Goes and we begin to be discouraged and lose our faith. Well the clue 1st of all for the context is the 1st sentence which is a question in chapter 6 verse one What shall we say then that's another way kind of other way for Paul to to bring something to a conclusion he's obviously talking about something that has passed that now leads us to a certain conclusion about it what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound when I mention the context the other day the near a context in regard to the fact that where sin abounds grace abounds all the more so that Paul is obviously saying so we don't want to sin so that there may be more grace but there's a larger context and do you remember it because we spent quite a lot of time talking about it well let me remind you then it is the context of the kingdom of Adam. And the kingdom of Christ. Remember the poll says that one man brought sin and death into the world and it was the one man Adam through his Adam and Eve's departure from God There came death and sin upon the whole planet and he says in verse 15 the free gift though is not like the offense. For if by the one man's offense that's Adams many die much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one man Jesus Christ a bomb to many so you can see here that Paul as I've said before when we dealt with this passage is comparing Adam with Christ in fact he says that Adam is a type of Christ it says in verse 14 nevertheless death reign from Adam to Moses over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam who is a type of Him who was to come so Adam is a type. In the sense that what Adam did had its effect upon the whole world when he sinned and separated himself from God all the world went down with him all the world went down into sin and death. That is the type that Adam is of Christ because when Christ did his wonderful good life before the father lived his life. And lived his righteous devotion to his heavenly father then that one good act that won good life had its effect upon the whole planet just as Adam had his effect upon the whole planet look at the comparison for instance in verse 18 therefore as through one man's of fence judgment came to all men that's Adam bringing judgment to all men resulting in condemnation even so through one man's righteous act the free gift came to all men resulting in justification of life so you can see here then that Paul is. Setting up all presenting to great monoliths of history Adam and Jesus Christ. But he's even doing more than that notice the word reign in verse 14 nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses So he's talking about a kingdom when he's talking about reigning isn't he in fact he says in another verse verse 17 for if by the one man's old friend's death reigned through the one man much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ there again isn't in direct rect in direct reference to the kingdom and then you have it also in verse 21. So that as sin reigned in death even so Grace might rain through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Now do you see what is being implied here to great kingdoms. The kingdom of sin and death in which we all live and will live until this mortal shall put on immortality in other words no longer subject to death and this corruptible shall put on in corruption and in other words no longer subject to corruption at the coming of Jesus that's 1st Corinthians 15. So as we are in Adam's kingdom there is one Kingdom there's also another kingdom. Paul actually uses the word a on as well the word essay on means age but really you know sense contradicting myself it doesn't because the would age has reference to time you see but in the Greek there would a on has reference to. A sphere of existence we live. In Adam's Kingdom sin and death but actually now that we are in Christ we live in Christ's kingdom in which we are no longer defined as sinners and we are no longer subject to the judgment of death look how beautifully kolache ans speaks of it Paul speaks of it in collage and Chapter one he has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the son of his love and so you see by guards act in Jesus Christ the atoning work on the cross and the resurrection God has transferred us out of the kingdom of Adam which is the kingdom of sin and death. And transferred us into the kingdom of Christ now we still live in the kingdom of death our bodies still die we still sin and fail but we are no longer under that judgment of sin and death that is the kingdom of Adam we are now in the kingdom of Christ where there is grace where there is mercy where there is help so that if we fail we get forgiveness and when we continue to grow we grow by the grace of the Holy Spirit who helps us now this I believe is what Paul is talking about when he says watch we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound that's not talking about your individual sins where last night you ate too many cookies before you went to bed and you were determined that you wouldn't do that because you're getting fat but you did it anyway and you feel bad that is not referring to an individual lustful thought that you had that you didn't correct before you took it further that is not referring if you're an alcoholic to the struggle with drink and all of that it is referring to where do you live do you live in the kingdom of Adam still where sin has all the power to bring you down because it defines you it condemns you. And where the judgement of death is upon you so that you fear you will lose eternal life at the slightest infraction. Where everything is tentative You don't know whether you're in the love of God or in the judgment of God Because you this Kingdom is is threatening you all the time or do you live in the kingdom of Christ that enables you to say Father in heaven though I failed although I was tempted I praise you that that is not the kingdom that I live in I live in the kingdom of Christ where there is forgiveness for all my sins where I am no longer defined under the power and condemnation and judgement of sin where I am defined father in your righteousness for it says Even so through one man's righteous act the free gift came to all men resulting in justification of life do you see then what this is saying I think that context explains to you and gives you enormous encouragement and peace watch what we say then shall we continue in sin in the sin kingdom of Adam in the definitions of the sin kingdom of Adam No we don't have to because Christ has brought the new kingdom of righteousness and by the way these kingdoms don't exist when equal force you know as if one were fighting against another the truth is that Christ's Kingdom of Grace has overcome the kingdom of Adam that Jesus said he saw Satan as lightning fall from heaven we are victorious in Christ and so we thank him for that victory even though we know many defeats in our lives we thank him that Christ's victory is counted as ours because we live in the Kingdom of Grace. So whatever your temptations whatever your defeats and failures you look to God and you say father that's not the kingdom I belong to I thank you that I belong to the kingdom of peace I've been justified by faith declared innocent by faith I have peace with you through our Lord Jesus Christ and I have access to you and to your grace in which I stand and I rejoice father in the hope of sharing your glory why because Father Jesus has transferred me out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of life and grace and that's the kingdom I live in and I don't have to live in that other kingdom anymore. These things are so beautiful when you think about the month a this is the Kingdom of Grace that we live in I'm just reminded of a Zion Chapter 26 you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you trust in the Lord trust in the Lord for ever for and your hope for the Lord is everlasting strength you see we have that peace because we know we live in a different kingdom now even though the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of sin and death is all around us and even though it's in us we are not it is not counted as ours anymore it is not able to bring us under judgment it is not able to define us because Christ is now our righteousness so have that kind of hope keep that hope in your heart and move forward every day no matter how many troubles there are many how many ups and downs how many Haris months how many defeats Lord God. My kingdom is not of this world it is with Christ it is in Him I live that kingdom in my city and my home is in the kingdom of heaven which I will receive one day and I will not be defined by all the stimulus stimuli a round me and in me I'll see you next time cheerio and God bless. The preceding program is sponsored by face Quest perspectives you're tune to am 670 k. O. Teach e-commerce at a Denver k o t t h d and streaming worldwide at 670 k l t t dot com Michelangelo's statue of David is one of the world's most famous works of art this sculpture depicts in lifelike detail a young a strong David with a stone in his hand as he prepares to slay the giant a huge chunk of marble that Michelangelo used to create David and previously been rejected by at least 2 other Italian sculptors they complained that the marble was full of veins in 2 forests Michelangelo saw a masterpiece and that highly flawed chunk of rock you know were like that statue full of flaws like under 8 pride and stubbornness to name a few God calls this since Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins through him you can have forgiveness a new start and internal life learn more 88 need him don't reject God's forgiveness and perfect plan for your life 88 medium or chat with us live at move hand. Was. My. 186-691-7725 extension 62 speak to her and now let's join Barbara in the studio. Welcomes a called of freedom I love listening to Christmas music don't you. Just let that play all half hour mass. Oh praise God We can have joy in the midst of chaos and total anarchy it seems I have never seen a country like it is but I'll tell you what we can be over the circumstances not under them praise the Lord when the kindness and the love of God our Savior appeared he saved us remember Jesus is God in the flesh the creator of the universe in the flesh the Creator who spoke the words in it came into being he saved us not because of righteous things we had done Ha No Our Righteousness is as filthy rags and our righteousness depends on Jesus Christ's righteousness Oh but because of his great mercy praise God Titus 34 and 5 I'm so glad you joined me today you are blessed to dispense for in Him You live and move and have your being it's so important that you keep up your most holy faith in the Holy Spirit during these times. And sometimes it is you can't be around people that are going to edify you you have got to do it yourself you've got to do it in your spirit with the help of Holy Spirit and Jude is such a precious book it and not only talks about the disobedient and ungodly that are going to be in this world in these last times and that's what it says in verse 18 of Jude in the last time there shall be mockers following after their own ungodly lusts these are the ones who cause divisions worldly minded beyond and devoid of the spirit but you beloved he's talking about you you in the Holy Spirit you beloved building yourselves up on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit keep yourselves in the love of God waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life and that's what we're doing we're praying in the spirit I do that so much anymore it's important that you do also when there doesn't seem to be any around anybody one around the Holy Spirit is there to edify you and build you up we've got a meeting coming on Saturday this Saturday December the 14th whoa it's coming on and we're going to have a little bit different Christmas lunch and we're going to have you bring chip dips chips and. Cheese and crackers and oh all kinds of things appetizers of any kind and we're just going to have a wonderful time and then if you'd like to bring some desserts with the veggies and the chip dips and all that bring some Christmas cookies or cupcakes or things that are easy a hand handle in your hand this will mostly be finger food but I will have forks and plates big plates there for you so you bring your empty tummy at 10 o'clock for the Bible study and we're going to be in the Book of Revelation and I hope that some of you will join me at the restaurant at 830 make sure that you make a reservation especially if. You come at 830 for breakfast and that number is 186-691-7725 extension 6 Jimmy will give that to you at the end of the broadcast this e-mail is from Kathy and thank you so much for all your e-mails I am enjoying them so much they keep your mind off of what's happening in this country but this has a little bit to do with it did you hear the news shifty Claus is holding impeachment hearings on Rudolph seems that comet overheard Vic's and talking to Donner who spoke to Dasher Dancer and Prancer behind a Christmas tree that Cupid says that blip and says Blitzen said that Rudolph bribed a reindeer in the Ukraine for his red nose the committee said all this can be confirmed by a secret whistleblower they suspect might be Elf on the shelf. And you laugh at this I'll tell you what we're hearing and I I checked all 3 stations c.b.s. N.b.c. And a.b.c. And house stupid they have them all on the hearing there were no programs this morning they were all on the hearing where there is no evidence this is more ridiculous than the new route off and Vixen and Comet and Prancer and dancer and Dasher and Donner and it's so sad President Trump needs our prayer prayers more than ever right now and we're going to speak I say a 5417 no weapon formed against President Trump shall prosper and every tongue that accuses him in judgment without any evidence hello we can dam in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Lord of Heaven and Earth so thank you for praying for him for washing your hands in your bathroom washing him 3 times just pushing away those spirits of deception delusion anger bitterness nks I mean it's just getting dreadful I am so glad that I am not in Washington d.c. I would just have to be covering myself continue. With the book but Jesus if I lived there but God bless you as you pray for our president our memory verse for this week is accurate for 6 very familiar verse for you not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says The Lord of Hosts So we're not going to get this done by man's might or man's power but by Holy Spirit who does things so beautifully when we give him the reins so not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says The Lords of Lord of hosts that Zachariah for 6 I'm reading through Zachariah right now in Word Power for every hour and through revelation I hope you're reading through Revelation with me we're in we just read the 1st chapter you can go to chapter 2 and 3 and 4 and through 221 chapter a day I believe that's important that you read it slowly and have a can cordons there with you it's so important to be able to begin to understand the revelation Oh and I just heard how Lindsey last night on Christian television he is so. He's so knowledgeable about the Book of Revelation He's written several books about Revelation so it's important it would be really important if you tuned in on Sunday nights I believe it's around 9 o'clock Denver time a mountain time. My confession for today by Rick ran or I boldly declare that I am investing in my future yes we are all of eternity lies before me so I am sowing seed into the kingdom of God believing that it will be multiplied back to me now as it is also laid up for me in my eternal future and while we're talking about this as kind of a side bar I would really appreciate it if you would just throw in some extra money for the home of refuge maybe you have listened to me for years and you've never given you've never given to the home of refuge and the wonderful things that Tony and Rose are doing down in Peru they have built a not only a chapel but a building for the elderly and a building for orphans and now they really need your help with food to fill the pantry so I hope you'll consider that as Rick Renner says believing that it will be multiplied back to me now as it is also laid out for me and my eternal future I am a wise investors so I so regularly and faithfully into the work of God's kingdom and my faith investments are reaping for me a great harvest in the days to come I declare this by faith in Jesus name of praise God That's wonderful Here's another little article written by a little boy after Christmas the teacher asked her young pupils how they spent the holidays and one child wrote the following. And this was in an article in my express newsletter but I I thought it was delightful We also used we always used to spend the holidays with grandma and grandpa they lived here in a big brick house but Grandpa got retarded and they moved to Arizona now they live in a place with a lot of other retarded people they live in a tin box and have rocks painted green to look like grass they ride around on Big try sickles and wear name tags because they don't know who they are anymore they go to a building called a wrecked center but they must have got it fixed because it is all right now they play games and exercise there but they don't do them very well there is a swimming pool too but they all jump up and down in it with their hats on I guess they don't know how to swim at their gate there is a dollhouse with a little old man sitting in it he watches all day so nobody can escape sometimes they sneak out then they go cruising in their golf carts my grandma used to bake cookies and stuff but I guess she forgot how nobody there cooks they just eat out and they eat the same thing every night early birds some of the people can't get past the man in the Dollhouse to go out so the ones who do get out bring food back to the wrecked center and call it pot luck my grandma says grandpa's worked all his life to earn his retard mint and says I should work hard so I can be retarded someday too when I are in my retard meant I want to be the man in the doll house then I will let people out so they can visit their grandchildren. Is that precious love these stories by these children the Bible says so much about angels and I'd like to talk a little bit about them right now even Jesus was comforted by angels so if we know that angels came and comforted Jesus when you need comfort you know that God Holy Spirit are willing to bring angels and I pray that some of you will see angels as. You see things more and more in the Spirit now once when he was in the wilderness you remember this in Matthew for he was in the wilderness for 40 days tempted by Satan and was with the wild beasts and the angels ministered to him not only in Matthew 4 but in Mark $113.00 and an angel comforted Jesus in the garden of guess 70 the night before he was crucified we seem to be living in the time when angels are getting much attention even in movies and television one of the most common myths is the idea that an angel was once a human being and now is in process of earning his wings by returning to Earth and doing good things I want to tell you that's why I have encouraged you all these years to get into the Word of God yourself so you can begin to discern what is the truth and what is a lie and this was a lie that angels are working woman beings that are now flying around this is not true an angel never was and never will be anything other than an angel created by God Almighty to do his bidding and to do the bidding our bidding also and that's what angels are for and a human being never was and never will be anything other than a human being we are not going to be angels some of you will never be. Oh you are near a thing oh they are separate orders of creation all of the angels were made at once they did not descend from original parents as we did but they all were created at the same time and they do not procreate and Jesus was saying that in the Gospel of Luke and when we are in heaven we will be like the angels and our sons and daughters of the red resurrection angels are far superior to us in almost any way that you can imagine they are wiser they are holy or at least those who have kept their 1st estate and are not fallen angels the devil and demons are all angels they are fallen sinful angles that took part in a rebellion and now are loose the pon this earth but they aren't. Still fallen angels and now I need to correct this article because God did chain and put in prison the angels that were disobedient with the devil and so they are in prison in chains I'm going to read that part in Jude brother of Jesus in step well step brother yes half brother and we realize that in the Old Testament we read of one angel who destroyed 185000 Syrian soldiers in one day these angels are mighty The Bible makes it very clear that you are not to take on the devil in your strength and only by Christ do we have any possibility of winning any contests that we might have with him if you're reading through the Book of Revelation with 3 me right now you will discover that angels have a huge responsibility and their actions determine much of the outcome of the wrath of God upon this earth holding back things having authority to have their foot one engine put his foot on land and see that that means he's got the authority over all of that territory so let's go to the book of Jude for just a little bit here in the book of Jude we see a very clear picture of fallen angels an angel serving the Lord there is a real difference there Jude 16 through 25 and remember Jude is a brother of Jesus and I want to say at one point Jesus' brothers wanted to institutionalize him so Jude has it had a change of mind and a change of heart it got bored again after his his half brother Jesus ascended to heaven and here here is the Jude one verse 6 and there's only one chapter in Jude so you can say Jude 6 through 25 if you desire and I remind you of the angels who did not stay within the limits of authority God gave them but left the place where they belonged rebellion rebellion happened God has kept them securely chained in prisons of. Darkness waiting for the Great Day of Judgment and don't forget Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns which were filled with immorality and every kind of sex you will is sexual perversion those cities were destroyed by fire and serve as a warning of the eternal fire of God's judgment in the same way these people Ok he's talking out of it about angels anymore he's talking about people that. Are full of the devil Yeah who claim authority from their dreams live immoral lives defy authority and scoff at supernatural beings but even Michael one of the mightiest of angels did not dare accuse the devil of blasphemy but simply said The Lord rebuke you and this took place when Michael was arguing with the devil about Moses body remember they didn't have a heaven as we have it right now today they went to another place another place and that's where Jesus went down into the earth and brought captivity who were those who were captive all those years this is such an odd tell you what the Bible is such a marvelous and interesting book you never get tired of learning Michael is one of the most powerful groups it is part of the most power grateful groups of angels called cherubs and I learned this from how Lindsay and in this group are a number of them called Arc Angels of which Michael is one who fought against the Prince of Persia for Daniel and Gabriel's sake in the Book of Daniel remembered Gabriel could not get a foot hold in that atmosphere and I was just talking to someone yesterday about her daughter was watching you know shows like Criminal Minds and some of these awful shows on television and when you allow those things to come on the screen. That gives the enemy an opportunity to come into your apis fear and to defile your atmosphere and if your family fights a lot and there's a lot of division there's a lot of anger and fear in your household I'll tell you you have the authority as a mother or father grandma or grandpa to. Give limits to those children and watched what they watch and that's what I told her because when you watch television it's just like Ok we have smart T.V.'s Now do you know that in a smart t.v. They have cameras that these people can hack in and actually watch you well if these people can watch you in the United States of America don't you think that the devil can't watch you because he's doing that and he's and he's waiting for any opportunity any opportunity to come in and bring a curse upon your household so remember that friend remember that these people 1st hand of Jude these people scoff at things they do not understand boy we're seeing a lot of that the United States right now like unthinking animals they do whatever their instincts tell them and so they bring about their own destruction it's coming folks it's coming what sorrow awaits them for they follow in the footsteps of Cain who killed his brother like they deceive people for money and like Korah they perish in their rebellion when these people eat with you in your fellowship meals commemorating the Lord's love they are like dangerous reefs that can shipwreck you that's why it's so important to have a pastor or have someone who has such a gift of discernment that when they see somebody coming in and bringing division in their church they need to get them out of there because they're like I have ever seen a rotten apple in a bushel basket I'll tell you they they get every apple rotten so it's important that these these people get out. Of your fellowship they are like Shameless shepherds who care only for themselves they are like clouds blowing over the land without giving any rain they are like trees in autumn that are doubly dead for they bear no fruit and have been pulled up by the roots they are like wondering stars doing forever to black is darkness enough who lived in the 7th generation after Adam prophesied about these people and I couldn't read where it was but it must be in maybe the Book of Enoch he said listen the Lord is coming with countless thousands of His holy ones to execute judgement on the people of the world he will convict every person of all the ungodly things they have done and for all the insults that ungodly sinners have spoken against him oh if Enoch could see the world now what would he say these people are grumblers and complainer xl leaving only to satisfy their own desires they brag lot louder about themselves and they flatter others to get what they want or they put money under the table yeah they pay they pay people to you know to vote like they want to them to vote tell you it's getting like that in this world like Sodom and Gomorrah and Deron and I have a 4 cd series on angels among us and he was so well versed in regard to the angels and ahead of his time in teaching of angels and we give you accounts of angels guarding and protecting and destroying in the Old Testament and even comforting Jesus when he was he when he was in sorrow in the garden of gives them any I will sound send you that series for cds for a donation to call their freedom any size and to you Bob if you're listening here's John with God You are my god. I love that tears the picture of the at the end and that's when you go from a minor to a major. Praise God one of these days one of these days I'm going to see him playing the piano again Oh praise God every time I sit down at the grand piano that he bought I remember going back a little bit I remember the day he came into came to our home and he said I bought a piano today and I said Oh you did because we've given our piano to our church and our grand piano and he always had to have kind of a grand piano especially after the girls were growing up and learning piano and he said Yeah I bought a grand and I said Oh really. We were barely able to make our house payment and it was $400.00 a month I mean these were the days of I interest friends who said yeah I bought a 5 foot 7 parlor grand said John and. He said it was only 4000 and God's going to take care of it and I'll tell you I was just a little perturbed Yes I was. Oh you know I'm but I'll tell you every time I sit down at that beautiful piano you know I just thank God I thank God for the remembrance the memories and you know what we did get it paid for and I'll tell you I have been offered 12000 for that piano and I will not. Praise the Lord dear friends this is Jude Jude verse 20 into your friends you build each other up in your most holy faith praying in the power of the Holy Spirit that's Jude 20 you gotta remember that one building up your most holy faith in the and praying in the Holy Spirit praying in the spirit praying in tongues and await the murder. C. Of our Lord Jesus Christ who will bring you eternal life in this way you will keep yourselves safe in God's love and you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering Ok we see a brother and sister who are weak in faith it says in Galatians let me turn to lation 6 it says in Galatians that when you see a brother or sister that have been faltering they have been caught in a trespass you who are more spiritual you who are more spiritual reste or such a one in the spirit of gentleness I'll tell you the church has been guilty of stomping on their believe or unbelievers and immature maybe immature but we have been guilty in the past of Luned ing and injuring those precious immature Christians we got as we got to stop it and that's what Jude says here and in the 22nd verse and you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering now all glory to God who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault Yeah we're we got Jesus righteousness all glory to Him who alone is God our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord all glory Majesty power and authority are his before all time and in the present and beyond all time all man if you get a chance read that beautiful book of Jude right before revelation so if you're getting into revelation just go a couple pages to the left you're going to find Jude and it's just such a precious book praise God for Jude for John who wrote Revelation we need to write more friends we truly need to write more with the inspiration of Holy Spirit God bless you have a wonderful day and take joy. Thank you for listening to call to freedom with Barbara Carmen you may get in touch with Barbara and call to Freedom Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may leave your message at 186-691-7725 extension 6 call to freedom is a listener supported radio ministry Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up call to freedom ministries our partners support called a freedom with prayer and monthly financial support you will be blessed supernaturally we invite you to visit call to freedom's website w.w.w. Dot freedom Street dot org Or you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials you may share your prey's reports and heart cries by mailing them to call to Freedom Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may email us at Barbara Car Max and freedom Street dot org until next time remember Jesus loves you Barbara loves you and take joy in. The preceding program sponsored by fire. Your am 6. 67. Give a goat be a hero right now gospel for Asia needs your help to provide sustainable income for a family in need go to 670 k l t t dot com and click on the gospel for Asia critter campaign banner give a goat today a pair of goats can rapidly improve a family's financial situation for one father in Asia a pair of goats multiplied and enabled him to start a goat farm which later grew to more than 75 goats he could milk or sell he built a house for his family and send his children to school thanks to a pair of goats this father now offers a better future for his children than his parents were able to offer him you can help provide sustainable income for a family in need go to 670 dot com now and click on the gospel for Asia critter campaign banner or call the gospel for a critter campaign today at 806182744 Be a hero give a goat. Continuing the work I'm Connie and I'm so glad to be back with you again to study God's word chapter by chapter and verse by verse we're studying the Gospel of Matthew and we're learning how to handle the implication God's way let's look at Matthew Chapter 4 Go get your Bible it's going to be a great study so the enemy veers c.m. At this point to use his power to create lows of bread this was a real temptation Have you ever been hungry if you had the power to create food would it not be a temptation a real temptation to create food now notice that Matthew says when. When the tempter came when the tempter came It's not a question of if the tempter is going to come that Tim is going to come to your house he's gonna knock on your door he's coming it's been said that the only thing we can be sure of is taxes in the grave I will add to that we can be sure that we will be tempted same continues in the 3rd verse and that if if you're the son of God is that subjective for now it would better be translated to essential are the Son of God he wasn't really questioning his deity remember Lucifer had been in heaven he knew exactly who Jesus Christ was he's not really questioning if he's the son of god he's saying since you are on the fro you want to challenge I want you to prove yourself here guys re of are challenged prove yourself at school is somebody ever where you are the new kid at school where they wanted to see if you were as tough as you look there or maybe the are the big one or maybe you were the little runt that had to prove something and somebody wanted to challenge you some of you lost it right there because you could not you did not learn this self-control you did not learn how to walk away from a challenge you thought it was necessary you didn't know it was smart to respond every time your challenge now I remember a day in the 6th grade classroom in Clinton Mississippi the teacher left the room for a little bit someone started passing the eraser 90 you can tell this is a huge crime that I got involved in right away when I say it was the eraser going around or around but they threw it to me. Just before he turned and then someone dared me to throw it out the window well we were on the 2nd floor so they dared me to throw it out the window I threw it out the window the teacher returned look for is a racer and then he came right back to the boys that he were always in trouble and he absolutely knew for certain that they had done as terrible deed and the pressure was building and they were saying on this I didn't touch the arrays right at all I don't know where they are razor is and everyone's like looking at me. All Ok I did it through the air is this is my crime this thing in the office is that the teacher was so shocked he was so hurt he was so disappointed he totally expected it from the realities from the troublemakers that gave him problems every day but he was not expecting me just throw his razor out the window and he looked so hurt I still remember how hurt and how disappointed he looked at me and then he asked me why why Conny did you do that and I said well they dared me I mean it's all so stupid it all goes to the fire clear and he just looked at me like I can't believe you did that well you know it just showed my own lack of self-control that just that little challenge that little dare it would be all that would take me to do something to break the rules this is nothing to compare to this challenge that Satan throws out to Jesus go ahead Sheesh Elice scholorship power you're hungry. You're hungry been fasting 40 days since you're the son of God wanted she just whipped up some loaves of bread out of these rocks right here let's let's see you do that now this could be a rule of thumb is Satan want you to do it don't and the other thing I want to insert is how suddenly the enemy comes to us when we are off guard are unprepared you will still be tempted even though you're saved I have a friend we were talking to this week got himself a real real terrible heartbreaking situation right now and as he as he's involved with somebody else and as he was talking to me he said do you think this is wrong and I said yes he said Why it's a moral issue it's because God says it's wrong Oh but I never planned on this he said it just happen I said no it didn't just happen you didn't wake up one day and she was in your arms she was attracted to you and you were attracted to her and you acted on it that's twice in happens there's something in the flesh I have to stop here and Matthew tonight because we can't fly by the Temptation of Christ and act like oh great I'm so glad that Jesus made it past this when you and I are facing to patient every day and until the Lord takes his soul we are still going to have temptation knocking on our door and if we hang it up and we say oh well that somebody else I deserve in the Lord's and so I was 11 years old trust me the enemy has a plan for you for you he's awaiting for you to be off guard and seal like I've got it made and then he's going to come in. When you are vulnerable and attack you and you're going to say I never planned for it it just happened no it didn't just happen the enemy of our soul has a plan for you a plan for you now notice what Jesus does when he comes against Satan he relies on the power and the authority of God's word this is great news people this is great news this is something that I can do you see if Jesus if it said right here Jesus when this happened Jesus just said I rebuke you Satan and I cashed you to Mars while I might feel a little helpless there I might feel like well I'd like to cast in the Mars but I don't know if he's going to go to Mars like cast him are not but rely on the Word of God This is something I can do crazy. I can do it I can go the Word of God I can rely on the Word of God I can feed on the Word of God I can give it in my spirit and when that hour of can't take a shine comes I can come with the same tool that Jesus used the authority of the Word of God and based on the authority of the Word of God I can defeat the enemy Jesus shows us how to do this as a man as a person you see he didn't zap the enemy he didn't fling into outer space he didn't do something that we would be left saying well yeah out that he could do that he was God but he shows us how to overcome. The enemy in our humanity through the Word of God This means that I simple mankind can know the Word of God I can use the word of God to defeat the enemy in my our camp Taishan Now Jesus shows has been a way to handle temptation and it's something I can follow by the way you don't see Jesus praying during the moment of temptation when you get to the minute of temptation is too late for that you need to have the Word of God very deep in your spirit so that shouldn't come back and say on the of Florida d. Of the word Get thee behind me Satan you have to go because God's word says it's too late to call a fasting time when you're at the moment of creation when you have the Internet on and the girlie picture flashes and front of your eyes you're not going to go in and say Well I think we're all better hold hands and fast and pray No it is time to have the lord of God The temptation lustfully It's a Bible principle it has stayed happen in response to the Word of God So here we find the principle that the Word of God is more precious than food he said it is written he's quoting good Urana me the 8th chapter in the 3rd verse now by the way several times in this portion he quotes from Deuteronomy 8 in Deuteronomy 6 he quotes it is written man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God life principle the Word of God is my sustenance and my protection now not. Has the next temptation been the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple and censure the Son of God throw yourself down for it is written wait a minute who sang for it is written the devil the Devils quoting the Bible. Then devil is quoting the word but he had no relationship with the Living Word John tells us that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us Jesus is the Living Word now the goal of this class if I were to summarize that I would say is to teach you to know the word not just the written word but the Living Word not just enough to debate the word not just enough for that but to really know the Living Word Jesus Christ say can was quoting the word but he wasn't applying it correctly you can know the word and misapply it we need to know the word and then we need to apply correctly life principle I must know the Living Word in order to apply the written word now what is Satan trying to do he says he will command his angels concerning you he's quoting Psalms 9111 and 12 Satan is quoting this song he will command his angels concerning you and they will lift you up in their hands so they won't so that you will not strike your foot against a stone What is the issue Satan was trying to force Jesus to manipulate the father to demonstrate his power now we are not kick am the Lord. I'm Kevin Carroll inviting you to join Tony pack each day for a clear systematic book by book study of God's Word build your foundation on the fresh strong word of God that can't be shaken. We need you to partner with our team in taking the good news around the world. To know in the word at p.o. Box 576641 but just to California 95357 or donate online with your credit card knowing the word. Christ is the word the Living Word turned to him today the preceding program is sponsored by the word hi this is Conny pack host of knowing the word heard each weekday listen at 6 30 am each weekday morning on 670 am k l t t don't miss the book by book bible study that shows you how to change your world instead of the world changing you listen at 6 30 am here on k.l. T.t. Full coverage of the Rocky Mountain region with the good news here to a m 670 calle t t k o t h g. 95 point one and streaming worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. I am cherry Campbell your teacher with Victoria's face heard at 6 am weekdays on the mighty 670 please join me and honoring the United States as we listen to our national anthem to honor America here is the United States Marine Corps and with our national anthem. Today and every day let's.

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