And. So yeah I've got some great Phil Tunes So you want to stay around for that so let's get through. As to jam band News 1st how about that. With a microphone out of my way. See will start with this right here around records confirms before the dead Jerry Garcia boxset before the dead an upcoming limited edition box set detailing the early works of Jerry Garcia will be released on May 11th via round records. I got the microphone out of my way more and put it in its holder better there we go. It had to do with the collection was carried out by Dennis McNally Garcia's friend publicist a Grateful Dead biographer along with documentarian Brian mixes it's going to feature 5 vinyl L.P.'s or 4 C.D.'s plus a $32.00 page book. That spans a dual performance with Robert Hunter and Garcia's girlfriend Barbara Bridget Meyers 16th birthday party made $26961.00 Garcia on acoustic guitar and it's also got. The appearance by the asphalt jungle mountain boys during the summer of 64 were Garcia's on banjo anyway so check that that's coming out I'll tell you more about it so that's kind of cool. What else we got here. Joe who says almost as read about that they did a nod to pig pen on their open on their Brooklyn Bull Run that they just finished up past that went up oh Bob Weir and Phil Lesh close out duo tour with more guests in Chicago so they did their whole duo thing in Chicago Boston and New York I want to say they did 3 cities I know that. And. This time they were joined by Jeff committee and Wally Ingram and Teresa Williams Larry Campbell all part of the band 1st of the 1st set opened up at Cumberland blues Tennessee Jed Alabama getaway Loose Lucy Lazy River Road Jerry tune. That was with just the 3. Bob and Phil and then they went on with that and Jeff committee Larry Campbell Teresa Williams joined us well as well it was still there and they did a whole set there trying to get hold some of the stuff I'd like to hear some of that in fact I will bring it to you real soon so that just ended that's pretty cool 1st time they've done that also Grateful Dead news a Dark Star Orchestra as I read an article where Rob is going to be out for a few shows due to some family business I'm not sure what they're doing for rhythm guitarist but then I want to look at their list because I know they're coming around and they are going to be here in June I know it's way off but also certainly much more about more about it but they're going to be in Petaluma Sacramento in Berkeley going to play the U.C. 30 you see theater in Berkeley which frankly is when I went there to see that it wasn't the best sound but maybe they fixed that mystic theaters always a fun place to see them so that's happening at the end of 62762829 or the. 630 that's Petaluma 2nd mental Berkeley Berkeley. Also don't Carmel deplaned out of Carmel and in Ohio so they're playing some smaller places so check that out I'll say more about that when it comes around and that's that Robbie story oh Jerry Garcia family partners with the St plant to create Wolf the famous skateboard That's right. Pretty You can preorder your skateboards now at St Plante brand dot com They are 2 sizes of skateboards with the wolf emblem on it on one side and Jerry's famous handprint rescind the one finger on it on the top side. And I have mixed feelings about that apparently the guy who owns the company and makes the boards a big Deadhead So that's kind of cool. Crossroads to host Passover celebration later this month on March 31st Phil Lesh is terrible crossroads in center of the will host a celebration of the Jewish holiday of Passover which will feature a performance from Lashon some Bay Area friends after the traditional Passover Seder dinner last will team up with Dan Levy Leibowitz Ross James Scott Goodman and as red lip for an intimate show in the great room that's right he's been there just they're saying here he's got a 3 day birthday running backs off I'm not sure this article is written it was written yesterday. They're playing tonight with a terrified family band and. CO headline the show with Steve Winwood I'm sure going to play together is what I saw Steve Winwood open up for the Grateful Dead and. In one of the a Vegas shows it was pretty cool actually there was traffic with Steve Winwood and his bad traffic so that's that fill 78 we had told about that. There webcasting tonight's thing that's too late to have that up there still the North was storing some of his print out of Tony's hideout up in North Plains Oregon outside of Portland there as they finally announce there are. Other acts and it's happening from July 19th to 22nd it's a great West Coast. Festival you know about string bands going to play 3 sets green sky blue grass is going to play 3 sets real or. Interesting dusters left over Sam and with horns 40 brass break down they say. And then the fruition and Steep Canyon Rangers in the print capes get smaller and smaller but it's a great it's I've I've had friends that I went to and said it's excellent I've never been happy in July 2928th so go check that out and that is all I have for jam band news and let's see what's playing around here. Is my thing and then we're going to get right back in because I got a lot of music I don't have enough time to play it all I'm a bit stay a little late tonight get it. K. Tomorrow night music wise community. Percents Celtic harps rare instruments and wondrous stories with Lisa Lynn and Iraqi Frankfurter that's happening tomorrow at 7 pm at The Holy Trinity is this global church right here in downtown Ukiah at 640 south orchards Avenue and there's tickets at the door for that to keep up tomorrow night is live music by Burnside that's happening at 9 pm tomorrow night no cover charge Saturday shot of the public has live music by Bach thrifty that's kind of a cool name and there is a small cover charge for that show starts at 9 pm on Sunday sip sup and song feature a live music by take one jazz trio and the trio is George who Sturrock. Christian Foley and Tom shader So that's all happy that's happening Sunday March 18th from 5 to 8 pm at Bar Redwood Valley. You get tickets at the Minnesota book company for that and so it's a symphony U.K. Symphony. Shoki to go to you Kyra symphony dot org for more information on that on Tuesday a child of the public says live music by Joss field that's happening 8 pm of their cover charge for that. Company presents open mike night every Tuesday $8.00 to $1030.00 no cover charge of that there's quite a few dawned music related. Things happening this weekend of note one is it's the 4th and the 2nd to the last international wildlife film festival that's right it's happening tomorrow night 6 15 pm is when the doors open the movie start at 7 there's 2 of them I'm running tech again I forgot what the what they were this time . And there is a small fee for that but it supports the redwood Outdoor Education Project R.V.O. Pete Redwood Valley out George cation project and former $4.00 of 8 for more information about the what you call 489-0227 it's a fun time it's at the Civic Center and cemetery Avenue and there's always a little music at the beginning and then a couple about 2 hours of. Wildlife films. Mendocino college theater presents Julius Caesar that's happening all weekend. And you can get tickets at Minnesota book company or the college bookstore and go to arts Mendo see no dot org for more information for that. Mendocino County Art Association percents meet the artists on Saturday March 17th millennium to 12 30 pm at the Grace arts and museum community room it's a free event U.K. Library has a make space that's happening from 2 to 430 here at the downtown library in downtown Ukiah St Patrick's day is Saturday that's right. Corned beef and cabbage dinners happening. At Potter Valley cafe and this is a benefit for it's from $5.00 to 7 30 pm. Tickets are very very reasonable and includes drinks and dessert and they cab Corby's cabbage and this can be a silent auction and all present proceeds benefit the 7th and 8th grade Yosemite field trip so it's a fundraiser for part of the school. Library smash foreign Street Fighter 5 tournament that's happening Saturday from $5.00 to 10 pm And there's a small fee to for entry for that $1.00 and the main street program presents comedy elling comedy alley featuring Dante Anthony Hill and Rebecca coach on. Pronounce that that started at 7 pm at the conference center here in historic downtown Ukiah says and you get tickets at Mendocino bounty and dig and you get about the doors well for a couple bucks more. Shonky pub or De Mint now what else is not music this is over the coast but I like to mention this I've been do it when my kids were young we used to go over to the whale festivals happen in point to could relight station historic park will festival 10 am to 4 pm on the charge now look at that but it's a small fee and finally the pair get on Tuesday the Paragould Audubon Society presents biologist and photographer Ron live Ali it's happened at 7 pm at Ukiah city council chambers and now they're hit March 20th Tuesday 7 pm It's a free event. And there's an email there for more information OK and that is what's plain around here. Don't say bye bye. All right as I said earlier it is Phyllis his birthday and we're going to play tunes that he rocks on or that he wrote. And when Chandler tickle I remember and the cassette tape I had now it's around it might be deadly for many years and I would crank it with the bass turned WAY up with a show from 1990 happen to attend as well it was down and to me it's Hill So we're going to play some songs for that from that and then we're going to jump around a little bit and play some of his other more famous tunes that he he wrote one that he sang on I'll be home squeeze in a Tom Thumb blues too. Yeah we'll see what we have time for on that like an Uncle John's band but it's that's a half hour long maybe we won't get to that because that would cut out a lot of other stuff so with that said let's get let's go and play this one started a song to the 1st set this happen to be. What's the date this is from May 5th which was Derby Day Kentucky Derby Day So the 1st song guess it's a it's a Bobby too but I played it short that a little sequence so I just sit back I'll shut up now we'll just play the music. Let me make sure I got my volume up on my laptop there we go we got that right there that's the right slider. Here we go. I've. Got news for the most let's. Come up to. up on the slopes Let's bring her to the lake meet a small plane come through the mud. From the plane see. Her. Let the blades. Of the river this is a living here smile let's call her slaves to. Her mother let her sleep through the fog. Oh look through. The. First thing. From. The floor. From. Her. From her throw the breeze the clothing your clothes find the place to find. The sucker punch you followed by the fine line to. Her from the. Right let's say it's no no no let's turn. This. The breeze it's all over. The moon. The food. The food. For. Her. The food. Blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue. Blue. Blue blue blue blue. Blue. The. Blood on. The floor for. Him. Not. For. Me. Answer to the. Do for. Him. To know. Goods. To. See. To. Blow. For. Blow the boredom with. This news. Her. Her her. Her. And. Her. For. Her. For. Her. For the for the for. Loop the loop the loop. The loop the loop the loop loop the loop the loop. Then you know where the phone. Ring snarled. Turning and ringing. To. Ring on. Her. Shoulder with. The full length coat with the BE. Close. To. The polling. BOOTH. 2 With. With. All right we heard songs to who through. No 345 and 6 Anyways we heard the person there and that was recorded as Grateful Dead recorded live at Cal State Dominus hills on May 5th Cinco de my oh and Kentucky Derby Day of 1990 and we heard the race is on to help on the way Slipknot Franklin's Tower helps that Franklins and Phil was very prominent there it's not the best show Jerry forgot some lyrics apparently Timothy Leary was there off on then Terence McKenna were both there on the side of the stage and whenever Timothy Leary was around I'm sure there were some very good L.S.D. Around so that might have affected the plane somewhat but nonetheless Phyllis turned up high in that mix and I will always remember that it was used to be one of my favorite tapes so that is that all right let's move from here to this is one of the a tune Phil wrote for his dying grandfather and hopefully this is a good version of it whoops wrong but there are. Box rain here we go. Surf. Spot always. Slow. To. See the news. Good to see. You. Close. You way you know what that poll. Should. Just. Be sure. To use to watch Fox. Surprise. You by. The tree to lose. Excuse. You could see. That. See. A poll of polls. What do you do. To. See. All that we. Have to. Go. So. It's no use to. Vote has. Spoken. To me. So. Let's see. It. As were. A. Couple of. Her S. . Just a great. Week . To. Bring. Such as I am. The Sun. All right well that's one of the it's a little rough around the edges he's always been a little rough around the edges vocally plays a mean 6 string lead bass but. Yeah even sing along back then and back then was March 24th 1973 and that was recorded live at the Philly spectrum All right we're going to play going to play a tune that came out the ninety's he wrote a couple songs towards the end there disses one of them right here. Show from 93 fact all vents here we go. To. News. Was. Thanks thanks. When I was filled with broken out this bill S 2 that he wrote there in the ninety's towards the end of the great well that's career. I don't care for that's. All I hate to admit that I don't know I don't like all the songs and I guess I never really liked that when I had her forever because I rarely listen to a ninety's shows or anything. After Brant at least after 190 but it was recorded live on February 23rd of 1903 that was the Oakland. Oakland Coliseum and that was the Mardi Gras showing I definitely was that that show as well was with or net Coleman played the 2nd set with them and that was actually pretty excellent All right well we have time for about one more maybe 2 let's get on the play this tune right here still had a big part in writing this song. And classic. Months few. In the right to all that's the Grateful Dead recorded live at the Oakland Auditorium Arena on. December 26th 1989 that's Uncle John's band it's going to get ready to go into the estimated profit which we certainly don't have time for and that's going to pretty much wrap up tonight so many roads a celebration of Phil Lesh and his 78th birthday and he's rocking on right now as we speak although it's 3 hours later 9 o'clock it's midnight he's probably we all tucked in. Well as old do they need they're sleeping now so he's probably back at his hotel or his waris house he owns out there who knows. And he's happy birthday to Phil well let you know that you were to indicate M E C L P 105 point one F.M. Ukiah Mendocino Environmental Center thanks for listening you know I have one more song cued up we're going to go and play that and let's go and do that this is my favorite I played this a couple weeks ago and played again. My favorite Tom Thumb blues to Bob Dylan tune that Phil sings and listen to the lyrics how he changes them that's my favorite part of it. Here we go. To be arraigned in. Full and. Now the. Person. In the suit. And. The 1st tell other thing. Because of all that I. Mean I. Think listen. Let's. mix of all the lyrics there to Bob Dylan's that's just like Tom Thumb's Blues great version not that Byrd was a little baffled when to my go to mixing guy Charlie Miller in the let me down that version right there. At that particular show All right well that is definitely going to wrap it up for so many roads to now.