At 95 point and screaming at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Welcome to Friendship with God with our Bible teacher Tom Cantor Today's message and previous messages can be listened to or downloaded for free at Friendship with God dot org friendship with God dot au argy You can also obtain free resources from Tom Cantor and view our online bookstore at Friendship with God dot o.-r. G. Or call us at 802473051802473051 Tom Cantor also has a daily devotional verse that comes out each day by email and on Facebook to receive this small daily devotional verse the time Cantor puts out you can sign up and friendship with God does the argy friendship with God done o.-r. G. Or find Tom Cantor on Facebook by searching for Tom Cantor and friendship with God Now here is our Bible teacher Tom Kantor. Moses comes then understand the truths in John 317 For God sent not his Son into the world to come down the world but that the world through Him might be saved and Luke 956 for the Son of Man is not come to destroy men's lives but to save them or Jesus also said in Luke 1910 for the Son of Man is come to see and to save that which was lost and so only after Moses stop being afraid all only after that he stopped trembling and he opens his eyes in the holy after that did Moses get on God's page saving the last and then Moses decided that. He was going to be God's vehicle to save the last many people today are still with Moses in verse 6 hiding their face from God afraid of God Many people today because they have sinned and they know they have sin and they should they think they should stay away from God Many people today are like an add on in the state that we saw him in Genesis 3 where he was running away from God hiding in the garden because he thought that God wants to get his hands on him to judge him for what he's done and what made the difference Moses was there till hiding his face afraid to look on God But what made the difference for Moses when did vote as a stop to be afraid when did Moses take his hands away from his face and stop hiding his face what made the difference for Moses. It was when Moses listened to what God said it was when Moses heard the words of God and King Tut understand that God save us from sin that God wants to deliver and it was after that Moses realized that he did not have to fear God anymore that's why it is so important today for a lost sinner to stop running away from God and to turn to God and to hear and to receive the words of God in the Bible turning to God and knowing who he is through his words in the Bible stops the fear and it stops the fear because it brings an understanding and the understanding is John 316 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life what makes this difference is hearing God's words but God makes this invitation to be saved and to be delivered from sin but it's limited it's limited to this life time because the Bible says in Romans 1013 whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved but Hebrews 927 also says For it is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment. Now notice in verse 7 where we see here what has motivated God to come to Moses what's motivated God to come to Moses it sad as in verse 7 the Lord said I have surely seeing the affliction of my people which are in Egypt we see how God did not say I have seen but he said I have surely seen double emphasis God told Moses and verse 7 that he had surely seen how his people were being afflicted by the Egyptians and that in verse 7 God said that he has seen how his people have been or pressed by the Egyptians and you know it's very interesting when you read verse 7 it's not just only I have surely seen but what's interesting in verse 7 is how God refers to the Jewish people who are being reflected God said I have surely seen the affliction of my people. He said My people that's the 1st time in the Bible that God calls the Jewish people my people and so it's most as Moses here at the burning bush was the 1st one to ever hear God call the Jewish people by this new term my people and this new term my people for the Jewish people is a term that God will use over 200 times from here throughout the Old Testament the Bible now we understand the Bible is a revelation of who God is as seen in his relationship with his people when exactly say it was a smooth relationship at times pretty rocky but nevertheless the Bible is a revelation of who God is as seen in his relationship with this people that he calls my people God will use the term my people in the Book of Exodus 17 times and the theme really of the Book of Exodus is God delivering his people from Egypt and bringing his people to himself God's people then turn away from God That's the we're going now to the history of the Jewish people God's people turn away from God It's calm unaided when God's people the Jewish people call for God who came in the flesh to be crucified and they watch him die with a sign over his cross that says King of the Jews in essence that's where God is saying I am the God of my people so the Bible is a plea from God to His people to repent or turn back to God That's why the term my people is the most used. In the major profits because that's where God as passionately reaches out is he end of mercy to them so we find the term my people is used in the book of Isaiah 27 times we find the term My people used in the book of his equal 30 times but the term my people is the most used by the weeping prophet by Jeremiah where we find the term My people used 45 times in the book of Jeremiah Now if you had a son and your son turns away and rebels against you when would you use the term my son more before he turned away from you or after he turned away from you you'd use the term my son more after he turns away from you before he turns away from you you might say from time to time I love you my son my son I love you something like that but after he turns away from you then your hearts are broken and what are you saying all the time I taught my son my son come back all my son my son you would not meant for your son that's why the term my people is used so much by the weeping prophet Jeremiah it's God lamenting for his people as a matter of fact God for Jeremiah laments much for his people that Jeremiah actually writes a 2nd book called lemon Taishan Zz which is God lamenting for his people and when God through Jeremiah love men over his people he describes 2 evils which of caused his people to be lost and to turn away from him and he described them in the book of Jeremiah in Jeremiah 213 where he says 4 and there's that term for my people have. Added to evils they have forsaken me the fountain of living water and hewed out for themselves and you dumb out cisterns broken cisterns that get a hold no water. So this a picture of God calling out to his people the Jewish people is seen when the Lord Jesus Christ stands in front of Jerusalem and cries out in Matthew 2337 through 39 with these words all Jerusalem Jerusalem can't you just hear the my people in those words all Jerusalem Jerusalem the how the Kilis the prophets and stillness them which are sent on to the How often would I have gathered by children together even as a hen gathered her chickens under her wings and you would not be hoed your house is left done to you desolate for I say unto you you shall not see me henceforth till you shall say Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord also God reaching out to Israel is seen as it's captured in Romans $1021.00 quoting from Isaiah but it says in Romans $1021.00 but he is real he say it all day long how I have stretched forth my hands to a disobedient and again saying people suffer the most number of times to turn my people appears in the books here is the ranks Jeremiah 45 times as e kill 30 times as 27 times and then Exodus 17 times so the Book of Exodus is the Jewish people before they nationally rejected God From which is equivalent to us saying from time to time I love you my son so the term my people appears to 70 times there as the Jewish people are still in this just adopted phase and in the Book of Exodus but by the time the major prophets have come but by the time. The history of the Jewish people has reached the major prophets i.z. . Jeremiah the adopted Jewish people have nationally rejected God which is a quibble and Taz lamenting over our lost son to return and just as we would cry out often my son my son come back so we find God saying my people 45 times and Jeremiah 30 times and 27 times and I see him and his e kill God's heart is so broken for his people because of their own faithfulness to him that he says it is a kill 69 I grow can with their horror show heart which hath departed from me and with their eyes which go away whoring after their idols that's the love meant to Bill state that we find the Jewish people in today where except for a very small round that of them they have corporately agreed to reject their God The Lord Jesus Christ so as the enemies of the Jewish people today organize themselves against Israel against the Jewish people God cries out to them even today during this time that the enemies are are massing themselves against the Jewish people God cries out to them the words of King David in Psalm 8113 to 14 all that my people have hearken unto me and Israel had walked in my ways I should have soon subdued their enemies and turned my hand against their adversaries but thank God that this terrible time of the rejection of God by the Jewish people is only temporary because it's true a horrible worse than Hitler Holocaust is coming we're not a 3rd as happened in Hitler but 2 thirds of the Jewish. People will be killed and the remaining 3rd that survive will be purified and they will all return to God the Lord Jesus Christ as it says in the Prophet Zechariah verse chapter 13 verse 9 Zechariah 139 and I will bring the 3rd part or the one 3rd through the fire and where we find them as silver is refined and will try them as gold is tried will be just pause and say we all know how Silver is refined we all know how gold is tried by fire they should call on my name and I will hear them I will say it is my people and they shall say The Lord is my God So the term my people which starts here in Exodus 37 is very very important and the termite people denotes ownership and that as when God sets his love on Israel that he also sets as bashfully a compassion for their suffering that's why it says and Zachariah to 8 For thus saith the Lord of Hosts after the glory hath he sent me into the nations which spoiled you he the touches you touch at the apple of his eye now ownership has a cost and in order to adopt the Jewish people God broke the a Gyptian as he said in Exodus 19 for you have seen what I did on to the a Gyptian and how I bear you on eagle's wings and brought you unto myself my people means when God says My people that means that God has adopted this people to be his own people as it says in Deuteronomy 142 The Lord have chosen de. Be a peculiar people unto himself that's for sure above all the nations that are upon the earth now when God chose to adopt the Jewish people he explains why he chose the Jewish people among other people look down God looks down and he has a choice and he chooses to adopt the Jewish people and so he explains why and he says in Deuteronomy $76.00 the Lord thy God had chosen the need to be a special people to himself above all people that are upon the face of the are the Lord did not set his love upon you nor choose you because you were no more in number than in the people for you were the fewest of all people but because the Lord loved you because he would keep the oath which he sworn into your father's house the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand and he deemed you out of the House of Bond men from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt so the Jewish people it is explained here were not chosen because they were numerous God called them the fewest in Deuteronomy 677 for you were the fewest of all people it's clear that in the Bible that the Jewish people were not chosen because they would not complain God called them murmurs in numbers 1427 How long shall I bear with this evil congregation God said which murmur against me for I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel which they murmur against me the Jewish people were not chosen because they would be obedient God called them a rebellious people in Isaiah 39 that this is a rebellious people and in Jeremiah 5 to 3023. He referring to the Jewish people God said but this people have a revolting and a rebellious heart they have revolted and gone the Jewish people were not chosen because they were truthful God called them a lying people in Isaiah 30 for verse 9 that this is a rebellious lying children children that will not hear the law of God the Jewish people were not chosen because they would listen to God God called them people that stop their ears in Zacharias 711 but they refused to hearken and pulled away the shoulder and stopped their ears that they should not hear they were not chosen because they would be loyal to God God called them on faithful as an adulterous in Jeremiah 3 o one he calls he said to about them that has played the harlot with many lovers yet we turn again to me say at the Lord they were not chosen because they would be righteous before God God called them a sinful nation laden with the nic when he is in Isaiah 14 were God said sinful nation people laden with the neck when he is seen either of the evil doers children that are corruptors they have for sake and the Lord they have provoked the holding one of Israel on to anger they are gone away backward some. If God didn't choose them because they were the most numerous If God didn't choose them because they wouldn't complain if God didn't chose them because they would be obedient because they would be truthful because they would listen to God because they would be loyal to God because they would be righteous it turns out that God didn't choose them for any of those reasons. Then why why did God choose the Jewish people to be as a people he said so in Deuteronomy 78 which we read because the Lord loved you and because he would keep the old which he had sworn unto your father's. Every reason for why God chose the Jewish people is not found in the Jewish people it's found in the God of Israel it's found in his enormous heart of love it's found in his everlasting faithfulness to the promise that he made to Abraham that's why that's wonderful the Jewish people are the beneficiaries it's wonderful and God through Moses wanted them to think about that he wanted them to consider it so he said in Deuteronomy 47 he asked them he challenged them he stimulates their mind he says think about this Moses says what nation is there so great who have God So now I to them as the Lord our God He is in all things that we call upon him for but with this title my people comes a special protection also as he said and Deuteronomy 3327 the eternal God Moses told the Jewish people the eternal God is that I refuse to judge and underneath the everlasting arms he shall thrust out the enemy from before the and shall say destroy them so it is for us all so who have received the Lord Jesus Christ like he adopted the Jewish people he adopts us who come to the Lord Jesus Christ whether Jew or Gentile as he said in Romans 815 for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but. Receive the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Aba father and as it was for the Jewish people so it is for believers the protection the special protection afforded to his adopted ones where he says and Romans 838 and 39 for I've persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels no prince of polities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord and John 1027 through 28 he speaks you can hear these words the same God who said My people he says now My Sheep My people my sheet b. Says Hear my voice I know them they follow me I given to them eternal life they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand but one of the greatest verses in which the term my people is found is it in the context of the greatest protection that God provides for his people whether Jew or Gentile and it's found in that great chapter Isaiah 53 in verse 8 where it says speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ he was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generation for he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people was he stricken So in this 1st God looks at the greatest obstacle that stands in the pathway of his people and that's their transgression and God knows that for every single one of us Isaiah 53 so they have $5036.00 is a truth that hangs over us like a sword where it says all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way. Another wonderful day studying the Bible with our Bible teacher Tom canter here on friendship with God Don't forget the today's message in previous messages can be listened to and downloaded for free at Friendship with God Oh argy friendship with God o.-r. G. You can also go online to find free resources from Tom Cantor and our online bookstore at Friendship with God done o r g You can also find tongue cancer on Facebook and you can also go to Friendship with God on o r g and sign up for his daily devotional time Cantor is also the founder of Israel restoration ministries you can visit that website at Israel restoration Ministries dot o.-r. G. You can write to Tom Cantor at p.o. Box 711330 p. O. Box 711330 Santee California Santee California 92071 email Tom Cantor at Tom Cantor at Friendship with God Oh r.g.p. Tom Cantor at Friendship with God dot au or g 4 for more information about Tom canter and friendship with God in Israel restoration ministries call us at 802473051. What are you doing Sunday nights to join friendship with God radio Bible teacher Tom Cantor of the Friendship with God Fellowship church every Sunday night at 5 30 pm at the Creation inter History Museum in Santee California Watch and listen live around the world to tone Cantors Sunday evening on youtube dot com by searching for the friendship with God fellowship or by going to our home page of friendship with God done oh argy. The preceding program is sponsored by Israel restoration ministry says God's word worldwide that's 6 of a. T.-t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital age. $670.00 Kayla t.t. Covers it in. On this Thanksgiving Day Let's turn our attention back to 17th century America about a decade after the very 1st Thanksgiving to the coast and center on Johnstone street this is break for. The year was 1630 the location was the ship Arbella which like the Mayflower 10 years earlier was headed to what's now Massachusetts like the pilgrims before then the Arbella as passengers were devout Christians they came to the new world seeking to practice their faith as they believe God commanded just prior to our bellies voyage the group's leader John Winthrop delivered one of the great speeches in America's history a sermon entitled a model of Christian charity the sermons best known for winter juicer the Biblical phrase a city upon a hill for nearly 4 centuries that one phrase has shaped our American sense of purpose and our sense of what is often called American exceptionalism yet what many think when 3 meant by a city upon a hill is well wrong in the sermon Winthrop warned his fellow Puritans what was at stake in their attempt to create a new godly community for we must consider He said that we shall be as a city upon a hill the eyes of all people are upon us so that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause him to withdraw his present help from us we shall be made a story and a by word throughout the world as historian Andrew put it went through abuse the phrase not out of a desire for this new experiment to bring fame and emulation but out of a fear of notoriety when threats concerns about not failing God have been lost over time his message which was intended for a group of devout Christians has been plucked out of went through its contacts by politicians and pundits and reimagine is something quite different as a founding document for the nation itself for example President Reagan used the expression at least 30 times while in. Office often adding the word shiny and then Senator Barack Obama used the expression to describe the world watching what he called this improbable idea called America to see if it would succeed and there are many other examples what these all have in common is the substitution of the nation for the church Winthrop sermon was directed at a group of Christians who saw themselves as part of God's elect and their mission as an act of stewardship the stewardship included as winter put it that every man might have need of others and from hints they might be all knit more nearly together in the bonds of brotherly affection the exceptionalism with the pad in mind was to follow the counsel of Micah to do justly to love mercy to walk humbly with God This Minute not embracing this present world and prosecuting our carnal intentions or seeking great things for ourselves in our posterity instead went through purged we must be knit together in this work as one man we must delight in each other make others conditions our own rejoice together more and together labor and suffer together do this and others would see it fail to do it and still others would see it even more if they failed God would allow their name as Moses told the Israelites to become a whore a proverb and a by word among all the peoples obviously this is not the way city upon a hill or American exceptionalism is often understood today plucked out of their theological and historical context Winthrop's words are used either for premature self celebrations of national greatness or misunderstood to unfairly criticize the history of our nation but in context it's an admonition to embrace our responsibilities come to break point out org Click on this commentary in a link you know whether it's remarkable sermon share it even read it aloud with your family this Thanksgiving as we gather to give thanks today to God for all of His blessings Let all who are God's people recommit ourselves to let our light shine before others so they might see our good works and give glory to our father who's in heaven from all of us the cultures that are happy Thanksgiving for breakpoint. Johnston street. Week which is listening to the mighty $670.00 calle t.v. D'Andre. Welcome to cult of freedom with Barbara Carmen this is Jimmy Laiki and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour you can reach call to freedom at Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or by going to the Web site at w w w dot freedom Street dot org If you want to leave a message or order a word power daily reading Bible guide or a freedom street express newsletter you can call us toll free add 186-691-7725 extension 6 leave your name and address including your zip code if you want to talk to Barbara right now she is expecting your call you may call that same toll free number 186-691-7725 extension 62 speak to her and now let's join Barbara in the studio as you are preparing a Thanksgiving meal or getting ready to go to your loved one's home I hope you will prepare your hearts for a loving and peaceful time and if you're just hand out today as you listen to the majestic him such as To God Be The Glory and Jesus is the sweetest name I know giving thanks to our Lord Jesus and Savior may you ever be mindful of what he has done for you to give you such priceless freedoms that you enjoy today someone 38 says I will give you thanks with all my heart I will sing praises to you before the gods I will bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your loving kindness your truth in your faithfulness endure for ever you have magnified your word above your name a lord you have made me bold with strength in my soul and I give thanks to you for all. You have done and great is the glory of the Lord and from my heart to your heart today may you be blessed in every area of your life and may you be a blessing to everyone around you happy Thanksgiving. If. high definition radio and streaming at 67. This is. Invites You to give thanks with us by hand therefore let the sacrifice of praise to God continually daddy is the fruit of our lips giving things to his name take time today and thank God for all. Infusing your morning with the light of God's word. To am 67. $8.00 city going. And streaming at 670 calle t.t.t. Dot com. I am cherry Campbell your teacher with Victoria's faith heard at 6 am weekdays on the mighty 670 please join me and honoring the United States as we listen to our national anthem. To day and every day let's walk in our blessed country and the victory and blessings Christ has won for us with the victorious faith this is Cherry Campbell. Victorious.

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