Transcripts For KMEG CBS Evening News 20160220

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Vegas abou 15 minutes ago. Take a listen to what she had to say. I want to thank each and every one of you. You turned out in every corner of the state with determination and purpose. Hotel and casino workers who never wavered. cheers and applause tens of thousasas of men and women with kids to rai, bills to pay, and dreams that wont die. This is your campaign. applause and it is reporter in a statement, senator sanders said, i just spoke to secretary clinton and congratulated her on her victory here in nevada. I am very proud of the campaign we ran. Five weeks ago we were 25 points behind, and we ended up in a very close election. And, indeed, the clinton camp got a big scare earlier this week when polls showed her huge longtime lead had essentially but she really barnstormed the vegas strip over the past couple of days, meeting with casino workers and dish washers and maids. In fact, we attended a caucus here at caesars earlier today. We met a maid who had met Hillary Clinton twice in the past week, and it really seems like thatat geographical focus here in las vegas paid off for clinton. Here is the big group, though, that clinton has to thank for her victory wome according to our entrance polls, they broke for clinton 51 to 47 . And they turned out in greater numbers than men. So that was a bigurnaround from New Hampshire where she lost among w wen by 11 points. Older voters, another key to her victory, voters over 45 went for clinton 66 to 31 , jim. Axelrod nancy cordes with the winning numbers for Hillary Clinton in nevada. Nancy, thank you. Now to the r rublican race, t t polls will remain open until the Major Garrett joins us from spartanburg, South Carolina, major. Reporter jim, state officials predicted record turnout. South carolina is s mous for hardfought, competitive primaries, and voters who make up their mind late in the process. S. Donald trump has predicted victory here. Meanwhile, ted cruz and marco rubio have worked overtime to close the gap. Its crunch time, folks. Its crunch time. You know what that means, right . Reporter at Donald Trumps last rally before the south cacalina primary, he urged supporters to give him mandate. Y yre going to say to yourselves, that was one of the great evenings and one of the great days of your lives. Reporter the size of trump crowds in polls here point to a second primary victory for the billionaire real estate developer. Please remember to vote for marco rubio today. Reporter volunteers for marco rubio worked the phones on primary day. Rubio is battling ted cruz for second place. Cruz has flooded state with tv ads, phone calls, and mailers and volunteers, likely not perhaps enough to keep him in range. Governor bush has a proven conservative record. Reporter a small band of jeb bush volunteers looked for a ray of hope. I feel great. Im always excited on election day. Repter while bush hunted votes in greenville, a fourth place finish or worse could prove fatal. Facing a trump victory, bush, again, dismissed him as unelectable. Trump cant win, plain and simple. This isnt about appealing to peoples deep anxiety, which is legitimate. He cant be president. Reporter we interviewed trump friday and he told us he doesnt fear a smaller g. O. P. Field once his competitors start to drop out. Im going to get a lot of those vote, so when the field shrinks im at 35, 42, i have polls all over the place but im already up into the 40s in many polls. When the field shrinks im going to get a lot. Reporter john kasich arrived here with almost no support and has begun to catch on. Advisers now hope he could surpass bush. There will be a scramble cast, but what i do know is were going to do far better than what the pundits thought we were going to do, a ad, you know, were going to do a lot better than 1 or 2 of the e te heere. Reporter when alllhe votes are counted, the battle will not only be over who finished where but who deified or who fell short of expectations. Jim, the mystical powers of money and momentum will mirror that conversation. Axelrod major, thank you. Now, for analysis of this big day in president ial politics, we want to bring in the man standing next to you,u, major, bob schihifer, who has covered every president ial election since 1968. Bob, lets start with Hillary Clinton, who is headed your way now. Does her win in nevada today steady her ship for South Carolina holding its democratic primary a week from today . Reporter you know, i think it means that her ship is not taking on water like it was. This wouou have been a very embarrassing defeat if this had been even a close win for Hillary Clinton. This is not as big as they would think theres a great sigh of relief. Shes won. This will give her a little bump going into South Carolina where, if predictions hold, she will win decisively over Bernie Sanders because of the large black vote there. Jim. Axelrod all right, bob. So lets talk republicans. It has been a week of vivid headlines with donald trump, with his dustup with the pope, taking on george w. Bush. Just today, mr. Trump wondered via a tweet if mr. Obama would havettended Justice Scalias funeral it were neld a mosque. You have been talking to a lot of trump supporters. How does this kind of coverage affect his connection with his supporters . Reporter you know, i was at a trump rally last night, and i have to say, his supporters at that rally love him. But we have been reporting earlier this week that t me o o his support seeed to be declining in South Carolina. And were seeing an indication in some of these exit polls that, that may actually be true. Voters, who do you think has conducted the most Unfair Campaign down here . And it was trump by aboutut 40 . He was l lading among those who considered him conducting those those conducting an Unfair Campaign. So this may tell us that hes not going to win here by as much as he thought he was. Axelrod okay bob schieffer, and Major Garrett, thank you both so much. A week after he died while vacationing inin teexas, Supreme Court Antonin Scalia was laid to rest today after his funeral in washington. Our chief Legal Correspondent jan crawford was there. Reporter the bells tolled 79 times for justice scalia, one for each year of his life, as his casket was carried bothe basilica. Thousands of mourners gathered to pay final respects for a legal giant, the courts most influential conservative voice. Let us pray. Reverend paul scalia, led the mass, delivering a moving and personal homily. But more important to us and to him, he was dad. Sure, he forgot our names at times or mixed them up. laughter but there are nine of us. laughter he loved us. And sought to show that love. Reporter with those memories, there was humor. He had found himself in my confessional line. laughter and he quickly departed it. laughter as he put it later, like heck if im confessing to you. Reporter all eight justices were in attendance. Justice clarence thomas, the only justice to speak, read because the love of godd has poured o o into our hearts. Repororr it was the secondnd day of official mourning for scalia, who lay in repose friday at the Supreme Court. People were still waiting in line late friday night to pay respects to a man who left a Lasting Imprint on the law and whose sudden death leaves a void on the court that will be difficult to fill. Now, Justice Scalias burial was private and by tomorrow, th the end of the oicial mourning, washington will immediately turn its focus on to the battlever his successor. Jim. Axelrod jan, thank you. Now to the clash between apple and the f. B. I. This week, apple announced it would fight a court order to unlock an iphone belonging to one ofhe San Bernardino terroriststs citing privacy concerns. Lets bring in cbs News Business analyst jill schlesinger. A lot of angs to this story, jill. Lets look at the business angle and what this could mean to apples brand. Reporter you know, its amazing. Apple fans, they are so loyal. They say, part of the reason we love apple is beecause of the ivacy. Right t ter this thing wentt publbl, weaw twitter light up with people saying, thank you, apple, with a special hashtag. This is part of apples brand promise privacy, security. Battle. Axelrod new York Police Department Deputy Commissioner john miller said yesterday, hang othere were iphones in the california and parisiss well. So in a a way this is also a loselose for appl reporter absolutely. In fact we know that johns boss, mr. Bratton, the commissioner said this was corporate irresponsibility. And i think apple is a little bit concerned because they may make people upset about, hey, why arent you complying . This is national security. But, on the other hand, again, this is part of the promise. And, frankly, what if these people get upset and say, hey, apples not going to do this. Well go somewhere else. Maybe another company will do it. Axelrod steve jobs, the current c. E. O. , tom cook, not so much. Reporter wanting to be part of the topic. Very supportive upon l. G. B. T. Issues, very supportive of environmental issues. I think he believes this is a part of his legacy air, moral legacy at apple and i think it will be interesting to see if it helps him sell more iphones macs. Axelrod thank you. Now to chicago, where it really was the windy city last night, gusts up to 60 Miles Per Hour, left roads blokdz by downed power lines and forced the flights. More than 100,000 people in the area lost power. Tonight, the people in the South Pacific nation of fiji are recovering from the first there. At least one person has died. More now from carter evans. Reporter with gusts up to 224 Miles Per Hour, winston may be the most powerful cyclone as it slammed into the island nation, fijis prime mimister took to social media with a warning. Its as big and as bad as it gets. And its currently the biggest storm in the world. Reporter sustained winds of 180 Miles Per Hour continued through the night. By daybreak, the damageecame apparent. Fijis governmnmt declared a state of Natural Disaster for 30 days, the most immediate concern ensuring the nations 900,000 residents are safe. Carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. Axelrod coming up, new revelationing about the sinking of the el faro, including the final call foror help. And an a aist who has mapped out a brand new medium when the cbs evening news continues. 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The ships captain, michael davidson, tries to reach the company on shore but the call goes to voicemail. Davidson then tries calling the companys Emergency Call Center and asks for a qualified individual, or q. I. The operator seems to not get the urgency. Comes on the line. Reporter minutes later, captain davidson is connected to john lawrence, the manager on call in jacksonville. Davidson tells him he thinks he can pump the water from the ship and nobody is p panicking. About 30 minutes later, the coast guard tells lawrence they believe the ship is only disabled and downplayed the need for a rescue mission. Reporter investigators hope to get more answers from the ships voyage data recorder or black box. The n. T. S. B. Is launching another Search Mission for it in april. Jim. Up next, the controversy ovver license plple readers. With my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. 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And when youre ready to travel, just book the flight you want, on any airline and use your miles to cover the cost. Now thats more like it. Whats in your wallet . Axelrod technology in the the form of license plate readers has been quite effective helping Police Locate criminals and flag moving violations. But as anna werner reports, its technology thats been a little too effective for one town on long island. Suspended or remote registration. Reporter you better not drive into freeport, new york. Stolen license plate. Reporter chief m muel rmudez and his 95 officers track every vehicle with 27 fixed cameras that read license plates at all 11 entry points. Whether its a stolen vehicle, an amber alert. Reporter if your plate shows up on a list of offenders, an alarm goes out to the entire police force. Why would you want to be able to track people . We want to try to reduce crime. E. Reporter in ct, the policeave made 28 arrests, including a murder suspect from norahnorfolk, virginia. But the hits keep on coming and coming. Registrations. Is that what you thought the system would mostly do when you got it . No. We were looking at at stolen crimes. Reporter after only three months, the freeport cameras have tracked 17 million plates in a village of 50,000. The police are drowning in data. Overtime is way up. Now thehief is asking state and federal governments for helplp we curntly have aorce of 95 officers. We could use many more. Reporter the readers do make mistakes. This one misread the 800 number on this ryder truck for the plate of a stolen car. And theres the question of where all this information winds up. Jason starr of the American Civil Liberties union. Allllf that data is beeg stored somewhere. Can be shared. It can be pulled. It can be sent to other Law Enforcement agencies. It can be breached by third parties. Reporter license plate readers are used in nearly every state. The a. C. L. U. Has filed three lawsuits, two regarding the scope of information collected, and there have been complaints about abuse. Chief bermudez is adamant the plate information taken in freert is never linked to a person unless a crime is indicated, and its dumped after 180 days. Do you understand why some of those people would be offended by being tracked when theyre were not looking at that data, though. Were looking at reporter but you could be looking at that data. Its just so much coming in. Its impossible to look at that kind of information. Suspend or revoked registration. Reporter so mu information, he needs seven mori officers just to keep up with it. Anna werner, cbs news, freeport, new york. Axelrod coming up, a campaign 2016 update. Also ahead, an artist for whom the journey is the destination. And why stop to find a bathroom . With cialis for daily use, you dont have to plan around either. 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Trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositorors for relief inininutes and stoosofteners for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax, designed for dependable relief pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. Then your eyes may see it differently. Only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. I take pictures of sunrises. Its my job and its also my passion. But with my back pain i couldnt sleep. So i couldnt get up in time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is theonly one to combine a safe sleep aidplus the 12hour pain relievingstrength of aleve. And now. Im back. Axelrod we close tonight in victoria, british columbia, where theres an artist exwhiewz wheels are always turning. As Contessa Brewer reports, hisis canvas is as wide as the city itself. Reporter if stephen lunds giraffe looks amateurish, consider the medium. Ive drawn a lot of pictures with my bicycle and one of these. Its a g. P. S. Tracking device. Reporter at a ted talk, he explained how his strava app tracked cycling trips for fitness and marks the route. It just struck me immediately that there had to be some Creative Potential to it. Reporter lund plots his path through the streets of victoria, canada. The end result a grasshopper, a thug, darth vader, and a mermaid that took 14 hours alone. In one year, lund logged 13,857 miles, the distance from victoria to tokyo and back. Does your wife begrudge you the ve affair youre carryinin on with the road . I think of all of those time sitting idly in front of a tv or in front of youtube. I think that my Time Commitment in the big picture isnt all that excessive. Reporter now the cycling artist is urging others to get out and g. P. S. Their own doodles. Its justst so easy to go out and experiment and explore and do something creative. Reporter what goes around comes around. Contessa brewer, cbs news, new york. Axelrod recapping todays headlines in the race for president. Hillary clinton has won th democratic caucuses in nevada. Have a look at the latest numbers from nevada as the count comes i i. On theepublican side, polls are about t close in South Carolinas republican primary where six candidates are on the ballot, some in a fight for campaign survival. And thats the cbs evening news for tonight. Later on cbs, 48 hours. But first, as the polls are about to close in South Carolina, we are learning a great deal about the r rpublican primary. Y. Well have an update on that at the top of the hour right here for now, im jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. Captioning sponsored by cbs access. Wgbh. Org this is jeopardy todays contestants are a College Instructor from squamish, british columbia, canada. An environmental educator originally from ardsley, new york. And our returning champion, from morgantown, west virginia. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek thank you, johnny gilbert. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. We have a new studio audience with us today, so for your benefit as you just heard, scott, our champion, has won three games. But i will add that won them all in runaway games. He could not be caught in final jeopardy fair warning for emily and andrew, the challengers today. But good luck to all three of you as we move you into ththfirst round of play the jeopardyround which today features these categories. Ah, interesting

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