Support this show and get another 15 minutes of daily program they make your 80 s. And please. See. It is Tuesday. December 10th 2019 My name is Sam seeder this the 5 time award winning majority report. We are broadcasting live steps from the industrially ravaged go honest canal in the heartland of America downtown Brooklyn USA. On the program today. Robert Kuttner founding coeditor of The American Prospect on the Green New Deal the urgent realism of radical change and. That is Astor that is the. New NAFTA if you will meanwhile Democrats unveil 2 articles of impeachment against Donald Trump. And on the same day. Because why not. Richard Trumka Nancy Pelosi in corporate Dems announce that they're about to give Trump a and corporations a big way. Also on the program today Trump attacks the f.b.i. Chief who accepts the i.g. Report that the 2016 investigation. Was appropriate and not politically motivated. Sanders and Warren join the c.p.c. Fight vs Palosi over the drug bill in the house. And McKinsey Pete gives into making his big name bump. Bundlers public. Supreme Court passes and allows the Kentucky abortion traffic law to stand 25 percent of Americans that report they or a family member delayed medical care this past year. Bernie Sanders or O'Connor. Come out against the $740000000000.00 defense budget which continues to abet the Yemen atrocities. U.s. Blocks a u.n. Meeting on North Korean atrocities because. We could still make a deal and the Customs Border Patrol refuses to allow doctors to give flu vaccines to migrant children because. All this and more on today's program plays and gentleman. Welcome to it. Another crazy news day just lot of stuff going on at this this time of year apparently we still have a big budget fight that's going forward the defense bill this. And us m.c.a. . Bill which appears to be happening the prescription bill and of course the 2 articles of impeachment and a plan to vote on it next week. We will get to all that and more 1st off let me just say yesterday. In the fun half. I was commenting on a video involving Nancy Pelosi who's becoming a theme around here a little bit she was bragging that even though as an Intel Committee member she had known that George Bush was lying the Bush administration was lying I guess about Iraq having nuclear weapons and she was bragging essential ie in this c.n.n. Or. C.n.n. Interview that she wouldn't impeach even after that she would impeach after they took over Congress in the course of that. Jay made a comment to which the nature and the timing of I took offense and I. Reacted I. Overreacted in a completely and I think in excuse excusably manner. It was unprofessional it was also a reaction that was inappropriate in any setting. I apologize yesterday but it was a sort of one of those in the moment qualified ones I was still a little bit heated and so I want to apologize again Jamie. I'm sorry. Nice screwed the pooch on that one I will endeavor to do better. It's basically a general dick about it and I apologize. I also want to apologize to the audience because I know that do you expect. At least marginally better for me so. That said you know we want to talk about a more we talk more in the fun half if you want. Or you know after we you know we get on with the show but I just wanted to let you know I apologize. That's very 3 and. Yeah I appreciate it it kind of sucked and I'm glad that you realize that and now we can move on great and sorry Matt and feel comfortable coming in today so Brendan's on the board. All right so moving on yesterday the inspector general report came out this was a report that was obviously an issue did in the Department of Justice to determine whether the investigation into this is a counter intelligence investigation is the way it started I didn't become a criminal investigation until after James Comey was fired whether the counter intelligence investigation. Or members of John trumps campaign we should really say was initiated for political reasons Now the report did find that there were numerous. Failures in the seeking of a 5 is a warrant or I guess in the renewal of a Pfizer warrant the 1st 5 is a warrant on Carter page in Carter page appears to be the only person who is subject of the Pfizer one started in 2013. So way before this it was renewed in 2017 I guess in a fashion that was. Well. Let's see what the report said basically it raise significant questions regarding the f.b.i. Chain of command management in the and having basic and fundamental errors they were made by 3 handpicked teams on the f.b.i. Investigation in terms of seeking these warrants Look for years we have known and been saying that the Pfizer warrant defies a court process has a rubber stamp and so I'm sure there was failures in the f.b.i. There's a failure in the whole process. That is a. Different question certainly an important one and I would love again this is one of those opportunities where like let's change the Pfizer process let's use this as an opportunity to strengthen the safeguards against the government spying on Americans simultaneously we also know that the inspector general said this was not a case of a political spying operation at all it was done legitimately in fact the report not only did not find widespread anti Trump conspiracy inside the f.b.i. This is from my Mark Mazetti writing in The Times it even contained damning information about how some agents working on the case hoped that Mr Trump would win a surprise victory over Mrs Clinton. Now I don't I haven't read into the reports I guess about 400 pages long I don't know if those people happen to be in the New York f.b.i. Office but guess what it wouldn't surprise me. That said here is news report on a.b.c. Of Christopher Ray the lead excuse me the director of the f.b.i. Responding to the report. The biggest takeaway and the most important takeaway from the report for you. The number of takeaways that are important one we fully cooperated with this independent review of the fully accept its findings and recommendations. 3 that the Specter general did not find. Political bias for improper motivations impacting the opening of the investigation or the decision to use certain investigative tools during the investigations. Including Pfizer. The inspector general did find. A number of instances where employees either failed to follow or policies neglected to exercise appropriate diligence or in some other way still sure of the standard of conduct and performance we. Expect of all of our employees but again. I am ordering 40 over 40 corrective actions to address all of those things in a way that's robust and serious and we're determined to learn the lessons from this report or make sure the emerges from this even better and stronger Ok Now if there was anybody involved in any of this who genuinely cared about the. Process whether it how it's executed by the f.b.i. Through all the way that it reaches the court you would hear people talk about legislation not leaving it up to the f.b.i. Director to make some type of institutional I don't know. Employee Handbook changes. But you won't hear that because nobody cares in this process nobody cares about that no Certainly nobody. Does it Gary Republicans don't care none of the Democrats are terribly interested in fixing and making it more restrictive we're still living in a post 911 world in that respect Here's Donald Trump tweeting out I don't know what report current director of the f.b.i. Christopher Ray was reading but it sure wasn't the one given to me with that kind of attitude he will never be able to fix the f.b.i. Which is badly broken despite having some of the greatest men and women working there. So in other words. He did the part about some of them supporting him did come across right well he's upset because. The f.b.i. The director of the f.b.i. Wouldn't go along with pretending that somehow this that Trungpa was in the campaign was unfairly targeted but Trump knows that he still has one more ace in the hole as it were Bill bars handpicked. Investigator a u.s. Attorney from Connecticut who for some reason came out. And put out a press release in a bizarre fashion saying that he didn't agree with the inspector general report some ways some vague ways. I guess they're still trying to figure out what their story's going to be and when they're going to release that here is doll Trump talking about how that he's anticipating that report that's the one that's the big one despite all the q. Anon stuff that we heard that the i.g. Report was going to be the big bombshell the next one's going to be the big bombshell. And I was just raised on a. Disgrace what happened. With respect to the things that were done to our country that you never again happen to another president. Is incredible far worse than I would have ever thought possible was it I want to remind you he's talking about the report that Christopher ray on television went out and summarized as having problems with the f.b.i. With the Pfizer application but the origination of all of it in this and that and incidentally when he says when this is done to our country he's talking about he thinks it's been done to him and it's an embarrassment to our country it's just. It's everything. A lot of people thought it would be far worse. So I'm going to get some very detailed. Briefings but they are. Very safe the 1st day when I see that 1st day when a lot of people see this. It was concocted. You say when you watch it was a probably something that's never happened in the history the history of what and don't do we have more on that isn't he going to talk about. I think he does mention that we've got more stuff coming Durham is coming out with his report and that will and going to be that's going to be the big one that's going to be the one that he thinks that he's not going to have to pretend says something different than it says here it is. Of course. It is evidence and there you have it. Now of course if he was serious about any of this I mean I know this is ridiculous to even say he would say and that's why I have requested that Mitch McConnell get together with Nancy Pelosi and introduce a 5. 820195 Reform Act right but no because there was nothing there was nothing he doesn't care about that there I don't know what his big move was I find it kill me. What I did fired Komi Komi was supposedly scheduled to be on Fox and Friends this morning that is apparently they canceled them when they actually read the report. They thought that the i.g. Report was going to be a little bit better for them and I guess it was. Pfizer still a problem but again. Not. The one that Donald Trump won it. 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We're back Sam seeder on the majority report on the phone it is a pleasure to welcome back to the program the founding coeditor of The American Prospect Robert Kuttner Robert welcome back to the program always a pleasure All right so Robert there's there's 2 things I want to talk to you about the big thing of course is this new vertical that you guys have at the prospect prospect dot org slash Green New Deal and. You. You guys have done another one of these things that I think is a huge service knock on wood to a Democratic president in 20 who winds up winning in 2020 again knock on wood. But it is a you well he explained it you're looking at that the Green New Deal from really 3 vantage points. Well I think our purpose was to rescue this brand and rescue this concept and to demonstrate that it is not only urgent if we want to Save Life on Earth. But it's practical it is fiscally doable and the challenge is putting together the political coalition it also does not require ordinary people who have been suffering belt tightening for 40 years you know to starve in the dark I mean. A carbon opposed carbon economy with a great deal of public investment could actually raise living standards it could return industry advanced industry to the United States it could create lots of good jobs it could find a deliver on environmental justice so I think what happened was you know when and when and you know as he sat in with her allies in the speaker's office that really can I say pissed off that really pissed off and people off the so then Nancy went out of her way to trash the whole concept and. The more radical version of the Green New Deal the House resolution has 95 co-sponsors and you know I'd quote a famous anecdote from Adelaide Stevenson in 1952 when I want to gushy supporter rushes up to him and says you will have the vote of every thinking American and Stevenson said last man that's not enough I need a majority. We need to spend to get majority support So what we try to demonstrate in this in this special issue which as a $22.00 articles is that this is good politics this is good policy and this is technically doable for about 2 percent of g.d.p. Now World War 2 cost 43 percent of g.d.p. So when you when you do the Net Net What what's the cost of not doing it what's the benefit of doing it here talking about investing something like 2 Percentage e.d.p. Over 10 years. We building infrastructure getting our entire energy system post carbon and it's sensible it's such a little it's good politics so we got you know everybody we could get who's really knowledgeable about to fashion a blueprint that is not only aspirational as they say but practical are a great insight and you set it up as as squaring 3 circles you've sort of broadly talked about that but let's dig into to each one of those circles that need to be squared you start for well your 1st point is and this is. This is going to be somewhat controversial I think to the to the the left are most supporters of a green new deal although I think it's you know embedded in the Green New Deal I mean it's there already but I think the way that it's perceived in the in some measure of support is just that it does not necessarily mean like you say sitting in the dark it does not have to be austere even what it means for our lifestyles Well it changes our lifestyles but I mean if you you know if you have decent public transport so you don't have to sit crit 3 hours in traffic. And if you have all of your electricity were knowable which by the way is cheaper over time and you have a decent public amenities and good job opportunities that's not a growth it's a different kind of good living standards so I think while I honor and respect of people who promote growth if you live in the world that in the real world politically and you look at life from the perspective of 80 or 90 percent of the population and experiencing a dick. And in living standards for 40 years I. D. Growth is not a great slogan. But a different kind of living standard people could accept So that's squared circle. Number one and I think. Squared Circle number 2 always let me let me just let's just stay there for one moment your fairly that 1st circle I mean you both. Lichtenstein's piece and my buddy Kevin Baker's piece in terms of the the way that this the way that the original New Deal targeted development and infrastructure that you're talking about here speak to that a bit because you know obviously I want to encourage people to go and read these pieces and I'm going to attempt between here and Ring of Fire to have to talk to some of them about the specific pieces but but but more. But let's just dig just a little bit deeper there and that concept of you know you bring up the idea that you know we no longer have sort of so-called pork barrel. Politics in the same way that we did since earmarks have been rolled back and on some level that is problematic and something that we might want to reintroduce in some fashion. You know one of the things that the Green New Deal accomplished was that it was a regional economic development policy what's happened in the past 20 years is that too much of the development has gone to this election values in the Seattle's under one coast and New York's in the Bostons on the other coast and the middle of the country hasn't gotten much of this benefit and that helps explain tribe one of the great things about a New Deal style public infrastructure program color green is that it could it could spread a lot of the wealth around and that's what the Green would be and the original New Deal did I mean you had you know all the development of the Pacific Northwest that Woody Guthrie sang about he had TB a and these were not just economic recovery programs these were regional economic development programs all of the reclamation programs and so the whole country benefited I think in terms of the politics of this is per barrel rediscovered in the best sense of the word and I think one part of a green new deal is massive public infrastructure investment one part of the Green New Deal is de carbon is ation the 2 Over Lad they're not the identical thing and I guess the 3rd part is a radical social move. And there I think I'm getting at a story here but that 3rd circle that we have to square with on the one hand sunrise in a o.c. And all of the activism industry action necessary to get the attention of more mainstream people and as as as as the Roosevelt famously mayor made I've said make me do it right we've got to make them do it but on the spat at the same time this stuff has to get through Congress and so there are versions of this and there are more heavy lift there are versions of this that are left at less heavy lift I think with. With a Democratic majority in a Democratic president the idea of. Pork barrel in the best sense of the word cash would be very attractive and I think one of the most interesting pieces in his package is by Robert past well who talked about the fact that one of the reasons why public interest director programs in the United States take forever is to stop and go funding if you had a short federal funding for 10 years then you could get on with this and this is the 3rd circle that we need to square we need to get some of this done fast so that we have something to show for it because otherwise you run the risk of getting wiped out in the 1st midterm which is what happened to Obama in 2010 it's what happened to Clinton in 1904 it's what did not happen to Franklin Roosevelt in 1034 because in his 1st 2 years he had something to show for it. Ok so let's let's just back up here a little bit more we talk about this pork barrel that is. That is it's a 2 fold I guess there's it's a 2 fer you would say in radio that you one obviously earmark certain projects and you will bring on board people who aren't necessarily you know with their bona feed ase with their constituents is not being a a green warrior but if they can provide. Infrastructure or you know material benefit in the form of like hears I don't know $50000000.00 to to redo your transit system in your district or whatever it is I'm just you know throwing numbers around that's that's one way of bringing people on board is in terms of passing the legislation it also has the added benefit of your reaching into and and when we say the middle of the country we're really talking about rural areas that are there's more of obviously less density once we get outside of the sort of the east and west corridors and so this. Explain that dynamic about the funding I mean it I think it makes sense I think for people who work in any type of sort of organization that has gone through sporadic funding but for those who haven't just laid that out just a little bit more for us. You know if you think about public works projects and United States they typically lowball the cost because they haven't got the money lined up in advance then a year goes by and they say which we run out of money we have to suspend is for a year and they have to scramble for the money. 22 examples. The 2nd and you subway extension in New York City you know has taken 30 years and each here delay to the cost and undermines the public's trust that government is capable of doing anything competently Now Andrew Cuomo the current governor who is not one of my favorites decided to rebuild the old Tappan Zee Bridge and name it after his father and God bless him he lined up the funding he had all the funding in advance so it wasn't stop and go and the thing came in ahead of schedule and under budget and the 2 things are related because it's delayed it adds to cost. And another really great example in the past well pace is and it's a paradoxical example you know the one massive public works program in the United States that has guaranteed advantages funding and advanced planning help us is the interstate highway system and so that gets done very efficiently now it's the wrong kind of public works right if you had that kind of advance funding and advance planning for high speed rail or all commuter rail. Could get it done much more efficiently much more cost effectively so with a green new deal where you had taken a number half a trillion dollars a year for 10 years with a guaranteed source of funding then state and local government could plan and if you can plan projects that's that's a good thing in and of itself and it's more cost effective you can get it done more quickly that's the basic concept Ok and then you know sort of we're we're we're circling back a little bit but go to that 2nd circle which is the idea here is this needs to be a day one as it were not the site another project on the prospect. But this needs to be a day one project because the the payoff there needs to be material benefits delivered in time for that mid-term election to to go forward is that basically it I mean. And then we can maybe also talk about the incremental nature in the. Of what you cite. The non reform reform I guess or non reformist reform in quoting Gore's but let's just talk about the need for immediacy. Well I think. You know rather than squander whatever power or whatever goodwill the new president has of making sure ROIC assumption that progressive Democrat gets elected and takes status in the Senate with them but let's make this assumption because obviously if we don't do that we just well I'll just give it up if we lose the election. But let's assume this happens then the 1st order of business is it's sort of like what what Obama did with a much weaker recovery program can't some serious money get it appropriated get a true Congress and get some of it out there and there are some things you can do that are relatively quick. Like. Subsidized people's ability. To. Transform. Where they live in to energy efficient housing and you can do that through tax credits you can do that through direct subsidies you can have direct subsidies for purchase of electric vehicles you can start getting some public works programs going and there are lots of public works programs that are on the shelf that have been free of troops that are not going forward for lack of funding so you can greenlight those from the get go while you're planning phase 2 so that there is some stuff to show much bigger scale and they and the Obama recovery program and that's the kind of stuff you can do you can do day one that actually has some sort of highly visible payoffs we had in mind people in terms of like you know comparing it to the Obama stimulus because we heard a lot about it stuff like when they can't find shovel ready ready projects there was only a half of that $750000000000.00 as a war was just simply tax cuts essential Nazarite the other half was ostensibly for for projects but because the funding wasn't wasn't sort of overwhelming I mean there was no sort of like shock in our quality to their funding there was a lot of stuff I didn't happen because people are trying to find essentially matching grants to it. Exactly and the I did thing that could be done right now by the way you could have 3 of crucial projects on the s. Thompson in January or February 2021 the funding will materialize so that the permit ing and the planning. Will have been done in advance and then you have show ready projects you don't have to wait for an election of a president you've got you know 20 or so states that have relatively progressive state governments those states could could create approve projects and then you know. Once once a new president gets elected and the money could flow to those projects Ok And so the 3rd circle that that has to be squared again is that what you write is the connection between radical witness and agitation and the need for policies that can be embraced by the next president and enact it by Congress and it's you you raise this this this notion I mean it was interesting in terms of the history of the I guess the what people refer to as the Green New Deal metaphor that this was out there I mean I mean the story of that of that I guess that just the the metaphor is a I think a prime example of what you're you're arguing this metaphor existed in the context of of of papers and then you know policy papers that were written but it took a see and sunrise movement to make it a to the extent that it is a household. Name but. You're talking basically about there has to be this dance that everybody is sort of like. He's participating in on some level. I think there's always another. And with all you know if you look at the civil rights movement where there's civil disobedience on the ground by Lyndon Johnson and eventually welcomes it because it took that kind of radical agitation for him to. Build up a head of Steven finally get the Voting Rights Act through Congress same thing in the 1930 s. Where you have really quite radical agitation on the part of the CIA Oh unions and men were ordered out. And deliver is 1st a Wagner Act and then other piece of legislation and then the partnership with organized labor it during the war and. Radicals make liberals on comfortable for years I had a cartoon pinned up on my wall which is sort of in 1967 that Jules Feiffer car towed and it's this nervous liberal carrying a black card protesting the war and the placard says a little less bombing you know because because the radicals were either chanting hollow Cimini l.s.s. Going to win or they're saying stop the bombing and this liberal is saying a little less bombing so the radicals push the liberals and the liberals are uncomfortable but they need to be pushed and I think that's the story with the Green New Deal that this this agitation may be for a more transformative more expansive version of this then the liberals really want but ultimately it's the liberals who have to get things through Congress because that we don't have a radical majority in both the House and the Senate and so this is never entirely comfortable but radicals have a piece of this action and liberals have a piece of this action and they gotta learn to work together. All right. So far I can encourage people enough to go over to the prospect and check this out there are . I mean over a dozen It is. Peace. It's a $212022.00 articles Jeff Sachs and Paul out on how to pay for this and what it's going to cost Mariana much of Cairo and out it get planning back in good order Oh I know how to redeem face in the public sector 3 environmental justice pieces and then closure with Bill McKibben So it's an all star cast it's a great read and it's a blueprint for how to do this Jay Inslee is in there he's talking about governors roles I mean so folks can check that out but in the meantime since I have you on the phone because I know this is also sort of in your wheel house. It is being reported and I'm not quite sure where we are in the reporting at this point but that. Nancy Pelosi believes that she has a deal now for the u.s. M.c.a. This is sort of the updated NAFTA. And supposedly Richard Trumka is on board. Gimel Yeah I'll just. Go see I just put out a press release signed by Trump confirming that I did not know that and Ok So give me your reaction to this because. My guess my hot Take this is. A disaster frankly on some level maybe not so much in terms of the deal but in terms of. The the political implications for this. I think it's a travesty I think it's an absolute disaster and I think. In fairness to Trumka I think the labor movement was split you had some unions who thought this was a good deal the machine is just came out against it so he was he was facing a split in the labor movement he was facing a lot of pressure from Pelosi. To get this done but I just what what he will to me is the following Here you have an impeachment resolution about to be voted and why Nancy Pelosi would pick this moment to make Donald Trump look good is beyond me I mean I think I understand the politics I think some of the so-called front line Democrats the Democrats who won House seats in districts that voted for trying to kind of white the idea of associating themselves with a policy that is one part Tromp and one part something that left wing Democrats and other Democrats have been pushing on but I think trying to succeed in co-opting them you can just imagine that smug bastard standing up there with the N.F.L.'s eating out of his hand and it is going to really damage the Democrats next year because Trump is going to go saying Look man even the n.f.l. See I was supporting me I delivered for working people and that should have Trump no pun intended. The fact that the u.s. M.c.a. So-called is a little bit better than the original Nat because it's only a little bit better so. It's a head scratcher you wonder and I think there was too much inside baseball too much . Political calculation about how this would help a handful of House Democrats and then of course you had guys like Richie Neal the head of the Ways and Means Committee and other corporate Democrats really pushing for this because American business want to do this right now it's it's everything that makes you a disaster. Worried about the Democratic Party I mean the I mean 1st off the I already can tell folks what the Facebook ads whatever the ads are going to be Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania it's going to be a picture down trouble Richard Trumka. Absolutely. And this guy is about to be impeached so why you would do anything to associate progressive Democrats with. In history is beyond me I would also add that we have a clip of Wilbur Ross that we're going to play a little later going on Fox News saying that the only reason why the Democrats are doing this is to distract from the inspector general report I mean this their ability to leverage these things so far paces. And I don't know I this is I just it's stunning to me it's such bad stupid politics and there is no far as I can tell you know sort of significant material benefit to anybody it's not like they held out for something that was absolutely crazy My understanding is that these attempts to strip the sort of 230 provision or you know the provision that gave. A liability protection to tech companies that failed so that's still in there which is going to u.s. Law going forward this thing seems like a massive disaster at what point do people start to say that Nancy Pelosi doesn't know what she's doing but it's a good question I mean I by coincidence I was. Dinner with a bunch of Democratic progressive Congress people there's about a month ago and at that point the Progressive's in Congress were putting all their chips on Rich Trumka hanging tough and the debt of the Democrats line wise Well if it truncates against it work instead of congress for it we can vote for it and so they were betting the farm that trunk it would hang tough but. And I get to jam that easy and some of those unions want it so if you don't want it what I don't get is Palosi deciding that this was the moment to give Trump bragging rights for anything I mean if they just delayed for a year get a Democrat elected president and then renegotiate NAFTA properly that would have made so much more sense. Unbelievable. It really does seem to be about. 10 so-called front line Democrats who. You know as far as I can tell that the campaign manager Don Trump put out a. The other day some internal polling that they had about I can't remember who was a congresswoman from Oklahoma bragging that that impeachment was hurting her and the polling showed that the peach Mitt was actually doing better than she was in you know it seems and it's even worse than the so-called front line Democrats it's the corporate Democrats using the front line Democrats but the people who are pulling the strings on this were the corporate Democrats who wanted to vote with their publicans and then saw the poster children for this where they hey we got to you know it's not as if voters in Oklahoma State your voters. In. In in western Illinois or voters in any of the other congressional districts that were taken by Democrats that gone for Trump or sort of following all the nuances I want to the most convoluted pieces of trade legislation in the history of the world this is about headlines and bragging rights and it just had gone down it's not like this is at the top of the list of things that ordinary working people care about. It's stunning it's a stunning failure of politics that I think the Democratic leadership just he keeps there showing us a new. New and achievements in failures it seems to me political sensibilities you know I've been Nancy Pelosi fan I've been an sheeple as a defender but I there's no way I can defend this and I'm sort of as someone I really admire stronger I'm just really saddened trumpeted this and there's no I mean this is this is a done deal at this point now. Well the last thing preventing it from getting it done was trying to explicitly indorsing it which she did in a press release. All right well. Robert Kuttner founding coeditor of The American Prospect folks can head over to Prospect dot org to check out the Green New Deal vertical there's 20 some odd pieces there that cover really every aspect of actually getting this done Robert thanks so much for time they really appreciate it thanks George thanks for having me. So there you have it. The the dynamic of the front line Democrats being a fig leaf for the corporate wish list it's just. Sad when the people who are supposed to box them in on the in the union leadership are not doing that and. It will be interesting to see if there's any blowback from that within the context of. So. I guess we'll see but the prospect of again of you know Don Trump's ads with pictures of him and Trump in places like Wisconsin and Michigan Pennsylvania and you know union density across the country. Is low to an all time low I think in this country or at least in the past over 100 years. However in those states the number of of homes understanding the percentage of homes where there's a union member in them. Voting is somewhere around 2025 percent so the implications of Donald Trump being able to use a deal with the unions presumably is. Politically relevant in these areas where you're talking about you know 20000 in Michigan 12000 in Wisconsin 44000 and in Pennsylvania somewhere on the terms of those numbers so. A huge mistake by Nancy Pelosi but she thinks it will I guess keep the money flowing from these from corporate benefactors into the Congress and I imagine on some level when Palosi sees a o.c. Raise 1.5 $1000000.00 in last quarter without those corporate donations they panic and they're like we're going to need those corporate donations to push back on this so this is a big part of the battle that's going on right now just for comparison in 2012 Obama across all Labor members unions had a plus 35 percent margin whereas Clinton had a plus 16 percent margin and among Smet white men Obama had a plus 10 and Clinton had a minus 12 so that's a jump of $21.00 points right and it's tough to know what to specifically to attribute that to. Particularly 2012 by that point you know. Obama's promise of putting on a soft shoes and walking with union members in Wisconsin I think it's quite clear that he was he was didn't have any soft shoes. Turns out but nevertheless. You're going to need is to fight for those union members you're going to need somebody who has a this is Kate in the LP one a 5 point one f.m. You the Mendocino Environmental Center. On. Wind. Down.

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