American history revealed that our nation has been built a young man with a vision this vision was based upon a Suzi reverence of both God and Country such a man of today. Has raised up to challenge the youth of the 20th century to preserve that foundation and to build upon it the right way so tomorrow. Back you very much welcome bags and gentlemen to another youth on the March program coming to you coast to coast wind by today call up some of your friends and let them know that they too can stop looking Listen to this program every Sunday night at this time 1st on the program we have the wife b.c. a Court that committed by saying I'm going to ride the chariot rumors of the piano . If a. Few . Old Okok in the charioteer. Over the phone of the charioteer. Are rare enough to judge might say ah. Ah over our uranium mine. Are you ready for that. The phone to come out of the gunmen. Ma. Ma is. 7 7 a. The oh ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha. Ha ha ha. The. Old. If I have as our guest for a little interview this evening. Paula Leonard who had a little bird around here during that last number and he was the bird been listening for many years and then Hollywood and worked out around there was a pleasure to have you on us on the March I would like to have a little word of testimony from you want to be given before you will thank you Reverend Crawford and I want to say I'm very happy to be here this evening and my apparent for very fine Christians for I came at a very early age to realize that I was a sinner and needed a Savior and I knelt at the foot of the cross and folk him as my Savior and I can really recommend him for the world for what he meant was the song we bring you as I sing because I'm happy I sing because I'm free or his eyes are on the Sparrow I know He watches me. Now we have. Come up. The slope. See the sun. Come up and show. Keep your eye to see. What's the Cobra. Why it's found in Feinberg pick 3 songs number 68 and the victory after the battle monument saying weather is now listen to. The this say a fellow. Later . Come. Close but I couldn't see it one of you folks out there saying Now some of the 1st time everybody. Was. Like hey. Ya been wonderful the way these folks have been writing or some sending in letters and I've been through the wonderful way they're responding to our request for letters and we just. Picked out 2 or 3 tonight for your day here and Gerry when you start off with your letter all right here's one for Washington d.c. From the south in the u.s. Air Force let me congratulate you on the splendid tell of you crow brand of youth on the March I was fortunate in turning the dial in the offices for the boat in your program it was interesting to notice the wonderful reaction of the pilots who were impressed and stimulated to carry on fight of this question on faith in Jesus Christ and I'm frank very thereat why when you got there I got one here from New York I had lost faith in God but somehow your broadcast made me see the error of my ways and I bowed my head with you and begged God's forgiveness I pray more people was seen to hear you and be barked back to that as I went inside Here's one from Pennsylvania I have a small lunch room plus the television and you should see the peace and contentment on the faces of my customers mostly young folks when your program comes over the air every Sunday evening I have people coming here after their church services are over just to hear your wonderful program leg are not around now that well yeah that's right now when you have a I have one from New Jersey there were 18 of us watching your television program on Sunday night during the entire time you could have heard a pin drop in out of the room except of course when we joined you in hymns and prayer is good day here's one from Ohio my consumer thanks to you for helping me find a better life for 10 years I had not attended church and it was only by accident I 1st saw your program but now look forward to it each Sunday my wife tells me that she has noticed the difference in my attitude towards everything since I've been watching your program that and I said none other than one of our letters and even though yours may not be that nice you write one we'd like to hear from you and now our 4 sons Don doing their name Little children get on board they're going to sing for. Her. Can. He. You know we love on these Sunday evenings just to have a little chat with you each night at this time where you just ride everybody around your television set then let me talk to you very briefly about one passage of Scripture found over in Acts the 24th chapter of the 24th verse and after certain days when Phoenix came with his wife Priscilla which was a Jew as he sent for Paul and heard him concerning the faith in Christ and as a result of right just as temperance and judgment to come Felix from Fulton answered both I wait for this time when I have a convenient seat and I will call for a beat but his record never says that he did here is a graphic Court seat a terrific court scene and what your man has been fighting for his life I think are sort of date around the court at that time and so he thought he'd have a little fun and he brought from prison this man who was in prison because of his testimony for Jesus saith and he was brought in and standing before Paul he said go ahead and speak and Paul spoke before this great man Felix and gave a little word of testimony Paul had a chance to win upright Paul had a chance to father and you know it takes courage to talk to one man it's not so hard talking to a great group but it's hard to talk to one and Paul had a chance here to pat him on the back and perhaps be ready from prison but not so it says The record says the historical record says he stood up and he reasoned with this man is right man a part of the reason within of righteousness temperance and judgment because he started with righteousness he started talking to him about seed and you know that's where salvation begins the bible starts right there if you're going to be saved you must think for. Obsidian and how about strikes and all of this instruction immediate strikes and you God says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God God says to the So listen to Joe down and that includes me it includes you he didn't preach be kind and do the best you can and do a lot of charity No no he preached on right just you know when I was a college some years ago we had applied rush and the freshmen against the soft Mars and of course I've been or saw for a moment we used our heads a little bit more we thought to show the great clouds around the freshman Rama 5 Poleon on death we said Thomas now let's wait lever by the dog tired out for by we were all tired out and we have time not over to the freshman get up and put the flag so we wade through all these things started the fight went on for about an hour and a half they were all weary and then came in the 1st floor and we just plowed right through there and the freshman had put tar import water all around the bottom of the base of the flagpole and we got black from head to foot not fell over once on my face I looked up and left it a friend of mine I did doubled over Lefty with black from head to foot I thought he looked so funny. But Biograph was over I went back to my room took my shoes off outside the door went up to my room I looked in the mare and all I could see was 2 white spots mine was old it was white everything black with tar and mud. And you know I thought of that here I was laughing with the other fellow and when I saw myself I was right from head to foot that's the way with you tonight before all holding God Your life is soon standing black and that's a hard thing for us to get you to see that without God and without his right just as you are absolutely without hope and he stood up there in the region with this own ruler any reason with him of righteousness temperance to be temperate in a region of judgment a common pall preached on Helen preached on judgment he preached the socialists didn't deter doc he preached to every one of our store stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and my friend if there is no God when I know what hell don't let's go out of the brink of a merry for tomorrow we dock but don't be deceived God is not mocked there's our job. When rather you burn your body your treasure Salvor go ahead into the depths of saying you're still going to stand before the Judgment Seat of pride to worry about that just as sure as we live and after death there is a judgment when you stand up there in the river and I can see what he was all through both with Felix and that's I don't print any more tell you why God walk in mouth and I can see him going back with his chains manacled and around him and his hands all tied in this feet the chains around of walking back discouraged back to his south they open the door on its wings close in the closing of that door marked with both the symbol of the closing of another door the forever shut have an outcome the reach of that all rumor he missed those tracks one fall when will the turning off of the television set be the symbol of the closing of another door that one forever was shut heaven not for me I'm not going to change she had the chance you have the greatest preacher in all the world stood before him the cornerstone earth love of a time she had feet from both the show and I want to tell you it's possible for you to feed her need an even shed a tear and cry that's not enough no sure he stood there in the region the right just missed temperance and judgment he was shouting with a great showman But look why didn't he become a Christian why didn't he reason to look for a more convenient season he said I'll do it again some other time like a lot or you Sunday after Sunday you've been hearing me the story of salvation you said I'll do it next week later you know firmer convene season and 2nd he wouldn't give up it seems you know it cost something to be a Christian if you are going to really get the peace of God in your heart you've got a mean business you're gunplay around with it I was sort of preaching down in the church down the barrel on a main street or it wasn't the cause of a lady was there and when the girls came home someone to speak to this lady when trying to wind up or Jesus when you come and talk to not get up and talk more than I thought you know or not about that when you walk down the aisle and I came back 11 refined woman I don't know what lady is going to cost you something to be a person who should cost me something that I thought I was going to. Another offer a does not on off I did it's going to cost a few years to. Be bought or it you know what I was talking about if you want salvation my friend is going to cost you something if you want the real thing this man wouldn't pay the price here the again of the math the rent is way out of history of record it does not record another thing about him calling for Paul and getting another checks to be a Christian that's the tragedy of a young lad received Christ as a safe he was so happy he went back to the bill and I said on Monday morning he sang praises that a hearty one wasn't ashamed of it 11 o'clock is our new clothing got caught in the machine he was working on he was pulled in and the arm was badly torn body was ripped them he took some of the preachers some of the preacher I sent for the preacher came a horse and wagon on and came in and when the came into the young man the young man said Oh are there more than the good I said to them time more than a good I said I didn't count the printer prayed with them not young feller much so ground that he'd make sure as is likely gone in the days going to come when you're going to need and I beg of you tonight put your faith and settle it make sure you're Christian mainly by our digital word of prayer. Young Turks of the air and write it with Dr Percy Crawford as the speaker today for the 1st time we are offering. Our entire television audience on beautiful new 19th that deve pictures with your calendar it's a beauty it contains pictures of Dr and Mrs Crawford here for boys dot Dick. And indeed a quartet and an actual picture of this telecast. Day for your brain 150 calendar to Mercy call or you Mark post on this 11 by one survey you. May I remind you please this is a place where the 2 letters mean much for the continuance of the telecast you were invited to help. With the. Mailing address again Percy Crawford or you on the mark post office box one Pennsylvania Why don't you start a Percy club or t.v. And invite your neighbors to view another. Day same time same a.b.c. Channel. This is a.b.c. The American Broadcasting Company the preceding program is sponsored by Crawford broadcasting. This is calle t.t. Commerce City Denver broadcasting in h.d. Digital radio and online at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. View the full beautiful beautiful oh beautiful beautiful for spacious skies of amber waves of grain amber waves of grain amber waves of grain for purple mountain Majesties Majesty's Majesty's majesty above the furtive place America America America America God shed his grace His grace as grace His grace and crown the good with Brotherhood brotherhood with brotherhood with Brotherhood from Sea From see from sea from sea to shining sea to shining sea America the Beautiful. Righteousness exalts a nation yes God has shed his grace on this country let's not forget what's made us great let's not forget to say thanks from the r.b.c. Ministries family to your family happy Thanksgiving. Welcome to buy the line. Yankey Arnold pastor of Calvary Community Church in Tampa Florida clearly declaring the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the radio and the internet your regular prayers and monthly support make it possible for Bible line to continue on the air you can reach as toll free at 180-576-3771 online donations may be made by clicking on the donations link on the Bible on ministries Daunte home page we pray that you will enjoy our commitment to the clear Gospel of Jesus Christ and the today's message will be a blessing to you and your family. All right you know you ought to stay healthy right I want to be healthy level and have a happy life blah blah blah blah blah grains your agreement and lettuce is your grains and if you will eat your grains you'll stay healthy you are so these verses are to help you and I just stay spiritually healthy so take your Bible and look at these verses both of Hebrews and chapter 4 and notice there in verse one and verse one own let us as believers when you say let us let us let us not of this. So as you go to the ball of Ed just bowls it down you don't have to talk about how to get say and so many people when they don't see certain key words say they lose it so he says Let us therefore thir. What hell no less a promise me and left us of entering into His rest any of you should Same become short of it is kind of like in the book of 1st Corinthians in chapter 10 when he makes a statement about how that under Moses they all came out of Egypt and they all was under the cloud they all was in the wilderness and they all drank the same spirit drank but God was not pleased with some of them not all of them but there were some who just would not keep quiet they murmured complain said snakes among them many people died so those those things that was in there now I want you to write down beside that Hebrews chapter 4 in verse one a good scripture reference and looked in the book of Deuteronomy Chapter 12 look in Deuteronomy Chapter 12. Back there in the Old Testament this book in the book of Deuteronomy Chapter 123 little verses I want you to look at if you write them down in note because they are good verses look there in verse 8 and verse 8 decide on page 230 in your old scope the reference by whom your Knows have heard say he said Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day and what is it every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes. So that was something God says not to do and so living by faith is not doing what's right in your eyes but doing what's right in God's eyes see over there in verse 25 Thou shalt not eat of it that it may go well with the end with children after they win that I shall do that which is and you online this part of the verse that which is right in the sight of the Lord is there a difference yes there is a difference and so some people will believe what God says and there are some people who will not believe what God says now in this same chapter look in verse 25 again at verse 25 talking about this idea of looking to see what God has to say and obey and now I want to go back to verse 9 we read verse 8 but look at verse 9 for you are not as yet come to the rest and to the inheritance which the Lord your God give it you Suresh is getting into the problem you haven't got there yet you maybe have gotten out of Egypt you're in the wilderness but you haven't yet got to the promised land now the promised land many people saw this make that heaven but it's not heaven that's just the victorious Christian life I believe it's more has to do with that heaven is heaven and you know you and I learned how to take God as word you can spend the whole Christian life in a wilderness or you can go on to maturity and I believe this is what is a reference toward look there and Hebrews in chapter 10 you're right there in Hebrews But look in chapter 10. Hebrews Chapter 10 Look at verse 22. And verse 22 says Let us draw near where they true heart and and these 4 words full of assurance a face full assurance of faith because to enter into the rest means you can really trust the Lord you understand salvation and you're content you're satisfied you don't have to worry about that now we're talking about the Christian life things to do but is focusing upon that which is down the road the future faith and that which God promised now you refers to many of the Old Testament science and they have not yet. Or they didn't at that time see the fulfillment of the promises because what God promise lies beyond this life and so that's why the scriptures it talks about they have not been fulfilled some of the promises that didn't happen in their lifetime go back their diversity 11 Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 11. And version 11 says let us labor therefore to enter into that rest this is where your greatest work will be study in the Word of God is not all that fun learning to be disciplined is not all that fun cutting out things out of your life and that is a problem or a hindrance in aside every sin that so easily be sent us is not the easiest thing in the world and in the sin of unbelief so but setting those things aside and keep going you're running a race and accomplish the thing that God wants for us this is what he's talking about less any man fall after the same example of belief but we're talking to say we're not Tama how to be saved we're talking about how to go on and so in your Christian life it's taking God at His word Living by faith so when you get to Chapter 11 you have a whole chapter that deals with living by faith now. Live like you believe the promises see those things now look in verse 14 verse 14 says seeing the end that we have a great high priest that has passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God Let us that's believers hold fast our profession now the words you have trusted Christ as Savior you know you have eternal life and there's thing that God wants you to do in your life you and I are to live our lives believing that not only has Christ died and paid for our sins and come back from the dead but he's still alive and we still have a High Priest in the heavens and he wants us to come to him live like it lived like the Lord is alive not that he's dead or he took a vacation somewhere in his office throne No he is doing the work now of a high priest he's enter seeding for you and that's why you can go to him as it says in verse 16 bone lead to the throne of grace now later on you'll see that there's a reason for it being called the throne of grace and the reason is so that you might serve the Lord with fear that's mentioned down here in my mind's will go ahead and let you look at that look in Hebrews Chapter 12 in verse 28 Hebrews Chapter 12 and verse 28. Now the whole book is with together it's all connected and so one verse will help explain how the verse in the book of Hebrews teaches the book of Hebrews But in verse $28.00 where we receive in a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace when he calls might come into the throne of grace there's a reason whereby underline this we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear that's why you go to the throne of grace not to get my new pink Cadillac not to get my $1000000.00 in the mail it's that I can have the strength and the grace that I need to serve God and reverence him as I ought to acceptably according to His will that he can accept our works so when you put it all together you see just kind of all of it close together it's a tremendous book now there's 2 things that I circled here in Hebrew for 16 in your note Let us therefore come boldly on to the throne of grace that we have me obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of the help in time of need is because you're serving God you're doing what God wants you to do and that ties into Hebrews in chapter 12 verse 28 look at the next one Hebrews Chapter 6 in verse one right there note. He says as Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us believe go on unto perfection or maturity you see God wants to complete the work that he has already begun in you not your salvation is total there's no problem with that but now God wants you to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so God wants you to grow he wants us to mature and the reason we he said we can go on is because you don't have to lay again the foundation of salvation and that's why he talks about pendants from dead works if you want to what does repent mane it means you don't trust and good works you don't trust in the works of the flesh so you trust Christ as your Savior you see there not birth not laying again and the foundation of repentance Pramod dead works Repent means to change your mind dead works of the flesh cannot get life life must come from life and exist on previous life and the flesh cannot produce a spiritual life impossible so now that you're saved and let us go on to maturity and that's what I believe God wants us to do not take your Bible turn to Hebrews and Chapter 10 Hebrews Chapter 10 Isn't it easier when I give you all the notes and knew just flow right there and at night and so was some of you all are sleeping you can read these later you know that you know that right then Darren Vaughn had a nap but in Hebrews and Japp there are 10 look there in the verse 22. This is why we say you've got to each your dreams let us let us let us let us let us and let us is good for you it's what I was told out of has a lot of nutritional values but I don't really have much lettuce one time I got all used you know seeds are gone plant a garden and I had all kinds of them so I put them in a big old pot sort of all up now when out there not just the wall of the garden but if you want to do it as I want to follow. Oh well we'll move right along here verse 22 let us draw near where they true heart in full assurance of faith because it God doesn't want us questioning and doubting what he promised us and many of the things that he's promised us not all of them are going to be fulfilled in this life but we live now be leaving that what he has promised he's going to do hold your place right there and look in Chapter 11 and look what he says here in verse 9 look in verse 9 of chapter 11 by faith talk about Abraham he sowed journey in a land of what promise as in a strange country in Tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob the heirs with him of the same promise those who were promised promise of the promises used throughout these book of Hebrew and verse 10 for he looked for a city which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God Now was he really looking for that while he was here but the only thing is. He never saw it he never found this city but look what else he says through faith all for Sarah herself streamed to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was passed age because she judged him faithful who had promised sea Faith is taking God at His word and believing that God will keep his word believe in His promise there's a lot of people who missed out in life and probably going to miss out in our time in which we live because I do not believe that God will do what he promised he will do and so because of fear and not moving ahead and saying what God could do with them are going to forfeit so much so then he says it's done in verse 13 they all died in faith they were believing not having received the promises but having seen them a far off all the evidence of their faith they saw with the eye of faith that which lies even beyond death. And haven't seen them afar off and we're persuaded of them well that's the definition of faith it's fulfillment and then he says and embraced them confess that they were strangers and pilgrims are on the earth from they that say such thing declare plainly that they seek a country now get this and truly if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out they might have had opportunity to every turn but now that is a better country so whenever you reading the book of Hebrews your find is always talking about better better better better better and in comparison in contrast he says that is I had been really that means beyond this life you and I are if we really have our confidence in our faith and more and we can believe the Lord then we should live our life now as though it's real and we're going to get it and there's no question there's no doubt you've got full confidence and low behold you may not get everything yet in this life does that mean God doesn't keep his promise because you didn't get it in this life you're going to get it keep trust in him and keep working toward that then he says it but now that is are better that is a heavenly wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for He has prepared for of them a city and so Abraham believe that and look beyond this life look at a couple of the verses down here if this were right here you see that in verse 39 and these all have been obtained a good report through faith. On the line that last part received not the promise it did happen in their lifetime but here you have all these people that lived and they did all these thing by faith because they believe it will be worth it and God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek to please him and Moses said that he a stain the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt because he was looking beyond this life the rewards looked at what he says are in verse 25 see there in Chapter 11 talking about Moses choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God that do enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season this will appear to time and we live here in the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt for he had respect them to the recompense of the reward and that's why he did what he did because he was looking beyond this life you and I have got promise us that the gun be a Judgment Seat of Christ and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor therefore I believe that that is a reality and we all live like it's a reality because according to the word it is a reality and it's going to take place now on the back of the Hebrews in chapter 10 and look in verse 23 Let us hold fast to both of our faith means live now the way you should live because our savior is alive now and he can give you all the strength and the grace to live and to serve Him the way you should so that you don't have any excuses for not been found faithful there is no reason you have all that you need but you have to apply yours and that's why to endure and refers to himself in chapter 12 and endure hardness as a good soldier as he says and Timothy but Christ endured the cross and for the joy that was set before him so these are some good verses look in verse 24. And let us consider one another now this word consider it's mentioned several times it's mentioned also in the book of Hebrews and Japp there too in verse one and talking about in chapter 12 about consider him Christ now he's talking about consider one another she in verse 24 Let us consider one another to provoke on to anger and bitterness and she's right do everything we can to block people's way of been successful and pull them down and we can walk all over them see that's not what he said provoke and to love and do good works so if you don't do good works to be saved but it is talking about you and I as a challenge God during doing these good things because it would be a blessing not only to you because you're going to reward just and you'll get to go to heaven and get all those rewards once you get there but now look what he says there in verse 35 the reason for having this confidence and I mentioned this to you before rewards are a result of work and work as a result of confidence and confidence is a result of faith and faith is the result of believe in what God said see how it all flows together so he says or in verse 3 cast not away therefore your confidence which has great recompense of rewards if its rewards it cannot be salvation right. Cold rewards always have to deal with service so we're talking about you and I serving the Lord the way that we should now and Chapter 12 look there in verse one Hebrews Chapter 12 verse one where for see in we also were compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses which I believe is a reference to the Old Testament Saint mentioned there in Chapter 11 because they put God It is word and what God did for them. Now you'll also notice as you read Chapter 11 there's none of the sins or the failures of these godly people mentioned in Chapter 11 David messed up that but it's not recorded here not Jack or 11000 true Doesn't the Bible teach about love covers a multitude of sin which one of us have never failed in our life and so do we say what nobody can serve the Lord unless you've got a clean life all your way you never messed up the net would be anybody left but God Years God doesn't use perfect people why. There are none all he got is us and we have an old sense own nature now anyway this is mentioned here I like it think it's very good but when you make the statement Chapter 12 verse one let us lay aside every sin which does so easily be set us and most of everybody's got the same sin of unbelief you cannot grow into maturity if you don't take God at His word and trust the Lord in your life so you and I are commanded by God to go toward the curity go ahead and keep running our race and lay aside this one thing that keeps all of us from achieving our spiritual growth in the Lord but you weigh. Hebrews Chapter 12 and verse $28.00 we read that but now Chapter 13 verse 13 Let us go forth therefore under him without the camp bearing his reproach down the word has consequences there's a price to pay Have you ever picked up a cat by the nap of the neck and it's Ok Right but what happens if you grab the cat by the tail is it any different anything else different if you have never been clawed back. Try it one time or if you want to tickle his tummy now you go to a dog but you tried that with a cat now when you dedicate your life to the Lord and you want to serve the Lord the Lord is asking us just grab a tiger by the tell you because this world is going to fight back the devil is going to fight and there's people in the white where you're doing for the Lord and so you're going to get claws you're going to get hurt but you don't let that stop you like Paul says I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus before and he had been what he had scars that's the result of Brandon this tiger by the tail and well it's not going to kill you but you sure are going to get marked up and as you serve the Lord and go to live you're going to get hurt you're going to get scarred you can have a lot of things happen in your life that you're not going to like but let's go outside to camp where is rough out there and God says in this world you're going to suffer persecution. And you're going to get messed up you're going to get scarred but now look at the next statement and Hebrews Chapter 13 and verse 15 said by him therefore offer and here's 2 things I want you to say sacrifice of praise and the fruit of our lives given thanks you see as you grow and mature in the Lord it won't matter what happens people or circumstances you'll learn how to give the sacrifice of praise and as he says the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name in other words those 2 things are the results of your faith in the Lord so when you put your faith in the Lord you're looking down the road and knows how many opportunities God given there was and so because of that yes he says Penn you are lazy that we're continually you are on the line and are drawing marks to assure call it whatever is something God wants to do all the time keep keep because of your faith in the Lord and it may come that these promises of fulfillment maybe after you have left this world but God's Word is true and you live that way believing that God is going to do what God says he's going to do and that it will be worth it all you agree with that you believe that then I expect you to be found faithful and servile with all your heart full assurance of faith so you're going to use your brains you got it your brains you do this and no help you to stay healthy not wealthy later and wise this hand represent your main the one that represents sin we all have seen on us God loves us now you hates our sin but He does love us aren't you glad God loves you. You know it's such a shame that we can preach I don't care hollow many things you've done wrong how could you have lived when you trust Christ as your savior he forgives you of everything you have ever done it doesn't matter what you've done and what we teach . But that's just to the last once you get saved and it's no it's all over now he will never forgive your now and people cannot forgive a believer but we can forgive all the lost people everything and everyone is amazing how we can treat God's people and when they mess up while hanging over their head for the rest of their life because we're not tender hearted and we don't forgive one another we wrong each other husbands wrong wives are wired wrong and kids and all like that and we we don't always do each other right and sometimes somebody can do you're right and you thought it was wrong and you don't trivialize or they did you wrong and they might have done you're right. As another sermon. You and I sin were condemned to a literal fire burn in hell and we need to be saved from hell they go to heaven you have to be perfect is right this is God You can't get there until you can't go there this man represent Jesus Christ He's the Lord God in the flesh he came into this world because He loves us hates our scent be called our sin separates us from them so cries who had no sin didn't have to die and when he took all of our sins paid for the uncrossing came back from the dead and said if we would believe he did it pours he'd put this payment on account we get to go to heaven or what he did for us that salvation that's free because he paid for that we're going to heaven because of the work of Christ's rewards in heaven is because of the work we did for Christ. Less pressure. Thank you again for your blessings. They've never trust his savior they would do so now by believing that when you died on that cross you died for them and that life is a free. One year plus the same question to you. You've been listening to by the line a teaching ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa Florida with Arnold we pray that you are blessed by today's message if you have enjoyed our commitment to the clear Gospel of Jesus Christ you can reach the line and pledge your support to keep us on the air in your area by dialing toll free 180-576-3771 that's 180-576-3771 extension 2 listen to today's message again or to obtain a free download of any of our programs just go to our home page at by the line ministries. And click on the radio broadcast link if you are in the area we welcome you to visit us the address for Community Church is 4811 George road Tampa Florida 33634 hours Sunday morning services beginning 1030 and at 6 o'clock on Sunday evening live broadcasts of our services may be seen by clicking on the Calvary Community Church link at the line ministries dog. Thanks for joining us on by the line and now a closing song from Pastor our. Friend one day it was the trumpet will sound and the way will be changed. In the air live today and every day they live in that is coming soon. And encouragement for the whole family you're to pay him $67.00. I k a o t h t a comma City Denver No No 95100 streaming the light at 670 k l t t v dot com. The preceding program is sponsored by well over a community church radio. To America's favorite wellness our healthy by nature with Certified Clinical Nutrition this morning with good. Well good morning. I wonder if there are people who still are standing there are long to the right time to listen to the show it's that time of year where Dr Hofman call that we get a little dose of jetlag twice a year with daylight savings time. The 2nd half of the program today we've got the amazing Dr Earle Mendell he's a pharmacist and he's been writing. Books after book after book he has dozens I don't know something like 30 or 40 books going back a a very long time and he's just an expert on a number of aspects of health particularly all and supplements and he's writing as a a pharmacist who knows that there's a better way than medication to solve most problems and he's going to be talking about his book on happiness and it involves negative ions and one of the. Things that you'll want to know and stay on until the end is that we're having a contest and all you have to I'll give you the directions but it's basically just signing up for the newsletter or sending an email not give you the details on that but I'm giving away a package of 3 negative ion devices one of those standard room negative buy on generator like the one I have a my office or the exercise room in my bedroom but to others one is a fan type air sterilizer and that's it.