2 Fox News. Terms please don't have you wanted to speak a new language but you thought I'd be too hard or take too much time then try battle for free by texting Explorer 264000 just 15 minutes a day you'll be on your way to speaking a new language in just a few weeks and right now you can try Babel for free that will starts out teaching you words and phrases by matching them with pictures you won't believe how easy the interactive program is. Get a little bigger and before you know it you're having simulated conversations voiced by native speakers and because Babel is crafted by language experts and uses the repetition method in just 10 to 15 minutes a day you'll be speaking the language of your choice with real confidence with Babel you can speak a language just text explore to 64000 and start your 1st lesson in the language of your choice for free download the Babel app or text Explorer to 64000 and try it for free text x p l o r 8 to 64000 the investigation continues into this morning's shooting at the Pensacola Naval Air Station officials at Pearl Harbor are dealing with Wednesday's deadly shooting and c.i.s. Special Agent norm Dani's providing details about the suspected gunman a sailor assigned to the Naval Shipyard a subject was assigned as a duty watch stander it was on for security duties officials say the sailor killed 2 civilian workers before turning his gun on himself and killing himself and Alabama police officers been killed in what Huntsville police say was a drug related investigation the suspected shooter was captured the officer was wearing a tactical gear and a bulletproof vest but investigators say the bullet hit an area not protected by the safety equipment the officer has not been identified but police say he was a 20 year veteran of the department's Twitter is taking aim at the Trumpet ministrations collection of social media information from visa applicants Twitter says it strongly opposes the State Department requiring visa applique. To share personal social media handles and applications the tech company tweets it is committed to fostering free expression in public conversation for everyone and feels collecting this data has a chilling effect on that conversation to documentary film groups suing the trumpet ministration claiming the rules violate the expressive rights of applicants the State Department's previously saying it receives over $14000000.00 applicants a year arguing it will strengthen its process for vetting and confirming applicants identity Christian God when Fox News several health officials looking into the nationwide outbreak of a ping illnesses are now listing the most common brands linked to hospitalizations most of the nearly 2300 people hospitalized were of aping liquids containing teenage see the high inducing part of marijuana the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today saying bank of apes is the brand used by more than half of those who became ill other brands or t.k.o. Smartcard enrolled Irish Denison and this is far. I just saw that owning does 30 year fix no closing cost loans up 276-5000 at 3.625 percent rate in a.p.r. Wow I wish we hadn't got that 600000 dollar refire at 4 percent last summer it wouldn't make sense to refile again so soon of course it would since owning doesn't charge point title escrow appraisal or anything else we can just redo our loan with a lower rate and not spend to do it technically we would save even if we closed yesterday darling you are so smart give me only number before this savings chance goes away 85550 owning or go to owning dot com on a corporate equal housing lender licensed by the department a business oversight under the California residential mortgage lender in a most once every night organizer of the 6 California theory license are 2063270 call it 35 to 6464 for terms conditions call 8555 for 3.625 percent no closing cost reply up to 765 k. Today. Extend the mission decoding the news and disseminating information with actionable intelligence. Make no mistake. Bring your remark this is the Buck Sexton show to former CIA analyst for a member of the enemy detox sexting if the taxes. Are this Friday so I might just start rambling about movies or t.v. Shows or what I made for dinner this week or something because you know it's that kind of a day that kind of show but 1st I figure we should step step into the the realm of the crazy climate change activists for a little bit they're at it again they are runarounds causing problems actually saw from the mine down in d.c. Share that right next to I mean I could see the block it is a block from my old office at the Hell dot com There were people blocking this streets entirely on k. Street with these climate change. You know climate change back banners I think the . I think that I'm trying to find what the banners were saying just because it was so it was so absurd but. Current huge increase of the starts remind me a little bit of a it's almost like a death cult meaning that they want their rooting for the death of all humanity or they really think it's yeah mass extinction they're holding up signs saying mass extinction is coming who who believes this who thinks that you hold up a sign that says mass extinction is coming and you're a what you're doing is worthwhile and intelligent and people should pay attention to you this is very strange behavior this is not normal mass extinction we are all going to die but there will be people after us and I think a lot of folks have just a hard time with that in the grand scheme of things unless you have some connection to the Almighty we are all somewhat in fact deeply in significant. We are just you know what is the guy say in Gladiator we are shadows and dust Maximus shadows and dust and his like Proximo in danger of becoming a good man you know it's a do we do we do Gladiator all day and it's a great a great movie a timeless classic best thing that Russell Crowe was ever in with the possible exception of Master and Commander which is also a fantastic movie if you have a may give you so if you haven't seen Master command over the weekend make that the movie you watch this weekend it is it's just so well done it moves it's beautifully shot the music is excellent Anyway I'm just the lesser of 2 weevils I it's a great movie it's a great movie Arthur climate change loons either forget I'm ever won on c.n.n. Once and you had I said something about people thinking that cow farts were going to you know put a hole in the atmosphere and some you know climate change activist group out of d.c. You know I'm sure probably funded with Soros money and a member of the recall but they were they were started tweeting I saw the tweet at me and c.n.n. Saying I should like never be allowed on the air again because of my ignorance on climate these people are completely nuts and yet if I walked into c.n.n. Right now and I sat down or m.s. N.b.c. Or a.b.c. News any of us have been c.n.n. Is obviously my least favorite because I know it well but if I walked into any of these places and sat down and I said What do you think of the of the climate nice extinction people the people that are holding up signs right now in the d.c. And over seas and wherever that claim that they really think that the the country I'm sorry the world not the country. The world is going to be. Be reffed of humanity before long what do you think about that do you think that they would they would agree with me and they would mock No they will mock them they won't mock these people they would say that they're raising awareness which is the great excuse of activists with stupid causes and any given time on any given issue or were just raising awareness Well if they're raising awareness by stopping me from getting through my commute to get to my job to pay my bills I can tell you I'd be pretty upset with these climate change loons but the scariest thing that I'm seeing these days is that you know that there are ancient cultures where they where they worship like a like a child god of some kind you know I mean there are there are times when you know in different dynasties where if you were a part of a if you were part of a dynasty and a child it and a person that's now next in line in succession is considered a god king that now we're out there all adults are saying oh this is the this person is Dave fide as the next emperor or whatever and that this is the thing that can happen and then there's even a term in the movie about it anyway haven't China you know because they're the leader was the you know the emperor is not really human and so the Emperor ends up being a kid. Great a fun Burke is being held up as some kind of child God Emperor I mean she's 16 by shot at young I am and she's almost an adult 2 years away from adulthood but the point is even an 18 year old doesn't know anything about this stuff. But 18 year olds you are allowed to criticize when they become public figures unless it's David hog and then if you criticize him who is just a smug imbecile you're supposed to lose your job get in trouble unknowns a lot of talking again he's allowed to run around calling people terrorists who believe the 2nd Amendment to the n.r.a. Is terrorist blood on their hands and if you push back how dare you he's a child this is what they do how dare you he's a child you can't say that to him. Well Thunder It is now traveling around where she's going to some some climate summit and she is being used to shame people in leadership positions because they are not doing enough she just arrived in Madrid after taking an overnight train there from Lisbon because of the gathering of world leaders and she says they are failing to combat climate change let's play a clip 21 please play a little gentleman in Sweden for a little under a half an inch every. Hour several more on. This not. Political. They're growing folks this has become now a a global movement of people who are just intoxicated with the brainless self-righteousness of all this climate change nonsense I mean I sit here and I really do every day I come in to do the show I try to tell you the truth as I know it about everything there's no reason for me to not believe the world is going to end other than the fact that I don't believe the world is going to end because of c o 2 in the air which is point 01 percent of the atmosphere by the way you really think that that's going to you think that's going to end all human life. This is insane I mean go back and watch these movies there was a time when there was a surge these things go in cycles right I mean there are surges in different mass psychosis that you'll see over time and there were those movies I remember the was it the day after tomorrow and there's another one where it's just you know the climate change stuff all happens I don't people like go up to the mountains because there's the sea levels rise so high was met with a John Hall I think was Ok these movies think I was being nice Yeah I know you're very brand is very polite very polite fellow is funny because you have a unit here like you're very you're you're agreeable whereas we much as we love a Miss producer Mark who's right now I hope he's put on the some block because Jamaica those rays in he could you know he could end up getting quite a quite a burn so we're going to send a little reminder proof from our producer some block don't get so drunk on Margarita's on the beach that you forget that he's a little salty. He'll salt you know say yeah eat bruiser bread agree vs remarkable salty subtypes on the switch a linen producer Yeah exactly so you know these these movies are they came out because people were at that point they were so invested in this idea that the world going to come in I mean go back I'm not making this stuff up I'm not taking it out of context just go Look go look at the Al Gore movie about polar bears and how I mean it was sorry to make a documentary about polar bears people made an inconvenient truth go back and watch that movie and look at the predictions including that polar bears were all drowning and they had their. You know polar bears I think a polar bears kind of sounding like a little bit you know. And they're trying to it's close like it you Baka noise and they couldn't get from one ice flow to another actually polar bear populations are thriving all across Alaska and the Canadian north and I even saw a story yesterday that that polar bears are becoming a huge nuisance in I think part of eastern Russia. Near some in around Siberia maybe something like that where there's too many of them point being not that not just don't talk about polar bears but that the things that they say don't come true in the next practice to listen to their predictions the next time around the things that they have promised us were going to happen unless we do what they say have not happened and now they're pulling the same routine the same you better do this or else these other terrible things are going to happen and I just have to ask after wonder at what point at what point have we had enough at what point do normal people just say we don't want to do this anymore we don't want to go through this anymore. It's now an apocalyptic cult. And that's important for understanding I mean I said it was a death call before but it's not a death call that it's not like the Thuggee cult of India from the 1900 century which is where we get the term fog where they would strangle people on the side of the road and it was the god Kali that they were strangling in the us you know that ever strangling in order to appease and please. I mean here is a perfect example you look at this Forbes is calling an apocalyptic cult that's certainly true I just did a search that I had them and to look at what's going on the climate change world and this world is going to end stuff that. Is I mean this is legislation beginners in Congress I'm not you know this isn't like I'm picking on the Church of the Flying Spaghetti pasta ferrying or whatever that was where the guy who wanted to brought some church challenged some church and state challenge over this because you want to wear a pasta strainer on his head he said it was a religious anyway. Picking on some little insignificant group these people really there's socialists always there's been a little bit more of an openness recently to talk about how they're socialists but now we see these actually what they're planning and you see these stories and. You know you can understand that the propaganda effect here has been successful in a way that's troubling because if people really believe that we are facing the apocalypse what are they not willing to do I mean I really I have to ask that in all seriousness what word of a draw the line. You look back in history and I think it's an important lesson for all of us you never want to underestimate. The Collective's ability to destroy that government which is always at some level a representation of the collective us mindset governments have an unbelievable and on ending capacity for the infliction of misery and despair and destruction which is why our founders what what was the big concern constraining government. We need government at some level you also want to constrain the powers of government you look at what happened in. In China in the 1960 s. The great famine or you had at least 20 perhaps as many as 40000000 people and they're not even really know but tens of millions of people starve to death that was all in the name of progress mountain come forward and say hey I got an idea let's just starve millions of people we've got too many people here no they said we're going to have a the Great Leap Forward was all about the industrialization process the necessity of leveraging of using mass mobilization of people in order to create a more industrial and therefore more prosperous society and that resulted in millions and millions of people dying and government the governor of China has never apologized even you can't even really talk about it they have no no interest in dealing with that past but anywhere. Anywhere that they have on restrained power government can destroy and climate change is at its core an invitation for government to have absolute power over everything and anything it wants with no restraints whatsoever so that's why even in little things I mean I see I see a sinister hand behind even little stories that they push forward like. N.b.c. News here birds are getting smaller scientists say the echo of climate change no birds are not getting smaller because of climate change Ok sorry no. Wonder greet I wonder greet change and global temperature and I mean this is and that's not the birds are getting smaller It was the polar bears are drowning before now the birds are getting smaller. And they think that I'm crazy they think that I'm some I mean I'm somebody all I do is research and read and try to learn more and try to speak to people that I think are smarter than me on different issues or just smarter than me in general I just want to learn bring as much as I can together and share as much worthwhile stuff with you while hopefully entertaining you too that's all I do that's my debts my life's work and I see things like this and I say they think that I'm missing something they're out of their minds Philly students at a climate change rally won't be punished for missing class why they're all these exceptions but if you want to go protest climate change get to skip school I mean they're going to be asked What does somebody say hey great a thumb Berger's high school age to she she just doesn't get that she doesn't go to school so she can go travel the world and talk about climate change. Truancy is it I am missing something you know she doesn't have a Ph d. In climatology she's just thrown around giving speeches other people write for and just abusing the good faith that many of us have about not wanting to just and I mean in good faith being good people yeah I don't want to criticize kids or make fun of kids it's not nice. But I do have a criticize messages that are trying to influence public policy and certainly the adults that are are behind all of this. California bans insurers from dropping policies made riskier by climate change you know who are not riskier by climate change their riskier because of California mismanagement all these stories. They try so desperately to silence us she says at the Madrid climate talks who's trying to test the that's a perfect example who's trying to sounds or I mean I you know she was like them biggest news story in the world during their u.n. Summit here. Silencing or no one's ounces are they turned away or not she was up for the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing for doing nothing it's like Seinfeld a show about nothing it's a great show you know her Nobel Peace Prize winner a Peace Prize for doing nothing it's a male I mean Obama already actually got that Peace Prize the I did nothing prize but they're going to give it to me anyway. This is a this is a mass delusion my friends and it's not going to get better because you know the problem with people who believe so much in something like this is that when you challenge them they become angry and then when you challenge them they become angry and the evidence is now clear no longer on their side then they become indignant and they shut off the normal processes of self correction because it's so embarrassing at some point people will wake up and they'll realize that their belief in this apocalyptic apocalyptic cult is so embarrassing that they will refuse to believe it as a way of protecting their own psyche because they can't go forward in life accepting what a bunch of dumb asses they are that's where this whole climate change thing is going so they'll completely shut down reason they'll shut down debate and discussion in favor of well I can't be that dumb so this must be true just give it time. 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You know producer Brandon who is making sure that the keeps on rolling while producer Mark is on the beach with his newly newly married lady. I've never seen you with sleeves rolled up before you have you have more ink then most members of the Hell's Angels this is a new thing you really have never noticed my tattoos know all right when we got here I mean no people care only see it but I just will talk about what's on the right but you got that's almost a full sleep yeah 3 quarters flee if I know you're Mr movie do you remember the film the never ending story of course never ending story Falco or oh you have the oh my gosh you have the flying white like looks like a Maltese you know the dog yes this is face right yeah and I mean I can take my shit in a dress and that's a different show I have the rock guy over here with a guy who 8 who eats rocks the powerful Yeah right yeah and I have the or enemy my shoulder so it's a whole theme of the whole not you have a giant Never Ending Story sleeve how to how do we never get to this. No you never you know you know producer Nick who helps us on the video side you know he's ink up to him and you guys are guys have some good stuff right are you going to get this done a lot give them a shout out out on Long Island notorious tattoo a big goal to have done a lot but I'm done I mean that's a real Our worry I mean it looks like you've got it's like a mural on your arm that's pretty that's pretty high I don't want to go somewhere I'm way too much of a wimp by the back I would need to get like a shamrock on my ankle it would hurt you're not going to get Nixon on your back. That is has a bolt that you've got a stone I want to go the other arm all this one I got you know let's. That's what stock which I got in Woodstock last year I went to the west dock site and I went to Woodstock tattoo and I got Woodstock with a you know a bandana on a so I've gotten think whenever I can show you this playing in a big radio mike that's for me you never get a tattoo I think of the radio mike Yeah you have to start talking to my own shoulder or something might be a little but we know I have a bunch of the a handicap guy because I have a physical disability with the mohawk and metal horn stone up to make it a little bit more like me oh well as well might my dad's business card passed away like 7 years ago so I get his business card in the back of my arm so I got it I got to you I mean you are you are like a we're like an art gallery walking around you get a lot of stuff never get nevers I mean I guess I just would never like you about your disc Today producer my producer Brannon sleeves are like way up I won't go out of ink I guess because at the old studio we would be between all that we had of separation so I write it on cold out so I have been wearing you know tank tops or anything if you guys like ink producer Brant you should send him an email to tell you where to go thank you. He's got the high level all right with that producer Brandon giving us the education about where to get the ink we have Roll Call stuff to get to and my friends here we go you know I made roast chicken for myself for this week by the way and I didn't make enough sauce and one thing I've learned is that even though calorically it's probably terrible You always got to make more sauce they tell you to make you know it was like a pan sauce this is just a random random brain fart but I'm just saying I always make a little more sauce because I didn't that was the one thing that I think you need to give a certain kind of Turkey another shot because you love barbecue and when I went on the Austin Texas this year they have like this the best turkey at some of the best property places so they know how to do it you know I just like the people our time of 3 men my mother married my mother made sure because you're for Thanksgiving it was fantastic Ok absolutely you know but she's like a maestro I mean she's she's like an artist with that turkey. Are Here we go let's get you are some of our friends here on Roll Call we have. Facebook dot com slash buck sex if you want to send it in on Facebook team back at I heart Media dot com is our e-mail address Chris writes in box love the show. I do have to take issue with your take on Bond movies they've always been a bit cheesy and tongue in cheek but more fun than serious the latest Bond movies are watchable but not really in the spirit of the genre Austin Powers is even more in line than the pouty new Bond. The add value of a guy's all member also powers a phenomenon for a while yeah I. Used. To think I haven't seen Austin Powers movie in a long time I think they made too many of them the 1st one was pretty pretty pretty great person was great 2nd one of course had many me so that was classic The 3rd one is when I just jump the shark with beyoncé I that's probably the only time I've ever walked out of a theater. I got through Lucinda if I may ask a question I heard today a portion of Nancy Pelosi going to have an arc as impeachment who will be President Mr Trump Mr Prout pants are moved from power we would we have the 1st woman elected Democrat president. Loose and yes the answer your question is is yes if. They did manage to remove Trump from office and of course then Mike Pence who was the vice president would become the president and then if they manage to remove him which sounds crazy but it's only a little bit crazy you're than removing trump the 1st in the 1st part of this then yes Nancy Pelosi is 3rd in line the speaker the House would become the president of states Nancy Pelosi would be the president I think the chances of that happening are probably. I mean one of the 1000000 but I can't. I can't say it's 0 I can't say it is 0. So we'll see. We shall see. Let's see we have next year Derek hay about Nancy Pelosi must only be Catholic for the communion she seems to be hitting the wine a lot these days won't dare. See Unless of course the videos are edited I just want to say thanks for making me want to most inform the Facebook community I tell everybody watch your show so they can be up to date to keep up the great work shield side Eric really appreciate the con words. It does it does really mean a lot I mean you know producer Brannon can attest to the fact that I'm I'm sending thoughts it's kind of like I think Rumsfeld uses call them snowflakes read sand like one line top line emails people all the time like the you know this that and it is that I'm 70 used to Brandon and Mark when he's in at you know they'll get in and I was telling you guys you don't have to respond but if you get an e-mail from me at 4 o'clock in the morning about how we have to do a cool segment on something just just followed away for later you know so the show is the show is in a constant People ask me that how do you prepare for the radio show you do every day and I just say everything is preparation I mean everything I read everything I think about everything that I it's not like I have a yeah every morning I wake up drink my coffee start reading in so I can be up on the day's news so I come here and know what's happened but I go home and I'm reading books I'm taking notes I'm reading a biography of Stalin right now so you'll be hear me talk more about just just peppering in some things that I think I know where the from that talk to you about 12 who ruled the. Book about the Committee of Public Safety from the French Revolution that I recently finished so there's a there's a bunch of things that I try to work into all this and then also just my conversations with people people that are very either have expertise in something or politically active or just knowledgeable I've got some stealth conservatives who are brilliant people in private sector life who sometimes feed me either ideas for segments worth just thoughts on things and so that's the show the show is everything this is a show you know Seinfeld says a show about others is a show about everything. The Bucs action show a show about everything if you put them in a commercial it's true them let's see chess in a bucket of this and other pod cast and talking about Jim Jones and the way Jones speaks in a language he uses reminds me of Joe Biden shields high beards thick like beards come in lieu of that prison brand also has a better beard the maybe we'll talk about that right now but Jim Jones do you mean Admiral Jim Jones or Jim Jones the Kool-Aid guy right isn't there there's 2 I met probably the cool it guy the Kool-Aid drinking guy not not the guy from the Kuwait commercial I mean the guy that never was wasn't that wasn't the thing they had to like cult and they'll drink this were drank the Kool-Aid comes from was the guy's name Jim Jones I think so. I don't know but doesn't know everything just almost everything but let's see John Buck if for whatever reason you find yourself just kicking back at home a Saturday maybe put together your favorite snack and beverage kick back and watch Tora Tora Tora a sad non comedy of errors perhaps in the end it needed to happen the 2 awake the sleeping giant something that Yamamoto never said. Enjoy your job average in the movie Tora Tora Tora I've never heard of that is that a movie what is that what is what the heck sometimes people write and I just so curious only one of my. Thing I don't know how to google figure this out I've never seen bridge on the River Kwai which is probably an unacceptable oversight on my part because I believe it is Ron Swanson favorite movie along with Herbie for Herbie Fully Loaded and. Another John Wayne movie I think for George Tora Tora is from 1971 and some movie had the dramatic and telling of the Pearl Harbor attack details everything in the days that led up to the tragic moment in American history I have never even heard of that before you. I haven't I never really thought about I've heard I feel like I've heard it as a phrase when you think about Pearl Harbor the movie I never saw I love Team America when they have the things like harbor relieved. So true because it was so bad it's such a bad movie people get mad at me when I say that they like it I'm like why you want to just watch us get like you know sneak attacked and destroyed and then the doodle rig the Doolittle Raid is not enough. Is not enough you know pendulum swing on the other side for me man you know that it needs to be like Pearl Harbor and then you know raising the flag he would You are something like We need you know I'm sorry it's not of the do little raid Oh we could strike a Japan tour I mean it was interesting and all but it wasn't enough anyway. As you've noticed I'm a radio host I have opinions on things just a thing just the thing that I got. And he went house we have here. On the 2nd and that's the thing that I got. Facebook dot com slash book section there to say that John. Great show is always book rocks Johnny you rock it's a great message Yeah anybody who ever wants to get in Roll Call a member you can either try block your show is perfection in the subject line of the or the 1st line or you can write buck you keep the freedom what keeps me safe and warm at night and then I know you're friendly and everything else you're going to say is true you've already established you have good taste you're wise person so from there I think we're ready to roll. Matt writes dude we got so I knew something was going to weigh in on this I knew somebody when I was we were having a ridiculous talk about you know would you rather be you know die from like Beastie door like a 1000 be stings or like a tarantula bite to the face you know. Matt writes crocs kill you by grabbing you drag you underwater to perform a death role so more likely you die by drowning at least with a boa constrictor you would probably pass out 1st crap I think he's right I think the croc usually grabs you with that 1st and then they pull you in the water and then they do the did they roll in a they kind of your disoriented or you're bleeding while this happening obviously in terror are evil and it's a horrible way to go but a boa constrictor may I feel the snake would be looking at you like hand like as you're you know slowly I guess killed maybe a croc in a land fight there's no water around here that that was that's what we're talking also can't you beat a croc in a land fight really if there was no water around you don't I mean shouldn't you be able to win that at least on our way I know the Komodo dragons I watch way I used to watch way too much of late those late night animal shows and other Komodo dragons has horrible bacteria in their mouth and so if they bite you even a little bit used very very decent chance you'll have sepsis blood poisoning you die so from the form of bacterial infection there are so many things in this plan I know man you a lot of them in Australia is about this right that Australia is this country of wonderful people they've got all these animals it's like oh you don't want to touch that thing hold a rip your face or watch those overall you central nervous system those of videos of Huntsman spiders people catching them when they're in their house is terrifying and I hate I hate spiders are going to come back to the roll call. 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They used to like with Luis to play this game among my though still make jokes about to this day where we would ask my dad or my Mom who are both very just very smart people and were little kids would say like. A killer will and they would have to like they'd be like you know well somebody you know to run a store is always a very large trawls powerful teeth but are we talking all manner of water what if the killer whale was you know if they're trying to source Rex was up to its waist in the killer whales and you know we had to like really. They really took our requests for these absurd scenarios seriously but you know sometimes it gets real folks sometimes it's like what about what about a Russian Brown Bear versus Siberian tiger I think that's a close one you know I don't think I think anybody really knows how that goes down . Shero now that I've told you all the really important things for your weekend we've got a little more roll call coming your way here and the best way to do it is of course to get into the on red roll call Gary. Writes our support for you and like you is and listen my friends affirm our commitments the Constitution our American values wish you had a bigger format fought on Fox News Channel would greatly benefit if you had a slot. Difficult for them to hear the other side arguments to work we follow your broadcast why haven't you sent me a friend request missing you man thanks as always for your courage and are on our behalf Gary. Yeah Gary I don't know ask Fox and ask for where you can follow me obviously the podcast a great place to start. To 48 the Far East where you can listen on your local Philly we're on not have know how many over 820140 now maybe some like that affiliates thanks so much 160 but we go on a lot of things Jeremy want to talk turkey but frying turkey is the best way to cook it takes the most boring meat and transforms it to likes of chicken which is the 3rd best meat behind pork and beef I will say it takes a certain amount of courage or recklessness to drop a 16 pound bird into 3 gallons of hot oil as long as the turkey is completely thawed you will not have any issues. Frying an entire you can fry an entire Turkey in anything that you need a really big fryer to do that right am I missing something. That sounds good fried anything is good in 40 fried is terrible for a bad taste as it is they can fry anything and people people fry Oreos Yeah they usually at a county fairs their big hit. And a lot of gluten Steven buck love your show cut the cable cord you can always pull Fox News shows up on You Tube There's even a live free streaming if you look for it all right Stephen maybe I'll give that a shot I think will be kind of fun to cut the court I really don't watch and cable has watched digital stuff and I'm really embracing this new digital world we live in and I like that dominance of the cable companies I think it's time to put that to an end. Speaking of an end the show was pretty much I didn't which is sad because the show's amazing I hope you all have a fantastic weekend please make sure you get some some rest and relaxation going you know spend time with your loved ones do some cool stuff that put your mind at ease whether it's meditation or woodworking or whatever and come back ready next week because I think Monday we got the i.g. Report so it's going to be interesting until then my friends my fellow patriots have a great weekend Shields I understand it can be a little bit awkward when you have to think about life insurance you don't want to have to consider what would be unthinkable but you have to prepare for an uncertain future and make sure that your family is safe and secure I've gone through this process myself it's something you need to do and you should go to the place that makes it easy for you no hassle that's life insurance Ito's is modern life insurance for people who just don't want to waste time with fine print extra points or fees they really just can't afford as a simple approach they take in this reacts parties and they blend it with technology so that you can find the right policy to protect your loved ones in just a matter of about 10 minutes and you can apply online you should check it out for yourself you'll be taking the 1st steps to ensure that your family has the financial security they need in case of the unexpected this is the responsible thing to do to get a fast free and personalized quote right now at Life dot com That's Life dot com life insurance that actually fits your life. Wesley is a truck driver I drive a truck I would either a truck driver with i.r.s. Troubles they told me of them $43000.00 it got really bad I have quite a few letters in the mail they were talking about wage garnishment coming out of my house my car yeah and they don't play well since I thought that I was telling everything one sleepless night Wesley finally made a call to Optima tax relief at 2 am I forgot to the machine but it actually got to tell me when I. Parson in the middle of the night he found just what he was looking for all there were great people in a team of people that know what they're doing Optima tactfully know what they're doing Optima tax relief came through with flying colors I save an incredible amount of life happy going with some clothes I was absolutely overjoyed take Wesley's advice here and any kind of trouble with the are told off limits actually don't trust anybody else call Octomom for a free consultation call 803752922803752922803752922 pop them with. Some restrictions apply for complete details please with it ultimate actually dot com You're listening to the Patriots on 1410 am Marysville and 104.3 f.m. K 282 b. S. Mary's will be armed American daily defense hours coming up stay tuned. To the terror attack him Fox News 6 Saudi nationals arrested near Naval Air Station Pensacola hours after a Saudi gunman killed 3 people in a classroom on base but f.b.i. Special Agent Rachel Rojas says they're not ready to call it terrorism yeah we are not prepared at this hour to confirm what may have motivated the shooter to commit this horrific act today. There are many reports circulating. But the f.b.i. Deals only in fact Florida u.s. Senator Rick Scott is convinced telling Fox is the goal I don't think is a question of terrorism I don't think there's any question we've got to change what we're doing we know radical Islam is anti american What are we doing I allowing these people to train in using our expensive equipment and put our put our or our men and women at risk we can't be doing this there are more than 5000 foreign students from 153 countries training with the military in the u.s. Defense secretary Marc esper calling for a review of the screening process we don't know the shooter's name we're told the shooter is Mohammad Saeed Al Shaab monny a 2nd lieutenant in a Saudi Air Force early in his training at the naval air. Station officials say shimmery opened fire in a classroom at the naval air station killing 3 people and injuring 7 more including 2 deputies the suspect was killed in the shoot out while because of Fox's Jackie Heinrich in Pensacola the Saudi government offering condolences and pledging full support of the investigation a military source says the 22 year old sailor who opened fired police Navy shipyard on Wednesday was unhappy with his commanders and undergoing counseling Gabriel Romero took his own life after killing 2 people 2 rulings from the u.s. Supreme Court Friday one halting federal executions for a while the other temporarily blocking a congressional subpoena for the president's financial records America is listening to Fox News. 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