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Attorney general wants his old old job back running for Senate again and still so poor a President Trump they haven't been pushing are not heard back at the Trop agenda so he says Republicans in the Senate need a boost from someone like him who says he's still a big supporter despite what happened as attorney general and the fallout he had with the president other presidents were to get his checkbook out ordered by a judge in New York to pay up or misdeeds done by his charitable foundation as part of the settlement the president admitted to personally misusing funds from the Trump foundation and agreed to pay back more than $11000.00 he spent on memorabilia the lawsuit allege that President Trump is 3 eldest children Don Jr Yvonne and Eric use the Donald j. Trump foundation for political and personal gain $2000000.00 must now be paid by the president himself for breaching. His fiduciary duty to properly oversee his foundation the foundation was dissolved in December as part of negotiations with the New York State Attorney General's office at the White House John Decker Fox News stock futures are flat the day of the Dow The s. And p. 500 hit near record highs. Dallas sports the Raiders improve their playoff chances 30 out of. Josh to get a score of a minute left in Oakland who got to beat the Los Angeles Chargers 2624 on the Raiders' wrote a 5 in 4 on the season in the n.b.a. The Boston Celtics won their search for a game beating Charlotte streak is over on the ice Nelson I think. Brian Ross court in overtime just went for the Pittsburgh Penguins snapping the New York Islanders 10 game win streak on 80 sports that Pittsburgh I'm Dave Anthony this Fox News. 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Mom gave me a law from the gateway to the west coast to coast am with George Noory Up next we'll be talking with a psychic medium who are just as fascinated with astrology Christy Robin up whether it's wrote a book called Born Under a good sign and we'll be back with her in a moment on coast to coast am. 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And welcome back to coast to coast Christy Robinette back with us with the latest book Born Under a new sign Christie is a professional psychic medium and of course author she's been fascinated by horoscopes since she was a little girl and her passion for the topic intensified after taking in astrology class while she was in college Christy writes the strategy blog for pe videos dot com and is back on coast to coast she was with me when she wrote journey to the afterlife Christy Welcome back thanks so much for having me how are you know I'm fine you're in my hometown of Detroit tonight I understand I am I'm looking all over after whole landscape of to try to it's beautiful it's gorgeous skyline as weather out there also we're already in winter Yeah typical Detroit to be sure but it's a great city in they're coming back you know they they took it on the chin back in 2008 but you know they're get strong again Pastor strong people absolutely we're very resilient here you know absolutely and anyway what does a psychic medium doing dabbling in astrology. I know I'm I'm waiting for the hate mail from astrologers who I will. Say when I put the book out to. There and I might I don't know what there might be torches or something from some of the astrologers I really want to put the far more out of those that are interested in that the simplistic part of astrology and they don't really want to deal end of a complicated chart or numerology or you know like in China the cigar out anything that's mathematical because that's something that I'm not I really wanted to kind of get a snapshot of personality is by the sun sign what is about it Kristie that works because I'm convinced. Does it has meaning for people but how in the heck does that happen there's a quote by Carl Young that says we were born at a given moment and a given place unlike vintage years of wine we have the quality is of the year and of the season of which were born so we all have that you get some present which will never be replicated with the sun the moon the stars and the planets and it's it's so fascinating that that astrology presents pieces of our personality and it's done in such an objective way that can be of great use to see The Good The Bad and the ugly of ourselves but of everybody else and I don't know if we've quite figured out exactly why because even in the the whole psychic world you know we're still discovering why and so many people are still saying oh it's a pseudo science but it's just like weather predictions you know they don't always get it right but we get a pretty good gauge going to look like and that's what this astrology does as well as it gives us a pretty good outline of what the forecast will be or what the forecast was so that we can base our future on that and then we have free will and I've talked about that with you before to try for you well kind of produces our own outcomes to an astrology we we have that as well astrologers will tell you that that might not necessarily be the case but it is a piece of that whole pattern of who we are was born in June under the sign of the zodiac I'm a Gemini What does that mean yet will jump and eyes are really complicated people and yet they want to be perceived as very simplistic which becomes even more complicated. You know they're the they're the twins so they they often get up. Bad reputation which I talk about in the book as well because people are like Gemini is that's that's scary we don't know whether to believe you or whether you're you're joking with us or whether you're out to get us there's a lot of drama with Geminis but they add spice to the combination of all of us on science they are exciting they're really good at their very creative they're very good at what they do they love to give personal clarity and strength to everybody else and then explain the system and I explain these on signs exactly so we have 12 fun signs and we're all born under one of them some of us are born on a cost sport is we take on the attributes of both of 2 of them honestly the positives and the negative All right and when you say we're born under them is it based on the date you're born it is a it's based on the month and the day Ok you are born and a couple years ago I don't know if you're a member that they were trying to change them I don't know if you remember they're like all we're going to add a 13th and people are all up and they would précis. It was like Headline News people were that stressed out about it but it is not true so we are. We are born under what we're born less that's never going to change and it is based on a it starts with it and it depends on the astrologer honestly with what it starts with but it ends with Pisces and it starts with Aries and Aries is the leader and it kind of goes into Remember in preschool when we lined up when we lined up. It's very much like that so areas has that attribute as being that leader and you know it's all about me and I'm the one that knows the past and it ends with Pisces and Pisces is the one going Ok I let you lead I want to pretend that you're leading but even though I'm kind of back up the line I still have a lot of day in this and then we've got the other. 10 in between like Capricorn and Taurus and things like that oh yeah I'm a Scorpio so I'm one of those people who picked who picked those signs out of that happened and I asked them we have to go into the history of astrology which I don't normally go into and there's a lot of are you familiar with that I am gap but there's a lot of discrepancies but the coo did it you know was that the Greeks thought that it was at their book called because they believe that it actually kind of contact a typical time well are these zodiac signs are they star clusters. What are the. They are they are star clusters they are if you take an astrology class absolutely we have you know the stars that are connected to our astrological sign absolutely some people feel more familiar with their moons sign and that goes into the deep part of the chart some people feel more connected with their past life sign you know if you want to get really new agey and you know they may say well instead of a Taurus I feel like I'm an Aries and I think that's where some of that scrap and see is common as well sure because you know people are like well I don't feel like I'm a Scorpio it doesn't fit my personality traits at all well like in my case a Gemini if I look into the night sky will I see that Zodiac up there yeah absolutely Ok and they would be what like twin stars or how did they get the twins from from that yeah well it's not like an identical twin and fact it's very jackal hide so it is very bad that I know I I'm completely beating you up I apologize you are in all job and I I I told you they get a bad reputation. But there's 2 of us there's 2 of you there's 2 personality traits they're both pretty neat yeah I've always had that all my life yeah no I didn't yes you did. I a lot of my friends are actually. My most all of them are John and I think I just like the whole complicated part of that but it is you know Gemini its name means twin and Latin it is the constellation Gemini if you I think it's what the 2 great stars are Castor and Pollux is not sure if you had a 100 German eyes all born around the same period but they were all just you know John I was doing for somebody June 6th somebody June 8th June 12th but they're all Gemini's will they generally have the same traits they won't and that's what's so interesting about astrology and what's so complicated when you know you read your horoscope and you like how as every you know statutary as having the exact same day I don't understand that. It really 1002 the masculine sign the stem and then the energy of the sign it has everything to do with some Geminis are born in May Some are born and shown and there's different says with regard to that sale I'd like to go to a convention or a conference with everybody born on June 4th and be amazed and just see what it's like to meet hundreds of people on the same birthday. That's the amazing right and I don't think anybody's ever done ever done that before they have a conference based on everybody having the same birthday and you put them in various areas of the conference hall you know everybody born on May 5th over there everybody on in see what the correlation is I think you've just started something completely brand new that would be amazing it would be it what it what it what a convention that would be. Because there's there somewhere trait that same day no matter what year even all the years will show that differences because the planets are aligned that family there still will be some are some friends that will be similar that would be amazing that you know you don't know which one you're going to get when you have all of you together no you don't you get one of one of the other Exactly and then you can flip and the mean time so if those 200 Gemini's in this little conference you've got 4 you've got 400 people or he said only it through that how do you compare your work as a psychic medium with astrology. So I don't necessarily use astrology when ideal readings I am a medium I talk to those on the other side but I always sad that it's like dialing a phone to the other side because then sort of like your conference idea I know that I'm getting the right person and the people that are connected to you. But everything is made up of energy so astrology is made up of energy and that and energy have to have and is connected to that and everything kind of flows together that way and sell. That I think that there's some a lot of similarities astrologers make predictions based off of the energy of what's going to happen in the next chair and psychic mediums also make perfect predictions but they utilize the energy of what those on the other side or if you're psychic you're using heroin or some sort of other prediction you know type to all and that is what is happening so energy it's all made up of energy that can't be created it can't be destroyed it just can be altered and different my Chrissie when we take next our calls are we talking to Christy Robinette the psychic medium or the astrologer How do you want people to call you both I honestly I can't differentiate the medium Ok You know what you want is their birth month and day that's really all you need and then I drag their name Ok Yeah Ok cool and interesting Tell me about when you were a little girl how this affected you. So I grew up in an incredibly religious household that anything to do with the paranormal metaphysical and astrology was taboo and you know only only the Bible and only God was supposed to help advise us on what we are supposed to do you know what their life is so in Detroit I don't know if it's a cell and other countries or cities are what have you around but in Detroit in the free press that horoscopes were right underneath the comet. Yes I could read my horoscope without my parents knowing because I would just become that I was reading were you born to Detroit I was were you raised what city add to try to 6 mile. And I was at the 6 mile and liver noise. As and then ended up moving to Dearborn and Dearborn Heights Yeah I was going to try to until I was 18 and then I moved to Garden City well know that well too that's down there but by Taylor I had a house down there and then I ended up working at the channels to started a channel 7 went to Channel 4 did a radio show and w. Ca are deep roots in Detroit my mother's my mother's 90 she still there had blast there with my remaining sister and mom comes on every May not she's made 28 so that makes are a Gemini as well that might as well yap but at that point because she has met a year in and she is a little different than me I mean we've got some similar traits she's the one reason I got involved in the paranormal as a kid I mean she would bring me by stories of U.F.O.'s and stuff and she was really into what but like your family she was also very spiritual and religious. Yeah and I think that you know if you're not. Under the. Education that this is the panic you know because that's what I was taught is anything that wasn't right in the Bible everything with Satanic it was black and white in my household so I love that your mom loved that there and I'm always you know the U.F.O.'s and lo you know all of that my not so much they would watch like the cell is you know that had everything to do with you know. You know that and in fact I think my dad my dad is 82 and he lived with us and he loved watching all of these shows but when I tell him the books that I'm writing I talk about like later today I'll be at Channel 2 actually doing an interview he just rolled his eyes that me you know and then blast. Him up very high like he's trying to get the demons out of it was at that listen to this that was at that station that you're going to on in Southfield that I had Jimmy Hoffa on one of my shows back in 1975 several months before he disappeared. Walked him do his car after the interview he was talking to me about why he wanted to become the union president again and everything else and then he disappears but is that give you this you know he was really was in that building that you're going to tomorrow morning crazy Actually I used to work for school districts that used that was my quote real job back in the day and I worked with as family the family is amazing if his his daughter was a judge here in St Louis where I am right now and Barbara Krantz are in His son is heading up the Teamsters Union like you've got some nice hat which gives me goose bumps too because like you strengthen the what a dad well I'm able the Dale you know that's right in the well as he's doing it in a. A much more straight or narrow path that there's just the a lot of it just a lot of it what is more theory retrograde and are we back in it again oh my gosh we are so it happens $3.00 to $4.00 times sometimes $500.00 mean we were just in it and got out of its But we're back in again we're back in again I know Mercury is always going on vacation and that's the layman's term is mercury which rules of communication and electronics and legal documents quote goes on vacation a few times a year and we have to pay for it so it's like your worker that goes you know off on vacation and you have to pick up the slack and you're not sure quite how to do the job but you're doing the best that you can that's actually exactly what we're doing right now is astrology accurate Kristie. I think it's accurate with regards to that the energy that we put into it and the free will that we also see sail with it so we're responsible for connecting that astrology to ourselves meaning that every Sagittarius is going to have the same day we've got free well connected with it. If you were not a psychic medium would you be a full time stronger now i give us trust pictures so much credit because they give you a beautiful chart with all of us mathematical you know directness and absolutely not one of our dear friends is Glynis McCants I don't know if you know I love her isn't she great she's a numerologist an ass she's she's in the numbers is not on the straw Ledger she's not a psychic but she knows numbers and it's so many so I had it hurts my head because after what that she's a genius even asked me to fuck that all that hard by Had she knows how to add faster than a computer she killed amazing you give her birth date months and years she's got your you know life line number and everything else and bang bang bang like crazy I love my my mom in law just a little while for sure she passed away this year he loved planets she loved when she was I met and she would always call me the next day and say she would not and she adds so fast I don't want you know Mom I can't do that I don't stay with us Christie more to talk with you about about your new book Born Under a good sign next hour we will take your phone calls and when you do call we'll need your birth the month and day that's it. 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And welcome back to coast to coast George Norry with you Christi Robinette with us a book Born Under a good sign what's talk about the book for a moment here Kristie we've been talking about astrology a lot tell us that your promise the promise is to help your life where anything from your partner to how to deal with your child under that specific some sign to how to deal with yourself and your strengths and your weaknesses is a How to a pretty much of the how Taylor it is a workbook and a. How to better your life and it's not the fit to a certain year if it helps every year so it's not like just for 2020 or 2021 it's for. How can people use this to better their life. So we all have weaknesses right we don't want to admit that we have weaknesses but we all have weaknesses and knowing your weakness connected to your son's Einar knowing the weakness of somebody else that you love or even somebody that you're working with maybe you don't love them it gives you that clearer understanding of what might be holding you back or holding you back on the communication of that person and knowing both those strengths and weaknesses helped you to sort of recalibrate that and to something more positive connected to that without the misconceptions and stereotypes of a certain sun sign you talk about energy in your book tell me about that yeah so energy just like whether we're dealing less that. Psychic medium aspects of things you know are trying to prove if there is there is another side or g. Is connected to each individual person so if you've ever met somebody never knew them before and you had that feeling you just don't really like them and you don't know why that is you tuning into their energy or the opposite you meet somebody and you immediately really like them that is also that energy so it is that thumbprint that everybody has that's kind of an invisible. It's invisible but yet our body sometimes reacts to it and so the energy of the sun sign is also felt and learn such a complicated world that we're we're so focused on our phones and social media and everything other than the reaction or the end traction and so I try to go through the understanding of the energy and how to quiet yourself and kind of feel the surrounding around yourself so you can get present again and and with that it's connected to the syme what creates that energy does the individual or are we tapping into something that kind of feeds us. I believe that we are born with a natural energy and then that energy can be depleted our can be fad the pending of our social situations or our belief systems so it can become fragmented or Air France or it can be set in the something much more positive and and energetic and since you've been doing this Kristie what has been let's let's talk about some stories that you might be able to relate to us of individuals when we have gone to you for help or assistance but take us through a situation if you can. Sure so I see clients for so many different reasons they might be missing a loved one on the other side they might be you know looking for love on the other side and I think that whether you're seeing an astrologer or whether seeing a psychic medium I think you're looking for some sort of hope right we're in a world that feels very hopeless right now and we're looking for the pieces of the puzzle that kind of come together and for our. Client to come to me what I try to do is to give them realistic hope because we're all are connected you know to that free will for ourselves so as we see in the 2nd hour when I do readings it's not necessarily the things that we expect is going to happen but it's what we're supposed to be hearing at that certain moment so gosh I have so many stories I don't even know where to begin. So one of the things associated connected to the book with clients is that you know we're told often times that there are astrological signs that aren't compatible right like places should never marry a Gemini it's a horrible idea why they are just like oil and water don't or they don't mix they don't mix but it's so interesting because I will get clients who have been married for 40 years with the signs that they're not supposed to be compatible with and that is where I think sometimes the misconceptions or the stereotypes comes in the factors so if I have a client that comes in and says look at I'm looking I'm a place easy I'm looking to date this person who's a Gemini. I'm like Ok well this is what you're going to be looking for you know this is what there's going to be some struggles with and are you willing to deal with that and are you willing for them to try to deal with you because I see they're super sensitive and that you know so well with the clients it's not that I'm going to necessarily negate that relationship and say run for the hills immediately it's going to be more like let's see how we can improve your life so that you're not feeling destroyed because there is a sign you know that specific time to talk about relationships when I get back to Los Angeles after the 1st of the year and here for the holidays and sinuous I'm going to interview briefly Alexa you know what Alexis. Cam going to interview Alexa and I was testing it today and it's unbelievable I asked Alexa you say Alexa and then you know it comes on right and I said Alexa do you date and she said no I don't date but I will sing you a song and she started singing this thing started singing it was the weirdest thing I've ever encountered so I'm looking forward to seeing what are you dating or interviewing a lot I'm not dating Alexa She's a machine for crying out loud I'm not weird but but I mean I mean she went right into I don't date but she sang a song for me but I have a song for you and she started singing some silly song was crazy it's their call I mean the people who program. That must be such fun right. I wonder if they're listening to me. It's sometimes that's a whole other subject but we also have an Iraq there because my dad loves the elect he gets the joke of the day and all of those funny silly songs eat it as well and there are some times you know I'm I'm a psychic medium and if you'll say what is you know the joke of the day it seems to always revolve around it really that's funny I got a couple Alexa's for my a couple of my grand kids and I mean the little Charlie your name Charlotte she Gee dances with this thing all the time and I mean she can't wait to get home from school. That you know when they do their thing but I guess tines things like the technology into what you're doing today is that going to happen to make your job easier I don't know and I'm afraid I don't know where you end up being Alexa one day I hope not I hope not I hope that you know we can not we don't have to be so robotic In fact I think we are alike you much on electronic. I think so too and that's one reason why we started out ourselves and there's so much anxiety I believe and this world that we've got and people don't even know what streets around them anymore they have to use that app to get from point a to point b. And I still hope to God we don't come out with driverless trucks and cars now that scares me I mean they're just really strange parent leave there was a software issue in the one car that hit a woman and killed her in the result. Last year she was walking in this tragedy the software did not pick up on the fact that people could walk or j. Walk in and it hit her and. You know it's tried stopping like a 2nd before it hit her I mean that's a lead it was a lot of fun that oh my God and trucks I mean this country the backbone of the United States are truck drivers who are working their tail off for America at night when you're sleeping daytime I mean I don't want them replaced with driverless trucks now that's crazy that's too much like the Terminator to me you know now what are moon phases. One faces are just like some phases so you know we honestly you know in our truck drivers that are at night you know a lot of times they saw you know that that is their that is their sunshine is the moon. But we all have we all have the. I can speak I promise it's 3 49 am here we have lunar phases and then we have the moon phases so the moon phases is it's the the lunar phases of the crescent they give us the lacks in the waning the full moon the new moon those are the 2 that we pay most attention to right so we often say that the full moon drives people nuts and I think that those that are on the road you know during the full moon those that work in the hospital those that take care of children that they have definitely validated that the full moon has an effect on us as a medium How often do you deal with the dead 247 that often. Yeah how to turn it down I mean remember the movie Ghost with Whoopi Goldberg. They they like you know jumped in there heard the sad happen to you were they bother you all the time the dead thankfully they don't jump in the me and I channeling way in fact they use that movie as the exact situation of saying Ok I will not turn into what people curtain goes they actually say that don't do that you know. I've had the going experience several times but I don't like it because I don't like it that feel and control the way that I see those on the other side as I see them standing in front of me so they look like you or I yeah and they give me information and I'll different ways telepathic level and audio and. Channeling is kind of scary and sounds like you're being possessed. That would be scary and it has happened before and that is frightening That's why I don't want to have that encounter and what if they don't want to leave what if they occupy you and say here are kind of like this life you know I've had I've had this conversation with medical doctors before not with regards to me but I do believe that there is something to be said with those that are schizophrenia that there is something you know possession you up apps Absolutely I mean I always have to listen and look for the mental condition but if you end up ruling that out name there's something else going on here yeah if you're if you are definitely being harvested by spirit you know and there are several different personality traits I think that the mental community is actually looking at that a little bit more and than they have in the past if you had to pick between being an astrologer or a psychic which would it be. I have a like being a psychic I was going to say I think I know that answer yeah it's me I'm not an astrologer and that and that flag and I get so much credit to those that are that are so connected to the lunar cycle and the from cycles and they know which planet is you know heading to which quarter you know all of these things that are cell mathematical and they go through so many different periods in orbit and all of that stuff and it just hurts my head Krista you've said that's the sum of the signs are misinterpreted or there stereotypical Tell me about that yeah I think we all have base stereotypes off of every astrological sign according to the people that we meet you know along our journey with. Connected q. There are some fine and it is you know I think I've heard everybody say at one point where my father was a blank on my mother was a blank or my my x. Was a blank and so then we immediately attribute those maggot of energy signs to that from sign and it's unfair today oh now we do have you know kind of like an outline of who we are connected to it but there's so much more that you can play and kid that in our side of it like I said I'm a smart so scarps have a really bad reputation for being narcissistic. Immediately when someone says well you know oh you're a Scorpio You know I'm going to stay away from you because you've got that thing or why do you have to sting or but it doesn't equate to every Scorpio being narcissist that if you are giving somebody your reading and you feel and sense something absolutely horrible for them do you tell them. I won't tell them in the way obvious going to get a train but I will tell them to be careful of trains but if you see them getting hit by a train want to tell them you might be able to save them. I because there's free well that you know because from what but what you when you tell them something is it it will be or it could be I think it's more it could be but I think if I'm seeing it and they're showing it to me that it probably will be or out walk a you given somebody you're reading and you get it that this incredible sense however this happens for you that they're going to keel over and die of a heart attack at a restaurant in 2 weeks what would you say to them I would not tell them that they're going to keel over and die from a heart attack I would say you need to go see a cardiologist asap and they're going to say why. Well I think that they're going to figure it out as I'm telling them to go see are what we are wired to more direct Is it be like you know a violation of a code or something while I had a client just a few years ago and he was very very Then he was a marathon runner he was an amazing house and he sat down across from me and I told him as the name was Henry I said Henry I really think you need to go back I think something's going on with your heart I kept getting publications like them and he was like you know please look at me you know there was a little bit of eagles and his By then his loved ones on the other said very adamant that he needed to go get his heart shocked about 3 weeks later he ran a marathon and he ended up dying. But you did your job you did my job you did what you had to do but you know what I still felt terrible because you know I do I feel like as if I'm supposed to drag them into the car you can't come to the cardiologist you can't do that you know like you said there's free will here and I think you've done your job you pointed something out to him in your if I were you I wouldn't shy away from being direct with people if these sort of things that you sense or your store guides are telling you this from the other side. Lay it out there for you I do not call anybody you know that. I won't I won't call them any We're going to take calls I've got a few things more to talk about the name of the book Born Under a good sign will tell you where you can get it and we'll take calls with you and I will need your birth. That's all. That works every. Work for. The world we are. Right. At 5. 43. 736080 or find. That. Thank you. 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Welcome to the race I'm Dave Anthony of Fox News a little bit Lauren tweeted that the Michael Bloomberg had told him to click a link to a calculator for billionaires which further details how much rich people like him would pay under her wealth tax plan number is not a presidential candidate yet but will take a step today of August on the Jay powers as more live Davis 77 year old billionaire has been talking with prominent Democrats about the state of the current field of candidates It has warned that he thinks they're ill equipped to be President Trump now while he hasn't made an official declaration on whether to get into the race he is expected to file to get on the ballot in Alabama's presidential primary ahead of the state's deadline today Bloomberg a Republican turned independent registered as a Democrat last year and served 3 terms as New York City mayor starting in 2001 day Tony Jeff Sessions will also file paperwork in Alabama the Republican wants his old Senate seat back in despite president firing of his Attorney General Sessions says he's still a big supporter no senator in the Senate will be more effective in advancing for the trucks agenda than our Democrats want to question the act the White House chief of staff is warning about Mick Mulvaney another trouble ministration official are not expected to show up the House committees had already subpoenaed Mulvaney back in October but that was for documents now they appear to want an answer as to whether Mulvaney carried out the president's directive to suspend aid to Ukraine but experts say the president will likely exert executive privilege and argue that Mulvaney has immunity boxes trays Gallagher grocery shoppers got a scare last night at a Kroger in Kentucky a man with a gun started shooting some people ran others hit when police showed up officers returned fire striking the shooter who was pronounced The ceased at the scene.

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