The water rose yesterday from less than an inch in the morning to several feet by midday. Ben tracys in the thick of it. Reporter el nio round two is packing a punch. This morning mud cascaded down hillside right on to the freeway. Drivers stuck in rising water were rescued from their swamped cars, and several feet of snow blanketed the mountains. These storms battering the west coast also drenched arizona, where man and his young grandson were pulled from their hummer after getting swept up in raging floodwaters. Samantha young is the childs relieved mother. Unbelievably thankful. I said thank god a thousand times. It wouldnt be enough. Reporter record amounts of rain have fallen in parts of los angeles, and the National Weather service says a gustnado damaged eight buildings near downtown, ripping off part of the roof and blowing out but the region is also getting something it desperately needs, water. Some of the billions of gallons of storm water inundating rivers in los angeles are being diverted enter recharge basass where they replenish groundwater supplies. Gary hildebrand is the Deputy Director of the public works department. How much water are you capturing in these places . Well, in the storm that occurred yesterday, for example, we were able to capture 1. 6 billion gallons of water, which is enough water for around 40,000 people. Reporter the concern now are these saturated hillside like this one that burned in a recent wildfire. E. The mud is streaming off the hillside, and at the base offt you have a bunch of homes and a bunch of very worried homeowners. Scott, if there is any good news tonight, it is that the rain that is forecast for tomorrow is expected to be much lighter. Pelley ben tracy reporting. Thanks. Also in california today, a state of emergency was declared over a massive natural gas leak thousands were evacuated from l. A. s porter ranch neighborhood after people there complained of nausea and headaches. The methane has been blasting out of a broken well since october. And today in michigan an emergency was declared in flint where the Drinking Water is contaminated with lead. Last october children were found to have elevated levels of lead in their blood after the city started using water from the flint river to save monon. Tonight scientists doubt north koreas claim that it tested a Hydrogen Bomb, which would be far more powerful than the three atomic bombs that its tested before. Data from seismographs indicated a blast last night equal to around 7,000 tons of tnt. But thats not large by atomic bomb standards. Seth doane begins our coverage. Was how north koreas state media put it. Defending its Nuclear Arsenal as a powerful deterrent against the u. S. , which it called the cheiftain of aggression. The underground test registered as a 5. 1 magnitude quake. It was close to the site of three previous n nlear tests. The news sparked cheers in north korea and rattled nerves in south korea, which questioned whether the ex`losion was big enough to be a Hydrogen Bomb. North korea is known for its saber rattling, but possessing a Hydrogen Bomb would be a major and surprising step forward. When we were in north korea last october, it a aearedelations with china, its biggest ally, were warmingng china had sent a top official to the ceremony, but there was no hint of that today. Chinas Foreign Ministry will there be some action on chinas part . China has been using words and actions, spokeswoman chunying said, but demilitarisation requires efforts from all parties. Ultimately north korea wants to create a weapon capable of reaching the mainland united states. Regardless of what was tested, this likely from slides more research and another step toward that goal. Pelley seth doane reporting from beijing tonight. Seth, thank you. North korea also claimed that its Hydrogen Bomb was miniaturized to o t on a missile, which would be a huge engineering achievement, also unlikely. David martin is at the pentagon. Reporter u. S. Aircraft flying out of japan will collect air samples off the chest of north korea to determine exactly what kind of Nuclear Device went off. But based on analysis of the seismic wave the blast highly sceptical of the north korean claim it successfully tested a Hydrogen Bomb. Last nights explosion is estimated to have been less than 10 kilotons, about half the power of the weapon which destroyed hiroshima at the end of world war ii. A Hydrogen Bomb, which has never been used in war but was tested in the pacific during the 1950s, would be 50 to 100 times more powerful. Whatever kind of device was detonated, the greatest mystetey about north Korean Nuclear weapons is wther they have the capability to launch one against the united states. North korea has a missile capable of reaching that far, but it has never been tested. To be on the safe side, the u. S. Keeps its Missile Defense system, which Officials Say is capable of shooting down a small number of north korean missiles, on constant alert. North korea seems to spepealize in nasty surprises. U. S. Intelligence had expected happen last night. Scott . Pelley david martin reporting tonight. David, thank you. Well, worries about chinas slowing economy shook up Financial Markets again today. The dow closed off 252 points. Oil finished below 35 a barrel for the first time in neaeay 12 years,nd we note that chipotle lost 22 a share today. It is down nearly 38 since an e. Coli outbreak at its restaurants in the fall. 26 days now before the voting in iowa, and Republican Donald Trump is questioning the birth of frontrunner ted cruz. Just when you thought this campaign couldldt get any stranger, cruz fired back with the help of the fonz. Heres nancy cordes. I really know nothing about it. Report a lack of knowledge has not stopped trump from claiming repeatedly this week that his ineligible to run for president. I hope thats not going to be a problem from him, but ive been hearing a lot about him and youve been hearing and i guess everybody is talking about it. Reporter texas senator ted cruz was born in canada but to an american mother, legal scholars widely agree that makes him a nach ralborn american citizen. Trump once shared that view but has apparently had a change of heart as cruz climbed to the top of some iowa polls. The billionaire now argues a cruz candidacy could imperil the g. O. P. The problem is that if the democrats bring a lawsuit, the lawsuit could take years to resolve, and how do you have a candidate where theres something, you know, over the head of the party and that individual . Reporter its familiar territory for trump, who was the figurehead for the birther movement, questioning president obamas hawaii roots. Our president has finally released a birth certificate. Reporter like the president , cruz initially likening them to this famously implausible scene from the 1970s sitcom happy days. Im going to stick with fonzie jumping the shark, and ill let the rest of you all battling it out. Reporter but in rock rapids, iowa today, the lawyer in him took over. Reporter as a legal matter, the settle is straightforward. The child of a u. S. Citizen born abrood is a natural born citizen. Reporter legally it isnt entirely settled because the Supreme Court has never weighed in on the matter, but two past g. O. P. Nominee, john mccain and barry goldwater, were also born outside the states to american parents, scott, and neither of them faced any serious legal challenge. Pelley nancy cordes on the campaign for us tonight. Nancy, thank you. Today a t tas state troopereras indicted for perjury over his account of a traffic stop and in july trooper brian insigne pulled over sandra bland and threatened her with taser. He claimed she swung at him and kicked him. She was charged with assault and hanged herself in jail three days later. If convicted, ensigni could face a year in jail. Now we have a special investigation of what has become a plague in our country. About two million americans are hooked on prescription painkillers, and in 2012, 259 million prescriptions were written. Thats one bottle for every american adult. How could that be . Jim axelrod and producer ashley velly found out in West Virginia, a state thats attempting a drastic solution, allowing addicts to sue the doctors who got them hooked. Reporter 17 years ago willis duncans life changed forever when a coal mining accident left him with a crushed sternum and ribs. It changed your life . It changed everything. Reporter duncan became a lifelong addict when his doctors only treatment was a supply of pills. The only time you went in to see a doctor was to get your pills. Reporter hang on a second. U go in toet looked atut the examinatiti wasnt done by a doctor . No. Reporter duncan would wait for hours to be seen for just a few minutes at this clinic where 150 patients lined up every day for pain med prescriptions. Did you ever say to a doctor, this has gotten out of hand, and i need help . Never, because you got used to them and you didnt know how the function without them. Reporter this cashonly clear as much as 100,000 a week. Were in mingo county, West Virginia, executing a search warrant. Reporter the clinic was raided and shut down in 2010. Theres an exam room. Reporter these are what passed for exam rooms. Main office. Reporter piles of trash and files, loose prescription pads, syringes. And starving birds stuck in roachinfested cages. Hundreds of patient records were seized along with thousands of undated and presigned prescriptions for addictive pain meds like vicodin, xanex and lortab. The doctor in charge went to jail for six months for negligence. Take a look at the place. Reporter dea agent gary newman is part of a Team Currently investigating dozenss of doctors, pharmacies and distributors throughout the state. We are talking in a certain sense drug traffickers, and they are doing nothing but writing after prescription after prescription. Theyre pushers. Reporter they truly are. West virginia has the highest rate of Overdose Deaths in the nation. Each year doctors write the equivalent of one painkiller prescription for every man, woman and child in the state of 1. 8 million. In the last year the West Virginia department of health inspected 19 pain clinics. 12 were told to shut down. You can actually be so stressed that you cant sleep at night. Reporter one is run by dr. Michael kostenko, seen here lecturing patients. Hes written more than 40,000 pain pill prescriptions over the last two years at his clinic. Kostenko was among those ordered to stop operating at the pain clinic, but he remains open. After weeks of trying to reach kostenko, we drove out to cole country clinic, located at the end of this narrow twomile logging road. We came face to face with a rottttiler. Shutting down these clinics can often take years because these are licensed doctors writing legal prescriptions. Therein lies the problem. You have to be able to prove in court that theyre prescribeing for a nonmedical necessity or in such an egregious amount that it was n nligent. Repepter among the 30 West Virginians now suing their doctors and pharmacies for enabling their addiction is willis duncan. I hurt a lot of people. Its just bad keel all the way around. I had nothing for none of them. Reporter as for dr. Kostenko, this friday the state beginsnshe process o seeking to shut him down permanently, but tonight his clinic is still operating. The state could also set a press dealt by not going after just but the wholesale drug distributors in court, as well. Pelley remarkable work. Jim, thanks very much. Up next, the quest for rest. I did not go to sleepep since 2 00, so im a bit overtired. Pelley who has the most trouble sleeping . And the future k k if you take multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a common side effect. It comes in oral rinse, spray or gel so theres moisturizing relief for everyone. Hi hey you look good. Thank you, i feel good. It all starts with eating right. Thats why i eat amaz n prunes now. Theyre delicious and help keep my body in balance. I love these. Sunsweet amaz n prunes, the feel good fruit. Pelley america got a wakeup call today. Were not getting enough sleep. Heres dr. Jon lapook. Reporter 44yearold jackie cohen is a busy entrepreneur and single mother of a twoyearold. I never get seven hours of sleep in a night. Im going to say ever. Reporter we asked cohen to chronicle a typical night. Ive been up since about 1 30. Sleep since 2 00, so im a bit overtired. Reporter shes not alone. Nearly onethird of adults dont get the recommended seven hours of sleep daily. A new report out today by the National Center for Health Statistics finds single moms have the greatest difficulty, about 40 get less than seven hours compared to 31 of married women. Those are basically motion trackers. Reporter dr. Daniel baron is a neurologist at new yorkpresbyterians Weill Cornell ecenter for sleep. What does our body accomplish while were asleep . Nearly every organ is repaired. Our heart is give an break. Our blood sug goes down. Reporter theres no way getting around the need to sleep. Even if you want to live every minute of your day, you still need to sleep for about one year of your life. Its a great equalizer. We all need to sleep. Reporter sleep deprivation high blood pressurur Heart Disease, immune disorders and a weakened immune system and dementia and obesity. Pelley thats an eyeopener. Jon, thanks very much. The latest additions to baseballs hall of fame coming up next. Really want it. New is ecoboost technology. New is a footactivated liftgate. New isisougher, stronger and lighter. New is ford. Americas bestselling brand. Now get into a new focus, fusion, or escape with 0 financing for 60 months plus 2,000 dollars tradeassist cash. Only at your local ford dealer. Hey im here on the red carpet where our next arrival is. Whoa toenail fungus . Fight it with jublili jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. Use jublia as instructed by your doctor. 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If you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. Your immune system weakens as you get older and it loses its ability to keep the shingles virus in check. After almost 3 weeks, i just really wanted to give it a shot. The shingles rash can last up to 30 days. You know, im not feeling it today. Dont worry about it buddy. Well do it another day. Dont wait until you or someone you care about develops shingles. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. For generations, Heart Disease has been our number one killer. Striking women of every age, color and culture. Heart disease claims one woman every minute. Killllg more women than men, and more women i dont know about you, but i intend to stay alive. Fight the ladykiller. Get heart checked. Pelley today outfielder ken griffey, jr. , who hit 630 home runs and catcher mike piazza, a 12time allstar, were elected to the hall of fame. Other players linked to the steroids scandal did not get in. In britain, this was first day of Nursery School for two and a halfyearold prince george. Look at how much he resembles his dad, prince william, on h h first day 30 years ago. In a moment what boston did to the kings english. This portion of the cbs evening news is sponsored by pch. Com. Caring for someone with alzheimers means i am a lot of things. I am his sunshine. I am his advocate. So i asked about adding oncedaily namenda xr to his Current Treatment for moderate to severe alzheimers. It works differently. When added to another alzheimers treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. And may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. Vo namenda xr doesnt change how the disease progresses. It shouldnt be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, or whos had a bad reaction to namenda xr or its ingredients. 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Reporter tax incentives have made boston a hotbed of movie making, and directors want sound. Its like sifting, diamond im sifting through the city. My names natalie. Im from hyde park. Youre done. Reporter at a recent casting, 400 people showed up hoping to tawk their way to stardom. Welcome to fenway park, the greatest ballpark ever. Ever. Ever. Ever everyone i know kind of talks like me. Just the kind of guy im looking for. Love that. Thats the kind of guy i want. Reporter because why . Because i just want him to be authentic. So ill meet them, and instantly i know who is going to be good. Reporter like in n he fighter. Remember Mark Wahlbergs cyst Center Nearly all were locals discovered by peri. Georges fingers are so [bleeped]. Reporter it was ericas first audition ever. What did i think wasasble to swear. Reporter jill quiggs boston accent got her her acting gig in gone baby gone. So this is the real you . Im not acting. Im me. Reporter its a business thats come full circle for peri, whosos accent cut her career short. So do you think people in boston should be proud of their accent . i am. I am. Reporter now its that accent that brings hollywood to her. Anna werner, cbs news, boston. Pelley and thats the wicked smart cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night

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