Been like for you know the settlers the Pilgrims the want to know a tribe how many of those settlers ended up dying through that harsh winter I mean Neal let me toss this over to you 1st of all sometimes it's scary to think about how blessed we really truly are in this country what it's like to gather together at the Thanksgiving table today and then we contrast that to what the pilgrims with the Mayflower settlers what they had to go through and how difficult of a time they had to be yet still giving thanks to God in the midst of all of it yeah and you know for whatever reason as you were saying that my mind flashed back to a trip I took one time to the Dominican Republic to be on a short term mission trip and I said you know it's my 1st encounter with extreme poverty and there are places in the world that may be worse off but I mean I saw people living in 10 hots and cardboard boxes and all kinds of stuff and I just remember thinking how grateful I was for the things I've been blessed with but I also saw gratitude in those folks and it was amazing but you're right I mean living here in the West and particularly in North America. We have been abundantly blast so it's almost mind boggling to think back to what life might have been like when you didn't know honestly if you're going to wake up in the morning or contract some kind of an illness that would take your life because in the absence of antibiotics and proper medical care and stuff the life expectancy was so short and yet in the middle of all those things there was a pause to give thanks and that actually warms my heart it reminds us that we ought to be giving thanks all the time not just one day a year as you suggested earlier right so true and I mean Roger to toss this over to you. I mean think about the contrast of what Thanksgiving is like for us here in America compared to what the 1st things giving was like for them I mean sometimes it's. It's hard to wrap your brain around just how difficult they had it and by the way there are people living in that very way right now all around the world and you know what they're still giving thanks to the Lord yet in this country sometimes we have we have to set aside a special day to remind ourselves oh let me give thanks to the Lord when people are suffering this immensely around the world and they're thinking every day. Oh yeah and to Neil's point too it's hard for us to wrap our brains around what it was like you know back in the 17th century and I think about that 1st Thanksgiving as we recognize that no we typically celebrate it because the fact that it was basically a festival that went on for you know 23 days and the fact that there were actually more Native Americans than pilgrims there shows that everybody was taking into consideration the hand of some kind of providential guidance that was providing for them and as you know we sit here and let's say that with the modern conveniences we have word for different states talking over the Internet and sometimes. Just for us at the Internet hookup goes out so I mean I. Earlier And I echo your sentiments to Bob. We don't have any problems compared to what they had but at the same time that does diminish our capacity to give thanks or to say hey why don't we get together and just give thanks to God for the fact that we're here and we've been blessed and this is a great day and this is a great time and a great situation it is interesting to me that from George Washington through Abe Lincoln this was not a national holiday you know it was kind of celebrated immediately admitted things that it seems to me that we would be great thanking God for all those years but you know just going to shows the depravity of man has still been present even in the United States of America ever since our founding so true John what's your take on all this you know I mean you know what you guys said is very true I think the thing we also have to remember and there's times I have to go back and read you know the account because we you know we get so caught up in what we're doing each year and even each day here in the United States in modern you know modern United States I should say but back then the majority of the people in attendance form in teenagers and some children because most of the women had died you know that previous winter so you know if you see pictures of a bunch of women at that particular event that's not really a true picture because the you know there's written accounts where the majority of the women you know passed away the prior year and again just thinking through the hardships. That they had and yet and I don't want to talk about this later with all the hardships they had still giving thanks to God and they had a prayer you know before the meal and after the meal as well doing exactly what we're talking about thanking the lord for you know for the provisions for what they had in their life that they hadn't and you know I think in our our world today it leases how I see it we owe those men and women so much and I realize that you know wots of things happened since and you know you can't say that it was all them but had they not had the fortitude and the ability to do what they did and settle this country you know we we would all be here and who knows if we know even if somebody else had settled it who knows we'd be speaking English today very true very true you know another thing this is a little bit more light hearted than some of the serious stuff we're talking about right now you ever think about what the food was like back then and how different it was than today I mean seriously. My guess is they did not have pumpkin pie they probably didn't have sweet potato casserole with brown sugar sprinkled on top and maybe some marshmallows. But here's the most important thing that I want to find out the cranberry sauce is there anybody out there with me that prefers the pay's de cranberry sauce out of a can that looks like cat food coming out that still has. Ripples on it as if that to me is the best kind of processed cranberry sauce not the real stuff with big chunky pieces of cranberry and you have to chew my family thinks I'm nuts they have to get a can of this paste only to appease me but please tell me I'm not alone here. You guys are all on your own on the cranberries Yeah I don't eat them too I thought at least one of you guys would be right and God. Apparently no but apparently not. Will not one of you stay awake with no everyone. I don't know we got a lot of serious heavy things to talk about I just thought well you know it does have a little bit of light hearted fun to do and you know this is you know Bob Yeah those lines through the thing that we forget is in there is again this is documented you know they had seafood and things like that at that meal which you know we you know again we don't you know we've gone this traditional having turkey ham things along those lines but they probably had you know shrimp lobster things along those lines right now a very true version actually if you go back and look at the menu that they had done some research on this a very not very similar to to our menus today at all I mean it is possible that they were eating turkey but you know that they probably may have but we don't really know. Side note here and I'm going to I'm going to access my inner cliff clave and I don't know if anybody gets that reference but do you guys know Benjamin Franklin one of the turkey to be the official bird of the United States not the go and he was actually voted down anybody know that I heard that I heard I didn't know if it was substantiated but I did hear that you know what who knows for all I know that could be the same kind of urban legend is George Washington chopping down the territory for you know who knows but that seems to be part of it what about what about Thanksgiving traditions I mean what do you guys do I know tomorrow at our house where Haven't the boys all over the house and so the family's going to be there and will have you know the big bang at the house you guys have any interesting Thanksgiving traditions or just pretty much are you trying to get together with the in-laws. I'll just jump in and say that one of the big traditions that we've had around our house over the years is playing football on Thanksgiving morning now you know wow people that like to hunt but since the time I was a kid you know in our neighborhood we went out and we played football on Thanksgiving morning and so it high. Well fields and elementary school fields and wherever there was some green grass to play on or snow depending on what the weather was like the guys would be out playing either touch or tackle football and I actually my when my boys were growing up we did you know I included them as early as I could they got them involved and I'm 59 now but my last year playing tackle football was at the age of 55 so it was hard to let it go and then actually the guys who were all much younger than me who played in that game gave me a little plastic gold spray painted Turkey trophy and inducted me into the Thanksgiving Day Hall of Fame show anyway that's a tradition and then I mean obviously kind of hanging out after the meal and just fellowship you know and I it's one of the reasons I actually like Thanksgiving better than Christmas because there's way less trappings it's just about in my mind some food and fellowship and I love the simplicity of it that's great 59 get out there and still play for Actually I'm 59 too so I guess where the old guys in the crowd. Are you know what actually the last time I played football with my boys was about was about 10 years ago and I remember I think this might have been things giving to I can't remember tore my a.c.l. . Complete sever actually completes her and the miss because it was completely torn so much so that my my the bone the the lower part of the bone below the knee camera was that's called the t.v. Or whatever anyway it. It actually dislodged and it stuck out to the side and I had to push it back in Miami Ok really out there on the field but you know what hey I was a tough guy and that's how it works and you get up and you walk into the hospital like a man or like an idiot either own lives either way of looking at it. So that was my Thanksgiving tradition what a bunch of guys anything else. No I mean you know it's I mean b.s. Of you guys a little bit I think you know when you're so off employed in family business and there's lots going on along those lines and for this time of the year especially we're you know very busy knowing you know I do other things outside of radio hosting and so on one of my businesses a snow removal in this time of year we can have you know big snow like we just had which you know typically for us Thanksgiving is just sort of a day of rest and recuperation in and get together as a family and enjoying each other's company but we don't we don't really do any of the of the things you guys are talking about probably because of how things are this time of the year for us. Our own of the field. Schools I would love to yeah probably would Roger you got anything really fun planned for tomorrow. Not really I mean the thing about our situation of the family is my brother lives in a different state so my parents always travel to visit him my sister's a nurse she works all day because that's what she likes to do on holidays my kids are older and grown and they do things with their respective other family so we was kind of our day thanks that they were we kind of go and celebrate with other families that's that's part of the tradition maybe as more grandkids show up will start some new traditions and and who knows you guys been spired me maybe I should be out there on the football around 2 even though I'm much younger than. 58 Well you know. I mean really really know these kids today they begin to tell you well let's do this short break and we're going to continue talking about Thanksgiving we're going to get into some of the things that we're really thankful for and we do want to take this opportunity to give thanks to God and kind of remind people of how much we really do have to be thankful for but then also a little bit later on what about people going through really difficult trial in pain and they're not feeling terribly faithful right now how do we handle stuff like that and talk with them about it so more coming up after the break here on the national Crawford roundtable podcast be transformed by the Word of God with Callista big and truthful and every week day I was debating teaches the Bible through the words my verse attention to the Word of God You can listen to truth for life on your local Crawford broadcasting station or listen online to truthful life . Please support this important ministry with your donations and the truth in life dot org website or by calling 808-5784 be sure to let them know you heard about truthful life from the National Crawford roundtable. Continuing on this nation in Crawford roundtable podcast this Thanksgiving week as we talk with a neo Boron out of Buffalo New York Roger marsh out of Southern California John rush out of Denver myself Bob Do Co out of Detroit and so you guys just talk about the things that we really are thankful for we do. We have so much to thank the Lord for for what he's given us I mean obviously I think we can all agree the ultimate number one thing to be thankful for is salvation through Jesus Christ I mean God coming to Earth to take on human form to shed his blood so that we can be forgiven of our sins and reconciled and to him this is a tremendous gift that God has given us so I know that's the ultimate default thing to be thankful for of course but there are a lot of lesser blessings that we've been so blessed with in this country really in our lives and I honestly one of them that comes out to me is just the blessings that we have to live in America the freedoms that we have the liberties that we have that we take for granted until you go to some other countries around the world and you come back to this country and you get off the plane you want to kiss the ground we really do have a tremendous amount of blessing in this nation the provision that we have so much that we have in this nation and sometimes guys I think we just lose sight of it and Neal to toss it back over to you anybody who's traveled the world and I know we all have there is something about coming back to this country and realizing look how much God has given us look at the freedoms and liberties that we have in this country and look how easy it is for us to take it for granted and still end up complaining every day. And there's far too much complaining on the part of folks who live here in the West End and all of us we're all guilty of it 2 times you know just waking up wishing that the sun was shining but instead it's a gloomy day outside and those things are just so minor compared to what we've been offered you mentioned you know being in other parts of the world and then even the conversation we had here about what the 1st Thanksgiving might have looked like whether it was you know in the 1500s or the 1600s because I guess there was some Thanksgiving kind of stuff happening in Florida or what is now Florida. In the 1500s but you're right and I think the 1600s are where we really credit the origins of Thanksgiving but what struck me about that conversation and just listening to some of you guys share your own thoughts about what might have been going on there is that even though they may have had some lobster and seafood which I enjoy and those were blessings they were hard to come by I mean it wasn't like you just jump in a motorized boat and get out there you know to your crab pots and pull in the crab or you know that you run down the store to run down the street to the local supermarket and pick up on turkey or something the access to any blessing that they had was so hard to come by because there were there was no stores and there was no road to the stores if there had been a store so everything everything kind of came from scratch in a way like you know even tools to work the ground had to be manufactured and there was no plans to do that so everything everything really came down to what what was made available to them on a daily basis and what they were going to do with it and so you know I think one of the great things that I'm thankful for is the idea that we have opportunity that we have breath in our lawns the sun comes up every single morning into God's mercy is new and then with the opportunity to make something of the situation that's been provided for us because you're right I mean we have been given an abundance of things you know material things and we have automobiles and televisions and technology and churches to worship in and all of those things are things but what are we going to do with them and I think opportunity and a relationship with God in a relationship with others and breath in our longs is really one of the greatest things in my mind to be grateful for and I pray to God that I never overlook that reality because stuff changes you know technology will go away or cars will break down sometimes relationships dissolve unfortunately but in the midst of all of it we still have a God who loves us an opportunity to do something with that relationship and the life that he's given us so. I don't know I don't know where I'm going with all that except to say that I just think that it sort of thinking about Thanksgiving goes way beyond just material objects into huge concepts about you know the very opportunities God placed before us and so true to Roger what would you find yourself being thankful for I am most grateful for and echoing every sentiment that Neal just made I'm grateful for the liberty that we have I think that one of the things that frustrates me about modern culture is how many people don't understand what liberty really means you know the idea that we have the the freedom that we have the opportunities to pursue what we are called to do I mean this goes back to how God made us and you know the gifts and talents that he gives us and I'm grateful that the 4 of us have had the opportunity to pursue our ministries here in broadcasting for example where this is not an opportunity that a lot of people get and yet I think everyone has the opportunity to try it now I was hoping when I was younger that I'd have the opportunity to play n.b.a. Basketball but for some reason a 2 inch vertical leap kind of right out of high school you know you got to do instantly and pay well for that double mine Yes Ok Yeah right you're 63 and people are blocking your shot without leaving their feet and I don't dare say yes but but I still have the opportunity to try to the sport to play the sport you know interact with other people and figure out for myself hey this is not for me so I mean having the having the liberty to say look we're going to have a conversation 4 guys here talking about our faith talking about Thanksgiving that's a wonderful opportunity for us that you don't get in other countries and so I think I remember the words of Don Crawford Sr the owner of proper broadcasting talking about his dad every time he came back into the u.s. And he was one of those kids the ground guys you know and I think that we don't do that enough but I'm I'm getting very patriotic but also you know feeling kind of biblical about it too in this moment that. I think I'm so grateful for the liberty that we have and the older I get the more I really appreciate it especially as I see people who don't fully understand it right you know and actually no. You know John before you do you know that's really consistent I guess with the point that you are making in a way go to go to a short break here but that's something that I think that we need to continue to get out on the table here the things that we really are thankful for so it doesn't just end up being a once a year thing but we remind ourselves every day of this absolutely and there's some there's something I want to add to that but you mentioned the break let's take it right now because I make you carried away here afterwards here listening to the national Crawford Roundtable we're talking about Thanksgiving and the opportunity we have to be grateful in every circumstance there's way more to come so stick around we'll continue with the National Crawford roundtable right after this learn how to walk the narrow path with Steve with over 40 years of studying the Bible Steve Greg is passionate about teaching you how to apply scriptural wisdom in every aspect of your life listen to the narrow in your local Crawford broadcasting station online in the narrow path. The narrow paths 100 percent listener support these keep this vital ministry going with your generous financial support and let them know you heard about the narrow path of the National Crawford roundtable podcast you're listening to the national Crawford roundtable podcast My name is Neil Boron Bob Do Co is in Detroit John Russian Denver Colorado and Roger Martian Southern California I'm here in Buffalo New York and we're talking about Thanksgiving and being grateful and you know in light of it we I mean we talked about the earliest Thanksgiving celebrations but the word liberty came up just a moment ago Roger was talking about that for a bit I'm grateful for the freedom of course that we have to speak and to assemble and to worship and all of those things are guaranteed by our constitution so we've been blessed abundantly in those areas and I'm sure there's going to be more to say about those things but the truth is the 1st opportunity we had to exercise liberty actually happened in the garden and you know God gave Adam and Eve an opportunity to choose which. Trees they wanted to eat from and basically he said everything in this garden is yours but this one tree here called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil I'm placing in your midst and I'm asking you not to eat from a because if you do you will surely die and what's interesting about that is that God 1st of all put it there which gave them real choice like not only could they choose from any tree that you know that provided this kind of abundance. I mean God was saying all of this is for your blessing but this one here this one will bring you pain so don't don't eat from it but what it represents to me is that God gave us a legitimate choice and so when I think about that and it's kind of a hard concept directed brain around but it means in my mind that we're not robots that God created us with the free will and that was part of his his love for us because if we were forced to love him and auto program to love him and all we could do was obey him if we didn't have the opportunity to do our own thing or disobey then and if in fact we would be robots but God loved us enough to authenticate that love by providing us with real choice and so I think the concept the very concept of liberty and freedom begins with what God offered to Adam and Eve in the garden and of course they chose poorly and it cost them dearly and we've been paying the consequences ever since and yet God and His Love Center Redeemer and there's a great deal to be thankful for there as well we can talk about that in greater detail but I guess I just wanted to get back to the idea that I'm so grateful for liberty because it encompasses way more than just our experience here in North America it encompasses who we are as human beings in light of an Almighty God who loved us enough to make us into robots and all the god like being a robot very much pro We would probably be lousy at it too and that's no that's no fun. John I mean what's your take on this when you sit back to think about the things that you're thankful for with some of the big stuff that comes to mind. You know a lot of what you guys said is you know spot on and I don't want to you know I don't need to be labor that because everything is a set is very true I mean I wake up every morning in. You know I thank the Lord for several things you know and I know it's going to sound funny but I thank the Lord I'm a man because I never want to be a woman and I enjoy being a man so I think the Lord every day I'm a man. Sit up worse for the gender than. I am with that and so I'm very very thankful to be a man very thankful to have lived you know born lived and grow up in a country as great as the one that we live any with all of the problems that we think we have at times in this country it's still the greatest place in the entire globe to live as far as I'm concerned I think anybody would have a hard time you know arguing as some very thankful for that of course thankful for family friends even like you guys in the experiences in life that you that we get to encounter and you know and I think on top of that you know the economic freedoms that we have in this country and all that sounds materialistic but you know but bear with me because of the economic freedoms that we have and the ability for us to do things with the economy of scale if you would that we had up in our own lives and the ability to touch people around the world I mean the United States of America which most people forget is the most giving nation on the planet always has been in Frankly I believe will go down in history as being the number one nation that gave itself away more than any other nation known to mankind since God created this green earth and I think he had the ability to live in this country and experience all that we have I just I know for me daily I wake up and say I'm just very thankful I'm able to live here. True well because there's a few other things we obviously want to talk about as we continue this national Crawford roundtable podcast we're going to we're going to be talking a little bit about the proclamations of Thanksgiving presidential proclamations but then we're also going to have a very honest and serious discussion about pain and suffering in this world and how we handle the times when it seems like it's hard to give. Thanks so we'll continue that in the 2nd half of this national Crawford roundtable pod cast coming up if you would like to listen to the 2nd half and for that matter the entire pod cast you can get it ample podcast of stitcher and more You'd also find it online at Crawford broadcasting dot com This has been a Crawford broadcasting production. This is k o t t comma shitty don't bug testing in h.d. Digital radio and online at 670 k. L.t.g. Dot com. I'll be uniformed beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful for spacious skies amber waves of grain amber waves of grain amber waves of grain for purple mountain Majesties Majesty's Majesty's majesty above the furtive plane America America America America God shed his grace His grace as grace His grace on thee and crown my good with Brotherhood brotherhood with brotherhood with Brotherhood from sea from sea from sea from feet to shining sea to shining sea America the Beautiful. Righteousness exalts a nation yes God has shed his grace on this country let's not forget what's made us great let's not forget to say thanks from the r.b.c. Ministries family to your family happy Thanksgiving. Honoring God and country this is Colorado's Christian station am 670 k l t. God is still on the throne career change the. Friends wherever you are happy Friday of this Thanksgiving weekend there's a special Larry and you are listening to. The watchman on the wall broadcast of Southwest radio church our program today is dedicated to pastors and their families I'm a pastor and have been a pastor for many years I know we have been he pastors listening warmest greetings to you and to your families during this wonderful time of the year the local church is an important part of God's plan for planet Earth whenever you hear of an organization in the New Testament it's the local church in 1st time of the 3 Verse 15 we read but if I carry long that found Mayer's know how that orders to behave myself of the house of God which is the Church of the living God the pillar and ground of the truth so that's what the Bible calls a long call church the pillar and ground of the truth today so many are independently minded they want to Christianity without commitment that's impossible when we read the New Testament we find that a lot is said about the local church he had officers responsible for ministry as well as the qualifications for those officers the local church mentored appointed times and exercise discipline it regulated meetings collected and dispersed funds So Christianity is institutional in a good sense when its institutions are prophetically alive and instantly alert to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit Christianity is institutional in a bad sense when it simply absorbs the culture becomes part of the entrenched establishment and perpetuates itself for Stone glory but it doesn't have to be that way on this show we want to provide encouragement for pastors and their families at the holiday season our guests are Pastor James Collins and his wife Amanda. Mr James Collins and his wife Amanda are with us we have done a couple of shows with Pastor collar. But we do want to do a special program and it's titled encouraged and for pastors and their wives at the holiday season I've pastor and I'm pastor a now I know the holidays to be a very very difficult time a lot of people don't realize that and I think a lot of people think pastors only work one day of the week maybe for a downright 11 o'clock a little bit on Wednesday evening but there's still one more that goes enjoyed So Pastor James thank you so much for being with us once again Thank you Pastor Larry I appreciate selfless Radio Church you know part of your ministry has always been an encouragement ministry and you've been a great encouragement to me over the years some grateful to be here well you've been a real inspiration to me as well and I've kind of followed you in your ministry and I'm really interested in how the Lord works in a Lives of the ministers writers missionaries and so forth so James I understand that your wife Amanda was the 1st to recognize your call to the ministry tell us about that while never forget when God called me to ministry I kind of had a little argument with him because I was a course I was in the Army I was the chief of all sinners as the Apostle Paul said I was a little rough around the edges and I thought God Surely you're mistaken Lord I just surrendered my life to Christ a year or 2 earlier and and was really working to be a better person to grow in the faith in discipleship and and when he started laying on my heart that he was trying to call me to ministry I guess and I thought he was surely mistaken and I said I talked to Amanda about it and I said you know honey I think God's trying to call me to some kind of ministry and without laughing or blinking or missing a beat I'll never forget what she said she said I can see that I can see that in your life and so the fact that she recognized that call in my life was a great. Encouragement to me and it really helped me to if she didn't support me I couldn't do what I what I'm a man how long are you had you've been married at that very point where she made that comment you remember maybe 4 or 5 years I think so she really knew you yeah and it was just a wonderful opportunity for someone else to see God's calling you know because a lot of times men run ahead into the ministry and you want to know if they should be there but your wife who knows you very well like my wife knows me and all my formalising everything I think if she's Or she's got a scroll 20 feet long bus but that's that's a wonderful wonderful thing that you're James Collins is with us and his wife Amanda is also with us and going to be talking to Amanda a little bit Manda thank you so much for being on our program thank you for having me Pastor Larry poor man no one is it like to be a pastor's wife Well I think it's a blessing it's not always easy but I feel like I have a front row seat to watch God's work and not only our family's lives but in so many other families how long you've been married to James so over 20 years Wow So I think the average in America today is maybe a year or 2 and I know there's a high casualty rate with pastors wives there are a lot of lot of pastors who are having domestic problems and that's a fact Bill what are some of the things that you really have to work hard and I mean like raising kids you're also in the goldfish bowl so to speak people looking at you I'm sure they're examining you left and right yours supposed to be the leading lady of the 1st lady of the church you better not flub it otherwise should be a big big write will tell us a little bit more let's go go a little bit deeper what one of the some of the tensions and pressures that that you fail just being in that that fishbowl and. I don't say the wrong thing or you know there's really no role for a pastor's wife in the Bible but I feel like what I need to be doing is just supporting my husband and his ministry it's hard to find time for yourselves and your families and so just carving out that extra time for your family because his role is 247 and so that makes your role 247 you know you have to be flexible and that's the hardest part I think some of the pastors wives that I know feel that they are neglected and that we should lay down a pastor we certainly don't want to neglect our kids they don't want to neglect our wives but we do want to say the Ministry of the church grow we are a public service worth her reward I know James and I were talking about date night I think he was telling us that James Dobson said there's supposed to be to date nights so there's a funeral one of the date guys you still have one date night right along how do you guys work that out I understand your job is you really don't have date nights but you kind of combine your ministry where the date night maybe tells will that about that right they aren't actual dates in the sense of what some people would call you know a romantic date but carving out time for each other has to be creative so even just a trip to Home Depot and having that you know alone time in the car to just talk to each other and spend time with each other is you know one of the ways that we do dates if there was a pastor's wife and a nearby church who was maybe really struggling with the role that her husband his pastor had Where do you think you would would want to take that conversation woman to woman pastor's wife to pastor's wife you know there's no scripted answer just from your heart you know and I know you're a compassionate woman you think about these other wives who are dissatisfied with your husband being a pastor what would you say Right I understand it is hard sometimes but you know your role when he's called to ministry by God Your role is to. Support him as a wife I know some of women's libbers say what you mean I'm supposed to be a doormat kind of you know that's I mean you're speaking about being supportive I think that's great Do you feel that that's the meaning to you is a bit of only tell moment what's a well man that's crazy you're letting him step on your well what would your Oh absolutely not he doesn't ever step on me I don't believe it's a doormat relationship at all but being supportive helping him when he needs extra help praying for him just being there if he needs a listening ear you know pastors don't always have a pastor to talk to so just just being able to listen to him and talk through things with him is helpful and if he's called to the ministry didn't essentially you're called to the ministry you know you better get in God's word and pray about it and ask God to help you get on board well thank you so much Amanda let's get back to our interview with Pastor James Collins Well Pastor James are the holidays really hard for pastors and their wives Well not only the holidays passed away but just about every day is difficult for pastors and there was a c. Was reading late recently some statistics that came out in America every 24 hours 3 Bible preachers I'm talking about Bible fundamental evangelical preachers leave the ministry every 24 hours 3 of them never to return every single month 1300 pastors and church staff members leave the ministry and just drop out of the work of God And so that's amazing to me it's very difficult living in a fishbowl in and around the holidays gets even more difficult because you're expected to in my book on Christmas and the nativities it focuses basically on a couple of places in the Word of God you've got Luke Chapter 2 and of course over in Matthew wanted to or it talks about the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ and so you're expected to preach something new and creative every year oh. Over and over again out of that and so it does become difficult becomes difficult also we pastor in southeast Kansas and our family is far away of course we cannot leave our church family during the holiday season to go be with our family and so yeah yeah there's more demands a little more difficult on pastors and their wives around Christmas that's why church members that are out there listening it's important to encourage your pastor pray for your pastor buy a book for your pastor go to w.r.c. Dot com Or call that 1800 number that Marvins going to tell you about here in a little bit and get a get a gift get you know something for your pastor this Christmas and just let him know that you love that your pastor and his wife and that you're praying for him that you're encouraging him you have 3 children I guess 2 of the early teenagers one is yes getting there very quickly and I got to meet them at our conference in Dallas of timbres 6th and 7th they really impressed me with being fine kids home school home school right I think that really helps however children or children you know it's been my experience not only in my own life but in speaking to other pastors that sometimes pastors kid especially when they get to the teen years girls the way girls want to put lipstick on the length of skirt army is battle after battle what would you like congregations to know about the pastor's kids that maybe you know you'll be you'll frankly share with listeners out there I'm sure most of all as those do have a church home and frankly I am preaching to for revival and so forth sometimes this is really a sticking point and I personally think a lot of congregation are really hard on pastors because I was like the kids are in a goldfish bowl here you looking at them from every angle they are still a chauffeur and they are and this is it's interesting that you ask this question because just last week we have a wanna be a want to ministry at our church we bring in about 80 kids every week in our little church in southeast Kansas and. We have a tremendous ministry tremendous outreach to the community through want to and our kids of course take part in the lawn and just this last Wednesday our oldest boy was talking with another kid when he should have been paying attention in a wanna and that kids do that I mean kids are kids and so I don't want to instruct or got on to a name and it kind of became a little I think bigger deal than it should have been their kids kids talk and then I also have to remember I as a pastor have to remember that I shouldn't hold them such a high standard we sometimes do that as ministers and and leaders in the church we hold our children to a standard that's almost impossible and I just have to remember Willy and with my son in that instance the lady at church got on suing it's fine go on I don't need to get onto him again later on but yeah well I think that's good because he had already had a chase the word from a lady in churches are wide as dad have to do that as well but you're exactly right sometimes the congregation can be a little mean to to the pastor's children they expect more out of them and we had a lady one time that was funny we started we were the church was really growing and this led to the church while she's since passed away but she when I 1st came to the church she was like I don't I don't understand why we don't have any young people why we don't have any kids in this church and then just you know after we started growing having some younger families come in the same lady was came up to me one Sunday she's I don't understand why we got all these kids rather than all making all this noise changer in. The church that I pastored before I came to Oklahoma was in rural Tennessee but we had a big use group I was the preacher I was the music director and I killed a snake from a bass player. I remember the youth group was growing and growing and we pray for Kurtz of them but some of them they came to church were not exactly church attire and I remember one of the ladies dears saying of God she's in heaven now she said Why don't you tell those girls that they you know that kind of thing and I said Sister I said you know if i tell me your problem come back but if the Lord tells them and if they hear it through the preaching of the word share will really be convinced then you know that they're saying we got it at that time she was probably $86.00 or $87.00 she was a country girl from tennis a very fixed in her away but she saw the years growing in Christ and that was all she needed when I said that she she was peaceful about it in my Christmas book in a Timothy actually have a story about a man named Big Mart who was brought into a church by a pastor he'd been trying to reach his community brought this man into the church was a little rough around the edges of the church secretary came in there's a lot I don't like this man's language we've got to get him out of this church and the pastor then begins to tell the story of big Mart when this woman Here's the story she says well I guess I better get used to a little vulgar language in and again you know I'm not condoning vulgar language I'm just saying the Lord will will work on that I would rather have him in the church than back out into the streets and so that's you make a great point there yes or yeah they need a little wiggle room and you're not really condoning what they do and certainly some of the girls that come to teen $1213.00 would flip flops you're not going to have them singular choir and you know that kind of thing so what words of encouragement would you give to pastors and their wives at this time of the year you know when you talk about that I always think back to one of these forgotten characters in the Bible in 2nd Timothy Chapter one Verse 16 The Bible talks about a man named own Nesa for us Paul writes about him in this letter he says God bless onus of forests because. He he oft refresh to me is what he says he says that He the Lord have mercy in the House of illness of horses out of ours goes for he off refresh me and so I find that to be fascinating God found it the Holy Spirit Paul writing this under the inspiration the Holy Spirit commanded this man in the scripture for refreshing for encouraging for building up the Apostle Paul in that word refresh describes it's a unique Greek word as I started out it's a unique word in the sense that well when I was a little boy I used to fall down a lot and when I would fall down my mom would come and she would put monkey blood or alcohol or peroxide on the little scrape and a most of the time the monkey blood or the alcohol or whatever it hurt worse and so she would lean over and blow on it and that that is essentially what it means to refresh somebody to build somebody up to encourage somebody and so I think of on as a for us and I think of how he ministered to and refresh and encourage the Apostle Paul I think we can all be a little more like a lesson for us well we've been visiting with Pastor James Collins and his wife Amanda and our special offer to book Matthew's going to come to the mike and tell our listeners how to get both books and this will be a blessing for you at the holiday season Thank you Pastor Larry our very special offer today is the very popular book titled Don't throw the believer out with the baptistry water you can have your own copy for a gift of $15.00 if you live in the United States and $32.00 if you live in Canada to place your order just car toll free number 180-652-1144 if you would rather write and place your order to address is post office box 76834 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73147. And you can order this book as well as all of our materials on our website at s w r c dot com We also have the very successful book by James Collins titled The Nativity how the story of Christmas can change your life you'll never look at the birth of Jesus in the same way you can have a copy for a gift of $15.00 Better yet get both books don't throw the believer out with the baptistry water and the Nativity how the story of Christmas can change your life for a gift of 20 dollars The number to call is 180-652-1144 The address to write is post office box 76834 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73147 and the website is s w r c dot com Here again is passed earlier. Certain ideas are so radical off the wall oddball and harmful that we should not have to comment on them you know Margaret some of the things we comment on are really why we have to say it about that everybody knows well in a day when postmodernism and the consequent loss of moral underpinnings and rational values is holding sway maybe we had better say something after all Bernie Sanders has released a sweeping immigration plan that would impose a moratorium on deep or cations break up and greatly limit existing immigration enforcement agencies ran full well for access to illegal immigrants and welcome a minimum of $50000.00 climate migrants the 1st year of a Bernie Sanders administration sounds like a disaster Sanders made a promise to his supporters he said quote When I. I am in the White House we will stop the hatred towards our immigrant brothers and sisters in family separation and locking children up in cages we will in the ice raids that are terrorizing our communities and on my 1st day as president I will use my executive power to protect our immigrant communities and reverse every single horrific action implemented by Donald Trump close quote he said quote We will stop the hatred towards our immigrant brothers close quote to maintain the integrity Morvern of the border is not hatred and open borders such as Sanders one shows extreme malice toward immigrants because that leads them to think that all they have to do is show up and whammo their in and his plan shows extreme hatred towards Americans Sanders plan will crash the system bankrupt the country and turn the streets of America into a war zone now that's hatred Sheriff Mark Daniels who protects the southern border of Arizona warned about the danger posed by drug cartels and argued that Bernie Sanders immigration plan would be a disaster for the United States quote If we don't have a secure border in this country we will have a different country we need to stand united and the plan that Senator Sanders is putting forward is a disaster for this country he said and Pastor Larry I would argue why do people lock their doors at night to keep people out it's not because you hate people it's just because you don't know who's coming in there we don't know who's come across the borders It's not hatred well done the president even President Obama have a sacred service with guns if he's going to give a speech someplace don't they check out the surroundings and see if there's anybody on a rooftop with a scope rifle while he had to pay Paul I know that Obama hated people I mean that charge is ridiculous Sheriff than Al interview one covered all live came after 9 Americans lost their life. Lives at the hands of cartel gunman I'm a southern border sheriff than El serves in co-chief County Arizona which is located across the border from where the grizzly attack on the folded they are violent they are ruthless and again they are core evils done else told Fox News host Neil Cavuto the nails added that the cartels should be labeled as terrorists then they are indeed terrorists pester Larry have you ever wondered why all the mass migration to America why are people coming in the thousands in his book Mexifornia Victor David Hanson answers that by seeing that the United States is a place far superior to Mexico otherwise the immigrant would have stayed put and we would instead have joined him in Mexico and thus we would have been his guest there rather than his host here well that's absolutely right Marvin if we change so as to accommodate the Mexican allien then logically he would have no need to come here since he was voting with his feet to reject Mexico Hansen writes that he has a Mexican friend who admitted quote if you let us make California into Mexico we will just go to Oregon if we turn Oregon into Mexico we will stampede our way into Washington if we turn Washington and into Mexico we will sneak into Canada that's exactly what would happen the preservation of American society in its present form democracy freedom uncensored media diversity in politics religion and ethnicity open markets private property a vibrant middle class secular government civic and judicial lauded and more is very attractive the brave Mexican stuck in Mexico they see America's anti-thetical to their Mexican homeland and thus America is their last and only hope but what all this means bargain is that if we open the borders abolish I ask. Have welfare to all and follow Bernie Sanders proposal that's the best way to stop illegal immigration America will be in such rooms that no one will want to come there that's a great idea Besa Larry you have figured out how to stop all this the legal immigration lead Bernie and his crowd destroy America through their wacko ideas and no one will want to come here. To morrow Here's something going on in Iran and it's kind of expect that I've been expecting it all along but as I'm reading here massive protests erupted recently after the Iranian government announced a 50 percent hike in gas prices plus gasoline rationing massive gatherings of Iranians and at least $53.00 Iranian said he's still angry Iranians protesting the deteriorating economic situation in Iran which has been blamed on the regime support of foreign terrorism against Israel and Saudi Arabia by funding international terror Iran is crippling its own economy and enraging the people against its militant leaders some of the protests were so large that Iranian security forces used snipers and opened fire on the protesters using live ammunition and these 36 protesters have been killed and more than 1000 have been arrested while more and Iran have a huge drug problem and also a massive problem with alcoholism and marriages that end in violence as abused wives fight back against their husbands and murder them in their sleep President Hassan Rouhani is so consumed with rage against the Jewish state that his rage has blinded him to the real needs of his people slick smooth and absolutely evil Rouhani has come up with a large number insulting ways to describe a Jewish state and Jewish people this deluded. Individual nice to read a Bible and learn what the God of the Bible has to say about Israel and about his own country Jesus Christ well became. Thank you Pastor Larry our very special offer today is the very popular book titled Don't throw the believer out with the baptistry water you can have your own copy for a gift of 15 dollars if you live in the United States and $32.00 if you live in Canada to place your order just Card toll free number $186521144.00 if you would rather write and place your order the address is post office box 76834 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73147 and you can order this book as well as all of our materials on our website at s w r c dot com We also have the very successful book by James Collins titled The Nativity how the story of Christmas can change your life you'll never look at the birth of Jesus in the same way you can have a copy for a gift of $15.00 better yet good those books don't throw the believer out with the baptistry water and the Nativity how the story of Christmas can change your life for a gift of $20.00 The number to call is 180-652-1144 The address to write is post office box 76834 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73147 and the website is s w r c dot com Thank you for listening today be sure to join us again on Monday as we begin a new series here. On the watchman a wall program Southwest radio. The preceding program is sponsored by watchman media God's word worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital h.d. On a m 670 calle t.t. Cover City Denver. Hello and welcome to a word with people's intercity fellowship of Marine City Sausalito I'm passed to mark a small Sabbath was instituted by God The fear received were the one they were adding all of these amendments to it here is a person that has a broken arm and you couldn't even stand it according to their stands on the same day he would pay you when you get over it wait 24 hours wait 12 hours and yet as he tried to set the trap for Jesus Jesus has other plans again on the worst Sabbath means a rest do you not know that God did give a day of rest I'm going to still learn net. I'm only one day and some of you are too relaxed. Some of y'all rest and all the time. It's that it means rest do not know they work 6 days a week they were working and they took the Sabbath day it became a burden it was never meant to be a burden it would need to be a day of worship a day of reckoning that God has blessed and set aside a day where the animals can rest we can be refresh we can worship God and we can give him honor and glory it was the day that was set aside to recognize we need rests now the man that is in the temple it is most interesting to me that he is there and his condition is called to attention the Bible says that he had a shrivelled hand that were mean that his hand had been had dried up please visit our website at p I c f dot net to listen to and download messages you may also view our calendar for additional information this is passed to mark a small have a most blessed day. Cayle t.t. And k o t t h Steve Thomas Haden Church am 67 leaving the last 670 calles he got guns and now f.a. At 95. A trip to the better if you have a declared position God simply by his own decision says David is right just know better what anybody says about him I know he deserves help I know he doesn't like it but he is all right just because of one thing alone be excepted my son's death as full payment for is sin believing he rose submodalities coming back therefore I say he is right it's. Welcome to hold for today the Bible teaching ministry of David hockey it's here you get the Bible the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible have you noticed that most people think righteousness is something earned that is based on our character or making good judgments and I don't get me wrong these things are very important but does the righteous work of our flesh even compare to the righteousness of God Well of course not but there is one way we can stand right asleep before God and his through his son David explains says he heads into day 2 of his message in Romans 41 through 15 titled The father of all who believe stick around. 1st to David's coming into the studio and he wanted to share a personal word with you. How would you like to partner with us that is Hope for Today Well it's really easy to do 1st let's start with prayer I pray that God would work mightily to meet the financial needs of sending out his gossip.

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