Sixto 9868 x. 866609868 will go to my doctor suggested use promo code Route 10 to save 10 percent off that's my doctor suggests dot com many parts of central Texas are fighting swollen rivers he was ses Rick Vincent has more Texas governor Greg Abbott is adding dozens more counties to an emergency declaration list because of widespread flooding Abbott says the worst is not over wait until the paper river flooding to the moderate and major flood stage it was the wettest September in Texas history reservoirs are completely full and state officials have had to release a historic amount of water down the Colorado River top u.s. Intelligence officials say they're concerned about ongoing campaigns by several countries to influence our lections the office of the Director of National Intelligence the Homeland Security Department the Justice Department and the f.b.i. Have issued a joint statement it says Russia China Iran and other countries are using many platforms like social media seeking to influence voter perceptions and decision making in the 20182020 elections this is USA radio news with the recession ending if you've been putting off building your business now is the time to act general steel will meet or beat any price on a pre-engineered still building of the same size and specifications act now before steel prices go up so call us today for free information call 8096512980965129809651290 according to a new study a sunny home is actually a healthy home with more on the story here's USA radio's Chris Barnes. Researchers at the University of Oregon finding that brains exposed to sunlight had a few. Germs that were kept in the dark. Had half as many going back here yet as it did and some of the bacteria that didn't survive in lighted rooms are strains that cause respiratory disease researchers say they like future studies to determine how much pride is needed if it kills germs so architects can begin designing buildings with that. For us a radio I'm Chris Barnes where there are clear skies this weekend many Americans will be able to witness a meteor shower after dark sun Clemens reports Dan for the now Skeel the Accu Weather Global Weather Center tells us about this weekend's meteor shower the Earth's orbit is actually passing through debris left behind from the tip trial of Halley's Comet over the weekend and as the Earth takes about orbit through the debris some of that will fall through the atmosphere is meteors and of course as that was brought on up through the Earth's atmosphere we get quite a light show at the peak of the meteor shower will be Sunday night into early Monday morning across the United States I'm John Salmons for USA radio. Hi Bill McCormack here to thank you for making the Crawford stand part of your day tend to let you know that you can hear the stand on demand just go online to Crawford broadcasting dot com click on the stand button and look for the title of the commentary you want you can then click on it to read print listen or download as an m.p. 3 and they're right there on the stand page at Crawford broadcasting dot com The Crawford stand is a public affairs presentation for God in country listen to calle z. Am h.d. Denver at am 560 and 100.7 gales e.f.m. Streaming at 560 the source dot com and on Facebook as calle z. $560.00 the source calles he is a Crawford broadcasting God and country station. Father sometimes at night I will get on the front porch and look up at the sky and see my hack and feel the heartbeat of this great nation all the court of common concern that by this together in faith in struggle. Where people dedicated to the cause of freedom I've always had a strong feeling that you want all your children to be free free to live their own lives and to come to you in their own way. I just said the call to freedom. Of freedom didn't just happen something causes it is caused by men who have longed for liberty and human dignity and they begin talking to other people about it and working toward spreading the idea and then one day freedom is called by a man who leave the hearth and home and take up arms and lay down their lives for the sake of that noble vision. This country was built on faith with axes and raffles and barges and canoes cut from the promise of a forest man in buckskin. Braved the untamed uncharted wilderness travel to Nome beans and bacon and in the unshakeable faith in your protection and mercy and the whole most unconscious vision of our destiny. And Father it is as if you're chatting with me in my mind I see the lone lines of horses from new oxen pulling way and loaded down with plows and quips Sherm's cradles. People on horseback and even walking carrying bundles on our backs driven by the dream and intoxicated by the great open spaces the great opportunity the great movement toward the way this. Home state is the little piece of land a man can call his own. Conyers clear in the ground in plowing the plant the raffle always within grabbing distance protecting their families. The children of the drain. That great shining silver chalice of a drain the sacred dream of freedom clutched to ever breast and live in every heart freedom for all. And I see little black families dragged in chains from the bals of slave ships sold at auction and herded like cattle in the cotton fields of the South their voices lifted songs and pain told. And you spoke quietly into the ear of a great God No in Maine as thunder fire and steel tore through the south and destroyed a way of life that had robbed the whole race of people of their heating rights and doing it. With one stroke of the pm Lincoln gave freedom to every man woman and child in the land. When I was a small child I watched the sky turn dark with John the storm swept the Great Plains. Even Dr Cotton Stultz and withered hopes as parents watch their children going to bed hungry and afraid. In their came over the airwaves and into the hearts of an almost despairing people the strong faith filled voice of a man in a wheelchair who brought hope to the nation of the brave but battered people have prepared to fight a war and win a war to save civilization from a new dark age. Father Don't let us ever forget for a moment who we are. We're the descendants of the men who sacrificed and bled and died so that we could live in liberty and to help others to get a hold of that idea as this planet grabs slowly and painfully toward compassion than brotherly love. Man's hope of the ages. And that blood that was shed for freedom flows in our veins and in our hearts push and us alone to greater acts of greater sacrifices in order to protect the freedom that is man's birthright and eventually his great destiny. Looking back only history of this nation I see a certain innocence a naive quality a belief that we can do anything belief that we can change the world through our generosity in our coach. I like that about us the American Dream includes the whole world we know we can't be an island the freedom until everybody is free nobody really for the. We're a nation who longs for peace who strives for peace. But I hope and I pray that peace will never be bowed at the price of freedom. Democracy is a strange and wonderful thing. We debate in our. And examine every problem and every opportunity right out Neil. And I know it must seem to the rest of the world that we are all at one another's throat all the time. But what it comes time to defend this hard fall hard won freedom we all come together and lay it on the line one nation indivisible. Because we are all dreaming the same green. Father thank you for listening to me. They mean. Honoring God and country this is calle z 560 am calle z f 100.7 calles e h d Denver and streaming at 560 the source. You are listening to the good news with faves we all still find the Podcast the patch shows at a.g. Austin radio dot com Now here's a as you Austin with the good news Hello friends and welcome back to another episode of The good news as a producer Dave and still in California with their family living it up I'm looking forward to my time next week doing it you're going to have so much going on I'm going to need a vacation from the vacation is going to be 26 of us and of one however Oh my goodness so I can see your kids being like Dad can we go take a nap now we're going to go on another drive yet always Dean out so it's a half hour away to Disney World as you just gotta stay there right yeah so we have we don't we're going have to find a place to nap in the middle of the plus it's like they're 9 cousins are going to be there to allow us to surmise even going crazy like dressing them all the same they all wear like Disney shirts for a while their Disney our ally and Michelle and Ron Like did you see hers said they had 50 because they were celebrating all the grandkids had and then like that somebody I think his name was Mike at Disney World said was the occasion and they explain and. So then they gave them all this free stuff and back at the hotel they got cheese and fruit saying all sorts of stuff yeah I've been following her on Facebook so if you all have the same teacher you know you might be well that's why you don't get lost Yeah there you go there you know. There is a napping place that I was just there last this past summer with my best friend Juliana and she's like oh my gosh we call each other buddy and she's like Buddy I'm dying I just need to lay down and we passed this little area of artificial turf and it's actually a nap like for adults you can lie on the turf and nap there so how curious Dave if you need a nap time on the artificial turf in Disney World Ok We're going to have a picture of her like laying down and taking a nap and like get up we've got to have sort of you'll get 4 days of Disney without taking it and yeah I would think so it was going to get cranky it's going to be fun I'm going to I'm excited anyway go thank you all for being here Donna had slurs to me ever Marsh We got a Monique Davis and Andre Davis is in here today we don't normally have another manly voice like mine in here and I know I'm so proud of the chest hair here there's so much testosterone be saving they. So anyway because Andre here I actually picked a special story because I know we don't always talk about sports because of this is the good news it doesn't all really always fit but I found one because that's it satisfies all of our needs for a good news story with wanting to talk about sports particularly football with Andre Davis and the good news I talk about sport so what we do is not offer a football with money that's right she's our commentary here I am everything I know you know all. Of you in the room he's got a unique voice a lot of time with him everything he knew and if you argue with her she will tackle you know you had taught him how to tackle Did you really you know I knew already that you were a he 1st got in the n.f.l. I was like I do you get you made some tackles so I'll probably start table bank because you know I have family room and I live by how much so yeah exactly he was I You go and show me how the god. Come on I know well these kids are you going to stand up to them that's what my going to her Tuesday right back. You didn't say C'mon baby that's best. When you say to me Ok Dave you're never going to get to our story. That you know Anyway this is a group of kids who otherwise would not have been able to have all this with this because of this thing because of many many disabilities and here I'll just let the story told. Sports like football are often great unifiers transcending race religion and nationality in our ongoing series a more perfect union we highlight how what connects us as Americans is deeper than what divides us this morning we have a great story from Gallaudet University and Washington d.c. I love this story Janice Crawford is on campus with how it's football team the bison tackle lessons beyond the field Jan Good morning. Well good morning so you know this is an historic campus and President Lincoln signed Gallaudet's original charter back in 1864 when the Civil War was raging on and recently this private university has been answer grading students with diverse life experiences and the football team really symbolizes that this is a story about the power of communication whatever happens you don't stop believing today football is equal parts passion dedication and 2 more. But this game day feels different and quieter than most. The cheerleaders perform the national anthem with no music and no singing just hand gestures signaling that our flag was still there. And with that they Gallaudet University bison America's deaf team. As they call themselves take on Ana Maria I am cat doesn't matter you know you're deaf hard of hearing hearing hear the other team are showing up to play a game like see it with how the game is changing the highs and the lows we discussed coach Chuck Goldstein has to lead the team without doing what coaches do yelling that are blowing a whistle fast is going to go sometimes and the whistle will go early but our player doesn't hear and he runs like 90 yards and he turned around and now he's been called plays did it go back the 1st thing you do for it to go as fast as possible the bison communicate using a.s.l. Or American Sign Language You can hear the snap count we just like was a football and a quarterback he taps the center and we just got one foot was not so you watch the ball questionable. Wide receiver l.j. Watson speaks and signs a technique called a sim com It's through at 1st he and his hard of hearing teammates day Kwan Taylor and Rashard Witherspoon had a tough time seeing eye to eye and I got a lot of team chemistry is hard the chemistry is like hard to communicate with each other because some players on same don't knows. Half of the players are deaf others are hard of hearing people and to have enough players to compete each year coach Goldstein integrates into the team a few mainstream hearing athletes are recruiting pool is limited it's limited so it's kind of a struggle we have people who are looking at online every day for daf hard of hearing athlete go in Google try a lot in a lot and now that's how they find players like Taylor a defensive stand out from Hampton Virginia where sports are a religion a tailor thought he had blown his chance to play college ball didn't work out like no scholarships at this in the mistakes. R.t. And start the girls. Then he got an opportunity to join the bison So how I fell in love on my visit it was like deaf people they knew I couldn't song but they still said to me it was an unfamiliar feeling for Taylor fields mother died when he was in the 7th great he spent his teenage years bouncing around different friends' homes now a junior sign language comes easily to Taylor s football. Gallaudet was a shot at redemption and now if you're going to graduate you're going to have a degree really helped me become a man who I am from is like a bad area. Dead. Honest So when guided like gave me a chance to like play football I was like I'm not risking And again I'm not I'm not these roommates are a testament to the power of communicating without saying a word why are you guys coming from your different backgrounds able to come together and communicate and and succeed. Because we have patience with each other patience and you know we're willing to slow things down rather than just became close you came brothers like was brothers on the football team but right now us through just different we can understand each other well I like not saying nothing. Today about 12 percent of Gallaudet students can hear and going for the school is going to have to continue blending these different communities and redefining itself without sacrificing is identity how maybe the football team can help pave the way. So that's a pretty cool story a lot of that only 12 percent are taken here and then I just I think it really highlights that sports are so much more than just sports that you know it's you find so many things in there to help you with a so many aspects of life football you know. Football give you a common goal you know everybody has a common goal the goal is bigger than the individual purpose we all know on the football field need each other in order to see. We always talk about if you win everybody talking like you know fellow if you win everybody get paid if you want to jam ship everybody on a team get paid because they want to other teams want to find out how and what did you guys do it project is for certain situations what did you guys do to keep everything together in order to. To achieve that goal to win the championship now if you want to best you individually have to do above and beyond the stand now to get so-called notoriety or whatever but. Speaking of the death players football is also one of those sports where it kind of work out because even in the n.f.l. You you are taught to watch the ball because the court of it's going to say all these crazy different things to try to get you to jump on the side so if you're using your hearing and you going off that you're going to jump on size every time anyway and. Pinned on if you're if you're playing home it's harder for the defense and if your plan a way is hard for all things so you can hear it in it you can't hear anything anyway specially if you don't allow stadium so you got the judges rely on you know some of the things that. Those guys have to do every day. But. I don't know ma'am and I believe that because. Our conversations in the past Andrea myself we've talked about it and he Vikki can't stand certain noises now because of his brain injuries and right Paskin questions so I'm like How did you play football yes but allow atmosphere in and he always tells me you learn to drown out a noise so it's like you you get to a point where you can hear everybody hear the people in the crowd yell and all you do is hear like Koos on the field and I enjoy the position that he played he was like the quarterback of the day fans so he called the plays and so it was discounted I you drown out everything else around you and so that translated over from me because earlier in a week when we were talking about distractions and when he told me back out of the way I got I want to get to the point where I can drown out all the noise and clearly hear from you but back to football after I think one of the things that. Football teaches as well and I love the bow this story was the camaraderie in the relationships better formed not only on the field but off the field as well I guess I had taken some notes too about it taught them patience with one another which is a huge lesson and slowing things down and that's probably like what you have to do right in the arena is like slow everything down and out of my husband road races motorcycles so he says when you get on the bike and he's going to 180 miles an hour it's like everything is very slow to him he's focused on the next point on the. The asphalt where he's going to make his entry for the turn and he doesn't hear any of all all of that unless there's a motorcycle right on his tail is going to pass me here is that what I mean everything slows down and I presume knots kind of what you deal he get in the zone slow everything down I mean I think something cool that he said sorry that that you talk about how having a common goal how everyone kind of has it and I think that extends more than just each player just went in the game just because if you listen to the story those guys the 2 of them didn't know how to sign before they started the football right and they're deaf they've been deaf their whole life and they don't have sign language and then they join the football team and not only because of that common goal because they want to learn how to communicate they learning all these other skills I think it's pretty cool that guy gets you know they learn how to sign he learned that thing where he was talking and signing away to and you can really see in the video but he doesn't he talks and signs so fluidly at the same time that you know it's like it's weird to think that he can't hear himself he doesn't he can't hear and he learned all that because of football which I think is pretty incredible That's pretty cool the respect factor because most on all of us come from similar backgrounds but different places you know you just learn to respect and. Value each person as they are regardless of race like you say beginning race religion whatever. You had a common goal and you're just focus on achieve in the one thing every brand to be on the same page and when you get to you like I have. Right right now and take it like it's my guys right now there's like 10 of us on our group chat and we tell all day and all of former football players and my closest friends are all former athletes because we have their camaraderie and we all know we go through and we don't vent what we're going through to this day so like our we have a bond that would never be broken probably like that so I think that's part of it like when you were talk about the patients I wonder if because people who are hearing may be impatient with people who can hear and maybe just because they both kind of experience that shared experience that that's what kind of help them be even more patient with each other and learning all these new skills and doing all these really cool things right you know and also like the last thing about that is . We we have we don't have we're not sensitive so if I'm wrong our D.'s guys one of my guys wrong we're tell each other that you're wrong in you know we might argue but like we think about like you know if you're right so we're not afraid to tell each other you know when somebody is wrong or or whatever and we don't have big enough egos to to try because I used to do that with Monique in a girls all I mean I didn't say that you know like I know you say that he still. Has all that. Memory is so bad that it's like if like I'm sorry to cut you out because it's like how I just cut him off and I'm like Ok Well we're back so he came he is gone right you can't remember so we've been in conversations and it's lie. I can be talking to him and he'll just drift off and I'm like I'm sorry what I'm talking to you he's like I wasn't talking to you and it wasn't until we were brought up as would our girls a few years back you know with all 5 of us in a girls would lie mama what we're talking to him and he just stopped and drifted off like a battle to what. And the girls were like mama what is wrong with him and my oldest salacious she was like Daddy we were just talking to you and you just turned away from us was wrong and he was like I wasn't talking to you I'm like yes. So you get reminded yes you were talking to you as I see it because I see it in my friends as well yes so even though that's a great story I mean this on another. We have girls where all the nephews they don't play football right you know we've talked about that on previous you know we show is about you know the dangers of it and why Yeah and he feels the same way but I think there's a great relationship lesson with this football story and it sounds like with football in general because you have your friends that deep bonds you know from everything that you guys have been through and one of the things on the report was understand each other without saying anything and that's being part of a team whether it's death or you know you can hear whatever but knowing the signals knowing how someone's going to respond to something and so not taking it off the field and bring it into relationships I mean so many times you know my husband David will say something but I look at his body actions and he's coming closer to me and moving toward me even though he's saying some I'm like Ok so the words are this but his body his actions are showing that he means it in a lobbying way and we've got to be able to live life with letting offenses roll off of us easily like you said Andreas I think that's a really important point. In my grammar. They use this tale all the time she would say mommy get your heart off you sleeve member put it back in your chest oh wow hold believe in my I used to be sowne sensitive an aide took her tell a meeting over and over again and now with one of the last things they she told me before she died she passed away and it took me a while to get it to get to that point where I had to be God Lord take control of my motions you are not a god of emotions you his words is bad my spirit right so I want to buy you spirit I don't want to be you know control by my motions in the the best part of this story that I gat I don't know why mommy mom went to this but when they say it when it said that. They they need to have to say a word but but they understood each other and it was Caml I. Love Language they display when he got up on a cross he needn't say a word to. Say we I'm to stilling His love it was him and it was a bad or the new word is spoke louder than words and we all I mean it's just. I know a lot of. The be all k. Dave. And Monique special coffee over here that you didn't share with us today already cut back the things we had to at the end of this segment and thank you all for being here and thank you all for listening and there's more good news coming. 56 to. Listen to straight talk money on 560 that's straight talk money where you get the wisdom of Wall Street without the media hype join us every weekday morning for the brightest minds in the financial industry no slack just straight talk about the markets and a practical breakdown. Of the current state of the economy and how it affects you plus real answers for your real question. Posted by. 7 to 8 am on k l z 564 on straight talk Money dot com I thought Hollywood totally irrelevant to my life it's aggressively they focus on diversity of. Versus the banner gay versus. Something else that's their idea of. Diversity is diversity of thought to me that's really interesting. Weekday mornings at 8. 100. 60. Well hello hello producer Dave and I'm sitting in for Angie she couldn't be here today because she's a hen California still but we have a very important event that we want to share with everybody that's coming up and we have our old friend Adam Kast here in studio along with Donna has learned Cindy Everett Marsh and Adam Katz I don't know if anyone remembers that he's been a friend of the good news for longer than I've even been here he's known Angie for for quite some time and Adam lost his wife several years ago to cancer and he saw the struggle and he saw this thing and then he's really honed in on this need in the community so he started the Doreen cast foundation and what he does is he finds people that are going through cancer treatments and aware cancer treatment can kind of take over your entire life you know even though it's only once a month that still you have to go through the ups and downs of all the different things and it's very expensive and he noticed that kids can get lost in the fray kids of the people who are going through this these treatments and he so he started the cat's foundation and what he does is he pairs you up of essentially with kids who need something like a basketball camp or swimming lessons I remember there was a horse riding lessons the last time which I thought was really really cool and it's affordable and it's really cool and it's really you know it's something that nobody else is doing and he has an event coming up so Adam Hill welcome thank you so much Dave really appreciate the invitation back out here and really appreciate the beautiful weather we're having here in Denver today right man we love being able to spread the good news and read all this and you know and point people toward you and your cause and we think it's a really important cause a 6 actually why we have the good news and so just as a refresher I don't want to I don't know I know I covered it kind of but why don't you tell us a little bit about your. Story about who you are and how you got to be to to you know here today Sure well I'm a simple man you know I was in the navy many years ago and I found out that my wife Doreen had breast cancer actually found out about it while I was at sea Well technically I didn't find out about it at sea and I knew something was wrong while I was at sea I found out about it a couple months later and married her right before she passed away and that really changed my life and I went through a long period of depression and moved here to Denver after I got out of the Navy and friend of mine did the Avon Walk for breast cancer one year and kind of told me I needed to do this because she had breast cancer so the following year I went and did it and spoke at the opening ceremonies and it really changed my life and it was at that a vent that I actually saw the need regarding children of cancer patients and even though it took me a couple years from that point to actually start the foundation. Of my passion was just instant at that moment and I was kind of focusing on this from that time and 2 years later when I finally started the foundation I knew exactly what needed to happen because you know the schools here in Colorado have been charging families directly now for a while and it hurts me personally just to see that because like I can see the pain that the children are in and you know that they're not able to get a complete education because their parents just simply can't afford it and that's why I had to start this foundation so we're going to be there for the kids and in full day kindergarten advanced placement classes art music science playing that sport after school whatever it is Gay through 12 were there and then we also have that their peak component which has proved so beneficial for the kids because now they have that voice outside the home which helps and allows them to kind of understand what's going on because a lot of times the parent is too sick to really talk to their children about it and the children are stared because mom or dad can't talk. And they don't know what's going on so that they get worried having that voice outside the home comforts everybody and just helps the situation and again on the equine side you know I found an equine program a couple years ago when we started putting kids in their program and it was amazing and from that point forward now I try to get all of our kids into some form of an equine therapy program Yeah I've heard it's it's really work and I know Angie has talked about those programs on the air and and how successful they are and how healing they are for a child dealing with all sorts of things but especially the cancer so do you have a specific story can share with us that dear to your heart I'm sure you know 98 is . More than I can count just so you know what we've got right now we're actually writing in 3 different states and we're here in Colorado I'm actually living personally in Arizona right now and we even have a couple of families in Illinois that we found out about last year and one of those families is actually a cousin to Angie and unfortunately they lost their father to cancer from being a fireman and he left behind 2 young daughters and we got them into a program an amazing program out now Plainfield Illinois called I mean I make ors which is a rescue ranch and they have horses and chickens and ducks and goats and chinchillas and that more animals that I could count I actually had an opportunity to visit them back in April and. Like I said the 2 little girls lost their father a little over a year ago and you know you said you to see him at the ranch and they're just kind of taking over and caring for all these animals and they are just loving the therapy program and they're doing incredibly well it's you know to obviously a difficult situation writers but they can refocus a little bit right at me and be kids and just deal with kid stuff exactly on top of Life me you know bombarding with loss and big issue is right. So I love that so as far as the cast foundation everything if somebody is interested in finding out more or doing anything with that what's the best way to do that reach out through the you know Web site Doreen Katz memorial dot org You can send us a you know there's a contact page there send me an e-mail and I respond every e-mail so soon as I get it I'll respond to it I'm running around like crazy this week but I will respond every e-mail and you've got some big events coming up to you right you want to tell us about those yes we actually have our 2nd annual laser tag tournament coming up this laser tag a gas going to be at the game works at Northfield Stapleton $7950.00 Northfield Boulevard it's literally the building right next door to the Bass Pro Shop that you see right off oh yes 70 we're going to be starting at 330 on Friday afternoon you don't have to be there right at 330 but we're going to do like open play for a couple hours the tournament itself will start about 6 o'clock. Go til about 10 it's going to be it's a wonderful event because not only do you get to come and play laser tag but a lot of our families that we're working with are going to be there see actually get to meet the parents and the kids and see what an incredible time they're going to have and it's just it's such a wonderful event last year we did it for the 1st time and everybody had a blast because I have my pink beard right now I was going to say you got to lose the laser thing they're going to see you in the dark with that exactly ink red beard. That's you can't mess exactly I love it and especially because you know the arena is all black white and this thing just lights up. Every time I played last year as I all of our kids were looking at oh look there is an easy target let's get him back oh yeah the games are like 15 minutes long and I never got to shoot because I was always that. Maybe we should get she one of those little beard covers like it Cosco you know where they cover that and I had so much fun with it last year I'm just looking at we're running again. Definitely you know this year we actually have 2 a Libyans coming out to help us out so we have a little bit laser tag people nothing in the past the Olympic swimmers actually know they're Denver locals so it's Chloe Sutton and Nick Toman And I said I will be out there and that will be great and how does it work he said it's the tournaments so it's actually a competition so you can go out and you pay a fee and you can join to come to Sion and win something at the end absolutely it's well if you're just a single player it's a $4.00 person team a vent but if you just want to register as a single player it's $25.00 if you have the full 14 or 4 person team it's $75.00 and went during the tournament and of course we're you know if you score points during the course of the game and we're you know keeping track of all that and at the end of the night we'll have a team winner will probably. Take the top scorer for the night we'll win one prize and we're also going to have a top prize for our whichever foundation child does and the best throughout the course of the evening plus obviously all the proceeds are going to go help the cats foundation exactly everything comes back to helping us using our hash tag help kids of cancer patients. Hashtags So you find out on Twitter on Facebook Instagram all that stuff exactly. You know I know we need to go do that or they're like oh yeah that's really not. A lot of places what a cool idea and what I call cool place to do it I mean I've been up there to that laser tag placed by by Dick's Sporting Goods there and it's super easy to find it's really easy I like that if you bring 4 people you actually get 25 percent off Exactly yeah and like I said it's a fun night we're going to Fiji we've got drink 2 pounds as well so everything's covered it's a beautiful evening and you know we can have a silent auction with it as well to help hopefully raise more funding and we're just going to have a great night because the objective is to just make sure that our families that still have their cancer get out and have a fun time where they can kind of forget about everything that's going on in their world and just. Focus on seeing their kids smile which is really what Friday is going to be all about my God that's just how powerful and bring in the family together I love your whole concept after overall I mean it's just fantastic Can you explain that you said that you educate the children on what's going on within their family unit and tell tell us a little more about that and I personally don't educate them right but your program the program does through our therapist because we have a network called the grief networking Alliance here in Denver and they're all over town and they're they obviously specialize in grief they're a p they are aware of what's going on in the oncology side so when they hear Ok we've got a parent with this type of cancer this is a situation which I kind of give them through a meeting that I have with the family they then get to go in they'll talk to the parent and find out exactly what's going on and then share it with the children so that the children are aware exactly what's happening and they can kind of anticipate some of the steps you know especially with the chemo obviously they're going to lose their hair. A lot of times the children aren't expecting that So to be able to know you know mom or dad is going to lose their hair in a few weeks don't worry it's part of the process right and that certainly helps and like I said it gives the children a voice outside the home so that they know somebody else is looking after them and they have somebody that they can confide in basically right and I think that's really great idea I think something that really caught my son was diagnosed with cancer last year and we went through a very difficult time when I was scared of didn't know what was going on but I know that the more educated myself and the more I learned about his kind of cancer in the more I learn about what was going on and everything i gave me more comfort that like well we can overcome this and we actually could get past this and luckily for us it did when the best possible way that I could have gone and so it was removed rather than have to go through all these really difficult treatment on it and for the kid till you know like for Jason just knowing kind of what I mean about kind of the opposite all right but but it as a kid in my position in that situation you don't know what to do you don't know right you get so lost and you like you're really looking to the people around you to really help and a lot of times there isn't any of those really you know great power all so grateful that there's people like Adam that were out there that followed you know I literally followed God I was thinking it was funny I was thinking about what what he was saying you know it's like the whole situation with Doreen and kind of go through the everything and you went through the kind of the dark times in your life when you were. And then without all that stuff we wouldn't be here today which I think is kind of that we're going to rise we have you know stories from the Bible like job or whatever where you know you have to go through these terrible things to get to where you need to be in order to actually follow in that will of God and actually follow that you know be be called to your purpose or right you know and I was I actually heard a speaker say look what you've lost but what you had and I feel like you're living that Adam you are Ok it was a short time but you really focused on what you had and how special that was from God and then paying it forward and moving it. Forward So can you share with us how starting this memorial foundation has changed to you or help to you heal by helping others it's the biggest part for me is every time I meet a family and I meet all of our families face to face I get to hear their story of last thing going on but I also tell them my story which is incredibly therapeutic for me. I always warn the families you know I don't set a time limit for that meeting we're just going to talk until we're done right and that meeting is lasted up to 6 hours and wow did it our full It's incredibly cathartic we laugh we cry we do you know we run the gamut of emotions basically and it just helps me to really come to terms with everything that I've been through but it also allows me to continue Doreen's legacy yes she was the most caring compassionate person I've ever met and so I've tried to create a foundation that is as caring and compassionate as she was yeah and I can see your emotion like how this has really changed your life did you feel like God saying like this is what you're supposed to do or did it just kind of you know come to you are what I've been looking back on it a lot over the last couple of years and I've realized that God was kind of putting me where I needed to be every step of the way yeah I realize it at the time but I've come to realize it now and now and even now I realize that Doreen is up there making sure that everything works out for her for her foundation because like you know we do a golf tournament every year and. You know when you're supposed to snow when she gave us a beautiful day Oh nice one year it rained right before we started and then the sun came out so I know she's looking down on us and making sure that whatever I need it just comes into my life where it is I need it so I really always appreciate that please give any of the thumbs up like nice job at home yeah yeah. I would love it when you come in Adam to do your story so inspiring in what you. Do I think it's such a really really great thing and I know that our listeners this is the type of story that I or listeners really respond to and it's exactly why we have the Good News this is the reason why we're here and you know I love being able to help spread the word for you I'm sorry I cut you off of us something to say Ok I had all of that I'd say it now you know Adam it was a curiosity question in my head was there a day moment that was a pivotal point for you with taking your sadness in your grieving and turning it into a proactive foundation for the cause going forward it I always look at people and wonder what happens in that pivotal point for them and everybody is different and it's usually just so beautiful and if you could speak to that it was my curiosity question it actually started shortly after during the past and I was in court I was into incredible depression I was angry and I got sent to sea in the Navy at which was not the place I needed to be and I knew I was I just said you know what I've had enough I'm leavin I'm going to desert and I knew I had the perfect opportunity because the ship I was on was going to be pulling into port in Singapore for 8 days which was 4 days longer than normal but they had some kind of a military thing going on and so we were going to be there for 8 days I had basically the 1st day I was on board taking care of everything and then I had a week off because that was a deal I always made with my team. And the 1st thing I did was I went to the airport to find out you know where all the flights were going and then I went back into town and I started the process to get a fake id so that I could leave and nobody would know where I was and I was in the the back of some department store in Singapore and it wasn't a difficult decision because it was quick and easy it was you know it's a little bit of money but you know that wasn't an issue and I. I'd have left and I just something said you can't do this here you have to go back to the ship and it was a very difficult decision but I changed my mind and I went back and finished my term in the Navy and of like I said I wasn't ready to start the foundation at that point I was going through a you know I was going to be 12 and a half years of darkness for me but there was trouble and a half years from that day to the starting Well it was 12 and a half years from that day just to the point where I was able to talk about it and at that event 12 and a half years later was when I saw the need and that was when I figured I needed the foundation Wow And look how God Susan you now so well we're almost out of time here but why don't you remind everybody where to go for the foundation and then how they could get involved in the in the tournament on Friday it's the same place Doreen Cass memorial dot org You click on the Events tab with that registration area right down there you can decide up right there and you can check out the website and find out more about the foundation and like I said there's a contact the information session section send me an e-mail I'm more than happy to answer any questions thank you very much and listen or let God writes your redemption story no matter how long it takes let him write it cuz he's writing the story of our life just like he did with Adams I thank you for being here today Adam and thank you for sharing your story with us and he said I think you're living in the gallows please stay tuned and we'll be right back with more. Details see 560 John Rush on the next rush to reason jet step will join us from The Daily Signal and give us a recap of the weekend events Richard Roth will join us talk about sports and Rachel Alexander stream dot org We'll have all your traffic weather updates and of course take all of your calls that's the next rush to reason Denver's afternoon rush weekdays from 3 to 7 pm right here on k l z 560. If you like sitting around the porch your dinner table sharing stories with friends that you like to do during our American story. To be we bring to you stories about American funny stories about 1st jobs this thing industry American dreamers and marriages and even the stories of music and acting legend I invite you to sit on the porch with us as we share our American stories tonight at 10 American story on Calle z $560.00. Thank you and here you know I'm a lover and I know that it was a marker that you may recognize Dr Jackson. Hosting the to run and a planet or a lassie bed on p.b.s. You probably also see him on the morning news shows and the doctor show and he's known as the celebrity bad because he treats a lot of the pets owned by celebrities like Eva Longoria Demi Moore et cetera et cetera and he's here to talk to us about you know the cold weather movie and how to take good care of our pets and keep them from getting fat Welcome Dr Jeff. Well thanks for having me I do feel you know you mention cold weather it's no different for pets it is for us you know I take it out when it's cold and it's go Arkwright so so we want to make sure that we engage them to go pick an active it's a great way to continue and strengthen the bond that we share with our pets. Of that over 20 years as national day thoughts are that it may and it's also the 20th anniversary of the truck and launcher which is a great holy device to help in gauge your pet. It's got this organized Macand if you can top that altering with out with all different directions or a ball and got it to really engage with that and keep them happy and in fact it's also I can tell you that but it's great for indoor play as well if you have a like a long hallway and the House or someplace that work it's a great way to help them run with their pets keep them engaged and if you're out of the park it's going to help you as well keep it off those extra holiday event I love I love that because that also you don't have to pick up the slobbery ball. It's great it's great excellent All right so get out there even if it's cold and it's dark to exercise with your pet they don't care if it's cold and dark they just want to have some fun to get outside what about treats some of my friends give their pets way too many treats and they look like they were as big as a love seat you know like we don't need that right exactly what I call the coffee table your I know that it's time to think twice but but I will tell you this that we want all of the treats. Really geared for gods themselves and looking for something to meet obviously avoid the fatty food down the top throwing treats for example 100 percent real meat to treat their great dogs love them and also if you want to encourage you not to exercise and don't respond to positive reward positive reinforcement go with the treats coming up with you know you want to keep them away from the bag of candy the trough of greatness and not all the things that can be dangerous to all which are the sugar free candy is very dangerous for dogs and even born to give them something that they like themselves and then. Another time the same with this 2 years is travel tips and I think that it's important if you travel with pets coming holidays or making arrangements now you want to be prepared make sure your pets are active and current on their vaccinations make sure they have identification voter id tag microchip and their own prescription medications and it's interesting I found. A card it's a prescription card that is called Inside r.x. And it's a way to get your gods prescription medications at a fraction of the cost and so it's great to have this and it's free you can download it called Inside r.x. And you can download the card yourself and take it to any one of thousands and thousands of retail pharmacies show if you're stuck someplace or even your own and you want to get your pets medications to think about the interaction and also one more thing people think about as it's getting cooler I don't need my sleep medication because we don't have a lot of police in the cold weather Well guess what ticks for arriving cold weather . For free and take so yes you might be right if you're living in them in the Midwest briquettes brazing or the north or even to California we don't have a lot of fleas during the wintertime but we do have to go it's important to make sure the ticks of bacteria in Denver get big tick problems so you want to make sure your ticks fleas are your dogs are protected from both fleas and ticks so stay on that medication for one day. Jeff we've got a local. That you may be familiar with to Dr Kevin Fitzgerald he's done a fair amount of things on Animal Planet and he has got cabin Basti so funny you don't want me to commit it all so yes yes I know right now he said he's had more incidents where because marijuana is legal here and where you live you know Hollywood California all those areas that legal as well that people have left out like edibles and you don't leave out any candy like xylitol or chocolate or these things for your pet and you certainly if you're someone who consumes these products don't leave them out for your pat because even though the pet doesn't die per se it's not good for a pet to you know eat too many of these shouldn't be eating edibles what would happen you know we were offered an edible and I paid the nonprofit credit card profit out of the equation we're going to have one dog they could upgrade my Labrador and I got the whole place gone in 10 seconds so they don't know over the top or you know when to stop and think that you're right we don't see a lot of dogs but we think the are a lot of cricket because the port said well if you get away from those things and for you know all award for making about all of this stuff go to a better stuff for Life dot com and you'll have a great day. Thank you Dr Jeff why don't you use the brownies but I appreciate the advice thank you friend. Thanks for listening to the good news to find the Podcast the pan shows at least in Radio dot com. Have you seen opinions expressed on Cale's 60 or those of the speaker commentators hosts their guests and dollars they're not necessarily the views of big news approach for broadcasting or kills the management. Advertisers calles e $560.00 is a proper broadcasting got a country station. Our American story nightly at 10 pm. 560. We spend money we don't have to buy things of that we don't need. So we can impress people that we don't even like looking for happiness in America number one feel good emotion Hello I'm recuse hope for the flock perfect every Sunday morning here at home 560 am sources join me for 30 minutes of both of Asian inspiration and education where you'll find out what the Bible says about real happiness that's the flight line here on the source and country is your daily quiet time more like a weekly event has the turbo charged pace of life crowded out your daily time with God check out ad Bible an audio I say audio daily devotion app created just for you enjoy a portion of God's word with an explanation an application to our 21st century lives and a 10 minute audio daily devotion from Alan j. Huth and the as were projected. And Justin Michael our program really does I think and for me I feel like you get up but you know what I feel like people need help and a little bit of laughter and that's what we try to give them yeah we're going like the Donny and Marie of news and information like. Weekday mornings 5 am again at 11 here all by 60 k. L.z. This is Scott Wiley join me weekdays from noon to one for haystack help radio will help with consumer problems give you quality business referrals let you know about the latest scams and will also give great help for seniors weekdays noon to one for his dad help radio check out our website haystack help Radio dot com. Calles e am and f.m. Am 560 f.m. 100 points of m k l z I am. Online listening at 560 the source dot com This is calle z. Denver broadcasting station. This is Haystack radio. 560 days Dekalb radio is powered by haystack. Finding tell to be like finding a needle in a haystack with haystack Help dot com finding the needle just not easier. Case De Kalb radio puts on t.l.c. 560 I welcome to his take I have your guest host Damn you're filling in for Scott late to catch up Charlie on the guest host filling in for Scott Wiley I saw Mr Charlie understood that on the guest host but I mean he has all along for Scott because he's always always always out hunting or something he said cheeseburger he posted last night on Facebook he's a cheeseburger in paradise I want to go to cheeseburger not paved you have to have a Bedouin paradise and. Now he's where that's where it says I was mowing cheeseburger in paradise it's right on the beach my wife and I we would go with him out there about and it was we should there for 45 hours he's in Hawaii Well I don't know that or is that he's a cheeseburger in paradise and that's where I want what I don't know where the other words were I'm sure there's that one up in the balls I thought as applied to Examiner I thought he was going after that elusive elk Well there was no looks of mounts in this. Oh of Scotch all involves God No absolutely I don't I'm always grateful as God allows me to guest host for him yeah maybe he could be the guest speaker for himself and you could go to my pleasure that could yeah we could try that like you know for that absolutely so and this is the Tuesday edition of Your Money matters they stack up radio with Kurt Rogers of affordable interest mortgage and once again Curt's each are not e-mail the website is a I barged dot net and you can always call Kurt at 720-895-0500 or if you want to talk to you right now it's 303-477-5600 you can give out my e-mail if you want it's Ok What is it Ok dot k. Dot r o g e heiress r o g e r us at a mortgage that see 3 I'll answer that oh yeah yeah I'm older I take e-mails I don't do well with Texas see I'm just the opposite email sit for ever for me have final look at him go holy cow I got all these emails text message boom right away well see an email to me as a To Do list it's something to do so I look at it I take care of it I get rid of it move on that makes sense can't count with that's kind of the way I handle text messages because I know you know the reason once I was on top I was right I don't know and it also tells me like you have 3 new text messages. So there you go all the get this all the cast hose gets a water to break its own rate if you think just one should do this more. Because I had to do with water Thank you Charlie that was awesome So anyway we're so want to talk mortgages today and you know there's a lot of questions Kurt going on out there you know because the interest rates keep going up people when do I qualify and then one of the things I've noticed too is that account look at things that there seems to be bankruptcies going on and then also let's get into you know if you're a business owner can you.