It's the street and like told the told our story to everyone on the street and you know people are the new people have already heard a lot about it because we also have actions like. Pickets on the street and what not and literally every worker that we talk to signed the petition we got almost 50 people from. 17 different stores on the street and yet when they they organized this delegation demanding for my job back and for you know the and the union busting tactics because you know like our fight is their fight and we like totally like I was like Wobblies we see this as like an industrial movement that we are organizing across the industry and that we. Are going to stand like with each other and that when bosses are retaliate in. Any number of stores like we're going to be there for them as well. Whether they're union or not. Actually what about you can you talk about the circumstances surrounding your firing from little big burger yes yes I was actually just talking about that today. So I would say that the reason I was fired was a little bit more like dramatic. I think like so it kind of speaks to like. I'm really passionate about the scheduling issue because that's the reason why I essentially I was fired my coworkers and I participated in like an impromptu strike we ended up. Having a really really busy day. Like a Saturday night. During during the spring season when like the area normally it's more busy it's a touristy area anyway so we normally get hit really hard with tourists on the weekends or if there's you know like soccer games or blazers games going on. And we got hit with like just like an overwhelming amount of people just like some circumstances coming up with like personal like personal relationships with coworkers and like their relationships with you know customers that were just like extremely it was it was an anxiety ridden it was tender. And we didn't have a chance to like to breathe until like process what was going on the entire day because it was just like nonstop like customer after customer and we were we didn't have someone scheduled for a mid day just like the 12 to a shift which we normally have. And so it was really difficult to get through everyone's breaks and if someone needed to take a break it meant that everyone else was you know alone on the line or only working with one other person when there's normally 33 other people and. It was it was a really stressful situation and I think the thing is that what made it very overwhelming was it's it's not an I so lated incident like it's like that every single weekend you know and anytime we try to bring it up to management like hey it was really busy I couldn't I couldn't go to the bathroom for like 2 hours because if I left I would be leaving my coworker to be by themselves and like that you just can't do that. Not all like it's just it's awful it's like it's. You can't function that way and you can't drink water you can't go to the bathroom you can't eat anything you're just like in full work mode 100 percent of the time. So that was that night was like a preview of that night it was just like getting slammed for like 2 and half hours straight and then kind of like once it started slowing down a little bit my coworker came up from the back and was like hey the back is completely flooded. She was and was like also like you know we really need to get out early what else are you going to us and so we like went to the back you could like pick up water with your hands you could look cool and like talk about how because it was so like the sink overflowed because the person who was supposed to be watching the sink couldn't stay and like watch the sink fill up in order to like soak the hood bent at the end of the night they couldn't watch the sink so it's an overflow because it was so busy that they needed to go to the bank to take orders and forgot to turn the sink off. And so just kind of like rippling in like everything was building and then. I think my career. Because I just kind of like oh and not to mention within the past month about happening I think 3 workers had gone to good within the past like 4 or 5 months 3 workers had gone to the e.r. From slipping and falling on the floor is because of like. Like unexpected wetness and just like not having you know a cement floor like a super slippery. And so I was like I do not feel safe no one has told me I can stop working in order to like the flood like what is going on where is the protocol for this like can we can we tell customers that we're not serving you for a minute so that we can take care of what's what's this crisis that's going on in the back and you know if there was no direction to doing that. It's kind of just like snake it work you know like do whatever you can. And at that point like my coworkers and I felt extremely overwhelmed and like it was it was I mean I was like really emotional because it was like damn like this is not just a day like this is every weekend like. I felt extremely disrespected it felt like inhumane honestly I feel like very passionate about like like just getting people fucking dignity at work and I thought that was stripped of us completely. And so we were like Well we it is protected concerted activity for us to like withhold our labor because of the safety concerns because we we do not feel safe in this work environment. Like I think that like our mental health contributed I think a is a real concern like we feel stress the point of like not feeling like we can work anymore about as a safety concern and so we all we sent a message to our Went like our work chat which has like a general managers and like all of our coworkers and it was like hey so we don't feel safe this is labor the labor percentage. Lower than I've ever seen it before I think they're like cut of profit the amount of money they were spending on in comparison to how much profit they were bringing in was like one percent they're spending only one percent on labor so they're making like $600.00 per worker per hour or something. And so we sent a message explaining why we were leaving and we said we want to come back around 10 pm when the store was closing and we were happy to help but we were not going to be working anymore and then we left and we left and then we came back at 10 like we said we were going to and we offered to help close and we were sent home early which is you know retaliation for that's like a punishment that's illegal or it's not legal under labor law to. You know so tell you get 2 workers for. Collective activity. And then the next few days were the bosses interrogating each one of us individually kind of like oh God it was like they were like gaslighting us basically they're like we don't understand why it wasn't safe we put if you felt like the floors were unsafe because there was water on the floors I mean we put water on the floors when we mop. That's not safe. And yeah that's right pepper sprays a food product we've all probably are full of people just talk out of their house like this. But no Can you were also fired under ridiculous circumstances the illegibly you the charge against you was failing to refill napkins and fry sauce containers during a closing shift a few days before you were fired and according to the little big union no other workers ever been fired for this kind of infraction so I made you the 7th union worker to be fired since the union was announced on March 16th of this year and together the fired people are 7 percent of the entire workforce that would have been voting in the current election so is there any doubt in either of your mind that you were fired as a direct result of your union activity not at all especially since 2 more workers since I've been fired I've been fired for union organizing. Just in this past week . And that makes 4 of us during the time we were were voting during an election. And my circumstance like you said for not revealing napkins and price also sponsors is like completely ridiculous because the morning after. Or that close my manager said nothing about it like there is like she did mention no problem with my clothes usually like if if there was a messy close in that scenario that would warrant like a casual conversation about her remember to refill the napkins that never happened . And the interesting timing of it was I had just come off like a week taking like a unpaid time off to go on a little trip and this but the shift that I allegedly didn't fill the napkins on was the very 1st shift I came back from and in that day before my shift I had been going to for I went to 4 different little big burgers to talk to workers about the union in the upcoming election and go like speak with people about working conditions and so management clearly they didn't like that. Is also someone who had frequently gone to different stores to talk to workers and Emily you know you really get there if there's priceless containers in the communist. Which is like not a joke that that is like the type of stuff that they say like the red baiting is pretty funny. But scary but yeah so I had just gone and talked to workers about working conditions in the next day not only am I fired for not refilling the napkins but they told me that I'm no longer welcome in any little big burgers for the rest of my life and that if I walk into a store that they'll call the police on me and that they'll get it's an old You've been exiled my friend. Another thing you have in common with Mark see it is coming and. Aside from the large number of firings what other challenges have you all Stacey either for management or workers and Saltz Yeah there's a. Long list right when we 1st went public with the you. And they immediately started tearing down like they tore down all of like any sort of pro-union literature that we put in our. Employees like Aereo are allowed to post in. Which they still do. They back down for a minute but then they just immediately started doing it again. The captive audience meetings where they talk to workers and tell them like how like unions killed their own call or something. Like. Just like propaganda about like That's right don't call had it coming I know the story very well. But but you know they've done like even like a bit of like. Protester red baiting where they actually could speak a little bit about the website they made about you know oh yeah. I got here this always forget about that Ok yeah. So so random Ok they made this website that has a little hole that I don't know. They made a fake website or it's a real website that they made probably in 10 minutes because you know there's typos everywhere but like background it's like sample sample everywhere. And they talk about how I am you know an external organizer who's paid $18000.00 a year which is like a lot of that also I don't know I think they would you like and she makes the big bucks I'm going into your shop and like right and everybody up it's like saying that I'm like a paid organizer who. Makes money off of all of them and then as soon as I get the contractor as soon as the a union wins I'm going to like ditch ditch the shop and go you know jump around to other campaigns. Which is like not only false but like I ask it if they need to after I fired me like I don't work for the company they're just like using my name in a web site and I can send to you is this website still up and running by the way yeah it is but they took so we pushed them on it and really called them out on it which of course they didn't admit to it but right after calling them out they just took off his name but just kept up all the in. Line is their passion. It's bonkers they just. Talk to you. W w for organizing incarcerated workers where they accuse us of forcing prisoners to stop eating. They don't really understand what a hunger strike we've also got we've covered this in numerous shows at this point the work that the I walk the incarcerated workers organizing committee is doing and you know I just think it's a shame that the w.w. Wants the Boston bomber to be you know. Oh yeah. 100 years they said essentially about were the website it still says that like sort of content warning for sure but they said that they said do you want to be any union with murderers and rapists. Like maybe that although I w. W. Members can live in harmony with like the like criminals that they want to see out on the streets you know well it wasn't even heard of a cop Union. Oh this is so incredible it's almost it almost sounds unreal. Yeah we'll send you some some of the very fun artwork that they've made as well like they're like they look like really deep fried mediums like any of their like portrays forcing managers to do this and that's like the best part of all that. You know that's the one thing to like aside from that website I feel like this isn't confirmed but there was like someone like sent out a link to that website from a Google Voice number and I think was posing as like a union supporter they were saying like I don't care if this person this person actually like I don't care if they make money like as long as as long as me and my fellow comrades don't have to listen. Then it's like. How do you do fellow comrades. But like it was like like it was very funny for like a lot of it you know organizers that saw it but also it was like really jarring because they just outed like 20 random workers into this group. This person was being like really I'm talking to stick in like basically really saying like workers personal information. Like one with just complete lies that they were being paid but also just like outing them like union supporters to scare them I think kind of also how the workers responded to the organizing drive has there been you know any kind of resistance and what has that look like for the most part people are receptive to it you know like it's. People like no like the job can be improved certainly I'm like there's there's definitely like a few people that you know are openly like against it or entire going to stick but like not too many and like you know it's only like a couple people that do that really. Yeah I think I think workers are. You know like everyone reacts differently based off of like the experiences that they take their past experiences. With unions or with like speaking up and maybe like getting rejected or defeated and like it not working out but I think the union like offer something to everyone and like a lot of people know that it would make their lives considerably better but there's just this like I've never seen it done before like I've worked at so many jobs and like every job is the same mainly because most of us are bouncing to make service industry to service industry jobs. But like I talk to many workers who are like yeah to see be great Do I think it can happen maybe not like there's like a lack of hope in it because like so few people have done it before. Which is why it's so important is just straight out of the Boston playbook is that they. I want to feel hopeless and I want us to feel defeated but you know the power in this like the solidarity that we like can foster and show that when we take action like we get results like we can like we delivered a petition I distort to slip mounts and then we delivered a petition asking demanding that we get our schedules a week in advance and it happened and the 2nd we had been getting our schedules a week in advance that our 23rd location that mean actually worked out for a really long time and the minute that the union started talking about it openly. The company made it a company wide policy Yeah it seems like the company is on the back foot and you are seeing that you can get progressively more and more out of them and one interesting way this is manifested is that in June Chanticleer the company that owns little big burger filed an n.l.r.b. Petition forcing an Oregon wide as opposed to a store to store election so the union opposed it and the n.l.r.b. Regional director Ron hooks ultimately agreed with the union and ruled that the election should take place later via mail ballot originally the. Election that the Chanticleer wanted was supposed to be at 3 locations so what was the calculus there and what was management counting on management was counting on the union not having as much support thinking that the union didn't have as much support as it actually does and they were really thinking on the fact that it was like a small minority of workers who wanted this when in reality it's not. And management I think was also hoping for a lot of the store so I think the original bargaining unit regional election dates were supposed take place in the suburbs locations mage or. In the suburbs locations which is. 30 to 40 minute drive outside of Portland so it would be really difficult for workers who live in the metro area to get out to those because a lot of people don't have cars or are students and so like mentioned it specifically took those days in the middle of the Portland State University finals . Lake City to be choosing this day to time so that they would get they would get a low work or turn out to the vote. Yeah and they posed like any number of those a several like just ridiculous proposals for what the election could be trying to oppose trying to drive down worker turnout like actually mentioned having 2 of the 3 voting places this be in the suburbs where. We're like only like one 5th of the worker workforce of little big burger or it is. What else do they do that one of their counterproposals was to rent a U.-Haul to have workers vote in like a hot you haul trunk. In the middle of July and that they were management would drive around this you haul and as if that's not like intimidating at all so they want a cookie basically right yes you got it and in addition to that like I think that the elephant in the room was that they hired Bullard law which is a new Torrijos union busting berm that has been aired by per bill in the past and by the immigrant refugee community organization to try and shut down union organizing. At those locations and not only that they hire board law but they've hired several other h.r. Firms to come and give give advice to workers. Train. They sent a lot of I'm sure oh is that just friendly information about yeah yeah they just give me the facts you know. What's next for a little biggie and when ya'll are successful tomorrow. We're finally going to sit across the bargaining table of our bosses you know but the people that like could have sat with us the entire time and we've been more than willing to sit with them and bargain over. Over the issues that are important to the workers here but they've just just continuously. You know set us aside and now that they're going to be forced to wait to sit across the table also a party Yeah yeah well. So what's your advice for other fast food workers watching from afar were what has worked well and what would you have sort of done differently given hindsight that's a that's a huge question. I think I think one thing that has worked well and is like core to organizing in general. Is the relationships that we've built with workers. Over everything because like if you don't know what like matter is to the person who's cooking next to you like what you have no way of knowing like what they're what it is that would improve their life and what would make them feel more satisfied with their job which is like everyone has their story so like really using their story as like. The thing that drives the union organizing because this is a campaign about people. And like making our lives better like not just like physically changing the conditions are living situations and stuff. That's one thing that's like people people 1st you know those relationships really matter because the people that you're calling in saying like hey like. Don't forget to vote like you mean count on you to vote yes you know. Because they know that you see them and they see you see them as more than a person because you know the company doesn't buy us that way so that's the way that we need to carry the movement for it because like we can offer that to each other whereas like the company can offer that to us because they don't see it that way we're disposable. I totally agree I would say like kind of just in that same band like not to be to just make sure to get like Know your coworkers outside of work I know that like Personally I have like gone I'd like in all my service industry like an experience I'd like very oftentimes not really like valued the relationships at my job I've been like I hate my job I'm just going to do it and go home and not think about it at all but like if you really want to get to know your coworkers and know what they're what moves them and what moves them to want to take action or not it's really hard to do that at work especially when management is listening in and someone is afraid to speak up so you can't just be like a hot head organizer that like Yellen from day one about working conditions you have to like make people feel safe and feel like they have a place where they're allowed to talk 1st and not and then what your coworkers talk about like might not be the same issue that you care the most about but you just got to let what people care about broadly lead the way always and you know that's even if like you're putting in like more time you're up there like sit with that and like that with like what your coworkers care about I think those are wise words do you I mean it sort of press you on us a little bit do you do there is anything that this union campaign could have benefited from that maybe do good organizational capacity or some other external constraint. You couldn't actually make materialize oh so much. Oh there's so much that we could learn like because we are all volunteers you know like we don't have any paid staff at the I w. W. Believe that I know of. Which is makes it harder you know like we're all like volunteering our time here and like we have less resources and you just like have to what like you have to compensate for that. I would say personally another another huge thing is. Like just like it my new one is like you have to be like confident with your belief in each other I think that we should have filed for election much sooner personally like you know like we got the real like we know that we're our side. Like offer something that management cannot and then like management is constantly trying to make us fearful and hopeless and confused and we're just here to provide you know mutual aid and be there for each other yeah a lot of sun. Yes 2nd and 2nd camp says just like it takes a toll on each individual organizer the fact that we don't have like a huge. Like flow of money coming in or like someone to take care of something while we are working and having one on one relationships with the workers like. It's hard to have like shop shop committee meetings and having like times when you are spending intentional time on like planning actions with workers when you're doing a lot of like they're united ministry to tasks because you don't have a paid organizer who can like do those things for you. So it's almost like you have to be the shop floor organizing being like on the job and like building the relationships like talking about like the problems with your coworkers but also like doing all of the like bigger picture stuff for the union. And like maintaining . The help like the function and flow of like meetings and. The action of like materials and stuff like all of the flyers that go like we make all of those ourselves we're using like Google Docs for using Microsoft Word like all that stuff is like a lot of heart goes into it but yeah just problems arise because we don't have. 14 grand in Soros money. Yeah but I do agree with Ashley but I don't want to downplay it all like the awesome work that like volunteers. And I w w are doing with us like that and like with every new union that's coming up in this industry it's like you know it makes it easier for the next person the next the next group of people that want to take action is that they have a model that they have like these people that are there to support you and can like offer you tips on where we have gone off you know maybe like there's like a month we're kind of not on our game as much but like you know there are all lessons to be learned for sure absolutely a Libya could be Smith a recent guest on our show who is also fired from the after mention Portland based nonprofit airco for attempting to unionize staff there said something really poignant about your union try back in March she said soon there won't be a burger flip in this town that isn't flipped by a union hand and that's an incredibly beautiful idea and we know it will become a reality thanks in no small part to your efforts I think it's easy to say that little big burger has undoubtedly made a little big mistake in trying to intimidate you so. Thank you both for joining us today thank you so much Much love to a living as well but it's so true it will be soon very good yet thank you for allowing us to grill. You Yes thank you so glad to come and you can find more about Little Big Union at Little Big Union dot org Follow the Union on Twitter at l.b. You underscore I w w and support the little bay union strike fund by visiting Go Fund Me dot com backslash little big union All right I think they're both you and your lawyer thank you. Thanks again for listening everyone to get subscribe on paint your on it's only $5.00 a month to get a ton of behind the scenes content you will not hear anywhere else including an upcoming after hours up with. This surprise guest and friend of the show and you'll only hear it if you subscribe so head over to patriotic and hit that subscribe button because you don't want to miss it smash it as they say also subscribe to us on i Tunes We also love it when you rate and review us if you don't know what to write tell us what you think of the new Democratic primary debate lineups c.n.n. Had to one up m s n b c So their random drawing was done live on t.v. With a panel of like 30 experts right so the next shift shows are going to feature Bernie and Elizabeth Warren on July 30th and Joe Biden and squaring off on the 31st so personally I'm glad the leading left wing Democratic candidates and the leading right wing candidates are debating on separate nights and I look forward to hashing out all of our ideological differences in time to present a united front by August 1st. Another reasonable goal that we reach every week is to do a German word of the week and this week your German word is burger as is well known hamburger is a German word it well it literally just refers to anything and you know in this case a sandwich from Hamburg So if you're from Hamburg you're a hamburger and whether you're a person or a regionally distinctive food item in German. Depends on whether you include an article before the noun so let me ask you a question Do you remember J.F.K.'s famous speech in Berlin where he declared bin ein Berliner I am a very good idea that line is actually one of the most famous linguistic gaffes in world history because he meant to say I am a Berliner but what he actually says what that is that he was a jelly donut and the word burger itself in German means a citizen if you had a couple on it it was a little dots over the Al it's cognate actually with French borzois but week after week on this show we talk to people who are thinking about and fighting for a world where citizenship is universal and the rights of citizenship extend to you know freedom and self-determination to every facet of life is naturally work and people like Ashley and Cam and the Wobblies are opening up a new front in the battle for labor rights at a time when union membership is at historic lows and Right to Work is the law of the land and it's in that spirit I think that we can all take pride in the words benign little bit burger. I love it finally some of the German word I can. Tell next time you know the shakes. can buy Greg Palast dot com is the website and Greg underscore palaces the Twitter handle and Greg is in Switzerland where he just got married congratulations Greg thank you very much Tom I'm up here in the Alps so thank you for that I'm worried about. My wedding and I have to say of course normally that would be very happy time and it was my wedding day but 2 days later my ring bearer Jevon Lamar that hip hop artist out of Beacon Ohio who was with me got the call that is. P.j. Make Nicol were shot by the. Shooter and another relative it is and wrote this is it's the 2nd victim Well well so the police today and police held a press conference and they were still investigating but from everything that they had learned so far it looked like this was not you know there had been these rumors because apparently some black men were shot along with this guy killing his white sister it was a white guy that he was obsessed she was dating a black man some apparently that's not the case but I don't think we really know what's going on here well from the information I have a by the way I'd like to say I'm just. But I still have my reporter's add on and see and so I've been talking to people who have some connection to the shooter as well as obviously the victims because from our own team has been very very difficult here Jemmett is on his way back United States job to a bar and so what we've found is this last shooter is not a white supremacist he doesn't post a manifesto on a chair but all these shooters have in common they're young white males. We are losers who have lost lives and certainly in the case of the races they listen you know I've been to tromp rallies that are they listen to all the crap on a channel white Supremes He could they want to know why they're going bill in their lives and they're told it's a black guy it's immigrant and I'd like to point out in the case of the California shoot that he said not only you know it's the Mexicans coming in but it's also the Silicon Valley yuppies that were pushing people like him out of the central coast of California you'll ruin where you live and that's true so you have young white men who are we 3 sentiment black people Mexican yuppies and in Dayton the reason Kevin Lamar works he's my assistant producer who set up all my filming for my last film Best Democracy Money Can Buy about the complete implosion city economic week it's a dead zone the kids there the people there have no hope there's no jobs General Motors left Delphi was taken apart by financial bolters every plant there closed and sent to China and you are closed it all closes here if you have a good job you know I get all that good and yeah but 2 points one I saw on t.v. This morning of an aerial shot of a house that this kid lived in I'm assuming it was his parents' house and it's a mansion I mean it looks like at least one or $2000000.00 houses in a neighborhood a very very large very fancy house I can tell you that the fanciest house was just off by a friend of my about 300000 dollars 1000000 dollars how I was I was somewhat about a $1000000.00 here and pouring. It was not a slam number one and number 2 is if you want to talk to people about being losers economically or being you know getting the economic short end of the stick talk to any person of color in this country and they're not out there shooting the people up I agree so what's happening is I'm. Talk to Jevan about this hip hop artist African-American from Glee and then it's you know again cousin and another relative disarray elative was gunned down and murdered by this killer and I hate the word shooter he's a killer the murder he barely I envision having a hit list had a rape list I mean you know maybe it was even a year and sell but Anyhow back to you. Yes So what's happening is that we are training people in figuring out someone to blame for your dead end life and it isn't dead unless they may have a nice home but they can't sell it to anyone because there were nice homes in Dayton and then the city has collapsed in fact maybe the resentment was the one industry's hospitals and it's just was doing well he worked at a Chipotle a and a gas station 24 I mean one of the things that happens is and I've been thinking a lot about this and talking to Jeff in about this it by the way his black people don't do this because we're already at the bottom and we are aiming upward and we talked about this with his squeeze new relatives my new relatives here and if you see a gun hanging behind me it's one of about 20 in this household most households are required by law to have an automatic weapon that's because of their militia system you have to have an automatic weapon now so they don't have mass killing and I ask why not happening they have ethnic hatred they have a much bigger immigrant population and us about a 10th of their population of new immigrants attend both. They have masses we've taken religious differences Catholic Protestant Italians German German speakers telling French speakers why don't they shoot each other and they say because everyone here gets a job it's 100 percent effective full employment and not only full employment it's not working the Chipotle way it is if you want a job and you're willing to train for it they will train you you will get it you will be paid well you'll have it for life and education is a great. Relatively speaking and health care is free relatively speaking absolutely we have something to here so you don't have nothing to lose it's very very rare in that people are disturbed and concerned and by the way while you must have by law an automatic weapon in your house. They train you and me to make an exception they have all the interviews with every single person to make sure they aren't crazy you know what they really don't give automatic weapons to crazy people in there are people who would have disturbed are you suggesting Greg if we look at the arc of the economic arc of American history and this this is probably more about the white middle class than any other group what we saw was the middle class the white middle class in particular growing radically dramatically in the 1940 s. Fifty's sixty's seventy's and early eighty's and then Reaganomics kicked in and the white middle class level off and has been declining basically for the last 20 years and whereas that's not happening in Switzerland or any other country and the plaintive cry that we keep hearing is why is this happening now I had somebody call saying well my mother thinks it's happening because we've got out of our schools are you suggesting that the answer or an answer part of the answer is because of Reaganomics Absolutely and I actually did a study of this and I compare gun ownership versus killing nation by nation there was no relationship statistically teach the kids to there was a relationship between sides in a nation and its me and if that's what we measure inequality now is a much less an equal nation then the United States right inequality is a consequence of Reaganomics and you are upwardly mobile here every one of my do and if you have that you know that they want to get the job they want no one's going to them you know what's the chance that you're going to have a job at Delphi and Bilko in 8 like your dad did it is. Oh you're going to get less you have been in Dayton good people but nice to motorboat Asians they were at General Motors General Motors Ain't there any more I know that 7 of them are my producer the hip hop artist from the Hill had worked at don't come with great union jobs that does not exist any more these kids are going down and a few and then Trump hands them racism as an excuse and they grab all of it yes you got the Kilroy's shooter pointed at Mexican immigrants right no they queued them on target and then you know what they give them a target not surprised but Mark what a shocker right and Reagan pointed at welfare queens and the 1st Democratic president after that is like well let's and welfare as we know it yes into the problem is you know again I'm living in a nation where almost every household has but I have to tell you they don't have a household where people are left left to lose and with nothing to lose and it's very important just don't happen and they're not being told by their leaders that the brown Muslims among them are the ones who are responsible for whatever problem they have it's completely unacceptable here culturally Yes there are right wing nationalist etc and they are very much pain and watched it's a very different sentiment here you know very different and they also in here also remember when I said yeah yeah they had actual Nazis right next door I mean. Let's just. Say that again those one man. 1932 are not killing. Her breast and there you go Greg Palast Greg Greg Palast Greg Palast dot com a website Greg underscore palaces the Twitter handle once again congratulations on your wedding. Misses money or a bad penny rather my very best regards Thank you Greg. This is the Tom Hartman program. Bill in Santa Maria California Hey Bill what's on your mind that night good to talk to you I got a different point of view here that I'm going to try out anyway I want to Oz that racism is natural and normal Why because we are inches animals on this earth we've been at it for 2000000 years or more and then there were pretty humans pretty much like us and being up worried and suspicious of the other was a survival tactic good works very well I mean we needed it we had to have it because of what we saw to be other walking by walking near our Tried back person would go back and report showed their tribe where we were and we were you know in general you know you're defining bill it's not racism it's racial awareness that is you know notice in the other race racism is when you take that notice scene and behave based on a negative way this fascinating study with black and white rats I don't know if you were listening when I did a whole segment on this a few months ago some scientists they built a little plastic tube transparent plastic tube with a door on the end of it there was like a basically you could imprison a rat in this tube and the door had a handle on the outside in the rats had figured out how to open that handle you know they had a bunch of white rats and they put a rat in the tube and the other rats figured out how to get him out and you know it was like proving rat all truism right rats care for the rats but then they put a black rat the tube and the white rats didn't let him out so they tried flipping around they had black rats they put a white rat in the tube again they didn't let the guy out then they raised black and rats together in other words they had a black rat mother gave birth and a white rat mother gave birth and they took half of each of their babies and let the other one. So that these black rats and white rat pops literally all grew up together and then they redid the experiment and when they redid the experiment the rats let the rat out regardless of its color of its hair and I think that that kind of demonstrates a that yeah there's a 1000000 piece to this that has to do with evolutionary survival structure but also that there's a socialization component to it but I think we're quite different from rats and I think you've got to get a look at the probably less so when you think yeah I know I agree with that it's a strong argument for integration it's a strong argument for trying to integrate our schools aggressively try to integrate our schools for example because this is starts in childhood it's a strong argument for integrating our media workmen are breeding would work too but I don't know if we can. Take you're going to get back but that was Jefferson's word fantasy and it was kind of sick and twisted is that study with the rats is fascinating and I think it tells us a lot about how we need to respond to some of these issues. The worst sound in the world is your alarm clock when you haven't got enough sleep you know what I'm talking about even if it's even a bit of a ring tone it's a song you know like the song is still I don't want to get up there when and why didn't you get a good night's sleep. Could be because your bed was the wrong temperature Now imagine this the surface temperature your bed gradually exhaust adjusts to wake you up General Lee and naturally without the sound of the alarm literally imagine waking up arrested and alert. Being awakened by your bed this is not science fiction this is the new pod by eat sleep the pod by Eat Sleep is a high tech bed designed specifically to help you achieve the optimal sleep fitness is the reason why Time magazine calls $81.00 of the best inventions of the year it combines dynamic temperature regulation and sleep tracking to enhance your restaurant coverage it learns your sleep habits and adjusts the temperature automatically That means if you like the bed cool your partner likes the bed warm you can now have both at the same time in a crazy comfortable bed with no more alarm clocks you can get the pod the most advanced sleep system on the market at 8 sleep dot com slash how that's. Sleep dot com slash 2. 100 nights if you don't love it they'll refund your purchase in a Ranger free pick up once again that's 8 sleep dot com slash Tommy i-g. H.-t. Sleep dot com. And here where the so one of our listeners are Kaiser sends me a note he says the crack staff at n.b.c. News dot com put together a backgrounder on the El Paso shooting listing the top 20 mass shootings in u.s. History in descending order and so he goes through and does the bath on them and turns out the top 20 mass shootings l.b.j. Had won Reagan had 3 Bush $41.00 had won Bush the elder Clinton had one Bush the junior had one Obama had 6 and Trump has had so far as Rick with the El Paso shooting Donald Trump's a passes Obama has already had more of the top 20 deadliest on his watch than any other president in 70 plus years and he hasn't even completed his 3rd year in the White House. In same. Peter in Chicago it says here you disagree with a c. Go to the front of the line lots of paper you're going to shoot. For the last 40 years in the ninety's and eighty's gun bans can be unsweet banned it's not conscious and you guys can get absolutely is it is the guns in America has more mentally ill people than any other country in the world are you really trying to make that argument Tom do you know there was a 3rd mass shooting this weekend and there are there are probably several And there's about over there's been 31 people shot Chicago this week and then just use the no oh my God black people in Chicago that you're talking point Peter really no no no no no you know Peter I'm I am so sick and tired of this kind of crap I just you know I have I've lost my tolerance for it you can take this stuff and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Number one we know that in the end this is not even in dispute. Right there have been over 30 studies now since 1997 when the 1st was published that show that the more guns you have in a society the more you're going to have people die suicides homicides crimes all of the above number one the more guns you have the more gun deaths you will have this isn't just like good science it's common sense you'd have to be stupid to believe that that's not the case number one and number 2 you've got Trump out there cranking white supremacy as a campaign strategy which Republicans have been doing since 1964 right Barry Goldwater had the name of the project Dixie of the oh yeah I was project Dixie and then in 1968 Richard Nixon turned it into the southern strategy and it has been at the core of Republican election reelection efforts it's just that they've never been quite as out loud and upfront about it. So now you've got these you know these white snowflakes out here these pathetic in cells and young white men who are terrified that their position in society is going to be threatened by the fact that over the last couple of years more children of color were born in this country than white kids and this is got them totally flipped out this whole quote replacement theory and then you get Trump going out there talking about immigrants and Berman and all these other things it's just it is absolutely predictable. According to Facebook's ad archive this is a tweet from Natalie Martinez according to Facebook's ad archive Donald Trump has run over $2200.00 Facebook ads mentioning the word invasion this is since May of 2018 this is just since last year 2200 Facebook ads mention the word invasion. This is where we are at this is Trump inspired terrorism Norris in Los Angeles Sedaris what's up do you have any to make but beyond that if you buy. What you can buy at the right. How do you. Make it through old were you talking about the shooter in Dayton Ohio who was apparently isn't a modified weapon Exactly yeah it's all. The people who want to do evil. And so on that could I want a final minute I was on no no wise to mess on t.v. And bypass almost crying. Now and read it you know. But it got a poll and I am a Grinch everyone who is likely to just buy this nonsense and. The idea anymore to preclude its president because my prep would be to allow us to give it to somebody that would never want to change it is gone pliable prayers go to people who are religious very. Nervous Thanks for the call Ron a Rapid City South Dakota Hey Ron what's up. Tom. You just might be a little bit of a twist on what you're talking about today. There is an old doctrine an old English doctrine called strict liability in court if you know you had a law in your house and that lion or tiger gets out need somebody or the one responsible because you have the tiger in the 1st place right yes yeah and they don't so you're saying they we should apply that to guns we you know I am the only question in that case is who owns the lion. Right and once that's established that's it you know what I wanted to say is that there needs to be a rule that says that guns are a part of that it the ology And so what should happen is that if there is a shooting over here like we have had the manufacturer the shipper the distributor the retailer by all need to be asked and the only response Ron are you turning. Yes Audience are you familiar with the legislation that was passed G.'s 15 years ago it seems like it was maybe a little longer that granted immunity to gun manufacturers from liability I am completely familiar with it so how do you get around that are you suggesting it be repealed it's got to be repealed you know we got to get to the point where what I'm telling you is we've got to get to the point where it's like the evolution doctrine of strict liability in tort Yeah we're doing it as a harm by the way for people who don't know what we're talking about here so so if there's if there's a higher you know the harm use that until we get these manufacturers and these these people in the loop it's not going to stop what you like by virtue of strict liability in court once you make these creators the manufacturers the shippers How is that different from how a liability or whether it's a backhoe has changed since 1908 those lawsuits Oh god damn it's not I'm sorry that's not it's not it's the same thing it's the same thing Ok yeah that's what we want to do and you know we got to get you know once we get to the point where you're. These distributors and manufacturers retailers all know who look good and. They will have an incentive to support the kind of legislation that's going to make sure that people who own guns or people who are properly should almost guns Ron thank you that's an excellent point Tanya n.l.b. In Indiana a Tanya what's up. He can thank for you through just update I found Representative Jim Banks office in Washington today Jim Banks is a Republican or a Democrat who represents you if you have inferi he made a comment once tweet the violence of this weekend was perpetrated by extremists from both sides of the political spectrum why it's clear yet it's clear that those using these tragedies to attack Oh dearest and others are short sighted why Ok you can look up those 2 we know I think won't be a conscientious moder and human being and college professor I found in his office the staffer of Mr Buckley refuels to transcribe the commentary that I provided when I asked him to read my response back to me he could not write both he claimed to be a very good typist. And clearly was perfect enunciation typically what they do are just tiny just as an f y I typically on an issue you know if you're calling about an issue typically they just keep a tally sheet with check marks you know yes I'm in favor of it and I'm opposed to it or if it's got 2 or 3 dimensions to it they'll have you know that they'll basically put together a little grid of of sorts and that's how they keep track of things so I'm not surprised that he didn't literally write down your comments if you want your specific audience to get to him or at least to his staff you need to write a letter and mail it to want to have a merry letter Yeah if you don't don't mail it to the decent office that takes 6 weeks because they have to be changed their mind it's really sure go for it. Representative banks as a registered voter and college professor I'm incensed by your comments on the horrible mass shootings this weekend it's not a both sides a current and he stated to provide clarification sir events are a consequence of hate all racist perpetrators committing acts of violence against innocent people there is the overarching theme of the utter lack of g.o.p. Effective action and and active response to the $250.00 parsed mass shootings in 2019 months far I will use my voice to condemn white supremacist violent actions and mass shootings even though clearly you want not to voters will see to 2022 out now for the 1st out there you get at that moment and employ critical thinking skills thank you to say thank you to you good message I hope you get mail that mail it to our local office though they get their mail right away as an office in Washington d.c. It has to takes about 6 weeks to get to the post office anthrax machine thank you to Chaz and Lakewood Washington a chance what's on your mind Monsoreau drove your comrade is America great again or what you what a so let me give you a pop quiz here who is here in tears but.