Because. Soon. But soon to be. Soon. But soon. Song goes out. I guess more now than ever to the Arab American community. But I wrote it more with Latin Americans in mind. For so many folks are in the same boat. Hopefully not soon facing indefinite detention for. Being immigrants. Gather in your 4. Desert. I think of places as the rain is coming. Your bend in the fields. There. And it ends. In the night sky. The river flows from south to north. With the changing of the seasons the birds migrate back and forth. They say that you can't come here in the day. Plans for you start at. The borders tear down the prison play or that you know. So much travels across these boards so much is bought and sold. One way goes the gun ships. Trade is like a needle drawing blood straight from your heart. Prison. Keeping friends apart will we pull up the. Hair down the prison wall there that no one is it illegal watch the giant doesn't fall. Here the stock hope for is cheering. The You're listening to k. Me c l p one o 5 point one f.m. Mendocino environmental center also streaming live on the web at k m e c radio dot au r g. I Joe. I can. Going to. Be. The slaves. Again. And 1950 feet was a country said Sun it's time to stop rambling and. To be done and they gave me Brainless with blitzing. Us with sounds and in 5 minutes flat out we were all blown to hell. The blue was spied close blood and fire. And for 10 weary we've kept myself alive though around me the corpses Pod was higher. Then the big dirty shallow knocked me out of their hands. And went Oh I don't walk in. Spirit. And soul Wadi time. I wished I would dare. Never knew they were worse things than me and I see even my old comrade odds up proudly they March for a New England their dreams of last glory and Ali see the old. Student of the saw. Proud. Of a full. War and the young be the loudest What are they marching Every. For. Her. The little. More. Clarity 1. Her. Hand. I am. Willing Cutler. The big. Lord. The boy. Her. What. Yes it. The little. I'm afraid you do. The. Goalposts. Have. Some guests please. Let's just let's just. Cut. To the to. Let. The battle. Lol. This is Kate Amy c.l.p. One of 5 point one. The Mendocino environmental leg.