these things are out there there are some other things I had come around as well and if he told you hey coach Look man you know me I'm all my wife are going through some things and hey she is accuse me of this allegedly saying this happened it didn't happen I want you to hear from me 1st right I mean there there now is the conversation what is a coach what do you do if something is alleged Well then he said that he wanted to withdraw from protocol right hoarded it to the athletic director whoever is the same story the Joe Paterno game but remember Joe had no way to back up a story because he died by the time everything hit the fan he was already dead so where do we want based off simply allegations I think it's difficult when you're asking these head coaches who are so locked in and we already know how Urban Meyer is a guy has a heart attack he's so into it right but to kind of stop their process of what they're doing based off allegations and I think by now they should know this because it's backfired for what to do 3 decades where players we end up hearing about it and it comes back player x. Was involved in something allegedly or not or was charged not but it becomes a thing by now you would think coaches and you mentioned even in the same big 10 with the with happen at Penn State by now you would think a coach would stop and say I hold on. I don't like that He Say She Say I don't like all of that but the fact of the matter is what we know about all these things the buck stops with me so let me protect me and go through the proper protocol so that I can say hey I'd wipe our hands clean I did my job it's on you all to vet the process and you know and do whatever the proper actions are so I can but but him lying did not help for him. Shading you know getting us a portion of the truth and beginning you know saying I was unaware of what kind of new but I want the public protocol and that makes it look very sketchy and shady See my mind my thought process if I'm Ohio State right now and they're sitting there and they're just like what are we going to do here I would I would say this is what I would say we live in a new cycle that changes daily Yes that is I mean no matter how huge a story may seem one day it seems to be forgotten the next day so there might be short term ramifications let's say Ohio state announces we are suspending Coach Meyer for a couple of games or something along those lines we found that he should have reported step they didn't report but he personally was not involved in any of this this has to do with somebody that was on his staff and they were still questions about the validity of the whole accusation still he should have done more and we're going to suspend the coach so give the optics that we're not going to let him skate on this he's going to be suspended even though you know behind the scenes he's still going to do all the coaching even if he's not on the field and and of course immediately all hell's going to break loose I mean university is cops and you know in this me too you me 2 generation they're going to ridicule the university how dare you he's basically an enabler and you're but a University has been accused of other things you know with Congressman Jordan everything all this cover up and everything that will die now will die and even if you're Dan Tony or Franklin or Harbaugh one of the other coaches in the Big 10 you know sitting down with a recruit saying hey do you really want your son to be there at Ohio State with all that stuff going even that's going to die down especially if he comes back and starts winning again so that would be my my thought process where it's not going to be pretty in the beginning if you do that it's going to get ugly but if you if you let Urban Meyer go and let's say he sits out a year. He'll get picked up well he will get a who's who of college football banging on his door for his next job and I don't know if this warrants letting go if we find out that he did do even a similar to the proper protocol I mean I don't know if this warrants being let go as you mention a suspension. Maybe you know even if we don't suspend him but he's not going to pay for a couple of games are some way of penalizing him I don't know if it warrants that because again it's too murky it's too it's nothing's clear cut it's not black or white is too we're hearing that there was like a Wives Club you will that was in a text message group and well they knew but that I don't know that means that the Urban Meyer's wife say Hey Herb Have you heard about this because maybe this is just between the ladies you know I mean you know we all know as a guys you have certain things that go around with your boys right you know hey man you know you my wife's been she's been hard on me my wife's been you know my back you know go hey to the wives because you know potentially She may tell so I don't know what went from just the wives group text to urban and it's too murky and I think that's been a fitting Ohio State is that they can say look something happened we don't know exact details. But we're going to handle it this way suspended 4 games suspended for game maturity even though we might not suspend we're going to penalize an i.p.o. And they can move on and unfortunately I think as a society we'll be Ok with that in the sense that the message violence we always talk about it from a sports level because these are more known people the fact is this happens out of the very alarming rate with regular joe blow if you will well your name even showed statistics when you talk about men in the age demographic of professional athletes that are around the numbers are higher in just mainstream America who are in the athletic world so for us to keep looking at the n.f.l. As to be this you know the kind of the moral moral standard of for these things we need to take a look in the mirror and I don't mean us or guys here right now but as a society why isn't this big enough why don't we care enough and how do we change it as opposed to looking at an athlete talking about them the Raiders are great I'm just we mention a preseason game going on in l.a. To get a preseason about it's not like any preseason game on and I know and the whole dynamic of one of the most valuable teams to this league from a branding standpoint the Silver and Black what's going on with Jon Gruden we're going to tell you coming up next let's go let's go that's when you hear the letters and then at the end that's in them. With you think up. On. The n.f.l. Is baby. Killer Fox Sports Radio. On this episode of the world short a sitcom by k.f.c. . Order we learned a folks. That's right k.f.c. Now has 4 different $20.00 Phillips to feed a family of 4. Like my extra crispy or 8 b.c. 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From the weak days an eye out for the weak yes. But it's why we're chasing a breaking story right. Ok. The ones that cover it. With me. Radio series. With chatter to all summer long skeeball stars like Baron Davis Nate Robinson and Canyon Martin have changed the game as the big 3 teams face off one last time for their chance to be crowned champions the big 3 championship Friday at 8 pm Eastern on Fox. People are being killed in a watch and a great news quick way to save money which the Geico go to guy good are common in 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on car insurance Jon Gruden Kilbane is short of the modern day John Madden. And I say that in this sense you know John Madden retired from coaching at age 42. And 42 I mean he maybe you thought he was older than that but he was with the Raiders for 10 years he was the youngest coach when he started and he retired at 42 and it was never his game plan to become John Madden the announcer and you know icon when it comes to east sports analyst kind of stuff and though there was always that thought that well what about if he came back to coaching I mean being down by and obviously knew the game and everything else he entered in the Hall of Fame as a coach and all this kind of stuff but now we get Gruden who got to that level not maybe as big as man but it was there I mean he was he had spent a decade away from Cocina And you know he had that you know code you know the quarterback clinics all with e.s.p.n. Everything else obviously he was doing money Night Football and you know and he's and he's still young Ok so what happens if he gets back to coaching Well he did you know under a reported $100000000.00 contract over 10 years with the Raiders you know we're talking Alex Marv as a little bit earlier about this whole dynamic of what's going down you know Oakland right now where it seems like Jon Gruden knowing that when he was with the Raiders Originally there was no question who the boss was it was Al Davis and Al Davis traded him people forget this heat traded Jon Gruden to Tampa Bay and got a lot of return by the way for a coach when you consider it when he traded him in a really in a situation where you're getting old too big for your bridges and I know you're good but I'm still the boss it would seem that Mark Davis has basically conceded the fact that I'm going to let Jon Gruden control the destiny of the Raider organization that's why I'm paying him all this money said a wise move I think that's that to me is so is the guess in a good way he's not prideful where I will jeopardize the team and I'll give another example where we saw this Jimmie Johnson and. And the owner of the cowboys Jerry Jones Yeah where Jerry Jones wanted you know I want all the love I am the one I got this team you know to be successful I'm the one that got us all these rings and all this time hey I make it about me as we know Jerry Jones to be as yeah now more familiar with it and willing ever since he bought the team and then you look at Jimmy Johnson who was able to come in and have success and really Coast a team to being dynamic so it's a similar thing where Ok let me learn how to step back maybe stay in the shadows a bit it's my team and I'm going to reap the benefits of their success. Well whether I get in the headlines or not because it's my team so let me stay in the background let me get this man he needs let me get the guy I want you got to shepherd this team to 6666 s. Again we've got the quarterback that we believe is our guy the future we've got defensive players we've got some offerings of weapons let's house some success and I think that's difficult for a lot of owners to do because they want the spotlight it's hard to have all the success you have to be in the background and no one knows you like you can walk into certain places and no one knows you are for them and I think that the best owners learn how to kind of you know hey I'm here but my presence known Here's a culture I want to set the tone I want to set but at the end of the day you do you and I think the best leaders know how to do that well it's interesting because of this dynamic right now a group in and Callil Mack you know Khloe Mack I mean I even see odds put out on what team is going to end up with and I saw the Packers and I'm like How can the Packers I mean. First of all any team a good sum is going to have to give him what he wants and he's sitting waiting for Aaron Donald to get is deal or whatever it is he once said there at the very least the same deal Meanwhile if you're the Green Bay Packers what would you give up would you give up to number one picks for Callil Mack and then sign a new contract knowing that you have to still put together Aaron Rodgers contract which will be the biggest unknown history the n.f.l. Has made it known we'd like you defenders we don't love you enough to to offer you the contracts you want so if you're right I mean this dynamic today with the Raiders Rams Aaron down a call mag very very interesting speaking of the National Football League as we're now just a few weeks away from the start of the season one big decision hasn't been made will tell you what is next. 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Back on the disabled list with mild shoulder inflammation Boston hosting.

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