Arrests in this case from southeast Fresno Dana West came to news and video of today's press conference can be found on game day now Don a lawsuit filed by an alleged victim who says she was just 15 years old when Jeffrey Epstein raped or game Jays was Gern reports Attorney Gloria Allred representing alleged victims of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his circle says Prince Andrew should interview with the f.b.i. To help with investigations and Epstein sex crimes all of my clients who might represent have spoken to law enforcement provided information they have so we challenge Prince Andrew and anyone else who may have relevant information to do that as well it took a lot more courage for her and others to go back into that painful place and in there in themselves to say it all again to hunt for us and they did it because they want justice Prince Andrew has denied claims of under-age sex seated with a young woman at the press conference already says she's filed a lawsuit naming her client as Jane Doe 15 because the woman does not want to give her real name instead remain anonymous already speaking earlier on the b.b.c. Says there will soon be Epstein related cases in the u.s. She represents 3 accusers Liz current k m j news United States knows something its position on Israeli settlements in the West Bank secretary of state as a Drug Administration no longer Biting by a $978.00 State Department legal opinion that the settlements are quote inconsistent with international law. What the change means secretary Pompei o claim the administration was just reversing a decision made during the Obama years and this was a return to previous u.s. Policy we do believe that the result of this legal review creates the political space for a more likely resolution but while u.s. Policy toward West Bank settlements changed during the Reagan years it was still the stance that Israeli settlements were inconsistent with international law this policy change goes one step further we now declared. Settlements are not per se though legal under international law Pompei o said calling Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal under international law hasn't worked I'm Steve Kasten president Drumm summoning Federal Reserve German to the White House today to discuss the economy and interest rates issues on which strumpet has repeatedly criticized the Fed in a statement the bed says of dolls' message to President drop was similar to his congressional testimony last week when he suggested the economy's in good shape that the bad would pause its rate cuts the blown up 31 points this afternoon 3 o 3 driver can weather coming up next the vice cilia rescue mission has launched Mission Motors turning your donated vehicle into resources for life change to help feed shelter and rehabilitate people in need with the long and power of the gospel of Christ they are now accepting vehicles of all types donations are tax deductible and they would love to talk to you about your donation 559-429-8777 or go to the Mission Motors down or. If your schedule is anything like mine you don't have time to worry about your vehicles maintenance schedule so don't Hi this is Julie vote with Roger votes performance out on air and reminding you that fully half of what we do is routine maintenance not only are the master level tax training the latest diagnostic techniques they also do simple oil changes transmission cooling system services brakes belts hoses and of course they're going to not sure what you need well don't worry at Roger both performance on air we'll be happy to give your vehicle a thorough once over and give you our written repair recommendations based on the manufacturer's service schedules and the condition of your particular vehicle foreign or domestic gas diesel or hybrid car truck s.u.v. Or motor coach Don't forget that you never need an appointment for a small inspection and customer pick up and deliver is always available on your smartphone at my wife dot com That's Roger both performance on air. One of the best things about living in Vice Colace today 635328 that's 635-3288. K.b. Traffic at 3 o 4 we have a clean drive and Crystal still on the freeway so no problems no accidents to report to him the president told us area Jenson never called to car accident or wrapping up from earlier also one down in the south Delhi on. 384 that's a below King's burger 2 car non-injury and then one closer to home southbound just south of Central Avenue a non-injury that's a big big rig it's in the number 3 lanes of traffic is backed up right now to Ed Genson southbound 99 with traffic here in for a partly cloudy very cool uni in store the bottom out low reaching 43 degrees out for Tuesday's a low pressure system starts to move in high temperatures only reaching 71 degrees by Wednesday those high temperatures drop down to 60 degrees and we have a 30 percent chance of rain in the morning from the game day while the sun around the Forecaster can really call in our folks 26 your hometown weather connection 76 right now on Radio City News Hour on the app and when it breaks. To stop. Jay But this new journey it's a memory stable genius let the valley decide to let me ask you for proof. By the photo 5. K. K. . 306 and find anyone to find one j.m. James illiteracy on a Monday afternoon numbers 490-5858 toll free Jordison 177658 you can find me on Twitter at sea and you can find breaking news weather traffic an exclusive audio on Facebook Twitter and Instagram j now head over to k m j Now dot com You'll find today's Buzz question sponsored by the boss Allergy Asthma and sinus centers should sports betting be legalized in California let us know what you think Am j Now dot com Well will dive into the buzz question in just a couple of minutes but was kind enough to chime in on this announcement from the secretary of state Mike Pompei o that the Trump administration is changing. Our position on Israeli settlements in the West Bank saying that they no longer believe that to be inconsistent with international law it is for Benjamin Netanyahu. A powerful vote of confidence from the American president not unlike when he moved the embassy into Jerusalem but is it a purely political move is it actually righting a wrong and is vis the time given the status of the Israeli government for us to be waiting in Patrick in Fresno you're on k m j I still have to go on today well we've got 4 people dead 6 in the hospital and Fresno Police Department asking for leads for 98 stops so I've had better Mondays of course of course I know that's kind of a real tragedy going on Aaron town but as far as the settlement position issue I think the president kind of just throw the football here as far as like making it a political issue the kind of support do you think you so you're you think that this is Trump appealing to what the conservative Christian base by legitimize in the Israeli settlements. I think so and it's a possibility too that he's reaching out to some more moderates that may have a stronger Israel opinion. But as far as like the international ramifications of the whole thing it kind of as more brazen to it than it probably needs to. Get obviously the whole settlement issue and it's very highly contested and it's something that. Makes it really difficult moving forward I know. Guys you know it's I'm trying to think the best work to describe what my it is here. That. Looking forward as far 'd as like making this a better edition for Israel I don't think it necessarily does I don't I don't think it helps the situation much at all I guess that the question is will the increase in tension with the Palestinians be offset by the improved solidarity in Israel is really politics I'm Yeah because it's I mean this is this is a fight that's been going on for what 70 years now. And specifically the West Bank settlement it's been for decades and. At the same time Brother I mean correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I'm reading it we have made little to 0 progress in getting the Palestinians in Israel to sit down and simply come to an agreement about boundaries and some kind of lasting peace of course and I'm not trying to convince anybody that this would move that at all you know it's obviously this is a long sea the conflict has been going on for a long enough time and currently Palestine is not really interested and moving forward in peace I think that's been fairly clear. But as far as like obviously like I said I'm looking at this from like a perspective of maybe 506070 years in the future there may be elements that may be different and maybe a different situation then. And of course they have the much effect of what's going on in the moment probably not but I don't think it lends much to improving the situation and say the next 20 years or so Patrick. I think that you and I are in because it's somewhat the same place on this more more confused and concerned than the left or a fist pump but I can't condemn him either because at a certain point our allies are our allies and the Palestinians have shown 0 interest in sitting down and actually ratifying some kind of peace deal the peace that I think is missing and this is where I would be very curious to hear what Jared cushion or has to say that's right I said it trump charged Jared with getting involved in this peace process in and talking to both sides to figure out where there's room to move forward now. Questions of Jericho qualifications aside if he's coming in and he's reporting back that there's no progress being made that the Palestinians refuse to consider any part of this and at the same time the Israelis are behaving in a fashion that is in fact consistent with international law that they are acting in a in a lawful way I don't see any reason for the president to hold back from supporting us. I'm very curious to see if more comes from Pompei I was as we move forward Patrick I appreciate the call and I'm I'm sorry that I don't have a more insightful answer at this point but this process has gone on for so long the problem is so big that without that without that component of hearing from the Palestinians in the context of negotiating a peace and renegotiating these boundaries it's just the Palestinians being mad at the United States for supporting Israel and that doesn't seem to have been something that has changed in 40 years or 70 years Batra thank you for checking in for I know 5858 the number if you've got thoughts on that and more from the White House today this was this was an interesting take from President Trump I did not expect this to come from him as the House impeachment Really House Oversight investigators move forward declaring that now they want to investigate Trump for having potentially lied to Robert Mueller during that investigation process Donald Trump says that he will strongly consider providing written testimony to the House impeachment investigators now I don't know if you guys have ever been a part of any kind of like major lawsuit or prosecution any of these kind of ponderous legal processes the one that I really waded into the one where I really spent time with attorneys and being coached and learning about how to handle myself in a courtroom this is you know 2 decades back now but it was when I was separating from my son's mother and we we were going through the custody portion of that dissolution and. I was very fortunate I had a really great attorney of a very bright lady who spent way more time than I expected talking to me about how to handle myself in the various contexts where I would be if facing a judge facing a mediator and one of the things that she told me. That they really hammered home was that brevity and perception were essential and that any time I was unsure of an answer any time I wasn't certain of how to respond to something that I should defer to the counselor that I should look to my attorney for some kind of feedback and if you've ever been through a through a custody battle you know that that mediation process with family court services is something that it's it's you it is the other parent and it is a member of the Family Court Services staff there's no attorneys in the room there's no judge or jury in the room it's generally speaking 3 people and she was very clear with me I mean about the language that I was supposed to use about how I should dress about body language and it was it was very helpful and I think it benefited me tremendously to have had this good advice but the other thing that she made clear was if you are not specifically directed to make a statement on the record if you are not specifically directed to speak on your behalf in the courtroom shut up you're paying me to represent you you're paying me to speak on your behalf this is what I do for a living I'm better at this than you shut up and let me talk to you that's She was really that clear with me and I appreciate that because I was young and then prone to speaking up on my own behalf her advice was good now we're dealing with something much much bigger. The perjury angle if if you guys remember it the perjury angle was a tremendous component of the attack that the Republicans took when they impeach Bill Clinton back in the ninety's if the extramarital affair was not in and of itself something that they could prove it wasn't something that they were going to be able to impeach on but Mr It depends upon what the definition of is is got into hot water when it turned out he had lied to Ken Starr during the investigation about his involvement with Monica Lewinsky and that perjury charge ended up being a huge piece of this even as everybody kind of snickered about little blue dresses and supply bags and who did what with the cigar the perjury charge was a fundamental part of this the idea that that a president having perjured themselves in the course of an investigation is somehow equated to a behavior in the vein of moral turpitude was a big component of this it was also I think why ultimately he wasn't convicted in the Senate should President Trump offer testimony written or otherwise to house impeachment investigators now from the showmanship standpoint I would love nothing more than for Donald Trump to go walking into that chamber in that kneeling black camel hair overcoat and just start laying down the law and just start blowing these guys out of the water. As as overly comfortable and pompous as Adam Schiff has been through so much of this and as condescending and hostile as the Democrats who have been involved in this process have been I think that he would absolutely steamroller everybody in the room now whether or not that would prove advantageous for his defense is another matter entirely but from an entertainment standpoint sure Donald Trump going in and ensuring the scenery would be amazing. Should Donald Trump provide written testimony to house impeachment investigators or does Donald Trump need to sit back and let his attorneys do what he pays them to do. Do the talking. 10776. Let me get your take on this can Donald Trump hold his own in that room or does he need to let professional creatures do it for a traffic jam now is more calls to at present is sponsored by Staples we have an accident at Cheyenne Effi again in. The south of Central Avenue a. 3 lane lane traffic is still back up to Jensen on that particular accident also in the south l.a. South $384.00. Figure. 16th Street traffic is backed up to road and the number 2 lane is closed in the. From earlier Staples is celebrating Black Friday early with huge savings on laptops printers and like the 6 to one laptop with intil core processor for just. Staples there's a whole lot of store in store this holiday for 12719 while supplies last at Staples with traffic Doherty nursery is the originator innovator and a leader in part of all entries their new variety. 100 percent of the. Many leading handlers. The nursery is fully compatible with blues with looks and tastes like and comes off about 2 weeks after the warning her she has the premium genetics for rootstocks including Viking rights hybrid fi. And Hansen high quality trees available for 29000 planning and using Doherty nurseries new quote start their new parent you c b 110. 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Oh it's hard to believe another years just blown right by and how many of you spent this year in pain yeah I thought so to think this is just like a normal situation and it'll go away by itself I'm talking about back pain and leg pain inflict pain and even your knees and hips to a degree before the year is over you've got to get to the good feed store and change all of his dramatically a good b. Client name Beverly suffered all the time she came to the good people in 2017 her pain was chronic her life was very limited she even shed some tears in the store relating her story what is Beverly story now she's training for her 1st try at the law and oh it's true the good people aren't supports are different by design for a 1000000 different reasons they differ greatly from the ones you find at the pharmacy click good feet dot com to schedule your free fitting invite of what you're missing now you might not be able to compete in a triathlon or climb Mount Kilimanjaro but you will be so much more functional could be your thought exclusively at the good beach store Fresno or 7 by Salia. To receive. To receive. Free 23 a k.-m. J filter essay on Monday afternoon if the numbers for the No 5853 is 877650. President Truman as saying he will strongly consider providing written testimony to house impeachment investigators this is the frankly this is a huge surprise but the Democrats challenged him said defend yourself they're continuing in the track of. The Democrats assert that Donald Trump committed bribery by allegedly using foreign policy as a way to help his 2020 re-election bid and President Trump tweets even though I did nothing wrong and I don't like giving credibility to this no due process folks I like the idea and will in order to get Congress focused again strongly consider it we've got 8 more witness testifying this week 2nd round of public hearings and all of this revolves around examining whether or not the president appears his office by leveraging hundreds of millions of dollars in military assistance to bully the Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden the framing of this is the presumption of guilt and with all due respect to Trump's attitude on this which I completely understand there is no due process in this this is not like a civilian trial this isn't if I had been accused of accepting bribes or some other you know full blown e.-s. Behavior. You've got that right to face your accuser you've got that right to a trial by a jury of your peers you've got due process you've got Discovery where all the evidence that's going to be submitted against you has to be shared with your counsel is so that you can respond to it adequately that doesn't exist in an impeachment inquiry that doesn't exist in an impeachment hearing not once it gets to trial in the Senate things start to resemble that a little more it it takes on some of the trappings of a conventional trial but there's nothing that requires him to testify there's nothing that requires him to dignify this with a response. And I wonder seeing this exasperated reaction I have to wonder if this isn't wearing on Donald Trump the man just a little bit I don't think that it's wearing on his base one bit to watch the last couple of rallies he was at the people who love Donald Trump love Donald Trump and that has not changed those stadiums are getting filled people are coming out to cheer and a wave signs in to to revel in the presence of this guy that they voted for and obviously intend to vote for again the handful of loud mouth protesters that show up every time notwithstanding but the fact that this is his reaction to this inquiry again from a showmanship standpoint from from a just pure spectacle standpoint Donald Trump rolling into the hearing chambers and just Mowen folks down. Would be entertaining as hell but I my gut says that this is a time where Donald Trump needs to let the professional swamp creatures. Just do what they do because there's no chance that Donald Trump gets impeached or excuse me is found guilty and removed by the Senate. When Bill Clinton came out of his impeachment process his approval rating was 73 percent now I don't know if Donald Trump will hit that same level because what we have we have become more divided as a country and I don't think that that's Trump's fault I think that if anything trumps election is just evidence of that that so many people have said enough is enough we we want to clear out the swamp we don't want to career politician we want somebody who's going to go in clean house and shake things up but I don't know that his I don't know that his approval rating will ever cross the college 55 percent mark again simply because they're half of this country is going to hate Donald Trump no matter what it doesn't matter that he donates his salary in its entirety to a variety of extremely worthy causes it doesn't matter that he's helping Israel to establish itself and for Benjamin Netanyahu to consolidate power. None of those things are relevant to the people who hate Donald Trump the never trump. Adam Schiff is amongst the never trumpeters the smoothest operator the witnesses that he has chosen the way that he has rolled this out again. I do not agree with what he's doing but you have to admire the craftsmanship of it the way that the timelines continue to be confused the way that the questioning unfolds so that should you present a witness who is not a 1st hand witness who isn't a 2nd or 3rd hand witness but is somebody who heard a thing from somebody else who was in the room when a phone call was allegedly made or received and this is presented with absolute credulity just total acceptance as if though their word is gospel. It's a fascinating process to watch and what's going to take 2 decades before we actually have access to 100 percent of the information revolving around this I think it'll go down as one of the most one of the most successful efforts at a coup against a sitting president but again I think that it's simply going to be an effort because once it gets to the Senate and it gets into the hands of Mitch McConnell then we have to steer back into what is the evidence what are the facts what information do we have that indicates that any sort of impeachable crime was actually committed and once you go back to demanding substance everything that Schiff is laid out goes to pieces it suddenly becomes this confused mess of x. Employees in pissed off former government staffers who are as likely as angry about the fact that they no longer have their Cush government job as they are about any allegations against President Trump why I like the fact that he came out and said it because it has to have it has to have had an effect on the way that Schiff will approach this whole process I do hope that the president decides to sit back and let Adam Schiff and his alkali pts eat their own because once this goes to the Senate that's exactly what's going to happen. We're now 5858 the number 807765858 lives will go on a Monday afternoon Philip Teresi Beatty has an updated headlines right now. Of the. Shooting. And during 6 whenever we have a major incident like this we always we always look towards criminal and gang activity so it always becomes a focus of our investigation but at this time I would like to. Let the community know that this house was just a family event and everybody that were at this residence are truly victims we have video of today's press conference on our Facebook page the House general counsel arguing in federal court that Congress must have access to all of the grand jury material from claiming president may have lied to the special counsel Linda Kenyon reports the House has been arguing for some time that the redacted materials were inadequate and that the president may have misled the special counsel with his written answers to questions but now Trump associate Roger Stone has been convicted of several charges including obstructing the congressional inquiry and lying to investigators under oath so this gives the house a new focus to support its argument that it must see all of the redacted material also at issue is what information house should be able to access in an impeachment probe or any other dispute between the legislative and executive branches of government Linda Kenny Washington United Auto Workers Union now focusing bargaining on fee on Chrysler raising the possibility of another strike against a Detroit automaker board workers ratify their contract Friday evening Union settled with General Motors last month after a 40 days strike that shut down the company's u.s. Production the wedding 31 points this afternoon. By staples we have some slow traffic out of downtown and south. Central Avenue an accident there at Central. There is a small. Part of that slowdown in that area also 1. 41 north of Cheyenne. Heavy traffic backed shields Avenue South. 384 down south of. Staples print and marketing services makes connecting with clients and loved ones easy with hundreds of templates that you can customize right now get 20 percent off select customer. Visits. Holiday Cards details staples. Get ready for much cooler conditions for the rest of the workweek this evening the bottom out low reaches 43 degrees Tuesday will start. Becoming partly sunny in the afternoon the high reaching 71 degrees Wednesday low pressure moves in we've got a 30 percent chance of rain in the morning and then the high temperature only reaches 60 degrees from the game to weather center. Really call it a fox 26 weather going to. Keep warm this winter with plenty of. 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Earth thank you very much for all your thank you so personally I'm sorry to have to be with. The. 335 on. Monday afternoon. On stories in the crust here. At this one. I understand and yet I. Own lawsuit has been filed against Burger King. A class action lawsuit. Philip Williams is the principle on this one. He's of Eagan. In the lawsuit he claims that he is impossible whopper this is the plant based alternative to. Be was contaminated by meat brought by products because it was cooked on the same apparatus as beef whoppers. According to Williams who bought his fake meat whopper in Atlanta vegans all over the country are outraged at the fast food chains cooking practices which involve cooking the impossible patties and the beef patties and chicken in the same broiler so to the surprise of literally no one burger king did not build complete separate other than Zz to cook the impossible patties Williams goes on to say in his lawsuit that Burger King's menu makes no disclosures that the patty cooking method would result in meat by products on the burger However Burger King did previously disclose that the actually not entirely vegan burger would be made in an open kitchen environment and they they gave the astrakhan footnote on the launch page morning consumers of their cooking methods Burger King also confirms that vegan or vegetarian guests can request that their patties be prepared in another instead of in the shared broiler Mr Williams a seeking damages and requesting Burger King cook the impossible whopper on entirely different grills Now I understand that the people who have gone vegetarian but especially those who have gone vegan they're serious about it in for some folks it's a healthy thing for some folks it is an ethics thing and for some people it's just a lifestyle choice that that's that's just what makes them happy and makes them feel good. I don't look if you're a vegan or a vegetarian good for you I do not care what your eating habits are that's not my personal preference it's not not what I have found to be necessary for my own health but if it makes you feel better for whatever reason again health wise ethically whatever. Great enjoy it I hope that you are finding a way. I hope that you are finding a better life for your dietary habits I was not aware that the that the v. Gyn scene required affectively like a total kosher or total whole lol approach now it would make sense that if you're a vegan that you wouldn't want your Brussels sprouts cooked in hamburger fat I get that that you wouldn't want this direct application of I don't know bacon grease to the eggs that you order or the French fries that you order I guess that for a vegan there wouldn't even be a exam volved I gotta come back around to why on God's green earth would you go to a burger joint if you're a vegan. If you're allergic to peanuts you're not going to go into the Sierra not house to buy your chocolates but with all the love in the world the Sierra not house but you take my meaning that's kind of right there in the name if you if you are deathly allergic to fish you're probably not going to head over to the sushi joint to get rice and if you're vague in your why are you going to a burger restaurant and I've seen this impossible meat stuff in what there's 2 different versions to 2 different large manufacturers of of these fake meat patties . And I've seen him pop up in a few different places there's a couple of different fast food restaurants that have now the end looking again if that's your thing great good for you and I can understand in a I can understand in a sit down restaurant if something is listed is vague why you would raise an eyebrow if that vegan food stuff is prepared in a situation where it's exposed to me by proxy that's what we're really talking about here is we're talking about Greece trip eggs we're talking about this this broiler this grill where you're cooking burgers so there's burger fat on the grill there's going to be chicken grease on the grill which by the way I would think would be kind of a bonus if you got the impossible burger that it tastes even for one bite for one moment in any way whatsoever like an actual burger does this can have a legitimate complaint does Burger King need to go beyond simply telling people hey we're making this in an open kitchen environment this is going to be cooked on the same grill and if you need to have it cooked on a separate service surface you just need to let us know but that's anything seems to be more than adequate does Williams have a leg to stand on here or is is this a case of. That Looney Tunes and I know that there's right wing Vians too but this really to me seems like a hallmark of that extreme leftist mentality the same people that say you can never ever clear out deadfall because the spotted owl won't have a place to live and then stand around crying when the whole damn forest burns down because there's 10 years of accumulated dead wood. This is the same kind of mentality of somebody who goes into a burger joint and is surprised that their fake burger was prepared in the same kitchen on the same surface as the burgers that is the restaurant's actual business I also think that it is a perfect example of why the burger joints need to just say you know what no we are serving hamburgers we are serving fried chicken we are serving meat products this is the market that we cater 215858 is the number. And I'd like to know what when you go into a restaurant I mean look I don't want to McDonald's and in trying to order something it's not on the menu I don't go in and ask for pizza and I'm not surprised when I when I go into a restaurant in place in order that my food has been exposed to the other food in the kitchen now I'm not expecting to find a tablespoon Amera naira dumped in the middle of my Alfredo but I think that these these burger joints in their desperation to attract as much market share as possible I think that they have forgotten what it is they're supposed to be doing and I was talking about this a little bit with my son he was in town he came down from Oregon this weekend and it was on his list that he was going to go to In and Out burger because there are no In and Out burgers in Oregon and it was he one way or another he was if he had to bail on family dinner he was going to get his doubled up. Absolutely loves their stuff and we were talking a little bit about in and out as a chain might My daughter is 12 years old she's curious about why in and out so you know the thing and what why aren't there more of them and I'm explaining that this is this family owned business and for those you that don't know what in and out burger there are no franchises it is own by a single family there's no franchises it's not publicly traded and one of the smartest things that in and out burger has done is they have kept their menu extremely narrow and there's a couple of little funny off menu things that you can order. Cheese animal style that kind of thing but what the restaurant does is what the restaurant does they cook hamburgers beef patties fresh ingredients hand cut potatoes I mean like you know like you know I'm not trying to do a commercial for in and out burger here but part of the reason that they are so superior is because they found a thing that people want and they focus on doing that extremely well you might remember last year there was an in and out location in Texas it's one of the few that far east and they closed the location for a week because they were unable to get buns that met with their standards so they just closed the store and what will reopen when we have stuff that actually meets our standards that to me was was not only was it a testament to the commitment that these that the restaurant has to providing a certain level of quality but it was a brilliant piece of marketing because it told people we care this much we will lose money over buns and all of these other chains that they've gone completely insane and you go into McDonald's or Burger King and they've got their impossible beef patties and they've got 900 different menu items. They're not focusing on this one core thing that people really really love that's why in and out is is as superior as it is and there's a couple other burger chains that can kind of lay claim to that the habits another great example of a burger chain that has said we're going to focus on this somebody else can do the salad somebody else can can do the tuna fish somebody else can do the chicken salad but we're going to focus on what people came here for if if the vegans are going to go off and Sue Burger King because Burger King is preparing their food in the same kitchen as you now all of the food at Burger King is prepared it. Is Burger King better off coming up with some kind of special secondary cooking accommodation or is Burger King better off simply saying you know what forget it. I know 5850 years the number I see a couple of calls coming in on this I'll get you guys in just a minute 1st an update on the drive home from our pollster and traffic is sponsored by Cal Trans we have an accident still going on north that 41 north of shot to vehicle non-injury traffic is heavy back to the 180 and a new another 180 eastbound at Abbey Street 2 car non-injury we have a new one also over at southbound 21 at Avenue 388 that's south of Cutler into Larry County a 3 car crash back in Fresno shot at the wrapping up an earlier accident and we have one wrapping up also on Singer country a Jensen and McCall a drivers highway workers just want to get home safely to their family so please move over a lane when you see flashing amber lights ahead it's the law and it could save a life with k. M. J. Traffic opioid overdoses continue to increase in the United States this epidemic is not limited to any age sex or geographic area in 2017 the rate of overdose was 30 percent higher than the previous year people who've had an overdose are likely to have another so when they're seen in an emergency department it's an opportunity for prevention emergency departments can link these patients to treatment and referral services Additionally they can provide patients with no locks on a life saving drugs that could reverse the effects of a future overdose this fast moving epidemic doesn't stay within state or county lines it will take emergency departments health departments mental health and treatment providers law enforcement and communities all working together to get people the help they need and prevent opioid overdose and death to learn more visit c.d.c. Dot gov slash vital signs. This is. The message from c.d.c. . Keep food water and medicine safe after a hurricane or flood only use clean drinking water to wash dishes brush your teeth wash and prepare food wash your hands make ice or make baby formula. Follow your health department's specific recommendations for boiling or treating water in your area throw away perishable food food that may have come in contact with flood or storm water and food with an unusual odor color or texture some drugs require refrigeration when the power is out for a day or more throw away a medication that should be refrigerated unless the drugs label says otherwise replace refrigerated drugs as soon as possible if a life depends on the refrigerated drug but the medication has been at room temperature use it only until a new supplies available. For more information visit c.d.c. Dot gov or call 1800 c.d.c. Info. Truck drivers smart way Express is now hiring for new o.t.r. See the l.a. Career opportunities join a locally owned company with 40 years of experience led by the owner who began and built this company as a truck driver get paid weekly drive for distribution centers the distribution centers get more home time more miles and plenty of work including drop and hook opportunities come work for an owner who started as a truck driver and knows how to treat truck drivers right call the owner Paul at 559-272-3538 that's 272-3538 hey it's Brian With am son solar here in Fresno now is the time to protect yourself from rising electricity rates and sudden power outages am sun solar is a certified Tesla power wall installer and we have a 12 year guaranteed workmanship warranty give us a call today at 559-384-2192 ask about a solar energy system plus a Tesla power wall for your home that's Am some solar at 559-384-2192 our visit am sun solar dot com today. Comes to the Tower Theater. Performance internationally. In an evening that is filled with swinging. Of America's favorite holidays and much more the 2nd generation. The son of 3 time Grammy winner and jazz legend Mel Torme interprets melody and lyrics . On line at. 599050. Peterbilt is known throughout the West as the. Keeping promises and getting the job done right the 1st. Golden State support throughout their parts and service department including 24 hour roadside assistance . People and. Give him a call at 509725800 or visit. Was contaminated because. Everything in. His food was contaminated. I'm not a vegan but look if that's your thing I'm good with that you get to do you man I really do believe that if that makes you feel better if it makes you feel healthy ethical whatever I'm Ok with that I can for the life of me I just can't figure out why and why in the world you would go to Burger King. Much less go to Burger King without paying attention to how they're preparing this thing that's being targeted towards you know on the flip side I don't know why Burger King thought that this was wise or necessary to begin with but effect. A class action lawsuit against a fast food restaurant for preparing food in a fast way like they said they were going to do seems to me to be frivolous at best in possibly just straight up stupid at worst and if I was Burger King my response to this lawsuit would be Oh Ok we'll just not make it I'm sorry about that for now 5850 it's the number where you land on this is this came out of his mind it is he is he on to something now to squat Valley a.j. I understand you're a vegan. Yeah that way and United to I think this guy's completely ridiculous I think he was just after the the money aspect of it but as I read it when you go into a restaurant you know you you have to ask the questions I mean they're not stare not set up for these types of things you know and those things are lifestyle choices that you know people make and to expect that everybody is going to conform to your or your viewpoint is kind of ridiculous I mean now I'm glad that Burger King and other places offer that type. Of stuff because I mean when you're on the road traveling it's hard to find a good place to be able to eat but you have to be to have to be cognizant of the way where you're at the whole and and you ask the questions we've been doing my wife and I have been doing this for a while and we you know every time we go in and we and we as is just repaired in the same spot exist if it's not been great if it is then we look for something else you know we might ask for that goes through instead of the you know instead of something a little more substantial but you know there are kids doing to get service to kill games out there but they didn't say that there really was certified Wii and they said Begin Teddy and so you know if there's a big difference between between those things they're offering a substitute for some it's going to be Ok scarce and for others it's not going to be Ok but to expect all restaurants and all people that after these these options to conform everybody's thing is just you know I just think it's ridiculous I think this gentleman is if after some money you know well a.j. I I tend to agree with you and I'm glad to hear you coming out of nothing but let me ask you this do when you when you're out on the road you when the wife you go on the prisoner over the weekend whatever it is and you're Poland again what is it Kettleman City where they got to you know it's the that strip of gas stations and fast food joints you know Burger King has this impossible whopper are you going to park the car get out go into the restaurant and hey man do me a favor I need this cook separately or will you just pull up and yell Hey I'm going to get. I mean what a mill a gram a brief juice with my impossible burger down the road they look for it like I said it's important certain people that are very young to have their stuff to carry 8 nearly a 1000000 away without having any of that contamination and so I get that you know for me it's I care if I'm really that hungry and I really need to stop and get something you know they do offer some salads and eat and you know without anything else on the underside of places around there that can do it or oh here's a bright idea bring something with you on the road you know. With my zip ripped my wife and myself we tend to take stuff with us but we also research. To places the down the road it may have what we have to draw for we can go down to see also the glue analogy so we can go down to you know kids know and there are some places there that there are both some digging options and booms free options that are not cross contaminated so that's you know if he got to do your research and it's not the world's responsibility to conform to your hear voices. I'm really glad that you call dude and I'm really glad that you're out there because your attitude on this. One the rest of us to bend over backwards thank you for jack it in do Donna that I see you guys there we'll get to their calls in just a minute I want to hear from you 2 should Burger King just whack the impossible whopper if they're going to get sued for preparing it the way that they told everybody they were going to prepare Williams have a point in his lawsuit to jump up and down in. The same grill as the burgers. That when they announced the launch of this thing by the way what I know 585-807-7658 extension 58 resi hanging out on Monday afternoon this is. This is. The set of California food bank if you ever wish for a little comfort during a tough time. When life becomes a little more than we can bear we hope someone cares enough to help this is what many people in our community are hoping for this holiday season and you have the power to provide comfort to those facing hunger donate today at the food bank at c.c. Food Bank dot org or $10.00 can provide up to 70 meals to those in need. Does your shower door look foggier than it January day in Fresno does it have water spots so that you can't even see through it anymore that comes from hard water and if you live in Fresno You probably have it it can give you. Cause it's in your water pipes and all kinds of other things too good news is that Lee's air has a water softening systems that can almost eliminate their plumbing system so great that I don't even know why they call themselves instead of lease plumbing the truth is if the boss of the person writing this commercial knew what he was doing it would have branded lazier a long time ago anyway they're plumbers are awesome and can come out and go through all of the benefits of the new systems some of these new systems can go with no maintenance years now so give call at 9 to 969555 or visit leave their. Contractor's license number 65. Commercial solar is a major investment that's why it's important to go with an experienced commercial solar company you can trust it's why vendor. Chose Pickett's solar for their solar project what I found with your solar is that they came in with a proposal and they were willing to their proposal to what I wanted as a customer they didn't come in and try to sell. Is. This is what our project can do and after construction pick it solar continues to work hard for their clients it's the reason Pickett's solar is the most respected commercial solar company in the valley where figure has really come in and helped out is in all the building figured out with him at the end of the day you won't find another commercial company with clients more willing to sing their praises for a family run business and they're a family run business I'd recommend to get solar because they stand behind what they say 438-1074 or visit the picket solar dot com for more. Celebrating 97 seems top 580 8 Am one o 59 f.m. K m j m phrase no breaking Nel sunny skies 76 degrees it's for Glaucon or Bush the president I made of a deal live with the gang image a new center this newscast sponsored by Buzz concrete blocks the old president company with new ideas search continues for at least 2 suspects who targeted a home opened fire on a southeast present a backyard party killing 4 people g. Bandy also his department is now assembling an Asian gang task force we're coming for you believe that we've got a single focus within the within the organization and that this is not going to be tolerated in the Southeast Community or any community in Fresno but who have gang involvement in the shooting not good here best gaiters now working to determine the body of a man bold from a president Canela game Jays with Michael's reports a grisly discovery was made around $530.00 Saturday night in the waterway along McKinley just off Millbrook in Southeast Fresno there Fresno Police say a witness reported a body floating in the canals water while officers and paramedics were driving to the saying the individual stayed with the body as it floated possibly pulling this East's to the side with some sort of a stick or pole Fresno Police Lieutenant Bill Dooley adds the victim is only described as an adult but it's unknown at this point if they died as a result of any trauma now detectives will go over recent missing persons reports to see if this victim matches any cases Ruth Michaels k.m. Cheney $250000.00 p.g.d. Customers bracing for another round of power shut off amid concerns about high winds affected areas including 19 counties in the North Valley Sierra foothills and North Bay The bankrupt until at least as service could be cut late Tuesday or Wednesday is peak gusts of 55 miles an hour possible utility meter all just forecasting sustained winds of up to 25 miles an hour California suing the nation's largest ease cigarette maker alleging the jewel labs deliberately targeted teenagers with its early marketing campaigns lawsuit filed by attorney general lobby observe the latest legal action against jewel companies facing several.