Hostile way all of this after us believed was a long range missile engine test on Saturday by the North it was conducted as used to launch satellites in the past the north and offered to dismantle the site in talks with the u.s. Now things have changed the north saying a deadline of the New Years for the u.s. To come up with a new offer regarding negotiations or it has threatened a Christmas present for the u.s. Has great power as the impeachment probe continues a hearing set for tomorrow before a federal judge in d.c. Could determine whether House Democrats hear from former deputy national security adviser Charles Cupper men although a subpoena for his testimony has already been withdrawn Democrats saying the rely on the outcome of a case involving former White House counsel Don McGann a driver hits a sour note on social media but technically speaking hasn't done anything wrong video circulating online shows a man in you top playing the trumpet behind the wheel a family capturing the clip on an interstate in Utah County for at least several seconds the man a seen with both hands on the instrument not on the steering wheel Utah Highway Patrol tell local media it's dangerous surprising folks to drive carefully however it turns out to playing the trumpet while driving in Utah isn't a legal officer say unless a driver is speeding or committing another moving violation and they're not breaking the state's careless driving law Kristen good when Fox News a new record deal reported in baseball a source tells a.p. That World Series m.v.p. Stephen Strasburg agrees to stay with the Washington Nationals for a 7 year deal worth $245000000.00. Hello this is Dan with Mr Gore company we are in our 42nd year of business 42 years of experience is worth a great deal of work. We pride ourselves in our bringing our customers and automatic door systems that work. Every time you push the button because we. Are taking the. Oath. In the world we are. Right. Company at 5. 36085. Company. 736085. Thank you. Warning both Savage Nation contains all don't language. Psychological nudity listener discretion is advised. America's most exciting radio talk show hosts 7. Borders. And. This is the Savage Nation welcome in everyone here Danno from Philadelphia talk radio 1210 in Philadelphia pinch hitting for Dr Savage today you get to me at 855400 savage 55407282 busy news day we have the Harwich report nonevent dropping and boy you talk about something in the wheel house of The Savage Nation what the heck is gone on that Pensacola Naval station with 3 Americans dead more unanswered questions and can be imaginable and nobody in the Trump administration saying shut down this program to be reassessed that's it these student training the Saudis I've told you earlier today about this listeners sent me Air Force news I would have never seen at where they dropped the Afghan program because 40 percent of them won a wall is it worth it or is this more about the military supplies that we are funded by Saudi Arabia to pay for us and it helps prop up the economy and all we don't want to say too much here really why are Americans not armed on military bases why why is it that there are widespread reports. This guy if at a dinner party he would show a commotion over here I want you to see this you had a video I want you to see is killing Americans I want you to see these mass shootings and none of these people said anything to anybody about you know all the years I've been doing talk radio it always comes to no one the 1st time around just goes out and shoots Americans there's a build up to this stuff there is always always it just doesn't happen that way there are signs there's increasing rage he went back to Saudi Arabia there's just not enough being said or done around this ineffectual the head of the Defense Department is saying well maybe these other Saudis that were in this room when he shot 3 Americans were taping him on the phone because that's what people do really and I think because of this kangaroo sub court that went on today the media's not covering it as much Americans are not hearing enough about this we've seen this before you would think we have taken it up I one other quick I I did I want to go to the calls 855400 Savage I'm looking at and every year this happens and I want to link it to something broader every year various progressive for religious groups that are out of fashion like the United Methodist Church Houser membership going they hijack the nativity scene to make a point there's always a new point this one is to attack Trump and the photo of this one is incredible. So you have been to Tiffany's scene with Joseph by the way one of the most under-rated Saints imaginable The bless it Virgin Mary and the Christ child Christ child's in the center Joseph on the left Mary on the right there separated from the center cage because the baby is in a cage with barbed wire around it there in cages 2 by about 8 to 10 feet this is the nativity scene depicting Jesus Mary and Joseph as refugees in cages now you know these were not refugees you know why they were going to Bethlehem big government the census was being taken by the Roman Empire you remember that right that's what it was about but I want to link it to Nancy Pelosi and see how many people we have out there that might be able to relate to this I'm a Catholic I don't know that Rachel Maddow claims to be a Catholic until I. Saw this. Just home Osh to Nancy Pelosi she did and she said that because Pelosi one question about hating trump that came up last week during a kangaroo court last week how dare you I'm a Catholic How dare you say that to a Catholic how in the world can you possibly say that I can't even answer this my god we don't hate anyone where do you get from this you're really a reporter remember all that so now they're playing with this and this is the problem you know about the media complex how they protect Democrats and how they allow them to stay behind this shield particularly the Catholic faith which makes up in one way or another whether people are actual devout practicing Catholics or Catholics the name only about 2026 to 27 percent. Of the presidential vote in 2020 if it's the same as in most years will be Catholics in one way or another so how big of a voting bloc that is so these Progressive's continue to say I am a Catholic and nothing you can do about it Kerry Biden the Kennedy's up and down on closing and I say more what about the wife issue what about abortion what about the deal breaker with the church well 2 elements in the church one there are progressive elements that seemingly have made it more important to be for illegal immigration then to be for life to you have the hierarchy afraid that the media is going to come after them if they does stop an excommunicate or suspend Pelosi and Biden and any number of others because of the pretty scandalous that's what drives this stuff President Obama was the 1st one to really push back on that you wouldn't have done this in the past it's people as he's been on national t.v. Once saying Thomas Aquinas the Thomas if he was pro choice pro abortion so people getting reach here in Philadelphia a lot of Catholics still and I tell them that's what's driving this until any number of the hierarchy push back on these Catholics and say how they allege it Catholics how dare you this is going to continue and some people say yeah but so what so they say they're a Catholic and I know you have to understand Palosi just executed beautifully What is shield this is how dare you I am religious How dare you I am of the Catholic faith and you're not going to say anything different I'm in good standing with the club Yeah but they say the prime issue for them the bishops. Is life I mean how do you get more basing the net Yeah and I just told you I'm a big time Catholic I'll do whatever I want I'll say whatever I want I am a you not seen them do anything to me what have they done to them nothing so they're afraid of the media to the Catholic Church you have this dynamic and it makes it very very difficult the Kennedys were the 1st ones that boldly started to do it and you know the story the one. Cardinal during that period of time had to flee the country and go to Rome they get his own cathedral their one step ahead of all the scandal the Kennedys were smart enough to play all this stuff yes so you really can't get divorced and remain a Catholic. But you know we're going to say the marriage was a No it never really happens sometimes some of the women would say it wasn't and nobody had 3 kids with you right yeah but we'll find a way to keep at it that's where this came from so you have this weird triangle of the media the church and these Progressive's and this is what makes things difficult I mean the media can't wait to jump on evangelicals how can they possibly support Trump look at him How can people call themselves Catholics and be as extreme as they are on the choice issue on the life issue I just explain how they do this but where you are you seeing anything with your manger nativity scene instead of a nice thing that you do the outdoor thing and some have all I people and animals and all that which has to be difficult I mean if you've ever been in one of the wow that's got to be difficult right instead of that it's a political thing these people are actually in cages chainlink fence cages with barbed wire on top of each one. Yup that's what it's come to even at a holy time of the year are here's how you get in again 855400 Savage 855407282 let's start off with Eddie in Virginia yeah he welcomed to the Savage Nation. And it's great to be the 1st caller on your said today sir good show Thank you think 1st thing I'd like to say sir is that. After Fort Hood President Obama chose to do nothing about this so the responsibility lies with him on Fort Hood and the signs were there with the Fort Hood shooter not dolls. Now that we have a shooting and the signs were even greater Ok they were more extreme Ok he had people over at a party or at parties showing videos of mass shootings his friends were there to film it so they could play it over and over and Jihad movies and videos for people with the jihad music in the background I'm sure you've seen videos like this before so sure I want to say President Trump when you got into office this is Eddie from Virginia talking to you you know sort of passed an executive order for troops to be able to carry for our military men and women were exactly men to to be able to tour firearms on the case now this is a gun Whew this is a 2nd Amendment issue and in Virginia they're going to basically turn a bunch of us and thousands like hundreds of thousands or maybe I don't know how many of us immediately with no start us in the thousands so President you know to tweet about civil war that's not enough I'm saying right now to argue Eddy's out there in Virginia and everywhere else listening it's time for us to do something. Well thank you Eddie I'll stop it right there because we don't want to go down that path of what you may be talking about not going to. Stop it there but your point about the thing to do is to arm the u.s. Military on bases let them carry sidearms be if you're going to stop these programs right now until they're reviewed see review this one who knew what d.c. If you continue these programs these people have no privacy. Everything that they do every computer everything associated with that there will be no trips no outside you want to sign up for the greatest training in the world then you give up certain rights here's how you get in 855400 savage 85547282 down here Dan is sitting in for Dr Michael Savage join those savage nation Call now 85400 savage 854072 way to salvage the Savage Nation a sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com Guys Christmass and knocking on the door are you still looking for that special gift for your wife or girlfriend thanks trader to the very best this year with the world's softest pajamas from pajama gram America's p.j. 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They match you with the best local pros for any whole project cool yeah you can read reviews point it's online What's a cost actually Home Advisor is always free to use I'll check it out go to Home Advisor dot com or download the free app. Digital Life Welcome everyone to the Savage Nation today Don Gere Danno pinch hitting for Dr Savage at 855400 savage get you in right now All right President Trump gets mocked for this and he may have mangled this a little bit he doesn't his own trumping style and I had a lot of action today in Philadelphia on my show when he talked about the various government agencies that regulate this stuff looking into low flow the one that bothers me he's talking about sinks in toilets the shower is the one for me federal regulations mandate that new shower head flow rates can't exceed more than 2.5 gallons per minute at a water pressure of 80 pounds per square inch so apparently there are people out there that say there's something inside that shower head though that you could take out and Seinfeld and a whole thing on this remember the bad shower or the showers they got Here's the president though talking about this and is this a problem for you I put this in the category it's like a light bulb thing where people care about this stuff they're tired of being dictated to about the nanny state telling them about their sink their toilet or their shower Here's what he said we have a situation where we're looking very strongly at same KSAN showers. And other elements of bathrooms where. You turn the faucet on in areas where this tremendous amounts of water where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it and you don't get it where you turn on the faucet you don't get any water they take a shower and water comes out it's creeping adverse quietly tripping and people are flushing toilets 10 times 15 times as opposed to once they end up using more water so e.p.a. BUSY is looking at that very strongly and my suggestion you go into a new building or a new house or a new home and they have standards oh you don't get water you can't you can't wash your hands practically this a little water comes out of the faucet and the end result is you leave the faucet on and it takes you much longer to wash your hands you end up using the same amount of water so we're looking at very seriously it opening up the standard BUSY and there may be some areas where we will go the other route desert areas but for the most part you have many states where they have so much wood or that it comes down to school rain and they don't know what to do with it so we're going to be opening up that i believe and we're looking at changing the standards versus. All right now you can imagine in a presidential debate how dare you so this gets money and the way he said it you know it's called green stuff like this typical trumpy and stuff your but people who care about this I can't tell you the number of calls I've gotten over the years even people calling me to day about washing machines and low flow and difficulty with water they're filling up in who is it that mandates this how dare they say we have to do that but the bigger picture with this comes down to who determines that and who determines the shower flow that you. I mean it does I notice where I am in Philadelphia the hot water in the sink is often in some sinks bathroom sink very difficult and the water flow is pretty slow in the beginning not quite a trickle it's a little bit more the net and I mean why well it's environmental isn't you don't get to decide this you can take a shower will I you that you know maybe in hotels will make it where it shuts off after a period of time how do you like that get us mad that's what we're going to do all right here's how you get in a $55400.00 Savage do you have that issue also before I get out here today annually I do this and I just saw a great piece on it today how many people are on your in list to tip at the holidays I do my big list of the week on my show in Philadelphia and usually I have 10 categories 10 through one I only came up with 5 maybe 6 I'll give you a few people that I think I'm tipping this year but how about you and if you're in a category make your case here on the Savage Nation why your occupation why what you do why you should be tipped Why are you in that category particularly when we get around Christmas time that you're expecting some kind of tip some kind of gift if you will with not a tip and I want to talk I'm a former teacher want to talk about that one specifically 55400 Savic dodgier Danno sitting in for Dr Michael Savage on the Savage Nation. Joined Savage Nation. 478-540-7282. 7. Breaking news the holiday season is upon us that time of year family friends everything so conveniently documented in video and photography now want to picture your face in the mirror the wrinkles around your eyes how about crow's feet or those large bags now imagine they're gone I'm not talking about some risky expensive surgery just gone in minutes it's called a clinically studied serum that visibly eliminates your wrinkles crow's feet and under eye bags in minutes it's exactly what you need to get through the holiday season and beyond you don't believe it well don't imagine any more just try it just 10 years younger Simply put you can be blown away by the results go to plex dot com and use my cold savage for 50 percent off plus of additional $10.00 off that's right you're going to get 50 percent off the price and then an extra $10.00 off this offer is available by calling 18074171291807417929 or go to www dot com today Savage a check out. This business report. Stocks snapping a 3 session winning streak in closing lower as investors are keeping a close watch on u.s. China trade talks as planned. On Sunday the Dow winners today. The Dow decliners Apple Boeing and Goldman Sachs the Dow closing its session lows down 105 points the Nasdaq down 35 s. And p. 500 down among the laggards today trade sensitive tech stocks with Apple leading the charge Apple has the most to lose with according to analysts saying they would trend in profits by around 4 percent and investors were high on Canadian pot company. 14 percent today on news that Constellation Brands David. Thank you report I'm. President of Optimum tax relief if you're in debt to the i.r.s. There's a lot you need to know starting with Rule number one Don't mess with the i.r.s. They can garnish your paycheck Levy your bank accounts even take your home or business there is a way out it's called the fresh start initiative if you qualify you could save tens of thousands for tax you can trust for free consultation 1041067448041064. Was it ultimate actually dot com. Glenn Beck we should not be arguing about Donald Trump being wiretapped Instead the right should be saying these laws exist to allow this to happen they need to be changed whether it happened or not these laws need to be changed but we don't because now we like to have that power for our president we just don't like it used by another Prez weekday mornings 9 to noon but he treated all citizens are a piece there has energy located at the heart of the service center 3300. Eggs from the early in this bill the best value for the dollar are now the number to sell the trailer in the country is never $1.00 to $1.00 national passport it's still there after 10 total lightweight traders the real life quest of the trader to find out 3300 now all 200-1000 pound your product. To make room for the asking the right look for the rate cuts the window for traffic the price pretty well 8 or 9 come down and see your friends and family pricey and also if you don't get stopped in their largest parsnips this 3 storm Northern California all at 3300 police highway up to George Washington n.c. . Or call it at 61 and 070 we're on the web at all 30 states. This is life issues with Brad Mathis president of Life Issues Institute the March for Life in Washington d.c. Is the largest annual human rights demonstration in the world and this year's theme is unique from day one pro-life his pro science you see medical and scientific advancement always so firm the pro-life movement at just 10 weeks you were small enough to stand on your daddy's little fingernail but already so perfectly formed you. Have fingerprints your heart began to beat it 6 weeks after your life began as long as abortion is legal in America we will gather at the March for Life to say stop the killing I hope you will be part of this incredible celebration of life also check out March for Life amazing video you can find it at life issues dot org and click on the microphone icon follow us on Twitter at life issues USA and stay informed more informed than you've ever been. To the friends of. The losers. Through and that's one of the county's longest running family businesses patrons of continued to support Duke's quality dining experience for over 5 decades made a trip to 7th Avenue and Olive 1st between 5 30 am and 2 pm be sure to follow us on Facebook. Specials on weekdays. 777. Of tipping during the holidays or right the middle of the season where you'll be starting to do that what you're guideline and I take a look at some of these now I pull one today and this one from Town and Country give a little extra at all the people who make your life easier this holiday season you know what it underlines we are in very much a service oriented people doing services for others as a way that they make their income you know be a day care. Be it all kinds of beauty sorts of things Barbara's cosmetic. Even personal trainers on the list here once had a guy call me and said well if I tell you any time 3 weeks before Christmas I expect a tip if it says paid for service because it's in that window of a teacher's now some school districts have put in you cannot give a gift of this sort of value because there becomes an arms race what people are giving teachers some of the fancier schools it was legendary was I believe Broadway show tickets you know that sort of stuff and you know if you take that well then how are you going to be equitable in grading and everything else by the way one of the producers I've given that had a great idea here when it comes to politicians maybe they ought to be like Nascar drivers now maybe they should be where when they do a news conference or they're sitting there today in these kangaroo courts they're wearing stuff that tells us all the people that have bought them all the people that have contributed politically to them they do a news conference they have a screen behind them brought to you by all the dollars over this last term of theirs and you imagine me Nascar it's kind of funny to see via agric car the Nestle Crunch car or the m. And M's car but with politicians it would be interesting to see some of the companies some of the people that have paid a lot of money for them does that mean we ought to just have billionaire self funding no but it means it's good to know who they accept money from in who they don't accept money from. Already 855400 Savage who are you tipping this holiday season and if you're in a service or any kind of field you expect some kind of tip some kind of gift of once or another I don't think we have anyone listening probably that has 10 people they have to that's a lot of work to figure this out some of the ones given where the trash guys are women people that pick up trash you know the cans you tip them in Philadelphia it's kind of a thing where people do a lot of these are people that live in apartment buildings man you got a lot of people that but if you don't what about your barber What about your kids teacher if you are a teacher what's your expectation a gift a tip what you will and how much I'm looking at this guided Town and Country from October the definitive guide to tipping during the holiday season there's like 15 people here and some of the tips are 50 to 75 hours I don't know anybody that's doing this wow. And then they talk about teachers pool queen or garden or garage attend as to many things here hopefully you don't have that many on your list and what if you don't you get lesser service so who do you tip how much do you tip Who do you resent you know what's wrong with giving your kids' teachers some kind of little gift. Something Is there anything wrong with that is that out of bounds 850400 Savic 85547282 get you to me down tear down a sitting in for the great Dr Michael Savage by the way a great over the years we're all wondering what's happening Matt trudge last time I sat in I may have told you I don't know Michael has that match Rudd has really been out there attacking Trump wishing for impeachment you know how Matt Drudge made his bones write the Drudge Report over a 1000000000 hits I don't know if it's 1500000000 what is highest year is I was just starting to do daytime talk radio in Philadelphia morning drive and I remember being there this is well before a lot of Internet stuff and certainly Web sites and all that and seeing this come over the Drudge Report that President Clinton was involved with Monica Lewinsky and that story was breaking now allegedly Newsweek's Michael Isikoff back when Newsweek was a power house had that story and they spiked it and drudge went with it was blood red beyond belief and sure enough that week and boom it blew up and made him sort of a household name that's where it came from that I remember so what's going on with Drudge several sources Rasmusen and others saying when you look at some of his material. It's appear apparent to them that he's not there anymore word is that he sold to some other entity but they still kept the name and I don't know that to be true but that's the allegation that's out there and if so that might explain something and people think come on all this guy does is he takes a bunch of news articles very Nonono the genius are the things that make the front page if you will of drudge and stuff that gets on the top left hand side or the top center that gets reaction and he's broken a lot of stories a lot of insight over the years but he has an eye for stuff that's colorful stuff that's wild stuff that you can't believe and I bet most people on talk radio if they had minute for shows and whatever they're on Drudge constantly because of his ability to find these gems that are out there so for this guy suddenly to be filling those top spaces with a 1000000002 or more hits with anti Trump propaganda and. You know this impeachment reminds him of the Clinton years sort of article after article story after story was kind of unusual I thought 1st maybe this is way he realizes to get eyeballs now maybe maybe he has salt maybe it is somebody else maybe something is going on there so that's all over the place with Drudge today because it's very curious whatever it is that he's doing how intact trumpet is in regard to all this now today the hearings that happen some squabbling some back and forth I almost saw literally nothing the bottom line is this never gave the game plan yesterday they're going to be offering up the articles of impeachment I don't think tomorrow but probably by Wednesday you got of thing the big question is will they do they're going to do at least 2 I can't see them doing one just what happened with Ukraine whatever happened with Ukraine if they want to go that way they'll be too. Is there going to be up struction probably know it's going to be that kind of thing will there be 3 I think there could be $34.00 oh my god if they're reaching with 4 The overkill of that will come back to bite Ok so I think there probably will be 3 that's where they're going to settle then they'll put that out there they'll probably vote on Friday and when they vote on Friday it's going to be along partisan lines up and down the line all Republicans against all Democrats in favor then it goes to the full House and I think the impeachment debate and vote will start probably could start in the 1900 No I think on the 20th 212-2235 the 23rd you'll have the president impeached that's what they're going to do that's where this is heading it's not going to be stopped as crazy as it is politically it's going to backfire then the only next question is it goes to the Senate will they do a full trial I hope they do you know it's a bit of a gamble there I realized versus just a straight up and down vote saying get out of here you've got nothing now I'd like to see that the witnesses that are called pushing back on this with Republicans in charge and God knows when they would you know these guys would holidays and when they get back to business and all that I could see this bleeding easily into February who did believe past February yes that ties up all of the 6. Democrat candidates that are in the Senate so does it get through till March maybe late February early March the president is acquitted he says nothing here to see and then we move on and then the bar door and report come out. And movement around that and bars not fooling around the attorney general and the guys hired to do this and you start to see that them play out just in time for the fall election cycle I'm still convinced when the dust settles either at the convention because it easily could be a contested convention I think before that Joe Biden shows he doesn't have it he's already shown that can't get to the finish line here and Hillary Rodham Clinton tags then that's exactly what's going to happen and we have Trump Hillary too and I wondering are you excited by that I'm incredibly excited by that I think the weaker candidate for President Trump that I'd like to see is Pocahontas without a doubt but I think Hillary's going to get in the tell it's doing the Howard Stern interview and by the way Howard Stern once went after me was shocking thank God for me local host 14 minutes all because I said that Stern is now at a point in his life where it's not just the crazy type of sexual stuff and all that he wants to be taken seriously and he is a smart guy and we're saying he was promoting the idea that President Trump is just playing rubes out there who don't get it the Trump doesn't believe all this stuff Stern producer got what I wrote in the stuff that I said went after me for 14 minutes it was tremendous never had more fun than that and it was sad to see a Wolk Howard Stern doing the Hillary interview i Phone lines to get in a 55400 savage you get an 855407282 get you on board the Savage Nation So a lot out there happening even though this court today this is judiciary the other thing is I mentioned it's early on now the store. Has some Kiper arrangement Apparently this Steve caster guy I don't think he was that strong during the initial hearing he's the Republican counsel the Democrat guy Goldman I think is better anyhow Steve Cohen shows up today you may have seen this it's all over Twitter with a re usable grocery bag that he's carrying all of his materials in rather than a briefcase. Is this guy know if environmentalist's is this product placement for this grocery store and it was Garrett you know it was very green and yellow and all that and yet he's there in the blue suit with the reptile on and yet he's carrying a grocery bag like he's an aisle 7 you know you want some avocado he's going to take an avocado out and eat it there you know they're great western avocados but you know fattening and you've got to get them just right so maybe call was thinking my way if I want those avocados so I get home with those long day of hearings they're going to be all mushy I can eat it they've ripened I'm bringing them in I put everything in this reusable bag no one will notice it was they hit of the proceedings that were starved for stuff like this what's the reason because it's a kangaroo court there's no dramatic moments there's no substance you've got a guy with a reuse a bull's shopping back that's the chief counsel on the Republican side. I don't know what the Democrats will counter what they'll do is we move forward but it was was an odd funny moment you need these already phone lines a 55400 savage that will get you in right now and what do you tipping people over the holidays and have a teacher's up here from a teacher to or you in the tipping zone are you in a profession that should be tipped or must be tipped over the holidays 8 by 5470 to 82 dollars year Danno sitting in for Dr Michael Savage. Join those savage nation call No 855400 savage 85407282 savage the Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com break ins spike every single year during the holidays why because families are traveling in Burgos know people are expensive gifts laying around their house and that's why this time of year especially I recommend simply safe you get comprehensive professional home security at a very fair price right now is the best time to get it for the holidays they giving you a huge discount on your security system and a free security camera h.d. 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Nancy Pelosi wants to steamroll impeachment but polls show support for it is dropping now you can vote Newsmax is poll asking if President Trump should be impeached. Just text the word rock to 95577 that's rocked and I'm 5577 and vote immediately in the Newsmax Impeachment Poll Newsmax polls have been cited by all the major media let your voice be heard text the word rock tonight 5577 and remember watch Newsmax t.v. It's real news for real people. Nation Danno pinch hitting want to play you one final bit as sound here is Collins Representative Collins from Georgia. Going after the Democrat counsel Goldman today not because Goldman had a reusable shopping bag but because they wanted to discuss how shifts investigation was conducted Goldman is the Democrat counsel you ought to be able to ask that it seems like a reasonable question here's how it sounded 2 questions are hanging out that everybody's looking for and as for including me who ordered it was it was it your Michelle. And then why was it decided except for nothing but smear purposes to be included in the c.f. Report Well I'm not going to get into the deliberations of our investigation with you and I will tell you the reason it was included in the report is because it calls were surrounding important evidence to our investigation and I think that your question is frankly not better directed not at me but it to people who were having conversations Oh no no we're not going to lay that all we're not go play that game you're as good as Mr Berg you want to play that game you're not answering the question and every member that made everybody here when you start going into the core of this house when you start looking at members telephone numbers you start going to voters telephone numbers which they ought to be scared about you took over subpoena for 4 and then you decided to play match game you found numbers that you thought like you some of them actually didn't exist because they claimed that they were for the White House budget office and they were not so we're scrolling stories out there because nobody was nobody was out there actually so I go back to my question are you going will record in front of everybody here today and say that you will not sale who ordered this you are Mr go Mr go when you are Mr I am going to go on record and tell you that I'm not going to reveal how we conducted this investigation and that's the problem we have in this entire thing Mr Schiff said on clothes I can't tell you what that someone says I'm done with you for it now we're not you're not asking the question you're not being honest about this answer because you know who it is you're just not answering all right that all about the new names phone numbers. Because it is unprecedented here people on the left shift is a definite lefty who used to be worried about surveillance their surveillance state method data and all the rest of it that's exactly Collins's right that's what was done here and you would think there'd be an iota of consistency surveillance state. The n.s.a. All that stuff which I'm concerned about and isn't it kind of ironic it's fair to say more people on the right more people that are conservatives appear to be worried about that and reporters instead of be worried about something that's a direct threat to them confidential sources developing the story behind the scenes you know they may be worried when they're finally the hammer comes down on them but they're more interested in putting forward this ridiculous narrative to get President Trump so that will be for another day new Naz is that they target now and Trump is the big target so let's not worry so much about what we used to talk about it's been a real honor to sit in for Dr Michael Savage and we'll see when during and bar get their shot it's going to be a lot different than this Horwitz report much much different my name is down here Dan a from talk radio 1210 in Philadelphia sitting in for Dr Michael Savage here on the Savage Nation. So. You're listening to the Patriots on 1410 am k o y c Marysville unbundled 4.3 f.m. Came to a 2 b.s. Merrifield of broadcasting station. Wesley is a truck driver I drive a truck I will either a truck driver with i.r.s. Troubles they told me of 3 them $43000.00 it got really bad I have quite a few letters in the mail they were talking about we charged them and coming up to my house my car yeah that they don't play real facts or so I thought that I was telling everything one sleepless night Wesley finally made a call to Optima tax relief at 2 am I forgot to get a machine but I didn't actually got to tell them to an actual person in the middle of the night he found just what he was looking for all there were great people in a team of people that know what they're doing Optima tax they know what they're doing Optima tax relief came through with flying colors I say. 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Some restrictions apply for complete details we solicit ultimate actually Dr Will Glenn saloon and Cafe located just minutes above Collins Lake is a full bar and restaurant serving home cooked meals every night homemade meatloaf Chili con pie and Willow Glen's delicious fish and chips are available every night but that's not all that goes on at the will of one saloon restaurant come into the Willow Glen saloon every Friday for a tender juicy prime rib dinner and if you like to party it up and dance the night away definitely don't miss the Saturday night parties every Saturday night will Glen saloon the restaurant has my music super jerk dinner and the best most mouth watering tender baby back ribs if you count the Willow Glen saloon restaurant Come check us out located just minutes above Collins lake in Yuba County and over to the Willow Glen restaurant is the perfect place to hold your holiday parties either small book today 53069230055306123005 for the Willow Glen saloon and restaurant you're listening to the Patriots on 1410 am k m y c Marysville and 104.3 f.m. Key to a to b s members Dr Sebastian Gorka is all next right up to the spots news update at Fox News alerts 2 sides of the same inspector general's report on the Brady Democrats say the new report on the run up to the Russia probe d. Banks conspiracy theory but that's not how the president sees it is John Decker is live at the White House in accuracy and accuracy is found in f.b.i. Surveillance applications related to his 2016 campaign the president said the i.g. Reports fire. Things were in his words deeply disturbing this was an overthrow of government this was an attempted overthrow and a lot of people were in on it. And they got caught but the report also undercut President Trump's claim that the Obama administration illegally spied on his campaign and determine that there was no documentary or testimonial evidence the political bias or improper motivation influence the F.B.I.'s decision to seek a Pfizer warrant on Carter page Lisa thanks John meantime the u.s. Attorney leading a criminal inquiry about the origins of the Russia probe says he disagrees with the i.g.f. Conclusions based on developing information the lawyers become witnesses in the House Judiciary Committee's latest impeachment hearing as lawmakers offer familiar arguments the president abuse his power the president must be held accountable no one is above the law New York Democratic Congressman Akin Geoffrey's but Florida Republican Matt Gates takes issue with the panel's Democratic chairman calling the impeachment probe a matter of urgency you know what if you're a senior right now and you can't afford your prescription drugs that's more urgent and that's the Judiciary Committee is picking through the intelligence committees impeachment report as it works on possible articles of impeachment a big deal in baseball the World Series m.v.p. Stephen Strasburg reportedly agreeing to a record 245000000 dollars to stay with the Washington Nationals a.p. Reporting a 7 year contract America is. A mix of Alaska a select quote agent with a true story that could save you hundreds of dollars a year a woman named Linda just called her husband Ray has a $300000.00 group life insurance policy but he's changing jobs and can't take it with him well I shopped the many highly rated term life insurance companies we represent and found Ray who is 41 and takes medication to control his caress draw a 10 year $500000.00 policy for under $27.00 a month that's almost twice the coverage for less than half of what a.

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