Gerri Willis. Chris market's teetering between positive and negative this morning after yesterday's rally and his announcement that the House moved forward with an impeachment vote not really having too much of an effect on the major averages right now the Dow is down 24 points yes to be down to the Nasdaq up to my Q Late in the Dow this morning out of the upgrade from Goldman Sachs gold expects to see the 19 percent earnings growth from Nike citing China as a key driver of that growth and the c.e.o. Of United Airlines will step down from his role in the spring of next year Oscar Munoz plans to stay on as executive chairman of the board while United's president Scott Kirby will take over as c.e.o. Shares of United not reacting much to the news there flat this morning Chris Gerri thank you a Kentucky woman faces several criminal charges accused of stabbing her 4 month old baby in the cafeteria an argument on Thanksgiving Family members tell police that Katherine stepped 38 years old showed up intoxicated grabbed the baby and started arguing with her boyfriend it or saw the baby bleeding and found a stab wound and called the cops when officers showed up the mother kicked the cruiser's windows and resisted arrest. North Carolina man is going on trial for threatening a Muslim political candidate jury selection for. Federal trial is expected to begin today in Asheville North Carolina he's accused of anonymously threatening to Lynch . The Muslim American man who was campaigning for a state Senate seat in Virginia Vanderveer was charged in June after posting a tweet directed at recede which included a picture of a lynching that read quote of you your destiny Rashid reported it to the f.b.i. In September a federal judge rejected Vanderveer is argument that charges be dismissed because a 1st Amendment free speech protection. Delicious tender crispy crunchy chicken circle k. At you 5076 on the highway. Christie this is right how have Krispy crunchy chicken and all the fixings breakfast lunch and dinner and don't forget the sides. Mashed potatoes and gravy back in cheese wedge potatoes and red beans and rice call ahead family dinner or a large group and will have it ready. Has always been great can be. When you think of the ideal country. Question With friendly service. Place for new. Family businesses patrons of continued to. Experience for over 5 decades the trip to 7. Between 5 32 pm be sure to follow us on Facebook. Special. Words keep coming back to me. Resist. It. Person asked and laughs. Yeah. I think she's talking about a persistent rash that she's trying to address. That issue should go she Jessica Yanez doctor. Came to Marshall and strings. And why not. Good Southern states you. Are welcome. There must be some kind of way out here. Said the joker to the he. Has too much confusion. But should be the theme song of the Democrats on Capitol Hill. Shepherds to get a song we would want to ruin at. 86309625 Nancy Pelosi announced this morning. That the Democrats will be proceeding with impeachment. I'm guessing their high 5 ing on c.n.n. And m.s.n. b C they've got to be very excited about all this. More programming for them and this is all a t.v. Show. She didn't schedule a vote or anything else it's a kind of a half of half a half measure of sorts it's not entirely clear I have the audio for you and I'll play what she said a short time ago and it still leaves a number of questions hanging and if the Democrats really want have a vote there say you may have a vote after Christmas and then drag it into the middle of next year and then by the time it gets to the Senate if it does get to the Senate if they really because look they say they're going to vote on it but you can't believe because they lie about everything now the problem is that a lot of crazy people and they've got millions of them following them hanging on their every syllable and if they mislead and they've been misleading their their fanatical followers for many months even years now with Russian collusion and trumps a Russian spy an agent a traitor treason and it's read the county voting CIA director moonscape Brennan Barack Obama's choice to head the CIA had him calling the president out states a traitor having committed treason but and then it turned he doesn't know what those words mean because look at me he's a moron and. Honestly should be in the Politburo but he's Rachel Maddow How do explain know when you say committed treason that means treasonous treasonous means treason and that means you're saying he committed treason and he was just confused by that he's not a bright man look at him for God's sake you can tell from his driver's license photo that this guy's not shot but I digress. So Mary Pelosi came out this morning and she announced something you know that they're proceeding with impeachment but what does that mean and I didn't expect her to announce that they were stopping impeachment today so it's kind of a kind of a oh Ok well if that alone doesn't really mean anything Here's what Nancy Pelosi said a short time ago and look for her trick phrases because she's you know there she is very slippery and there's lots of you know heartfelt and patriotic of the Constitution and the founders she is so full of crap it should be gushing out of the openings in her head it is she's just appalling how full of stuff she is but here is Nancy Pelosi this morning in Washington d.c. Declaring what the Democrats are going to do from this point on deeply prayerfully and I'd like to stick close to the children the president leads us no choice but to act because he has no choice trying to corrupt once again the election for his own benefit trying once because it has engaged in at the use of our undermining our national security and jeopardizing the integrity of our elections his actions are in defiance of the vision of our founders and the oath of office that he takes to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States says. That with confidence and humility Sadly she's allegiance to our founders and her heart full of love for America heart full of love for America today I'm asking our chairman to proceed with articles of impeachment. So they all cheer at Edgbaston b.c. And c.n.n. We asked her to proceed with articles of impeachment is that it was the vote no vote. No news they wrote up the articles of impeachment months ago they wrote a might as well written I'm up and 2017 I've got I've got an idea though I think some Republicans on Capitol Hill should announce that they are drawing up articles of impeachment for the next Democratic president of the United States I'm serious about this I think some member of Congress should start drawing up articles of impeachment for the next Democrat president the United States and we'll just leave a few things blank like the name of the president whoever that is and the crimes that that president committed will leave those playing to because that's what the Democrats are doing right now they wrote in the name Donald Trump on Election Day in 2016 the impeachment thing the Washington Post I have the headline right behind me pinned to the wall. Washington Post on Inauguration Day calling for the president's impeachment in a headline and on and on what was it 17 minutes or something after he was inaugurated. That people were still milling around shaking hands on the stand on the west front of the Capitol and the Washington Post published a headline about the impeachment being under way one of the whistle blower air Chmela one of his lawyers was tweeting within a couple of days the coup has begun and he's a democrat party apparatchik and when we've seen what Lisa Page and Peter stroke at the just department we saw what James Comey did leaking after briefing the president elect on the fake dasi which is of course Hillary Clinton's opposition research he then leaked it you know called Mission Accomplished Clapper Clapper lied under oath Comey lied under oath and nothing there are no consequences because you know they're on the they're on the winning team I guess and they they cheat and they lie and they steal and they're crooked and they're very comfortable being crooked this whole city is very comfortable being crooked most of it anyway. But Nancy Pelosi with that is very prayerful it your very deeply about the country and it well then why are you starting the next civil war you you hack also does she sound like she has some dread disease she sounds like she's been hanging out with Hillary or something nanny Ploesti just a short time ago I commend our committee chairs and our members for this somber approach actions which I wish the president had not made necessary Yeah he made it necessary and signing the Declaration of Independence founders in both a form outlines declaration define property God hears got in fights to a plan for Planned Parenthood we were to see a man worthy of our oath of office organ Harvey support and defend the Constitution of the United States to 5 who are enemies foreign and domestic prayerful the sky domestic enemies he's an enemy so help me so help us God it's amazing that lightning bolts don't just strike these people down on a daily basis and then she fought for $500000000.00 more for the baby organ harvest because she's prayerful and various theories she's a god like person another one of these folks Catholics. Judge if you like go down a list of things that she believes if it were a dating form you know like. You know one of those things to fill out I don't know I actually haven't done that but you know on line personality profile they get on they say well you're not a Catholic you're a Democrat none of these things lined up with Catholicism all of them lined up with the crazy left Isn't that fascinating you can't be both you know it's not like you can't have one without the other it's the opposite you can't have one and the other you can't it's impossible because that's that's just why they're so Palosi asks House Judiciary Committee to proceed with articles of impeachment against Trump and then you have to ask how many stages are there to this thing because it just keeps on folding and it never ends it's it's like Star Trek when they. Speed and all the stars turn into streaks on and as Joe when he when he has stopped moving it's the next step in the penguin is now going to drop articles of impeachment were drawn up long ago and they're going to pick them from a menu of things that they drew up long ago and then all the idiot Democrats are going to come out and pretend that there's something really serious going on here and these fraudulent corrupt news anchors are going to do the same oh this is truly an outrage and I just want to start articles are proof of impeachment against the next president next Democrat presidents and a because this is it this is they're they're setting a new standard you see and this is going to be the standard for the next Democrat president and and I honestly think that So if I were a billionaire I would already be setting up a fund I'd be setting out by an operation to go after whoever the next Democrat nominee is I think it's going to be Bernie Sanders right isn't it was going to be Bernie or who just not going to be camera is going to be oh Elizabeth Warren hi hi ho hi ho hi ho. She wants to rename the Mississippi River the Ganges I think that's kind of weird. How does she going to do that very strange she's confused about her Indian heritage that that could be an amazing stuff House Speaker Nancy Pelosi see n.b.c. Writes on Thursday asked the House Judiciary Committee to proceed with articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump the president's actions have seriously violated the cuts to 2 ssion and then you know said have some really vague things they have no choice because there was an abuse of power and and honestly I guess the abuse of power is suggesting that anyone would investigate a Democrat that's that's the a pair to be a subpar there is a gauntlet that has been constructed around the Biden name and his as there are more Hunter Biden news today as there you have another lab child or something. With a goat in whose back to stand what's going on with this guy House Democrats are in the midst of an inquiry into whether Trump abused his power by withholding military aid to Ukraine in exchange for investigating his own for his own political benefit at the expense of u.s. Interests that's a crock that's just a crack house at the expense of u.s. Interests 1st of all let me let me ask that secondly why is it inappropriate for the president to ask another president to cooperate with the Justice Department investigation which led to Ukraine because there are a lot of corrupt Democrats have set up camp in Ukraine why is Cofer Black of the CIA on the board of Bris Milah gas the same board that Hunter Biden is on why is Hunter Biden on that board why is Joe Biden fighting corruption while his son is getting a $50000.00 a month no show job in Ukraine why does the New York Times think that's of no interest to anyone these are serious questions they they genuinely are is are questions we ought to be asking right and many many things to get to a bunch of good audio from from yesterday not an overdose but some key elements from yesterday's thing President truck home from NATO a much stronger NATO because a President Trump just say thank you much stronger NATO an extra $130000000000.00 a year as of now an additional $400000000000.00 a year starting in 2024 because President Trump has been pushing them and the news media they don't see it that way because they're bought and paid for by the Democratic Party let's go to well let's get a phone let's go to let's go to my friend Luis calling from Fairfax Virginia Louise you're on the Chris Plante you are you know I'm good what do you say well you know 1st of all inside of that call it a body reading are em on. No need to screw around with them a grand demagogic Carette Democrats the Democrats suddenly had a call from now 4 on because that's what they are you know since it seems to me that there is some concern about all this morning the influences that force Congress to stop all foreign aid to all countries and put the money to work Carol or the taxpayers of the United States that's the only way that we can do it and I don't want to stand why they were trying to overthrow it doing the Constitution elect the president like they do in the world countries and I was a New York talking to some people and they said that must be removed it doesn't why why did he do and they said he stopped the l.g. T.v. Agenda and the movement and you know the drug drug legalization and all this other liberal policies that they demanded and because it stopped and now they want to removed right so it seems to me like today some day in the future historians are going to look back and history and say today was the beginning of the end of this great nation because the only thing they're doing is Bush and his closeness to the Civil War Yeah yeah and Louise is from Central America though is an immigrant to the United States Lou is has been very very successful in the United States of America and is a great patriotic American and a friend of President Trump. And honestly and Louise came here to get away from what the left is now visiting visiting upon us here. Exactly and there's no way that I'm going to allow this to continue you know to happen we blew the horn of the White House and there's a lot of never Thumper's to haters inside the inner circle of the White House get rid of them now and you know where it's too late now they're saying yes you were right you know we think we have too many enemies that you know that's what happens when people become trust trusting and they don't believe that there is a lot of Democrats out there that there have motives Yeah but we can't allow this to happen you know am I willing to look for another country and elsewhere in the world where democracy liberty liberty and freedom are honored and rule of law applies you know I warn everybody I've been there you're not going to like it yeah so let's fight now will we still have the time you have a free country there you have it Louise Very well said Very well said my friend thank you very much great to hear from you hate this season of a hostage akes is sharing an amazing limited time offer with my listeners to help you get a jump on your holiday shopping good almost makes dot com and enter the code planty into the search bar to order the favorites gift package that's what it's called the favorite gift package the gift your friends and family are going to love for only 6999 you get it for people that work for a family people in other cities that can't make it all that good stuff order now and here's what you're going to get for 6 ounce bacon wrapped filet minions most tender steak in the world for savory premium pork chops for almost steak burgers for perfectly brown potatoes are Groton for made from scratch Carmel Apple tartlets that's Michael's wife's favorite right there a packet of Omaha Steaks signature seasoning plus only from my listeners free 6 piece cut reset and a cutting board all for only $6999.00 almost takes is a 5th generation you know it well family owned company with more than 100 years of experience in delivering perfectly aged beef expertly cut by Master butchers. In the heartland of America again order right now get the favorite gift package plus the free 6 piece cover reset and cutting board for only $6999.00 special with the show just go to almost 6 dot com type plant into the search bar Don't wait though this offer and soon order the favorite gift package today. It is immigrants of the country that fled lefty lunacy are looking around saying I'm I going to have to go to another country and you know the left said it today we're taking over one country at a time like like an invading force from outer space taking over one country at a time with crazy but they organize like little beavers like little beavers speaking of that we've got Hillary Clinton talking about her sexual orientation today. The Howard Stern Show yesterday and she had another one of her fits. There's only one Chris Plante Chris Plante. 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To secure these jobs. Never be exposed to the real world. Says what I would have asked. From Stanford. This. Could be good news for those forgetting to pack. Hotels the us. Christmas many of us. $50.00. The expense of a little blue pill is now generic which means the prescription medication to treat . Dot com and now keep your doctor's visit free at dot com That's right no awkward face to face conversations to get your prescription that's really going to start your visit go to this exclusive address for him. That's f o r h dot com joy. You know what another cereal is but they have to come up with a way that it doesn't destroy the roof of your mouth and groans right. But doesn't rip your mouth but it's worth it you know that the next day you're going to be sore in your mouth you go through it even more like the Road Runner and Coyote would like an act that would blow. Up looks after the prize but it's so good you don't care weekday mornings 9. Patriot this is truck country and g.m.c. 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This was most certainly not a good idea the typist from the steno pool wrote Rudy Giuliani the former New York City mayor hero of 911 that they just kill everybody they destroy everybody turned lawyer to President Trump turned the linchpin of his whole impeachment situation as back in Ukraine while House debates the House debates impeachment of his boss and not only that See now that's enough as that as oh that's not enough is Hunter Biden there how about Joe how about Cofer Black from the CIA How about Hunter Biden's partner Devon Archer that's actually his name isn't is that the name of that cartoon spy on that t.v. Show. And not only that but he's there to talk to multiple former Ukrainian prosecutors who sparked a lot of his problem in the 1st place people from milieu or with his efforts tell The New York Times they'll just feed off a lot of it's a very parasitic business these days nobody actually does their own reporting they're very upset. Very upset they say that. That Rudy Giuliani has said Ukridge you can't go to Ukraine and the Democrats own Ukraine saying it's their corrupt little pot of gold. And I love this other good good things here here's the one headline from The Associated Press Florida Republican colon quoting now We should hang it as that's And well that's what's in quotes we should hang that's in quotes treasonous Democrats that's outrageous you can't say that because that's what Democrats say about Republicans could be a copyright infringement or something local and national g.o.p. Leaders distance themselves Wednesday from a Florida congressional candidate a Florida congressional candidate and all Republicans across the country are compelled by the fake news media to distance themselves from him right for a candidate who sent a fundraising letter that stated the anti-American radical Democrats and that's in quotes and then not in quotes should be hung for treason 1st of all that would be hanged see Blazing Saddles and Cleavon Little George Buck one of 6 Republican primary candidates for a Florida's 13th Congressional District referred to several Democrats but in particular to Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Omar was born in Somalia and came to the us as a child a racist I can hear the I can feel the drumbeat of racism coming already in the recent letter to potential donors he said that quote We should hang and quote Omar and other quote traitors and quote for quote abusing our system to destroy our country you know when they when they chop up the sentence like this that means that they're there deceiving you that means they're being creepy if there was a sentence there that was offensive they would have just published the sentence but since they have to put single words in quotation marks and then 2 words in quotation marks that means that they're butchering it for you and they're being corrupt so let me hang out just you know that her. Eyes. Just spit on that because that's not journalism that's Party politics now I guess I mention and I should say that I was texting with a friend on Capitol Hill yesterday perhaps you've heard of someone involved at least peripherally with yesterday's hearing and I say you know and I was texting my friend and I said if I were a member of Congress and I said I think I'd ask these hacks especially this this crazy woman Pamela Karlan is her name Stanford she is deranged but we have somebody of her we get her I ask her if I were me I met Gates or something I'd say so answer me this smarty pants Stanford professor girl. Let me ask you because I know and I wouldn't I wouldn't reveal any of this because she doesn't know that she didn't follow the news she watches m s n b c and reads the New York Times and The San Francisco Chronicle and that's where she gets honors castell c.n.n. But it's too right wing for her because she's crazy and again the Democrats want to put her on the Supreme Court because they hate this country and that's another is to put on the Supreme Court but you know that Barack Obama assassinated American citizens while he was president without due process they're all Muslims so it's Ok because they were Muslims and he's a racist and Islam is a race you know just using Democrat language here. But he did target and kill from the assassination list that he maintained in the Oval Office which was called anybody anyone anyone over there the disposition matrix very thoroughly Orwellian at the disposition Matrix was his kill list Barack Obama's kill list that he maintained in the Oval Office it was the face book of death and he would choose names you know like Madeline Kahn choosing dates for the orgy tonight and she and he he would choose names and faces and then the Central Intelligence Agency and the Special Operations Command would kill that person. Right and usually they're foreigners because what with the jihad in everything but sometimes they were all a Lockie an American Muslim who became a terrorist leader in Yemen and President Trump put a Hellfire missile up his phobe that's those long white things that the men wear in the Arab world put it right up a stub and that can be painful get a Hellfire missile up your throat and terribly they've got a camera in the nose cone so you can see everything right up to the last minute but I digress President Obama assassinated people overseas targeted killings who are not Americans. President Obama then started the practice of killing Americans overseas who are they've been deemed at some point by the interagency process to be terrorists so Barack Obama pulled the trigger on a more ordered somebody to and we with the United States Barack Obama the present assassinated does those Americans had them assassinated and it's not like he got his fingers nails dirty himself he went to Harvard after all. But I know that she doesn't know that because she gets her news from the New York Times and m.s.n. B.c. And then Brock Obama and Hillary Clinton may remember bombed Libya for 8 months in a bombing campaign that Obama said would take days and not weeks and the media completely ignored it there was a news blackout on an 8 month military campaign that led to the. Overthrow of a regime the Gadhafi regime bad guy he was murdered by his own people killed by his own people in the street very brutally and you know he deserved a demise like that however the state of Libya is now basically a failed state ISIS owns part of the country al-Qaeda owns a part of the country though Bob Lee government got no help from Obama or the United States after he destabilized it led to a regime change and so on so at any case just with those in mind I would ask Professor numskull here Karlan Well let me let me ask you to talk about presidential authority whether the president has the right to barter the authority of the constitutional right to to barter with a foreign leader even to use foreign aid as a as a bargaining chip as that I mean that's really unusual I guess it's not it would we do it constantly as we should it would be pretty crazy to just throw money at corrupt corrupt regimes around the world without a question but nevertheless here's what if i'm Ok I'm a member of the house I have 5 minutes. I would say Professor and you other silly professors too but in proof in particular. Professor Pamela s. Carolyn from Stanford. Does President Trump have the authority to target and kill people overseas people who are citizens of other countries I ask I'd ask her that I said does the President Trump have the authority to target and kill American citizens overseas because we're talking about presidential authority whether the president has the authority to withhold aid or to bargain with foreign leaders over to barter over an ex a what he called an investigation and and so on right but I wouldn't ask about that I'd ask her about this and I'd say does the president have the authority to target and kill specific let's say you know Saudi citizens overseas and she get babble incoherently for a while is the president how does he have the authority to assassinate American citizens overseas and I'd like to see her answer because it's a trap you see it's a trap question because if she says no that would you know be impeachable and he should go to prison for assassinating American citizens then she's just betrayed Barack Obama right and said that Barack Obama should be impeached and should go to prison for killing American citizens but if she says yes that's you know that's fine of course that's fine because Barack Obama did it and that's the president then then fine say then she's fallen into your trap either way so does the president the authority to target and kill American citizens or say does the president have the authority to let's say bomb a foreign country for months on end does this that without the approval of Congress just the president makes the decision does the president have that authority she could babble incoherently about the War Powers Act and how it hasn't been used since blah blah blah right but either way she she's going to have to give answers to those questions and she has said well no you don't you don't. Have or you do either way she comes out the loser because then of course you say to her Well wait a minute you're saying that the president has the the authority to assassinate American citizens without due process to bomb foreign countries without the approval of Congress for months on end killing $30000.00 people in Libya just by the way and but he doesn't have the authority to barter with a foreign leader over foreign aid u.s. Tax dollars yet you're saying that Stimpy trouble it's impeachable that you would have a phone conversation with a foreign leader in which you would suggest you would like their cooperation in keeping with an actual treating that treaty that we have with them on cooperating with law enforcement issues we have an actual treaty with them a multilateral agreement them and other countries and us where we will cooperate with them and they will cooperate with us on investigations there was a legitimate Justice Department investigation going on and the president asked for assistance from a foreign leader on that right so the question is it's really not a trick question but if you're her it's a trap because you know honestly either way she answers she either crushes Obama and says that what he did is impeachable or she says that the president has the authority to kill American citizens overseas without due process but not to negotiate with the president Selenski over an investigation into corruption possible corruption at the highest levels of our government of our government the vice president the United States. Was involved in Ukraine and his son in fighting corruption and his son speaking of corruption got this corrupt no show job for $50000.00 a month and the president doesn't have the authority to do that but he does have the authority to kill $30000.00 Libyans in an 8 month bombing campaign the authority to target and kill foreign citizens around the world and to target and kill u.s. Citizens around the world because Barack Obama did all those things but President Trump doesn't have the authority to engage in a little back and forth with a foreign leader from Ukraine is that is that what you're trying to tell me here because that doesn't make any sense and you say but but wait a minute it's Ok you can you can kill you can bomb you can target you can assassinate but you draw the line at asking an ally for a favor in a law enforcement issue in a corruption issue because you think that's too political night how about this should a president be impeached when it's found that his Internal Revenue Service has been brought into the political fight against his political enemies because that's what happened under Barack Obama and the i.r.s. Was compelled by the courts to pay millions and millions of dollars to Tea Party groups and other patriotic groups that were sidelined by Barack Obama's i.r.s. So if President Trump used the i.r.s. Against his political enemies to keep him on the sidelines the sidelines in next year's election is that an impeachable offense. I just I don't know why members of Congress don't ask the right questions you know the ones that I would ask for. But they don't let's go to let's go to let's go to the phones Mike the lib is on the line let's go to Mike the lib you're on the Chris Plante show anchor I might yeah yeah yeah every time you win Trump was holding back foreign aid from Ukraine every time a wee bit me one time there was one time yes he was hurting American jobs it was hurting American jobs well because of the Democrats get their sons jobs in Ukraine and they didn't have the money though because American foreign aid is basically a gift card to d.o.d. The buy American weapons and services and they have to hire Americans so I American Act program so you know you don't send them a check so you're not for a while and they're all crazy young send them a check you basically have a line item on all notes in that you know the budget which we know you're concerned about American defense contractors not getting their pay from Ukraine is that where you're at that's the real concern I know those are American workers were 3 American workers workers and jobs but also there are American jobs in Ukraine we send money you can write for American educated with the president of Ukraine but he can't negotiate for personal favors so it's not a personal favor national What's what's the past you know what's the personal security there are crazy what investigate Biden and his son now the way you properly do that is the attorney general would file charges and he has not filed any charges I don't know if you are going to let me stop then looking at all craned he would go to real combat real completely and he didn't and then you know he was going to ask them for help well you're insane but you have to file charges 1st you're you're insane you're insane you have to file charges 1st you're insane Let's see no charges let me let me see if you can stop and learn all right there is no charges that was there with manifold personal information from Ukraine it was all manna for you having him. Break the week pay you a crazy person money you laundered the money you're insane any basically did not attack him that he committed a crime you need to stop talking information from Ukraine you know all this and of course if a crime it behind his son committed a crime file charges are you going to stop talking like a crazy person you know I'm telling you what who. Has the answer now stop talking see if you're capable of that just for a 2nd is see with man a fort there was an investigation and then charges were filed because here in America we don't file the charges 1st and then investigate you mental case all right in America we investigate and then charges I know see the left is here and you're a member of the left Mike you're Mike the lib after all and you think you're not a lawyer but you're an intelligence analyst for 4 you know it's retired now as a career former. Painter not deeply pay he's the guy with the d.n.a. Rack I think but the listen 1st in a cause we believe Saddam Hussein Listen listen you need to calm down in America 1st we investigate and then we filed charges we don't file charges 1st time we know when you're trying to question her made us and have to there's a formal process I thought it might go might get my unit that you need to stop you need to stop the president asked him to help with an investigation that's being conducted by the Justice Department that was the whole point of the damn call you had numbskull the point was to talk to Selenski and say hey John Durham is investigating stuff turns out the road has led to Ukraine you're probably going to get a phone calls your government is going to get a couple of phone calls so how about my guys with Crowd Strike. Which is code for mob violence Crowd Strike and he asked them to help with Crowd Strike and I know there is nothing suspicious or a nothing needs investigating because it's Democrats and we can take their word for it and none of them are corrupt and really Hunter Biden earned that job on the board for 50 or $85000.00 a month and millions to the law firm and then there is the money laundering issue of millions more and Joe Biden's firm the firm that Joe Biden's affiliated with but none of this should be investigated and also the Ukrainian court convicted people of meddling in our election we have Alexandra chill Lupo working for the d.n.c. Here who was working the Ukrainian embassy to try to get dirt on metaphor none of this needs to be looked at none of this needs to be looked at. We're just going to have to disagree on that. And don't forget to take your meds. You're listening to the Chris Plante show. 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Mr Savage taking my time to write here in the paper 48 miles. From less than 2 hours ago Nancy Pelosi came out and held a press conference in which she said she is ordering the pen where the other way is to drop articles of impeachment now less than 2 hours later she is out holding a 2nd press conference where she is trying to explain what she said earlier because she is not very bright a little sampling of what she just spewed and that regard I just want to say this to my friends my friends are asking why don't we wait for these court cases the president's actions sending all these and taking to court and then bumping them up in court challenging obstruction of justice away and so we're not going to be accomplices to just that makes a lot of sense. This woman is 3rd world but. She should we be wearing a Carmen Miranda had She's a joke I'm sorry the Democrats are things and they're being challenged in court by the White House to challenge them in court is an obstruction of justice she should file that as one of the impeachment one of the articles of impeachment he challenged us in court that's an obstruction of justice that is just. The Chris Plante show continues next after this update from talks news on the Patriots. This is a Fox News Alert the case against President Trump moves to the next level I'm Chris Foster that announcement this morning at the Capitol referencing the words of the founders House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced she is sadly asking that Judiciary Committee to proceed with articles of impeachment against President Trump if we allow the president to be. At the peril of Speaker Pelosi says the president put personal political benefit above national security by withholding military aid to Ukraine as leverage for investigations of Democrats and former Vice President Joe Biden other top Democrats also say President Trump has obstructed the congressional investigation on Capitol Hill Jarrett how Fox News and the president's reacting to that news here's Fox's John Decker at the White House the president tweeting the do nothing radical of Democrats have just announced that they are going to seek to impeach me over nothing they have already given up the ridiculous smaller stuff so now they hang their hats on to totally appropriate perfect phone calls with the Ukrainian president he continued this will mean that the Beyond important and seldom used act of impeachment will be used routinely to attack future presidents that is not what our founders had in mind the good thing is that the Republicans have never been more united we will win Chris on deck or the White House thanks to Russian men whereabouts unknown are charged by the justice department of trying to steal $220000000.00 from victims bank accounts of an automated program malware to infect computers intercept passwords and initiate wire transfers the malware then initiate or redirects wire transfers from victim bank accounts to foreign bank accounts controlled by the criminals assistant attorney general Brian bench a Koski says the 5 $1000000.00 ward for these men is the largest ever for. 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