Reactive relationship with us to the extent where we may grow to know who he is personally and I was explaining in previous programs that Satan was in a way provoking God and I gave the example with job where Satan provoked God by saying listen the only reason why job is worshipping you are believing in you or being a righteous man is because you provide him with stuff and protection provision and protection if you withdraw that then he will curse you it's a way of saying I don't believe that there's more to being like God then what the devil was doing at that time I really believe the devil was challenging God in the deepest part of who he is by saying why don't you show me show me what you mean when you say that you want to be God in this way of having a personal relationship with these people whom you have created show me what that is show me what that looks like I explained that I don't think that he could do that successfully with job quite yet because of the resurrection he needs the resurrection of the Lord Jesus to restore the Holy Spirit to us to dwell within us to raise us from the dead spiritually so that he can have a unique interactive relationship with us and this did not occur until after the Lord Jesus rose from the dead now want you to think about that for just a moment. The Living God could not have such a profound relationship with his creation until after the Lord Jesus rose from the dead that is when things changed in such a way that he could be God to us in the unique way that we can experience him right now he had to wait 4000 years before he could have some evidence that he could present that would either defend himself or that he could use in a discussion with the devil to say you see there are people who do look to me in a different way in a way that you will never be able to experience because you are not the most high like I am. When God created Adam many he certainly could enjoy a relationship with them to an extent but they could not really embrace what it meant to be loved by Him not in the same way that we can they did not have the definition that we have of love in 1st Corinthians for example where love is kind love is patient love never keeps any records of wrongs I don't think that they could truly embrace the meaning of love in that way not in the way that we can because they had not struggled with the issues related to sin with the issues related to being separated from God they didn't have a time of suffering like we normally have before we come to Christ Jesus so there certainly were some limitations with regards to how the Most High could truly be the most high to Adam and Eve and then after the fall of course then there would be some greater limitations because of the absence of the Holy Spirit so if you look at the creation of Adam and Eve and see that things were Ok and then you look at the fall of humanity and see that things certainly are not any better than they were without any Eve then it could look like God isn't doing so well but 4000 years after creation when Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead Well then he was able to make a new creation and this new creation is not limited like Adam and Eve were we don't have the same limitations we don't have the limitations of a spiritually dead person either Instead what we have is an unknown limited opportunity to grow to know our God because of the Resurrected experience that we have had and because of our knowledge and understanding of the depravity of the flesh the depravity of the sinful nature because we understand what it means to be without him and we can use that in order to make a. There is into what it's like to be with him through all of this we can have a unique testimony and I explained this in a previous program where explain that the new believer the new creation in Christ Jesus has an opportunity to grow to know their God to the extent where we can freely testify boldly and with great conviction that the provision in protection that Job had experienced would certainly not result in our confusion in the event that we lost it in other words if we had what Job had with regards to provision and protection and then we lost it for whatever reason divine or otherwise we would not curse God not those of us who are mature in Christ Jesus who have matured to the extent where we can testify in that way and as I mentioned previously if you're not quite there yet don't feel guilty give it some more time the Lord will complete the work that he began in you I know this there was a time when I had great concern over the fact that I really didn't have the conviction to stand in my faith as I do now so if you don't have that kind of conviction right now don't feel bad about it just give the Lord some time to do a work in your heart I do believe that he will but for those of us who are mature to that extent where we would not curse God if we just lost it all specially if we found out that he decided to participate in this loss we wouldn't curse God over that because we understand who he is we can testify of our God in a unique way now that we know him in a way that no one else can not even the devil himself can know his god like we know our God there's no way that he's going to be able to comprehend the most high in the way that we can comprehend the most high in the way that we can testify of the most high we. We are a living testimony those of us who are born again believers we are a living testimony that God was right that the devil cannot be like the most high because he just simply doesn't have it within him he wasn't created that way he wasn't created in a way that he could be a substitute for the Living God For the most high it isn't going to happen he cannot be like the most high no matter how hard he tries and we are living testimonies to that effect that we have rejected Him we have rejected the devil we have rejected his way of life his way of thinking his everything in favor of a living God in the midst of all of these obstacles that we deal with in the world in the midst of all of the resistance that we do within the world to keep us from growing to know who our God is we still manage to do it and we testify that the devil can never be like the most high it's not going to happen so he certainly didn't believe the testimony of the Living God himself the most high when he said you know you're not going to be able to succeed with this but now he has our testimony that we can testify on behalf of the most high to tell the devil you're never going to be able to do it that there is a difference and we are here as living testimonies to say that you are a failure you are a failure you keep fighting you keep interfering you keep invading you keep trying to participate in ways that are inappropriate and you're a failure that is a reasonable description of the warfare that we are engaged in we are doing battle with a being who is a complete failure and who does not live in reality but lives in these fantasies based on appearances that he has seen this does not sound like a smart person to mean he doesn't. I don't know how you would measure his i.q. You know people talk about his intelligence quotient being extraordinarily high but I just don't see it I really don't so we as believers are the evidence we are the testimony and the Lord our God knew that it would take a long time before he would be able to provide this and as I mentioned earlier is about 4000 years that it took in order to provide the evidence to the devil you really have to have a sense of vision in order to pursue a project of that magnitude to pursue something to do something that would take thousands of years to finally accomplish what it is a you want to see accomplished for the Lord to go through all of these years being faced with all of this ridicule that I believe was described in Job Chapter one to me it's a form of ridicule the idea of provoking God into a conflict he went through all of that for so long knowing having the understanding having the vision having the foresight to see ahead to look ahead and know that the day would come when he would have a people who would testify on his behalf that the devil was wrong. That to me describes a tremendous sense of vision and foresight that I don't think the devil could ever comprehend if I had to give a description on the foresight or the vision that the devil might have to me would be very short I don't think that he has the capacity to look that far ahead are I really don't you know sometimes you may wonder well what does he really think he's doing I mean does he think that he's really going to win in the end Well maybe he doesn't even think about it maybe he doesn't think that far ahead maybe he doesn't really care that much he certainly doesn't care about us I mean look what he does to us right I mean he uses us in a way that we were not created for he destroys us he creates all of this suffering and pain don't you realize that he just doesn't care about you he doesn't care about you he doesn't care if you suffer he doesn't care if you experience pain he doesn't care if you live your whole life and never grow to know your God In fact he would prefer that you don't because he doesn't need the additional testimony that says that he's wrong what does he need that for it's in his interest to keep us from a knowledge of the truth in order to avoid the magnitude that he would be faced with the magnitude of testimony that would verify that would show that he's wrong do you really think that he wants that for himself and for the demons who have followed him who have believed him have trusted in his vision what kind of a vision was that it was a complete fantasy is what it was and his idea of a vision in terms of long term success I just I don't think that it exists at all I really don't in fact I feel that I'm being very generous to suggest that his vision might extend to the lifespan that we have here on Earth maybe 100 years maybe that's as far as he looks ahead or that he considers why would he have to look any further if we don't live that long if we don't live that long all he asked to do. Keep us occupied for our lifetime and then we're dead and then it's over right it's over for him we're gone we're out of the picture by then he's got a bunch of new people who are born into this world that he can work with instead of us that is how he perpetuates his existence in his deception by getting a new group of people you know sometimes churches are able to survive that way or they get a whole new group of people about every 2 years you know go visit a church and then stop by 2 or 3 years later and you'll find that there will be a huge percentage of people who were not there who were not a part of the church when you were there 2 or 3 years prior I'm not saying that there's anything inherently wrong with this I'm not saying that all the you should expect to see them stay that's not what I mean when I mean is is that there are many churches who survive not by trying to keep people from leaving out the back door but they survive by knowing that everybody's going to eventually leave because they're going to become disillusioned or they're going to become disgusted with what's going on there they know that so their objective instead is to just try to keep people coming in the front door is long as you have people coming in the front door then it doesn't matter how many people are going out the back door is long is there realty of legal then you'll be able to sustain your operation a lot of churches operate that way not all and so don't make assumptions about what I'm saying or what's going on if you see a congregation that sees a replacement of their people every 2 years because that's not necessarily what's happening but it happens often enough that I believe it's acceptable to mention it the same thing with the devil he sees a rotation he sees a rotation from people being born and people die and so what's the point of looking ahead any further than one lifespan he doesn't have a need to have that kind of a vision but for God to. What he was able to accomplish the living God was able to accomplish something so extraordinary as to be able to create a person you to create you so that you would testify to the devil that he was wrong it took him found of years to accomplish that right now at the time of this recording it has been 6000 years over 6000 years since he started this project and here we are right now with a lot of people who are continually testifying that the devil was wrong so in order to try to reduce this aggravation that the devil is going to be faced with which is a reasonable way to describe this aggravation were aggravating to him isn't that exciting to know that you aggravate the devil in order to reduce this a little bit it is in his interest and it is in the interest of the other demons of course to try and keep people from discovering the living God for who he is there are a number of ways that he does this I explained in previous programs in the earlier programs in the series that when it came to the law they were promoting the idea that if you only know the law and you live by the law then you can be who God created you to be and that they would do things in order to give credibility to the Farriss For example I spoke about the fairest seas who were casting out demons the cabal ists who are cast now demons in the demons might very well voluntarily depart in order to give credibility to the Kabbalah sed to the fairest c. Who would then teach the people to live according to the Knowledge of Good and Evil and so that they would be more available to the devil because of the ways that he would be able to condemn people and because of the ways that they would be taken away from the living God the devil can use the law as a weapon in a way that is more effective than if a person has no interest in a religious things that. All it can be more effective the sin can be more pronounced because of the religious pride that is manifested a lot more can actually be accomplished when he gets a person to try to live according to the law then with the people who do not even bother with that who I believe he is involved with I do believe that he is a universal God and he'll take those who want to live according to the indulgence of their flesh as he will live with people who want to live according to the life of restraining the flesh either way if you want to live according to the indulgence of the flesh he's there for you if you want to live according to the restraint of the flesh he's there for you too but let's take this issue a little further and present it in the context of what we see in some congregations in some churches today. We have a number of churches who teach people that to be a Christian means that you live according to the Knowledge of Good and Evil that instead of trying to live a life to indulge your flash to view Christian means that you live a life trying to restrain your flesh that's what it means for many people in this is no different than what the thirty's were doing it just isn't it's no different live a life of restraining the flesh you will fail so you will be condemned so God does not accept you God is not like you God is disgusted with you so you don't have anywhere else to go you don't have anything else to do you are now available for the devil you are available for him because you will not be able to rest in the love of God And so you will not be able to grow in Christ Jesus you're not going to be able to live according to the inheritance that you have in Christ you're not going to be able to grow and mature in the faith you could very well be saved but you have festively become paralyzed because you have been directed to live a life of repentance and obedience a life that you will never be able to live in so you are paralyzed Do you understand that if you tried to do something you cannot you are paralyzed you may keep trying and trying and trying and trying but you will never succeed and so what is that is being paralyzed it's being trapped it's being stuck and why would the devil want to do that to you so he doesn't have to listen to your testimony he doesn't have to deal with the aggravation from you he doesn't have to give up you as his plunder you are the plunder you are the prize in this war. Don't let him keep you allow the Lord Jesus to take you for himself live according to the New Covenant the devil uses the law to condemn you in such a way that you get taken away from the living God but the most high the living God He uses the law in order to condemn us in order to show us that we have a need for His grace and mercy so that we will turn to him and receive His Grace and Mercy they both use the law there's nothing wrong with the law itself they both use the law what's wrong is that the devil is using the law in a way that it should not be used in a way that God never intended so don't do that yourself and don't let somebody else do that to you do not use the law in a way that is contrary to how God established the law to why he established the law don't be contrary to that use it for the purpose that it was given for to lead a person to Christ it is the tutor it is the schoolmaster to lead you to Christ but once that has been accomplished let it go be in Christ live in him but for the devil he needs it he needs to be able to use it inappropriately so this is what he does he does a lot of things in order to give these Christian leaders credibility authority he might even set something up to give them the appearance that they are successfully casting out demons in order to give them credentials in order to give them some sense of credibility so that people will look to them and say that they are the authentic Christian leaders they are teaching the authentic Christian doctrines but they're not and the devil knows they're not he knows it when people live according to these things to these beliefs that are not real that are not true they will eventually become disillusioned and then what happens there's no alternative the devil will to. Take away alternatives because of the belief that these people are the authorities and so if it turns out that they're frauds if it turns out that they're liars if it turns out that they are not helping people grow in their relationship with God Well then the people will become disillusioned they will reject anything that has to do with Christianity not realizing that they should have rejected what they were a part of so that they could perhaps discover that which is real that which is real in Christ Jesus this is the kind of war that we are engaged in and you need to get in touch with this in order to understand what is going on around you and also in order to help prevent you yourself from being paralyzed paralyzed because of the errors that the devil propagates in order to maintain his kingdom the devil will never know your god as you do in 1st Peter chapter one verse 12 it says to them it was revealed that not to themselves but to us they were minister in the things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven things which angels desire to look into that they never will but you can so do it consider the time in history that you are in consider what Jesus has done for you consider the opportunity the you have that no other being has ever been able to even come close to in you if you have been resurrected if the Holy Spirit dwells within you according to the gospel you have been forgiven of all of your sins you have received the Holy Spirit you have experienced the restoration of the life of God that. Had been lost in Adam and you now have the living God willing within you to guide you to teach you to lead you to eliminate those things which no one else could have ever encountered the angels could have never understood what you have the privilege and the opportunity to understand right now and they will never understand what you understand right now they do not have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them and he will never do well within them but through His indwelling presence he can relate to you in a way that he can open himself up and reveal the very nature and character that he has in a way that you may know Him Do not waste this opportunity do not waste this time that you have do you have any understanding do you understand what your god has gone through in order to get this far to do as much as he has done for this time for you to be with you Will you at least acknowledge that he is there with you Will you at least listen to what he has to say will you live with him as he lives with you Will you not pursue a knowledge of who he is will you not let him reveal who he is to you after all he has accomplished do not despise what he has done and I will continue the next program. You've been listening to the broadcast outreach of Living God ministries you can hear all of our programs for free through our radio archive at Living God Ministries dot net that is living God Ministries dot net do help us develop new radio programs and continue broadcasting on this and other radio stations send your contributions to living God ministries p.o. Box 3835. 3 Colorado Springs Colorado 80937 for use the donation link on our website living God Ministries dot net that is living God Ministries dot net. The preceding program is sponsored by living God ministries. Morning noon and night where broadcasting God's word on the mighty 670 k. L.t.g. Commerce City Denver in high definition digital radio and streaming on line at 670 calle g.t. Dot com. Listen each Sunday at 1 30 pm for there were formed witness our the reform witness our radio and Internet Ministry of the Protestant Reformed churches in America. We produce a weekly 30 minute program that justifies to the absolute sovereignty of God's grace in saving his elect people through His Son our Lord Jesus Christ sponsored by the Loveland Protestant Reform Church tune in for the well formed witness out here Sunday afternoons at 1 30 am 670 k. L. T. T. . This is an Graham Lotz with daily life for daily living in Genesis 155 God made a covenant with Abraham He promised him look at the heavens and count the stars so show your offspring and in verse 18 to your descendants I give this land you can't bad that kind of hope Hebrews 613 explains when God made his promise to Abraham he swore by himself there was nothing Abraham would ever do nothing he would ever fail to do nothing that could or would ever break God's covenant with him because the validity of it depended on God and God alone all that was required of Abraham was to receive it is that simple. Listen to me you too can have peace in your heart and hope for your future because God through His Son Jesus offers you a covenant through the blood of His Son Jesus Christ all you have to do is receive it and say thank you this is an Graham Lotz. Welcome to fit positive confidante with Dr Gordon manic depressive this research based program is to help you improve your whole person health physical mental and spiritual You can Join us weekdays on 670 k. O. T. T. Monday through Friday at 5 30 pm And for more information listen to all of our shows and Debbie Debbie Debbie you've been positive confidante t.v. Our fellow pastor Kenny on Twitter and now let's join pastor Annie. All right welcome welcome to 5th positive coffee then this is Pastor Gordon and it's good to be back in the studio recording and it's good to have my good buddy. Pastor Garry be easily in the studio with me today and he if you were seeing him you would see that he's old. You know. I think. You realize it gives Gary that the summaries over there well Colorado's most fascinating place I've ever lived my dad was a Marine so we lived all over America but this is the place if you want change diversity of weather you get it here I try to warm the studio up here cold blooded I am very much so I always been that way I always say I have a friend who is sometimes he was homeless for a while and I'm like How can you can you live out there in the night gets really cold in the you he is always all warm warm blooded It doesn't bother me one bit but you know Colorado is the place for you why. Downtown and somebody or in a coat and shorts. I don't get it but they all rather is their friend if you have it on a sunny day sunny 40 degree day and you'll see people in t. Shirts and you're not going to see that anywhere else in the country right right and you'll see a man next to them wearing a coat and a hat and mittens so they go away I think we have the dry weather so cold is not that yet and as soon as the sun comes out we're Ok yes I recall before we get into talk about a recall a time I took one of my kids to a baseball game it started was like 11 o'clock in the morning he was plain warm by the time the 3rd inning came it was snowing. How can that be but it did it did well Gary's Good to see you again and it's good to be with you in the studio and I was gone I was in Indonesia doing this mission trip and we did a lot of good work there. A lot thing a lot of things have happened in those 2 or 3 weeks that I was gone but I'm glad that we are back and starting to record again today you have here you have prepared that you're working on your sermon for Sunday right yes we've been all this fall so there's going to be like a rehearsal Well I don't know about that but all this fall we've been going through the book of James what a remarkable book written by James the happy rather Jesus Ok written by James the he was the 1st pastor of the church. So I wanted the great evidences of the saint pit patron of all the pastors not sure I'm not sure how that we're not Catholics. But I'm sure we could look it up but you know can you imagine what it would take for you to believe that your younger brother was the son . Of God What would that make it just they go about it for a moment it would take having to see him die and come back to life again and basswood James saw it totally changed his life James didn't believe in Jesus while Jesus was alive but afterward he sure did it does not truly book a big book in the Bible but it's packed with the good it's sometimes called the proverbs of the New Testament because it's filled with these terse and pithy statements of wisdom it's loaded with them and I think it's a kind of thing you need to go back to again and again so we've been working our way through for 8 weeks we're almost at the end of the letter and you know it's fascinating he gets to the end of the letter and it's almost like he's thinking. I don't want to wrap this up until I tell these folks some really important things you know you write a letter to your cousin you've got all these things I thought I might not get another chance and he just starts adding them one after another after another so you know the 1st one he says this as he gets to the end of his letter he says be patient brothers and sisters until the Lord's coming. Don't grumble against one another to stand firm hang in there and as I read through these verses I'm thinking James as audiences facing persecution like you and I really don't face here in America tough times to get in from one of the Jews who think they're a cult the getting it from the the Gentiles who think they're a new false religion I mean they're just getting it from everybody along the way not just the called the Jews were thinking that they were 3 others really betraying their own heritage Yes they were a cult in terms of theology but they were actual traders in terms of their nationality right so tough stuff here and what James is telling them here is he ends a letter he's not given them for points to never have to suffer he's not telling them things. Positive thoughts and it's all going to get better he's giving them hope but not false hope his hope is this guy's Jesus is going to come back Ok all that's happening right now is going to be made right when he does I think he's telling them you and I need to tell each other off to remind each other this is not heaven. It's wonderful to serve Jesus It's great there are huge advantages but in this world ever since Adam messed up we're going to have sickness and heard the pain of persecution but it's not going to last forever it's not Jesus is going to come back and then everything is going to be made right again so his message is hang in there keep the faith don't sell the farm I want to say something that maybe you don't really talk about but I can't help but think this is the most popular strain and brand of Christianity Today in America is prosperity gospel where everything is going to be fine and God is you just give your your money to me you know and I seed all these t.v. Preachers and radio preachers and you just do this and God is just going to open the windows of heaven and if you are not receiving a miracle in your life it's your fault you don't have enough faith and on and on he goes he just frustrates the heck out of me Gary well. I think you're right but I think there's a backlash coming. I think enough Christians are searching the scriptures after having decades of this kind of teaching to say wait a minute that's not what James taught that's not what Paul taught they taught that in this world you will have tribulation just like Jesus said they taught that this is not heaven they taught that we're going to have tough times but they taught a real hope not a fake hope you know give your money and we'll be blessed they taught a real hope that there will be a day coming at the end of time when Jesus makes all things right when you decide to preach this message. I'm asking you a personal question Ok Do you sometimes Warry that this is not going to be very popular people don't want to hear this they want to hear you know that they want to hear what some of these other preach preachers a saying that prosperity money you know actually I don't and I don't because our church has been around for 4 years we planted it 4 years ago and we have never taught Do you ever worry about what your congregation is going to think you know because we have for 4 years taught them but do you ever ever ever warry about. Maybe having a preacher very unpopular missed each day about any subject. Well. Actually I do sometimes have to think how is this going to affect that person or that person and I start to think you know I'm not going to make some blanket statement here without keeping them in mind because. Their life speaks volumes to me as well and so I am a preacher message for example how hello you know God God loves you but then I think in my mind there's 3 people out there who are going through such tough times it's hard for them to imagine how God loves them so then I think my message and say you know whatever you're going through and how I try to contend with people not to change it but to realize there's people that are going through no real issues how do you pretty shrewd God loves you to somebody who was sexually molested by their father Exactly exactly so it's not this flippant that God loves you. It's in the pain God loves you you have to be conscious of what the people are really doing so and I think every speaker should be that every pastor should be that that's the difference between a visiting preacher who can just say whatever and leave and a pastor who lives there among people and loves them and cares for them he knows their pain and their hurt he knows how the word of God conspiracy to it and take keeps that in my eye you do the same thing I think what you're saying about the backlash also is very true I think people who hear this constant misuse of prosperity and God is just going to open the windows of heaven a lot of them are realizing well it's really doesn't work that way they realize it doesn't work that way and they realize when they start searching the Bible that that is not the message Christ has so and then also of course the lifestyle the people that preach it speaks volumes it's like come on now that that's not we're. Headed s. Not Jesus that so. Then James has moved on with it the rest of his letter he . Can just picture I'm sitting there writing I hang in there Jesus is coming it's tough now it will be better later Ok I'm bout in the letter No no I gotta tell you something else so then he says is any among you in trouble let him pray is anyone happy to let them sing songs of praise he was I got to talk to him about prayer I got to prepare them for this world I got to let them know that if they prayed they invite Jesus into their struggles if they don't pray they're living an impoverished kind of life so I got I got to know about prayer sleeps puts that in there is here you're really. Seeing this positive outlook on life and in spite of your difficulties you're going to you want to sink I think scenes of form of prayer I think the words I'm singing their words of prose especially we have some wonderful songs today in churches that that are written by people I think that are really going through a deeper relationship with God or not you see flippant things you know God is God is good God is great they're out of their own pain and so a lot of times those songs are prayers. I think there's 3 great prayers everybody should learn to pray and they're the simplest prayers ever the 1st prayer is help. I don't think you need to expand all that much I think you can pray help all day long that's what he said any of you in trouble let him break pray help and we think if we don't have more than that God's not going to hear is God hears our help and then I think we should pray all day thanks to short prayer to great prayer to God thanks and then I think we should pray Wow. As we're walking outside look at the mounds of God Wow As we see a little baby come into the world Wow And I think those 3 prayers thinks help and wow if we start there we can expand but let's don't the. We have to have amazing words for God to hear us you don't need to be very eloquent I don't think so from that point James says Well not yet Ok enough I told the Christians individually to pray back and tell the churches you've got to pray and so he says if anybody's sick . Go get the elders of the church and have them annoy you with oil per faithful say the sick if any of you. Has sinned in your life you need to confess your faults one to another and pray for one another and what's interesting about that is it is a is an encouragement for churches to become places of prayer but be it's for the individual to seek out the leadership for prayer for physical healing sometimes we think it's our responsibility to find out who's sick is this if you're sick you go find an elder and you say help pray for me now your church you pray for the sick in this message is also about not brushing off these situations and just ignoring them which sometimes we tend to do we say oh they have cancer so you know we will pray for you but we don't really expect this is certainly a healing or somebody has a major. Problem or addiction or sit in their life you know mean and we don't pray for power for God to give them the power to overcome that you know and I think he's saying here just because these are difficulty things in your lives you can't ignore them go to God and pray about it and there is power there that can help change that reality there's power there I remember I was in a meeting with I don't know this is my days when I would travel and speak. As opposed to pastor in one church at the end of the meeting I just said you know I want to pray for healing today who said if you have any part of me that sick just put your hands on the part of you because people are always looking for somebody else to put their hands on the right touch the part of you that's sick right now and just ask Jesus to heal you separated general prayer and then I said Ok if you got healed Come on up here and tell us so I had no mike there and so the 1st 5 people came up you know I had a cold I felt the cold go away I had a runny nose. But the 6 person said you guys know me is part of this church he said I have been blind in this right eye since birth. He said I can now see out of my right eye so at 1st I like woad you were shocked at. First. But then I was really convicted Why is that surprising I felt the Holy Spirit say Gary why is that surprising why can't God heal a blind eye why can't God heal that as much as he could a cold or a flu I've seen God heal that way you have to but I've also seen God heal a different way by taking people home to be with him. And death's the end of all their suffering and it's the end of all their sickness and then they get a new body at the resurrection a body that's never going to be sick never going to have any kind of disease go to it so he heals we underestimate God's power we do underestimate you know when Jesus said If you pray and you tell this mountain to move from here to there we say oh that's impossible but then we also talk about God who is old my the and powerful in created the universe you know what we can believe that he can move want to heal from one place to another. Oh ye of little faith. But my encouragement there is this Jesus said If you have faith the size of a mustard seed and that's you were quoting that birth you could say to the mountain move. Was it Hudson Tater the great missionary to England China said this he said I used to pray for great faith but great faith never came. He said One day God showed me that I didn't need great faith I just needed faith in a great God I just needed a mustard seed of faith that's a little tiny bit but I needed to direct it at the great God So the more you realize how great God is the more you realize it's not a matter of me screwing up my face and my brows dolphin and puffing and talking in a new voice and shouting He's a great god he can do it so James says if you're sick go get the elders have them pray for you prayer can heal your body but he also talked about a spiritual sickness he said if if you have done any kind of sin it will be confess your sins one to another pray for one another I thought wow. There's also a sickness we get where we have sin in our life that's not being confessed and it's making us sick on the inside when he says pray for one another that you maybe heal the way he's not talking about confessing your sins to a special man we're in a special costume he says one another here now you as a pastor know there's some there's some cautions you don't go confessing your sins to anybody in the church some people their sin is gossip so if you're going to you can actually tempt that person by confessing to them you confess it if you offended somebody you confess it to that person that's right if it's the kind of thing you can't confess to a person because maybe that person died maybe you don't know where they are Maybe it's a sin you did in private right then you need to go to someone but sure in the church someone trustworthy I think an elder but doesn't have to be that will really have empathy will listen will pray with you because if you just keep on it says you'll be condemned and not condemned eternally but but you'll be condemning yourself you just you know with his guilt the nation life harder for you all much harder much harder I had on confess guilt before and confessed sent and actually my my prayer was God I want to get busted because I don't want to keep carrying this around God give me the faith to talk to somebody who was a prayer answered Yes Many times we are going to answer a lot of those lights and then let As in we're James Ince James says this at the very end of the school there he's about to be done with his letter he says Man I got him I told him about prayer I told him search pray for one another I heard some of the story about job and and then another one about Alija but Ok I got to say this here it is this is my last my last statement before I sign off this letter course he didn't know was going to go in the Bible he had no people going to read it for for 2000 years but I got to do this my brothers and sisters he says in verse 19 if anyone. If you should wander from the truth and should bring and someone should bring that person back this is his last thought this is his p.s. This is you've got to get this remember this whoever turns a center from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins no sheep ever decides he's going to get lost but they could get lost no Christian ever signs up for following Jesus and then decides to drift away after about 5 years I'm going to come in a church I'm start listening to false teachers I'm going to I'm going to kind of just grow lukewarm nobody that's not our vision but it happens and so James says it's the responsibility of the church not just the leaders of the church that if you start to see somebody drift away and drifting is it's subtle isn't it well think about sheep Ok they drift tells about you know their look too much down into the ground the front of them and they follow the grass here and if the grass leads them away from the rest of the group Pretty soon you know they're over there 23400 yards away and pretty soon or they're over the hill and they can't and don't know how to come back anymore you know they don't know how to come back I think if we see if we can still see them before they get over the hill that's why under rain and we could say oh wait wait wait you know we see that. If you I know I know you do this every once in a while I'll go and Google and I'll punch and trends in American Christianity you know and the threat is now that more and more people families individuals you know they're attending church less and less instead of coming to church 4 times a month there will come 3 and then 2 and then once a month and then 2 times a year invest based. Indicates that they are leaving the church slowly but surely they're leaving the church you know and if you were to interview them. They would not say that they would not say they would say oh I love Jesus I'm a believer all of that I just have other thing kids sports got a 2nd job and in their mind they're not drifting that's what drifting is because it's not consciously leaving but after a while you look and say Where are they now after a while Veda look and say where and then you talk to them and it's very hard for them to change the lifestyle back to what it was before yes because their time has gotten field with all of these other activities that they're gone they're not tending anymore and doesn't Scripture speak to that it says don't for sake the assembling of yourselves together as a matter of some is. Why should you why is that important it's important so we do what James just said encourage each other when we see each other drifting Hey chord listen for I love you so much I missed you last weekend and you know used to be so involved in our street ministry but I haven't seen it in a while things Ok what's happening you know out of love out of relationship not not out of you know hey we're not keeping some rules or something but I will love and out of relationship I'm a little concerned I love you and because we are all in this together we're in this together we need you we need each other and we need to make sure that we're not drifting so it says you can you can call that person sometimes I'll do this I'll go through my my list of everybody's part or church family I do this on a fairly regular basis and I'll just go through the names and sometimes you forget you look around because you know I haven't seen him. It's been and I say to my wife Joanne Have you seen no it's been 3 weeks oh my goodness you. Call it send him a card if more people did that besides just the pastor that would change everything that would be would James had on his heart looking around seeing caring loving making sure people don't wander off it's easy to wander off. It's easy it will think about they go about a marriage how easy it is to drift apart think about any relationship you don't intentionally decide man I'm just going to you know grow emotionally cold towards my mother or my child or what but you just life happens and you drift so our responsibility is the church and James say the last thing I'm going to tell these people their responsibility is for one another don't let somebody drift without knowing that you love them care about them and they need to come back to the place where they once were which Jesus is a an old him out and you probably familiar with it one of the verses says Prone to wander. Oh Lord I fear it prone to leave the God I love Here's my heart Lord take in seal it seal it to the eye courts above and I am prone to wander I know that well I want to invite people to wander back to. Church campus on Saturday mornings when I'm going to preach and then on Sunday mornings What are you going to preclude a on the same century you know if you might have wandered away it's going to take some decisions to to head back and the 1st decision to head back is to get involved again faithfully in a local church a church dot com is a Web site far as I am yours is cross through fellowship Yes Christ you fellowship dot org The authority there you go Sunday morning 10 o'clock Sunday morning 10 o'clock you can come and we will love you don't worry suit we don't have suits on. You cut ties on. This service would be about an hour and 15 minutes and it's not one of those words dark and loud we pass out earplugs you'll actually see the people around you. You'll actually be able to hear the music and it's just a wonderful place the folks who love each other want to grow closer I know your group and they're wonderful people and we work together on. Helping the homeless in Denver and is that happening this Saturday this Saturday we're going to meet together here at the campus are bad administrators at $315.00 we're leaving and we go to downtown to the Denver a crossroads facility and we cut hair for a homeless man sitting hair show up. We we we give a close food it's just a wonderful experience and we cooperate together you have a great time if you're a doctor and you're bored with your life you can come out and help us look at some of these people because our nurses could use some good help I was on a bench 2 weeks ago. Oh in downtown Denver a man the homeless man next to me took off his shoes and socks and his feet. Like the a terrible frost bite we try to rally around him and help him but there are people hurting out there physically yes you're right it's unbelievable isn't it well Gary thank you for helping us with that ministry and but and then it's everybody will be back by 6 o'clock and 6 o'clock we have a memorial service for our good old friend Jim Becker who was a member of the all. The way and so everybody who knew him is invited Sarah. Yes. All right folks that's it for today in a garret think you folks God bless you. Join us again tomorrow. Thank you for joining us forth big positive confident with Dr Gordon and it can our mission for this program is to help you improve your whole person health physical mental and spiritual if this program has been beneficial to you it can also benefit your family and friends to tell them apart and. Check out. Positive confident. Follow pastor Pentagon Twitter join us each weekday at 5 30 pm fit positive company and right here on the nation's most powerful Christian Voice $670.00. The preceding program is sponsored by Inner Peace ministries your tune am sick 70 Cayle teach e-commerce City Denver k o t t h d and streaming worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com We don't often hear an honest review of what's happening today that's about to change as Crawford broadcasting launches our national Crawford roundtable. Cast your hair about current events hard news stories cultural ideas and other pertinent topics the without the smoke and mirrors of a left wing agenda national Crawford roundtable is available on ample podcast stitcher and Crawford broadcasting dot com Listen to the national Crawford roundtable Friday mornings at 9 and Saturday nights at 730 and hear full pod cast at the said matter website 670 k. L. T. T. Dot com. Installing a defibrillator at the church you're going to want to listen to this with another critical legal issue for your church the minister Here's Attorney David give to you today we go to our attorneys every see more and more calls from churches that want to install an 8 d. Or a defibrillator on church premises in case someone has a heart attack the motive for this is absolutely good a properly done this could be a wonderful idea that can absolutely save a life before m.s. Manages to arrive however be aware that the majority of states have laws regarding the use and maintenance of e.d.s. Don't just jump in unaware know the law for your state or community that applies to you and ensure that you have staff who is appropriately trained not everyone is allowed to use it they must be appropriately charring call our offices today if you need help with your state law illegal or website is loaded up with great tools to help you we've posted a huge assortment of legal brochures you can download case update along with a comprehensive publication cat why not take full advantage of these free resources right now just to log on that's Christian Law dot au Arjun. Infusing your. Evening With the light of God's word your 2 am 67 calle t t k o t t h deep comer city dim and streaming world one and 670 calle t.t. Dot com. And 95 point one. What happens when a humble God fearing person falls into sin listen to Adrian Rogers Well I want to say that every one of us need to take warning for this message because none of us has a better man than David was none more noble nothing more humble Ben-David And yet David fell in the sand I want you to see what I'm going to call the tragic call of David Sam How could a man like this fall in the same I mean a good man might this is welcome to love where he finding the dynamic for found teachings of Adrian Rogers Today we continue our critical issues of our time series with a message about King David's costly sin not you know that David was called a man after God's own heart he was courageous noble and humble and yet David committed deep dark sin adultery murder it was a drastic fall that started with the small seed of disobedience if you have a Bible handy will be in 2nd Samuel Chapter 11 listen now to Adrian Rogers as we study the tragic cause for David sin so that we may know how to avoid the high cost of low living I want you to find for you 2nd Samuel Chapter 11. This is a sad chapter in the Word of God It's a tragic chapter it's the story of David's sin with bash Sheba. Can a child of God San Yes. Can a child of God Santa not suffer. No I want you to pay attention to the Scripture I love David David is a man that I look forward to meeting in heaven the Bible called David a man after God's own heart. King David poet. Sweet singer of Israel. Mighty Warrior. One of the greatest men in my estimation who ever lived so I think of David 1st of all I think of his bravery how brave he was you remember the Bible records those stories of how he kill.

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