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Sean Hannity is asked me to join him at 9 30 pm Eastern time on his program on Hannity on Fox News Channel and I shall be there looks good and post said Mr Producer. 9 30 pm Eastern Time. Right this is getting so my mom this isn't. So much going on in the world in this country that need serious focus. Our Congress is incapable of it and certainly our media refuse. Our media love this and they're going to keep perpetuating it races. Races. The crowd chanted that we now know from Fox for 13 seconds send her back about Omar and I want to say this as an American and a Jew. The fact is ill you know Maher and Rashida totally Birju haters. They've made it abundantly clear. Omar has a litany of statements she has made both as a member of Congress and before which demonstrate this as factual Taliep the same thing fact go on the Internet see her with a picture of a supporter of Hezbollah he is celebrating her she is celebrating him. And also used to have a map with the Middle East Israel in particular with a yellow stick them on top of Israel's have to wipe it out. Omar in the last 24 hours has led a movement called the b.d.s. Movement which is a well known international anti-Semitic movement to try and destroy the state of Israel through economic sanctions. A o c has dared to compare the men and women. In immigration law enforcement the work patrol in ice to concentration guards in concentration camps if you're trying to detention centers most of which were built by Obama before has concentration camps. I countries compared to the 3rd Reich our president is compared to Hitler. And not one fraction of one percent of the objections you're hearing about their rally last night and the president's statements not one fraction of one percent have the media objective in any significant way the body politic. The progressives the Democrats the media all in one. So the question is what exactly has Illian Omar done for women for women of color or for Muslims but if she doesn't she's done absolutely nothing what exactly has Rashida to leave done for women women of color or Muslims absolutely nothing nothing 0 What exactly is a o c done for women women of color. Hispanic women nothing absolutely nothing These are 3 stooges of the hard radical left to do in fact hate the country unless you're Helen Keller and you don't see what you see and hear what you see and hear unless you're a India lot of the left like so many in the media are. You can't see it. But if you're thinking person. You do see it and you hear it and you read it and it's appalling and as I keep saying you would know Cortez this who all Maurice who Taliep is. But for c.n.n. And m.s.m. B.c. Meet the Press Face the Nation Good Morning America The Today Show and all the rest because they promote them and by promoting them they're promoting their hate. By promoting them they're promoting their hate. Despite all the interviews with Omar there has never been a serious grilling of Omar questioning her. You came out of Mogadishu Somalia. A war torn city and country you lost your mother when you were 2 years old you were raised by your father and your grandfather you wound up in a refugee camp in Kenya they sought to come to the United States and welcome into the United States as Were you as a young teenager with a college in the United States why do you hate this country so deeply relentlessly. And what's your problem with the Jewish people in the Jewish state why are you so filled with poison and vile. And contempt for a country that embraced you. And for people you don't even know I don't even know she's have a bit Israel. But I hate his broader than Israel she's a Jew hater I've seen him before. Totally refuted totally his run her home is the United States but it wasn't the original home of her parents parents or Palestinian Muslims. Came to the United States from the Middle East why I come to such a hard country is America. She's never seriously question grilled number. And they've been trashing the country since the minute they stepped into the House of Representatives they've been saying anti-Semitic statements. They've been pounding around with truly loathsome individuals. Has been a law. You know c. Has said many racist an anti-Semitic thing. But the entire narrative is about the president his supporters over send her back or she can go back or they can go back . A hell of a lot worse has been said. A lot worse. But what has Omar done for women of color and Muslim women same with Taliep same with a.o. C. And Latinos they've done nothing 0 they're utterly unproductive they're destructive . It takes nothing. To get elected to Congress and draw attention to yourself by saying the most radical extreme things that you could possibly conceive of. And draw the attention of our truly pathetic media. Now it's fair to ask. When I ask what has Omar done entirely been a o c What is Trump done. What does trump done for women of color. What is Trump done for Muslims. I'll tell you what Trump has done and I'm going to say this on the Hannity So I hope nobody steals it from me. Trumps in the United States military into Syria. And there was in fact a bombing raid a missile raid into Syria. To protect women of color men of color children of color and babies of color and mostly Muslims from the Syrian regime's gassing of their own people. And he did it twice. And he warned that regime they better not do it again what else to trump this he directed the United States military to destroy ISIS You may remember ISIS You don't hear much about ISIS anymore. ISIS as you know was slaughtering. Women of Color raping them and slaving them men of color children of color babies a color the vast majority of whom are Muslim use Edis to. Others too but the vast majority of Muslims brutalizing them as they built their caliphate through is no more ISIS caliphate. Because Trump put an end to it. And putting an end to it. Untold numbers of women of color of men of color of children of color a babies of color untold numbers of limbs are alive today as a result of what our commander in chief did. I commander in chief continues to oversee. The military actions in Afghanistan. To protect women of color men of color children of color and babies of color Muslims from the Taliban. From the Taliban. This is sound like a man who's a racist this is sound like a man who's anti Muslim. Or Maher entirely have done nothing except trash Jews and trash their own country. That's all they've done since they've been in the House of Representatives can you think of anything else you see trashes her country compares American law enforcement on the border many of whom are Hispanics by the way. Of running concentration camps compares them to the 3rd Reich in fact what is the entire Democrat party done for people of color and Muslims or their great hero Barack Obama. One Assad of Syria was gassing his own people people of color Muslims Obama did nothing 0. When ISIS was slaughtering raping and in slaving people of color mostly Muslims others too what did Obama do by mostly cut tellin rap I see I see. And you nobody Cusins him of being a racist a racist nobody has him of being a time Muslim today. Yet he shared many of the same views as Taliep and Omar when it comes to Israel and Netanyahu. And right off Hispanics. Pouring into this country and their treatment in our detention centers. Which party was it that took 3 positions in the course of 8 years secure the border manufactured crisis open the border they finally settled on their political position and it all involves exploitation this president and I didn't support him in this was willing a year ago or more to legalize and set on a course for citizenship $1200000.00 illegal aliens the vast majority of whom are Hispanic he wanted to cut that deal with the Democrats but he wanted to secure the border he wanted Rawls to but the Democrats said no we can't have a war. We can't secure the border the influx must be endless. Is it a racist president who would take 1200000 illegal aliens and set them on the path to legalization eventually citizenship does that sound like a racist president to you when the vast majority of them are Hispanic I am truly ashamed. Ashamed of how. The media. The Washington establishment talks about race talks about the facts talks about reality talks about this president. It's absolutely incredible to me. How they spin these lies and spin their propaganda day in and day out at the top of their lungs real freak shows one freak show after another this Donny guy on m.s.n. B.c. I want to talk to white people at their recess what the hell is this guy I want to talk to white people at their starts admonishing white people for what for what. Because it's cool you see on m s n b c That's what they do I hope you'll think about what I've said over the course of the last 15 or 20 minutes. I know it'll be repeated by the backbenchers on t.v. And radio but I think it's very very important to think with a sober mind. While the mob is on the loose I'll be right back. 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Into the Willow Glen saloon every Friday for a tender pride live dinner if you like to party it up and dance the night away definitely don't miss this Saturday night party so every Saturday night will Oakland saloon the restaurant has my music super jerk dinner and the best most water in tender baby back ribs if you count the Willow Glen saloon restaurant Come check us out located just minutes above Collins Lake County and over to the Willow Glen restaurant is the perfect place to hold your holiday parties good or small good today 5306 night 230055306123005 for the Willow Glen saloon and restaurant. This is life issues with Brad Mathis president of Life Issues Institute you may have heard about the elitist remark made by Emanuel macron president of France but did you hear about the response the Chron stated it wasn't possible to find a woman who was perfectly educated to have 78 or 9 children a flood of very well educated women throughout the world in lightened him one with a doctorate from Harvard University tweeted a photo of her with 6 of her 8 children a Stanford graduate provided a picture with her 11 kids women with degrees in music pharmacology engineering in business weighed in in the end the president of France was educated that his elitist attitude was condescending ignorant and sexist maybe he should seek their advice sounds like he could use help running things in France follow us on Twitter at life issues USA and stay informed more informed than you've ever been to Schwab is proud to introduce 2 of our best tires ever there is our exclusive reputation a high mileage premium passenger tire we believe was the quietest most comfortable ride ever or are exceptionally quiet and smooth all season traction tire the open range also get great deals on some of our previous best selling tires save up to $200.00 when you. But. As many of you know I was recently at the Reagan Library signing copies of freedom of the press for more than a 1000 Patriots and live in ites was an absolute honor and fantastic experience for me and my family for those of you who couldn't attend I've got some great news live in t.v. Cameras were there and captured the entire event you're a big fan of this show and you haven't yet subscribed to live in t.v. Please consider subscribing today to see the Reagan library book signing event including some behind the scenes segments Also if you're enjoying unfreedom of the press you want to check out a series of companion episodes we produced for Levin t.v. In which I go through each chapter of the book and provide additional commentary and insight about the absolute failure of the press in this country to see these episodes and many more go to live in t.v. Dot com That's l e v i n t v dot com to sign up today. And you get 10 dollars off your annual subscription that's livin t.v. Dot com promo code live in 10 dollars off your annual subscription. A major reason. Is because he's not only pro American he's pro Israel. Let me repeat that another reason no Martelly been a i.o.c. . Ran against and soon as they came into office started attacking Trump. Is because Trump is not only pro America he's pro Israel. They are appalled by the fact that he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel there by the fact that he moved the American embassy to Jerusalem there by the fact that he kicked the p.l.o. Office and shot it down out of this country they are paid by the fact that he cut off funding for the p.l.o. Except for the p.a. To subsidize terrorists and so this is a an undercurrent that you'll never hear in the media today and part of the reason is the media agree with them when Hamas shoots missiles into Israel the media supports Hamas the media covered up the Holocaust so I'm a oh see mentions concentration camps they are fine with it no big deal no big deal at all so this is an undercurrent that's taking place and see how clever they think they are they try to turn Trump into the racist. Trump who throughout his life has hired more minorities and every single one of the people attacking him today. Why Muslims or black or brown people whatever he's hired more of them and c.n.n. M.s.n. B.c. 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Business Network might be a smart idea to put down that smartphone once in a while while 90 percent of millennial tell the beverage company it's important live in evolvement more than half say they've missed a life moment because they're trying to capture it on social media not a lot of exciting moments on Wall Street Thursday the major indexes did manage to close higher investors digesting some earnings news still waiting to see if and when United States and China might make a deal on trade and listen up if you're house hunting mortgage rates are moving higher after barely budging for weeks according to Freddie Mac. The average 30 year fixed rate loan jumped this week from 3.75 percent up to 3 point one percent and we do have some encouraging news from an iconic American retailer toys r us announcing the locations for the return of its stores here in the u.s. 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The Glenn Beck program we need to strengthen our border we can keep parents and children together quite easily but don't buy into all of this high the media and the left did not care when this was happening under Obama's watch if you didn't care when it was happening under Obama's watch we all make mistakes we must start caring about the human condition and then while we're caring about the human condition take the steps to secure our border the Glenn Beck program Saturday August 31st gold country has seen a loser and present comedians Brendan Shaaban Bryan Callen from fighter and the kid on the great man was funny I wanted a whole list of all the great men like Copernicus and Galileo You know I mean like I went to the list I got on the Martin Luther King never told a far child I guarantee. You there's no never you still live in the event center and own country Casino Resort Saturday August 31st one Spanish nickname can't get up you can take it to open have a go go and got to. 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Or go to wave clean water dot com That's wiki of clean water dot com. Radio program. C n n. Why an individual by the name of Marc Lamont Hill and Temple University professor . Who is a dyed in the wall in my view anti-semite the other night c.n.n. Had. Richard Spencer a neo nazi. They thought it was important here from him the media have a very high tolerance for anti-Semitism New York Times for decades. For decades. This president has no tolerance for it whatsoever. And I'm convinced this is part of the reason they hate his guts to it's part of the reason Omar Tali and Yossi focus on him. Given the other example what's been going on if you've been watching television you see Jon Stewart everywhere. Trying to draw attention to the cause of funding for the $911.00 Fund. To take care of our police officers firefighters emergency personnel and others who were the 1st responders on that horrific day. Mike Lee and Rand Paul. Asked that the bill be slowed down because they want to know how it's going to be paid for that's all you've heard and then there was a gentleman on with Jon Stewart I forget if it was on Fox or m.s.m. B.c. Wherever it was just viciously attacking Lee and Paul over this issue vicious. Now I know Mike Lee I don't know Rand Paul very well and I know he's a man with a big heart and think what's going on here I really haven't looked at this. Did you folks know that the bill. Has no funding limits whatsoever. And it goes through 2092 for the next 73 years. Without review or anything of the sort. There's no number in there it's no question of renewal in their. Future Congresses can't even look at it. It's a 73 year Bill. That has no funding amount in it. 73 years. And so. Mike Lee says they're the only 2. Dysart dollar amount and how we paying for this they didn't say we shouldn't do it they didn't say it shouldn't be funded they wanted a few more specifics all the bill says it provides for such sums as may be necessary in touch 192 and they say we don't know what that means I have no idea what it means. So you can even ask the question nobody's more Prokop than I am nobody's more profile or fighting than I am I'm quite serious about this. And I would fight any member of Congress that doesn't want to take care of our men and women period but it's a legitimate question it's a legitimate you know it's like Medicare the Democrats want to give Medicare now to illegal aliens the children of illegal aliens in part of Medicare for all now a year or 2 ago that would have been unthinkable absolutely unthinkable right so I'm in trouble with them asking you have a bill here when faced with a bill providing for such time as may be necessary until 2092. Trying to figure out what that means and how this is supposed to work can you know can't even ask questions when Jon Stewart's out there saying what he's saying in the gentleman he was with saying what he's saying it's really unjust to attack these 2 members of Congress for raising the question it really is it's very unjust what we have money for everything else actually we don't have money for everything else but they didn't say they wouldn't support it maybe they will maybe they won't I have no idea what they're going to do but they want to know what such sums means touch $192.00 the next 73 years or it's whatever anybody needs mark or who's whatever who needs so it's a fair question but the media haven't reported very fairly not having. I bet most of you didn't even know this until I just told you this. Which puts a little bit of a different light on it right now it's been reported on for 2 or 3 weeks really quite remarkable I don't know why it's a controversial question again they're not sent I'm growing No maybe they will maybe they won't I have no idea they're not saying don't give them the funds that are necessary. But I've never heard of a bill being passed as such funds as are necessary we don't do that with our veterans who retire we don't do that for the v.a. . We don't really do that for anything that I'm aware of so I think it's a proper question debated for a day or so and then be done with it. I mean when I looked into this I was absolutely shocked about the way it's being reported. Be pretty damn amazing be. All right Mr Producer we've got a lot on the table we've got a lot more to cover in our last hour we're going to the great Daniel Horowitz on the program who wants to run you about the budget that's going through the Congress right now the unbelievable irresponsibility in terms of spending speaking of spending that's taking place and apparently Republicans don't care about that anymore we talk about it all the time I wrote an entire book on it plunder and deceit. But to hear anybody else talk about how much kind of boring I know it's not boring. Actually I have the call screen up now let me go to and aren't California 870 the answer the great k r l a how are you. You. Never tired and I love you. I am an American I am not too loud and I wouldn't want to Cornell I'll tell you what I don't remember. Them To me they were going to be called. The. Screamers he would wonder if I was just thinking in the back of my mind I know we have to bow down. And I'm grateful let me let me let me let me slip into. I don't know that any of them are going to be voted out I hope they are but they're very very dark blue districts that's how they get away with this anyway go ahead. I know not to vote him out but I'm sure not being we could really do a class action law to protect we haven't done it in and out on you can't bring a lawsuit against members of Congress to remove him because you disagree with them . Or because they haven't done anything and we don't want these left wing judges involved in that either so now we're stuck with them what's troubling is how the media continue to promote them now they're victims you've got anti semites among them Jew haters American haters and now they're the victims you see things if only the president would stop talking about them the media push them in our faces as a nation over and over and over and over and over and over again. They paint the narrative these are women of color and that's why the president's attacking them even though he never mentioned that they were women rather color. They want to make them absolutely immune from criticism. Because they're setting the stage. For the 2020 Alexion and they do not want people to be criticized who they support and the real reason why the word racism is being thrown around has really nothing to do with race it's about intimidation and it's about advancing the hard left agenda if you don't agree with the hard left agenda. Then you have to be a racist like you heard this this congressman Presley. Serving in John Kennedy's old district by the way. And you paid which he says what she said at that net roots nut job conference and I paraphrase she basically said if you're black and you're brown and you don't agree with me that's perfect of Lee what she says and keep your mouth shut stop pretending. Go ahead. She. Never. They don't. Call it. A good majority of. Really want anybody president and you know this is a great point raising is very interesting because Norah O'Donnell and her debut show you would think among others that these women represent all women and they represent all women who are minorities and I know that's not true it's a lie they don't run for office nationwide if they did they would get slaughtered politically they'd they'd lose in a bloodbath but in fact when they take a poll of Omar the people who are aware for don't like her. She has support from 9 percent of those who know who she is same with. The overwhelming majority who do know her don't like her but the media like. Crazy I think are totally embarrassed. My friend I appreciate your call let me right back. The next time here looking for parts for your wrecked used or broken down vehicle you want to go to United truck disclaims lawyers in Marysville United truck dismantle it has a huge selection of quality used parts for Ford Chevy dodge g.m.c. 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The low blood restaurant is the perfect place to hold your holiday parties or small book today 5306235030600 to 3000 votes for that will open a restaurant and my health you can see the Pediatrics is now offering same day appointments for medical Intel dentistry services for your child 80 to 3 years of age Hello this is real director of communications when you see the 1st sign of teeth immersion in your baby you'll want to include a child in history appointment with your baby's next appointment to see the doctor good dental health is critical to lifelong health for your child and without health the process is time saving and not stressful after you see the baby's doctor a dental hygienists will take dental pictures and those pictures will be examined through the tell dentistry program then you will receive a report from the examining dentist easy for you and your child and it gives you a starting point for your child's dental health and can detect any problems that may need to be addressed to make an appointment for a medical and tell dentistry appointment for your baby call you will see the pediatrics at 671-882-6718 extension 820 amp a healthy Pediatrics is on Market Street. Never. A socialist country the president's right the proposal from the Department of Health and Human Services socialist price controls from foreign countries this international drug pricing index one. Piece. Price controls are. A fraud. President Trump is right watch Newsmax t.v. Bypass the big media on Newsmax you get the truth about from Bill O'Reilly Mike Reagan Alan Dershowitz Pat Buchanan and many more Newsmax t.v. America's fastest growing. Now 70000000 homes on direct. X. Finity spectrum optimum universe and more systems. Today it's real news for real people. C.n.n. Is supporting. Employee time this temple professor Marc Lamont Hill and anti-Semite my view. They bring on Richard Spencer. Because they think that's newsworthy. They promote. Anti Semites. Anti-Semite concentration camps. Mostly no different New York Times busy publishing anti-Semitic cartoons had looked like they came out of Nazi Germany. They were afraid of the president. Many times multiple times as a racist as Hitler and Stalin as a white supremacist and on and on and on and the president has wanted to go back where he came from and that you see in their red line that's their red line. Now if you're an accountant Let's say your political account you have credit and debit credit on one side and debit on the other side. The debit that is the things had been said about this president all manner of hate so far outweigh what he said what he tweeted and yet the reaction is outweighed compared to the reaction to what is said about him and the reason is because there are people saying charity obvious that the left wing meter on the Democrat side for 2020 just look at the questions they ask of these so-called debates what Brant Bozell and the folks over at the Media Research Center they're fighting back and it's part of the m.r.c. Tell the truth 2020 campaign they launched a war room to monitor and expose the daily lies and propaganda coming out of the media if you go to m.-a r.-c. War Room dot com You can see some of the coverage from their various websites and if you signed their petition send you a free don't believe the fake news media bumper sticker it's all at m.r.c. War Room dot com the left us have their own war room in fact they have a lot of them c.n.n. M.s.l. Us t. A.b.c. C.b.s. N.b.c. New York Slimes Washington Compost all peddling propaganda 20 $47.00 there are 100 percent focused on replacing Trump with one of the Socialist Democrats excuse me Democratic Socialist now Socialist Democrats. So now our side has its own war room check it out at m r c War Room dot com Sign the petition and we'll send you a free don't believe the fake news media bumper sticker that's m.r.c. Room dot com You know and he even as I'm reading that I'm thinking about coming to Kentucky. Those young men who want to Washington d.c. . They were set upon by a gentleman who is a Native American who is calling them names because in their face and remember how the news media reacted to that attack these young kids who are being maggots white Christian. They had their narrative and they weren't going to move from it in fact so bad was that they cherry picked the videotape they only showed us part of it it was edited and the same gaggle of newsrooms groupthink pack mentality attacked those young kids particularly that one young man defended the Native American even though he was at fault even though he was the provocateur which several of them are now being sued that your media that your media in America they said there was Russia collusion just like the Democrats did there wasn't any They said the president violated campaign laws as they search through the documents that have now been released by the Southern District of New York he did. Now there's another report today from the great John Solomon on the Hill they said that the White House manipulated security clearances they now have information from a closed door hearing from Republicans that career security personnel said that never happened. Almost everything the media tell us is false but the narrative goes on the mat narrative goes on. It's quite incredible. And yet a few people maybe several dozen yelling send her back. John Roberts apparently at Fox time did it for 13 seconds and that's the big story today why didn't the president stop them. President said look I didn't support it I just move quickly on from that yes but you caused it you say and you should've been like John McCain and stop and stop that you should have said no. Like John McCain would have number how they hated John McCain Remember it was either the post of the times that had a front page story on inferring extracurricular activity if you get my drift remember that and of course they love John McCain because he's gone because he's gone. Right see here see if I can pull up the old call screen here looks like I can. Let us go to Frank. Pompton Lakes New Jersey the great w a b c Go ahead we did not do in my mind very well thank you sir. I was talking screener that you know how we label people spider would you know any o.c.d. . And. That's why that's why why do why do we given celebrity to these people which That's my opinion that well you don't hear me call them the squat because they they culturally they want to come off as cool so there's the scrub they're not the squad right well I don't call them the squat and I see you're right but normally I call her. And I know me I love that one. You know Shane. And we started doing that. They are. So much. We need. I do right I don't disagree Frank it's a good point I got to run We'll be right back. 3 . You're listening to Marysville 1410 am The Patriot Marysville and cities number one talks to. Let them tell my podcast if you like water if you do you're going to love me or in simple I'm talking. Yeah 500 years in Atlanta here. I never was and never will be water. Bottle at the source the base of Mount Shasta. And simple naturally. 100. Bring water this is truck country and g.m.c. Has a truck for every task the g.m.c. Family of pickup trucks features a diverse line of trucks per. Fix for whatever task you have in mind whether you're going camping with a family or tackling a project our like d.c. Or a half ton pickup trucks deliver the utility capability and premium features you expect from a g.m.c. 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Warship Boxer destroyed an Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz after he says it threatened the ship the accident comes hours after Iran's revolutionary guard admitted being an oil tanker this weekend belonging to the United Arab Emirates with 12 crew on board accusing the vessel of smuggling the State Department responded quote Iran must this. Illicit activity and release the reportedly seized crew and vessel immediately the head of u.s. Central Command is in the region trying to form a coalition of Allied Navy vessels to escort oil tankers through the Strait of Hormuz Iran's foreign minister speaking in New York today said Iran and the United States were just a few minutes away from a war last month after Iran shot down an American spy drone boxes Jennifer Griffin at the Pentagon the Senate had to vote next week on a measure that would ensure the $911.00 victims' compensation bill never runs out of money already done with confident to amendments will be defeated and we will get on Fox's Your World With Neil Cavuto a Syrian refugees been indicted on charges the plot to bomb a Christian Church in Pittsburgh the federal grand. Driving is freedom the freedom to keep to control. Bills to keep your bills or to. Visit your participating for dealership to find out about getting such a bill complimentary make the square you buy your lease a new Ford and sign up for. 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Attorney Ben Glassman says conspired to distribute large amounts of opioids to known pill mills and to profit allegedly earning hundreds of millions of dollars mostly from wholesale opioid distribution opioids have been linked to hundreds of thousands of deaths across the u.s. Over the last several decades just Manassero Fox news letters class of Kennedy Center honor raise have been named They include actress Sally Field the long running p.b.s. Children's show Sesame Street Linda Ronstadt and Earth Wind and Fire the announcement made today the honoree to be celebrated at a gala in December I'm Lisa and miss. The 20th Annual Marysville peach festival the celebration of everything is Friday and Saturday July 19th and 20th.