I recommend that. If you are looking in the purchasing office equipment or need service on equipment you currently have give us a call at 303-825-5664. If you know your body mind and soul or to j m 6 a tale t.t. Pale t t h e Commerce example and no effort at 95 point one and speaking world one at 670 calle t.t. Dot com The following broadcast of the narrow path with Steve Greg is pre recorded and cell phone calls cannot be taken at this time you can call in with your questions or comments each day from 3 to 4 pm Mountain time at 844-484-5737 Thanks for staying tuned for this edition of the narrow path. Good afternoon and welcome to the narrow path radio broadcast my name is Steve Greg and we're live for an hour each week day afternoon taking your calls if you have questions about the Bible or about the Christian faith feel free to give me a call and we'll be talking to you about those things the number to call is 844-484-5737 that's 844-484-5737 now I know we have listeners up in Houston Texas and I'm going to be up in that area this weekend. Actually Saturday and Sunday and then into the next few days Also I'll be in the Houston area and I'm speaking to pretty small groups but. You'd be welcome to join us there if you'd like of course it doesn't cost anything to come to the meetings there just. Several of them are held in a church and one of them is in a home fellowship so. If you're interested in those things you can go to our website the narrow path dot com Look under announcements and scroll on down to the nights beginning this Saturday night through next Wednesday. And I'll be in the Houston area speaking most nights. And so love to meet some of our listeners there I'm sure we will all right we're going to go to the phone lines now and we're going to talk to well Scott from Roseville haven't heard from Scott for awhile Hi Scott how you doing time sorry yeah I'm I'm calling the aneurism done my doctors have pulled all the meds and our congratulations 2009 so now got to that I can't take the credit for that yeah and a few years ago you thought you weren't going to live very long and now it's all so either the alcohol almost killed me 2018 I spent 2 weeks in the hospital when recovery was normally 3 days and I could not keep down water so I nearly did several times welcome here and I'm going to recovery yeah you got a question though they got it to give the credit there now so mindful of Joshua and poses and back in the old days apart knowing all the work and all the stricture for what purpose was to 2 swords sufficient because we don't Joshua was a great warrior and oh what is it to sort what are 2 sides have to do with Joshua. When Jesus said that we must sell our cloak and that sort right how is that related to I don't understand the connection reckon to Joshua. Well Joshua was sorrier and lawyer doesn't go away God's plan is not complete yet and will be so when Jesus said that when the disciples had only 2 swords that you said that would be sufficient for what purpose would the swords know if they will they certainly weren't were not for the same purposes Joshua sword was I mean Jesus was not sending his disciples out to kill people like Joshua sent to kill the Canaanites. I think when Jesus said If anyone does not have a sword let him sell his cloak and buy one and the disciples said he Lord Here are 2 swords I think they were taking him literally that is they did have 2 actual swords among them and when he said it is enough I think probably what he's saying is not so much 2 swords are enough but I'd rather say it's not like I we had an entirely different thought in mind than what you're taking it to be but I don't have time to go any further into let's move along it's enough on that that's how most commentators take it though what it was that Jesus was talking about is definitely very much open to question many people have different opinions about what it was that Jesus was referring to by 2 swords I don't have a firm answer to that myself are the source another Scott this is Scott from Phoenix Arizona hi Scott welcome to the narrow path thanks for calling Hi Steve. Yes and. I think that heard you talk about. That I listened on the website or whatever but Chris Rankin's I think Chapter 3 I'm sure there were many comparisons that they take I think they take purgatory out of 5 m. Like. First Scranton's 3 Tam. I think that's where they get that and of course I don't agree and I don't think you agree with that should be in there and I'll pick. Eastern Orthodox that does that too but. I was wondering if you to give an example of lead like would say and study. And why with that how did they stop for a lot says to fire and have their say. Well Ok Ok address that. Paul is in the 1st 4 chapters of 1st Corinthians addressing an issue in the church of Corinth where there was a division among the peoples they were loyal to different leaders some were of saying I'm of Paul some are saying I'm of Apollos some are saying I'm of Cif this that is Peter and they were aligning themselves as sort of the fans of a certain leaders preferring one over another and dividing over it saying you know my leaders better than your leader and so forth and Paul is rebuking them for this divisive attitude you say it's an it's in the mature attitude it's a Connal attitude and. He's frankly aghast at it he said what Paul wasn't crucified for you Paul you weren't baptizing of Paul how could you be of Paul and likewise of Apollo's now he's this is his framework for the whole 1st 4 chapters he is actually still talking about Apollo sent himself in chapter 4 verse 6 where he says Now these things rather I figured leave transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes etc So from chapter one through Chapter 4 he's thinking about this problem they have now he's trying to clarify to them that he and Apollos although they were different in style of ministry they were not competitors they were not rivals rather they were both workers on the same crew that is on God's Scroope God's kingdom is one enterprise and both Paul and Barnabas fall in Apollo's had something to contribute to it now Paul had come 1st to Corinth and and then he had left and then Apollo said come and made some converts so the church was built and initially by Paul's. Initial evangelism and then it was continuing to be built through people like Apollos Now Paul's compares himself in Apollo's to workers in a in a field of grain and also to builders on a building project these are simply 2 different metaphor see uses he says in verse 9 For we are God's fellow workers meaning Apollo's and I are God's fellow workers you mean in the church in Corinth you are God's field you are God's building Ok so he's saying you we could we could see the church in Corinth as a field of grain or as a building under construction and Paul Paul in Apollo's our coal laborers on the project and he using the image of a field he says in verse 6 I planted Apollos watered but God gave the increase so he's saying you know it's God's field God is the one who gives the growth sure I planted the seed. Because I got there 1st and I left and Apollos came to water those seeds but you are the field and God is the one who's given the increase so if a sickly says in verse 8 he who plants and he who waters are one and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor so this is seen himself in a policy working on the field metaphor and then he changes it over to the metaphor of the building under construction which he mentions both of these metaphors in verse 9 and verse 10 he says according to the grace of God which was given to me as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation and another builds on another the other was Apollo's of course and so he's saying if you are gods in verse and I says you are God's field you are God's building now using those metaphors if the church is seen as a field and Paul planted the seeds and Apollos watered the seeds if the church is seen as a building then Paul laid the foundation of the building and Apollos came and built on that foundation it's just that's these are the 2 metaphors he is using now he says in verse 12 now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold silver precious stones would have a straw each one's work will become manifest for the day will declare it because it will be revealed by fire the fire will test each one's work of what sort it is now each one's work is here a reference to Paul in Apollo's and anyone else who builds on the building he says I laid the foundation others come and build on it Apollos did and no doubt others came after a policy and built on it too many people contribute to the building up for the edification of the church but they'd better build with the right materials Paul said because he's going to go on later chapter say because you're the temple of the Holy Spirit this building that we're talking about is the temple of God So whoever built on it better be careful how they build now he says there's the some people will build with gold silver and precious stones. That's usually what a temple would be built of that Solomon's Solomon's Temple had a lot of gold and silver and precious stones be decking it it was a stone building primarily with wood paneling that had a lot of gems and so forth and therefore it was a gorgeous piece of architecture now he says others build with wood hand straw Well it's like the you know the 1st 2 little piggies you know their house is going to blow down and they build it with a straw house or a wood house could be Ok but the problem is he says the work is we tested by fire obviously a stone building with that should be checked with gold and silver and stones will will will brave a fire better than one made of wood hand stubble grass so what he's saying is you need to make sure if you're building in the church and this is a direction to people who are ministers people or teachers people who are building the on the foundation that was laid by whoever planted a given church whoever comes later built on that are built with right materials because their work is going to be tested by fire now what are these fires what could be the last judgment it could very possibly be a reference to the fire of the Last Judgment or could simply refer to the fiery trials that come up on a church in the course of its lifetime many trials come upon the church and he said if you've built the church out of the right stuff it will stand the test of. Trial and fire and so forth if you don't build the right stuff you may find your whole church is destroyed by the fires of persecution or the fires of trials or even by the last day of judgment he says now that the man who built it may be a true Christian he'll be saved but he won't have anything to show for it so he's saying that if your minister who's building on this project edifying the church building up the church you'd better make sure that you build in such a way that when the trials of life or maybe the trials of the final judgment come that your work will stand and you'll have a reward he says you have a reward for you've built but if you build an inferior product it won't stand the test and you may be saved he's not insisting a 5 that you know the person may in fact be a saved person but he'll be saved with nothing to show for because the church the materials he built with are inferior Now what you said What are examples of wood hand stubble and gold silver precious stones these are very common metaphors in the Old Testament prophets and even in the Psalms for different kinds of people righteous people are compared with gems for example in Molokai chapter 3 God refers to the faithful remnants of Israel as his jump stones his jewels. Godly people are said to be like gold tried in fire and like silver so this would be you know building the church you know it's built with Livingstone's the church is not a physical building it's a it's a spiritual building made of people and so the gold silver and precious stones would be people who are true. Loyal faithful Christians true converts now would have stumbled in the Old Testament are often used in the prophets Isaiah for example uses it and so do I think Jeremiah Smothers. To speak about the wicked The wicked are like forums and should you know breast. Thistles and things like that and so if a person builds a church out of non christians that is they build a big church but the people in it are converted well then that person has a big church but when the trials come whether it's persecution whether it's just general trials of life or whether it's the last day in the in the judgment these these persons will not make it through those and the pastor who built his church we just wanted a big church he didn't care what it was made of so he allowed non Christians to come uncompromising compromised morally compromised people to be part of the church and so forth and there's no church discipline or they're just trying to build a church big and they they allowed non Christians to be a part of it and so forth. Well they're building a church out of would have stubble rather than gold silver and precious stones and on the day of judgment or perhaps even before then maybe just in the trials of life they will find that what they have built is not something that will stand the test . They may be saved but they may be saved alone they may be saved without a reward Paul said you you're building the temple of God here make sure you build with the right stuff so that's what that whole conversation is is about in chapter 3 I appreciate your call let's talk to Abraham from Port Orange Florida Abraham Welcome to the narrow path thanks for calling. I state thanks for taking my call Sure I question is this if you have only 10 minutes to put more than argument to someone who believes and total depravity who is interested in your position and why yours is the correct position what would you share with them and this could be perhaps even for somebody's listening today we need to make it very clear to people who are listening that total depravity is not another word for universal sinfulness universal sinfulness would just be the doctor that everybody sins and that is true everybody has sinned the Bible is very clear on that but total depravity is the special doctrine of the Calvinist theology which teaches that the person who is not born again the person is not regenerated. Is in all points tainted by sin and everything he does every deed he does good bad or indifferent is really not a good deed at all because he's it's tainted by sin in his nature and true Calvinists goes so far as to say that such a person who is not regenerated is so sinful that he doesn't even he can't even believe he can't repent he can't even want to worship God he can't see God They like to quote Paul's saying no there's none that 6 after God So if that's referring to the unregenerate as they think it is then they have to say that the unregenerate who are totally pray if they just never see God they won't see God and yet the Bible of course makes it clear that that's not true for example Cornelius an accepted 10 was not regenerated at the time when he was seeking God and the angel came to him and commended him for his prayers and so forth Lydia was a worshipper of God before she ever heard the Gospel and in Acts Chapter 16 it says she was a worshipper of God and God opened her mind to listen to Paul. Open her ears to listen to Paul and hear the Gospel and get saved then she was regenerated of course . Lots of people are seekers of God and don't know God and they're not saved or you know actually whether any individual who's seeking God is actually saved or not God only only can answer but we do have many instances in the Bible and probably a great number in our own lives of people we know who are looking for God they're searching for God They may be searching in the wrong places currently but there's a great number of people I remember in the Jesus moment back in the seventy's that people who came to Christ and were were saved. They told about how they had sought God beforehand how they tried different religions and they tried different things trying to find God now a Calvinist or say no they weren't seeking. Odd because they were you know totally to pray ved Well I'll take the word of the person who said he was seeking God over the person who's just making up his own theology as he goes along. Professes to know what was in these people's hearts based on his own narrow theological prejudice I personally do believe there are people who are seeking God and have never heard the Gospel. Now I'm not saying that people who are seeking God and have heard the Gospel are saved I'm just saying there are people who do seek God before they get born again which would suggest and some of them are in the Bible by the way which would suggest that it's not true that Dr Phil did not and that sorry sorry but you know you go ahead I say that. Those people who are seeking are people have their eyes open and are regenerate already sometimes they'll say that because they have to but the problem is you will find people who are seeking God. Let's just say a bunch of hippies were were you know using drugs to kind of try to find God and and they were looking into eastern religion and transcendental meditation and so forth and some of them became Christians and others never did now to say that the ones that were seeking God were the ones that God had opened their eyes and they were rejected already and they proved it by becoming Christians would require that we have to say all the others who didn't become Christians weren't really seeking God and because and God hadn't opened their minds to see God because if they were elect they would have found him this is the point a part of Calvinism is if if somebody is a lack they're going to find God if they're not alike they're not even to be thinking seriously for God and there's nothing in the Bible it says that now I realize that they like to quote some verses from. Romans 3 but they totally misunderstand what Paul's doing with that argument. They think Paul's making a case for total depravity when in fact Paul's make the case for the fact that Jews as well as Gentiles can be quite evil and can be quite lost because Paul's audience some of them were thinking that being a Jew made you special before God He say No being a Jew or Gentile does make a difference it's how you behave and he quotes several passages from the Psalms and from Isaiah there too which are about Jews statements that are made about Jewish people and points out that they're just as bad as Gentiles are so he's just making a case that Jews and Gentiles are the same essential. He's not making a case for tall depravity and the in the verses he quotes to use some hyperbole I mean yeah it does say there's none that seeks there's none that do is good no not one there's none that seek after God that's among the things he says he also says their mouths are the poison of asps and their you know their their of their their mouths are open are a tomb. And open to me and so forth I mean there's a lot of poetic language here and it's interesting in some 14 which Paul quotes there where it does say there's none that does good not one a few verses after says that it says that God is in the in the congregation of the righteous So apparently there are some who do good there are there is a congregation of the righteous when he says there's none that do with good he's using hyperbole because he clearly knows of some righteous including himself who do seek after God So I think that Calvinists like most Christians I'm not going to I'm not going to put this off on countless I think most non Catholics this criticism would apply to them as well they don't know how to read the Bible they know how to find proof texts they know what they're told by their teachers they know what they're supposed to find in the Bible in order to find some Bible verses that sound like they might just that they might say what they think it's supposed to say they're not very good at looking at things in context I've never found a Calvinist even as even a Calvinist scholar who is very good at seeing things in their context I mean they will use Romans 9 as a teaching about. Unconditional election and they miss the whole point of the context of Romans 9 and 1011 I mean it's just when people are. As you say infatuated with a particular theological system they see it where they want to see it but I'm actually not infatuated with Arminianism or with Calvinism or with any particular theological system I don't have a I do have theological system but I don't have an infatuation for it I've changed my systems or on occasion because I've I just want to know the Bible says and when you look at the Bible and the verses in context you're not going to find it teaching Calvinism and I've often said all the Calvinist get very angry and I say this that you almost have to be taught Calvinism in order to because you don't you would not from reading the Bible on your own come to a Calvinist view because. You know Calvinism teaches the god or dames everything that happens but you never get that impression reading Genesis Chapter 3 or 2 and 3 when God told them not to eat of the tree and that he was upset that they did and so forth well Calvinism says God ordained that they would do it inevitably but God seem to be upset that they didn't punish them for you just read through the whole Bible you'll find again and again God is getting upset with you for doing things he told them not to do he's punishing them that you'd never get the impression from the bomb that God ordains everything that happens and there are a few proof texts they use but they they take them out of context and don't understand again the passages I don't mean to say that I am afraid that sounds very arrogant on my part I don't mean to be are going to I'm just saying what I call it as I see it I read their commentaries I hear their arguments and they're the most honest thing I can say is that they are not very good at looking things in context I would agree with your assessment Steve just a little back my wife and I both came from a reformed background but kind of like you said we were waved in the reformed church we actually were not on Calvinist Christians and then we became Calvinist we were we consider ourselves a part of the young restless and reform movement Yeah but actually through the ministry. Dr Layton flowers Dr Braxton Hunter and others that we realized this wasn't what the Bible taught in fact the 1st scripture I ever read that really confused me as a Reformed Christian was the story of Cain and Abel with in Genesis 3 and it was now where God told them to me God told Katie I told Cain if you do well you'll be accepted to. Yes that that death confused me that was the 1st thing and I tried looking up some you know what that you Henry maybe had to say and others and it didn't really make any sense to me you know well I don't consider it be the alternative to me to be better and that that that that didn't make me believe Calvinism but that was sort of the 1st little question I had and then yeah that was late and flowers and Braxton Hunter are both very very good on this topic. If you listen to my lectures on communism in Armenia. I haven't Ok if you go to our website the narrow path dot com. And click on the tab that says topical lectures. And just kind of rolled scroll down the difference is that there's a series called God's sovereignty and man salvation actually Braxton Hunter told me that he has he listened to that as he's prepared to be on Calvinism once. But it's it is a it's a pretty thorough treatment all 5 points of Calvinism. And I use the Calvinist and what I do is I defend each point of Calvinism and then I take it apart so I use all the scriptures they use to prove their point and I quote them making the cards and then I go through and I exit to look at things in context which is of course something that mediately just mantles their case because that's usually all you have to do is look at something in context and you realize hey there they're making as they say or Jesus was trying to say they have a good talking I'm going to take a break here thank you for calling today. Listening to the narrow path we're going to take a short break and come back for another half hour at the neuropathy is listener supported if you'd like to help us out. You can write to the narrow path p. O. Box 730 Temecula California. 9 to 593 Our website is the narrow path dot com The preceding program is sponsored by time share. At home on the town or on line this is your place for God's word. Commerce in crystal clear h.d. Radio on the way at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Is the season to eat and be merry holiday enjoyment leaves you feeling painfully bloated relief is here introducing develop by a board certified gastroenterologist did release bloating where was starts in the small bell that's why I feel works where other remedies don't in clinical studies 88 percent of bloating sufferers for. 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Come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yet 8 and his own life he cannot be My disciple That's from Luke 1426 Greetings This is Pastor Larry you know it's so wonderful to be here and we're having a wonderful time at Southwest read your church and this is your a watchman on the wall broadcast of Southwest Radio Church Now what did Jesus mean when he spoke of hating father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters and even hating his own life Jesus told us to love our enemies and to pray for those who despite fully use us but now he is speaking of hating some of your closest relatives and even one's own self is there a capias mistake some bleary eyed scribe working by candlelight just misread the manuscript he was copying from and therefore we have this horrible statement is that what happened is Tarrasque rival era I don't believe so you see Jesus never talked about hating anyone but he did talk about showing supreme law of and commitment for him above every other relationship our love for him is to make every other relationship look like a trip it's like an Malakai where the Lord says Jacob Have I Loved Esau have I hated Lisa Brockman as someone who has had to exhibit that intense love foreign commitment to Jesus Christ so much so that she was willing to break every other relationship even that of her mother and father Lisa's an ex-Mormon we're going to continue our interview with her as we speak about her really moving book titled out of Zion. Friends we're going to continue visiting with Lisa Brockman she is the author of the book out of Zion meeting Jesus in the shadow of the Mormon temple this is the book that will help you learn the vital difference between the Mormon. In the biblical plan of salvation it'll give you deeper insight into how Mormons think and also how they feel Lisa thank you so much for being with us once again thank you for having me again police are you in the book said you know as you were growing up you were very much interested in boys did that have something to do with the Mormon view of marriage and the significance of that for me I think it very much had to do with the more in view of marriage since I was probably 6 years old or younger my greatest dream in life was to grow up find the man of my dreams and marry in the Mormon temple one day and eventually exile into God in the celestial heaven which I would be able to access through being faithful to all the laws and ordinances of the gospel which enabled me to marry in the temple and so there my husband would be my God and that was just implanted deeply in my soul from the time I could I was born like every Sunday family home evening this was just my normal and so I don't know have I been so wired and turned toward boys for my identity at such a young age had I not been in that culture I can't say because not every little Mormon girl is but a lot of Mormon girls are just as I was well that raises a related question what about the the homosexual craze in fact I've read some statements by some Warman's they seem to not be too upset by it I don't know if that's the nomination wide or not but I would think that you know same sex marriage would be really a serious no now but I don't you know really see them developing in apologetics So how do they regard that well the Mormon Church is very vocal the prophet and 12 apostles are very vocal. They're anti-gay all anti l.g.b. Stance several years ago they receive used to baptize children of gay parents and that created why does it isn't in the church so it is actually one of the hottest topics the churches relentless on the topic and on their stance and I think sadly they're not creating an environment where the l g b t community and this is the same in the Christian church I think feels at all risks see and coming to worship and there are l.g.b. P.q. Mormons and so it's leading to a high suicide rate and teens are l.t.v. You but it's also created a culture where both Mormon and or more liberal Mormons are fighting this fight and maybe that's what you've been exposed to so it's creating quite a dividing line where you came to put your faith in Christ but the real challenge as I read your book was your parents you and your family blong to the Mormon group for 5 generations I believe it was when you were going to a Bible study and you had a discipleship appointment on campus Well I think her name was Lisa and she said to you Lisa I think you need to consider telling your parents that you are a Christian and then you are right my whole body froze I felt like she had just punched me in the gut words evaded me close quote Tell us what happened after that had you handle that and when did you break the news. Well that was a terrifying moment and she slipped me a phone number for the campus director with the Campus Crusade for Christ Ministry at the University of Utah and said I want you to call this man he's offered to walk through this with you help give you wisdom on how to go about this I called him after 45 minutes on the phone I had a crush on him and I was like what's happening I need to go see who this guy is and I was super involved with career at the time I had gone and done some basic follow ups Gondo weekly meeting and then I was but God was bringing me to the end of myself and the end of addictions that I had looked to for a life outside of Christ even though I had already come to Christ it was this unraveling of ways that I had looked for a life outside of Him Well all that to say. My 21st birthday was December 20th and I completely surrendered all of my addictions to him and walk up a different woman and I knew I want to go be with his people so I went to a Korean Christmas conference and their doctor bill bright came and invited us to come help change the world and something in me was so moved I knew I want to do this the rest of my life and at the same time I was filled with the deepest terror because now I really needed to tell my parents I'm a Christian so I got back from Portland and I made an appointment with my parents and took them to a little Japanese restaurant to attempt to contain the reaction and I was just terrified and so as we sat there eating lunch I could hardly eat anything and eventually I just said Mom and Dad I just have been on a long journey and I want you to know I've placed my trust in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life and I'm a screamed you've left us you've left the family and be into. Wail and my dad began to talk scripture with me and want to trying to convince me that what I believed was wrong and that began a good year and a half as that was just the most tumultuous year and a half of my life and it was as tumultuous for them because my greatest joy was their greatest devastation and so all of us it was the messiest 2 years the year and a half but at the same time I could not leave my house every morning without feasting on the whole book of Galatians to get that truth into my head every morning was so critical for me and I think that year and a half I probably grew 10 years spiritually because of that dependency on God It's just I never knew what I was going to show up to with my family and we spent a lot of time together because I went to school. 2 miles from their house so weekends we were together and it was my mom became severely depressed for a long long time and we all just cried a lot at the same time I was yoking myself to the Jesus and seeing him as we do in times of oppression just seeing him so near to me always and carrying me through so it was deeply intimate and challenging and devastating I lost all my friends who were Mormon from my past and that was extremely painful as well your mother had written us a 6 page letter after that meeting at the coyote own restaurant I think the Japanese restaurant What did she write in that the lengthy letter one of the things she said is that I've destroyed the family and other things she said is I've used them for their unconditional love because the Mormon Church is set on this whole eternal family families can be together forever was our line I was the 1st one to break this family chain this eternal family and it's extremely devastating for a Mormon and so that's what she meant I destroyed the family and it felt like it was destroyed on earth too and use them for their unconditional love there were threats made you need to return to the Mormon Church or else but she didn't state the or else it was just very traumatic and I think it was her desperate attempt you know it's what she knew how to do to try and control and when I read it I was absolutely shaking inside and struck with so much grief and at the same time I remember and I remember thinking it would be better for them if I was an addict and then they could just control me and put me in recovery and just do that journey with me but at least I would still technically have the Mormon faith and so this was the most devastating thing that could happen to them. Wow and I'm sure as a daughter you didn't I mean you love Jesus but you were really grief stricken to see your parents I mean so torn up no no daughter a son wants to do that to mom and dad right totally and writing out a violin like God. Invited me into that journey I would never have pursued that outside of God I mean it wasn't even a thought on my radar My agent heard me share my story and approached me and I was like he said Have you thought about writing your story I was like not not anything . My family's all still Mormon and Jesus just kept saying Follow me follow me I've got to follow me and it is resurfaced p.t.s.d. Storms in me and I think it's done the same for my mom and so I have to hand it to or she's hired a life coach and a counselor to help her process through our emotions so that she'll have the courage to read my story you course know a lot about Mormonism that most people would know what do you understand about Mormonism that may not be apparent to me or to other Christians because you're kind of an insider what what what would you want to share with our our listeners something that may be hidden but maybe very very important to Mormons and that we who seek to would just of them need to know something about yeah and I think I touch on all these in my book in such thorough ways but I can only touch quickly here I would say that God was once a man who exulted is land of god hood and that that is my that as a Mormon is what my goal is and today Foreman is and has worked so hard to look like historical Christianity on the outside that they don't like some won't even say I believe that but that is at their root so that's why I just talk about the plan of salvation and I think that's so critical because Mormons believe they don't know the biblical plan of salvation and a lot of Christians I don't think can articulate the biblical plan of salvation and so knowing that plan of salvation where Jesus is. The created son of heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother he Satan's brother things about the identity of Christ are really important and then that we have a defined nature not a simple nature and the difference between salvation and eternal life is really critical and most Christians don't know that Mormon vernacular where salvation is just overcoming the grave so when you say to a Mormon Well we believe we're saved by grace and they say so do we technically in their definition of terms they do and so eternal life in the presence of the Father in the Son eternally worshipping them enjoying all of their gifts their blessing their presence that is eternal life and there's a significant difference there and then that the temple marriage is the key to eternal life. That's really important to understand and that we can't do anything to make ourselves worthy of eternal life that's only for you get into some really deep stuff that I think is really the kernel of Mormonism there of you I want to want to share a few lines from page 62 you speak about Mr Peter Berg you say taught us that Jesus was conceived by Heavenly Father who was flesh and bones by having intercourse with Mary and then you say if I had ever heard this doctrine before it had blown right past me I was horrified by this revelation Heavenly Father had a wife I also believe that Mary had conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit you know the Virgin Birth idea so not only would my God have committed adultery but incest as well this would be incest because Mary was literally can see by Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in the preexisting world so that she was their daughter this doctrine would have them having intercourse with one another and then you say wot I exclaimed what you say that again lay that out for us because as I read that I just got a new glimpse of the a deeper glimpse of the complexity and the evil of the Mormon view of God. Yeah I mean that was so shocking we're just going along in seminary which is our high school religious education class and usually we get school credit for we take it during the day and just like anything else we're just talking all the doctrines and when Mr Peterburg dropped that it absolutely blew my mind and I did ask I challenged him and I was like How could this happen that's incest that's adultery and he said eventually he said he calmed me down and he's wanted to contain me and he said there are just some things in the Mormon Church Mormon Church that we can explain and we just trust that it will make sense in the end and as I started to think through logistics of it well they don't believe in a trinitarian God And so the Holy Spirit overcoming Mary would not be God the child Jesus would not be the child of God it would be Jesus of the child of the Holy Spirit son of the Spirit so heavenly Father had to physically impregnate Mary because he's the god of this earth and so as I broke it down I saw. When you get heretical about the person of God the ramifications of that just spin down and down and down and this snowball and that's what happens with Mormon doctrine if you go deep into it. That's what you'll find and discover Yeah that's the biggest shocker right that's the bigger shocker and I think the restoration of the practice of polygamy in the Celestial Kingdom is also one that they don't talk about they want to separate themselves but that is very much a doctrinal still a doctrinal to reality in the Mormon Church right well Lisa thank you so much for these a show's tremendous job I really learned a lot and I'm sure you are a blessing to or air leisure Oh thank you so much less a pleasure great well Matthew please come to them like Intel or less stress how they may get their own copy of out of Zion Thank you Pastor Larry our special offer today is the new book titled Out of Xi'an you can have your own copy for the gift of $18.00 if you live in the United States and $32.00 if you live in Canada to place your order just Card toll free number 1806521144 and you can order this excellent book on our website and s w r c dot com Also available is the best selling d.v.d. By Billy Crone on Mormonism you can have a copy for a gift of $20.00 Better yet get both a book out of Zion on and a Billy Crone d.v.d. On Mormonism for a gift of 30 dollars That number to call is 180-652-1144 the website is a stub you are seeing dot com Here again is pastor there. Was a growing aggressed of this of the environmental movement American land owners have been plagued with confusing regulations that seem to put common sense on the back shelf Moreover ambiguous regulations and manipulative bureaucrat. As same to relish giving property owners a hard time in October however present interim signed 2 executive orders that have been well appreciated and long overdue Richard shocked made some smart moves and saw his little company grow so shocked bought a plot of land in Alaska to expand his small pipe manufacturing company and sought permission from the Army Corps of Engineers since a portion of the land contained wetlands the core using a supplement that was never sent to Congress to interpret its rules determine that not only are the wetlands on stocks property subject to the Clean Water Act but also 200 acres of permafrost that decision was a stone wall in the path to shocks plans for expansion while modern shark sued arguing that permafrost covers one 3rd of Alaska on the basis of the corps interpretation Alaska is a huge wetland shark spend big bucks in fighting the government's the station and ultimately lost a lot so when the Supreme Court declined to consider the case fortunately entrepreneurs' like Richard Shock have someone on their side President Trump has been a strong critic of the federal bureaucracy abuse of small businesses and American families and I cover the 92001000 he signed to executive orders meant to rein in the bureaucracies arbitrary rulings and hold government agencies accountable to citizens to do executive orders title bringing guidance out of darkness and transparency and fairness are the latest moves by the trumpet ministration to cut red tape and make it easier for Americans to navigate the labyrinthine federal bureaucracy the president observed that too many agencies have found it easier to impose costly and excessive mandates through informal interpretations buried on their websites instead of. Going through the regular public review process Congress requires the president often said that large government agencies often allow political agendas to improperly influence their interpretation of the law and how it applies to American farmers and business owners and even worse than that Mr Trump said they deny us seat at the table when they do it so while President Trump has initiated ideas that make his leadership attractive any people the fact that he has declared war on a ravenous bone crushing bureaucracy is another plus for his later ship bureaucratic over regulation is stifling to private businesses and start ups some believe with good reason that over regulation is for political purposes the destruction of private enterprise and a slow but in evitable disappearance of the middle class leading to an America share a cold with a change of socialism a case in point comes from New York City early in 2019 Amazon abandon its $2500000000.00 plan to build a New York City headquarters undoing one of the country's biggest economic development deals because it said it was troubled by growing political opposition to the plan the move will cost the area $25000.00 potential jobs on a new campus that was to be located in the Long Island City Queens across from the East River Amazon had agreed to spend a huge sum of money to build the new campus in exchange New York City and New York state offered $3000000000.00 in tax incentives social justice Democrat a o c tweeted approvingly and said quote Today was the day a group of dedicated every day New Yorkers and their neighbors defeated Amazon's corporate greed its a worker exploitation and the power of the richest man in the world close quote Well Marvin Don. Trump as a businessman who wants the United States to succeed Democrat lawmakers are politicians with a socialist agenda a successful economy start up businesses and happy Americans are not in their job description over regulation in. The friends there are many statements in the Bible that Jesus would bring division even between the closest members of families and look to verse 34 and 35 the words of Simeon give us a hint of what is coming he says Behold this child is set for the fall and rise again of many in Israel and for a sign which shall be spoken against a sword shall pierce through via own soul also doesn't thoughts of many hearts may be revealed close quote It may seem odd that the Prince of Peace would bring division however Jesus is not the cause of the division it is the varied responses that people give to his person and work brings the trouble and Luke 1426 Jesus said If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brother and and sisters yea and even his own life he cannot be My disciple pester Larry did Jesus mean what he said when he used the word hate Omar That's a great question hate is a way of saying to love less Jesus is not speaking about an absolute hatred of father mother wife and children he means that our love for him has to be so all consuming that every other relationship looks like 8 even though it's really not absolute hey this is a scenario that plays out when one family member suddenly is truly and radically saved the rest of the family doesn't know what to make of it standards change habits change interest change we're seeing this happen today with Kanye West. And Kim Carr Deshon something we would expect of his conversion is real Conny doesn't want their 6 year old daughter wearing makeup or crop tops anymore not until she is a teenager car dash and said it is a big discussion a big fight in the household right now but it is what's best Kanye is also on comfortable with some of his wife's outfits on her part Kim has expressed a degree of confusion Morven in fact quote you build me up to be the sexy person and confidence and all this stuff and just because you are on a journey and you are on a transformation doesn't mean that I am in the same spot with you close quote That's what Kim said to him and that's exactly how Jesus divides families and a short one day we are getting drunk together and the next day you don't want to drink one day or marking the Bible and the next day you are reading the Bible Quote I don't even know who you are anymore close quote exactly Fortunately there is much more than division Jesus brings families together day and night around the globe the conversion of one family member is often contagious bringing transformation family members who haven't talked for years now forgive one another and unite in tears and hugs for those beautifully said so friends let's remember Kanye and Kim in prayer commentator Michael l. Brown writes this What I quote him when I saw that Kanye is conversion seemed very real I said to myself If so there is going to be some conflict in the family after all how would a godly man feel about his wife being a sex symbol and posting nude selfies online close quote some ripples and maybe a storm surge are good they are a sign that God is working in Conyers life. Thank you Pastor Larry our special offer today is the new book titled Out of Xi'an you can have your own copy for the gift of $18.00 if you live in the United States and $32.00 if you live in Canada to place your order just Card toll free number 1806521144 and you can order this excellent book on our website at s w r c dot com Also available is the best selling d.v.d. By Billy Crone on Mormonism you can have a copy for a gift of $20.00 Better yet get both a book out of Zion on and the billy Crone d.v.d. On Mormonism for a gift of 30 dollars That number to call is 180-652-1144 thank you for joining us today join us again tomorrow on the watchman on the wall program from Southwest Radio Church. To preceding program is sponsored by watchman media. Morning new look we're broadcasting God's word on the mighty 67 jail teach e-commerce that he didn't apply definition digital radio as reading online at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Hello everyone this is James Dobson inviting you to join us for our next edition the family dog every day would come to these microphones with someone in mind whether it's a busy mom looking for tips on discipline Farai has been he wants to learn more about connecting with his wife we want to put an arm around your family in any way that we can so join as next time for a family. Family with dock. James Dobson weekdays at 430 and 9 pm here on the mighty 670 k.l. T.t. We don't often hear an honest review of what's happening today that's about to change as Crawford broadcasting launches our national Crawford roundtable podcast you'll hear about current events hard news stories cultural ideas and other pertinent topics the without the smoke and mirrors of a left wing agenda national Crawford. Is available on ample podcast stitcher and Crawford broadcasting dot com Listen to the national Crawford roundtable Friday mornings at 9 and Saturday nights at 730 and hear full pod cast episodes at her website 670 k. L t t dot com. Has some unexpected extra time in the airport we're sorry how to fly to like another 4 hours. Don't get frustrated and can't believe I'm done just go to 670 k. L t t dot com and click listen live no ticket counter no delays no lines. Does encourage me is always ready on line and 670 k l t t dot com. This is a m 670 calle t.t. And k o t t h d Commerce City Denver and now f.m. At 95 point one and streaming worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. In the Gospel is the righteousness of God revealed how out of phase Listen to make sure you and I will never understand what we're teaching until we believe that. The Bible says and it's almost a paradox through phrase we understand. Blessed to have you with us and welcome to the Bible teaching ministry of David hockey you're listening to hope for today. That was quite the paradox that David opened up with wasn't it through faith comes understanding that doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense but you know the more I think about it the more right it seems to be for faith Christianity doesn't make a whole lot of sense but after you come to believe after you've had the experience of believing in God all the pieces fall into place and I write well Dave is going to give us more about this we're continuing through our vital study of the book of Romans but David sharing from Chapter 4 verses 16 through 25 the title of the message we're kicking off today strong in faith stay tuned 1st though here's David in studio God bless you all go forget about our Web site David Hakim dot org There you'll find many resources that are available to you and all.

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