People powered listener supported reglued community radio Freedom Radio from the north coast of California you want to get technical it's k m u d Garberville $91.00 f.m. And h.d. One or k m u e Eureka 88 point one f.m. And h.d. One or k.l.a. I Laytonville or our translator and Shelter Cove 90000000.5 a film that's k.l.a. I Laytonville is 9.3 f.m. And on the Worldwide Web a k m u d does orgy where we broadcast streaming constantly unceasingly and archive for 2 weeks chose like us music shows talk shows longer there you go talk music is a film called alright but if I got to tell you support for came and comes in part from the independent southern humbles weekly newspaper The Independent provides complete coverage of local news sports and entertainment and is available at more than $100.00 locations from Arcadia to late in Ville Kamath programming in its underwritten in part by the weather top nursery in Laytonville on Harmon drive they have all the gardens need inside and out including a wide variety of annulus perennials shade trees and house plants whether top nursery open Monday through Saturday 9 to 5 more information 984-6385 or whether top nursery dot com. Be a material rainmaker the material Community Center of 5 a one c 3 nonprofit organization has fostered the arts in rural Northern California for approximately 40 years serving as the cultural hub of the Southern humble community the material provides arts educational and social service programs and present a myriad of multicultural musical The I trickle dance comedy film craft social justice and rental events the material announces the be of material rainmaker crowdfunding page through generosity by Indie Go Go Matilde dot org has information on how to donate and become a material rain maker and if you tune into came up with a New Year's Day 2018 you'll hear the you can hear the hospice talk show for a discussion with Carl Magruder director of spiritual support services that resolution care topics include the practical challenges of providing quality comprehensive health care for patients in a rural area the use of technology but local groups resolution care and heart of the redwoods and in the valley spiritual support that's the hospice show this Monday at 7 pm on came a a right it's my New Year's show we're into the 2nd and final hour we're going to noon and then rattlesnake Jake will take over so let's see what we've got here. One more one more song the fun of of changing expectations what will the new year bring it's be Houston I've got the status 2007 could be. Oh try and check where you're listening to a good thing going to get better. With . The flow of the promo. And. Got. Hard. Work. Well more likely recorded in 1970 pretty good but not one of this record Oh Ok now I'm going to give you money pick hits from the music I have it to my music computer in the. 2017 we're going to start with something they added in January looks to me like. Yeah but well not 3 weeks say 4 weeks into 2 new Elvin Bishop. Here joined by Charlie Musselwhite. There you go Charlie Musselwhite Elvin Bishop 100 years of bull Ok in February I picked up an old time record and. Heard to know on a boy called mustard in gravy and this was sort of a parody or song lot of lot of really sort of nonsense repetition and stuff like that which I've loved it ever since and so on 1st Gilbert and Sullivan on that was he. So. This is not exactly Gilbert and Sullivan but it's the way old. I know you do old way that you've been to a good day you know in March Oh March March was a good month here 1st of all I picked up Freddy Fender and the we're going to hear his but wasn't the Belasco I'm sorry though but one though. Yeah Blondel a rock n roll Freddy he really is Geragos are you know by all the we're just further getting gets it back at me talking about love our work is done or is it almost you know it's not I don't know. But. It's all about you not the money I've got ample gone none of them are on the top on the thing or not work it's not that almost you know the lot of I love them. I'm. Getting. Learned to live on your. Work and vice versa so I learned I must not work at the notion of almost you know lost a lot of it on the. Phone up front you know I'm at the moment I've got a camp up on the road then the pundits angle for the work if they're not you won't you know it's not on the. Right for the fender. A round at the end of the one. I got the woody brothers chase stole softly through the door. To even a little bit. With. A living living with that in with. Where I got out to get it and God knows me and I like talking I'm not aware that Tariq I know that I. Love and care all that I have the ground all over the. Bar got nothing and I got hold of it but I think like a garden breath I'm gonna wear that party all that I. Are. Going to. Live. With we. Are going to be the. Commuter in the. Town man old face down the lane any meaning in the long days and I'm well aware that are you know all that. Bolero over there I'm coming. Over the. Bar got no it got cold it but I've got me bread and I'm sorry cry no. The truth and it's been sitting with the. Girls with. The singing sitting listening to. The Eastern. Now take told me you know around the company I am or don't. I'm unaware that Tariq I know that and it Bolero there I'm going to. Open a. Bar God knows it and I know it but I like dogs I'm not like that are you don't know what I'm. Going to to. Think. The key is. Narrow no statement to the door any minute in the to do before and I'm unaware of it are a crack in the air above the old and I'm the by. Far God knows it and I know it when I started it and I'm well aware that our own over there. 931 bold to record in the middle of the Great Depression but there were the woody brothers Ok here we are No I don't know what happened in April I'm getting thing in April but come may hear something new from the camel Cowboys so I'm going to play you this is the alternate version of all that we need. Thanks thanks. Ok let's let's do this again and Bauer and give you 2 solo sides I'd take them both and. Let's see if we can get through it. And. You had. Lots of me so. You were in the out. By Paul were so damn tall now with the West. Now. He's going to call Natalie. a half turn in on the out. Clean up all that. You come again clean up all that. You get something. Right. Yeah I know you like that camel Cowboys alternate version all what we are and what more to bring us here this is from the other end of many that I picked up wrong Thomas I'm not what you require. A picture of the rapture. Sure we can fit that who supporters of the Rapture here called Singing as we watch has. All right which brings us to the bottom of your heart a and support for Kmart Yeah you'll be glad to hear about the support for Kamal it comes from green more renewable energy offering sales designed licensed installation for off grid and grid connected solar electric system it's green wired for instance the team has been installing solar power systems for homes businesses and I agree culture. Throughout the Emerald Triangle since 2004 green wired showroom is located in the meadows business park in red boy their phone 923-2001 or green Wired dot com to learn about into the year tax credits. Tax credits All right here's the weather again Ok today mostly cloudy highs 50 to 62 on the coast this is the coast tonight mostly cloudy patchy Valley fog overnight lows 41 to 51 Sunday yet because mostly cloudy patchy fog in the morning is 53 to 63 so today from Crescent City to point of Rena it's essentially between 56 and 58 predicted highs tonight 43 Well there's a 4442 to 44 and then tomorrow much the same as today really. 57 to 60 except point to Rina which goes to 55 Go figure all right chance of precipitation point to Rina tomorrow 10 percent in the interior mostly cloudy today highs 52 to 62 partly cloudy tonight patchy Valley fog overnight lows $32.00 to $40.00 partly cloudy Sunday patchy Valley fog in the morning highs $53.00 to $61.00 fog it's beginning to burn off of size or rent boy studios are still fog but there is filtered sunlight so I guess that means a fog 0 vanishing here. Predicted temperatures for today tonight tomorrow Orleans 554055 Willow Creek 554056 Weaverville 513250 Garberville 56 It is 48 now in red boy 39 tonight 56 again tomorrow Leggett 543854 Laytonville 593659 Willetts 583457 you can 6236 and 61 chance of precipitation tonight in New Orleans 10 percent tomorrow Leggett in south 10 percent on the ocean Cape Mendocino to point a Rena and out 10 nautical miles the day northwest winds $5.00 to $10.00 knots waves west 6 feet at 11 seconds tonight east winds 5 knots waves doors was 2 feet of 5 seconds and West 5 feet at 11 seconds Sunday southeast winds 5 to 10 knots way is West 4 feet 10 seconds that's a weather friend you heard it here we got 26 minutes to go I'm going to my top hits from Newark New to me recordings in 2017. In the then rattlesnake Jake comes on the new you can stick with came a whole day here. Well yeah on the same day that I got singing means we rise by run Thomason a 23rd team recording I picked up a driver inch fire squad recording actually I recorded it 12 minutes before I recorded Thomason this is. A really interesting song it doesn't go where you think it's going. That till you suddenly realize where it's going and where it's going is a good metaphor because it's called you take a cab you take a cab in history exist in this big city you're a fukin bore to Hong Kong they won't be happy don't be happy with your wallet with your wallet you know they won't be able to pay. I ask where the border. Thinking may. Go he would know he didn't go straight so strangely if you came visit you can use it but you guys are the way to go to get along or slicers risky move early blue murder was no matter what you carry home you carry on you don't use dumbos. Villain you may wander your way home to come on up you come and the street through one way through one then there one way. Or another I've been a bend down I'm home when I'm on the hob and all the way across town when I ask. For the return our election booth and the maybe he was no he said Go straight he said straight game is you can't hurt you guys are the way to go to get a lot of lawyers used to move just keep moving no matter what no matter what you carry on you carry on. You missed the more we didn't hear him than you may wander your way home. This is this is the garden for we're garden Parkway is this our way home. Far get back to the tomorrows new state than. Ever from my past to turn. Aamco direct her direction home to change only chance she would know that he was there goes crazy who's dream team misses you can't miss it but you God away to go do you get a lot closer to this keep moving just keep moving matter what the matter was you carry on you hear a home based on you you may stumble over to heaven you may wander go your way home. Drive or inspire squad good humor good music. Nice group been around for a while to Ok here comes Chuck Berry I added him on the 30th of June this is from his $2170.00 of them there's less to Hubble Dutchman I think this is going to be a hope. Spoken over blues just like we opened with the open push. Back that oh because of the level of the Corker Ok Dutchman. A bunch of guys with him is a barroom. Also mean been there hair the day. Been telling jokes and Fairy do you live. Just ahead of the time oh wait. Someone long gold and pushed you know. You be told all be proud if you can step in sad. I wonder where he's from some blind man. In the wind blown to me and. For no Dutchman offered him a drink what would he be wrong Mark. Stick him Fido shouting. Show him his way back to the street. But the great game will win this hand and lead down to its feet. He said if you spare me the drink. Promise I'll tell you how. I came to be helpless. That stands before you now. I used to be an artist one and fiddle on the. Body in madly and. My music was considered superb. I wrote a song about a poor kid. Raised down. New Orleans. He didn't make the whole thing bordered borders brazen being. Ready to kill him made too big to play in town after town. Until he met a woman he fell in love with and it really turned his life around. It's like the open. Head of the pure. With the brilliance of her beauty. That could compare. When she lifted her eyes to his. Her lips would fall upon. The allowed him to get. Near a picture of his home. When he asked her when she married him he'd give her everything. She turned and walked away. Nearly drove him in. He promised her at half a 1000000. And would even pay and. She wouldn't let him prove him. Our elite give him my chance. And if he should normal. Had me use his hands to feel. He would hire someone to do homework and. Every me. How could a man love a woman so much not one of you would think. Well I. Do do. You promise me a drink. For 2017. Sul. Oh that's interesting I comes July and I get a whole bunch of good tender in a skillet like hers a group from the Appalachians or the Piedmont districts in the the late twenty's and thirty's and they did a lot of the sort of popular songs popular. Country songs all time songs that you don't get to hear much these days I'm going to play one of them for you it's. They put it out as poly Wally do normally I think it's probably will only do to see how it goes. Here guys. I don't get how is this gentleman for the days. How Bob Bowman over that it was a rod as well although Bob Barr sought out from a deceitful as they said Get it actually now but make it before for let. It fall from here in the old the in a minute Shana Bob seems the plate on the wall it's not all big I want little hint about the mythology of the name all you want to the venue way outside with a way out of the way I've gone to the scene of the thing I ought to. Be able to manage. The building just a little the real money is spent on the railroad and things fall apart in the. Interest of accomplished fact the only one I've come to value way out of the right way oh god i. Was going to love an Aussie with the name on it all of the day. When the will be able the evening brought it out and how did you want to damage it from the bottom when I am play out of how I am on evidence on the bottom of a wall by a whale watch it was one of those the bottom of the right on a lot of the that. Was the individual the will be. Made available at a rally of one of the round off error. I've done though the Aussies with the same poly want to vomit. Quickly starting to click on I want. To correct what he was on. Our to. Do. With him. For right now good job but to tonight skip to June of here Big Joe Williams 1937 recording with the original Sonny Boy Williamson old boy and hard luck no war. I think it's good bye. Oh yeah I've got to go. I say goodbye and a very. Good to go. I don't want to be where the sound. Of the temperament blowing through. Even a hard look in for. Carol plays our girl. Has been a hard look at from a movie. All general ladies are going. To put the logo on me to round them clean time. And money and they. Tell you what I did for my round. Here are. Long time when I'm running very. High even at present for miles around. At all the money gone if you ran him up Grant came not before. I started down but. I got it down and ballpark. Lay down a. Dotted down. It was dotted down in for last. Seem like it did in the Polish good run of the board your reputation down. Not you could have you want to. Be declaring we want to. Get to me when I'm down now. In a very weak when I. Got it yeah I'm fine thanks good. News around the corner. But you know you all right here yes. For gas for cats. Let me. Tell ya. Oh. My. God. Swallow. A. Big. Thing Clay and. Call the souls. All right used to be little Charlie and carrots little Charlie retired health Rick as. Well we're going to pick up something here Tommy Castro I picked this one up in September live. Every day. Yes people. You gotta live every day. Tell somebody that. Sells what you don't need. A friend. Good. Fix I don't call me. Love so much. Walk in the crib. To go pick that. Last. One. Get a new car. Drive coast to coast. See which one of those. That you pick the most. Selfish house party. In But you know. Stop and smell the roses. Names nice and slow. Of a day like it's. The last. Probably gonna be a ride. Put something away. For I had mine. Tell me Castro now from my go and that what's on here I splurged on the pole at the elevator and records your only blues calendar because it came with 24 old blues on the cd newly cleaned up I mean they've really gotten good at bringing them out those things and one of my favorites was only which I'm going to play for you know I'll see you next year here's what I'm really Johnson the Titanic song God moves on the water. A little ad run in for a guard. For that around and for a. God who had been watching. And . Very put that around and. All that they. They bought a. Boat that it couldn't understand they. Got in it.

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