Knowledge of hacked e-mails during the 2016 presidential campaign defense argued his actions weren't intentional saying the case against. The defense called his attempt to contact Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange during the campaign. Act in politics if convicted could face 20 years in prison. Killer or a Cromartie has been executed in Georgia for the killing of a convenience store clerk in 1994 his attorneys had pushed a last minute appeal to the u.s. Supreme Court asking them to order d.n.a. Testing on crime scene evidence just as the appeal without comment it's been just over 100 days since a gunman what a shooting rampage at a Wal-Mart store in El Paso Texas killing 22 people that store will reopen in the morning without fanfare it's been extensively remodeled since the shootings a new national hotline to report sexual misconduct accusations against Catholic bishops in the u.s. Maybe up and running ahead of schedule Pope Francis said I'm a deadline to launch the line but a lawyer for the u.s. Conference of Catholic Bishops says the toll free number could be operational by February church officials at the bishops conference in Baltimore expressing optimism that all of the nearly $200.00 diocese will be ready general counsel Anthony. That the privately run hotline will divert frivolous complaints before triggering an investigation Bishops approved the hotline following new developments in the church sexual abuse crisis including a scathing grand jury report that found Catholic priests. This is Fox News. Also. And there are. 33. X. Here in. This. Country is. Asked boarded. Well. China. Cases of melanoma that skin cancer fell among people younger than 30 in the United States from 2006 to $15.00 suggesting efforts to encourage protection from the sun might be paying off according to a new study there the California Trucking Association has filed what appears to be the 1st lawsuit challenging a sweeping new labor law that seeks to give wage and benefit protections to workers in the so-called gig economy including right here drivers at companies such as rubber and left the legislation violates federal law and would deprive more than $70000.00 independent truckers of their ability to work according to the association many would have to abandon $150000.00 investments in clean trucks and the right to set their own schedules in order for companies to comply with the law it says illegally infringes on interstate commerce Let's hope those independent truckers when central bankers see a sustained expansion ahead for the economy's growth with the full impact of recent interest rate cuts still to be felt and low unemployment boosting household spending the Federal Reserve chair person drone policy and remarks that brushed aside any worries of a looming slowdown Let's check in with registered investment advisor Miss Shott block Michael what do you think are what's going on today without already air yards j.p. Now is forecasting one percent for the 4th quarter that's the Atlanta Fed model the New York Fed model said 7 tenths of a percent rain while I I don't know about you I was 600 ping actually that this trade war would be settled by now know after still after all these announcements. And try to head out a gray on a trade deal still longer that goes on the worse that is for us farmers that were that is for us manufacturers. Yeah but at what point does this all implode mesh. George I keep trying to come up with what it is it's going to take you know over in Europe they've got a huge battle over breakfast that is slowing things down their. China g.d.p. Forecasts keep coming lower and lower and lower asked by the i.m.f. And the i.m.f. Almost always overestimate what these things are going to be I think people are overestimating what's happened in what's going to happen in the u.s. Interest rates are up about 4 tenths of a percent from the bottom they're still at historic lows are really close to what but 4 tenths of a percent is enough to slow housing 1000. And people are struggling struggling I'm seeing reports out today that people are for falling further and further behind on car payments sorry Prime car loans are an absolute mess people are taking out loans for 8 years refinancing cars when they're when they're underwater on them George for all this talk about how great the economy is you can look at all of these things and it does not add up to greatness not yet Mitch thanks we'll keep in touch senior Democratic and Republican lawmakers present a duly narratives today as a u.s. Congressional impeachment inquiry that threatens Donald Trump's presidency and so in a crucial new phase with the 1st televised public hearing let's get the perspective from Jerome Corsi author of Partners in Crime Dr course see what you think of the proceedings so far well I thought today was a bad day for Adam Schiff these 2 central witnesses from the State Department is William Taylor George can't. Neither one of them had any direct experience of the phone call between President Trump and presence Olinsky of Ukraine on July 25th this year it's all hearsay and it was 2nd or 3rd level here say oh this person told this person to tell this person or told me which would not be admissible in court and under cross-examination I thought these 2 State Department officials did very poorly their stories broke down and the optics you know that it looked like to State Department officials who were unhappy because they had not been consulted about Trump policy in the Ukraine but Article 2 of the Constitution gives the president the right to set foreign policy and the State Department isn't even mentioned in the constitution there's no reason it has to exist you know as I look at what's been going on jury for months now about this impeachment inquiry I don't see anything impeachable at this point what I do see is some president who did some foolish things and some things that he should not have done but I don't see a dozen Pietschmann What do you think I don't see any crime here George I don't see that the aid was not all of it they withheld your house of the Selenski and the Ukrainian saying they did not feel pressured in fact if you look at the history of it for the 1st 2 years of his presidency Donald Trump was actually funding Ukraine at the same levels as Obama had been funding so I mean it's very hard to make a case of a quid pro quo or a crime or you know you have to investigate Joe Biden in order to get more aid that's not in the conversation we have the transcript the best transcript and one that is evidently accurate certainly that's been the report of people who listen to the conversation so I just don't think that Demi there's no there there there's nothing no smoking gun and if this is the best. That Adam Schiff has I thought the testimony today was long boring. Sounded like the City State Department officials like listening to a boring political science lecture in college for a professor reading from notes I fall asleep is this going to get over soon so we can really concentrate on a 2020 new election and see what happens Well I think that's the real solution here if the the Democrats are so angry about President Trump having been elected in 2016 the this Ukraine date is shaping up to be a repeat of Russia gate no evidence no collusion was found by Mueller and I think shivers abd these are his best witnesses he's going to fail on the auction coming up in November 2020 which is now rapidly just about a year away yeah that's one solution I mean if people don't like President Trump vote against him there's going to be opportunity to replace him within less than a year that's the real solution here not impeachment and what's new of course the Nation dot com Well we're doing the daily podcast again no good and we're you know really trying to decode the news and trying to rebuild are very happy that I did not get indicted by Mueller and then by I would not. Sign is to please you know I want to be the sign which was a crime I did not commit and then I did not get indicted I think it further ever wrote that book Silent No More which indicates the I think really the criminal prosecutorial misconduct that was going on with feel or certainly I experienced I felt federal charges against Mueller were now taking him to the Court of Appeals the judge in the District Court of New York I'm sorry Washington federal district court dismissed the case so we're. I think a politically motivated decision will find out if we have to take it all the way to the Supreme Court will do so our jury if we don't talk to you before Thanksgiving Have a great one with your family and if we do we'll get you back on the program while a fellow in England bought a 18th century Chinese vase Vos for $1.00 he thought it was in a solid at auction for a 100 $1000.00 that's not bad return it ended up selling for $400.00 in $87000.00 and all he did was pay a dollar for wow in a moment Dr Robert pitcher only back with us on Coast to Coast has been 6 years but we're going to be talking about science and faith can life be merely an accident everyone's guide to Adam's Einstein in the universe we're going to talk about how did the universe form was it by chance or maybe not Robert's next with us on Coast to Coast day out. 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In high energy physics from Stanford University and was on the research faculty of Harvard he ran 8 startup and turned around high tech companies making medical and microelectronic equipment hold several patents for medical microelectronic and smart energy devices now retired continues writing he enjoys making the exciting discoveries of science accessible to everyone in he says you don't have to be a great musician to appreciate great music in the same is true for science is so true about that he's the author of more than 50 books about half of the general audiences and half of the physics students and terms of readership and Robert welcome back my friend Hope all is well oh George thank you for inviting me back oh everything's great super one doing what a super subject I I can't wait to get into this maybe you can help me learn how the big banking started I can't get that my gosh how many books now 50 plus Yeah yeah yeah I've been busy you have well good for you and by the way we never retire we just go into other areas right well a lot of the books they're very short so there was a point in time I went to Amazon wanted to have these short cheap and sweet little books and a little bit later on will have you are you've got a great deal for my listeners your books will talk about that too but let's get into of course the latest and talk about the universe itself that you know there's 2 camps one is science that the universe you know forms from this big bang whatever that is and then we have the religious camp the spiritual camp that talks about you know intelligent design that God did this isn't conceivable that we have a mix of both. Well you know that's a very interesting question I. Was invited to speak at Loma Linda University 4 times. Organized by the 7th Day Adventists as you know so they're very. Conservative Christian faith and the 1st time I went up I put up a slide on the screen and compared the story of Genesis with the scientific theory of the big bang and the point I wanted to make was how incredibly similar these 2 stories are now they come from thousands of years difference in the history of mankind they come from very different philosophical bases and yet they're almost exactly the same so the 1st line was in the beginning there was nothing and that's the same on both sides and that's actually a very remarkable statement because obviously there's so much stuff in the universe today but to think that there was a time when there was nothing that's really an eye opener and then the Book of Genesis says that God created the universe and it near the beginning he said Let there be light. And the theory of the Big Bang says the 1st thing that happened was the creation of space time and energy and for a physicist that's the definition of like Ok and then both of them say the next thing is stars and the next thing is planets and the and then you get down to plants and animals and and finally humans and both of them say the same order and at the bottom of the Book of Genesis says all this took 6 days and the theory the Big Bang says all of this took 13800000000 years little difference there but yeah as a big difference yeah so I don't know well you know there's no getting around the fact that the numbers are really different but is the number of the most important part of this message. Is the number the most some part of either message and I told him I didn't think the number was as important as the general theme of creation and I stuck my neck out a little bit and I said I don't think the number so important you should change the name of your faith to the 13000000000 year vent I love it and I thought maybe they crucify me but they're a charming group and they laughed and I like that it was the funniest thing that hurt. And you know is it possible Robert that one day in Genesis might be the equivalent of 2 some 202000000000 years in the Bible Well certainly I would think so I don't like to tell people what the Bible says not educated and theology but my view of the Bible is you know and this is just my idea my view of the Bible is the purpose isn't to be a user's manual for you know how to fix your transmission or something like that it's not the Encyclopedia Brittanica a purpose was to teach morality the people who were illiterate and educated and immoral I mean didn't have a society with you know for laws and justice system or any of the things that we enjoy today. And over the thousands of years you know religion has done a great job of elevating the food was a sion of mankind I mean we don't go around just killing each other for fun anymore . Well some people do but fortunately there are very few of them not not a lot of us that's yeah so I mean we are a much better human race now than we were 2000 years ago and it's you know we're better we have tangible things that are better like cars and airplanes and that's technology but I think we also treat each other better we're more moral we're more generous from our charitable and that's much more important can we even explain what life is no we can't no I know that no no I mean I I'm fascinated by the origin of life and I have my own crazy ideas about that but I have never seen a scientific definition of life that holds water all literally. And in one go ahead go ahead. Maybe I had thought the other day maybe life as not sort of on and off I mean it's not like there was once a creature that was alive and the next they are the day before wasn't maybe life is sort of a continuum like you know gray is a continuum from black to white maybe is not a shark dividing line between what's alive and what's not what's good what's Darwin right about anything that he came up with his theory of evolution. I believe that Darwin's explanation of. Evolution through natural selection is a compelling explanation that tells us an awful lot about. The various living things that we see around I think that the basic theme of it is correct there may be details still to be worked out most scientific theories still have details that get worked on even hundreds of years later but it doesn't address the origin of the 1st life it says how you know my children will be more or less like me but slightly different because of genetics and so on so on but it doesn't say how the 1st creature came to be and that's the part that really fascinates me more Well exactly and no matter what the creature must be doesn't always have to come from some form of breeding. As far as we know I mean you know the the theory of Adam and Eve of course is going oh God just plopped into humans down on the planet and and here they were but you know biologically thinking in if you think of it in the way of Darwin somehow something had to start this biological process exactly and I don't mean microorganisms or anything like that I mean for for there to be let's just say if a frog for lack of a better animal that if there was a frog on this planet for the 1st creature somehow it had to have been born out of a tadpole stage from another frog I would think How did that happen. Well you can go back and go back and eventually you have to say to yourself there has to be a real beginning in which something dramatically different happened that caused this and hurt mass of chemicals to all of a sudden be this vibrant alive creature that procreates exactly that goes out and eats and it builds its body and it procreates and it has children and after that Darwin can tell us a lot about what happens but you know Darwin really had no cogent explanation for how this whole thing got started in the 1st place and the part that you know scientists have had this idea for more than 50 years that you know if you just have a bunch of chemicals in a lightning bolt hits them or something like that then eventually you're going to get. A living thing and the idea started because 50 years ago somebody in a in a lab put a bunch of chemicals in a test tube and enclosed it and there was water and a spark plug to simulate lightning and after a couple days they got sludge at the bottom and they looked at it and it had amino acids in it. Well that was very exciting because I'm you know acids are the basis of proteins and proteins are the basis of everything that makes us work and people said we just have to keep sparking it you know and for 50 years that experiment has been done over and over thousands of times and all they get a sludge. And the fact that we're developed and every creature that's alive has developed with ears on nose a mouth I guess I mean everything is adaptable to exist I mean that that just doesn't happen by accident that's for sure Stay with us Robert because he is our guest and we'll be back with more will take calls with him next hour this fascinating subject do you have a photo that you think would interest the coast to coast audience we're always on the hunt for unique and unusual images for our photo gallery to submit your image simply go to coast to coast am dot com and mouse over the media button on the upper navigation bar and you'll see the submission option. 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From coast to coast and worldwide on the internet this is coast to coast am with George Noory fascinating discussion or that Robert could join he will take calls within the next hour and will be back with him for much more in just a moment on Coast to Coast well for you Coast insiders 2 more Art Bell bolt programs Tom you have details absolutely the Art Bell ball just keeps cruising along this is a collection of classic Art Bell programs we just added the Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell interview of ours last week so great and you're such a good guy an astronomer Tom Van Flandern 2 more we add shows each week if you're not an insider you really got to become one classic audio you just don't want to miss and guess what it's all heard without interruptions so get over to the coast to coast am dot com website right now all the details are there you just sign up to . Become a coast insider. A statement have not been evaluated by the f.d.a. 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And welcome back George Nory would you along with Dr Robert to Joni his Web site is guide to the cosmos dot com linked up at coast to coast am dot com as well Robert what are the odds of the universe forming the way it did planets form in the way they did life form in the way it did I mean it's astronomical isn't it the odds are very close to 0 as far as I could calculate Yes And you know if you want to talk about the origin of the universe it it turns out that most of the interesting scientific topics even the ones that are still unanswered have something to do with Einstein and what Einstein said about the universe is what really interested him is whether God had any choice when he created the universe what kind of choice well yeah that's the question So what I think he meant was do the laws of nature require the universe to be just what we see you know so there was no choice or could the universe have been radically different you know maybe not even without any stars maybe not even with life and Einstein's time we really didn't know but you know now we're about 60 years after he died and we know that radically different universes including universes that have no stars and have no life are not only possible but they're much more likely to be created than a universe like ours does support life Robert do you think of Einstein had computers like we have today that he would change some of his theories or would he even be able to get some more that we probably aren't even aware of. You know I think he probably wouldn't even be able to use a computer. You needed that chalkboard Yes Yes But you know he his brain worked in an entirely different way and a very interesting and strange guy yeah he sure was not let's get into what you think the essential requirements for life what they may be what are they well 1st of all you need a viable universe which is what I would call finely tuned Ok then you need to have stars that produce the energy and the atoms that life requires you need thirdly to have a suitable habitat we have the earth but there might be other habitats that would work too and lastly and critically you need to have a recipe for life you need to have a recipe that tells you how to put a living thing together because we all self assemble right and you need to have a recipe for all of the myriad of biological processes that you know convert the food we take in to the nutrients we actually need in our cells and pump the nutrients to those cells and on and on and on and sustain life so life I can't define what it is but it's obviously extremely complicated and I think the human body produces almost a 1000000 different types of proteins Well in addition all that to Robert I mean when you look at life look you know look at a dog or a cat there's a beautiful animals that you know have a finite way of going about their life where you know they wake up they eat in they do their thing but they can't build things like we build and things like that look at the complexity of the human mind in the human being look what we've been able to accomplish already in just the short time that humans have been on the planet and what we're going to be able to accomplish in the next 50 to 100 years. I mean once again the odds of all that happening are just like you said almost 0 I mean look at our thought process we've sent people to the moon where we've been out of the solar system we're developing more and more things right I mean one who would create something like that by accident well. I have no idea how it could be created by accident in fact I could I think I can mathematically prove that's impossible for it to be created by accident which tells us what. You know I don't have the answer there are so anybody's favorite answer is as good as anybody else's answer many people would say it had to be God that had. The wisdom and the and the power to create all of this according to his design. That's fine that. There are scientists I mean for instance Stephen Hawking he's a famous scientist passed away in the last couple years you know and his last book was called The Grand Design which was actually a terrible title considering what he put in the book and I think he wrote that with blundered the Ballade in offering Yes and the and Hawking probably actually didn't write much of it is is my guess right I think Leonard did in in one or told us once on this program Hawking believed in God Well some of the things that he said indicate that and some of the things that he said indicate he didn't but in his book he comes to the conclusion that God doesn't exist. No I think he changed after a while but I saw his that book claims that there are an infinite number of universes ours is just want and with an infinity of possibilities everything that you could possibly conceive of has to exist in at least one universe you know infinity is big enough to cover everything I think infinities carpet intellectual carpet that people sweep topics under that they don't want to talk about but anyway so that's what he said and he said if there is an infinite number of universes than even something as strange and exotic as life and exotic as human life has to occur somewhere and therefore we don't need God. You know my mother always used to tell me Robert when I would ask her that question you know what is God she simply said God always was and always will be and I said Mom that's not an answer for me I need more than that and I still need more than that Robert you know I believe in a divine creator I believe that there's something that has sparked what we know is our life in our universe what I don't know is how you know one you know what if one is very very religious and there's nothing wrong with that you know you merely accept the fact that God always was always will be and that's the way it is and Jesus was the Son of God and came down to save us and things like that but I need a little bit more than that and it is so baffling in puzzling and sometimes frustrating that the answer isn't right under our nose we expect answers don't we we do yeah don't do that the way humans are organized we expect answers it's very difficult to us to face the fact that there may not be an answer incidentally Einstein had the same religious beliefs you do that's good. And so did Newton and I think he had he took the serious equals mc squared for me. Well you you probably weren't born then no I was not born then that's for sure. 110 years ago as well here's an interesting phrase some scientists claim science proves God does not exist but you think they could be wrong tell me about that well yeah I mean Hawking. Gave the most cogent of those arguments that all you need to do to get rid of God is to have an infinite number of universes and everything you can think of exist and want but I look at that argument and I say Hawking got it backwards. Because if there are an infinite number of universes and something anything you can think like existence some universe then obviously there has to be a universal God You seem to be tipping without the answer but you seem to be tipping to the belief of some kind of divine creator Well I would be comfortable with that. But you know I'm a scientist I can't I can't there certainly is no scientific evidence that proves God does not exist it would be very difficult to prove something does not exist but and we have not done that and we probably never will but also can converse Lee There's no scientific evidence that God does exist. You know science doesn't take testimony as evidence even if the testimony came from Albert Einstein So the fact that it says so in the Bible that's not scientific evidence science works when we have these reproducible phenomena that anybody in the universe can observe whenever they want to and whatever instruments they have and come up with a consistent answer. And that's not the situation with God. So we have calls from some people who are very astute. They're atheists we get calls from people who are true believers in a god and we have others on the fence learned their alga agnostic they do want to believe but they don't have the facts in their own mind to to believe it but let's talk for a moment if we can Robert about in atheist a total non believer what gets somebody to that point of being just a total skeptic about even the possibility that there could be some kind of divine intervention Well you know I've given a lot of talks at various religious organizations and all of the religious leaders there that have invited me have said that science is not an impediment to people being religious. The major impediment to people being religious they all say is the existence of evil. So when bad things happen and they do and they always do and they happen to good people and so on the question that comes to some many people's mind is why did God allow that to happen here's this wonderful person and they get run over by a truck and they leave behind you know 5 starving children why didn't God run over some gang banger instead. And you can't explain these things and for some people that negates any possibility that they could believe in the benevolent omnipotent God who allows bad things to happen while in the end and in the beginning the in the early part of the Bible was of the Genesis fortune you would you would really read about a very been dicked of God. Yeah the Old Testament God is different from the New Testament sure is he generous or insurance yeah what about what about this how can science can science prove life well we don't have a definition I mean everybody seems to know when they see something that's alive but but they don't know how why don't know how to define it but it's one of the things that's essential about life is how complicated it is. So all of these things that are necessary to support life take an immense amount of information and so one what I focus on is how can all of that information have been created from a bunch of inorganic matter exactly and then it ends up being what we are today yeah so everything you know all the complicated things that you spoke of earlier all the things that human beings can do that the incredible capacity of our brain all of that is fundamentally due to what's in our d.n.a. And I didn't even touch upon things like Dream mean you know having consciousness to want to love to see the paranormal and of living people who have had near death experiences and they talk about what they think the other side might be I mean when you look at all of this it is the most amazing complex puzzle you'll ever come across that's right and and everything that we're capable of is in our d.n.a. . There are some days Robert that I say don't worry George about figuring it out just enjoy your life have a great time because you're not going to get the answer and then there's that news person in me Robert that has been pushing me all my life yeah that wants the answers that needs the answers and I'm not going to give up until I get oh well so what I do is I try to enjoy life and go after the answers there's nothing wrong with that yeah. What would you say in terms of life makes all this even was so remarkable Would you call would you say it's d.n.a. What would be the trigger point I think d.n.a. Is the key from a scientific point of view tell me why Ok d.n.a. Is the most exquisite structure that finance has discovered anywhere in anything at all it our d.n.a. a Human once piece of human d.n.a. Has $100000000000.00 atoms Wow And those Adams come together to form 3000000000 symbols which are a code the code is in 4 letters and so you have 3000000000 symbols that are 4 letters long and that defines everything you are at the at the moment of birth now and that's enough information to fill 1500 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica she says if anybody in the audience is old enough to remember what that was. And the people used to come to your door to sell them yeah . And I bought one once. I thought my kids would learn from it but that never happened Internet came along and you know they no open books anymore nobody down that they're right but anyway so somehow or other this thing this squiggly complicated thing that defines everything that we are had to come out of and the North piece of matter you know some random chemical sitting in a pond that got hit with a lightning bolt or something that's what most scientists think this d.n.a. Code didn't champagne have to construct it and write the code for to be so logical Well what I have shown in my book which is particularly the book titled can life be merely an accident Ok I calculate the probability that this could have occurred by this random process that science has been talking about and the odds of that are just astronomically ridiculously unreasonable Yeah there's no way that could possibly happen you know there are no it's like you and I going to buy one Powerball ticket and we hit it you know what we see ironically can hit it but we're not going to it's more like you're buying a 1000000 Powerball tickets and every one of them is a winner yeah. You know there was a famous astronomer cosmologist a British guy named Sir Fred Hoyle and he said that the the idea that life could be assembled by random chemical reactions was as ridiculous arming a Boeing 747 by a tornado whirling through a jock I love it but he doesn't provide the alternative though that's the thing nobody can. No no no I mean other than God. Which is you know is that it is a sad and I want to be in respect of here but is but is simply saying God did this a cop out well I don't think I would think about it is a cop out I mean. It's a serious religious belief and I think the people that believe that are entirely sincere and will know no question I'm not good enough or probably also entirely from what is in it in easy answer to this yes that's that's that was what I meant yes I don't know when I say God was a cop out I don't mean it in a disrespectful way I mean it was just and finances will say it started when he in evolution but but and that's a copout too because you know that doesn't provide. Any information and Stephen Hawkings infinite number of universes is also a copout because what he's telling you is just completely random chance so there's you know there's no answer there that's why I complain about the book being titled The Grand Design because in the end he says there is no grand design it's just random luck and I would always say it would be nice if somebody left us some software that we could look at it and see the beginning of everything and somebody said to me once the software's the Bible what do you say about that well. You know I think science and faith are both sincere efforts to seek the truth . And. The Vatican astronomer. I went to a lecture by the Vatican astronomer and he said that science and faith are both. The efforts to find the least and adequate description of truth hold on. We're talking more when we come back. With the. Sign up today. 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Naturally. If you're an experienced professional automobile technician and you're looking for a stable job. Garden highway auto is currently looking for new technicians and. Clinic. Competitive salary plus benefits. City. Closed on Sundays. Public. Democrats hoping the public hearings Wednesday of their efforts to impeach President Trump Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff charging the president in a phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart to pressure Ukraine to begin an investigation . In order to get u.s. Military aid if this is not impeachable conduct. What is acting Ukrainian ambassador Bill Taylor and deputy assistant secretary of state George can't wear the day one witnesses both were asked by Republican Texas Congressman John Rutledge Where is the impeachable offense in that car are either of you here today to assert there was an impeachable offense in that car. Shouted out anyone either man answered before Congressman Rockliffe withdrew the question President Trump says he did not watch the hearing there was White House reaction of on Fox's talker Carlson's and I today was a joke I was a pub public joke which I'm happy the American people got to see which was different from the last 2 weeks when everything was held behind closed doors it was all a sham and it's going to be very easy for the rest of this week for us to fight back as White House press secretary Stephanie Gresham President Trump spent bunch of the day Wednesday meeting at the White House with Turkey's president order one we understand each other's country we understand where we're coming from I understand the problems that they've had including many people from Turkey being killed in the area that we're talking about and he has to do something about that also it's not a one way street the president says the ceasefire between Kurdish forces that Turkey's military in Northern Syria is holding a reported cease fire in the Gaza Strip short lived there are new reports of rockets being fired towards southern Israel only hours after the Islamic Jihad said it would hold its fire after talks with the Gyptian mediators $32.00 people have been killed in targeted Israeli attacks on suspected Jihad ists America is listening to Fox News. 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The field of candidates.