Off with Republican Eddie respond any following a weekend primary battle that President Trump got involved in the president fully endorse responding after the win tweeting Congratulations to the great state of Louisiana a big night you will soon have a new in a wonderful governor and he responded your taxes and car insurance payments will go down at his victory party respond he said the president will continue to play a big role in his campaign even a great like race because I began to support. Governor Edwards also campaigned on his cooperation with the president and touted his conservative record in the state says Garrett 10 a joining a rally Friday the president urged voters to vote Republican in Saturday's primary things are still falling from a partially collapsed building in New Orleans 2 people were killed yesterday when a large section of the Hard Rock Hotel gave way the building is under construction and was scheduled to open in the spring time one person is missing a tough task for crews off the coast of Georgia piece by piece that's how marine salvage experts say they'll remove an overturned cargo ship close to Georgia's the sea coast experts saying the 656 foot golden ray cannot be safely righted and refloated intact that ship overturned back on September 8th near the port of Brunswick 4 crew men trapped in the ship or eventually rescued the Coast Guard saying it would take weeks if not months quote unquote to remove the golden ray Paul Stevens Fox News another day of protest in Hong Kong where small groups of demonstrators wearing black clashed with police in riot gear scores of arrests were made I'm camping is functioning. message for today Christ the bread from heaven the scripture for our sermon is found in Matthew 14 versus 14 through 21 and Jesus went forth and saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion toward them and he healed their sick and when it was evening his disciples came to him saying this is a desert place and the time has now passed send the multitude away that they may go into the villages and buy themselves vittles but Jesus said to them they need not depart give ye them to eat and they say to him we have here but 5 loaves and 2 fishes he said bring them to me and he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass and took the 5 loaves and the 2 fishes and looking up to heaven he blessed and brake and gave the loaves to his disciples and the disciples to the multitude and they did all eat and were filled and they took up of the fragments that remained 12 basketsful. And they that had eaten were about 5000 men beside women and children this account is found in all 4 gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John Let us therefore give it our utmost attention praying that God would give us the bread of life there are at least 3 lessons we must not miss from the scripture 1st Jesus Christ is God He created all things out of nothing by his word now he creates food for 5000 men plus women and children . Second Jesus Christ is the bread from heaven as God gave man it to Israel in the wilderness so God gave Christ to His people in the wilderness of this world and 3rd as we must eat with our mouth to live and for satisfaction so we must believe Christ to live in our souls and to find complete satisfaction in our conscience and delight in our God and Savior in Matthew 1414 Jesus was moved with compassion toward the multitude because they were as sheep not having a shepherd and he began to teach them many things we only live by faith on the Son of God himself who he is what he has done to save his people from their sins man by sending earned death Christ by dying in obedience to God earned eternal life for his people his sheep the disciples of John the Baptist had just reported to Jesus that Herod beheaded John in prison the cruelty of Herod against John is therefore fresh in our minds as we read Matthew's gospel just as it would have been in the minds of Jesus's disciples. And Matthew chapters 111213 now here in chapter 14 we see religious pretenders together with civil rulers persecuting Christ and His people God has chosen the spiritually poor in this world to be rich in faith James to verse 5 but all who are rich in their self-righteousness persecute the poor in spirit who have nothing but what they have in Christ now it is against this dark backdrop that we come to Matthew 14 and what do we see we see Jesus in the desert with his disciples a multitude of people have come to him easily more than 10000 here scripture records the heart of our Savior he has compassion on them because they are as sheep without a shepherd What does he do he begins to teach them he feeds them with the truth of God concerning himself what is the truth that poor centers must have to live before God what gives and maintains a spiritual life in the soul of man it is the bread of life the Lord Jesus Christ crucified to save his people and glorify God by standing in the place of his people by burying their sins in His own body by suffering all of the consequences of those sins in himself guilt fear shame and punishment he saved his people from their sins he reconciled them to God He freed them from sin and its consequences. The bread of life is Jesus Christ giving himself to God in the place of his people with their sins under God's law and feeling in himself the effects of all their sins that were made his and bearing the full punishment for those sins under the law of God This is the context for this miracle if we only see Jesus making food for $5000.00 men with the women and children then we will only see a miracle with physical and temporal proportions but in John 6 Jesus makes it clear that he is the bread that came down from Heaven His father has given him as the bread of life and he gives himself to his people he is the Bread of Life in at least 2 ways 1st because he gave himself for his people in answer to God for their sins and for their righteousness and 2nd because he gives himself to his people by his spirit he gives them faith to see him taking away their sins and the wrath of God and fulfilling all for them there is no life but in Christ and there is no satisfaction to a hungry thirsty center but Christ crucified risen and reigning He is our master in breaking to small fish and 5 loaves to feed this multitude he shows himself to be the life and satisfaction and the delight to sinners who have been starved by their sin from knowing and communing with God himself now in light of this let us examine each verse in this text of Scripture and verse 14 it says that Jesus saw the multitude. When I visit asked his father my father where is the lamb for the burnt offering Haber ham told him my son God will provide himself a lamb God will provide or Jova Gyra God will see to it Genesis 2214. Here Jesus provides for the multitude this is ever the way it is he created all things by his word he up holds all things by His Word He is the one who saw the multitude and their need he anticipated their need and he met their need he is Joe whole the Jara the Lord will provide himself a lamb Christ gave Himself for their life and in verse 14 we see that he had compassion on them. We don't know what God is like until he makes himself known Christ makes God known here he has compassion on the multitude against the backdrop of the hatred and pride of the scribes and Pharisees as they treated people as pawns in their game of man made religious rules we have here the heart of God revealed in the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus told Philip and Thomas if you have seen me you have seen the Father Jesus Christ is the brightness of God's glory what is the brightness of God's glory it is Jesus Christ taking the sins of his people suffering under those sins as his own and bearing the full curse of God's law even the sense of God forsaken him in his soul to bring us to God. How can you know compassion and kindness and love look at Christ see how he sees the misery of ruined centers see how he gives himself in their place bearing their obligations before God it his body and soul we know God by what Christ did to save his people from their sins he please The Father and his father's will was in his heart he fulfilled it he had magnified his Father's glory by saving his people guilty condemned and helpless centers what is God like look at Christ you can only know God in him and you can only know him by how he saves his people from their sins isn't that his name doesn't his name tell us all that he is Jesus he shall save his people from their sins Joho is salvation that is who he is and then it verse 15 the disciples think to send the multitude away the disciples exhibit the wisdom of men here they see thousands of hungry people in the desert they have nothing of significance to feed them so they reason within themselves send them away to buy food and find lodging this is the desert there are many we have nothing in comparison to their need sadly and believe concede no further than man's wisdom and strength and goodness only faith sees every need in light of Christ's all sufficiency let this ever be our banner the grace of God in Christ is all sufficient for every need. His throne is a throne of grace Hebrews for verse 15 to 16 his riches are the riches of glory His mercy to his people is everlasting go to Jesus tell him to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord and then in verse 16 the disciples told Jesus to send the multitude away but Jesus said they need not depart. Christ is the Bread of Life never send a hungry center away from him the fullness of the Godhead wells in him bodily what need can a sinner have that is not fully met in Christ there is no barrier in his people that God has not removed in the person and work of his son therefore Jesus told His disciples they need not depart What encouragement this is to one who has nothing to bring to God in himself water supply is here given by the master himself did he not say Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest and did he not say he satisfy a thought a longing soul and fill of the hungry soul with goodness Psalm 107 verse 9 to go beyond Christ is to transgress to look for anything more than Christ and Him crucified as everything in my salvation is to frustrate the grace of God it is to make Christ's death unnecessary and of no value it is anti christ religion 2nd John chapter one verse 9 through 11 says Whosoever transgressive and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the son therefore there is only one place for sinners to go for salvation it is the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus said He that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out to confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is to confess that he is God because he came and man because he came in the flesh and that he accomplished all the will of God to save his people from their sins because that's the purpose for his coming. The Eternal Word of God came from heaven he was born of a woman he was made in the likeness of sinful flesh yet he is God with us Matthew 123 Jesus Christ said of himself I am Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the ending say it the Lord which is and which was and which is to come the all mighty Revelation Chapter one verses $811.18 there can be no denying that Scripture declares Christ to be God Almighty God with us God over all bless it forever therefore they need not depart centers cannot look upon God at Mount Sinai God said that if so much as a beast touch the mount it shall be stone or thrust through with a dart but here the Son of God Himself tells his disciples that sinners need not depart do you know why these people came to Jesus in such great multitude. Because Christ made himself their salvation he met their every physical and spiritual need he is full of compassion and he is mighty to save Isaiah $63.00 Verse one. The desirables were ready to send them away their resources were exhausted but where human strength ends the grace of Christ began Romans 56 says it when we were yet without strength Christ died for the ungodly God's love is seen in giving his son up to death to reconcile his enemies and make them his sons Romans 5 verse 10 and then in verse 17 of Matthew 14 the disciples said we have here but 5 loaves and 2 fishes and Jesus said bring them to me the people were sheep and his eyes he set them down in the green grass as in a pasture Christ is The Good Shepherd he feeds his sheep How does he feed them he laid down His life for them seeing Christ and trust in Him they live and are satisfied just as our bodies live and find satisfaction by eating food our souls live and are satisfied even delighted in believing Christ Jesus said bring them to me he asked his disciples what they had they told him 5 loaves and 2 small fish they brought it to him they gave it to him he blessed it and break it and then he gave it to the disciples to give to the people. What do we learn from all of this that we must bring Christ all that he has given us he has given you the gospel of his saving grace he has given you faith to believe him bring that to him it is all you have plead his obedience his sufferings his faithfulness his righteousness His mercy and His promises plead his grace as all you have and acknowledge your insufficiency all I have is Christ I am a great sinner and nothing at all and my knowledge and my faith is insufficient it is Christ that is all all I am and all I have is insufficient to do one thing for the good of men's souls and the glory of God he must do as he will with me and all that he has given to me my life is in his hands his grace alone is sufficient to save and bless centers and then we learn to give back to Christ what he has given us it is your reasonable service only if He multiplies the Gospel that he has made yours by God given faith will that gospel bear fruit in the lives of others the Gospel faith prayer the forgiveness of sins by the blood of Christ justification by his righteousness these are the things he has given you if you are a believer his work in himself to save sinners is your testimony to men of your salvation. And then we learn to distribute all that he gives back to us if you live on Christ by faith and give what he gives you to centers praying that he bless the work of his hands it is more blasted to give than to receive our Lord said and Solomon said who am I and what is my people that we should be able to operate so willingly after this sort or all things come of the and a vine own have we given the 2nd Chronicles 2914 Next we read in Matthew 14 verse 19 that Jesus looked up to heaven and blessed and brake the loaves and gave them to his disciples to set before them and the 2 fishes he divided among them all take careful note what Jesus does here he is about to feed this great multitude he has 5 loaves and 2 small fish oddly enough for a boy's lunch but he is the Lord from heaven he is about to create food for the people and see what he does 1st he looked up to heaven why did he do this because he is giving thanks to his father what is he thanking him for he is thanking him that he has provided this food he is thanking him that he hears him but understand the significance of this action Jesus will soon give himself as the bread of life to his people his body will be broken his soul will be made an offering for sin he will bear the sins of his people in his own body on the tree he will feel the weight of those sins in himself he will own them as his sins before God in Psalm 40 verse 12 he says mine in equities. And he will answer God's justice and author of God's law under those sands in the place and on the behalf of his people this is what the bread of life is Jesus said the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world John 6 1st 51 Jesus himself explains the significance of the bread he broke and this miracle the bread represents him broken to make propitiation for the sins of his people he gives his life he says in John 651 I will give my flesh all for whom he gives himself live he said I will give my flesh for the life of the world if he gave his flesh for their life they will be given life by that offering. Now he lifts up his eyes to heaven and he thanks his father for providing him that he could give his life for the life of all that The Father gave to him all who live are all those given to him by his father Those are the ones for whom he gave himself isn't this what John 651 says I will give my flesh for the life of the world he cannot fail he is the Son of God Jesus did not give his life for nothing he did not bear one cent for one center who was not eternally saved and brought to glory all for whom he died live to God Is this not the argument of Romans 8 1st 34 were it says Who is he that condemned of the answer is given it is Christ that died if Christ died for you you cannot be condemned Thus when Jesus looked up to heaven he thanked his father that he could offer himself in the place of his people and give himself on their behalf for their life he is that bread of life is that is he blessed and broke the loaves. Jesus our High Priest and mediator blesses his own substitutionary life and death to the salvation of his people what he accomplished for them he gives to them what he gives to them he earned for them in John 17 to Jesus prayed concerning himself to his father as thou has given him power over all flesh that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him do you adoringly wonder at the Lord Jesus Christ for this 1st he thanks his father that he can give himself for his people next he blesses his accomplishments to them by giving them eternal life the people are sitting on the grass Jesus gave His life for the sheep he feeds the sheep he keeps the sheep all whom the Father gave to him he saves why did this multitude come to the desert why were they drawn to him because they were drawn by the father to Christ in the wilderness of this world Christ feeds his sheep giving them life and faith in the work he finished in himself for their salvation to the glory of God and then it says that the people all did eat and were filled Christ is all he is all to his people he is our life the fullness of the Godhead dwells in him bodily cautions to 1st 9 through 10 and we are complete in em. He satisfies the longing soul if God has given his son if he has delivered him up for us then he will give us all things with him Romans 832 says he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things therefore if Christ died for you God will give you eternal glory with Christ you will be filled with Christ and having Christ you have all things but if you gain everything without Christ you have nothing before God Next we see in verse 19 that he gave the loaves to his disciples and the disciples to the multitude God has ordained that through the foolishness of preaching he will save sinners 1st Corinthians $121.00 remember Romans 10 were 17 how does faith come faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and how does hearing come from his 1014 says how shall they hear without a preacher Jesus gave the loaves to his disciples so that they could give it to the people Christ gives the gospel to his preachers they preach Him He blesses that word to the hearts of chosen redeemed centers this is how God always saves his people it is by hearing of Christ crucified in the Gospel Paul and Barnabas preached the gospel of Christ in Acts 13 it says when the Gentiles heard they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord and as many as were ordained to eternal life. The gospel is preached all who are ordained to eternal life hear it and believe Christ this is God's work he blesses Christ to His people through gospel preaching and when he does they are filled then in verse 20 of Matthew 14 it says and they did all eat and were filled and they took up the fragments that remain 12 basketsful the Gospel is greater than we can ever consume by our limited understanding and faith there is always much left that we cannot take in there is an abundance of grace in Christ that exceeds our ability to receive the Apostle Paul prayed that all believers would know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that you might be filled with all the fullness of God If each of $319.00 the fullness of God is revealed in the love of Christ by His saving work as our Redeemer and in that same prayer Paul worship God and the greatness of His grace by saying now and to him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that work within us. Truly God gave all when he gave his son what more could he give when God gave His Son He gave all that he had he emptied heaven in the gift of Christ. Now this Miracle is recorded that we might find Christ to be the bread of life but how do we eat the bread of life that's the big question how do I eat Christ Jesus Himself answer the question he says in John 635 I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst we eat food with our mouth but we eat Christ by faith faith is coming to Christ he was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification Romans 425 because Jesus Christ fully answered God's law for his people God justified him with his people and raised him with them when he raised him from the dead come to Christ see that your salvation is in him and what he did depend on him for all find your satisfaction only in Him there is salvation in no other there is life in none but him. 1st John 520 says we know that the Son of God is calm and has given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are and him that is true even in His Son Jesus Christ this is the true God and eternal life and that in 1st John 512 he says he that hath the Son hath life he had the half not the Son hath not life. To. Romans chapter 2 verse one Paul the Apostle makes no one is heart's desire and prayer to God he said Roman secretary and birth one brother it. My heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they my be say that they were not say eved and Paul prayed that they would be saved and this statement comes upon the heels of Paul's declaration of the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation it comes at the heels of Romans Chapter 9 perhaps the most controversial tractor in all of the Word of God Let me read some verses for moments chapter 9 and I would summarize this chapter as God being God you've heard that several times in the last several weeks beginning in verse 11 of Romans Chapter 9 we read for the children being not yet born neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of God according to election might stand not of works but of him that call it it was said and heard the elder shall serve the younger as it's written Jacob Have I loved but each fall if I hate and this is God speaking. A what shall we say that it is their own righteousness with God Do we count God being unfair for that god forbid for he says to Moses I'll have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I'll have compassion on whom I will have compassion so then it's not of him that will it nor of him the run of but of God to show with mercy that God being God for the scripture saith and to Pharaoh even for this same purpose have I raised seal that I might show my power in the and that my name might be declared to at all the earth therefore have the mercy on him he will have mercy and whom he will he heartens now here we hear of the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation now people say if you believe that way you will destroy missions it will destroy evangelism it will destroy a passion for souls it knew that Paul right after he said this he said brother and my heart's desire and my prayer to God for Israel is that they might be say now understand the truth never has a negative effect somebody says well if you preach that people become indifferent about evangelism if everything's already determined if God saves who is going to save it he's hardens them he's going to harden What's a bother to pray for somebody why why witness if everything's all determined now. That doesn't have that effect on belief or truth never has a negative effect now men may abuse the truth and twist it to vindicate their own sinful behavior but it's not the truth that does that it's means willful twisting of the truth the does that. Those who received not the love of the truth don't mind twisting the truth in order to justify vindicate themselves but someone who loves the truth the truth never has a negative effect on him a belief in the absolute sovereignty of God has never destroyed one's zeal and passion for evangelism and witnessing and telling others of the Lord in desiring the salvation of the lost Paul said brother and my heart's desire and prayer to God for it's really is that they might be say I've been titled this message what does it take for a sinner to be saved and these people were not say Paul says My heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved they were not saved and Paul is praying for God to save them now these people were very religious when we say they were not saved it doesn't mean they were not very religious Paul says in verse 2 for I bear them record that they have a zeal of God Their very Selous about their religion they have a zeal for God but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness they don't know anything about the righteousness of God and what proves that if they go back to establish their own righteousness they go about to try to do something that they think Walberg a god to save them and they don't submit themselves to the righteousness of God they don't submit themselves to the righteousness of his character they don't submit themselves to the righteousness of God in their condemnation and they don't submit themselves to the righteousness of God in the gospel of salvation how he takes the righteousness of Christ and gives it to all who believe they fail to submit to His righteousness Paul tells us in verse 4 for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth Now Paul understood the things mean without this saving knowledge were not say he understood that all mean by nature by choice and by practice are dead in seems unable to save themselves and they need God to say there rather than my heart's desire and prayer to God for it's really just the faith might be say if it gets a good sales the only hope of the sinners for God to do something for them he was praying that God would indeed save the him that his heart desire and prayer to God I couldn't help but think of the rich young ruler coming to Christ and he said Good Master what good things will I do to inherit eternal life and the Lord knew he was coming into his presence on the ground of law and said we you know the commandments and he named them he said people. And the rich young ruler replied and he seriously believe this about himself he replied All these have I kept from what you thought what a fine young man this was what an im b.t.n. Young man this was he didn't understand it was eaten up with covetousness he thought he was good what could he do to become better and The Lord replied to him one thing you lack go sell all you have and give it to the poor you have treasure in heaven and come follow me and he went away sad the Scripture says grieved because he had great possessions and he left now when the disciples solve this man leaving this rich young promising ruler with a lot of money and a lot of morality and they thought he could have really helped our cause and they see him leaving they say Who then can be saved if this man the best humanity has to offer if this man is not saved who then can be and the lord replied with men it's impossible and that's how possible is for man to have save himself it's possible but not with God for with God all things are possible now. Salvation is of the Lord if you ever learn what that means if you ever learn what that means will understand who God is salvation is of the Lord with man it's impossible but not with God for with God all things are possible now you see salvation is not what you do for God It's what he does for you if you ever understood that salvation is not what you do for God It doesn't have anything to do with you doing something to God responds to salvation is what God does for you. It's not a cooperative effort between God and the sinner salvation is by grace and let me ask you a question how much of salvation is by grace all of salvation is by grace from election to glorification and everything in between all of salvation is by grace on merit it favors there's nothing you can do to earn it there's nothing you can do to get God to give it to you it's his free gift now Paul prayed for these people brother my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be say Paul prayed for these people he greatly desired their salvation I think that's so beautiful These are the people who certainly did not love Paul everywhere he went they tried to kill of his Jewish brother his national Jewish record they tried to kill him they hated the gospel he preached to get his prayer is my heart's desire are and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved now why is Paul telling us of his heart's desire telling us what his prayer to God is because he wants us to be the same way he wants us to have this desire for the salvation of being my heart's desire in prayer to God for Israel is that they might be say if now what does it take for sinners to be say I want to read a passage of Scripture from 1st Peter chapter 4 beginning in verse 17 for the time is come the judgment must begin at the house of God and if it 1st begin at us what you're the end of the in the debate on the gospel of God and if the righteous scarcely be saved where should the ungodly and the sooner appear. Now think of that statement Peter made if the righteous scarcely be saved and let me tell you what that doesn't mean it does not mean the righteous just barely make it in by the skin of their teeth they just make it in no not at all you see on Saved bolshie last day and in that great day for who ought to my charge to lay fully absolved from these I am from Seems tremendous curse and shame we can go into heaven with the very righteousness of Christ and if you have the righteousness of Christ you're not barely saved you're fully and completely say you see Peter's aunt saying the righteous just barely make it in that word scarcely means with great difficulty with great difficulty or the righteous say now that's not even a reference to the difficulties will experience a young man came to me recently and said I want to be baptized I think the Lord's done something for me and I rejoiced with him but I said your troubles are just beginning your trials are just beginning you're going to you're going to you're really going to struggle with sin now like you've never struggled before your credible sword just beginning and I wasn't talking about those kind of troubles when we're talking about the righteous carefully being saved there are great obstacles in the way of the salvation of the believer the law of God the holiness of God my own sinful weakness and inability there are great obstacles in the salvation of the sitter now most religious people don't think that way they think well to be saved all you've got to do is accept Jesus as your personal savior and invite him in your heart you know that language in the scripture or anywhere that kind of language uselessness it's really not. What happens when God sees a center that takes effect to me the issue is not will I accept him the issue is will he accept me people talk about their personal savior whether he's the savior whether he's your personal savior or not all this language of expecting me as your personal savior and inviting me in your heart or giving in your heart so much as Won't you give Jesus your heart what would he want with it what would he want with it really as evil as it is and weak as it is you come to him he'll give you a new heart call that's what I want I want him to give me a new heart Now what does it take what is necessary what must take place for a sinner to be saved Paul said my heart's desire in prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved What's it take for center to be saved I want to answer that from the Scriptures I'm not giving you my opinion what I think or what some denomination stain is what does the Bible say about the salvation of the sinner Well here's the 1st thing that's necessary for the salvation of the sinner the will of God God must Will the salvation of that sinner and bag God willing the salvation of the sinner I don't mean him desiring for the sinner to be saved I'm talking about him willing for the sinner to be saved in action or being saved you see God's Will cannot be thwarted if He wills the salvation of a sinner that sinner will be saved by the which will we are sanctified set apart declared by God to be holy by the which will God's will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ wants for all now what this is talking about really when I talk about the will of God in salvation we simply talk about election God willed God chose who would be say before time became. 2nd thanks longings to 13 says but we're back now and to thank God always for you brother and beloved of the Lord because God hath from the beginning chosen you under salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth now election is not hard to understand visions one for you listen to me carefully place a vision of one force as according as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love having predestinated us under the adoption of children by Jesus Christ himself. To the praise of the glory of His Grace wherein he has made us accepted in the beloved who chose who he chose us when did he choose us before the foundation of the world why did he choose us if we were chosen if we were believers or because he foresaw all we would believe no to the praise of the glory of His Grace How did he choose us according as he had chosen us in him now for sin or to be say that sinners going to have to be saved by the will of God of His own will be get he us through the Word of Truth. Now. The point is. If God didn't choose the people if God didn't will of the salvation of people nobody would be saved it is impossible to preach the gospel and not preach election the will of God in salvation it's impossible to have a preacher does not preach election God electing a people before time began as an act of is own free and sovereign will if a preacher does not preach that he does not preach the gospel now some preacher may say Well I think that's in the scripture up I believe it but it's so difficult to understand it just confuses people no it doesn't it's the truth it's the truth of who God is and for me to be saved for any sin or to be say they have to have God willing their salvation which is precisely what he did in eternal election now what does it take for a sinner to be saved nothing less than the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ being shed without the shading of blood there is no remission of sins now I think of our Lord in guests in the garden knowing he was getting ready to bear the scene of his people and be for sake of by his father and he knew he was going to feel the full equivalent of an eternal hail as he was nailed to that cross he said Father if it be possible if there's any other way that my people can be saved if it be possible lift this cup pass from me. The Son of God was overwhelmed at the thought of being made saying that the thought of being separated from his father of the thought of of burying the sins of its people in his own body on the tree and he said if there's any way that this could not be done and they still be saved let this cup pass for me nevertheless not my will but thine be done you see it was not possible for a sinner to be saved and him did not shed His precious blood you see God's holy. God immaculately holy he cannot accept a sinful being I'm a simple being how can I come in because it's present when I'm a sinful being and God is holy something I have to be done about Massey and that's precisely what Christ was doing on Calvary stree he was putting away Masi and massy and became his sea and he bore the scenes of his people he bore the sins of all of God's elect now I don't believe for a 2nd the Christ board the sins of every man to ever live because if they did every man ever lived would be saved you see the blood put away sin it's not like cross conductor you're seen and you wind up in hell anyway oh that's there's no gospel and then it all my hope is that Christ died for me what does it take for sinner to be saved nothing less than the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ he has to put away my scene where for about one offering He hacked perfected for air for them that are sanctified what to take for center to be saved the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ Thirdly what does it take for center to be saved. It takes the irresistible invincible life giving work of God the Holy Spirit giving them life regenerating them causing them to be born again you see by nature I can't believe I'm dating scene talking come to Christ I can't love God. I can't repeat that I can do anything God requires I'm dating seems so I have to be given life that's what the new birth is life from the dead I'm given life to see the beauty of Christ to see the beauty of his way of saving sinners I'm given luck to trust Christ as my righteousness before God to see that his precious blood is all that's needed to make me clean and holy in God's sight it takes the New Birth it takes the regenerating work of God the Holy Spirit person to be saved I have to be given life God's got elect me Christ is going to die for me and God the Holy Spirit's gotta give me life that's what it takes for a sinner to be saved what does it take for sinner to be saved everything that was is and shall be in other words it takes all of God's providence and that word providence in the Latin is where we get the word pro in video before it was all ordered before time began God's prophet is the working out in time what God purposed in the past and we know Paul said Romans $828.00 that all things work together for good to the end that love God to them who are the call according to his purpose what does it take for the sinner to be saved everything God has in Providence you know the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord the Scripture says and a good man is a man saved by the grace of God. And his steps are ordered everything that the Lord has brought into my life is exactly what I need whether it be painful whether it be supposin feeling good or whatever it's all of the Lord what does it take for center to be saved everything that was is and shall be God good providence What does it take for sinner to be saved well takes the electing love of God The redeeming blood of Christ the life giving work of the Holy Spirit all of God's Providence but listen to this scripture and remember we're asking this question in light of what does the Bible say we read in 1st Corinthians Chapter one Verse 18 verse 21 it please God by the food listeners of preaching to save in that believe what does it take for a sinner to be saved the preaching of the gospel now somebody says you can tell me that God can't save without the preaching of the gospel. I'm saying God will not save without the preaching at the Gulf will because he said it please God by the foolishness of preaching to save in the believe that your support Philip comes up to the Ethiopian eunuch and he said you understand what you're reading he said how can I except some man should God be here's the point in preaching the gospel you can't figure this thing out I can't figure this thing out I can just read the Bible and figure it out a little no God sins a preacher has or they preach except babysit hasher they hear without a preacher God's going to cross your path with a preacher now what is the preacher reason nobody he's a nothing he's no better than you is no more powerful than you he's easy East not even Nobody that Paul knew that he said I'm nothing and I think he's got God's message. When naman came to Alaska to be healed Aleister state house and soon started out they didn't raged naman he said I thought I'd come out to me he was very angry over this because he thought he should deal directly with a lot and this gives us a beautiful picture of the preaching of the gospel you know God's not going to deal directly with the sinner you know you're not going to have that satisfaction they're going to have I figured this out and I've done this and I've been deemed to do that no you're going to hear the gospel through a lowly preacher a servant you're not able to figure this out and no one is saved apart from the hearing of the truth faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God Now remember we're dealing with the Scriptures we're not giving my opinion or your opinion the Scripture says a please God by the food listeners of preaching to save in the believe I think it's interesting that in this day you have skits and plays and musicals and all those kind of things and the preaching of the gospel has just been disregarded but it's still true that it's please God through the foolishness of preaching to save the Believe What does it take for a sinner to be saved 'd the preaching of the Gospel he's got to hear the message and he's got to believe the message what does it take for sinner to be saved or our Lord said he that in girth to the end the same should be saved you see I will not be saved unless I endure to the end so what does it take for sinner to be saved the preserving the grace of God the.

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