The Neo Nazi website is praising the president for not condemning white nationalist groups the North Korean military reportedly putting the final touches on a plan to fire 4 missiles into the waters around the u.s. Territory of Guam correspondent Anna Coren in Seoul reports South Korea is hoping that won't happen what they want help with it is full at the u.s. President John Edwards trying to climb down his inflammatory language to act like a statesman and to do everything in his power to result this crisis that diplomatically the Pentagon said today that several leaders of ISIS in Afghanistan were killed in a u.s. Airstrike on Thursday The attack killed a senior leader in coup in our province along with 3 other commanders and Afghan officials reported Saturday that a u.s. Airstrike killed 16 civilians but American officials said only militants were killed when Christopher Cruz. 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It's one very powerful computer Indeed it's one of the most high tech payloads ever to head for the i s s the most powerful commercial off the shelf computer ever designed to operate in space the space borne computer has the ability to make one trillion calculations in a single 2nd that's anywhere between 30 and 100 times more powerful than your average desktop scientists say they're not sure if the computer will work in space they say they will know he in a few weeks Kevin Costner is in the lead heading into the final round of the p.g.a. Championship a Quail Hollow in Charlotte North Carolina Kisner took the lead with a one over 72 on Saturday he began today's play about 2 hours ago at 7 under for the tournament he decade and Chris Stroud are one stroke off the lead at minus 6 Christopher proof. And I'm Susanna Palmer in the Bloomberg $916.00 newsroom Mitsubishi u f j a financial group is hiring in Saudi Arabia this as the bank seeks to benefit from privatizations valued at more than 350000000000 dollars over the next 5 years and u.f.t.a. Is the bank is known is set to become the 1st a Japanese lender to start full banking operations in Saudi Arabia after obtaining approval from the kingdom's Central Bank Japanese banks are seeking opportunities in Saudi Arabia as the country pursues a plan to reduce its dependence on oil Qatar Airways says it hasn't given up on investing in the u.s. After scrapping plans to buy a stake in American Airlines Group this amid opposition from American more from Bloomberg Charlie tell it Akbar Al Baker the Persian Gulf carriers chief executive officer said quote We have other opportunities both in America and North America which we will consider He says quote I have some things in mind the u.s. Is an important market for us Carter Airways ended its interest in American on August 2nd after the us. Nobody's Chief Doug Parker said he was not keen on having the Gulf carrier as a shareholder Charlie Bloomberg Radio several media are reporting that Japan's Softbank is approaching super shareholders in search of a discount deal to buy shares in the right hailing app Foster City based a ghillie and Sciences was granted or a friend drug status for its drug treatment to prevent a disease they can develop if you are in receipt of cells from a transplant it's called a graph diverses host a disease orphan drugs are entitled to 7 years of market exclusivity if approved by the f.d.a. For treatment of a rare disease Global News 24 hours a day powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries I'm Susanna Palmer and this is Bloomberg. This is funded wrong Charlie Rose on Bloomberg. News. This week. Jake Sullivan is here he served as deputy chief of staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and his national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden was also a senior policy adviser on Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign has been one of her close his age for over a decade many believe he would have been national security adviser had Clinton won the 2016 presidential election he is now a visiting professor at Yale Law School and a senior advisor to the u.s. Government on the Iran nuclear negotiations I'm pleased to have him here at this table for the 1st time welcome thanks for having me to know little about your life is to see a really remarkable to. Series a progression and. What's the key to that success I think the single biggest thing is saying yes to opportunities when they come along I always thought that I would head back home to Minnesota and build a life and career there and actually Law and Politics in the law and politics and when I finished with Justice Pryor back in 2005 I moved home thinking that's where I was going to be. I joined a law firm I got engaged in the community and Amy Klobuchar asked me if I would come out just for a short while to d.c. To help get her up and running in her 1st year as a senator and then the next opportunity came along to work for Hillary Clinton and prepare her for the debates in the 2008 presidential primary and then the next opportunity came along and each time I said I'm going back home to Minnesota and each time I found a chance to serve. And the result has been an extraordinary opportunity for me to learn and to try to do a few good things along with modesty tell me what it is you think you brought to the table. Actually it's something that both Judge calibrate justice Brier taught me which is that no matter how right you think you or whatever your argument is is going to have some weaknesses and blind spots and no matter how long you think the other person is the other guy is going to have some good points to make and you need to acknowledge both of those things I learned that early on and I tried to find and study where the weaknesses and blind spots were on our side and what the good arguments on the other side were and so if you take the Iran nuclear negotiations as an example I spent a lot of time with those Sypher as critics of the deal as we were doing those negotiations to understand what their concerns were and to communicate them to our team and say you know what on a few of these points they're not wrong and we've got to find a way for example the close this hole or stop the Iranians from doing that so in addition to you know working hard and really trying to study the issues I think that. That's really important in Washington and frankly is now getting to be in short supply meaning that making sure that you hear the other side you hear the other side and but even more than hearing the other side that you study your own position more than I think most people do and you're willing to change your mind you're willing to say you know what I thought that was the right way to go about it it turns out actually we should do it a little bit different I don't know this is relevant but there was an interesting. Glimpse in the book Shattered about the campaign in which Secretary Clinton. I was being bombarded by you and others with questions that she may face and she basically said here you try this right it was you that she said you tried it you'll see how easy this is what you yes we were we were doing debate prep Actually it was the day after Bernie had won the Michigan primary it was a hard day you were down in Miami in advance of a nother primary debate before a set of really important primaries and I was chiding Secretary Clinton for her is a very good sized ones and she said All right let's do it this way why don't you be me and then I'll be Bernie and we'll see how you do and she did and she said it in the book makes it sound like it was incredibly rancorous it was and I think she was basically trying to put me in the position as an adviser of what it's actually like to go through this I have to tell you it was not easy and was informative it was very informative in fact I think I wish I had done it way back in 2008 because I had gone through debate prep for her for President Obama in the 2008 campaign and then for her and it was very late in the game that I understood from the perspective of the person you're preparing what it's like to go through that that's exactly the kind of thing that I feel folks in my position should do more in this state the fact that in 2008 you were working for her rather than for him you know I worked for her out in the primary and then in the general election as a general election candidate right I was part of the debate preparation team that prepared him for the general election debates against John McCain We will hear some of this when she writes her book about what happened you were there you saw what was going on what happened. Well there's a reason that she wrote a book on this because it takes an entire book I think to fully explain it the complexity and interconnectedness of a whole bunch of different strands all coming together on one day in November to produce a defeat and I think if it had been almost any other day she probably would have won the election I do believe that well in part because of what happened in those closing days of the campaign Jim comi came out on October 28th. Just 10 days before the election and you guys had momentum at that time right exactly and then he came out again just 2 days before the election with the letter saying Actually I'm now once again exonerating Secretary Clinton and who magazine and so this was an election with ebbs and flows that happened very rapidly and repeatedly and if you look at any chart of the gap between Trump and Clinton it would get wider and narrower and wider and narrower week by week month by month and it was only at very certain points for a few days at a time that trump close the gap and got even with her this was one of those days but if it was a week later or a week earlier I think the odds that she won would not have been small so that just goes to show you how contingent this can be but that's not to excuse something about the momentum of campaigns I mean people say that if Hubert Humphrey had 2 more weeks he might have won the election as well and of course we don't know I'm not I can't say this with with any degree of certitude but. I basically divide the challenges we face in this campaign into 3 categories the 1st category is that exaggerates variables the fact of an f.b.i. Investigation along with comas later intervention and the fact of a sophisticated systematic Kremlin directed information warfare campaign by the Russians That's former deputy chief of staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden Jake Sullivan coming up Charlie asks if President Obama could have made a difference in the 2016 elections. This is Sunday brunch with Charlie Rose on Bloomberg Radio. How can you get people who actually know what they're talking about to tell you what they know what is their gut telling by asking the right questions someday starting to Meet the Press what would American officials be doing after an attack like this Fox News Sunday be a knave government regulation a.b.c. a solo vehicle spin out over to the right hand shoulder southbound 80 before 66 Ave westbound 584238 tire tread in the center lanes an overture and crash into a ditch in American king and it's American Canyon Road was found right at the 80 connector fact the c.h.p. Says they might be able to clear things out by 745 this morning outside Lyons festival happens today is the last day of the festival heavy foot traffic into and out of Golden Gate Park and a heavy ridership on Muni as well as people using NASA transit to get to the festival so it's going to impact traffic on Fulton a park for City Oh thank you Lincoln way also for a crossover you're going to expect some heavy traffic as well big bridge traffic Golden Gate Bridge traffic no problems there trying for flowing freely into and out of San Francisco Bloomberg 3 day weather forecast from meteorologist Rob St Pierre early morning coffee start giving way to mostly sunny and breezy conditions today tomorrow and Tuesday Daytime highs will range from the sixty's and seventy's near the bay to the eighty's and almost 90 illin overnight lows will be in the fifty's and sixty's becoming mostly cloudy Bloomberg Bay Area sports coasted past the flood extolled 5 in the 4 game set concludes today in Oakland starting at 100 5 pm with the Bay Area's best for up a gun Ted Stevens going 60 and 103.7 f.m. H.d. 2. This is Sunday brunch with Charlie Rose on Bloomberg great his guest former deputy chief of staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden Jake Sullivan and once again here's Charlie Rose Do you also believe that. President Obama could have made a difference if he'd been stronger in his own declarations about Russia attacking I think that President Obama was in an impossible position on this issue here he was the commander in chief trying to defend American democracy but also the standard bearer of the Democratic Party in the middle of an election with a Democrat against a Republican and I think he wanted very badly to avoid any appearance that he was putting his thumb on the scale in the selection and that's to his credit so I understand why he decided not to use it you have now you know no the humility of defeat the 1st time you've been defeated in your life in a sense of wanting something badly and not getting it. I suppose you could say it's the 1st time on any scale that matters I mean I've done everything from Lose cross-country races to do back my hair on tests to. You know in the past not getting exactly the job I wanted a different points that's happened in my life but this is the 1st time where something was riding on it beyond just kind of what I wanted to go then I suppose you could say what I thought was the best interest of the country I thought we had made a difference and notwithstanding what influence I might have had among the people trying to shape the world right and actually the merger between my own desire to win because I have a competitive streak and you know I wanted the opportunity to serve again and the fact that us that having Hillary Clinton as president not Donald Trump I thought would made a profound difference for the future of the country in the world this was on a scale unlike anything I of course of experience before and it's something that you've got to look at Learn From see what you could have done better what to draw from it but not just make it about. Yourself I shouldn't just make this about myself this is also about how to think about the future of the United States both our policy our politics and our sense of how we relate to one another and I think this core question of who are we as a country is one that is very much up in the air did you say the things that you campaign and her believed in but somehow they weren't heard somehow because of the way presidential campaigns work somehow because of how people see we see the previous person speaking it didn't get through so after the campaign I had a meeting with one of the British politicians who was leading the remaining campaign for bricks it and they lost so here I was working on the campaign losing to Trump and this is a guy who lost to Bracks and he said to me you know in both cases the common denominator was we were trying to provide answers and what people really wanted was anger a sense that you got it that that this is Tim was broken they didn't want dry policy so as they need or proposition it's not necessarily that you have to say to Do not a politician have to say to people that you want to support you you know I hear you and I hear your the old slogan I feel your pain you do but the question is how do you balance the diagnosis part of your message and the prescription part of your message and both Bernie and Trump were very heavy on the diagnosis and that's really what people wanted Hillary Clinton by constitution by who she is deep down fundamentally is much more of a prescription person than a diagnosis person she's going to want to look at you and say I can help solve your problem through the following 4 steps and so the answer to Where would you put her husband I would say that he is has more of the diagnosis bit in him going back to his days as a politician pressing the flesh and in Arkansas back in the seventy's and the I feel your pain piece of Bill Clinton is something that's famous about his his personality so if you look at what Hillary was arguing for in this. Race the types of policies that she was pressing and you look at now what the Democratic Party has embraced as their message going forward they're very similar in fact Hillary was on the leading edge of many issues that are now coming to the fore for example she talked a lot about the growing comp. Monopoly power of corporations which is becoming the progressive watchword she talked about which was one of the keystones of Bernie Sanders campaign well but one of the things that Hillary did that Bernie really didn't talk that much about was this issue of antitrust and competition and come market concentration Bernie talked about the banks and breaking up The Wall Street he talked about single payer health care but the idea that the corporate sector in the United States is getting consolidated and concentrated across the board and as a result people are extracting monopoly rents this was an idea an argument that has had a long history in the Democratic Party going back to the populist days. That Hillary was putting forward that now is at the center of what the Democrats are arguing that's just one among many examples of where I think she was on the right track but our capacity as a campaign to connect that to the lived experience of people across the country was not frankly a lot of this is a question of the candidate and how much of it is a question of the campaign. You know it's really hard to say when you're the campaign and not the candidate I have a tendency to try to take responsibility under my own our shoulders Hillary was out there busting her tail every day doing everything that she could so I like to believe that there was more we could have done to set her up for success and have you had all the the teachers so I mean how do you deal with something that is so money middle and it would have shaped at least if she had one broadly the next 8 years of your life so I think number one you've got to look at what the real ramifications of this are the effects on me and my life day to day compared to the effect on the lives of immigrant families or people who are already of losing health care over to Joe 11000000 people in Seoul right who are scared that when they go to sleep at night I don't even it's hard for me to even ask that question all I can try to do is think now that this is happened what can I learn looking backwards but more importantly. In the landscape we face today both domestically internationally what can I do to try and help a little to be constructive and in doing that to recognize that whatever you think of Donald Trump 62000000 Americans voted for this guy 62 of those people they had an argument to make about how government wasn't looking out for them and we owe them answers as well and I'm looking to try and find what some of those answers are and you said this and I tend to agree with it the biggest challenges in the campaign of course as a policy guy is the difficulty of pushing through the cable and social media chatter to try to engage with the American people in a serious conversation about real issues that impact their lives and the future of this country I think. Candidates and their staff are equally responsible for that I mean because those of us in the media especially at this table wanted nothing more as you know during the campaign and in our conversation and would have done more. And people don't because of the risk of campaigns don't want to do that that much. I would say that if Hillary Clinton had been given the opportunity on a nightly basis one hour Donald Trump gets one hour she gets every night and they just make policy presentations and that's how the campaign was run she would have taken that in a hard the presentation I mean the more I think is better is engaging conversation find a resolution suggested fair enough to a ruthless brutal interview on name your subject right what are you going to do about I mean I know it's right exactly that's former deputy chief of staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden Jake Sullivan coming up the writer. 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I t because in many ways it represents one of the next technological from 2 years we've developed so much in the 20th century and into the 21st century in terms of innovation and technology that it's really only been in the last 20 or 30 years that we've begun to worry about well how do those technological solutions continue through multiple generations where we will use up resources plus quickly to graduates or both sensitive to and interested in solving technological problems in a sustainable way. New Jersey Institute of Technology stories of innovation. For help with multinational tax issues like new territory. Of the u.s. And updating your transfer pricing policy content the international tax. Reform. Bay Area traffic and weather every 15 minutes on Bloomberg nothing 60 this report is brought to you by. Traffic 629 and no all avenues are just treat it as a 4 way stop his entire trip in the Castro Valley was from 584 to 38 outside happens later today in the old Golden Gate Park. In Golden Gate Park so expect heavy foot traffic into and out of the park also have a use on Muni as people are using mass transit to get to the event instead of their own automobiles so traffic will still be heavy in the area for people to park in the Richmond District $971.00 Lincoln way into the Sunset District No reports of any spells or accidents on the Bay Bridge of the Golden Gate Bridge this morning traffic is flowing freely into. San Francisco with Western Union $1000.00 for an $11.00 fee from San Francisco for next pick up in the us fees may vary by branch channel and location and are subject to change without notice funds availability subject the terms and conditions of service visit Western Union dot com Bloomberg 3 day weather forecast for Meteorologist Rob Lowe for the next 3 days we're going to see a stable weather pattern that starts with cloudy skies giving way to mostly sunny skies later in the afternoon with daytime highs in the sixty's and seventy's near the bay eighty's and ninety's and overnight lows in the fifty's with the Bay Area Stevens. 3.7 f.m. H.d. 2. Decision makers to a network of news and financial information 24 hours a day by more than 2700. Journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries you heard the 60 know all global news update the mayor of Charlottesville Virginia says the killing of a 32 year old woman and the injury of others during a White Supremacist rally yesterday was a quote terrorist attack with a car used as a weapon and there's 2 words that need to be said over and over again domestic terrorism and white supremacy that is exactly we saw on display this weekend and we just aren't seeing leadership from the White House what a year old man from Ohio has been charged with 2nd degree murder in the attack a.b.c. News reports his former high school history teacher said the man had radical ideas on race and had been prescribed anti-psychotic medication to Virginia state troopers were killed when their helicopter crashed near Charlottesville on Saturday but Justice Department and the f.b.i. Says they will launch a civil rights investigation into the violence in Charlottesville for ISIS terrorist were killed in Afghanistan by an American airstrike on Thursday the Pentagon said today that the attack killed a senior leader in Kumar province and 3 other commanders on Christopher Cruz. And I'm Susanna Palmer in the Bloomberg 916 newsroom in the u.k. Is seeking to light a fire under creeping brags that negotiations in the hope the European Union won't delay the start of trade talks beyond October brags that Secretary David Davis is office said in a statement today that the government will publish the 1st of 3 discussion papers this week ahead of the next round of negotiations set to start August 28th in Brussels meantime the Welsh nationalist party accused to the u.k. Government of being ill prepared for Braggs it as it valid to fight a landmark building take Britain out of the e.u. Last week the Scottish Government said it will not back a bill to advance preg set that are all Reserve meeting minutes and retail sales highlight this week's economic calendar Bloomberg Karen Moscow has more i Report Tuesday could show purchases of u.s. Retailers improve. Into law as motor vehicle sales edged up Wednesday we get minutes from the Federal Reserve's July meeting at which officials left interest rates unchanged we also get a look at housing starts and building permits Thursday it's industrial production retailers like Wal-Mart Target and Home Depot are among companies scheduled to report earnings there and Moscow Bloomberg Radio hundreds of people marched in Oakland last night to protest racism in the wake of deadly violence that erupted at a White Nationalist a demonstration in Virginia protesters gathered to hear speakers and then March to downtown chanting and waving signs and banners the largest sheriff's department in the u.s. Doesn't have a policy for body cameras after years of studying the issue so hundreds and perhaps thousands of l.a. County deputies have purchased the cameras themselves but the practice is raising questions about transparency for the l.a. County Sheriff's Department Global News 24 hours a day powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries I'm Susanna Palmer this is Bloomberg. This is daybreak with Charlie. Limburg radio British ship of the Washington Post and The New York Times has skyrocketed since the 2016 election and primary campaign their resurgence comes in spite of President Trump's criticism of the media giants in February he called the news media in a tweet the enemy of the American people but continuous leaks from the administration have offered a lifeline to newsrooms competing for inside knowledge about the goings on at the White House Germany from Chicago is James Warren he is the chief media write of a pointer and a writer for Vanity Fair magazine its latest piece in Vanity Fair said temper issue as is the New York Times versus the Washington Post versus trub the last great newspaper war pleased to have him on this program welcome it's great to see you a pleasure to have you on the show and coming from a lifetime of great reporting I mean that So let me talk about that why do you call this the last newspaper war why is this the last newspaper war well because most towns you know you've got you've gone from maybe 3456 papers 78 years ago to one you've got a few major cities which may have more than one budget one is clearly far more advantage than the other and the sense of competition is by and large long gone when it comes to major newspapers we have 2 left in Chicago the Tribune and Sun Times but even folks of the Sun Times we know it's not terribly fair battle and one is by far the more dominant so it's because of that one so rarely sees equals competing as fiercely as these 2 papers who just about 8910 years ago. Were And if they were and have for a dead they there certainly were sort of early obituaries being written by folks who are talking about change in the media and here you've got these 2 guys on equal footing. With workforces that are almost at historic highs in each case the POWs and the New York. Here they are doing the work as good. And as prolific as they as ever How does it go back to the competition between the post under Ben Bradlee and the New York Times Sunday Bros and all during the Watergate period Well you know I'd say yes except that you know after that intense competition you had dramatic changes for both them in one case the case of the post obviously leading to the dramatic sale of the paper by the Graham family so that sense of being equals had really dissipated by about 10 years ago and particularly at the Post there was almost no sort of fuel aerial sense you had a talent drain you had buyouts and ultimately you had Donald Graham painfully looking to sell. What does seem to be a very bleak situation so this harkens back to that Charlie but it's certainly not been a clear continuum you also have 2 great editors at both papers astonishing for those who don't know Marty Baron has probably gotten a little more populist a partly as a result of his Boston Globe days and and the movie which won an Academy Award involving you know focusing on their investigation of Roman Catholic Church and the Boston Archdiocese but Dean Baquet a editor of The Times is one of the you know the best editors of his generation 2 different guys personality wise. Strikingly similar professionally very tough very high standards. And attempting to raise the bar of expectations of the same time they're dealing with a digital revolution that has caused havoc with their business models and then comes this amazing story and they made the decision to commit resources. To cover this so far astonishing presidents say. One of the other will win this or will they simply be in. Trouble that's a great question one of the things that the end of has to be fair face that I personally struggled with. I think it's a classic on one level newspaper war but it's also one in which both could win but also both could lose so to that extent it's like your traditional newspaper war and the ultimate questions have to do with a combination of factors including the ongoing implosion of the traditional business models of media and then the coming of a president States who so actively tries to devalue and the legitimize the press I think those tie into questions of whether or not a younger generation I've got 2 kids 1132 boys 13 and 8 and will they pay a. Decent sum of money for a digital news product and that is relevant because the traditional great revenue stream of these newspapers was the print product that is now declining to the surface to such an extent that at least privately Surely there are discussions in both places about a world in which there is no print revenue at all and then the question ultimately Charlie becomes whether or not they can come up with a digital business model that will support these 2 terrific large talented newsrooms of reporters and editors that's Vanity Fair writer James Warren coming up we conclude with a look at Full Frontal with some m. The b. This is Sunday brunch with Charlie Rose. From the clothes on your back to background checks Bay Area breakout companies are looking to win world wide so here's some help touches to about the variety of companies in what they're doing pre-owned warranty we'll arm our houses. 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That there were some of the later games in baseball 3 o 5 Eastern Astro's and Rangers look for a lot of runs to be scored in this one the over under is 11 it's Dallas versus Andrew cash 405 Eastern the O's in eighty's in Oakland Helots in versus Kendall grave men for 10 Eastern at Safeco in Seattle the angels come in writing a 5 game winning streak currently holding the 2nd wild card in the American League partner Bridwell who's 6 in one versus Ariel Miranda $410.00 Eastern the pod Dres and Dodgers from Chavez Ravine per domo vs Kent to my Ada Cubs and Diamondbacks in Arizona $410.00 Giants take on the Nats in the 2nd part of a double header and the Red Sox and Yankees wrapped up the day at 8 Eastern p.g.a. Championship Kevin Kisner had Dec Emad through Yama atop the litter board the final pair out n.b.c. Sports radio. Hi I'm Jay foreigner c.e.o. 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Power dot com call for cost information and conditions equals 100 license in all 50 states and in this consumer access door number 3030. Bay Area traffic and weather every 15 minutes on Bloomberg 960 northbound 17 to the connector ramp of northbound 85 it was Gatos it's a 2 car crash but everything is over to the shoulder of that connector ramp in Oakland there's a metal entire debris in the 2nd lane from the left he's bound by the a.t.v. For Freeville ave the c.h.p. Is dealing with a stolen Fairfield southbound $680.00 at the Cornelia junction that stall is in the right lane and the defective traffic light in Napa Highway 29 an uphill avenue that is a 4 way stop right now Outside Lands Festival later on today Richmond district in Sunset District affected by that in Golden Gate Park so that's Fulton park Presidio in the Richmond District in $1000.00 is that Lincoln way you can add to that or cross over through Golden Gate Park will be affected by heavy traffic and heavy foot traffic into and out of Golden Gate Park every ridership is well on muni on the 5 Fulton $28.00 and the end Judas Street Car Bloomberg 3 day weather forecast for Meteorologist Rob St Pierre will get to some early morning clouds giving way to mostly sunny skies. Today to be breezy again sixties and seventies being the Beatty's and some ninety's airline overnight lows in the fifty's and sixty's with mostly cloudy skies tomorrow and Tuesday will see more of the same as this weather pattern remains stable in the Bay Area Bloomberg Bay Area sports was the nationals who hung on to beat the Giants 31 in Game 2 of a 3 game set and the 3rd game starts this morning at 10 o 5 am at Nationals Park in Washington d.c. With the Bay Area's best traffic I'm Ted Stevens Bloomberg and 161 of 3.7 f.m. H.d. To business. And the latest new civic duty world market by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. Who murdered 960. A global news update the mayor of Charlottesville Virginia says the killing of a 32 year old woman and the injury of others during a White Supremacist rally yesterday was a quote terrorist attack with a car used as a weapon and there's 2 words that need to be said over and over again domestic terrorism and white supremacy that is exactly we saw on display this weekend and we just aren't seeing leadership from the White House 20 year old man from Ohio has been charged with 2nd degree murder in the attack a.b.c. News reports his former high school history teacher said the man had radical ideas on race and had been prescribed anti-psychotic medication to Virginia state troopers were killed when their helicopter crashed near Charlottesville on Saturday the Justice Department and the f.b.i. Says they will launch a civil rights investigation into the violence in Charlottesville for ISIS terrorist were killed in Afghanistan by an American airstrike on Thursday the Pentagon said today that the attack killed a senior leader in Kumar province and 3 other commanders on Christopher Cruz. This is Sunday brunch Charlie Bloomberg the presidency of Donald Trump has led to a wealth of opportunity for political satirist and late night television programs full frontal with Samantha Bee has received significant. Nickel and commercial succès votes incisive commentary on Donald Trump as president the New Yorker calls Samantha be America's new comedian in chief even Crouch writes in The New Yorker one of the few comforts of Trump's ass sent to the White House is the fact that b. Is there to hold him and the rest of us to account the series is nominated for 7 Emmy Awards including outstanding variety of talk series and writing for a variety series full frontal is not the White House Correspondents' Dinner is also nominated for outstanding variety special Samantha Bee travelled to Kurdistan where she found a surprising amount of public support for President Trump. Joining me now the creator and star of full frontal Samantha Bee head writer and executive producer Joe Miller and executive producer Myles Come on I am pleased to have this table so is the success of this thing just making you gayety and you love begin to having too much time to yourself or is so damn hard to be funny even 30 minutes a week. No time to do a thing but at the comedy it's all of the things that you just funny even to the time it's amazing and it's permanent Of course we're giving and we also work incredibly hard I mean yeah it's difficult because anything worth doing is very intensely difficult Charlie Rose You know. But does Donald Trump make it much easier No we don't lose our show em for their uses so you can do better than we had we can does something I mean we will have it we were we had a show in the can it was like 8 pm Tuesday night is that my earliest we've ever gotten one done. Done where he did fire commie. That's right you got me to go good we were going into the control room for her soul and Pat comes in my office because Trump just tweeted a band of transgender soldiers Yeah I think you do. But his side. Changed I mean is it different than it was because of. Because the time to read changing because we have so much late night comedy today well there are certainly more I mean there are certainly more people on in the plane I don't think that satire has I don't think that satire has changed any of that to our process has intensified I think that our level of fear and anxiety has intensified and so that there's a fear and exotic you know we were. Like you were just really there has very long time before the election I mean that's true. Oh you and I were screeching. You tried to warn us about Brooks and we didn't nobody. Was that because of your European audience that you know. You know. Yet nobody ever listens to us and this is the result of that so people should get on the ball. Where do you draw the line I mean there's always the definition of their own this side is said to our own this side is activism on this side is people with an agenda on this side as people who want to make you think and live. Well I think there is a very fine line and we would write it were very you know everything in the show was very very intentional we walk outlined very very carefully and we do do you know we do raise a $1000000.00 for Planned Parenthood so there's an aspect. Of the committee for journalism you know. White House thing yeah I mean I do a lot of campaigns to raise money we do. Even the saddle say words like there's an opportunity to raise money for causes that neither is where there is awareness for peace about giving felons their voting rights back in Florida there was a great campaign and yeah I think when we do is used in what way how do you do it we do it in so many different ways we can do it on the live show we did that one in the field apartments so it was a way to kind of put it back and stick. Other in the field that said listen we need to do something for these people because no one it we have to amplify their message to the tell the story and to make it funny we can't do the activism part of it if it's not funny about a newspaper we bought a newspaper is. Basically that has to have item or not heard no different. From criticism that surround it can be used to assume the dangers and you wonder if we if we do something like that has to be very authentic to show it to have to it has to come from a really organic place and it sort of makes sense something back in the world to try to do that work for profit more people what's the line what do you try not to do in terms of not be preachy for example you want to be preachy you know now you know I mean that's I think that was what amateurs do that's what we. Do find it's not so funny now find. Me Don't you know send a message because that's tedious. But is it appears in medicine is in the end because there is a sense there is a kind of edge that says left of center. On a lot of things lot of things on everything I think that it just emerges the way that we want to and we don't care when you're so we do we don't care what other people think or do you think of yourself as a political animal. Really knew how to listen to the extent that everyone in America is a political animal now we have to be political animals now I think about it a musician a cow that was a political impasse 6 months have not. When you're going to do they say you got us in and. Nobody's really you know armor it is very tough talking and I love talking to people in the taxi is me kind of very tense but nothing summarises you anymore witness what you just said nothing you always get surprised everything's a surprise by the depths that we can descend to the lady or the surprising us is is what makes it difficult to sort of. Standing on a log. And I never realized before how much predictability made our job easier because we've been doing this for years that The Daily Show so we've seen how things go and we knew where things would land and we we'd seen the show before there was a side to it there was a cycle to the news that made sense you could take a breath you can process one thing at a time and maybe the accidental genius of this is ministration is every 2 hours that's in the breaking news story Kelly one of them having them go through a filter of some kind of I guess you didn't go on vacation with them. I want to tell you one occasion where they didn't that doesn't help anything. They don't feel they can be relieved I don't feel like we found the bottom I don't think we've even come close to find. Out. Which word Anderson is coming on the show you know talk about Fantasyland his take on the Trump administration. Can you imagine what it's like at the bottom you. Know I have a complete failure of imagination you know I guess. You know we talked before the election to see what the bottom might look like and she reminded us you're not even there yet and you won't see it at 1st and it's going to become normal and I think she her job is to meeting because she's seen what had happened with Putin that she was saying you know you can't imagine before until you see it and then yeah and then you children who are born now don't think it's regular think it's right because it's he's been in power so 17 years it's normal if you're going up and don't even have the language to talk to you about this things that if you were you as ladies 1st just sexy. He's a real man's man Ok Tell me about his employer set this up this is you know. The I think it was in maybe the Nixon administration as young aide or right next administration then became a congressman from California. The Moscow Moscow What do you do in Moscow he is the one. Number one in the Republican meeting when somebody quipped that there are only 2 people in the pay of Putin or a backer and Trump and then Paul Ryan said Ha Ha Ha just getting Don't ever say that I was going. On. You still have to do it as a 30 minute show oh yes once a week are you yes I keep putting it out in public we never want to do more than one child per week oh can you imagine what a terror what if he was a coward because on some of your specials people see an hour and they say oh it would be so good if you was on your now do you want to watch and nobody wants to watch the word times a week or even 30 minutes 4 times a week it's the perfect it gives you enough space from the other shows you can sit back a little you can watch the stories emerging in a different way you can also have a bit of a life which is going to run so well you know if you try to say what is your view about it would be time to go to Kurdistan it gives you there's a little there's a little bit of leeway to do a few more things you see the chance to do things more in-depth and to digest them like you know Newsweek is a good thing nobody wants it to be the size of a phone. But come every day you know. You don't have to you know you know if you're going to be the size of a postcard abortion the whole show is in the hot take if you do it once a week it's not just talk take after take it's good to sit back a little bit less is more is what we're saying this is what is going to one liners and we do that and we have a social presence to do that and busy Internet make it all so much easier and so much more fun and so much more because of Twitter because of everything that's possible because it's created a lot of people who know what everybody else is saying maybe even more fun it makes them engaging and he says these aren't terrifying for me I don't know I think I feel like I because I think everyone is so I wake up and I scare the hell out of myself because the 1st thing to do is I scroll to see what it would mean saying that his basic fills are writers on staff with neuroses because you're costly of Obama. With this information it's fun and terrifying It's a terrifying funny right thing like I feel like I can't go to bed while Twitter still on it is the same. Experience that in our beds and. But it does mean that we can expect a level of base knowledge in our audience that you know people used to say they got their news from The Daily Show which they shouldn't but people did and now they're getting their news from Twitter so that we can build on that base of knowledge and not have to tell the story thank you to Charlie Rose and his guest to Samantha Bee along with head writer and executive producer Joe Miller and executive producer of miles com lighters spending their Sunday morning brunch with Charlie Rose Bloomberg where. My savings are gone Ok Where were they last here right before we spent them on the vacation to Aruba we're not we're not saving now means no money later for Companies like yours terms conditions and qualities doubters apply. Bay Area traffic and weather every 15 minutes on Bloomberg $960.00 this report is brought to you by Beach Blanket Babylon in Fairfield a couple of problems there 1st off on the southbound succeeding at the Korea Delia junction to stall in the right lane and then there's a lot of debris in the form of wood and clothing about 84 West Texas street in Oakland there is a dolly in the 2nd lane from the left on he's bound 580 feet before Fruitvale avenue for no delays the Bay Bridge toll plazas smooth right into and out of San Francisco on the Bay Bridge it's the same story on the Golden Gate Bridge later on today it's the Outside Lands music festival in Golden Gate Park concludes their 3 day run expect very heavy traffic into and out of the park in the Richmond and the Sunset District Area ridership on Muni will increase as well on the 5 Fulton $28.00 and the end Judas Street car if you're going to beach blanket Babylon be sure to wear some flowers in your hair the summer of love is happening at club for Gazi don't wake good seats are available now for tickets visit beach blanket Babylon dot com or call 415414222 today peace love and big laughs Bluebird free day weather forecast for Meteorologist Rob St Pierre will see mostly cloudy skies giving way to mostly sunny skies later on today sixty's and seventy's for a high near the base eighty's and ninety's and one that will continue for the next 3 days of the Bay Area is bus traffic from Ted Stevens Bloomberg $960.00 n one o $3.00 f.m. H.d. To report from Berkeley University at bloomberg dot com and on the radio plus mobile news is clearly w over here as everyone over 3.7 f.m. H.d. To San Francisco. This Saturday violence in Virginia. The Middle. Of a white nationalist clash with counter protesters in Charlottesville one person is killed what a lousy new approach all over. From the scene this morning and I'll talk to the mayor of Charlottesville Michael signal plus the president's reaction President Trump denounces the disturbance but not the neo Nazis nor the Klan participants we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred bigotry in violence on many shots did the president fail is 1st task as healer in chief and the president's top cop on North Korea it started here they will be met with fury like the world has never see when to hear if anything maybe that statement wasn't tough enough and landed here he. Was. He will truly regret and he will regret it. Is that all bluster or unnecessary warning to a rogue nation with nuclear weapons I'll ask national security adviser h.r. McMaster and the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Mike Mullen Joining me for insight and analysis are joining Reed host of am joy and m.s.m. a C. Rich Lowry editor of The National Review. Amy Walter national editor of The Cook Political Report and Hellene Cooper Pentagon correspondent for The New York Times.