Spectrum of people would you. What would you say all of those people had in common . What they all have in common they were all members of a church of Philip by I'm going to show you the Jewish philosopher who got to say was the apostle Paul the little wager was a demon possessed girl who was saved by the Gospel of Christ the prison guard was the jailer who was saved in the flippin revival of businesswomen was a woman named Lydia from fire a tire a grad a business selling purple dye and incredible thing is that the grace of God took people from this guy her job background. And made them one in the Lord Jesus Christ that's what a church is your friend Church is a family of people who have come from all kinds of backgrounds all kinds of beliefs all kinds of ideas and ideals and have found a humanity in the family of God because we have one Lord we have one life and because we have one Lord and one life we have one who love the Lord Jesus Christ and we are a family of God Now I want you to think about God's for every family because you see a church is a good an extended family there's so many people who don't have families the Apostle Paul really didn't have a family he had had a wife and one time but whatever happened to she died I don't know but the Apostle Paul scholars tell us that one time had been a married man I don't know about a lady of the seller of purple whether she was divorced or widowed never married but I know that she needed a family I think about that little demon possessed girl that we're going to read about who was delivered a little fortune telling her she had become the slave the dirty play thing of dirty or man she needed a family that old brutal jailer he needed a family and you know there are lots of folks in need a family. You know what a church is is an extended family this is our family for many other people who don't have a family you see I'm bringing a series of messages on the family that's what it's all about not only is the church a place to help people to build their family at home with the church itself is a family for many other people who don't have the joy and the privilege of having a home family like some do and I want you to look at this church in Philip by I want to be the model I want to be the pattern 1st of all I want you to see how this church got started I want you to see what I'm going to call the formation of God's for ever family the formation of it which if you will in Chapter one Verse one Paul and Timothy us the servants of Jesus Christ to all the same as in Christ Jesus which are I add Philip by the same as I am Christ at Filipov Now how did these saints get to be saying as I may I tell you the only 2 categories of people in the world the Saints and they ain't Now you're one of the other half the Saints are those that are saved how did they get to be saints well just put your bookmark there and flip in chapter one and let's go back to Acts chapter 16 and see the founding of this church is so wonderful and what lessons there are for us here I want you to see now we're talking about the supernatural formation of the church the people of the world can build buildings the people of the world can have organization if it is not supernatural it will be superficial. Now I want you to see how this church at Philip I had a supernatural dimension as it got started in actually after 16 and I began to read in verse 6 Now this is talking about God's missionary Paul and his sidekick Silas The Bible says and when they were going through out her and the region. Glacier they were forbidden. Of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia. And after they were come to miss you this saved to go to Phineas but the spirit. Suffered them not the Holy Spirit said you are forbidden to go this way and I have written down in my notebook the restraint of the Spirit. Here on man they're warning to serve the Lord their motive is right to preach the gospel of Jesus they're going into a zone they're going into the family and so they think well his face is no I don't want you to go that way that my dear friend is the restraint of the Spirit. Have you ever told a child how to drive how many of you've ever tried to be somebody to drive a car. What's the 1st thing you show them excel or rater all the brake. You show them the brake and if they said I'm not interested in the brake you said just give me the keys back and that right of course you see your friend before and God will never show you the Excel or a very honest always show you break if you're not interested in the restraint of the spirit you'll never know the release of the Spirit. Do you know the restraints of the sphere can God say no to you and you listen to what your friend you can choose the place of your service. Now watch this 1st of all there was the wrote a book about him called The Wisdom of Solomon he was a great preacher and a great man he always had something funny to say one day he was preaching at his college in a convocation there on the college campus and his wife was out there he said he said you know God never did give me anything I ever wanted more right away that sounded kind of strange because here is a man who served all his life and had a fruitful ministry to say such as he said God. Thing I wanted. He said God did let me go to the college I wanted to go to well that was his alma mater that it was speaking at people looked around. He said God never let me pass to the church I wanted to Pastor. A lot of his church members were out there. And then the cootie are all he said God didn't even let me marry the woman I wanted to marry there's his wife sitting right there. I mean you talk about a guy who was sinking deeper and deeper. And then he gave a big smile he said God never did give me anything I ever wanted but he always gave me something better than I ever wanted Paula same to go in the same area and Indonesia but the Holy Spirit said I want you to go to Greece I want you to go to Macedonia and opened up. For the preaching of the gospel. Because Ga was super and naturally building its church. There was. The restraint of the spear there was the release of the spear and then my dear friend there were the results of the spear which you'll find there in my story when they got there they went down to the river side and there's Lydia that traveling sales lady from fire a tire a seller of purple and she'd come down there to a prayer meeting God touched her heart she said Paul you'll come over to my house we'll we'll have a prayer meeting there you can start your bible studies there and that was the beginning of the church and the Bible says that open your heart soul winning takes on a new dimension when we know the restraint in the release of a spirit God open your heart. And then there's a little demon possessed. You read in the 16th chapter of Acts she's following Paul around in the city filled by his she saying these men a severance of the most high God * Allah tried to avoid or Finally Paul had enough and he turned around and he rebuked her in the name of Jesus and ran the devil out of him a little girl got saved. Paul ended up in jail because she was making a lot of money for those men who were profiteering all for her. The little girl got saved Paul and Silas handshake midnight. They beat them there in the innermost jail they're down there there's moaning and groaning and filth Paul and Silas are praising caught him giving God glory. For those prisoners are heard moaning they never heard praising they heard cursing the never heard praying Paul and Silas are praying God is so pleased he looks down then begins to shake that whole jail and there's an earthquake you remember story Jailhouse Rock Band thing begin to shake and the palms fell off the bed chamber that hardened prison guard is ready to commit suicide and Paul and Silas say Don't hurt yourself we're all here. Don't commit suicide. We want to tell you about Jesus. And the jailer. God save me I believe a lot of those jailbirds God save too because Paul inside has said we're all here none I'm going to run off they all want to stay see what's going to happen. Listen when the church gears right with God no matter how much persecution comes along the devil came stop the revival all he does is just move the location I mean we're right into that jail and there was a revival. In that jail. Now listen Paul was a philosopher What is the answer to the intellectual sophistication of our age Jesus. Lydia. Was a business woman what is the answer to the deepest needs of a woman's heart and militant feminism Jesus. That demon possessed girl was in the grip of the old. What is the answer to the old cold. Jesus banish shame or surrounded by all those prisoners and criminals. What is the answer to the crime problem she says. Has resisted all of those people together. My dear friend you see the restrain of the spheres the release of the Spirit and then you see the results of the spear. That's the way ca put people together and what I call a for ever family now let's move on quickly I want you to see not only the supernatural formation of gods for every family I mean God did it. But I want you to see Secondly the sweet fellowship of God forever family the sweet fellowship look in Philippians. Chapter one. Now let's continue to read here. Paul and Timothy as the servants of Jesus Christ all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at the Apollo with the bishops and deacons Grace Van to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ Now notice how Paul has these people in his heart he says I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. This was such a sweet church always and every prayer of mine for you all making a request with joy I couldn't say that for the Corinthian church but it sure could for the flippin church notice what it is for your fellowship in the gospel be seen you see your fellowship and the Gospel. There is my dear friend the supernatural formation and a supernatural formation always leads to a sweet for the ship your fellowship in the Gospel what is our fellowship our fellowship my friend. Is not in Kool-Aid in cookies. Our fellowship is in the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ why it is the bond that holds us together what is it is the word. And that word fellowship is the Greek word coin on the ah. And it really means to have something in common. We have a common Lord our common life our common law if you will fellowship let's look at the way this word fellowship is used for example in verse 5 he speaks of a coin to me of the Gospel the fellowship of the Gospel and what is the gospel the gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ. You will some fellowship if. You want to be close to somebody. You look around and find a brother or sister who is interested in getting out the Gospel of Jesus Christ and go out and win somebody to Jesus with that person 2 people. Who when a 3rd person the Jesus Christ are never ever again the saying I'll tell you there is nothing that will bond your heart to a brother or sister like going out so wanting to get. I used to play football and let me tell you what fellowship is for your when a big game you know the high school game. As you're the arch rival they live across the state some where they come maybe homecoming and it's the big game that stands are full and and there's a kickoff you know and it's close back and forth and finally your team wins those people up there you your dad and mom sitting up there with a friend as my dad and mom would be when I played football before they hug and they say whoa we won we won in the coach's down there they embraced and they say we won we won and the band gets on the bus and as that band bus drive past the band bus of those who lost the winning team that. Banner you know in Atlanta we won and everybody saying we want we want. To tell you something I've been down there so tired I couldn't even lift my hands to pull my jersey off to be with and sweaty and my arms would be bruised but finally get that jersey all over my head. On lace those shoes and grip that tape off your ankles those stink in the locker room down there on the floor is always a little bit with. Old towels stain can. You sit down there and there's another oh boy he's bruised and battered his nose was over this way. He'd been down in the trenches with you. Know you look over him you say. Bill we won did my. Friend That's for sure. When you've been in the trenches together. I'm going tell you something else dear friend. 2 people who pray together are never ever the same there's something about I'll just guarantee if you if you say is not true you don't have a prayer partner use your friends are you give down your friend bones with somebody and really began to pray with him and you're going to find that there is something called a coin the name of the Spirit a one other thing look if you will in flippin step or 3 in verse 10. Paul says that I may know him and the power of His resurrection Now watch this and the fellowship of His sufferings. Fellowship of soul winning fellowship of supplication and now fellowship of suffering. Fellowship of so winning fellowship of supplication fellowship of suffering. For his suffering. You saying I don't have any friends I am not a part of the church let me tell you what to do. Find somebody who's hurting and hurt with them. More this city in this town in this church are full on people who need somebody to love them somebody to put their arms around them Paul said I want to know the fellowship of Christ sufferings How can you know that Jesus is in heaven. But he said as much as you've done it unto the least of one of these my brethren you've done it unto me. To people who went to so together are never quite the same again 2 people who pray together are never quite the same again and 2 people who cry together are never quite the same again the fellowship of suffering . Is not a class. We are one body him cry. Critic being a spectator here in true it. One last thing I want to say. Not only do you see in this story the supernatural formation of the church the sweet fellowship of the church which but I want you to see Thirdly the sure future of the church Philippians one verse 6 look at it. Now Paul speaks of the Fellowship in verse 5 but then in verse 6 he says being confident Well I like that word no stutter no stammer no apology being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you. Will perform it. Until the day of Jesus Christ now who made. In the good work. Jesus how did he do it through the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the builder of it. And therefore there is a sure future to say listen how did you get saved did you think it was your idea to get same well pardon me but it wasn't there's not there's none this sacred after God no not one we love Him because He 1st loved us he chose us. My dear friend you were chosen of the Spirit. And then you were convicted of the sphere and then you were converted by the Spirit and I'll tell you something else you'll be completed by the Spirit say a man. There choose her and the convict her and the converter is the complete or. Anything you start is not going to be finished I mean Friend everything's winding down to the grave I don't care what it is is going into oblivion but anything he does is for ever for ever impossible says I'm confident. Of this thing that he who has begun a good work in you will perform unto the day of Jesus Christ. I don't know what business you're in dear friend but there's no business like the Gospel business if you let me use the word business. God is for after things go. For here's for ever fan. Do you want to be a part of God's forever family you can do that right no praise something like this from your heart Oh God in heaven I know that I'm a sinner and that you're holy I'm separated from you because of my scene I repent of that I turn from my sin and I turn to you and receive the gift that you're offering me in Jesus Christ I believe he died in my place he took my punishment and gave his blood for me and rose again to new life so that I could be part of your forever family I could be forgiven. And become your child I believe that's what you want to do for me right now and I've received that gift I ask you to come into my heart save me and I proclaim that from today on You are the lord of my life I want to follow you in Jesus' name amen. If you prayed that prayer just now would you let us know we'd love to send you some free materials to get you started in your Christian walk ask for the new Christian study helps when you go online it l w f o r g all of our contact information is there but if you click discover Jesus at the top of the page you'll see a form that you can fill out and a video from Adrian Rogers that explains more about this just go to L.W.'s dot org and click discover Jesus and let us hear from you today. Now if you'd like to order a copy of today's message God's forever family call us at 1877 loves God This message is also part of the a future for the family series if you'd like that complete series 9 powerful messages or just today's lesson God's forever family call us 877 love God or go to l w f o r g to order well that's our broadcast for today a question before we go are you an active member in your local church that's an important thing not only for you but also for the sake of your brothers and sisters in Christ pray for direction and where to go and how you can best plug in and support the fellowship and join us next time as a Brian Rogers teaches out of a meeting in your marriage right here on the love worth fighting. Here's a note from a grateful listener to love worth finding my wife and I are members of Bellevue Baptist Church been attending since moving to Memphis in 1909 there were many time . Times in my life that I needed to hear a word of encouragement Dr Rogers had a way of bringing the Bible to life and I'm closer to the Lord because of it thank you for sharing these messages on the air we'll thank you for sharing this sweet memory with us we are thankful for listeners around the country who reach out and tell how this program is impacting their life this month if you give a gift in support of love worth finding we will send you the daybreak journal it's a $365.00 day devotional Journal featuring profound truth simply stated by Adrian Rogers give a gift right now you can call us at 1877 Love God and again thank you for your generous support of love worth finding the preceding program is sponsored by Cordova media. Worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital h.d. On am 670 Kayleigh t.t. Ecommerce City Denver. This Christmas give the gift of a water buffalo great what did he just say that's right I said water buffalo kale t.t. Is partnering with gospel for Asia and their 200-1000 critter campaign when you donate a water buffalo to a poor family in Asia you open the door for them to provide work food and income more importantly you open the door for them to hear about Jesus it's a special gift your family will long remember and a family in Asia will never forget so if you want your family to do something truly meaningful this Christmas bless another family with a water buffalo and you can change their lives forever to learn more go to the Calle t.t. Website 670 calle t.t. Dot com and click on the Gospel Frazier Christmas critter campaign banner or call 80618274. 480-618-2744. The City. Is pleased to present Ronald l. Dart and Born to Win. If you ever needed the outline for a soap opera you can find it in the book of Genesis maybe you'd like to do a screenplay for a movie with a great sweep of characters in action Genesis you know has everything has great dynasties wealthy and powerful man murder sex intrigue in says sed war in fact everything you could hope to find in a modern primetime drama is right there some fools look at it and shutter thinking Is this what the God of the Old Testament is like of course not this is what people are like and that's where the interesting thing is I know I think sometimes movies they do us a great service in putting the story of the Bible on film so we can sit there in a prime time and look at it enjoy it but there's a funny thing about this there's a trap involved in it they put all these people in the ancient culture with all the robes and special effects and so forth and then they give them the stilted language of what I suppose they think the language was at the time you know the technology back then was different the circumstances the culture all these things were different but the people were not those people are just like us and they spoke to one another in the vernacular However we say our little slang a gossipy things today they said and then in their language in their way they were just like us. Now for his own reasons God has decided to work with man toward his own goals and that brings us to the reason for the series of program the question we keep asking is what in the world is God doing does he have a plan is he going somewhere with this or is he just enjoying the soap opera fact is though God does have a long term plan for man and the outlines of it are barely evident in Genesis but they are there someone once called Genesis after a an old radio soap opera One man's family that one man in Genesis being Abraham and in fact God seems to be looking for a family he had a friend his name was Abraham he gave that friend a son in his old age saying that that son his seed in that son and his see the entire Earth should be blessed the son was Isaac and that birthright passed on to his grandson whose name was Jacob Jacob's name fades in history as his name is changed to Israel and the story of the history of God's greater family begins to be written you know it was God's intent that Israel be an instrument to take his name and his blessing throughout the world this was a part of the original promise made to Abraham any you in your seed show all the nations be blessed. You know if we were to speak of this in modern terms God intended that Israel be his evangelist in the world not just an evangelist of ideas and laws but an example and a help to the world of beneficence power in the world and actually to take God's message to the world the sins and with which Israel was a chosen people was not in the sense of exclusivism it was not that well we're the chosen people and you are not. Israel was put in the world it was chosen to be God's instrument in the world to take his word his ideas his concept and to take the knowledge of him into the world something which they didn't do very well I fear and I'm reminded of this line in there on the roof of where Tavia is sitting there struggling with all the stuff going on in his life and he looks up to God he says I know we are a chosen people but lord could you choose someone else for a while I think he had caught far more than most people do the vision of what being the chosen people is Israel was chosen to carry a message to carry an example to do a work not merely to sit there and receive God's blessings and you know in point of fact a great deal of the legal systems that dominate the democracies of the world arise from the laws of the God of Abraham which have been passed on through his seed Oh yeah that God gave Abraham laws or all kinds of them he had a whole system of laws that Abraham knew about and as a result of that these were all passed down and have found their way into constitutions By-Laws common law a great great civilizations so they have blessed the world now along the road God cut certain deals with individuals and with communities and with Jacob and his 12 sons the patriarch to the story until 12 tribes of Israel God took a major step in his plan. After relationships had soured between Jacob and some of the people of the land of the north it it all went really bad because of the rape of his daughter died a by some in there and revenge that his sons took on the city's well and to use Jacob's word made him stink and in the nostrils of all the people of that region. So God said to him it's time to move on get up and go up to Bethel Bethel now was up the mountain side from there not red steep mountain but on a higher elevation go up into all there and make there an altar I'm the god that appeared to you when you fled from the face of Esau your brother now Bethel was just a few miles north of what is now Jerusalem less than a day's walk for an act of man they're going to move up there and establish a place of worship there this was the 1st place that Jacob encountered God and the place where he saw the latter ascending up into heaven and he himself at that time says this is surely the house of God in this place and oddly enough house Bethel he means house of God And so this location was established as the center of worship for. All of his family and for all the Israelites people have been in reading the Bible always think of Jerusalem as God's place that's Jerusalem is God's city but the fact of the matter is that John God isn't married to Jerusalem and never was he chose his place whenever he wanted to choose his place and put it where we wanted to be Bethel was the place for a while and when Israel came back into the land they camped out up and Gill gallon again and Shiloh where they pitched the tabernacle in the tabernacle was for a very long time in Shiloh and that was the center of the worship of God In fact they didn't even own Jerusalem didn't have possession of Jerusalem as a city through much of their history. Well Jacob said to his household to everyone with him put away the strange gods that are among you and be clean and change all your clothes Let's get up and go to Bethel I'm going to make there an altar unto God who answered me in the day of my distress that has been with me in every way that I went so they gave Jacob all the strange gods in their hands all their earrings in their ears and Jacob buried him under an oak that was unshaken what's going on here basically is a separation from idolatry a complete separation and a dedication to the one true God of Abraham with whom they had cut this deal so they journeyed and the terror of God was upon all the cities round about them and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob they were scared to death of them and with good reason because after the rape and of his daughter Dinah 2 of his boys after that Condit city had to getting the men circumcised 2 of them went in there and killed every man in the place and took everything all the people took it all out of there so those cities had reason to be concerned about all 12 of these boys well these people might have been pretty well afraid after that small war they head so Jacob came to love in the land of Canaan which is now called Bethel he and all the people that were with him he built there an altar he called the place Bethel because their God appeared to him when he fled from the face of his brother but Deborah Rebecca's nurse died and she was buried beneath Bethel under an oak This is an interesting little side that whenever he went up there and got his wife. Her nurse came with him I don't know what that meant exactly in the ancient world whether she had been the child's nurse from the time she was a little girl but this nurse Rebecca's had come with her she had been with her before she ever married the man and now this elderly woman dies in Bethel and God appeared to Jacob again and he blessed him and he said your name your name is Jacob your name is not going to be called any more Jacob Israel shall be your name that basically means prince of God And it's interesting because right here at this point is where the change the real change in history takes place if we look back the name is Rose from here to everybody it's imprinted on our maps in the Middle East we everybody knows who is really is not everybody does know however where the name came from and how it was originally given to a man named Jacob and God said to him I am God Almighty and Hebrew El Shaddai has a good sound to it Be fruitful and multiply be a nation a company of nations Kings are going to come out of your Lloyd's and the land which I gave to Abraham and to Isaac I'm going to give it to you and to your seed will I give the land so the original real estate contract that God made with Abraham is affirmed and confirmed one more time and God went up from him in a place where he talked to him and Jacob set up a pillar in this place a pillar of stone he poured a drink offering on it and poured oil on it and he called the name of the place where God spoke with him Bethel house of God. And shortly thereafter there comes a blessing and a tragedy I'll tell you about those after this message if you need help in teaching Christian values to your children at home write or call and give us the ages of your children and the call letters of this radio station born to win will send you a free sample lesson from educational adventures listen for the address at the close of this program or call toll free 18 a viable 44 and visit us online at Morning Joe when dot net. Jacob and his family continued on south from Bethel there was not a little way to come to f. Rest and Rachel went into labor and she had a hard labor they had all stop Rachel you know was Jacob's love the love of his life she was the woman for whom he worked 14 years he made a deal to marry or after work in 7 years and her father gave him instead said you'll have to work another 7 years for Rachel and he did it because he loved her so much well it came to pass that while she was in there's a really hard labor the midwife said Don't be afraid you're going to have this boy also and it was a boy it came to pass as her life was departing because she died she called his name been on e but his father called him Benjamin and thus was born number 12 of the patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel and poor Rachel died and was buried in the way to effort which is best for him. And there's a location down there they they tell you this is where Rachel was buried and one never knows about some of the traditions of go back through time but it's possible that you could actually go to the spot certainly traveling from Jerusalem to Bethlehem you must somewhere along that road going into Bethlehem or just out the other side pass the tomb of Rachel and Jacob set a pillar on her grave that's the pillar of Rachel's grave to this day and so Israel let's take a journey and he spread his tent he came to pass when Israel dwelt in that land and here's the soap opera quality and I mentioned this earlier that that what we're dealing with here is a different culture the technology is different the circumstances are different the family business is agriculture but the people the people are the same it came to pass that when they were developing that land that Ruben that's Jacob's 1st born son went in and lay with belie his father's concubine and his dad heard about it and. In a family like that you know he would hear about it now in order to keep our soap opera straight the sons of Jacob were 12 the sons of Levi were Reuben Jacob's firstborn Simeon Levi who ultimately his sons would form the priesthood Judah who basically were the ruling family is a car and Zabulon the sons of Rachel were Joseph and Benjamin and these were because I guess Rachel was his favorite wife these were his favorite sons and the sons of be Rachael's hand made word Dan and NAFTA lie this is the woman that Reuben his 1st born with it is left with we don't have a lot of idea about the time between these items but I suspect that this woman was rather a lot older than Reuben musta been something of a dish anyhow. The sons of zil poly is handmade for Gad and Asher and these are all the sons of Jacob and they make up the 12 tribes of Israel now do you see what I was driving at when I talked about a soap opera or an epic movie I don't think anyone's actually done this one but the story that we're reading here I mean this could actually inspire a whole series of evening primetime television specials in fact you could have a little parlor game deciding who gets to play which part in this incredible soap opera I for one at this particular time would suggest Mel Gibson should be the guy who plays the role of Jacob and after that get your friends together and have a little fun with it but this is really strong stuff in fact I think a lot of screenwriters borrow from the Bible and never bother telling the body about it. When they came on south from where they were going they they had started south coming through what would have been Jerusalem at that time they came on down to Bethlehem and went on through to he Britain and there they met the boy his grandfather yeah Isaac is still alive Isaac is a very very old man but he lives in Hebrew at this time and he been well if you watch your news you know that this is the focal point of a lot of hatred between the Jews and the Arabs in the area you know this is where the cave is where Abraham is reputed to be buried it's an important city the days of Isaac were 180 years and he gave up the ghost and died and was gathered to his people being old and full of days and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him I guess they were able to bury the hatchet long enough to bury their father together. A 180 year old man he did see his grandchildren who would be one of the dominant influences in the world for generation after generation to come Esau he saw decided I guess to get separate from this seeing the ongoing soap opera that existed there and also probably not wanted to go up against those 12 sons he took his wives his sons his daughters and his whole house his cattle his animals he took you know his herds everything he'd gotten and he moved across Jordan into the country away from the face of his brother Jacob which would not have been one of the smartest things he saw ever did the book of Genesis tells us in Chapter $36.00 verse 7 says their riches were more than that they might do well together in the land where in they were strangers could not bear them because of their cattle so thus dwelt he saw in Mount Seir he saw is. And if you check your Biblical maps you'll find it across the Jordan and to the south now what follows is a story that's told Hell yeah like I said they they borrow from the Bible again and again but you may have seen the movie sickle Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. The musical was funny the story well the original story is not quite so funny I'll tell you about that when I come back after this message if you would like to share this program with friends and others write or call this week and like and request your free copy of what is God doing number 20 write to Born to Win. 560 White House Texas 75791 call toll free 1888 Bible 44 and please tell us the call letters of this radio station. Time passes in this soap opera and Joseph the favorite son of Jacob comes to age 1717 you know as that's the age when you know or think you know a whole lot more than you do he was feeding the flock with his brother in the lad was with the sons of Bella and the sons of zil his father's wives now there's an interesting aspect is that he wonder well how does this happen that this particular set of boys working together well if you think about it very much you'd realize it a family 12 sons you know some of them being born by the 1st wife some by the 2nd wife some by The Handmaid's but those sons of The Handmaid's probably had a lesser status in the house it's just the way things are nobody may have talked about it nobody may have made an issue out of it but it probably happened what happened is that he saw these young men do something we don't a lot that he should that they should have done and Joseph went straight to his father with their evil report so from that day forward Joseph would be viewed by these brothers as a snitch. Now Israel loves Joseph more than all his children because he was a son of his old age and he doted on him and he made him a Coat of Many Colors and I mean if you haven't seen Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat you probably should with his brother and saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren they hated him and they couldn't bring themselves to speak peacefully to them I tell you this is great prime time soap opera material the intrigue the hatred the attitudes the the working toward or against one another it's all there. Joseph very young and a little lacking in discretion had a tendency to say whatever was on his head he dreamed a dream he told his brethren and they hated him more said to them here's a hint Well hey guys hear this dream I've dreamed look we were not binding sheaves in the field and my Sheaffer rose and stood upright and your sheaves stood around about and bal down to my sheaf Isn't that incredible. His brothers didn't think so they were furious and I said are you going to reign over us you think you're going to be the boss you're going to have dominion and they hated him more for his dreams and for his words I said some dreams you're probably better off keeping to yourself but Joseph. He 17 he dreamed another dream and told it to his brother and he said I dreamed another dream I had another one Look the sun in the moon the 11 stars made obey a sense to me and he told it to his father he told it to his brothers and his bride father having a little age in the wisdom own him rebuked him he says What is this dream you dream do you think I and your mother and your brother indeed are going to come and bowed down to you to the earth. And his brother and envied him but his father. Is father filed that away in his memory as I'm a side note here that's worth paying attention to those people at that time immediately recognize the significance of the sun and the moon and the 11 stars now if you have a computer in your house by now you probably know what an icon is the icons on your computer screen are all those little shaped things that tell you what it does and for example there be a little printer up on the top sort of your screen and if you've clicked on that printer it'll bring up your window that tells you how to do the printing and you click another one and bang goes off in Prince I was looking on one of my screens one day and just out of curiosity how many icons are there on the screen and I counted 40 on that one screen different icons which was all the different things that I could do from that point on the screen all represented by little icons which take up less space there's no need for explanation you just click and go and it does it well the sun and the moon in the sense in those icons everybody immediately recognized as father and mother and so when you make your way through the Bible and you find Sun and Moon used as a symbolic sense realize that while you're reading words on a page that is the ancients these were icons and they meant something you click on the sun you get the father you click on the moon you get the mother and you find the same symbols make their way out into Paganism as well and the symbolism of the sun and the moon and all that's involved with that has enormous significance in some pagan religions Well his father as I said wasn't impressed but he did try to remember what he said. His brother and went to feed their flock fathers flock and shake them and Israel said to Joseph your brother down and shaken feeding the flock I want to send you down to them he said You go down there and see whether it's well with your brother and you and well with the flocks and bring me back word again it's quite a distance down to shake up and Jake Jacob didn't want to go down himself so he sent him all the way from he burned down the shack check him to check on the state of the flocks that were down there he might have thought twice about that a certain man found him and behold he was wondering in the field and a man asked What are you looking for some looking for my brothers tell me where they feed their flocks he said all they left here I heard them say let's go to Dolphin so he followed after them and found them and also and they saw him coming over the hill I imagine his coat gave him away long before he was close enough they were all sitting around and they conspired against him and they said look this dreamers coming let's kill him cast him into some pit will tell our dad we don't know some evil beast has devoured him and then we'll see what comes of his dreams Reuben sitting not right too close heard it and he said no no we don't want to do that don't kill him don't shed blood if you want to do this let's cast it into a pit in the desert out here and don't lay any hand upon it now Reubens point in doing this was Reuben says let's don't kill him put him in the pit because what he intended to do was to go back and get him and send him back to his dad Reuben was acting honorably in all this and doing his best to save the boy's life it came to pass when Joseph came up to his brother and without any fairly well they stripped out a bit of his coat they took it off of him and took him away and cast him into a pit that happen to be empty there was no water it was Joe that was lucky and they'll set down to have a meal. And they lifted up their eyes while reading and I said Look here here comes a company of Arabs down from Gilly and with their camels they've got spices and balm I bet they're on the way to Egypt and you said hey what are you going to profit off of a kill our brother and conceal his blood let's settle into the issue light at least we'll get some money in our hand won't be upon him he is after all our brother and our brother our flesh but don't kill him let's sell him and they all thought well that's a pretty good idea there passed by these merchantman as I drew up a pool Joseph out of the pit sold into this mill lights for 20 pieces of silver and they took Joseph in the chipped Reuben was not there when this happened he had gone away and came back to the pit when he got there Joseph was gone and he was devastated Reuben was not in the deal to sell Joseph and he returned to his brother and said the child's gone what am I going to do they took Joseph Cote they killed a kid dipped the coat in the blood and they sent the mid Coat of Many Colors and brought it to their father and said this We have found we are not quite sure whether it's Joseph's coat or not. Jacob knew he said it's my son's coat and evil beast has devoured him Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces he couldn't even bear his son so he tore his clothes the sign of mourning he put sackcloth on his law and he mourn for his son many many days what these boys did to Joseph was an forgivable what they did to their father is unspeakably cruel but the rest of the story will have to wait till later. Until next time I'm Ronald dart and you were born to win the Born to Win radio program with is sponsored by Christian educational ministries and made possible by donations from listeners like you if you can help please send your donation to born to women Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 you may call us at 18. And visit us online at www dot net. Stay in touch with the new born to win with Ronald Eldar and this ep is all of your favorite Ronald Eldar radio messages sermons articles and even as a digital Bible simply search on the i o. S. Or Android app store to download it for free today. The preceding program is sponsored by Christian educational ministries. The nation's most powerful Christian Voice world war worldwide at 670 Caleb t.t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital age d n a m 670 calle t t e-commerce City Denver. Elizabeth was growing up then Princess Elizabeth she always knew she would one day be the queen wasn't there with Queen Victoria when she was young she actually was shielded from the fact that she would be the next ruling monarch of England they'd wanted to grow up spoiled but finally her teacher didn't discover for self that she would one day be queen of England most powerful monarch in the world with that tie because response was simple well then I will be good she understood she needs a liberal life based on her own position. On a board of unity about special identity special life Young Victoria new and every child of God listening today needs to understand when you know you have a special position you live a special life which leads me to ask you this question Do you know who you really are. Is he real identity is not what your family says your are your employer our culture you know what your friends say are your enemies say you are you are who God says you are and if you belong to Jesus Christ he says I will be a father to you and you will be my sons and daughter says the Lord Almighty Ok since he's the king of kings that would make you a prince or princess and the royal family of God which leads us to the life enlarging challenge in our. A word for today from the Word of God It's inefficient for one I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received Yeah big calling big life unfortunately too many of us are are under living living a life unworthy of who God is Major to be princes living life Popper's because you've gotten so many wrong messages in your life about your identity it's important to see the special identity that your creator your savior has given you no matter how small you income may be no matter how insignificant you may seem by society's standards what do they know anyway that infusions 13 says that God has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ you're a spiritual billionaire because you're the child of a father who is infinitely wealthy and he's made all the spiritual blessings of his wisdom his guidance His love His grace His strength of vailable to you you don't have to live at the mercy of your situation or your weaknesses or your past you have access to a spiritual fortune and a fusions one goes on to say that quote He chose us in him before the creation of the world and that we are living quote again according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will in short what you see isn't even a fraction of what you get you are living a big big plan conceived and guided by a big big God you've had a victim of circumstance you're living in the turtle planned of a day and Ephesians one says we have redemption through His blood the forgiveness of sins you don't have to be which you've always been you're a free man a free woman redeemed by the Holy Blood of Christ your child of the king with access to his resources living in eternal plan freed from your sin by His blood Wow. Live worthy of who you are the chapters that follow what officials described as the life of a royal child like you should look like selfless in your relationships not self centered truthful in everything you say controlling your temper not your temper controlling you always building people up never tearing them down allowing nothing dirty into your heart or mind putting your family's needs above your own talking up the Jesus you owe everything to anything else is unworthy of the special person God has major to breeze through the blood of His Son. You're not living up to some rules now. You're living up to your loyalty. Thanks Ron Christmas is coming and Henry has a powerful message you need to hear Ron provide some practical insights from the life of Mary that will encourage you or someone you know today to access your free copy of Wonder Woman Christmas 3 life transforming secrets from the life of Mary please visit our website a word with you dot com That's a word with you dot com a word with you is a feature of Ron Hutch graph ministries Thanks for listening. God still has a plan for you listen to this sound biblical teaching on k l t t 670 and discover God's personal call for you in this season of your life. You're in tune to am 670 calle t t k o t t h d Commerce City Denver f.m. At 95 point one and streaming world one at 670 calle t t v dot com. Poll says Don't you know as if there's something we ought to know very obviously and he says Don't you know this and so we need to look at it because it's very very important for. Standing of how we relate to Jesus this is Collin Koch here and how it happens thanks for joining me today you're listening to the good news of the Gospel this broadcast designs to lead us to the Gospel revealed in the book of Romans to show us how we have a fellowship with our Heavenly Father how he has taken care of all our sins and brokenness in His Son Jesus Christ so that we can comfortably and in peace live with him as it says in Chapter 5 therefore we have been justified by faith and we have peace with God That's what the program is all about to help us to know how we're declared declared innocent how we have that piece so that we can move forward in our lives even in the midst of all the troubles we go through so the thank you for joining me today and join me every day Monday through Friday that is weekdays at 10 o'clock in the evening all repeated at 4 in the morning on k l t t am 670 in the Denver Colorado state or other states or surrounding a Colorado and also listen any time of the day or night on your remote device anywhere you can simply download to your remote device a free app Pod bein Sound Cloud Spotify and the key and how it happens with call and cook their. So here we have Paul now saying oh don't you know well why does he introduce it like that well 1st of all he has said verse chapter one chapter 6 was one What shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound that is shall we continue to live in the and I'm Kingdom with all its identity. That it gives us of sinners and and under the power of death and judgment shall we continue to live in that kingdom shall we then continue to sin in sin that grace may abound certainly not how shall we who die to sin live any longer in it and well we died how did we die well he says Oh do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death. Now this is a remarkably interesting passage in a very very important passage remember it depends on how you have been brought up mind you as a Christian man.