The Supreme Court heard oral arguments yesterday on the trumpet ministrations decision to wade back to a doco program of the Obama era mandate for protection about 700000 young immigrants brought to the u.s. Illegally as children from being deported Ted Olson the former solicitor general he was representing the plaintiffs and at one point Justice Wright Kavanagh asked him point blank does the executive have authority roll back a program like this and he said yes so then the question becomes All right what about the trouble ministrations efforts to roll it back do you say we're not adequate and they say basically the Department of Homeland Security has not made legal reasonable arguments on the dock actually is unlawful and they they also argue that maybe they haven't thought through the ramifications of when you're talking about hundreds of thousands of people who are in schools who work for employers here in the u.s. Saying you know it can have a pretty significant impact and it's worth considering that is what Fox's Shannon bring about the Supreme Court the ruling expected in June in Georgia a prison officials are preparing to execute a bad night for killing a convenience store clerk or a Jefferson Cromarty scheduled to die this evening at the state prison in Jackson was convicted for the shooting death in April 1904 of a convenience store clerk in the wounding of another room already says he didn't shoot the other man his lawyers have been asking for d.n.a. Testing on evidence from the shootings but so far the courts have said no new minimum age for tobacco sales in New York takes effect today starting today you have to be 21 to legally buy tobacco products in New York State the measure raising the age from 18 was signed into law in July by Governor Andrew Cuomo penalties for illegal sales to minors include fines loss of license to sell lottery tickets and loss of license to sell tobacco products the American Lung Association says more than 28 percent of high schoolers across New York report using tobacco products 17 other states and the District of Columbia have also raised the minimum age of sale for all tobacco products to $21.00. Hours. This is Fox News. This is truck country and g.m.c. Has a truck for every task the g.m.c. Family of pickup trucks features a divorced line of trucks perfect for whatever task you have in mind whether you're going camping with a family or tackling a project Allen like do the Sierra have to pick up trucks deliver the utility capability and premium features you expect from a g.m.c. Go see the Sierra have ton pickup at down Lewis motors on collision Avenue at George Washington Boulevard in Yuba City you'll have delicious tender crispy crunchy chicken full circle k. You for the $76.00 on clues the highway kind of Louisiana style crispy crunch each of this is right how you now have crispy crunchy chicken and all the fixin's for breakfast lunch and dinner and don't forget the sides better biscuits mashed potatoes and gravy back in chief wedge potatoes and red beans and rice call ahead for a family dinner or a large group and we'll have it ready circle k. It was the 76 clues highway has always been great can be. Somewhere out there this is coast to coast am with George Noory artificial intelligence can now predict a person's chances of dying within a year by looking at hard test results even when they look normal to doctors it's an incredible mystery and they're developing it with incredible technology in a moment Vincent Peterson joins us we're going to be talking about his work in the area of artificial intelligence and it is amazing secret of course has been dedicated to supplying great radios for more than 30 years and you can find the perfect radio and receive $10.00 off your entire purchase of $25.00 or more when you go to sea crane will give you their website in a free toll free phone number for you in a 2nd 1st of all the c.b.c. Radio 2 we is one of their best Am and f.m. Radios made today with a 2 week you can hear our show with better clarity it's designed to receive. Long range am and f.m. 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And welcome back to coast to coast Ga Nori with you our special guest Vincent Peters transhumanist been says studied at West Point mit Sloan School of Business in the Oxford said School of Business as well he is a technologist inventor with 8 professional certifications heads up a company called Rex Monday and we'll talk about that as well Vincent welcome to the program. Thank you for having me and good morning to you and good morning to you as well that the name Rex is it Monday or Monday. Oh. It depends away from me I pronounce the in the in what does that mean is it named after a person or what is that it knows who is actually what in for King of the world are not. In not going to go ahead yeah a popular modern reference that you may have seen in the world would have you this right which stands for fear center on an unedited untenable kink or the trying to source Rex where you have to parent more than your king So Rex moody I'm in Latin and I just think of the world when did you start this. I started the actual logic Forex 20 in 2015 I know we bought on engineers and to decide to have companies here know I asked 6 months odd to me the logic that I had developed and we've been gone from them well artificial intelligence is a blessing or a curse some people say you think it's fantastic So tell us a little bit about your thoughts of artificial intelligence and how fast does it advance ina bents so I think over the last. I think yours we're more in a really poor artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence really been around. In the Fire officials have been around like 577 years now you have people you know. Who are talking about e.g. Laws of robotics as early as like in 1940 you have you know folks who are turning test was developed in 1950 there is a period between 19561973 that we consider like the golden age of Ai and then from 19731980 ad really cool it off there is a British court that just really stated that he expected outputs of who are not what people are really getting in 80 so the British government funding research and the number of other countries follow suit and I think has recently you have a lot of companies if you clean Google see I mean it's I who surely using automation and he he he he he or. You know the last 5 years of a really heavy. Company are you know. As long for capabilities so right now it's like the province seeding in you know where I think a lot of it breakthroughs are going to start bands I'm here a lot of background noise on your phone or you're on a speaker phone or can you get closer to your mike on the phone yes. Oh there you can I yes much better much better. Artificial intelligence let's use Alexa for a moment by when I get back to Los Angeles I'm in St Louis right now doing my shows for the holidays I'm going to interview Alexa that little tiny machine that talks and does all kinds of things how does something like that Wark fence. It's up to like Alexis it has ability to interpret plain language so I mean there's a number of different. Kind of just like if you catch on you have feared supervise your unsupervised day I have a sometimes specific like Alexa has the ability to interpret plain language I mean take that plain language interpret it it's a machine readable language and give back some type of us spoken output so when you speak to Alexa it will it will take the input of your voice I'm turning into some type of machine readable light which I am which is able to interpret and search the same Internet if you're asked in order Domino's Pizza or what the weather is or you know what the sports games that are coming off for the night that he is able to interpret you know the input that he gets from the internet and it gives it back to you in a way that you can consume it from of what you respect is it moving too fast Vincenzo or do you like the pace I like the pace right now I think one of the biggest things that I'm a proponent of Viz I'm human seem to defeat feeling like they really have it figured out if you look at the actual earth the earth is about 4500000000 years old humans are Homo sapiens can only you know you can only check you homo sapiens that's about 350000 years in modern religious beliefs maybe 2000. They did not a high level of probability or I don't think anyone who. Anyone who has it figured out you say that the human existence has not happening some point and some point within that 4500000000 years of a time life so I think it is progressing that it is a really good pace but it is often going to be needed to help us figure out some of the larger problems that we may end up facing or help us solve you know certain things as global warming you know why does he say my company is we can i specifically use you know how to explain in a humane how to extend human existence indefinitely not to give us like a real funny shot you know to compete with there that had been around for 4500000000 years when do you see artificial intelligence as being able to download a memory and maybe put it in a cloned body of our cells and basically you live forever that way. So I'm just funny that you mention that the what my company is working on specifically is capturing those memories or those specific Why shouldn't and being able to associate that with a specific person at the age so I imagine I have a sign I have a daughter my son is one of my daughter's 3 imagine that you're doing uploads every 6 months of. Life events impactful or a significant life events from their war from Wayne My son is one to one he's 43. That would be a you know that would be a dataset that potentially some type of I would be able to learn in predicting the actions or in the behaviors of my son and that is essentially what we're capturing on from there are companies that are that people aren't It's a painting to exist in the next 10 or 15 years that will be looking to produce organic human bodies in there are companies that are currently out one can and must is not a blank another being I. Think it's a company called kernel there's another Google is doing some work in the Space Facebook is doing some work in the space where they have brain message brain matches or brain implants that would allow humans to communicate with computers so I think those 3 elements that I just mentioned one being able to capture the memory you know life events of a person at a very high fidelity along with some type of brain mash where the person should be able to. Date that their digital existence is good and in the future some company that would be able to you know it's a maybe 3 d. Printer or grow organic bodies. Everything you're really shaping up for a future where you know humans would be able to live indefinitely I mean if not indefinitely much longer than where they could live right now what about the solvency and what happens to that sort. The soul is in its very complex and I think with the soul in me with consciousness there's no real authority to that finishing of either. Their soul is is something that you know specifically with our company want to live it just trying to understand I think at this level what we what we present and value is a high fidelity representation of the person then it will follow the chain decision logic of the person and so say that person maybe died 20 years ago in the grandkids and now out of the great granddaughter is now engaged in Graham grandpa and she they will tuning gauge your i Pod in a similar way in a similar manner to what grandpa would think and what you would say based on the life events he's uploaded to our system. The sold it fits in there I'm I'm not sure necessarily how to capture that I'm working with a number of religious advisers and ethics well. It capturing all but it's like the soul is like the final bill being that you know if any company you know claim you know claim that you could capture that that would be you know the next 1000000000 dollar Meanwhile my god it would be huge because what we don't know is if the soul is relegated to one individual or if it's transferable. Now you know Stephen Hawking of course has worn the gun against the dangers of a I mean you are very optimistic about it I'm opposed to driverless cars for example that's artificial intelligence or driverless trucks because I don't want our truck drivers going out of business for themselves I mean so it's got some downsides to it to doesn't yes there are definitely some downsides to any I mean the general purpose technology. And I think like one and you know when to downsize is definitely the automation of specific job. You know a number of factories have moved to a general purpose and I think you specifically asked. The the the downside of the of this is that even know that I used to on a specific task it's not very creative but there are number of people who end up losing their jobs because the ai can do it at a higher level of quality in quicker than even. I think another. A couple of the other downsides. I don't number of ethical issues they're finding with some of the ai that is being developed that humans are actually encapsulating your eyes in the logic of the. Issue is not necessarily that prejudice and that the people who are programming it have some type of bias or prejudice. One things we need to really get is how do we prevent you know develop piercing from actually or subconsciously inserting their biases in to another issue I mean what we talked about earlier is like what is the soul or the consciousness is it high fidelity it I think and act similar to a human being is that enough or do we need to actually capture the soul and consciousness of that individual I think eyes early as attorney. Did the Turing test that was a question I was you know no matter how intelligent a machine could act or many can mean. The human ability. You know that machine is essentially soulless and lacks no conscious you know has no consciousness that's a back in March of 19. 2018 a driverless car in nuber car killed a woman in Arizona because it could not read you know walking across the street jaywalking whatever she was doing and it hit or. Hit the brakes like a 2nd before it hit or you know it realized but it was too late can you imagine highways would driverless. It's it would be chaos I think. I think specifically in that instance some of the guys that we have now specifically were driver driverless technology it still requires a human in the loop to ultimately pay attention and to manage the output of the vehicle even though you know for the most part it's try really. I think for the most part if we had fully autonomous highways where everyone had no ability to drive similar to other scenario I believe it was a wilderness i Robot I honestly think we would have less faith talent. And less traffic I mean I think it would be terrifying but as long as you know if machines are going to be less. Is she going to pay better attention even if she's are not going to be texting machines or not you know going to be trying to put on make up or their time I want to drive a 60 mile an hour down highway. That I think you are that you know you're occasional on I'm always but from you know from a qualitative standpoint the number of accidents and fatalities would decrease significantly in my general hypothesis could a I ever goal arse are a rock and you know start doing things on it's all on contrary to what a human would prefer. Would there is a basic premise here that any being or into that is superior in intelligence in capability would not want to be subservient to be or entity that is less capable or less intelligent so there is you know the singularity concept that you see in the Terminator that you see and I Robot that you see and I believe Johnny Depp's movie trance in it where. Do surpassed the ability and intellect of human. And they are able to exponentially increase one their ability and to their intellect so direct it. I mean I toss in you Larry I dare is a very real possibility for that and I think that's you know when you hear ya muster even even a hockey talk about you know the dangers of Ai that is specifically what they are referencing So that is a very real possibility Are we close that maybe we are maybe we're not but as we do progress in our understanding of and a goody for machines to think. With or without humans we need to you know actually measure that ability I mean our smartphones are. Are all artificial intelligence and they've done wonders for people in terms of making things easy quickly I mean you're walking around with a portable computer in your hand I mean that's that's an amazing aspect of artificial intelligence I think yes I mean your smartphone alchemy sure ability to make decisions whether you know listen quickest What is the quickest route to get where you're going what restaurants are uniquely immediate vicinity for the type of food that you want this point we are very low figure he said lawyers where I mean that you will find a minority of people who are walking around with their cell phones or picking up their phones between 10200 times throughout the day. We're moving toward a future where you know the capability of the phone will be integrated with some of the brain left brain that matches or the implants that certain companies are plenty . So yeah artificial intelligences you know has greatly helped this I mean I'm 37 and I'm old enough to remember you know my parents driving around with a map and trying to turn a lot on a lot of. Oh yeah you know again I'm at or a print out directions from at Qwest. But now you know the directions are your phone you can if you were to get in your file you don't have to pull over and make a call you can make a you know from your car so the technology is evolving the you know at lightning speed and I think humans and the emerging technology in humanity is going to continue to you know go and go let it be that we've never seen before we have a lot of cab drivers who listen to the show Vincent but sadly Ober and artificial intelligence has really just taken the cab business by storm. Yes And you know forcing it should be you know as artificial intelligence applied more and more industries we're going to see a number of jobs that you know have been available for the last 20 to 40 years that they may they may shift to other different kinds of jobs I would think like Amazon even though Amazon I think is responsible for shutting down a lot of retail stores Amazon's hired a lot of people working in their shipping departments and working on products as well and there's always the need for goods and services if it's not being sold the bricks and mortar stores at least it's being sold online we're going to come back with more with Vince and Peter's as we talk about artificial intelligence right here on coast to coast am the free e-mail newsletter is sent out 6 days a week and is a great way to keep up on all things coast with detailed program recaps the fascinating today in strangeness listing upcoming. Audio clips it's a must have for Coast fans look for the free sign up on the coast to coast am dot com home page. Through really truly. Conservatism is not difficult to understand it's the manner in which people live in a free country it's a belief in the golden rule and it's. Better for the individual and. Politicians know it's a belief that if I create something I should be able to keep it surely most of it I should be able to sell it I should be able to trade it's not dangerous to my country. 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Delicious tender crispy crunchy chicken circle k. Euphony 76 highway Louisiana style crispy crunchy cheap this is right how you now have crispy crunchy chicken and all the fixin's for breakfast lunch and dinner and don't forget the sides. Mashed potatoes and gravy back in cheese potatoes and red beans and rice call ahead. A large group and will have it ready. Has always been great can be. To talk to George Noory call the wild card line at 818-501-4109 the 1st time caller line is 818-501-4721 extension 2 talk to all 3 from east of the Rockies call 885-5033 from west of the Rockies toll free call 806-188-2552 reach George via Skype use Skype named George 97313 send George a text message any time at 818-298-6521 from the gateway to the west this is coast to coast am with George Noory Yes it is we're going to take your calls with Vincent Peters Ezri talk about artificial intelligence you just have the numbers a a paranormal Date dot com As we approach 89000 signed up members now just 199 shy that is it still sign up if you haven't a paranormal Date dot com That's paranormal Date dot com looking for ways you talk about artificial intelligence trying to preserve youth about this aging could make us wish for younger days that says we can't go back in time we turn to products to give us some more. 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And welcome back George Norry with you were with Vincent Peters his Web site is linked up at coast to coast am dot com and we are talking about artificial intelligence at its best then so would you consider like what Netflix does with streaming artificial intelligence. Or what Netflix does it bit of classification. They will look at which you have looked at and begin to compare that to. A Christmas movie enjoys like that a Christmas movie. But also Vince enjoys like that a Christmas movie as well as a sports movie they will begin to classify r r how we're watching movies and they will make a suggestion based off of a Vince watch these 2 movies. Vince enjoys like there's 2 movies maybe George like the next movie that Vince watch cell is what they're using is more like. The casings as far as ai and that's more unsupervised learning where dearly can at you know specific what people have done in the past and try to classify what they'll do in the future future so that is it is a form of Ai that they're using but it's also similar form of them as I and a number of these other companies that are you know selling used. Are using to essentially classify your behavior based off of how you act similar to other people how were they asleep at the wheel at Blockbuster they have the market they had the stores they had all the d.v.d. Rentals and all of a sudden Netflix comes by and blows them on of the water now Amazon as well which streaming services wasn't there anybody at Blockbuster who said hey this is the future we've got to go in this direction they've shut down all their stores. Yes I think we are we are at a very important time in history where the Blockbuster Netflix you know interaction there is that you have a number of people who are extremely talented and I think the folks up Lester are strongly talented in being able to hit the target every want to see it because people want to watch movies and buy movie popcorn a movie can being you know spend time with their family you know watch v.h.s. And even D.V.D.'s Netflix I think was you know almost at a genius standpoint from where their perspective at the point in time where you see the need either going away stream is going to be a thing blockbuster was focused on in a target that everyone else and everyone knew about wow you know a lot Netflix was in a target and no one else saw at the time yes a somebody at Netflix realized people don't want to get in their car go to a store look for the d.v.d. Come back and play it again they'd rather just sit in their living room at their big screen and just click away. Actually And that's what everyone enjoy now I would Netflix I think a new a Centrino. Ad and you can probably buy you know a brand new d.v.d. Now for $2.00 to $6.00 because everyone else streaming it is exactly what about social networking Vincent would you say that's artificial intelligence and where's that going I mean a I'm be I'm told by people now that even Facebook may be passe now people are turning to snap chat and Instagram a lot what's what's happening in that arena. So specific to social media and now a number of your listeners are familiar with Cambridge analytic a young age you know what wonder things that President Trump was really seemed to be a mastermind in he's just come up with nicknames for people and I'm I'm of the hypothesis that you know those nicknames are based off an internet searches so I think he came up with Joe for. For Senator Biden. I just think that he had some data that the majority of people who are looking at Joe Biden be fabulous the type of ice occasion and next thing that they're looking up 40000 a day looking up listening to Biden is like watching on the sleep and all these events right so I don't know he's just not here I think what he needs are very juvenile but I also think that they're based off of some social media or searching yet search in gene based data informing us nicknames that are very clever they seem very juvenile plenty you know they seem to resonate with people because it's what people are sick already searching That's right that's what they remember yeah. It works it works that way but it's so it's amazing back to social networking again. What will Facebook become passe like My Space has. Facebook is that belief age but also owns Instagram Yes and I know Facebook and maybe snap chat too I'm not sure well right and I believe there is you know the big thing over at Facebook now is privacy. So I think you know they're there rebranding a bit to try to to let users know that they're really focused on their privacy and not sharing their information or selling their information to folks like Cambridge analytically. But I do think we're coming at a crossroads where Facebook may become the face I think and that's really like what we're pushing with our services hey we have the ability to share with family members in Loveland but it is not a public persona right on the something you want to share with your kids something you want to share with your grandkids Maybe all you struggle to shake an addiction and maybe how you struggled you know you moved to a new place you had no more than $250.00 here make you count those are not the type of things that you would necessarily scare on Instagram or Facebook and you know you look at those platforms and everybody is a superstar and a millionaire and doing great but those are not necessarily the things that you know you're going to share in future generations to really help them understand who they are meant to be able to move forward in a way that is impactful based off of you know real life experiences Vincent Peters with us as we talk about artificial intelligence Joel in Monterey California hey just of go ahead. Good evening guys hi Fenton thank you for taking my call to I'm sure Joy. You know I've done some of personal research about soul and I was wondering how you don't seem to. Have any personal encounters or research about so I can be really downloaded a won't be download in fact it has free will it's a it's an entity in and of itself is a divine thing I can only suggest that if you really want to explore this area you should have some n.d.s. . Near Death Experience and. Then just go ahead Ok Yes So I think one of the things that. Has actually helped me. Come up with to save me I want to see it in b. But it was an experience where if you think of time as the past and present in the future there were always you know we're always in between those 3 and there's a space that I call the thing and I think we're seeing that there in even Einstein talks about it when he talks about how the relativity of time that space is in space that you're able to. Kind of feel like you see the world for what it is so if you think of the fan in each blade is like the past present and future while you're on that fan and that fan is moving you can impact the moon and but once you step outside of that consumers circle you're able to see a there's a power switch on the other side of the room that you can turn it off and awful so I do believe that is a space in which the soul does exist because I've seen a service that were developed in the future so it kind of reverse engineering it for the president but I've had known near death experiences where you know I can say here's how to capture this high fidelity but I do believe that there are other people who have had those experiences that we might be able to leverage away with that we should definitely leverage to see you know what the what insights Amy had as far as being able to capture the soul or the essence of the soul while our technology ever be like Star Trek where you can beam people aboard and Sun them places and everything else. I think it is something that we may get there the science behind that is. Say I want it to be myself to St Louis from Los Angeles I would have to go to a machine it have to make a direct copy of me as well as my consciousness my soul obviously that we don't yet fully understand right it would have to be almost you know at lightspeed choose a location that I want to go to be the main problem with. That is that you have to destroy the physical copy of me in Las Angeles. And I would have full confidence that the new copy of me created in St Louis is exactly who I am you know where I was at that point in life so I think from a physics mathematics and engineering standpoint we may be able to do those things I just don't know if you know consumers are even struggling as we mentioned earlier with like autonomous driving I don't think there will be a high level high level of confidence in the next 100 years that a little be able to destroy you as you stand in recreate exactly 100 years find your model life if you could keep the same me and move me somewhere I might be take a chance at that but I don't want to be destroyed for hissed and then take a chance I can put it back together yeah but 1st time caller Jordan in the harbor Kansas said Jordan go ahead Hi George Hi Vincent morning. In their garden Jordan Yeah go ahead George and hear me yep thanks for taking the call had a question for events Ok. To me it seems like uploading a solar consciousness onto a machine means that you subscribe to the idea that you know you're so in when you die or whatever and I kind of believe that you know your soul you know can go and go anywhere and takes care of itself basically when you die and I just wanted to have some thoughts on that. Yes So I think the 1000 that we're. Just on. With our service call here thing is the value I still. Don't think late the the what the the people that you leave behind are not necessarily interested in your soul right. You know let's say a person is in bed for 15 years and is someone's father and he does want to have like an experience with. Replication or in t.v. Which is similar in in Bill off to the memories of their father and I think that's the value that we provide because there's no service right now cataloging people at a regular period to city. To be able to like even be able to roll back a loved one to you know so I'm 37 it would be great if my father would have been doing this 20 years ago that I could roll back to my father at the same age as me and had me dynamic conversation with him to see a type of things that he was talking about the type of things are on his My That is a value that we are going to provide as far as the soul I mean if if if you can figure out you know as a previous you know me mention you know talking to some folks or earlier working with some folks who've had nearly you know near death experiences. I think that would be even more valuable but I think our basic value proposition is being able to capture a person's essence their logic in the absence of that person unless the soul or even a consciousness to create an authentic experience with that entity I mean if we can capture the soul in a future our consciousness in a future that be great but I think our baseline. 5 value proposition is just that opting to keep spirits with someone similar or entity similar to that loved one is any of the scary to you Vincent. It is not. Scary to me it's something that at that I think I've said earlier I've seen in the other and when I saw him the other it was like him made me very sad because he didn't exist in this current well so if you just think about all of the loved ones your friends your family just even like historical figures how much has been lost because a service like what we're providing has not been provided. It is very sad is just like you know it'd been great for somebody like Martin Scotty to subscribe to service like this and there would be public you know a public proportion of his consciousness or his experience that he could share with you know millions of people across the world or a mother trees. You know even President Obama when he was a state senator in Illinois there did just like everything in the last up into now and we're just getting to a point in human existence where like I think I'm the 1st person in the room there may be some other people I'm not familiar with on there like hey we need to start cashing in on this because all of this is beautiful all of this is precious like never going to exist again why are we not making a mark conscious effort to capture this how many companies are out there doing what you do or popping into the business. So Facebook is looking to make a move into space but they're struggling with the loss of public trust right that they're dealing with. And don't know if there is any other I think there's like the d.n.a. Companies are like the family tree companies are you a bit are you a big company is Rex Mundy a big company or is. A small We're very small company we have no more than 10 employees. The logic that that I've been working on it has been going on now going to be 5 years but now we're just looking at different ways tell Pyatt we initially were able to predict sports outcomes that are 60 to 65 percent. Level of success that's pretty good and we wanted to be able to take that modeling apostasy is that if you mean if they are are are willing to be learned by machines we should easily be able to take that 62706265 percent that we're identifying sports outcomes that are not easily tied and a 5 plus someone who's willing to be learned we should be able to predict their behavior at a higher rate and what we're already doing do you have revenue at this point no we do not have any revenue right now we're at the point where we actually wash a service for a while I think you have to question a little bit a little and I like you did this well for a while I was scared of the ideas because it kind of seemed too big too big to now . But you know over the last 6 months I've become a lot more comfortable with being able to. Articulate the idea of good buying from folks so we have a board of directors we have some pretty We have a couple feet from international companies as well as American based companies who are like completely into like they're like the preservation costs that I'm in in our 1st project is the art project where we're taking $1100.00 customers and we're figuring out how we can actually service those $100.00 customers before we begin to scale. Till the larger numbers are even so when we come back we'll take some more phone calls with you and I'll ask you the obvious question of how you started doing this were you like a computer geek as a kid or or how did that happen we'll be back in a moment what's more of your calls invention Peters' as we talk about artificial intelligence right here on coast to coast am signed more about tonight's guest log on to coast to coast am dot com. Her. Her. All systems are these there has energy location at their personal service center 3300 police I went up to George Washington next comes here and I'm finished with the best value for the dollar I now remember to tell the trader in the country is still number $1.00 to $1.00 national elsewhere passport is still there after 10 Total wait wait traders decrease the real life quest of the trader hideout and $13300.00 pounds all 200-1000 pounds your products must go to make room for the 2000 already look for their break ups the window for drastically reduced prices pretty well for now come down and see your friends and family pricey and all the turkeys if you don't get stopped in their largest parsnips this restore Northern California all at 3300 police highway at the George Washington exit you can see your colleagues at 61 and 0700 on the web at all to drive the standard. 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Steve's police says the hearings are a sham all Democrats are talking about is impeaching the president over some whistleblower that they're hiding from the public they still don't want this was a blogger come forward who heard something 3rd hand from somebody else about something that didn't even happen all the way again this was all about withheld money that ultimately wasn't what held diplomats William Taylor and George can't will testify today former Ukrainian ambassador Maria you a lot of it will appear Friday more hearings scheduled for next week as well including 3 witnesses who had been requested by the Republican. Protesters for and against ending DACA outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday while inside the justices heard the legal arguments from the administration that the president is well within his rights to end a program that they believe is illegal just as Cavanagh put the question directly to the plaintiff's lead attorney quote Do you agree that the executive. Has the legal authority to rescind DACA Ted Olson long time litigator at the Supreme Court said simply Yes which sparked the question what did the administration get wrong in the 2 memos it issued outlining the end of Dhaka critics say they didn't articulate legitimate reasonable grounds for taking the executive action boxes Janet Brown reports a ruling from the high court is expected in June Asian stocks closing Wednesday lower Dell futures are trading above nearly 60 points lower as well America is listening to Fox News. It's the latest from Fox News poll in just a campaign with threadbare with updates from reporters on the trail and in studio experts break keeps you informed on the 2020 races go to Fox News Broadcast dot com and download the campaign with Bret Baier no. I'm Maria Bartiromo from Fox My parents lived the American dream my father come to his restaurant I was the co-chair today I'm still working the hardest I've ever worked getting my viewers everything I can to help them succeed I'm Stuart Varney from Fox Business my host investment travelling about. Ending up right here in America damn good. Business in. The Fox News rundown is a weekday morning 5 cats that dives deep into the Major and controversial stories of the day hosted by the anchors of plucks News Radio Subscribe now to hear a perspective of news you won't find anywhere Oh listen I go until Fox News broadcasts don't go. But record has ruled against warrantless searches of still holds the laptops of it are now.