802473051 Tom Cantor also has a daily devotional verse that comes out each day by email and on Facebook to receive this small daily devotional verse the Tom Cantor puts out you can sign up a friendship with God Oh argy friendship with God done oh our gene or find Tom Cantor on Facebook by searching for Tom Cantor and friendship with God Now here is our Bible teacher Tom canter. But the water that I shall give him in shall be any him a well of water springing up into everlasting life what the Lord was saying to that woman is that if you keep asking and seeking and knocking on the world of men for that love care and self esteem that you crave you're going to keep on getting knocked down you get to keep on coming and thirsty again because no man in the world can give you what you need but if you take the water that I give you there will come a person to live inside of you a person will be me in the person of my Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit of Christ the Spirit of Christ and inside of you he will be that well of water springing up and ever lasting life inside of you the Holy Spirit will be that well of water springing up into endless love and care inside of you the Holy Spirit will be that well of water that will give you the sweet hello that's meant for only you that will be that someone who you can mean something to inside of you the well of water is going to spring up in it's going to give you the love of John $316.00 For God so loved you that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever that you believing in Him will not perish but have everlasting life and you'll never find that from the world you'll never find out from a world of men and as long as you keep asking it. Not king in seeking the world of men you just keep singing that old song you'll keep coming up thirsty again but if you drink the water that I give you you'll have a new song your Dusan is going to be I found a friend all such a friend. Jesus is all that the world to me I found a friend who is all to me his love is ever true I love to tell how he lifted me and what his grace can do for you you're going to say you're going to sing about the new friend found a friend oh such a friend he left me there I knew him he drew me with cords of love and thus he bound me to him round my heart still closely twine those ties that not can sever I'm his he is mine forever and forever a song like all my life I had panted for a draw out from some cool spring that I hoped would quench the burning of the thirst I fell and within Hallelujah I found him who my soul so long has craved Jesus satisfies my longings through life I know I'm saved I mean I'm getting I worked up a little bit about this woman at the well because I feel very much like I know that woman at the well with the 5 plus has been in her life because because I was the kid I was the son of my father who was married 5 times and in addition did have 5 Common Law wides in between 10 women 10 women in his life for me one mother and 9 step mothers as a little kid who sat through my center all the 10 women I was a little kid who heard my dad on the phone talking for hours with his friends in East in the same cycle of 2 phone calls the 1st phone call was hi founder she's so different from the rest she's so wonderful she's so beautiful she's so intelligent she's so funny she's just marvelous I love her 1st phone call the 2nd phone call was she's home all all secures about is money she's the worst person I've ever met in my life I enter some other kid you know I'm listening to. The cycle here those are the 2 problems that people fall into There are 2 problems that people fall into when they read this account at the woman of the well to heirs to heirs of misapplication that people make when they read this history of the woman of the well John chapter 4 the 1st problem the 1st problem is they look at this woman and they say 5 husbands who knows how many other men in her bed what it is a moral woman how dirty of her thoughts to me therefore what the Lord Jesus said to this woman has no application to me that's all for sexually immoral people not to sleep around that doesn't apply to me that's a misapplication of this history because the truth is that we're all the same as that woman at the well because whether it's sexual sin or any other sin Romans $323.00 applies to us as well which says Romans $323.00 all have sinned and come short of the glory of God Ecclesiastes the $72720.00 says there's not a just man upon the earth that do with good and sin and not. And 1st John 3 a diverse John 101st John one aide says if we say that we have no sin we could almost say if we had the audacity to say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us the truth is that every one of as has and does sin and there is no such thing as a good scene there is no such thing as a white lie there is no such thing as a clean sin all sin is dirty all sin is rotten We are all dirty rotten sinners Yes that one minute the well was a dirty rotten thinner and if we're honest that was step over the line and take our place with her as just another dirty rotten sinner and that's the 1st error of misapplication to push this woman away from us and like the fairest the stand on the other side of Luke 1811 Luke 1811 and say affair as he stood and prayed thus with himself I thank the that I am not as other men are store Shinners I just don't termers even as just published and I fast twice a week I give ties of all why because us were wrong were wrong to look at this Him or woman and John 4 and to go on the other side of it with a fair see and say I thank the that I'm not as this woman at the well but we're right we're right to leave the fairest the side and go over to the side of this woman at the well and say what the public can in Luke 1813 Luke 813 the publican standing afar off would not lift so much as his head eyes to heaven but smote upon his breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner were right to go over the side of this woman at the well and say God be merciful to me a sinner just as dad is this woman at the well or as Paul put it as Paul put in 1st Timothy 115 1st Timothy 115 when he said this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief. So wrote the man who wrote most of the New Testament so this is the 1st error of misapplication for the sister of the woman of the well in John 4 is to say I'm not a dirty woman of the street that has no application to me but there is a 2nd misapplication of this history of the woman at the well in John 4 and it's not to see how what she did applies to us and not the sleeping around but what was motivating her to sleep around the point of the history of this woman at the well is missed when it's not recognize what the woman at the well was actually doing in her life she was looking to the world in her case the world of men for true in her soul satisfaction look at the world an end she was asking she was seeking she was knocking to find love to find contentment to find find happiness and the point of the history of this woman of the world's midst when a person says Oh yes but she was a lost person she was not saved she was not a believer and we don't suppose to her he was trying to get a lost person saved but I'm not lost I'm saved I'm a believer I don't need to be saved I don't need to come to the Lord I already did that I already did so the woman at the well she doesn't apply directly to me I already have had that will of water spring up into everlasting life to him in history this history of the woman at the well only applies to me for the purposes of instruction anything that's all the value I get from this history of the woman in the well is just to see how how I should witness to a lost person that's the only implication that I see in this history nothing more I'm not lost like the one at the well saw only in the days that only the day before I was saved that I identify with this woman at the well but not now I don't now identify with. Her That's a common position among believers to have that position of not identifying with the woman at the well in the present is to miss the point of the history because the point of the history here is seen with these words drink this of this water present tense drink that's what John 413 John 413 whosoever drink this of this water shelter is to get and the last are not the only ones that are drinking of this water and thirsty again drink it this water applies also to the saved drink of this water and thirst again applies the saved to what is this what's this water what's this water the Lord is referring to in John 413 it's looking to something or someone in this world and asking and seeking and knocking for satisfaction of the soul that's to this water this water the Lord is referring to it might be a relationship that someone is asking and seeking and knocking Saint person asking and seeking and knocking on to bring happiness to it might be a relationship where they're not married it might be a really should put their on their might be a relationship a spouse but it's looking to that relationship like Barbra Streisand's things tally him tell him that the sun and moon rise in his eyes reach out to him and whisper tender words so soft and sweet hold him close to feel his heart beat love and then she says something very interesting which she sings as love will be the gift you give yourself a lot. What did she mean the sign in the moon rise of his eyes and the love your love is a love you give yourself why did she say that love will be if you give yourself because the person is asking and seeking and knocking on a human relationship on the level of the human relationship to give back the gift of happiness and contentment and it's these human relationships that is that this water that the Lord is referring to when he said in John 413 John 413 whosoever drink of this water shelter is to get in human relationships that's the common stuff of this water that's the common stuff of this one of the disappoints where people put their whole heart into asking into seeking into knocking like this an old something the 50th where the lyrics of of a girl's devotion to a boyfriend or when you listen to this you think are she wants me singing about God No I will follow him follow him wherever he may go There isn't an ocean too deep a mountain so high it could keep me away I must follow him follow him ever since he touched my hand I knew that near him I will always be and nothing can keep him from me he is my destiny he'll always be my true love my true love my true love from now on till forever and forever the Lord hear those words the Lord hears those words about a boy he is my destiny he'll always be my true love both now until forever in the large shakes his head back and forth he says that's the water I'm talking about in John for 13 whosoever drink it is this water shelter is to get in the water that causes a person to thirst again. It can be relationship to can be achievements and attainments in life of which the Lord be fertile in market $36.00 market $36.00 where he said What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and then lose a soul the reason this water again makes a person thirst again is because more is never enough and the issue here is asking and seeking and knocking on the door of the world of relationships the world the possessions the world the pleasures for soul satisfaction this is what the Lord meant in John 413 whosoever drink this water shal thirst again it was over the drink of the water but then he goes on he says Whosoever drink the water that I shall give him shall never thirst never thirst so there's got to be a turning there's got to be a time in a person's life I've been turning to the Lord Jesus with the asking and the sinking and the knocking for satisfaction and that means. A turning to the Lord means turning away from asking and seeking knocking at the world that's called repentance that's called the pencil because as we saw on Matthew 624 Matthew 624 No man can serve 2 masters either he will hate the one love the other or else he'll hold to the one and despise the other you cannot serve in that case he said you cannot serve God and mammon but the same is true that no man can ask and seek and knock on both God's door and the world's door a person is either going to turn to God with his asking seeking and knocking or a person is going to turn to the world of relationship possessions achievements pleasures whatever and no man can ask seek and not towards God in the world same time it's got to be one of the other and so everyone is asking seeking Naki today they're either doing it on to the world or to God If a person turns then the Lord said I've got what you're looking for so the call Matthew $77.00 that seek a knock is really a call to turn away from asking and seeking and knocking on the door of the world to turn to ask the seeking and knocking on God's door it's a call to turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face the things of the world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace but the asking and then seeking and the knocking is a certain type it's not a curious asking it's not a half hearted seeking it's not a casual knocking but what the Lord is really calling for is a genuine asking for the gift of God This Gift of this water as for bringing up. This is a serious seeking for the treasure that he is talking about that's available and this is an urgent not going on heavens doors Ok now the Lord now is now going from seeing a lost person come with his asking and seeking and knocking to the Lord he seen this person go through the narrow gate and start on that narrow road to heaven and he sees and there is just at the beginning of doing this and now he comes in verse 15 with a warning a warning in verse 15 and the warning is be where of false prophets it were false prophets now you know we may be tempted to look at that false prophet his is a one who says that you know the world's going to come to end on this date and so forth. A prophet doesn't just foretell the future but a prophet also is a teacher is teaching and so what the Lord is saying in verse 15 is Be ware of false teachers now he uses this word be where it's a very strong word because be packed in to that word be where is the idea of be cautious of be suspicious out be on your guard towards I remember when I just come to the Lord Jesus and 971 I was I came to Lord 970 and in 1971 I was a new believer not even a year old in the Lord and u.c.s.d. Campus you know that bastion of knowledge and wisdom you know anyway so there I was and and I met some fellow students on campus one time and they told me they were believers also Well now you have to know that in 1971 there were very few believers on campus there were no nobody on faculty that was a believer and there was not enough believers on campus to form a Campus Crusade fellowship group or in a bar City Christian fellowship group or navigators or wasn't so all of us believers kind of huddled together and formed one group which we called t.c.f. Tried and Christian Fellowship is different today there are more at that time we were very few in number so to me some fellow believers on camp was rare and it was something different and so here come these 2 guys. A member I was sitting down on a block wall and I remember that one sat on one side of me and the other sat on the other side of me and they came on strong strong with a question Have you received the gift of the Holy Spirit now the new believer I don't know with this as I have you spoken in tongues yet I have no idea what they're talking about you know I get the idea of that was of gift of being forgiven a being cleansing but they're talking about you you know you need to rise up to the next level well I had no knowledge at all I didn't know. I didn't know the Bible the only thing I knew was that these guys were coming on strong and they were aggressive and they're putting pressure on me to do something and that made my guard go up that name it's suspicious and this is what the Lord is talking about when he says the word be where Be careful don't let your guard down look carefully look carefully and when you find something that's not right something false hood in what a person is saying or teaching avoid them had nothing to do with them you know there was a day in the time of the Lord with his disciples it must have been a beautiful day on the Mount of Olives and Mount of Olives on the east side of Jerusalem and probably it was in the morning can imagine in the morning the sun is rising the golden sun your life shall have you know on Jerusalem of Gold into Jerusalem is his look in their gold buildings the gold the shining and the disciples you can just imagine them with the Lord and others on the Mount of Olives there mesmerized by these golden buildings of the temple they want to show the Lord these beautiful temple buildings like he needed to be shown but anyway and that's how the day all started and with an admiration of the Temple buildings and and then the Lord shocks down about his comments about the Temple buildings in Matthew 241 Matthew 241 Jesus went out and departed from the temple and disciples came to him for to show Him the buildings of the temple and Jesus said to them see not all these things verily I say unto you There shall not be left here one stone upon another that's will not be thrown down. That was just a stunning comment I mean here one minute them cycles are basking in the beauty of these Temple buildings they just want to talk of the Lord about how beautiful the Temple buildings are and then the large states that every one of those stones in the temple guns are going to be thrown down I mean they're standing there on the Mount of Olives they're looking at the Temple buildings of Jerusalem they're beautiful in between. Them is the Kedron valley there and the Lord is telling them that the stones and temple are going to be thrown down in that valley in Jerusalem and you know for them is like that did it they thought boy really knows how to ruin a beautiful time but all of us than the whole atmosphere changes it changes from all what a beautiful morning to a what a terrible time is coming and now the disciples they have one question when when I mean there are a lot of people around the Lord when He said that and so you can imagine the disciples just kind of blotted out so let's pretend we didn't hear but then they get privately alone with the Lord and Betty 243 Matthew 243 and as he sat upon the mount of Olives the disciples came unto Him privately saying Tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world so they understood that he was talking about the end of the world when the Lord was talking and he was talking about his return at that point and so they asked when what when what and so they're expecting for the Lord to say something like Well you know this country is going to count does great national war with this country or there's going to be this you know huge natural disaster that's going to come out massive earthquake something like that that's what they're expecting but instead the Lord spoke about what was going to happen to them when he replied in Matthew 24 for Matthew 24 for Jesus answered his son to them take heed that no man deceive you. Now his reply to their question about what was going to be the indicator for the end of the world and for his return his reply was all about the personal deception Matthew $24.00 for take heed that no man deceive you and we can picture the disciples that at that point backing away from the Lord with their private question about the end times and wondering and to the sound like an answer to our question I mean we ask what's the sign of the End Times going to be it tells us to be careful we're not deceived and so there may be wondering did he really hear us they didn't hear our question but the Lord didn't hear their question and that was the answer to their question because in the last days there will be such strong winds of deception that it will threaten the strongest disciple is that another place and Mark 1322 Mark 1322 false Christs and false prophets shall rise and shall show signs and wonders to seduce if it were possible the very elect. Another wonderful day studying the Bible with our Bible teacher Tom canter here on friendship with God Don't forget the today's message in previous messages can be listened to and downloaded for free at Friendship with God dot o.-r. G. Friendship with God dot o.-r. G. You can also go online to find free resources from Tom Cantor and our online bookstore at Friendship with God dot o.-r. G. You can also find tongue cancer on Facebook and you can also go to Friendship with God on o r g and sign up for his daily devotional time Cantor is also the founder of Israel restoration ministries you can visit that website at Israel restoration Ministries dot o.-r. G. You can write to Tom Cantor at p.o. Box 711330 p. O. Box 711330 Santee California Santee California 92071 e-mail Tom Cantor at Tom Cantor at Friendship with God Oh r.g.p. Tom Cantor at Friendship with God dot au or g or for more information about Tom canter and friendship with God in Israel restoration ministries call us at 802473051. What are you doing Sunday nights join friendship with God radio Bible teacher Tom Cantor of the Friendship with God Fellowship church every Sunday night at 5 30 pm at the Creation inter History Museum in Santee California Watch and listen live around the world to tone Cantors Sunday evening on youtube dot com by searching for the friendship with God fellowship more by going to our home page of friendship with God done o.-r. G. . The preceding program is sponsored by Israel restoration ministry. Resurrection radio is on loan at 6. Of n e calle t. T. Dot com and presented in crystal clear digital h.d. On am 670 calle t.t. Commerce City Denver this Christmas give the gift of a water buffalo Wait what did he just say that's right I said water buffalo kale t.t. Is partnering with gospel for Asia and their 200-1000 critter campaign when you donate a water buffalo to a poor family in Asia you open the door for them to provide work food and income more importantly you open the door for them to hear about Jesus it's a special gift your family will long remember and a family in Asia will never forget so if you want your family to do something truly meaningful this Christmas blessid other family with a water buffalo and you can change their lives forever to learn more go to the kale t.t. Website 670 kale t.t. Dot com and click on the Gospel Frazier Christmas critter campaign banner or call 806182744806182744 . For our contest terms and rules go to the key Al t.t. Website 670 calle t t thoght com. Airport where we've been waiting since the middle of the night to green this rack illicitly after flight full and. Trains are being and. To come home and wings and. People thinking. This is the future in this instance so much that they're still. Here and I'm confident that. We'll be able to accomplish them. Welcome friends to our special bless Israel year . Program brought to you by the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews we just heard from President and c.e.o. Of the Fellowship l. Eckstein as she welcomed the memorial on wings of eagles flight honoring the legacy of her father Rabbi Eckstein who passed away on February 6th 2019 at the age of 67 on today's program we'll hear from you she shares her vision for the future of the Fellowship in Genesis 12 verse 3 God promises to bless those who bless Israel and on today's program we're going to talk about how you can do just that you are going to have an opportunity to bless Israel through the fellowships on wings of eagles program here's the l. Eckstein in a discussion with the former governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee on the Huckabee show on t.v. And let's listen. Welcome to the Huckabee show to talk about the things that you guys are doing to bring real help to people in the land of Israel is so important well it's an amazing thing we live in awesome time with where we don't only read the Bible but we're able to take part in bringing the book called prophecy to fruition and so the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is forefront in that in bringing Jews home to Israel just as Isaiah and Jeremiah and the prophets spoke about thousands of years ago bringing them in gathering from all 4 corners of the earth home to the Holy Land to the Promised Land and helping the orphans and the widows in Israel along with the biblical commandment not. Comfort you comfort me my people we build shelters security drones than do whatever we can on behalf of Christians around the world who love Israel to give tangible aid a tangible message that the people of Israel are not alone you know I think it's pretty remarkable You're an observant Jew Your father started this organization. Incredible ministry really globally a lot of people might be surprised that some of the strongest supporters of Israel the Jewish people are Christians all over the world why do you think Christians care so much about what happens to the nation of Israel and to the Jewish people. It's spiritual and you can't get into the politics of Israel without 1st connecting to the spirituality of Israel and as we know Christians believe that they are grafted on to the rich olive tree of Israel and so the fellowship works with the Christian community and the Jewish community to say these are historic prophetic times let's come together just as $133.00 says he. Does And what he said Do you understand that right there and they don't say it that way in a Baptist church where I'm a little bit right now. I'm sure as what to say. That's probably how Jesus said that you know when you know there's no judge how good it doesn't it is when President well together and so that's what we do we look in the Bible and say where does God want us to mass what we do in practice and we've been blessed from it your organization has done something taken it to a whole new level by actually giving Christians an opportunity to do something tangible to do something that is personal and practical to help people rather than just say you know we love you we care but actually to show it yeah the fellowship is the largest philanthropic organization in Israel and what that means is that it's Christians who are providing the most aid to the people of Israel as far as basic needs and security and so I remember speaking to a family and stay roll down the border with the Gaza Strip and they were telling me when I ran into that shelter and saw the sign on the wall that said donated with love by Christians in America I remember it was this mother of 4 and she said I have to choose on a daily basis and I'm going to stay with my 4 children because I'm not going to get them to the bomb shelter in time or. Choose one child then run to the bomb shelter with them and it feels like the whole world is just criticizing Israel feels like the un the e.u. The Arab Union everyone is against Israel when I when that bomb shelter I knew that there are millions of Christians who stand with me and that was the message that said that's exactly what the fellowship does. Friends you are listening to a very special bless Israel year and program and we just heard from you Al Eckstein the president and c.e.o. Of the fellowship and former governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee of the Huckabee show. Since $983.00 the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews has raised over $1600000000.00 to help millions of poor Jews with food medicine clothing heat shelter and hope and love and this would not be possible without the financial and prayerful support of Christians like you our loving partners who have blessed Israel God's chosen people through the fellowships more than 400 projects in Israel and around the world and today we want to ask you to do the same thing to partner with us here in the month of December to bless a poor Jew who desperately needs our help so as we close out 20191 of the ways you can bless Israel is to give a special year end donation toward the fellowships on wings of eagles program Isaiah Chapter $49.00 says behold they will come from afar and lo they will come from the north and from the West shout for joy or heavens and rejoice all words break forth into joyful shouting all mountains for the Lord has come for good as people the restoration of Israel is one of the greatest promises from God When Christians see the return of the Jews from the 4 corners of the earth we should wake up and say this is my Bible speaking this is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and now I can be part of God. Plan for his chosen people each month the fellowship helps charter airplanes from countries all over the world for emergency Freedom Flights that help bring thousands of Jews home to the Holy Land the cost to help sponsor one Jew on a wings of the Eagles freedom flight to Israel is $350.00 maybe God has blessed you your family or your business this year in a special way and you'd like to give a generous donation of $350.00 your gift will help rescue one Jew on an upcoming flight here in the month of December you can also give a donation of $175.00 will partner you with another donor and together you'll help rescue once you of course you can give a gift of any amount toward the fellowships on wings of eagles program here in December there are more than a dozen flights taking place and every donation large or small is greatly needed you can call our special toll free phone number to donate that number is 807520044807520044 Will you help sponsor a Jew on one of these wings of eagles freedom flights you can make your special year end tax deductible donation of 350 dollars 175 dollars for a gift of any amount quickly and easily with your checking account or a debit or credit card here's that number again 807520044807520044 that's 807520044. They have come from all over the world Russia Argentina India France Muslim countries nearly 60 countries worldwide Jews living in extreme poverty and anti-Semitism all these precious poor Jews want is to some day realize the. Dream of living in their biblical homeland Israel because of Christian radio listeners like you we are seeing biblical prophecy being fulfilled today as we gather these Jewish exiles from the 4 corners of the earth as foretold by the prophet Isaiah the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews has been leading the way in rescuing Jews from all over the world since 1992 and today the Fellowship has helped to bring home more than 750000 Jews to their biblical homeland the president and c.e.o. Of the Fellowship l. Eckstein remembers how it all started 30 years ago my father discovered he was a young grab by that there are Christians that love Israel and he said how could the Jewish people not know about this suddenly there are millions of Christians here praying for us loving us we need to connect the 2 and so we started the fellowship originally as just a interfaith dialogue organization not doing any projects but just talking because that's the 1st that to building a new relationship after 2000 years to start talking and finding where we are so alike the values that we share the God that we love and so he was in the middle of all of these dialogue conferences and that was right when the Soviet Union fell and there was the crisis that Jews for the 1st time since the Holocaust and communism were able to move to Israel yet there were no funds for it and that's when all of these Christian leaders came and said well we want to be part of this this is prophetic Jews from the Biblical land of the north are coming home to Israel and God even called us directly to do it on the shoulders of the Gentiles he said and that's how on wings of eagles began and since that day 30 years ago praise God the stories of the people that are landing in Israel on these flights it's real there was. One Jewish man who was kidnapped by the separatists he was held for a month and a half beaten and then he passed out and he woke up in the middle of Ukraine in the middle of a field didn't know what to do got in touch with a fellowship and within a month he was in Israel we had another story of a woman who called us from her house in eastern Ukraine and said My house was hit by a shell I live with my father and I care for my children my father was in the kitchen when the shell hit the kitchen and living here with my children and I have nowhere to turn to because these are war zones you can't just go out and ask for help everyone's in the same situation and the fellowship again within 3 weeks she was in Israel rescued her and her children brought them to a refugee center and 3 weeks later landed in Israel. In his evil Chapter $37.00 God says I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the lands and bring you into your own land you're listening to a special bless Israel year in program as we close out 2019 who want to give you an opportunity to partner with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews to bless one of God's chosen people to the fellowships on the wings of eagles program just imagine you'll be part of fulfilling biblical prophecy and you can do it right now right where you are with a simple phone call the cost to help rescue one Jew and put them on a seat on one of these upcoming December flights is $350.00 and there are several ways you can donate today if God has blessed you want a special way this past year would you consider giving for our friendly fellowship operators are anxiously waiting for your call that number is 807520044 that's 807-520-0044 the Bible says that those who blesses chosen people of Israel will themselves receive God's blessing if 2019 is been a blessing to you and your family or your business why not share that blessing God is given here with a poor Jewish soul who desperately needs our help please call right now with your special year end tax deductible gift of 350 dollars 175 dollars or a gift of any amount Here's that number once again 807520044807520044 that's 807-520-0044. Friends Christians like you is supporting Israel because all other nations were created by an act of men but Israel was created by an act of God someone 22 very sick says pray for that piece of Jerusalem they shall prosper that love the God is saying that praying for is a real blessing Israel loving Israel that scriptural principle of prospering in your life is tied to blessing Israel and the City of Jerusalem. God says it very clearly in that verse they shall prosper that love the it's unreal to see what's happening right now the Christian community is returning to their roots and those roots are the Jewish people Jesus was Jewish he studied the Torah there is hope for your future said the Lord and the children will return to their own land we have the ability now together Christians and Jews to bring biblical prophecy to fruition giving to charity is an investment this is an investment that God has called us to do and we will be returned very very fruitfully in whatever way God wants to literally save a Jewish life to take a money which is nothing more than paper and turn it into a Jewish life from Ukraine in the middle of war being saved and that's the answer to their prayer so the Fellowship has started our program to bring them to safety to bring them to Israel being here in America I realize how blessed this land is with freedom and democracy and you don't need to worry about terrorists blowing up the local cafe or sending your children on a public bus that there's going to be terrorists that get on and start stabbing and shooting the people of America are blessed but unfortunately it's not like that in many places around the world and as we've seen throughout history and as we learn from the Bible that's happened literally throughout history when times get tough it's toughest for the Jewish people and that's why God gave the Jewish people a homeland this is the one place that the Jewish people could be safe that there's a government that cares for you cares for your children in army whose sole objective is to protect the Jewish people there's nowhere else like that in the world and so as we see the world turning farther and farther and quicker and quicker and. Turmoil I look at America a nation that's blessed because of those Judeo Christian values and I just call on each person to share that blessing to bring a Jewish person living in threats and fear to their own freedom to their biblical homeland where they can finally be safe. The Bible says in the book of Amos I will bring back my exiled people Israel they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them I will plant Israel in their own land never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them says the Lord your God If you'd like to be part of the fellowships on wings of eagles ministry and help a poor Jew maybe an orphan boy or girl an elderly widow a Holocaust survivor or even an entire Jewish family and give them a special year and blessing Here's how you can partner with us today the cost to help bring $1.00 Jew on these on the wings of eagles freedom flights to Israel is $350.00 your tax deductible donation goes directly to rescue the Jew that you'll sponsor your financial blessing helps to pay for their airfare a place to live money to buy food clothing and cover the many resettlement costs they will have once they arrive in Israel and there are many ways you can give a special year end blessing 1st is with a generous gift of $350.00 you can also give a donation of $175.00 will join your donation with one other listener who is also donating $175.00 and together you'll rescue one Jew or we would be so blessed if you can give a gift of any amount your donation will be matched with many other listeners so that we can fill each and every seat on these planes here in the month of December you can also give your special year in gift online at i f c j dot org slash radio here's a phone number. Are you to call it's 807520044807520044807520044 that's 807520044. God will bless you and your family here at the end of 2019 for your expression of love to Israel here's that special phone number again 807520044 that's 807-520-0044. Here again is the president and c.e.o. Of the Fellowship Yeah l. Eckstein in Jeremiah Chapter 30 God said Do not be dismayed Oh Israel Behold I will save you from afar and your offspring from the land of their exile I will make an end of all the nations where I have scattered you but I will not make an end of you God's promise to his people is to bring them back to Israel and that's our prayer as you consider partnering with us in this important on wings of eagles flight for many poor Jews living in the embattled war torn region of Ukraine their dream of one day coming home to Israel is extremely difficult if not impossible most have absolutely no money these are precious Jews who are very poor no bank accounts little hope of a job no it with draw money from these are God's chosen people many who cannot afford even a bus ticket to go to the local market to buy food or clothing let alone pay for an expensive plane ticket from Ukraine to Israel but you can change all of that today you can bring them out of a life of hopelessness in this dangerous region of the former Soviet Union and bring them home to Israel the Bible says that those who bless his chosen people of Israel will. Elves received God's blessing this is yellow Eckstein from the fellowship saying thank you to Dara back and may God shine his light on you and extend his blessing to you and your family because of your generous gift today Shalom. Jeremiah 3117 says there is hope for your descendants declares the Lord your children will return to their own land Well that's the promise from God that He will bring his chosen people Israel from the 4 corners of the earth back to their homeland Israel as foretold in Scripture and the fellowships on a Wings of eagles program is doing just that when you join us you'll be helping to fulfill biblical prophecy today right where you are with one simple phone call you can change your life you can help rescue a poor Jew and put them on one of these flights here in the month of December maybe God has blessed you your family or your business this year in a special way and you'd like to give a donation of $350.00 your loving donation today will help rescue one Jew on an upcoming December flight you can also give a gift of $175.00 and will partner you with another donor and together you'll rescue one Jew or you can give a gift of any amount toward the fellowships on wings of eagles program you can call our special toll free phone number to donate that number is 807520044807520044 operators are standing by waiting for your call that number is 807520044 that's 807-520-0044 easy kill 39 verse 28 says then they will know that I am the Lord their God for though I sent them into exile among the nations I will gather them to their own land not leaving any behind . Will you help us gather God's chosen people and bring them home to Israel on one of these wings of eagles freedom flights you can make your special year in tax deductible donation of 350 dollars 100 $75.00 or a gift of any amount quickly and easily with your credit card or checking account here's that number one last time 807520044807520044 that's 807520044. Friends were at the end of our special bless Israel year end program as we close our program today let's return to the interview with you Alex Steen and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee on t.v. Ends the Huckabee show as she explains how Christians can stand with Israel and her people and join this movement of blessing Israel during these difficult times the fellowship is a grassroots organization So our average gift is around $45.00 a month from individuals who want to be part of this movement this community of people individuals who otherwise wouldn't be able to get their voice out there in Israel that they stand with Israel and the Jewish people and through the fellowship we come as a unit as a community before we go I want you to tell us what is going on with the any Semitic rhetoric and attitudes we see even from people who are in Congress it frightens me because I know where that has led his story anti-Semitism isn't new there's always been and a summit has them and it's a miracle that we're still here today to even tell that story but what's awesome that specifically the rise of anti-Semitism all around the world today reminds me is that we are living in historic times for 2 reasons 1st of all we have the state of Israel God's promised land. The only country in the world that has a prime minister a government an army who has one concern to protect the Jewish people and the 2nd thing that's historic is that for the 1st time in history we're not alone the Jewish people are not alone we have millions of Christians who are standing with Israel off an even stronger than the Jewish community which is upside down absurd but it's amazing these judeo christian values that America was founded on are coming to life Israel and America are the greatest allies but it's not just political anymore it's personal Christians who are raising their voice against their own congresspeople to say we don't agree with their anti-Semitism I don't think that's ever been done before and so I hope. I have. Friends you can give that hope that you know Al just mentioned you can give hope by blessing one of God's chosen people today with a special year end gift that will go directly to help rescue a poor Jew call right now with your special year end gift God promises to bless you as you bless his chosen people. Thanks for listing. The preceding broadcast is sponsored by West Star Media Group this week on Bless Israel with e o x t you can literally give according to a new life bringing them home it is real discover how you can bless his real God's chosen people join us for Bless Israel presented by the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews that I have c.j. Dot org slash radio bless Israel Saturdays at 2 30 pm and Sunday mornings at a live in 30 year on the mighty $670.00 calle t.t. . On the town or on line this is your place for God's word calle Commerce City dump in crystal clear. H.d. Radio on the way at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. The only station where you'll hear both national and local Christian programming in the span of just a few hours listen all day to the mighty $670.00. Saturday and Sunday on Calle 2 to join us for praise the boy father. Faith of Our Fathers featuring some of the greatest preachers from the 20th century. Great Bible teacher showed people like Dr Billy Graham Tozer as well as the founder of Crawford broadcasting Percy Crawford along with many others that's paid to bar fathers weekends at 6 pm on the body said 70 Cale to to. Have you ever wondered why the early church prayed so fervently and we don't in recent days I've had the privilege of being in places like China and Cuba were believers have so little but they pray with such passion and reminds me of the early church that prayed so fervently so regularly and yet we look at our modern day church and we don't pray what's the difference I've concluded that the answer is that they believed that the Holy Spirit was the how to and we believe the Holy Spirit helps us with our house 2 people often ask why should I pray for 30 minutes when I can google an answer in 30 seconds Well we need to pray because we need the Holy Spirit He doesn't just help us with our how to but he is the how to of the Christian life so today remember we need to pray because we need the power of the Holy Spirit this is Daniel Henderson with strategic renewal on behalf of one cry dot com. My friend Carolyn Macaulay was a new believer in Christ she visited a married couple and told them about a man she'd been dating the way I described him was harsh and it was unkind and it was self-righteous that has been surprised Carolyn with his response he said. I'm so glad I did not know you as a single man your tongue is so sharp I would have just run from you instead of dismissing this man is overly sensitive Carolyn took his words to heart there's something about the way women speak especially the way they speak of other men that men pick up as being intimidating talking harshly about men or to men and is so excepted today but just as the Bible calls men to love their wives It also tells wives to respect their husbands and I think the principle applies to our interactions with all men God created us a woman with a unique purpose and beauty are you reflecting it through your words with seeking Him I'm Nancy Demasi. This is Barbara Carmack with called a freedom coming right up 1 o'clock make it your aim that your life becomes a reflection of his life your nature a reflection of his nature your work his work and your heart a reflection of his heart. Full coverage of the Rocky Mountain region with the good news. A m 670 calle t t k o t g h d come or should be done for no no for 95 point one and streaming World War 8 and 670 calle t.t. Dot com. I've. Become to call it a freedom with Barbara Carmen this is Jimmy Leahy and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour you can reach call to freedom at Box 370367 different Colorado 80237 or by going to the Web site w w w dot freedom Street dot. If you want to leave a message over a word Howard Dean reading Bible guy or freedom street express newsletter you can call us toll free 186-691-7725 extension 6 leave your name and address including your zip code if you want to talk to Barbara right now she is expecting your call you may call that same code free number 186-691-7720 extension 062 speak to her and now let's join Barbara in the studio welcome to call them Frida in the meadow we will build a snowman and pretend that he is a Parson Brown we probably know those words by heart we're going to have a lot of singing Christmas carols and song I'm going to include that song it was it's a wonderful little Christmas song I remember one Christmas between Thanksgiving and Christmas became really I was a day said Mom that's impossible to $226.00 concerts between Thanksgiving and Christmas it's well we did a lot of new owners and we did a lot of Elks clubs we did a lot of Rotary Clubs we did a lot of ladies' civic meetings we did a so many of those during the day and then at night almost continually till Christmas so we learned those songs. And the girls were with us most of that for most of the evenings. And just had the memories are just really precious to me praise the lord i'm sorry i'm god I've gotten into memory land here may God's peace cover you his hope inspire you his joy uplift you and His love surround you I hope that's that's a wonderful saying for you to be today his peace his hope his joy and his love surround you today our meeting is coming up on Saturday Yeah December the 14th this Saturday and for our luncheon after the meeting of bring a veggie dip with veggies or cheese ball with cheese you know cheese crackers and we're just going to have a really good time have some Christmas cookies it's going to be a good time of fellowship after our Bible study and Revelation and I've got that already and I worked hard on it over to he kin and it is an amazing revelation is an amazing study men have tried to. Not figure out but by the Scripture let people know what is going to happen in the future but we really don't know we really don't we're just going to trust God because He loves us he loves his people who call him a savior.