And welcome to school days with your host Daryl Cherney Nate dog engineering both of us actually credentialed teachers in California Nathan elementary and me in the secondary single subject English and our special guest featured on the front page top fold of the humbled independent Sylvan Paula I even mean how are you high how you don't seem to get it from many of you know cinnamon not just from being a Super Bowl and school fundraiser activist except for a but also she used to represent the Chamber of Commerce right there in the middle Garberville you know greeting all our wonderful tourists to come here and helping them navigate not just the redwoods by. Even the straight people that they had to go to stick around this is an interesting job for a couple years ago and you did a great job at it I always enjoyed coming in and talking to you Little did I know we'd be on the show on the radio regularly and little did I know we'd be coming down this rabbit hole but before we get into. Some of the stuff that happened to Cinnamon at the last school board meeting that put her in the top fold of the Humboldt independent formerly known as the Garberville independent. I want to emphasize that the show really focuses on solutions and so even if we have a few complaints or some things that. Happen that are negative let's remember that we don't need solutions and as we have problems you know they've got to go together like night and day and I often tell people you can't complain and less you're willing to be part of the solution that goes hand in hand that's right and you can't be part of the solution of this you have a complaint. All right so there you go. So I would like to maybe 1st. Talk a little bit about. Who cement Paul is and you know like a lot of people in southern Humboldt County. Cinnamon is a humble person and so you know I mean humble and Humboldt you know just kind of go hand in hand I learned that when I 1st got here in 1905. Coming from New York City which is sort of the ecosystem capital of the universe. But and I was still mastering this concept I am not an expert on the subject but. And we're all striving for it and I do know that we're all like little tiny beans in this great big planet this great big universe but that said I want to talk just a little bit about who Cinnamon is and what she's done over the last 16 years with the schools just to give an idea of. Who we are and I want to just say and I'm not going to read this today but that's. One of the I created about 25 things to school could do to improve the whole school district is Southern hobo unified school district can do. To improve the whole school system without costing it a nickel and one of the things and I've said this at many board meetings during the open comment period and I actually plan on submitting a formal written proposal in the very near future it's very high on my list is to stop. Stop putting up roadblocks to volunteerism Yes and I've actually identified I think 5 components of volunteers and which would include everything from construction building to fund raising to just speaking in individual classes to being a teacher's aide Yes And I think there's even one more that is there's also coaching and volunteering in snack shacks and all the other things that provide extra funding an extra money is needed to keep the schools going and to hear sort of an Ok they ate Yes And one of the things that run of the reasons I wish to divide those into 5 when I make my pathway to volunteerism proposal cinnamon and listening audience is that some of these require different types of hoops to jump through right and different types of personalities you know not everybody is cut out to be a volunteer in the classroom but maybe they'd love to come help with a renovation project or something you know help otherwise so if you want to be a regular volunteer let's say you want to be teacher's aide or by the way you can't as a volunteer you can't take a job that would normally be held by a union position you know yes something like that some people are sort of the words there's ways around that for volunteers to get projects done but it's kind of sticky and I've actually been told though in the past on some projects we've tried to do. I know for example that some construction projects have actually been covertly done. I've heard that you know in fact I was talking to Headstart quite a while ago a couple years ago a sort of sand box was needing sand over you know at the by the Red way and yeah and she says well we can't put a sand in it we can't afford it we have to pay people to put it in I said what if people snuck into the middle of night would. Be just like. Yeah but it is interesting how. With the short budget the really tidy budget that all the sky. Half of the state right that volunteerism is is discouraged but to a very large extent but we don't have to discourage it in all aspects and so what I want to ask you and I kind of the answer but I want to hear from you is if you want to be let's say you want to chaperone kids to have. A field trip or maybe even a multi-day field trip what hoops you need to jump through for that well the 1st you need to fill out the piece of paper that comes home from the teacher with your student that says hey would you like to volunteer in chaperone and given your information and be willing to dedicate that time usually ahead of time teachers need to plan they need to have so many chaperones on a field trip. And generally if you're going to be a driver on the field trip then you need to fill out one of their forms and provide your insurance information your driver's license number and things like that. Prove that you don't have any drunk driving Yeah yeah you have to have a clean record and stuff although actually I've never had to prove that my record was clean I've just offered them the information of my driver's license and that was it. But I feel should go that's all I've really ever had to do. I've gone on a couple overnight trips I went on a senior trip last year that was a 3 day 3 days in 2 nights maybe 4 days and 3 nights I can't remember but I did have to get a background check to go on that so I went and got fingerprinted when the Cubs were playing at the crabs field last year I walk next door to the arcade a police department got my fingerprints and my background check done and stuff so that's the only field trip I've ever had to do that for about I believe there is a cost to get your figure prints done is there not yeah I think it was like 30 bucks or 25 or something like that it you know yess So I think the point I'm making is that for some things like you just want to be a speaker in class come and maybe need to notify the principal or the front office Yeah but you have a guest come in but you don't need to be fingerprinted if you just want to come and talk for a. You know my understanding with the fingerprinting is it's been now explained to me is that if you are with a teacher who is supervising you and standing there the whole time then you don't need to be fingerprinted to be a guest speaker or a. Helper in the classroom a volunteer. Ok so let's talk a little bit about your history of what you've been doing that you've been involved in school. Support volunteers of for I think about 16 years something like that my oldest son started preschool about that time so what 16 years ago was 2003 Yeah yeah that would be about right. And so one of the things that I think you were involved in was working with Humboldt County Department of Public Works Yeah I used to drop my kid my oldest son off at the Redway Head Start building and it used to be that that road was configured a little bit differently and people would they still drive crazy down it or whatever but there wasn't as much parking available as there is now and it was really nerve wracking there were sidewalks and different things and there were speed limit signs there weren't the speed humps that are at the other end of the road down by Parkinson's and stuff and this is readily elementary This is read way elementary right in the school zone you know and it really bothered me so I started looking around and found out that public works is in charge of that not the school because I 1st complained to the school and they said that's not our job it's public work so talk to Madsen got to know me from that years ago and I complained enough to where. I was heard and then several years later there was money coming around in the school was doing their renovations and in part of those renovations was renovating their own parking lot and stuff and so Safe Routes to School came together with Humboldt County Public Works and the school district and they were able to reconfigure some things I actually had c.h.p. Come down and do a report on what they saw and what they thought needed to improve in the school zone and. You know it was worthy and were you working with any other parents in your efforts on that particular project Nope I didn't really know anybody else I just kind of screamed and yelled till someone heard me and then also you are dedicating your classroom volunteer. As well you know every week I used to volunteer and probably kindergarten through 4th grade in my kids' classes and what does being a volunteer in the in the classrooms entails generally most classes in my experience run in stations so like if they're doing language arts the classes broke into 4 or 5 groups and usually there isn't and there's some. Self motivated stations but if there's an adult for separate stations they'll put an adult there and so I would often lead a station for a group of kids. And then you also. Have been a parent teacher and student association that you just be the p.t.a. But now is the p.t.a. As a right that actually happened when I was p.t.a. President we wanted to include the students more and found that was an option and so we were looking for ways to get their ideas and stuff out there and you were the p.t.a. Parent teacher student association a president for 2 and a half 3 years something like that I was on the board for about 5 or 6 yes and you've been raising money and I know that some of the schools like we are also kept Castro and they raise big bucks to get high and they pay for teachers you know they fundraise for teacher salaries or half of a teacher salary that's he on top of everything else that they fundraise for a field trip supplies that kind of thing and so would you when you've been involved in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars what are some of the at you know certainly a lot of there's I know there's quite a few other state. You know from and I probably do a disservice by not naming the ball maybe you can help me out with that but one of the some of the projects with that that kind of major fund raising well for the last you know 15 years or basically since 20072008 when the school state just started to start really cutting budgets and cut back so drastically that the schools couldn't afford aids in the classrooms and the schools couldn't afford supplies and things like that the school community has stepped up and parents and they basically fundraise all the clathrate classroom supplies that I think come through every Southern humble Unified School District school they fundraise a lot of furniture chairs tables that kind of thing they fundraise books they fund raise money for any kind of field trip that the kids go on has been fundraised. Gosh sports sports are huge and I know you know at Southwark and Miranda junior high it costs about $105000.00 every year just to provide a sports program and that's just the funding part of it and different schools have different sports programs too so they go along with that it all adds up in my calculation I asked everybody how much money do you raise every year for the parent organizations those about a year or 2 ago but I came up with about $350000.00 annually is what the parent organizations of Southern humble unified raises and what are some of the parent organizations so we have the South Fork high school Miranda junior high boosters there is the we are boosters there is the read way P.T.'s say there is the friends of white thorn school the friends of Castro in school. I think that's all of it right because there isn't just a spray and stuff so yeah so those are the main parent groups that are dedicated to each school and like you said some of those groups fundraise teacher salaries you know anything that the kids want to have that's extra beyond a teacher in the classroom in the building around and it's basically fundraised in my eyes and so before we go out a little a few more fundraising and volunteer. Niches that are available to people listening I want to say that we are talking with sediment Paula and Simmons is quite well known in the community but this week in the humble independent she is the feature of a headline that a tough old headline No that's what something I always try for myself it says parent and the from last week's school board meeting and is this your civil Paula parent barely had sat down when she was approached by board member by board president in a sort of in a board member Michelle Bushnell and asked to step outside step outside and so basically she was bad for the school board meeting as well as giving a 14 day suspension from being at the school at all and we're going to get to that in a moment but I just want to start a little bit with the local color about. And you know there's just something to the story and we're going to get to it but I just want to say that this is who we're talking about and so we will get to that the moment I really feel like you your view does not just deserve your own show to you know maybe get some of the facts out on this but also the fact that you are still very active in schools and we want to promote on this show some of the projects that you are promoting and working on to make our schools a better place now you also were involved with but is this bus stop to nowhere Tell me about that you didn't read the bus stop to know where was an interesting project so we were given notice as parents that because of finding changes within. In the state of California they were cutting all the school bus funding for all the schools in California and the school board locally gave the parents notice that in $47.00 days buses would be canceled and everybody would have to drive their kids to school because of the funding and it was that it meeting in the gym it read way school and it was pretty packed house and it was funny because I went to that meeting and I thought Yeah this is really sucks but I mean I live 2 miles out of town it really at that time it really wasn't a huge deal for me to drive my kids to read to a school and and so but my husband was pretty upset about it more so than me and so we went to the meeting and I sat back and listened and just the the thing that resonated was that there was all this commotion and people were upset and trying to figure out how they were going to get their kids to school and there wasn't a plan about how to fix it so. I just you know me I'm like a visual public person like when you put information out in the public then everybody can talk about it and then you can find some solutions because I'm not always the one that has them but maybe someone else does off of my vision right oh yeah. You know organize you know your resources your people so I made this really funky. And I hung it up on our bus stop that we have at the top of our driveway and it said Sh us buses and in $47.00 days and I took a picture of it and I put it on Facebook and I challenged other parents to start counting down and every day I'd change it and I agree post it and started counting down and by the time I think we got to like 42 or 43 we started to like really talk about it to the point where we needed to start a Facebook page and so we started the bus stop to nowhere because I figured if the buses quit running it was just a random bus stop that went nowhere right. So and I also thought that maybe there were other schools across the street that state that were having this problem so I was trying to get other schools to join in on it too. Anyways so as it progressed what it turned out our community wanted to do was go to Sacramento and really protest this and we organized in a way that has really been seen in this community and it's something that really inspired and invigorated everybody we made signs we had about 200 people on buses we took our bus stop to Sacramento we parked right out front of the Capitol way that is you can bust up you know we put in the back of the truck and drive it to Sacramento I see that bus stop. It without houses Yeah it would be a nice out how. And anyways and I put signs all over it that said Follow us on Facebook so we had people take good pictures of us the whole way there and one of the really great things is that we had a reporter come talk to us she was for p.b.s. . P.b.s. N.p.r. Sorry she did the California The harder part yeah the California report and she did a report on us for. That which was really great and so that played on the air the morning that we went to Sacramento and so all the politicians heard it that morning and knew we were coming and we rallied and while we weren't necessarily the bones of that argument we were at the heart of it you know it happened to affect. L.a. Unified quite a bit and so they were kind of the bone structure of getting that passed but we were definitely the heart and we they took note of us and it missed definitely made our community feel really good about achieving something and we kept our funding for school buses and we have retained that funding so you know 1st of all congratulations to all the people who participated and that you know there's a express it was a huge group effort no doubt that you know 200 people go down as a group right there and you know there's expression in government it's called an unfunded mandate and unfunded mandate is when you are forced into your your company are forced to do something that you have to pay for so for example you are forced and I say this is a bad thing but you are required to send your kids to school yes and so with the bus with the bus routes to is to provide you the funding they provide you the resource to get your kids to school right but if you pour it over a car right you know or pay for the gas in the car or fix your car that's really broken some version of that or like living around here do you really want every parent on the road at the same time in the morning you know what I mean it's more it's more efficient to put a bunch of kids on a bus than to have that many individual cards on the road is my thought not to mention the fact if I may say that parents although we all care about our kids greatly sometimes if they're all late for school they drive a little crazy. That's a fact. All right so congratulations on that you also. Were involved in the Homecoming floats Oh yeah I love the homecoming floats they're a lot of fun I think it's a great opportunity for the kids to be creative at the high school and the junior high and to express themselves and sometimes kids. Work together on floats that don't necessarily interact in other ways at school and so it's just a great opportunity all around they get to learn skills and building skills and. And they all seem to enjoy it it's always a big success Well so 1st of all let me thank you for all the work you've done as they and as it's like to be said thank you for your service thank you now so with this light you were talking to them and Paula our guest here on school days I'm Carol Czerny your host and we also have Nate Dogg behind the dials we will open this up the phone calls soon but with this it light Let's take a note that you were banned for the school for 14 days and. Subsequently banned from all school premises including being escorted out of the school board meeting last Thursday so before we get into how that happens which by my count as a clear you know being banned from the school is one thing being banned from a school board meeting is by federal law and I'm going to bring that up in a little bit a clear violation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution as decided by the 2nd District Court of Appeals Federal Court of Appeals on the East Coast that you can eat that you can be banned from school but you can't be banned from sporting events school board meetings anything a public forum I think it's called yes before we get to that I think we're going to get to one of our songs here you know I love playing songs about schools and this one is by an artist called boy in a band and it's called Don't stay in school. I wasn't taught how to get a job but I can remember dissecting a frog I wasn't sure how to pay tax but I know loads about Shakespeare's classics saying that believe. Me learn the basics of how to recognize the most deadly mental disorders diseases with preventable causes how to buy a house with a mortgage if I could to prove it because abstract math Sustiva more important than the device that would literally save thousands of lives. But it's cool because now I could tell you if the number of unnecessary deaths caused by that choice was prime. Present day practical medicine but don't was told with the engine to the classic that the deer is a good thing the pain is so useless what So they take maybe try some lead to discuss domestic. Get the facts so how to help my depressed friend with the mental side. Just because you don't have the calculator with you every day I think it's not the cancer the balance of the problem to get to the kids to play with problem solved then how about using it comes up but not when you actually have to do 150 s. Language a theory has to go through to get to go. With the political system so like a typical think it's a now I don't know what I'm touching on which was the how to make a. Simpler color. To prove a system I did. Clinton thank you very much my childhood was wasted because I am. Going to. Gold hustle. Song is just amazing I I just loved going to You Tube Let me tell you my little secret here I go to You Tube and I type in things like songs about school suspension. Or you know things like that you know are songs about not going to school and bam there it is and I do pretty darn well we have another song coming up later in the show about another young young woman who just put it I think with her ukulele just an amazing amazing young woman singing a beautiful song to her to find it interesting how many people feel the need to write about education and what's wrong with it in the world or in the United States like that is. Speaks volumes and we're talking to him and Paul I'm Darrell charity your host here on school days so we've got a little bit of a dose of. Sentiments background as a volunteer and also we had a call asking how to contact you so if anybody wants to volunteer. You give your contact information and I'm also going to give mine but you 1st Ok so if you would like to volunteer for boosters you can contact boosters through our what website s.f. h S m j h boosters dot com or s.f. Boosters at g. Mail dot com That's the easiest way to kind of put that out there Carmen Wilner is our volunteer coordinator for boosters and I don't have her number off the top of my head but you can always give me a call my number is 707-223-0165 I do respond better to texts so you get that number one more time 707-223-0165 I'm also going to give out my information because if you want if you missed any of this and I can always gather it up and e-mail it back to you just e.s.p. As is dot com e.s.p. As is dot com. And so and in fact one of the things I'm going to interject before we get into what. Happen to you and why you were banned from the school and why that's been revoked but before we get there. I've also established to help with some of this to identify problems is student parent community evaluation of southern district schools it's an anonymous or even b. Now you could be not amiss if you want people to be anonymous you can certainly be just no way of tracking this and so you can just e-mail me at e.s.p.n. As is dot com or go to our Facebook page which is called the online town hall to improve so how schools that's Facebook page online town hall to improve so home schools again happy just email me e.s.p.n. As is I'll send you a link to the evaluation or send you a link to our online town hall where you can you know gather up great information it's a group it's not a ton of like Page It's a group right and the reason I like groups better on Facebook is because the notifications are more clear as you can really are you can communicate better with your folks like pages you have to go back and look at it whereas groups you get the notification in your inbox in can I say the evaluation that you have online or that we have on line is it's not just about complaints there's a lot of opportunity to talk about the things that you really like about our teachers in our school too and I think it's important to be gathering that information because there is a group of us that would like to figure out how to better moat and support teachers and having that information like that will help us do that and we got about 26 responses so far on our online evaluation and. I've been asked how it's going to roll out and I would say 1st of all I don't want to rule anything out so we have well over $100.00 responses Yeah but I can tell you that preliminary after 26 is that teachers get very good grades administration not so much but also depends on the school. Because they don't get to paranoid if you're out there listening I think that and if it is not judgment or doesn't say how bad things are it says it asked you to grade the administrators grade the principals grade. The teachers and that you've given them a great can be a good thing just people good people because you know what it's like so it's not it's not judge mental but sometimes people can think it could be and what I presented this to Don Boyd the super to the schools I told him I was doing as he says oh yeah there's something like that already out there it's called a yelp. Well then I might have to look up the other noble Unified School District on Yelp and see what's on there actually there are already ratings for schools all interesting I'm going to look it up. But there's actually a rating system for schools that I have sorry schools it's great schools dot com has a great rating system and actually the state rate schools too in a different way if you look up their. School dashboards and whatnot so not that long ago. A week or so ago you. First of all I don't want to get too personal you can share as much as you want but you wound up be in school. In and you were giving a presentation to the. Various classes What were you talking to the various classes about well my youngest son is an 8th grader at the junior high and it's a tradition for the 8th grade class to have an end of the year field trip and when you take you know $3040.00 kids however many end up going on a field trip it gets pretty expensive and they try to do at least one night overnight so the point the goal is to fundraise early on in the season we expect to need to raise between 150-101-5000 dollars for that so we'd like to have it fund raised by February 1st so that we can make reservations for transportation and hotels and stuff in a timely manner. So I went to being a parent that has done this before I volunteered to go drop into the classrooms and just talk to the kids about it a little bit and introduce them to the idea and hope to gain some participation and excitement and you know don't forget to be hey. You get to go on the trip type thing and. So yeah I just I draw I made arrangements with the teacher and said I plan to be there 1st period which is their enrichment it's kind of a study hall type class so I figured that was the least invasive on there and yeah I didn't want to go in during a court class or so no no no and so I spent about 2 to 5 minutes real quick and each classroom and gave them my little presentation with the teacher standing there saying thank you. Then what happened well in the course of that I realized it was picture retake day and one of my kids needed to participate in that picture retake day for those of you who are out of the loop is if your kid is absent for having a school picture taken or they don't like the way the picture looks great you can retake a. Mine was absent so I went to the office to get a form and. Was a little disgruntled I tend to know a lot of what's going on and I had no idea it was picture retake day so I was a little frustrated with that but whatever so I went out and I filled out the form and I put a check up and I went back to the office and asked to talk to my son so I could explain to him. And in the middle someone asked me Oh does he need retakes and I I responded with some colorful adjectives that probably were not necessary in the school office and they were adjectives so I just want to be clear now and he didn't call anybody a name no I didn't tell anybody to do something or anything like that and they were adjectives and you know I know that that okays it or anything and you were in the office and about have been one or 2 student there were 2 students who work in the office as their office aides say is yes I but I used to be in office 80 really in high school junior high and high school yes nice and so what happened next. Was the principal yelled excuse me from her office and came running out and stood about 2 inches from me and told me to leave immediately and I said I'm sorry that was inappropriate My bad I've been warned and she stood there and told me to leave and get out and I said I'm not going to leave until I at least talk to my kid and explain he gets picture taken and. She told me that she was within her legal rights in the law to have me leave the premises and. Could have someone ask me off and that's when my son happened to walk in the office door so she told me I could go outside and talk to him and then I needed to leave and. So and then you got this and then I left after talking to me then I got this letter and we're going to read the whole letter is you know I want to see some sort of a Paul aside and it is 3 pages in the acquire c.c. To the superintendent basically. Let's see here. It mentions some of the colorful language that you used and that it says. That if you enter campus during this period of time that consent to so that you're banned for 14 days for entering campus they say yes because it has been withdrawn if you to enter you risk be punished with a misdemeanor charge as follows upon 1st conviction by a fight of not is sitting 500 hours in imprisonment in county jail for a period of not more than 6 months if you have previously been convicted of one violation of any offense in part one title 15 chapter one of the Penal Code appeal Code Section $415.00 The punishment will be imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than 10 days or more than 6 months and by both such a prison and fine if not exceeding $500.00 if you have previously been convicted of 2 or more times a violation described the laws you will be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than 90 days or more than 6 months. And so for the so on and as I and the goes on the counting California Code of Civil Procedure and California education code for 4011 and my point is that for the mere utterance of a bit of colorful language which you apologized you received a letter that actually threatened you with minimum. Mandatory jail sentences Yes in a possible restraining order Oh yes I've got a restraining order apart Yes So we got we cut to the chase and so one of the things that I have repeatedly said at many school board meetings in part of the public comment as I cannot simply run into dedicated volunteers or people who attempt to volunteer who haven't gotten as far as the 16 years that you have done who are pushed away and I can't think of any more strong pushing away of a volunteer of threatening them with mandatory minimums of 3 months in jail you know for. For what I would consider to be a pretty minimal offense I was pretty shocked I was shocked that they had gone to that length to be quite honest they did a lot of homework to get to that point or. That letter and if they had it. Maybe looked at the what I was originally frustrated about that expressed my colorful language we would have even been there yes and there were other reasons and when I don't get too personal as to why you've been at the school more than usual but the point is that also there is a situation where if a student is suspended or has some kind of disciplinary action taken up a severe nature they are entitled to a meeting a meeting a conference preceding the suspension between the person that is suspending them and a teacher if applicable and a parent is that invited usually invited in and that's not always happening at that unit at the high school and junior high and eat you are waiting for such a meeting for how long over a month over a month and then I think was that morning the morning that I yeah the reason I was really frustrated wasn't the picture retake day that was just added on top I had received an email that morning from board president Dennis O'Sullivan cancelling my meeting to discuss the suspension that I was questioning because I really just want them to have a conversation with my children about what happened and they've refused to this day no adult has talked to my kids for suspension that caused 5 days of suspension and to be kicked off the bus for the entire year no adult at school has talked to my kids and because. Somebody has been in your family's been kicked off the bus for entire year that actually requires you to be at school twice a day so I like a while I'm here I'll talk to the kids and promote some fundraising. Try to turn it into a positive you know that's useful with the time and I believe that the letter that was sent you they also complain that you're at the school yeah they said something about surveilling and what not and you know and I would because I would say watch my one kid and make sure he went to class and whatnot and I'd read my text and email or whatever and yeah and so just. And you did have a meeting with the superintendent John Boyd Yes and I and I was there with you to meet again with me for my witness I was your witness and I would see before our see a performer buns that actually hit the bottom of the chair separate to the boy said he said before you say anything I would like to let you know that regardless of what happens here today I play and I'm going to rescind this order yes and so basically we were both kind of shocked I'm not sure either take it I was in fact. I find the superintendent Boyd to be to have a very strong reasonable streak and you know and to be a human being and you know people I've seen that potential Yes Yes And so and we saw it there that day but one thing that I didn't send and I want to make this clear to all the cable listeners It took me about 5 minutes or so at the board meeting when you were banned. Both Dennis O'Sullivan and Michelle Bushnell who have since been informed is not just the board taker secretary clerk she's the people are going to court but I believe she's also the sergeant at arms quite possible that I mean I was talking to anyone who teaches music at a lot of the schools and great music teacher and he said well if you start in arms that you get a sash. But anyway regardless of I mean who would who knew there was a sergeant in arms I've never seen one used at a board meeting in all the years I've been going there yes but that said to Thomas Mulder. I asked to be on the show but he was unavailable today he protested he did appear I wasn't there so I can't say for an eyewitness account because I was outside across the street off school grounds talking to him and he protested he walked out of the meeting he he made a motion to move the beating off privacy. She says well that this is a government meeting it's a government meeting and if somebody can't attend it because it's on school grounds Let's move it off the school grounds he made a motion to do so for public comment for public comment it was no 2nd of that motion and so it failed and he walked out on his principles and I admire Thomas I want to give him props Thomas out there early for he and I don't always agree but we we we agree to disagree and respect each other in the end so I appreciate that absolutely but and then he also actually age he actually suggested that maybe they get new lawyer because not only is a whole lot of attention gets hit you know I suggest they just talk to the people they're dealing with instead of having a lawyer try to write a letter to talk to the people they're dealing with I don't know just 3 page letter cost there's a time for the principal to write it for the lawyers to go over it all there's lot there's legal mumbo jumbo to be on here but that's that's time that could've been spent educating our kids absolutely and so but it took me that's part of the hardest thing about all of this is it's costing the school district money for me to be arguing with them and I'm trying to raise money for the schools and so I feel like going I'm going backwards when these kind of thing happen so it took me all about 30 seconds to find the federal law that showed that the school district had absolutely no legal standing to kick you out of the school board meaning 30 seconds they could they hire they couldn't pay their lawyer or they got a called me up for free and at 30 seconds I could I found this article it says went to school ban a parent or 3rd party from school property and school events and here it is the 2nd circuit court of appeals that's federal recently addressed the issue of whether school district can ban a parent from school property during the school day and or during on site sporting events based on a parent's prior conduct the court found that a principal had the right to ban an unruly parent from school property during the school day based on the parents' previous interest. Actions with the principal but found at a sporting event or sporting events both on and off school property are limited public forums and that's banning a parent from a sporting event and that would add or a school board meeting that is open to the public might run afoul of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution unless the ban is reasonable and if you point neutral So in other words they had no right at all to ban you from the school board meeting and violated the 1st Amendment the Constitution and doing so that's how I feel but . You know I'm not a lawyer. So I decided to go and test the waters and see what what would happen you know and if you know and I would have been there and at that rate hullabaloo that led to you in the top fold of the of the Humboldt independent to Garber going to bend except that the headlights of my truck went out it was a logical problem and so I had to go up the hill to get another vehicle and I was a half hour late when I got there you are already outside with Shannon Robinson I missed all the but it's a a what if I had been there I would have been locked arms at the doorway shouting singing We Shall Not Be Moved and probably things would have been more hollow Louis you know I was really grateful because when they asked me to go outside I was a little nervous about stepping outside with 3 people that were not wanting me there right so I asked if someone could come with me and I actually had a couple teachers in a couple parents stand up and say I'll come outside with you and they didn't necessarily know all the information that led to this or whatever but I really appreciate that they were willing to. At least listen and have my back and give me that opportunity and really grateful to them so you're listening to school days on cable and radio I'm Daryl true to your host We're talking to. Long term school volunteer Silliman Paula about both her efforts to improve the something about schools and a little incident she had I'd like to go to and that the song that I dug up before we got to the last quarter hour of our show this is a you know I go to the You Tube And I I just find songs about schools this is a beautiful one written by a very young woman I don't know how old she is but twenty's at the most the most if they don't usually it's called Your teachers at my school and it's by a woman named Caroline. Manning It's got 900989000 views so good job Caroline. So here's a little song from Caroline. Around . Girls that. I know. Job that you. Grow this. Care. To. Share. I just. Counted for ever all right a there was a beautiful song by Caroline Manning who was very embarrassed to go sing your own song on You Tube very sweet song because your teachers at my school. Were down to the last 12 minutes of school days it is a call in show 123-3911 I want to also say that if you want to get in touch with anything in the show whether it's to score it on a school survey or get in touch with him in Apollo we can give you specific information but a good catch all is e.s.p.n. As is dot com That's my email e.s.p.n. As-Is dot com and cinnamon you want to give out your number again by numbers 707-223-0165 so home kids at g. Mail dot com is the easiest email for me excellent and you have some things you want to promote So let's spend the last of a bit Ok. These So you well there's that kind of stuff going on for kids coming out because of the holiday season and whatnot so I would love to so the Miranda junior high girls basketball has been underway they had a few home games at the beginning of the season but most of their games are on the road but they're doing fairly well and if you want to catch them you can see their schedules on the Miranda Jr High website South Park Basketball has starts today on the road but they have home games tomorrow starting at 4 Friday and Miranda So if you want to come support the Cubs that's a good time to do it and then the Southwark football team is in the Championship semifinals for and c.s. They have a game Saturday at Southfork at 7 pm the game was originally supposed to be played on the road but the opposing team could not provide a field in we are fortunate enough to happen field so we get to host that game and that's pretty exciting so if you want to come cheer the Cubs on. The 8th grade Miranda junior high 8th grade is doing a pie sale next Wednesday and Garberville out there in front of Jacob Garber square so get your pies for Thanksgiving from the 8th grade her parents will be making them fresh will be starting at 10 o'clock until we're sold out and then the following weekend the weekend of December 6th 7th and 8th my gosh there's so much going on there's the lighted parade and I hear this or optimist are looking for more entry but will be selling hot soup that night for the 8th grade at the lighted prating Garberville and then the holiday boutique is at Redway school and there's usually classes and different kid groups selling there and I think that the children's fair out in beginnings is also that same weekend which also promotes a lot of kid crafts and things for sale that's good. And then there's also that weekend of the 6th and 7th the boosters are hosting the gene or the Southwark is hosting the Jean Carter Memorial Cup Classic which is a tribute to one of our late alumni who loved basketball and so that's always a fun tournament to come participate in and then on the 21st. Member there's the small town Christmas in Garberville Well they'll be Santa and a photo opportunity with Santa and a couple classes will be selling hot drinks and food and things like that and I also want to mention that recreation basketball for kids ages gosh I think they start at 4 now for. I think it's 4 to 10 or 11 they should be signing up soon so look for that if you're interested in signing your kids up for sports and basketball that's what I got right that's fantastic thank you so much for having all that at your fingertips and as my part of the regular feature of this show I also announced the certificate the job postings on the classified postings for the so on the home boat Unified School District because I know a lot of people out there can't grow wheat anymore and so they might be looking for what we sometimes refer to as a straight job and so we have a special a need for special education teacher These are certificate and postings meaning you got to have a education certificate from a university so special education Southfork you need a resource specialist As for it Miranda junior high and a music teacher. I really want to start a bring back Paul smaller more movement and I'm just I'm just I just stopped my feet and we had warmed up from that. Then on the classified job postings there are bus drivers needed there are various teacher assist assist is needed at white board elementary saw for a good read way elementary Castro an instructional assistant multiple positions 0 been a special ed classroom 8 lots of jobs and coaching positions Oh I thought it directors needed in Redway Ok so if you want a job and some of these jobs like teachers' jobs pay you know between 41 and 50 $1000.00 a year not that much just a sorry considering how hard the job is but not peanuts either Plus you get those jobs have signing bonuses too because they've had a hard time getting anyone interested so and they also have medical benefits and and I don't know if you caught a 2 month vacation or a 2 month recovery period recovery for me is apparent Yes yes I know exactly but nevertheless there are jobs open and you can call the District 943-1789 was 789. Excellence so so yes so you can don't just need to volunteer you can actually get paid Yeah yeah and you can always go into the office and ask people to the school office if you want to get a feel for the school most of the schools have really great employees and people that would be really fun to work with I enjoy working with them as a volunteer that interacts with most of them so and I also want to give props to to read to junior high for putting out a wonderful newspaper the last day in Corral Mustang corral and one of the articles that I read with avid interest was article about the need for substitute teachers and if you want to be a substitute which appears to be an artist of the. Time that your listeners are in which case they might be a bit more than that all you need to do is take the c. Best exam and you can actually take it online as well. I took mine had at. University because something about I just like going there with a pencil in Philadelphia is called the old fashioned the old fashioned it how that happens but you can take it online and it's pretty easy to test every But you do need to know some things but but substitute teachers are desperately needed so by all means apply for those jobs as well and you've got to figure printed on a background check yet as well you know we go through a lot of subs because there's a lot of other meetings that happen that pull teachers out of class sometimes and some certain days they need a lot of schools I also know that would teachers have a period off. That sometimes they are called into sub bring their own off you know their prayer peer at period yeah you know you get all that are you need an art teacher or a science teacher or you know and whatever so please you know contribute your time get paid as well as volunteer with the Southern hope Unified School District. And so again I want to encourage people just my own my own you know pet project is to fill out the student parent community evaluation of Southern Humboldt district schools and as a city Paula who I'm talking to direct correctly pointed out this is not about positive or negative it's about grading the schools grading the teachers grading the principal grading the athletic program graded the arts and extracurriculars talking about were did you take the taking the s.a.t. Going to trade school or college or neither you know it has all these kind of questions on it as Anonymous right it would really help figure out where we're falling short you know from the people that are taking it because I have my ideas you have your ideas but that might be different from some of the other people out and experiencing this and it also speeded on is gives people an opportunity to express their opinions you also get to write things you can fill out multiple you know check boxes a.b.c. The grades of are down to f. Or you can make comments as well why did you give this grade Why do you like this teacher. And so forth and so on and one thing I found and I think posters would would agree with is you know avidly is that when you take a survey you don't always get the results you're expecting right sometimes it catches you by surprise what people are going to tell you in that survey absolutely Well you know it's it's 556 is it yes if we just got a few minutes you know maybe time for one call we haven't had any calls except somebody who wanted a Simmons phone number to help volunteer which you know kudos to you out there yeah so so so the minute you're still volunteering just by everything that happened I you know yeah i will you know when all this is so my kids and I we've struggled a little bit the last year or 2 with the administration and it's come to the point where I had to ask the kids what's your goal do you want to stay at Southwark and graduate Southwark or should we just move on and they want to graduate Southfork so I'll be there as long as they were and you know sometimes I've talked to only got a call or oh yay you got 2 minutes by car you're on the air. Even take 2 minutes but I just want to thank. For all of the appart and work and. It's obviously pouring in to the children. You know to be part of this I think it's wonderful I mean we're all human that if you wear words and apologized it. Seems like he is putting so much positive energy to help the kids so I just want to thank you thank you and by the way to that and to be a solution oriented kind of guy that I am. And I did this with Judy Barry down in Oakland also when we sued the f.b.i. The oakum Please I didn't ask for an apology from the oakum please I asked him to make May 24th Judy Barry day now I'm not asking Southfork to make any particular day sit him and Paul a day but. Asking for a new tradition to start a proclamation commending volunteerism maybe every month they give it to a different volunteer who has put their heart and soul maybe even done something very specific to help the schools and it is a great opportunity to start with the Southern Unified School District in accordance with their mandate. In writing mandate to encourage and appreciate volunteerism office this proclamation of appreciation on I have this test they have a job or to sit in for 16 years of self was dedicated volunteers and fund raising reference and accomplishments commenced in 2003 and if included in a list them and I have been so solid in the board signing up than so solvent. Much bolder Barbara Lindsey and Collette fancy and if you like to maybe support is send that email to Dead us O'Sullivan to the people who set the agenda for the board Genesis Sullivan and and the Board Member Is it be great to see some volunteer appreciation from the Miranda campuses in particular Redway hosts a lovely volunteer luncheon every year but the Miranda campuses are definitely lacking in that support and so did I so solid so harm us he has so how unified school district but then us O'Sullivan at Soho u s d dot com dot com interesting and tell him you want to see a proclamation for volunteers with that in Thank You sentiment thank you for your hold on before we go yes as a teacher myself and you may you too may know this is why I just have to chime in right here please and being on school campuses working with teachers working with administrators I know how foul those mouths are. Just saying we're sorry I don't know it all on campus let me tell you every time somebody we would have no funding problem yes exactly. All right thank you Daryl thank you Cinnamon for a great show some really good information there and the numbers again for Cinnamon if you want to get involved in our local schools she says the best way to get in touch with her via e-mail is so hum kids at G.-Mail dot com You can also give her at Tech she prefers text at 707-223-0165 then of course you can always get in touch with Daryl by email e.s.p. As is dot com Thank you again and thank you for being here. You were tuned in to Redwood community radio k. Muti governmental 91 point one k m u e you're Rica 88 point one The k.l.a. I Laytonville 90.3 all of those f.m. We do also have an f.m. Translator Katie 5 b.b.q. Out there in Shelter Cove at $99.00 and we are always streaming in archiving on the worldwide web. Argy going to Next came a local news but 1st let me tell you that came with thanks to Carter House ins in restaurant 301 for their support the restaurant 3 a one menu features organic produce and they host wine tasting every day from noon to 5 pm.

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