Moving. The laws away. And this is building bridges with Kenya and the me Rosenberg as I streets nearly 10711 stores and predawn nationwide sweep California unions resisted. Actions We begin with a demonstration who in Los Angeles who could frighten activists blocked a homeland security van. Ali. I might make a sandwich and cry from there I know I said I have time. However I've ever had I'm an hour or 5 from Valerie and I'm ready for all of that I think that a lot of them are going to take a look at Hyde Park but I need somebody. Right. Out of 3 hours I'm. Going to let them know. That I can help one point. 5. 0. Thank. You for. My morning the letter. From her. Lovely just. Like how could our own. Heart Oh. Oh. Oh oh oh. Oh oh thank you. What they call a moment. For the 1st. Part of the tele turn about and I. Think I have done that right now let me I know he's a. Hard. Head of hair out there right now. Oh oh no thank you. Thank you. Thank you thank you. Thank you. Thank you thank you you know. That one right. Ok. Thank you. Fred. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank. You for. Your. Work. 3 nearly 10711 stores in pre-dawn new. Asian wide sweeps California unions resist Trump's anti immigrant actions with us to talk about the work of the California unions is rusty Hicks president of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor it's nice to have you with us I mean are you angry. At me. I have to tell you would be people who are Ken poised and ready to ask you something one of the horrifying experiences of my life when I was a child was in New York actually in Brooklyn in Junior's restaurant which is a huge famous restaurant and in London which was a huge seafood restaurant was sitting there and eating and all of a sudden people came running out of the kitchen through the swinging doors and I was told that ice at that time the immigration authorities with there to try to pick up the people who worked in the kitchen it was one of the more terrifying irrational horrible experiences I've. Ever experienced and to. Be in a situation now where these 711 convenience stores are braided is is just an conscionable unforgivable and and quite terrifying and reminiscent to me of what can I say it's reminiscent of a really I would can't help but say really officious stick response to working class people who are the ones who create the wealth of this country. Well luckily California has been militant on these issues and it's not only a sanctuary city that I'm talking to Los Angeles but you're in a sanctuary state and I know that there's been protests about the most recent Ice raids in $711.00 in the Los Angeles area and if we could start with that and then move on to how this might be a new tactic or ramped up tactic in the trumpet ministration oppression of Messrs Well 1st let me just say Cannon Maybe it's it's good to be with you today to. Share ideas with both you and your your listeners about what's going on here in here in Los Angeles as you well know in Los Angeles and California we have been on the forefront to both in some ways the. Certainly the good but also bad when it comes to this issue California was the state of Prop 18720 plus years ago when the labor movement in the progressive community movement have responded. In a strong and steadfast way over the past 2 decades and so it is really in that spirit that you see the response to ISIS actions to target on a nationwide basis a. Very common community. Convenience store that many frequent both citizen and non-citizen alike and so you know it was certainly something that. When we got word that ice had. Formed the owner of a particular 711 here in Koreatown a community within Los Angeles that they had plans to return. Many and labor and progressive community said we're going to be there to greet you when and if you come back and so you saw more than 50 community advocates from immigrant advocates to civil rights to human rights immigration attorneys labor leaders and rank and file members along with faith leaders arrived at 7 in the morning and continued to monitor that facility for the. Early part of the morning until we learned that ice had communicated with the store owner that they would not be visiting the location. With so many members of the community community there and so it proves that we can resist that we can fight back and we can protect members of our community and we have done that and will continue to do that. When I was. In the international lady's gone that workers' union. Most of it's the bulk of its members were were immigrants in New York in the sportswear joint board were I was located as a director of organizing and the work of organized labor at a time when there was also a Normas right reaction to the immigrant work force to undocumented workers was formidable the unions held that union held firm and was a staunch ally I wonder if you can talk about the other things that are being done by organized labor to support the undocumented workers are part of the workforce in California Well I would probably get 3 or 4 different examples of what the labor movement is doing to stand stand up and step forward for immigrant workers and their families I think the 1st is a active and. Engaged participant in rapid raids response network this is a coalition that has been in place for more than more than 8 years that is comprised of both organizations and individuals across the labor and progressive communities that focus on. Immediate responses to immigration you know civil immigration enforcement and so part of that what you saw at 711711 here in Los Angeles last week comes out of the rapid raids response network and so I think 1st and foremost is to provide immigrants and their families with referrals and services that they might need when they need them the most I think 2nd is Labor has been an active. Participant in pushing for good progressive policies at both the state and the local levels I don't know if we will have the opportunity to talk about those later in our in our conversation but you know to ensure that we protect immigrant workers both at the state level but also at the local level to ensure that local law enforcement agencies are not used as an extension of federal immigration enforcement procedures and practices and so from the California values act to a before 50 that helped put in place some of those important provisions to Special Order 40 which is a policy we have here in Los Angeles that was ground a ground breaking policy nearly 40 years ago has been updated over the past month or so to even make what we saw on the state level even stronger here here in Los Angeles I think 2 other examples are in contracts. Union contracts that are being negotiated and bargained. Are now more than ever including strong provisions that protect workers whatever their legal status might be and lastly is trying to find good quality jobs for. Residents whether they be citizens or not have not have legal status and so the labor movement is stepping forward standing shoulder to shoulder with our community allies to protect all workers whether they have legal status or not because of the fact that California is a safe for the state and because of the new war in January which protects workers from workplace raids it seems as if California has been singled out by ice the future race. What do you think's going to be happening at that point and what kind of resistance will be put up well I would I would argue that. On November 9th everyone in California whether you were an immigrant rights activist or a leader in on l.g.b. Take you issues or the environment I think everyone understood that California was going to be a target of the new administration and so there has been a preparation for those attacks that might come our way and I think you've seen over the course of the last 12 months the resolve of Californians be strengthened in the face of threats and actions of the administration I don't see in. Any way shape or form wavering from that commitment not just to the. Immigrant community but really to all members. Of our of our community in our society and so you know the expectation is that you know when you defy the federal government it is likely that you. Will certainly garner their attention but you know California is not a. You know a small into the deep to be pushed to the side if we were on the if we were judged on the world stage we'd be the you know 5th 6th or 7th depending on how you count it the largest economy in the world with 40000000 people and so you know we are. Operating in such a way to protect each and every Californian And so as I said as I started by saying I don't see that result of being shaken and in fact with the. More than half a 1000000 people that were on the streets on Saturday here in Los Angeles the largest women's March in the country I and we believe that even more. We're speaking with rusty Hicks president of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor. Rusty one of the things that you mentioned earlier you said you wanted an opportunity in this is it to speak about to talk about some of the other protections and initiatives that are in place in the state and city levels to walk hand in hand with our immigrant sisters and brothers it's almost peculiar to use that designation immigrant when of course aside from slave labor and the indigenous population we are all immigrants but what kind of things have been put in place and hopefully New York can. Take some lessons from our sisters out on the other coast absolutely Well certainly on the state level I think there were 2 pieces of legislation that were passed and signed by the governor. In 2017 that really provide 2 examples 1st was the California values act. Which was passed by pro tem Kevin De Leon which essentially provides a series of restrictions on the role of local law enforcement agents agencies the role that they can play in civilian immigration enforcement I think we all recognize that while the administration might want to. Quote round up every member of the immigrant community there's no way in which they could do that with the agents that they have to round up $11000000.00 people less than plus 1000000 people and so they need to rely on local law enforcement in order to do that while at the state level we put in place pretty strong provisions that prevent local law enforcement agencies from being essentially deputized by federal agencies to support those efforts so that that was really focused around local law enforcement agencies and worked in parallel with assembly bill for 50 which is passed by carried by assembly member to out of San Francisco which is tempted to really protect immigrant workers on the job and it would essentially require ice to provide a judicial warrant to access nonpublic areas of the job site. The key provision here is judicial warrant there are 2 types of warrants that are at play in this area of law there's an administrative warrant and a judicial learnt and then ministry of warrant essentially is someone down at the ice office saying we want to go and talk to this particular individual. They provide a signature and off the agents go get a warrant requires them to go and seek. A signature from a judge which obviously isn't a perfect system but at least there's another check on just indiscriminate. Warrants where they would just say we want to grab this individual or that individual and would also require a subpoena in the case that they wanted to access documents at a particular workplace with a particular employer. Series the provision that it would provide the labor commissioner the ability to enforce those provisions and I think is recent as we could go our attorney general of the Everest Sarah actually came out and said that he would fine employers up to $10000.00 for each instance in which they an employer would collaborate with agency without having a judicial warrant and so made it very clear to employers local law enforcement agencies are not going to be deputized by federal agencies to conduct immigration enforcement and neither are employers in California and if you do there will be penalties associated with that the last provision I would I would. Outline for your listeners would be a Special Order 40 here in the city of Los Angeles which some 3738 years ago was a groundbreaking policy that made clear the role that. The l.a.p.d. . The Los Angeles Police Department would play in immigration enforcement clearly Fast forward nearly 4 decades in the administration that we're dealing with it really required some updating and so you know it's simple things like ensuring that place of birth is not requested by police officers when conducting an investigation to ensure that ice does not have access unlawful access to our to our jails those are 2 examples of provisions that were put in place with the updated Special Order 40 and so you know I think California and Los Angeles in particular lead the leaders here in California Los Angeles should be commended for stepping forward and saying that they will stand by the immigrant community and then following through to do that both in policy and in practice and could we give you one more minute literally t.p.s. The deportation schedule for Haitians and Salvadorians and dot com What do you thoughts on that you've got one minute and I know you've heard so doc is obviously a big priority particularly of interest here here in Los Angeles we're hoping to see a clean Dream Act bill passed at some point soon t.p.s. Particularly for Salvadorians will have a severe impact here in Los Angeles a large Salvadorian community I mean it is temporary protective status but has been in place for for some of these fucking lay sions more than 20 years and the countries from which these individuals came in the has not recovered from the reasons for which they came here and therefore we made a commitment to these individuals to come to the United States and we would protect them we would support that we would help them it's time for us to truly honor our commitment by addressing t.p.s. For these individuals. I want to thank you for the work that you're doing as president of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor and. Support that is being given to all workers and that's what we are we're workers across all borders struggling to. Enhance our lives and to better that this is sidey and to create the wealth and what's good about this world that's what the working class does C thanks so much for taking the time to be. California's top cop is laying out the rules concerning what employers can and cannot do if ice shows up at their door k.p. I exposed Melissa Cain on how plans for a major sweep could put business is in legal jeopardy Melissa Yeah we know the Bay area is bracing for immigration raids and that's based on reports that Immigration and Customs Enforcement or ice is gearing up to arrest more than a 1500 undocumented people in Northern California and now caught between federal law and state laws are California employers. California burger hold on there are about to see a lot more special agents a lot more deportation orders in the state of California it's a politicians in California don't want to protect their communities than ice will acting I still Rector Tom Homan has said that California is going to see more immigration raids and because California law enforcement cannot cooperate with ice the feds are going to go wherever they have to what they've done is force my officers to arrest dangerous criminals on their turf in their homes in their place of business rather than a resting on in the safety and security of a county jail is ridiculous for employers the threat of raids has a new downside will prosecute those who violate the law State Attorney General Javier Basara called a press conference today to remind everyone about a new state law that says employers cannot cooperate with ice agents unless the agents have a warrant issued by a judge and if you do so in violation of this new law you are subjecting yourself to fines up to $10000.00. For violations of this new law officer admitted that employers may not be aware of the new law but said they'll be prosecuted anyway ignorance of the law is no excuse if you violate when the law was being debated in the legislature employer groups complained that demanding a warrant would encourage the ice agents and that could turn a small matter into a large investigation they also said that the bill leaves the employers to figure out what to do when I say agents show up this bill does not provide guidance to employees or provides a strict mandate upon them about Sarah said that the state is working to create specific guidelines to help employers facing an ice raid. Like what happened last week when ice agents showed up at this Santa Rosa 711 and at 7 eleventh's across the country according to acting director Homan though it's just a matter of time before there are more raids on at work places we think ice is going away we're not there's no sanctuary for. Federal law enforcement now the sheriff says that the California Department of Justice does work with ice on cases involving things like drug trafficking human trafficking so he said he plans to call them up and see if they will tell him what we can expect but with such serious restrictions on what information the state can give to ice it's unclear whether ice will be eager to give information to the state Melissa Kane. Acting San Francisco mayor of London Reid says that she'd be willing to go to jail over the sanctuary city policy when you grow up in the projects you spend your whole life trying to avoid going to jail but this is one of the issues that I wouldn't mind basically going to jail for the 1st time in my life over Oakland where Libby Shafik echoed that statement yesterday in an exchange with k p I x y z film a tear let me be clear that cities that have sync surely status are engaging in their legal right so you're ready to go to jail over there yes. Stress that Oakland police won't help ice officials or agents if they conduct raids in her city. Building bridges your community and labor report with. Log on to our website at w.w.w. Goalie bridges Radio dot. You are listening to King am e.c. L p one o 5 point one f m Ukiah magazine. Also streaming live on the web at e.c. Radio dot org. This. If all our government and President can do is pray or that it's not perfect to be the change that we need to seek. Only those has turned our country. You can either fix this nightmare right concession speech. Or free. I. Welcome to this way out the international regular magazine on Greg Gordon 20 years challenge the country I'm not sure that the British Parliament target Northern Ireland's marriage equality the logjam and queer use a game of pro-gun lawmakers or stories and more this week because you drove this way out. By Michelle Gaiser And I'm John Dyer the 5th with news wrap a summary of some of the news in or affecting l.g.b. T.q. Communities around the world for the week ending February 24th 28 team. Kenya's High Court began hearing a case this week that challenges the East African countries criminalization of private consensual adult same gender sex the British colonial era law which came into effect in 897 punishes sexual relations against the order of nature with up to 14 years in prison the country's National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission argues in their petition that the law violates Kenya's Constitution the group's executive director Eric guitar e charged in a media release that the law is used by police officers and. Common thugs to justify violence against l g b t Q people according to The Associated Press activist j. R. Raps a lot told the court that the case is just about love we are out here we are love we just want love and to love each other Kenyan lawmakers can got to defending the law called same gender sexual attraction a lifestyle choice apparently not seeing the irony in his support for the British colonial era law he claimed that repealing it would be a form of western colonization they want to demean Africans he said they want to demean us Kenyans it's not clear just when the court will issue its ruling there was new hope this week for lesbian and gay couples in Northern Ireland who are itching to tie the knot it's the last major holdout in the u.k. Without marriage equality that issue has been the major obstacle to the majority Democratic Unionist Party or d u p and the minority Shin Fein party being able to form a functioning government Shin Fein is in favor of opening civil marriage to same gender couples the d u p is adamantly opposed to Northern Ireland born Labor m.p. Conor McGinn announced this week that he would table a private member's bill in Britain's House of Commons at the end of March to resolve the problem l g b t couples in Northern Ireland should not be made to wait a moment longer for their basic rights he said Shin Fein signalled its tentative support for the move although a spokesperson said the party would have preferred the issue to be resolved by the Northern Ireland Assembly. Patrick Oregon of the Northern Ireland coalition group love equality applauded Miggins initiative and said his partner groups led by the rainbow project Amnesty International and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions would work with the m.p. To prepare the bill and steer it to passage both he and McGinn are optimistic about success though Corrigan said he wished that the British government would have introduced a Northern Ireland marriage equality bill rather than going through the private member's bill process in any case he added we now look to parliament to uphold the rights of people in Northern Ireland and to respond to overwhelming public support here activists in Taiwan are not letting up in their campaign for marriage equality the island's constitutional court ruled in 2017 that denying civil marriage to same gender couples was unconstitutional but the justices gave lawmakers 2 years to enact the marriage equality bill it's been 9 months since that ruling and l. G.b.t. Activists are unhappy that the government's executive branch has yet to propose the appropriate legislation a coalition of advocacy groups has paid for huge billboards directly across the street from the executive branch offices they show 2 women who are each holding a baby we are both mothers of the children the caption reads How long do we have to wait for equal rights to marry. Christian evangelicals under the umbrella name of the alliance of time on religious groups for the protection of the family have also stepped up their opposition to marriage equality they submitted a challenge to the Constitutional Court's ruling in Taiwan high administrative court on Valentine's Day arguing that the advent of marriage equality will deprive them of their free speech and religious rights in their legal filings they ask the high administrative court to have the conscience and moral integrity to rule on our appeal through their own independent stance and not to cave in to political influence and forces of intimidation in a separate action they filed a petition with the Central Election Commission to hold a public referendum on the issue the rights of transgender people have been advancing in Pakistan it's one of the few countries in the world to allow a 3rd gender designation on passports and national id cards although some young Pakistani transgender people might think twice about using that option We'll explain in a moment the government recently began counting transgender people in the census and last week 40 young transgender people took the boy scouts oath in Karachi the 1st time the Pakistan Boy Scouts Association has opened its ranks to transgender members the group which claims 1000000 members across the country is open to both genders in Pakistan so trans women are also welcomed to take the boy scouts oath and association spokes person pointed out that transgender people are also youth and we don't discriminate on the basis of gender many of the new Trans recruits are being nominated to take on the prestigious role of volunteers at the annual pilgrimage if they can afford it and are physically able all Muslims must do the pilgrimage to the holy site at Mecca at least once in their lifetime. All volunteers undergo physical and medical tests the Pakistan Boy Scouts association then sends a list of successful candidates to the Federal Ministry of Religious Affairs and interfaith harmony for approval blue veins a Pakistani group that works closely with the trans community is helping recruit some of the pilgrimage volunteers program coordinator Kamar now seem said that trans pilgrimage volunteers can be a game changer and can significantly improve the social acceptance of transgender youth in our society and now the reason those volunteers might not want to choose the 3rd gender option on their national id cards or passports Mecca is in Saudi Arabia and the government application form to complete the hodge only has 2 gender options an official at Saudi Arabia's embassy in Karachi told The Express Tribune that it does not matter whether or not the applicant is a transgender but the passport that is presented must mention the gender as either male or female this year's Hodge takes place from August 19th to 24th 4 of the 15 out. At the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyongyang Chang South Korea have won a combined 7 medals so far according to the latest count by Outsports dot com speed skater Brittany Bo won bronze with her u.s. Teammates in team pursuit this week Dutch speed skater Irene wood won her record shattering 11th medal when her team took the silver. Us clear fan favorite Gus Kenworthy gave it his all battling a broken thumb and an injured hip to finish 12th in the slopestyle freeskiing final but he made history of another sort when his kiss for good luck before a qualifying round with boyfriend Matt Wilke us was carried live on n.b.c. Much to the delight of l g b t Q People everywhere the network described will cuss as Ken wear these boyfriend and included multiple shots during the broadcast of Ken where these mother surrounded by rainbow flags This year marks the 1st time that out gay men have represented the u.s. At the games Kenworthy and will cuss cheered on American figure skater Adam rip on earlier this week as he waved a rainbow striped American flag that will cuss had bought in West Hollywood repond finished a disappointing 10th in the single skate but will leave the games with the team figure skating bronze he won as part of Team USA. After an entertaining guest commentator appearance and b.c. Offered him a lucrative job to continue in that role for the rest of the Olympics but he turned it down because it would have required him to leave the Olympic village I love being on Team USA and representing our country he tweeted My teammates were there for me during my events and now I need to be there for them and finally rip on America's new gay sweetheart received a matchmaking proposal from one time flying nun and Norma Rae Oscar winning actress Sally Field one of the world's best p. Flag moms embarrassed her openly gay son 30 year old director Sam Grace mn by noting in text messages that he had a crush on the skater and suggested that they meet adding that she would like to see Adam in the family the message exchanges went viral hinting that a major gay power couple could be in the offing it prompted Grice meant to tweet yikes and apologize to rip on for the awkward situation rip on took it all in stride However Sam your mom I admire her he wrote and I'm sure one day we're going to meet. So thanks mom. That's news rap global queer news with attitude for the week ending February 24th 28 produced by Steve pride written by Greg Gordon and recorded at the studios at k.b.s. Kate Los Angeles follow the news in your area and around the world and informed community is a strong community Nusrat from this way out as brought to you by you help keep us on the air and in your ears at this Way Out dot org Or you can also read the text of this newscast for this way out I'm Michel gator And I'm John Dyer the 5th. Letter in the program Willie Nelson's cowboy song with a twist of the rainbow bit but 1st you. Can. best so it should be no surprise that a young people's movement against gun violence sweeps across the u.s. Queer use are at the forefront in the wake of the Valentine's Day massacre at partner in Florida it's Starman Douglas High School the inspiring activism of the students survivors as wasted no time getting into the faces of lawmakers from the statehouse to the why. One of the most talked about speech is at a rally in front of the federal courthouse in Fort Lauderdale just 3 days after the mass shooting was given by the by I got up by President of the high school's gay straight alliance Americans our every single person up here today all these people should be at home grieving but instead we are up here standing together because all our government and President can do is send thoughts and prayers that it's time for victims to be the change that we need to speak. To. The Founding Fathers and since they added a 2nd amendment to the Constitution our guns have developed at a rate that leaves me dizzy because that change and the loss of not we certainly do not understand why it should be harder to make plans with friends on weekends than it is about an automatic or semi-automatic weapon. Is covered by a gun to not need a permit you do not need a gun license and once you buy it you do not need to register it you do not need a permit to carry a concealed rifle or shotgun you can buy as many guns as you want to one time. We are going to be the last mass shooting was we are going to change the law that's going to be Marjorie's coming Douglas in the textbooks and it's all going to be due to the car after the war I was a member of the family members and most importantly student was good all the students who are now suffering from p.t.s.d. Even the students who had panic attacks during the vigil because the helicopters who wouldn't leave us alone I'm going to school 24 hours a day. There's been one tweet that I would like to call attention to. So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed or even expelled for about an erratic behavior neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem must always report such instances to authorities again and again we did try. I mean time again since he was in middle school it was no surprise to anyone who knew him to hear that she was the shooter. Talking about how we should not ostracize Sam you know k. Ok we. We know claiming that there are mental health issues and I am not a psychologist but we need to pay attention to the fact that this isn't just a mental health issue. Thank you. How about we stop blaming the victims 1st something that was the shooter stuff thank you thank you by the gun in the 1st place was done showed the people who encouraged him to buy accessories for his guns to make them fully automatic the people who didn't take them away from him when they knew that you expressed homicidal tendencies and I am not talking about the f.b.i. I am talking about the people that you lend to a. Suicide note so I don't think. The president wants to come up to me and tell me it's my case that it was a terrible tragedy and how it should never have been and maintained telling us No nothing is going to be done about it I'm happily ask him how much money he received from the National right thank you. Thank you thank you. Thank you thank you thank you and the United States in the white and white up mind and you know it's you know on that comes out to being $5800.00 is how much these people are worth future on if you think about us from getting into a car that was. Was. And was yeah what was he she was taking donations from the n.r.a. Shame on you the was. That we don't mean drug reps high school Gay Straight Alliance president m.r. Gonzales whose recently opened Twitter account already house prices many followers out of the ads are a Gonzales's nightmare of deja vu for Brandon Wolfe a survivor of the 2016 mass shooting agro Lando Florida's the policy night club Wolf spoke to supporters are going to assault rifle ban outside of the state House of Representatives after the Rogers fight or refused to take up their marriage here on June 12th 2016 I was in a bathroom stall at Paul's nightclub. The smell of blood and smoke was burning my nose. I listened to gunshot after gunshot. And I prayed that I would see my family again. The gun use that night was a 6 hour m.c.s. It's called The Next Generation a ar 15. And it has become synonymous with mass shootings in this country. It fired 30 rounds in one minute has 13 of them killed my best friends through and one. In the days and weeks that followed pulse I told myself we would be the last. I found it true and once deaths would not be in vain I screamed Never again I think for action I pleaded on national television but just like every group before me. I was met with silence and apathy. So today I'm here to ask our lawmakers a few questions. The after 1st graders were gunned down at Sandy Hook What did you do that was not a damn thing the you ran back to your gun free spaces in Washington d.c. And hid under your desks until c.n.n. Stopped talking about. The after 49 people including my 2 brothers were murdered at Pulse What did you do was. Not a damn thing. You clogged your ears and turned your eyes and hope that we would stop talking oh God And now we're here again 17 people are dead 14 of them are children. And what did you do yesterday when given the chance to talk was. God damn thing. Instead you avoided eye contact once more with these incredible students and you voted not to keep them safe. You sent thoughts and prayers as your remedy but refused to take out God Well members of the legislature I am proud to announce I took your advice I have been praying. I've been praying for you. I pray that you look in the mirror and figure out your priorities. I know that you signed the No n.r.a. Money pledge. And should you continue to choose your wallets over our lives I pray you enjoy retirement. Because the will vote you out was. That. My friends the choice for our Republican legislators is very clear I didn't do your jobs or get the hell out of our. Victims and survivors are done negotiating with you. Americans are done dying for you was in our children are done being your sacrifice was. The n.r.a. Bankrolling us has turned our country into a war zone you can either fix this nightmare or write your concession speeches. Then you stand. Tall massacre survivor Brandon with powers of the gun control advocate in front of the Florida House of Representatives and Tallahassee Florida on February 21st. Thank you hello I'm Randall Kleis or director of Greece Blue Lagoon White Fang and it's my party and you are listening to this wait out the international radio show for our our sexually diverse communities. Back when Brokeback Mountain was Big another cowboy rancher hand Willie Nelson's cowboy song with a twist coming up now on the rainbow the. Country music singer Willie Nelson has sung about cowboys in the 1970 s. On Valentine's Day 2006 he debuted a song about love between men on the range called Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other written by Texas born singer songwriter Ned sublists in 1981 Mr Nelson thought the time was right to release it since Lou The Brokeback Mountain had recently been a huge hit the song showed Mr Nelson support for gays to his conservative country music fans but it meant much more to his friend and manager for 3 decades David Anderson he had recently come out to Mr Nelson and felt that the song was Mr Nelson's way of telling a long time pal that everything was Ok. Rainbow that it was produced by Judd Proctor and Brian Byrnes the record of the studios at w.r.i. Are Richmond Virginia read by volunteers like me will Armstrong. a lady here that will come to spit. Thanks for choosing this way out of the nonprofit overnight production program which area of this week came from the shower Gaiter and John by the 5th with the i.c.c. Cry and from Armstrong produced by Judd Proctor and Brian Byrnes Rascal Flatts and Lily Nelson perform some of the music us and Kim Wilson composed of one guy theme music this way out thanks to teaching assets from the Tides Foundation the Ivana foundation the estate appears to reveal the Brentham are contributing affiliate stations and you are individual listener donors who make this program possible look for this way out radio on Facebook triggered found out that your group was smiling overnight productions on Amazon email to. Yell at aol dot com or write to us at the our box one of us 65 I change your style for yes 90078 USA 4 associate producer Richard your paradigm to everyone is this way out I'm glad Gordon thanks for listening on line it's this way out dot org And on k p o v Bend Oregon side p.b.s. Salisbury South Australia radio Veronica West Point Pennsylvania and more than 200 other stations around the world including this community radio station and state to me guys. Chances. Are. Good. You are listening to k m u c o p Well 5 point one f.m. You can. With the Mendocino environmental center stream in the middle where we are sky dark a mic renewed at our good morning. To you in the rain during the rain.