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The mill Allstate is right the number one employer on the 2020 military families employers list you're in good hands bolster for career opportunities or to get a quote contact Allstate today a fire in Casualty Insurance Company in affiliates Northbrook Illinois the 2nd time in 2 days a violent confrontation at a high school in Wisconsin between an armed student and a school resource officer initial reports show that the student produced a weapon and stay out the officer at which time the officer fired on the student striking student one time Osh Kosh Police Chief Dean Smith says life saving measures were provided to both the officer and the suspect this happened at Oshkosh West High less than 100 miles from yesterday's incident at a high school in Waukesha where police say an officer shot an armed student who refused to drop his gun that student was hospitalized in stable condition and in Walker shot police now say the 17 year old suspect pointed a pellet gun at another student's head during the confrontation a Republican California congressman pleads guilty to misusing campaign finance money outside of court San Diego Congressman Duncan Hunter said he failed to monitor his campaign spending that he made mistakes prior to the guilty plea he claimed that. The prosecution against him was political assistant u.s. Attorney Phil helper and praised hunter's life of military and congressional service but said regardless of one's status no one should be allowed in this country to cry witch hunt or fake news and it tempts deflect their criminal wrongdoing punter's wife pled guilty this year to conspiracy in the case they each face up to 5 years in prison though are expected to serve less time than that it wasn't immediately clear if or when Hunter will resign from Congress Jessica Rosenthal Fox News House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff just beginning a briefing for reporters on the report from his committee the Democrats on the committee accusing the president of misconduct and obstruction they are forwarding that to the House Judiciary Committee which begins its impeachment hearings tomorrow on Wall Street a sell off the Dow is down 344. This is. Your Warning both Savage Nation contains all don't play with. Psychological nudity listener discretion is advised. As most exciting radio talk show host 7. Borders what. Life. Is like from day. That day for me I've been on the radio for a quarter of a century and each day I ask myself Am I making a difference today I hope to make a difference Today's topic is rather controversial will impeachment cause a rise of anti-Semitism in America it's already doing so by the way it's a rhetorical question but I'm going to discuss it because it's been eating me alive for all wealth a few months now I've raised this question quietly with friends of mine everyone says don't raise the question on the radio it's too controversial I said I see names like Sheriff Nadler Zelinsky Goldman it doesn't end and I say what is going on here and I say to myself Don't these people understand what they're doing do they think that every American is a moron who can't put 2 and 2 together they say to me you don't have to do with us I said yes I do have to do with us. Then this morning I get an article that was dropped out of the blue on. The independent by Dave McLean you to remove his radio pastor saying Trump impeachment is a Jew coup but doesn't ban him you tube was removed video of a Florida pastor radio is claiming the effort to impeach Donald Trump is a Jew coup but his channel remains online Rick Wiles and on present there are many conspiracy theories blah blah blah I don't know the man I don't intend to have him on I don't tend to watch his video but I know what's going on in this country and just as I have discussed the vile imagery that Martin Scorsese is projecting upon Italian Americans with his gangsta crap I've done this for a long time now I'm glad to see the New York Post copied me finally they elaborated on that article which I've been pushing for 2 weeks now ever since I saw that movie . I knew I wasn't the only one who could see reality but just as I've been very critical of those who are the framing an entire race the Italian people if you want to call it a race. With their vile gangster movies in other words talk brushing all Italians as gangsters we talked about it yesterday I feel it's my obligation both because I am Jewish but you know I'm more like a lapsed Catholic in that sense I'm a lapsed you if you know what I mean if you're a lapsed Catholic meaning you were born Catholic parents were Catholic but you don't go to church much you go once once in a while I'm that kind of Jewish person I don't walk around wearing my religion on my hair on my head I don't walk around wearing a symbol of my religion I don't care one way or the other I just don't need to make an exhibit of it. On the other hand when it comes to a thing like this impeachment business and I see almost all of the names or a good person percentage of them are Jewish and I know that a guy like Nadler and Sheff I know in my heart and I challenge them to defy me I know that they're not religious Jews I know that a guy like Nadler and shift these are known as these are people who hate Israel they hate Israel they hate Zionism Schifrin they love one of the last stood up to radical Islam has he the sheriff or Nadler or Goldman I have a whole list the names here by the way these so-called left wing Jews have they said one word about radical Islam have they stood up to that vile evil on Omar have they stood up to her you know they very much like the Sanhedrin I want to get to that in a minute we heard the words the state we know what that is f.b.i. CIA and n.s.a. Who plotted against President Trump but why are they plotting against President Trump and what is it after that with the crucifixion of Jean Jesus and the impeachment causing a rise of anti-Semitism in the nation well give me a few minutes and you may say you may agree or not agree the crucifixion of Jesus I'm not comparing Trump to Jesus the differences in the 2 are quite clear however both Jesus and Trump were falsely accused by people in power and turned over to a deep state to do their will and the new Rome who Jesus stood up to is today's New World Order No one has said this before it's original to the Savage Nation and I hope you understand what I'm where I'm coming from and where I'm going think about it just think about it why was Jesus crucified because he stood up to the New World Order of the new Rome rather at the time Rome was of the World Order. She has defied Rome the Romans went to the Jewish leaders and said nail him to a cross by the way that's quite a loaded phrase nail him to a cross find the charge to nail him to a cross with it's exactly the same as what is going on here because Trump has stood up to the new Rome What is the new Rome and what is the new Rome the e.u. And the deep state now this has been compared to the Salem Witch Trials of McCarthyism but it bears a resemblance to the crucifixion of Jesus I want you to think a more little more carefully about this the Sanhedrin who were there the Sanhedrin more a group of rabbis who were the Supreme Court of the time in ancient Palestine it was like a Supreme Court a body of 71 rabbis and then smallest and he drew made up of 23 rabbis who reached the citizens and outlying areas in the case of Jesus the Jewish leaders were told to accuse and condemn Jesus of violating the Sabbath law because he conducted healings on the Sabbath he was the most threatening to destroy the Jewish temple accuse him of sorcery accuse him of exercising people by the power of the humans and accuse them of claiming to be both the Messiah and the Son of God in essence Rome did not want anyone saying they were a king as Jesus was said to have claimed in being the king of the Jews because this would upset the ruling class. The World Order in Rome according to the Gospel of Luke Jesus is tried condemned by the Sanhedrin But here's the most important point of today show not all members of the Jewish Sanhedrin not all of them condemned him to be crucified of the 2321 said Crucify him 2 said Do not Joseph. And that could be missed the sense that from this the session. And they could be missed the sent that from this the situation to crucify Jesus. I would have been Joseph Smith the one that could be missed if I were alive at that time I would not have been one of the $21.00 like Schiff or Nadler or Goldman I can give you the names it's an important this is very similar to shifts and they lose star chambers or only a few are allowed to attend and I want to remember another element to this who is it who is the mastermind behind all of this she is not Jewish that's Nancy Pelosi but she is using Jewish people to do her dirty work it's very interesting to me where is she today the president of on thing of all of this is in Paris yapping about something she knows nothing about about climatology So then what happens after the $21.00 rabbi say killed Jesus Jesus turned over to the Romans for crucifixion the Romans were the deep state of that time Pontius Pilate but found no basis for this crucifixion much like Bob Mueller found no collusion but that the state said we want blood. Offered the crowd to spare Jesus or the thief Barabbas as was the tradition of the day but the blood thirsty crowd yelled give us Barabbas So the Romans moved forward the Roman spit on him beat him cut him put a crowd of thorns on Jesus had and he took it he took it all the way to the end when he was put on a cross and die in agony only then the people see he was an innocent man again I'm not comparing Donald Trump to Jesus the differences are obvious from fights back because there is no thought of him to turn to he knows the truth and fights against those trying to hide it. While Jesus fought for the souls of man Trump is fighting for the basic rights of man under our Constitution and himself and he is being vilified in much the same way as Jesus was and in the same way a deep state is now using Jews to do their dirty work knowing that they will be the ones to suffer the consequences they get a twofer out of us I don't think you understand how deep this goes they know that after this is all over the damage will be done to the Jewish people not to the deep state they will have caused a rise of anti-Semitism and it's not that they don't care that's part of their goal what's more important is preserving the way of life of the new Rome and trying to impose the new Rome upon you it doesn't matter who gets killed in the process that is my monologue on the Savage Nation will impeachment cause a rise of anti semitism in the country and I'll open it up to callers the phone number is 855400 savage 855-4072 way to do I have to go back and read the monologue again for you to understand the depths of what I just said to you I'm not putting you down my dear audience I'm just emphasizing like a good professor what some of the key points of today's lecture today's lecture is Will impeachment cause a rise of anti-Semitism in the nation it already has Do you think the average person doesn't know that Schiff is Jewish she's let us know he has you think that I'm not Nadler from Brooklyn is Jewish they know is that you know that Selenski from Ukraine is Jewish Did you know that the comedian is Jewish does it matter oh it doesn't matter in fact I have a list here of the Jewish players and impeachment and where did it come from a Nazi publication before you jump you morons you you varmint on the left it came from the Jewish News or Northern California by rom com p.s. . Ukrainian President Zelinsky he says a bunch of Jewish actors that are playing this drama Selenski Jewish chef Jewish left harness and he go firm and Jewish who was the lawyer 1st 45 minutes of questioning that then you'll Goldman Jewish Did you know who Nadler is calling this week again atheist the Jews professors of this professors of that again these are the atheists from the Sanhedrin these are the ones who want to crucify Trump without any evidence to crucify him with this is history repeating itself as sure as I am standing here before you I am swearing to you from the bottom of my heart if ever I saw history repeating itself in these times it's in the impeachment or crucifixion of Donald Trump What do you think the phone number is 855407282 I know you're going to call it's a very hot topic and if you find it offensive I want you to think very carefully before you open your mouth because you may just be the reason. That I did this monologue join the Savage Nation call No 8500 savage 85407282 savage The Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com You know there are so many reasons to be a grateful nation and in large part we have our military and our veterans to thank for our liberties and freedom national Wreaths Across America Day Saturday December 14th you can join in the mission to remember our fallen heroes honor those who currently star and their families and teach younger generations the value of freedom a $15.00 donation to Wreaths Across America sponsors a fresh handmade balsam for a wreath from Maine with a single red bow the veterans reeds have become a gift of America's respect the circular wreath with 10 balsam bouquets is a catalyst for unity healing and an expression of gratitude What started with America's most hallowed ground at Allington National Cemetery has grown to ceremonies at more than $1700.00 other participating locations across the country and overseas wanted to sponsor a veterans wreaths today and show your appreciation visit Wreaths Across America dot org w r e a t h across America dot org a vet will thank you Wreaths Across America dot org. 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Savage 80 ductile may apply this is Michael Savage listening to the Patriot at 1410. Point 3. Marysville. Local. Times everything comes together at once. Here we are at a time where people are trying to focus on the holidays holiday means holy day in a nation that was founded by Christians it primarily refers to Christmas when we say holiday. Of course there are the holidays around this time for example Hanukkah celebrated by some Jewish people Kwanzaa celebrated by some African American people holidays so the 1st holiday was stolen by Nancy Pelosi using her show Adam Schiff Adam Schiff put the knife into America's heart trying to steal Thanksgiving from us now she marches out one of the ugliest people she could possibly find in the form of the ticket fixer from Brooklyn a stereotype of ugliness a dirty low life Night School oir who's now going to try and destroy trump this week with his committee and he's not the last one will impeachment cause a rise of anti-Semitism it already has in my opinion but what do you think Jimi in Las Vegas what do you think about all of this. I mean an honor to speak to you I love your commentary I love the opening monologue and everybody has a stake in the business but not you know this is good to be more genuine Well it's the you think that there's any accuracy to it or it's just emotional No no no no you know I mean you know the Bible but I do you know what happened before it's a fiction but you know what I'm not non-practicing Catholic like you know I mean I don't want my add I don't know no I didn't say I'm a lapsed Catholic I said I'm like a lapsed Jew and I said like my friends who are Catholic or lapsed Catholics and I feel I feel look I know something about the Jewish people I know an awful lot about the Jewish people I carry a Bible with me I have my Bible marked for the last 25 years with hundreds of posts it doesn't make me a biblical expert I wrote God Faith and Reason I know it awful lot about Judaism and I want to say this almost every religious Jew that I know supports Donald Trump it's the atheist the communist the show should list the New World Order ones that hate Trump and they're working for the New World Order that's the whole point to my monologue today. Well you keep it up. Well I don't know whether to keep it up or keep it down I don't know where the zip it up but I know this it's far more important than talking about a movie about Italian gangsters I don't need to see any movies about a tag in gangsters anymore I've seen enough for the rest of my life it's a distraction we have gangsters in Congress and the chief gangster is in Paris now the one who set this all off Nancy Pelosi I don't know who's running her but they are some of the smartest people on the planet they got her out of Dodge for the 2nd week of this this crisis they sent in a Paris the state of America in the back to tell us we need to sign on to the Paris Accords here this she knows about as much about climatology as a dog that's just been euthanized in a vet she's never taken a course in science what does she know about climate science is nothing it's a political game to her so where is she is she here while Nadler is now starting his little charade she's hiding in Paris talking to her friends in the European Union working for the New World Order it's so clear to me sometimes things come to me in such clarity it's frightening today was one of those days it's heart stopping what I saw today there was a word for it called Sartori where the sudden insight comes to you and this has been building in me for months now I have friends Jewish and non jewish and I've whispered to them for months don't you fear that Schiff Nadler angle Don't you think people know that they're all Jewish Don't you think this is going to stir up anti-Semitism they said it already hands and let me tell you something else I spoke in the people of very high levels in this government. You're 100 percent right the levels of anti-Semitism in this nation right now have gone through the roof because of this because of Sheriff Nadler. Joy name a few others well I'm not part of the Sanhedrin that is crucifying Trump I am Joseph. And I am. In the form of Michael Savage come back to life. Joined. By 478472. Separate. China tariffs trade wars cyber attack and the totalitarian brainwashing Look I don't trust any so-called agreement with communist China do you I can only imagine the things were not being told and yet the financial markets are at record highs based on a lying Chinese agreement I just read a new report from Swiss America shyness top secret war that you need to read please for your own sake call to get it it's free 802892646802892646 The truth is China is waging an extremely deceptive economic war against the United States that's putting your savings and investments at risk the number one goal of the Chinese Communist regime is what it's to the Valar America byte by byte little by little turning America into a Chinese consumer colony that's the way it is why don't you find out what can be done to protect your money and your family would you please get read Swiss America's free report China's top secret war get it now by calling 802892646802892646802892646 . And I'll have your Box Office Briefing when we come back. That ransomware attacks have increased by 500 percent this year yet. Getting all types of business encrypted data. Up there next victim. To prevent and recover from ransomware and other advanced drugs so Rissa cured Absolutely. And keep this business up and running that's a relief to protect your business. Frozen 2 came in 1st for a 2nd straight week and along the way it had the highest grossing Thanksgiving weekend in box office history it's amazing what movies going to complex when people need a break from fighting about politics with their families speaking of fighting a lot of people thought knives out could take top honors this week but that film got beaten worse than a Black Friday shopper but seriously I think I speak for everyone when I say Thank gosh up until now they've only had 5 movies cross the 1000000000 dollar mark this year I was getting ready to start to Go Fund Me for Mickey the new drama queen and slim debuted with 15000000 bucks or as they call 15000000 bucks at the concession stand 2 medium popcorn and a soda and finally Martin Scorsese's Mafia epic The Irishman left theaters and made its debut on Netflix Personally I like to quite a bit but the Irishman is 3 hours and 45 minutes long in that same amount of time I could have flown to Dublin and met an Irishman Now if you'll excuse me I've got to go put on my fat pig that's your fox news commentary this use those savage nation the republic that Franklin described is on life support it's hanging on life support right now the machine is beeping it's about to go flat line if this keeps up and I have thought about the flood of illegal aliens pouring over the border on the Republican conservative president Donald Trump That's it for the day Michael Savage host like you know what weekdays from noon 221410 am and one o 4.3 f.m. The Patriot. I'm Bob welcome to my podcast if you like water if you do you're going to love me here and sinful I'm talking. 500 years in a break here. I never was and never will be water. Bottle to the source. Mount Shasta. And simple naturally. Located just minutes above Collins Lake is a bar and restaurant serving home cooked meals every night. Chili pecan pie and a delicious fish and chips are available every night but that's not all that goes on at the Willow when saloon and restaurants come into the Willow Glen saloon every Friday for a tender juicy prize dinner and if you like to party it up and dance the night away definitely don't miss the Saturday night party every Saturday night with Oakland saloon the restaurant has my music serpent dinner and the best most. 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Security camera listen this offer is for a limited time only it's ending soon so hurry go to simply safe savage dot com to save big and get a free security camera simply save savage dot com. The was. The. Make. The opening of the war it's a given flight it give it on the Standing on to the simple I opened wide my mouth and panted for I long for the i Commandments Psalms 119. Verses 130 to 31 the opening of my words give with light what I've tried to do from the day I began to radio I know sometimes I could be bombastic I could be hateful I could be comedic I could be many things I could be sensitive I could be lonesome I could be full of myself I could be egotistical but sometimes the real me comes through in the real reason I'm still living comes through because I'm not living because of me I got to tell you right now by genetics and by lifestyle I shouldn't be here on this planet and every day I ask myself God why are you keeping me alive why am I here. Answer me answer me and the silence answers me I only get silence and then sometimes I get an insight like I did today and I feel saved in sitting still and rest shall you be saved and quietness and confidence shall be your strength Isaiah $3015.00 Today show is a show or is it a show or is it a revolutionary idea will impeachment cause a rise of anti-Semitism in the country it already has it already has you see arrogant people like shift and they learn angles and the rest of that pack of atheists in my opinion. Have contempt for everybody in America they think you're a bunch of morons they try to strip you of your dignity. Thinking you're an idiot they have the nerve now to use this group of vermin this women called a squad to attack you and he white male us supports Trump is now called a white supremacist with impunity in essence they're calling you a Nazi for supporting a president you voted for it's never in the history of this nation that we live through such hatred as we are from these atheists now I can sit here and take it but it's not in my nature to sit here and take it. So I'm fighting back fighting back in the only way I know how with insight intelligence and facts if I've gotten one fact wrong thus far in the 1st 35 minutes of my show kindly call me at 8554 at 7 to 82 and tell me where I am mistaken when I compare what they are doing to try to what was done to Jesus both were falsely accused by people in power both were turned over to a deep state to do their will the new Rome the new Rome the new Rome of today is the New World Order the one world government the European Union the Sanhedrin were the law of the land that was the Supreme Court 1723 rather 23 judges smaller Sanhedrin and of the 23 who were told to crucify Jesus they came up a sorry to use the phrase they trumped up charges against Jesus condemned them of violating the Sabbath law by healing on the Sabbath which by the way is not a violation of the Sabbath law because I know I know the Torah very well you may not know how much I know but it's not important for me to tell you how much I know because it's not about me and how much I know but healing on the Sabbath is actually permitted in the Torah in fact you can violate the Jewish Sabbath Laws if it's a matter of medical necessity incidentally then they accuse G.'s of threatening to destroy the Jewish temple that's threatening trying to destroy jurisprudence they accuse Jesus of sorcery. Etc In essence Rome said nail him to a cross on whatever you have to nail him nail him just whatever you have to make up and then of course the Jewish rabbis did it but not all of them too Didn't of the 232 did not Joseph of Army Theo they could demons said no he is not guilty he should not be crucified. Is that not similar to what I am doing today on the show is Adam Schiff and now that ticket fixa from Brooklyn. That man with the pants up to his pectoral muscles Nadler is he not are they not a repeat of history all over again I think they are again I'm not comparing Donald Trump to Jesus differences are obvious but a deep state is using Jews now to do their dirty work this is the ugly truth Palosi set this in motion and ran off to Paris to make believe she had nothing to do with it she so whoever is running our you don't have to go watch movies like The Irishman or The Godfather whatever is running hard they are smart people they are smart people they try to decapitate Trump and failed then they ran or off to Paris to get out of dodge so people wouldn't blame or and they let him blame the Jewish lawyers in essence they learned chef Look I'm sorry I'm talking to you like in a movie I can't change every word for radio I'm giving you a script that I would write if I writing a movie about this is the only way I've got to speak which is the direct truth the bottom line or the m.s. As we used to say in the Bronx that's what I'm giving you is the am is the bottom here and they are causing a rise in anti-Semitism on purpose I don't think you understand it's not by accident they want the Jews to be blamed for this they want to drive the evangelicals away from Trump they want to drive the world against the Jews and these are the same atheists who stamp Israel in the back every day are they not what did you last heard shift support Israel like never Don't you see the pattern here can you put the whole pack package together I'm giving it to you in a neat package with a ribbon on it make of it what you will but if you can find fault in my argument I invite you to call the show the Jewish players in impeachment. Put together not by the American Nazi Party but by the Jewish News of Northern California Ron campus he says a bunch of Jewish actors are at play in this drama Ukrainian president's Alinsky Jewish Adam Schiff Jewish left harness you are Freeman Freeman so sheets of Giuliani Jewish who are the lawyers Daniel Goldman 1st 45 minutes selected again by shift Daniel Goldman former u.s. Attorney Nadler now among the 6 House committee chairman assigned to destroy Trump 3 a Jewish Shifu chairs intelligence to New York reps Nadler judiciary Eliot Engel foreign affairs Jewish This is only the beginning of it by the way people see this but you see behind it all is the brain of all brains George Soros Oh yeah all George Soros can say it though he accuses anyone who says it of being a Nazi he's got it all down oh yeah George Soros controls a very large part of the Korea Foreign Service at the United States State Department he also controls the activities of f.b.i. Agents overseas said the attorney Joseph to the Jennifer Oh yeah. People are starting to put $2.00 and $2.00 together here New Rome New World Order Trump is Jesus easy to do easy to make the connection. Now no one has asked me to do this show today in fact. Wisdom would have dictated that I don't do the show today this kind of show I didn't have to do this I could have avoided this altogether you have any kind of you have any idea what kind of Wrath this is going to bring down upon me and my radio career by those who control the media you have any idea Jewish or non jewish do you have any idea what kind of Wrath this is going to bring down upon my head do I say I don't care I be lying I do care I have a career that I built over a quarter of a century after other careers. And it will end when I want to and when God decides to show him but I will tell you right now there are forces in control of the radio business that I can't even name who have removed me from major stations in major cities and want to make sure that my voice was not heard that only vanilla voices were heard people who would repeat the same thing over and over and over again every day until you were numb to it didn't even pay attention you think that this show that I am doing today would be unpopular in New York well people in New York are listening to the show even though they took me off that when you a.b.c. Because I had the number one show for years I beat Hannity for years one book after another I beat Hannity I'm not a lot of talk about it I guess but I did so why would you take a guy off a station is doing so well political reason that's all no other reason and so they can get me on the stream we have a huge response from the people who were dying to hear me in New York on the audio stream and. Los Angeles the big market Chicago big market Washington d.c. Was where they 1st the capitated me to put on a vanilla talker nothing wrong with vanilla talkers it's easier to just listen to vanilla but you know vanilla melts rather quickly vanilla melts like snow fall when the sun comes out I don't like it I spoil not a snowflake and I'm going to keep going with this so I'm going to ask you again have you seen signs of a rise of anti-Semitism in the nation amongst your friends because of what they are doing yes or no let's take some calls Los Angeles how we long for Go ahead please welcome to The Savage Nation this afternoon. Yeah Mike I just want to throw something perspective on this if you remember Richard Nixon Richard Nixon literally say the state of Israel in the 73 war and Richard Nixon did not yet when he got about 20 percent of the Jewish vote in the United States and later when Richard Nixon left office a reporter for the White House tapes and then I Semitic remarks Richard Nixon are you in a high so much he said Don't ask me gold in my year so in the same sense right now you've got a situation where you have NAVL or shift. The recipes less to do so I'm a few myself serving too much like you might very much like but I was in law enforcement. So my perspective is I see the guys like. They are turning the people from. The John Heggie organization with millions of Christians they're sitting in their homes. And what are they saying these Jews are crazy they're saying these Jews are working to get themselves. Undermined I understand why do you think I'm doing the show there's been eating at my guts for several months now but I felt today is the right day for do you think it's the right day for it's actually the right day because along comes the most distasteful looking character in the history of American politics Jerry Nadler now is going to do the new crucifixion he's going to bring out the next spike and try to put in Trump saying every This even how we carry how he's a very bad times and what is Nadler or shift last spoken out against radical Islam Howie that they have not when has Nadler shift said one word about the rise of Islamic terror or the slaughter the other day in London did they speak out not one word out of their mouths. No my friends it's so apparent to people like me who study this and live with it I eat drink and sleep what's going on in the world and I'm telling you that this question is so important will impeachment cause a rise of anti-Semitism in the nation how we thank you for listening out of Los Angeles I'll be back in a minute joined Savage Nation call No 85400 savage 85407282 savage the Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com the Chamonix Christmas holiday sale is officially here stock up on the best skin care that money can buy during Shanley's best promotion of the year look imagine the turkey neck and double chin gone with the famous Genya cell breakthru drawing treatment with m d l technology and during Sherman these 25 Days of Christmas celebration get the classic Genya sell for I bags and puffiness absolutely free. 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Is Graham with me Julie Pace if you watched your take anything away from the fact that the Republican couldn't get over the finish line even when Donald Trump's full support Look the candidate always original. Meet is America prepares for the 2020 Lexus listen unsubscribed to ground 0 for. The Westwood One on cats at work where the conversation starts. Because you're listening to the Civic and the Patriot. And I think the radio. Hill You are in the holiday shopping season and cyber criminals love Cyber Monday they hope to get rich off the masses shopping online which we're all doing now here's some tips to shop safely online please make sure you use device security on your computers and all devices confirm is h t t p s a lock symbol in the u.r.l. 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Here's something that probably learned in Hebrew school and forgot one of the 10 Commandments a little yeshiva boy was this. Not bear false witness against my neighbor I would think that even the atheist shift the smart little boy that he is. A real good memorizer but apparently didn't memorize this commandment Thou shalt not bear false witness against my neighbor when I come back I will continue with my discussion of what you know that. You're listening to the Patriot on 14. Point 3. Broadcasting station. The best drive through coffee is just a simple way. With 2 convenient locations in Marysville and 30. 560. All of your favorite. Blended favorites. Just. The time here looking for parts for your direct broken down vehicle you want to go to United truck in Marysville United has a huge selection of quality used parts. Pick up. Recently added. A vehicle to their inventory. Like the. State of the computer system. You can even. Thank. You. Clear. The present States. Solicited foreign interference in our election and they argue the integrity of the next election is still at risk boxes Jared help is live on Capitol Hill you know 300 page impeachment inquiry report Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee laid out their findings after a months long inquiry concluding President Trump abused his office for personal political gain by pressuring Ukraine to announce investigations of prominent Democrats including former Vice President Joe Biden he was willing to sacrifice the national security of the United States by withholding military aid and diplomatic recognition in the form of that White House meeting in order to get what he wanted Democratic chairman Adam Schiff also says there's evidence of obstruction from the White House by refusing to allow key officials to testify in intimidating other witnesses Lisa thanks Carol the White House says Democrats utterly failed to provide any evidence of wrongdoing by the president and that the report reflects nothing more than their frustrations as that report is released President Trump in the 1st lady have been attending receptions for NATO leaders in London with the Queen at Buckingham Palace and the prime minister at 10 Downing Street earlier the president telling reporters he has no deadline for a trade deal with China. At rattled the market down $280.00 points at the closing bell is down more than $400.00 at times during the session Carla Harris is out so here's the deal guys my campaign for president simply does not have the financial resources to continue the California senator once a top tier contender has been struggling in the polls and with fund raising in the crowded Democratic race she is suspending her campaign but is pledging to do everything she can to help defeat President. America is listening. Ordinary may do a good job of cleansing easy done and that was done you get a whole lot more because every bar is maybe one quarter moisturizing cream so you get a gentle at least skin feeling soft and nourished upgrade to the bar that gives you more of it cleanses and cares Plus it's number one recommended by dermatologists Now that is money well spent don't get more from the Beauty Bar. There's a couple flights. 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